Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1948)
I st i:" M i \ . \i •j In IT V-v IliA ALBANIA 18 ON SIGHT 6l > 4 I y- here. The repo: thorities have their militia t< *XS. ,h0Win!| ho Montger s ^ newspaper Pol Tsetihie, capiU near the Alban i. S tibfnW» IthPreipier BELGRADE, •TP)— Resintanco to ifovemmont's ipllt Marshall Tito of! 1 caused a reign of Iteiror in Al bania, accordin r jto pi-oss reports -■1 : vVrf t: I put with Premier dt! Ypgostavia has of tenor in At- e l oi i banian jrders au- for hoot on the tpot ro-Yugoslav s{ym- U>urce of the disp Belgrade., The ncw^pap banians we ' f slavia, inciudl ,,f/ militia men. r militia ,who ■\ f orders to shot sympathy for Albania has the Cominforn national Info its denuncinti peoples front published in Montenegro, bbrder, wasi the atches printed in- sbul mahhr|Al- into Yi ? army Officers ami tgo- . ims one ' of these fi^hc had reeeiivcxl receiivi shoviiir rtnation Ihimm) idn of Tito. L lias eut the tijiy country -■ ■s ’i - son will 1$o> aligned hei-self with (Ccimmunist Inter- ation Bureau) in of Tito. The split ff fmm land communication with the oth er Soviet Satoljlites, since^Albapia’# only neighbors) njro Yugoslavia'atid iCfipMp -V; ; j : JOHNSON ATTORNEYS (JO TO SUP1U5ME COURT CORPUS CHRISTI, Sept. •Ah—Attorney^ for j Lyndon! largod \ \ o U ■ Court today have his name us the Domoc ial homlneo in era! election^ said here toda lohn- tju* U. B. Supreme n rt now effort to placed oft the h|'»llot atlc U. k Seniitor- e Nov^rtlitir |gen* mi* of his uttior|iu*y« /(■■■ ^ 'r-l. I'M. . rial musterx Coke Stovensc in three south masters were T. Whitfield The (llsclolaji'<* canpie aK two sne- hdguu Inytts tigs ting I' C_4 / n's charges of traud Texas couittlcs, The ajbpolnted byljiludge Mvldsiini in Port Worth Federate District Ctourt. Davidson pre 'Ibjdiily had lastjod a •temporary in,diction keeping .lolmson's nanorfrolM' being certi fied for place ntrtt on thb J l)ul|ofcr7" Special Muster W| It. Smith, Jr., of San Anton p bidered ndHpOonoa iissued for Hneo Jim Wellti County ; inen to produce eleetion ixwoijds of the Aug. 28 inrtoff brimnrj r \!|(Nto- venaon clmrg is that Johnson re- iccived 201 fraudulent votes ih Pre cinct at Al icfc) \ / ij.i WACO STO RAZED BY KWH WACO* T^ith., Sept. 28.—tA>) -^Rjre of unkn )vin origin gutted J. (31 Penned < owntown deparimont - Vstoro.hpre ths bnorping. IjOSIi was estimated $:u D.OOO rind MOOJOOO. N* one wh i Rijmvd, ; 1 H it waejtho ie0QU(i fire to destroy tho interior of. .Dui store :(h the past six year I. A fijo which began in a trash b >x:|i the night of : Ai»g. 0, 1042, dnmigdd the;building and stocj^an estimiitedi $15,0O(!),[f Tire first lilafthn of! to<la>’ H fii-e |cas turned i i If) 6:li() a. m. After A second aiatt'nj isixl pUinpcrft and ... -i so ^ fdet of 1 file hose / i.i I-l “PINKY” DOWNS, who captured the! first SUM00 to bo seen to the AAM campus, wus cornered by a Rnlttnlion photographer a| lid, priparedi to place the animal under police guard.! It. P. BAT* TENficampUN patrolman, ** guarding the box containing the HICMOO. Gvion Hall Jol^ j^waitin^ the Winner of itnntest ffe and thqusanc s fobbed’Tear iy two ladder tr icftri rejiChed the! scene 1 f , streets. Soph To Be eclioh Ixtcnded Thru Wednesday The election of Sophomorp Class officers will j cbntinpo untilij Ci p.m. iy L.VURY GODDWYN [ 4~ Tliejfc’s! money in it jit)br| -Yep, the ifglyfMah contest ttofv has |$4riilji|ng joli the outcOm^ This be- came j known Monday W wen Tom Puttyj mamiggv of Gdion Wall told the (a mniriiitator, apwiso’i tofj the contesit, tnnlt lie was willblg 1 to in stall £ io a’inner in the peimioh of “publibityl (liirector’* at Gdlpn Hall. The dhUes Of the new “ekitfutive” were -jiiot} made clear but jt "ns uia|eiijtoo l they involved anything thajt lyou!dj publicize Guipit Hall. IP. Others are! Calvin Dupree, Wisinesday, Jojmos Piantu. former class prcsidentL bus anuQunicrid.' The time frit* the election libs been ■I”? / extended bpi'uuseja large number of So^dtomorOj itpdbbls were not here to vote oyeri the weekjend, he said. , . .4• “All Btudinfa who have voted previously,Of'cobfse, w’ll'not be allowed to vtitii again,” Piiintiji em phasized. ‘‘We’re merely; giving those Sophomires who have not voted a chunc s to vote,” Dp Loach !J» arWn, John |B. (Jos- i 'ttntt, .Hn'if Dot! Joseph have; filed as candidates |for president ofluhe class. Tommy Butler, Uulpb; !E. Gorman, and .htD- Mclwir are ^n/ !' ning for vice prosident, aridjlStUnf, ", ley W. Tho npson, David L,; BeH- rand, ,Jr. aptl D, K. Kedlnjiv bi/e running for the host of social, spe- iriHary. ■ j j. it I The Offiejial Ballot fo^ till soph- omores to M” Is puhlishoH ih to day's Battu ioit. Corps Sophomores will fill outi the ballot (m<i| tiyu ; it in tftAhe c nnpany first sergeant. [ A" (ion-mil itiltY Soplvomotcs may fill but iho briilot ami tuna it! into (.loodwin H lilj’l 1. All hallo: s! min folfe f) p.t W iW^d.iicsdayi I’ianta emphusizod .—t';—j ; | i -'. i.4.■ i "!#■*■ T 4‘“i» :i 'll- . I i: [i 11 : r Puttyjsaid the job would M* :jl l )n y* ing unfair if the contest wlhiler was w lbnjin to work. '■ Megnwaile, the listjof damlidates in thi primary, which! rims until Septembeir 30th, continubd to grow. Oiib Milt Barnwell, in; veteran livinil id dormitory om. tossed his hat jinto the ring jin rip un- certa n jterms, polling etlough voteil Monday to jump !into the leadiaft^rjlwo days of balloting. Rnralweljrs candidacy, aljong with that:! of j Adolph Thomaie. senior in ‘jS’ ^ield Artillery. | both of whi<jh were announced Monday, brought j the list of aspirants tp *"*"4 1 Tp*" I “^"t 1 * ,l, H 11 " 1 *) «■ ■ ■ ■!««■ Longhorn Pictures ' /.Ctiiitiies, Rodim 201>, st i be turned be- led I’ln tarl to M, The Quaitdrl Thursday ni r t Asser the! game. T tfe'rback: Cfub rhis two ticket* j Coach drarl ’tell’thelcldb from tijc p week in No the O.lIUSa ifornia am fc|r< full of potb'a The Qugrt *: every Tfiuirsda; because of a likely to be come h a&lJtb 'see T# .1 Tec :k| du^ii-iil beet it 7-M m the piiWWji of ■h football •N- late, /1M i)ei| of tho (juar- >hUst wil receive o Satuixlay’s game. DeWaye Till also MM ^eWart Dow to a game in Cal- back a satchel ■c« V Let ma»i* f4r the 'Longhonj ;H : ‘petriber j hgTi^iT appoint|lTucti)5g V chniit njmit of the “8hm mo i! dugs. Moving Too Slow, Martin Announces \ I .j : < Vdteruln; seniors are rtoti; report ing Ito 4he Aggiejund Htudio' Ui have;! their jpictures takjfn'as jfast as they should, Co-edi tir of! the; Lpngbor i, Tniman Mart ri.lnnnoun- eeid t|o(,hiy.- Tij date, onlyf ({02 isen- iors ]|mvi> hud! their pictures taken in apeor iunce with' the 1 tulthorized icheiiuli',/ | * ■. j Sd| far the schedule! K jms vuii throtigh A. to F. The reiiuimder of the kchcdult*. G to Z, is jllsifollows!• ; Sript. 27-28 - G, H, ff! s^t. b-ao - J, k, t ! ‘ OH. — M, Me if OH. fe-w-jN, 0, I* O it. I — Q, R, S 1 j (Hit. 47-8 —T, U, V. W! X. Y. Z Tap iAst day for havlng i .;picture« jDaVe Gentry, Rupert Hall, Jim- jmy Stejiheas, Jack (iauglor, Kd- wdidiBela, Bob Noble and Thomas ICaMppater. /. ' | ' ? TThmiuc said Monday that his campaign was going to feature theifnashiest signs” of any candi- UaUuind that “I’m giolng nil out to i'jTif,' ti also developed over the weekend thjat lallofa, (which are running daily in the. Battalion) are now at a premium and that some candidates are considering a lurcenyjjcnmpaign designed to > acjjjujre all ballots ih sight. Raids on:.Battalion boxes in the new j} area are poing forecast. :Under the contest! rules, any one person ratty vote, jas many! iimes as he wishes in the primary as long as each vote is cast on the standard contest ballot and is signed by a student currently enrolled in col- Tno five : highest nominees will qualify for the nlnriff election which will bo belli! pn October ,7, Prlries, in ndditlbh! tjo the Gnirin Hall job, include iwo tickets to the Texis-A&M footbaH game, hp) tel jTCseK’atjons in Austin for the night l|reoejding the Turkey Dsty game plus another prize w hich Ss still hanginjg in the balance. *■* 1 Tr 'i?* " "" '*~*"f|* | i»pi|jij»i iiin—liilMi (;!( M ("•I OF 4 Cl TEXAS, TUESDAX - REATEtt A & M COLLBC 3AY, SEPTEMBER 4 ■i,. I-;: - ■ l 1 Studei I' •n. sdn ay Student Balloting Set For orm IS Race Most Hotly Contested ^ n w DAv avti : ' S ^ I . H ! t I’! I VI 'ill'LL \|i i By B. F. ROLAND j .1 i : |l l IV ! II Atorp than 6,000 ballots- (were cast in last night’s elections as A&M students vtjted fok* . / ‘ .-HI Thej ballots in Dormitory 15 were counted and Charles Cabaniss was -j——t ’h ♦winner. Caboniss had 64 votes. His4—f—*-—j pH- i J ri \ I nnnnnntif uhic A Dr.nld 4—1; li J. on Edits Aggie^j For Ex Group i tThe new editor of ithe To; m DUbli Tex. Aggie, A&ity publication for ex-atudents, is .lack C. Hollitnon, Class of 42, ! Holder of u B. H. in AgriiniHun* iVom A&M nod ah M. A- lit Eng- liHh from tlw* University of ipmui- ton. Hulllmon i»mH to A&M from Slaliimk. (’allfovnin, where he wom a staff writer: for the! “Cnllforn- iaii." y I Ho Mas also editor of the RAncIi arid Homo MagiUKlni*, a jld-mnntldjy lupplrimcnt to A he t allforninn. i llollimon said that ‘‘fllthongjli there would bo Hbihc slight inno vations in style /mid cjovomge of tpe Hews, the Texas Aggie will cmitiriuo to opemte basically on the ijlnme successful policy that it httsjin the past; and Swill fb its tosQto give the ex-undents lifpm- pMjb account of iio college news." llollimon $ liVeijl [ip West. Park his wife;mill fivri-morith old ILii' ,), v “ih ndustrial Ed Head Writes Booklet On Class Organization Campus Slimoos in ^ I t | J|' ~-.»<*► »•- |-4.1..■ f4* i i. •I' l .L' * I i 1 1 ' . : .I; ||‘ 1 ' !'•'!* I j j 'I J li I" 1 , “Modern. Shop; Oirgapizntion for ndustrial Arts JClasstis,” a guide n establishing mipfl-personnel or- rfaniaationsj within industrial arts •lasses, haj* bco|n prepared by C. I. G rone man, aHing bead of the industrial Education Department. Tile booklet bps. beijn published j by the Canvas Pro<lncts Company of Fond du Uic, Wisconsin, for complimentary releaso to purchas ers of tliqir products! Numerous photographs and il- ustrations j throughout: the booklet fvere made in cooperation with Iryan and; College Station ihdus- rial arts Students. Gronemab gstjmatcit that Hie company Will isrtuc several thous-/ iind of the booklets throughobt tbb Jnited States diving the nexit t\vo j^afs. i j : I j hi ; . i' i 1/ 4^——Hi—i- •, 1 7 — near< Willi; rest, opponent was Arnold U’ "inns who polled 60 votes. hail been counted (approximately 11 p.m.) five other voters brought their ballots to Housemaster Odell Stautzenberger.;! The ballots had all been cast for Williams. Stautzenberger refused to count the late luillots but turned them in ao that a decision could be made by the Student Election Commit tee. The Election Committee had sub IjO p.m. us tho time for pfek* ing up all ballots. •Winner* by Uonnitory in the Student Senate «re listiid below. Thotfc results mx* unoffic.lal until they 1 mv certified liy the Election Opmpiitteo of the Student Senate. Wulton Hall Divvid Elston 7.3. Runner up was Thomas J, Lcger with 48. j • Legett Hull 1 ’ j ■•• , : Hjui'vey V. nisieu 85. Ifeunner up Was . Fred S. T|\tu‘- nijotid Jr; with 88; Milner Hall THl (!, Davis 08. Runner up was Joseph R, O’Cou- nior with! :i8. i; Furyear Hall Charles D. Klrkhnm 82. ' Will In(u F. Kgun and Roy Car- tlT tjedj for runner-up with 38 votes. Law Hall JjullUH CJ. Blum 7(L flunner up was jack Shepherd P| - r h Dormitory 1 Faui 11. Landry 58. Runner up was Robert G. Wal- Uvce with 51. / Hart Hall / Jack A. Quirey 80. Runner nu was Max Greiner* 87. Dormitory 2 ll , Aubrey D. Sprawls 58. / Runner up was Chrirles Mattel 56. ' ' ,[ -Jf ■; j. h . Dormitory A Koitll.E.!Allsup 77/ Runner up was/Nonnan Ilin- {•hliffe with 70. / # Dormitory 4 !i George F. Marble 134., • Runner up was R. E. Dillon with m . m i|;;T i • Dormitory 5 Tommie D. Benefield 80. Runurir up was Charles Luodtke With 48, Dormitory 6‘i fed L. Copeland 120. Runner up was Herpchcl Shelby with 71. Dormitory 7!. Robert R. Smith 140. (See SENATE, Page 4) i—rrt—n—Hr-— the PARIS, wRsteni poWora bent lin crisig to l^ho Scfcuiyity (Council yoHierduy and BrilUkh foreign neeifeUry Kriumt Bev- n < in imm It mig KlIttionHt In'. Berlin nit'WSpnpcr ec that! If ‘n W'jilge will la which m iy i CRV tilted (i RuMluiLconibloltoid lloed his rrirdri, say* thri weste in jx wers (irihutg oi) |Berliji ‘‘A drlvoii ltt)8» tin) J. ty mny dplit tbo /w tlrei wojrld ongunization. 1 j i iff such u Ithigg should eriiho to pass and If ith»/'Blad( Fiji utomie war ' should fol| tiold the United .Nations •ll ill m i !: im i tlllio fault w:Hild b<| R|tsslii's mid Rttusln’s nlyde. “It is Igitjer to |mvt our diffi. - - ‘ " in ji fool’s hnltfos nniv than to!live plfradlarif B([vin sni(l. . A blgi-foul’ delegate » powers—Britf ry" of !0W’, Rev in Assembly. Jtfnd of If ouj+priw'er! territory deep irin the Itjussittiu Zonri--nyid reserved r: siiid Itho France Wrier)/tlwii* (attnek ; on Russia’s t IreO-mc nth-iold bloeknlo <d' Ber- Western I poWerri—-firlte in, Frar arid tlte j United States j-^xbttct >u: uttnek j oij( Rnssl Of Bert WWflflff The tjiroej powQri mctlsod Rus sia last juglijt of tlnvatpn ng world RriftCe bg hj.'r actions in Berlin. They rojemphn*ized. th^ir determi nation tjb stwy in the iity—an is- land let to jlrikc such sieps as may sa ry to do lit. H 1 1; | 'J * I J ; j • | tbeceh-fso (•rirOtipnal voijoe broke rjs bg called tho righ be necef ij Bevin’ '(hat his on Rub? in tjo “oped u igbt and the World knowledge c ig, cheering Come re in"—got a j roaring, ciieetjnig ception fnwn the f delegate). AH the big| powers Rod [their chief delegates op the floprfor theieVont. Listening irijwierd U. S. SbcreitaVy •Of State! Marshal, Soviet Deputy iF'oreignjMinjster A 1 ’ ‘ ' sky and Fidntfh Robert Schutnttn VlshirHky’) face strode froirai the * speech. '' ' 51 Review cf- •M I adr|i Y, Vishpi- Dfeibn MlnSstjer j, j | . [ vvas grim as he had after the ( J* ”r? k' U Shmoo In vades A &M Campus;wtnm Downs Captures First Live Spe^imm By C. C. MUNROE * rij)0rted confinement,; but a «oui*ce In gn ,effort to forecast the tire proprir Mmo to : coiJfirrr|-(|r| (len rise to the ‘‘big whit iurtho Sopthw^t^ha^Tmad'^its'nteT'^ 1C ^ C ^ that the! Shmoo was the pbartince on the A&M cmPpus, iju)- eOrding to unoffieigl report r ‘ tantly issued this ramming b ky Downs. Down?, who it (I, uhd a 1 veteran seniors Who wish to gave their picture made for the nex|j edition must do io by thi? deallim HI aaitnu. [ -4 n . n Nllm titn also said:jtha(!the St idio wasfjleri crowded during the uv(ru ing hours., and it would! riman less wailing to the student If he would hav j his picture takeb during tho ■M rii NSri j ietuteri aro Scheduled fdi thipj Sa: unlay,“but anyone who hni neg cctcxl to have his picture taken on Ithc day scheduled may do so at ibis time, . , | ]| * ,UU rt n asged that veterans tt light shirt and am alolig vdth «. tie to nvo: in eolof. Tickets for Game Sale Wednes. dent tickets for. the A&M- 10 ma University game w ill y. Ag« this trip „ iw I will be i starned to - '•liilji sale at the ent tomorrow io plan to gel their t tickets unsoi Oklahoma- 4 I w (kimmitteo for A&«. |)r)‘senc«, (if the dsjtepnding animgl after u itoni)ultntibn velopmegt cvieuled thic riolic) er g honiultutibn witli jri level vgo<mt|Ve?/0«j the College. The joxact IpeiUiOn of tho ShmOp iit l)eing Withheld from the press htcuus ! tijte the porislble fur-ivac' ing efteot its appearance mig rave. . It [was revealed, I howev) that when it was cn)>tured, Dowl , WnO wk»|in the vicinity, ffpirited it t|runk of bis car and drag s [ at brfs hi WH akneck speed. UN WHAT!" Doams screamed,! |hen he was accused of haviag! dnapped the Shintoo. “I don’t! hiiow what one ig; However, when told that he had been seen! apd photographed carrying the Shmoo, he admitted the presence of one on the campus. The Battalion has, at thi? mo ment, a special force of reporters trailing the Shmoo, which is sup ped to be at Down’s home. A!24 guard has been placed aro e house by the Campus Seci dree, although it at.. .. king two men Off the pa: ad. |jH. 4-J l] been km main topic of discussion at Sat urday’s meeting of the Board of Directors in Safn Antonio. No comment” was the word Kivcn out at (he military depart ment, hut wirbri tii Fourth Army headquarters are reported being burned out with messages. How the Shmoo found its way to the campus un? bobn the subject of mbch spccujlutjianiamong those people who httvo spme how or other discovered its prosonec. A citiNullntlon bcjtwoen the Batta lion’s Geograplhicul Editor and n embers of tho college geography dipartment multed in one pent- s blc answer tnj the problem. [“Everyone knows,” the confer- e ice spokesman said,! “that Shmoos Wive lately been traveling Whcr- e rer the 'four winds blow. The re- c (nt breezes blowing over thi) cam pus have come Iron the direction o|f Natchez, where the Shmoo was last reported, So peidrap* thht ex plains its presence perc.” t The Fiscal Office: refused com ment on the subject. The offfti * ‘ ‘ possible effect of the Shmoo on the prices at the college mess halls the Battalion Inflation Editor^ be ing unable to obtain (in interview with subsistence officials, •confer red at length with A&M’s rtoted economists. Many different theor-j ies were advanced by • the. profes sors, hut the most rcpptctejd wan respcctitd one offered by Dr. Harium Smlthe ts clnimed that the food pricvK in Hbisa mid Dun- Multluis. Dr. Malthu? i'inimed that oO can llnlls would hecritpc regres- st squad. Ibf CoUegTPubUcity D . bo teeming the Shmoo’a arrival I,' j I -•! ials in Charge of the scollege mess halls were in a mar ’jor conference when a Battalion reporter called to - learn theh- ; viewpoints on the Shmoo’g ar rival. However, an investigation of the prieflat Sbisa revealed that so far nof reductions had been made at the last report. Prices of tender m Mw-fl | ^ . vh (I I xar no rcaucuons naa ade at the last report. IN 1 ‘- • I : ■ m ! iii 1 j ivoly * [lower as the' number of Shmoos became progress v e 1 y hlghen ij if- The yell leaders were called Into a hurried conference when tho Shmoo’s arrival on the campus wad mpdc known to them, Spunking for the g)oup, senior yell leaders Stephens and SpHttgorbcr expras- sed the hope that fornial. presenta tion of the Shmoo could bs madd at half-time activities dur ng the Oklahoma University game, Coach Harry Stiteler was ent countered stalking tho steeetts with a [burlap bag tubked under his arm, but when asked about the Shmoo ju?t shrugged his shoulder?, mut tered “We’re building,” and wan dered on down the street, peering idto doorways and up into the trees. MN-IU' Colonel E.'V. Ads the Aggie Band, U composing a marc' the Shmoo, When q! the truth of th lit ll !i Kl;.i • t IP. r., to be ted to as to Coloneil collection and sta- now was I' f j; —. pM |ti. any suchj (report. Colon ‘ McClur thought ance (hough the out wish that Shi come have t dnrmito McClurt Spik rtetiv « HKy V ’ItfesL eoncludi ite, <U ri’hbu co the that! Of the Cdrps, Marvin when asked 'that he hmoo’s appear- Rw/^Win} 1 ; rl>* to predict ‘ an event, I corps staff will alwaysT* wel- elr qitartirrs. H may UK of the Irst floor of 12. if! It wnnte to” ■ ^Hl. iA'ct Jr of 'student Ornb i ,p M N bis of-J s Towii II til programi but injiy knoWd 1 1L if thu ficiv admitted that pi iinij write be ing mudd u incliu c thelBhlhoo on this fallV declined Shmoo'a Who Shmoo 1 te; have been consulta ent neWi discusalo: mor cates ti can be and any will be wards at or it, wil visory the land cadeta! . 2,95 will it, to rival am) set. Ah, yjea. tonight” pro: hi nt ^hereabout*, have custody of the it is fl inlSy til lowed run Of the School has jibject of j natey' hurried is on ti e Campds. Pres- n the Outcome pf these is me? getbut one ru ems w ;11 founded indi until kuiteblc quai-ters lilt, the original Shmoo tly i rr ve)l offspring red 1? the vacant o CoUeg e Hospital. They cared ter by a super- ^ . ... menirom ture. An a gra« e used ^ \ i . I t V ll : ( j At an intcrnatWnal work camp in Brl D. klRKHAM, A&M student, and (icrinur prisoners/ of war, talk over thdr ertH-r players talking bvbr lasjt Saturday's ig until nevt time. WTAW Not Alio Ball Games Played at Night Don't; bljimti WTAW Jf you [had to liidton! In tliiA fot I li8(t,(>n: in t! f<)( i L iriltl I ali i V PernjiMtoinj wrh miueHted to liip ulcaHt thjjj! gatte am] the AyJcM-LSU gatnty m d game on tvotik qUiiioas thhi emUtted rtioT’c stittlc American imikici than foot ball pltkVsl Nation’s Oil Lands Being; Neglected, Says AIC Prexy HAN ANTONlp, Rept. 28 Ud’i lothj filSvd hy (be tlohit OobimiNsloii.’ '♦fused hy (nmlslitio i J Until •ceuiiUy W Only about! tme juu'dynt of tho ha* tirbas Dr, currently are being produced* Dr, Gustav Egloff, Chicago, prcpldcnt tiort’s. mteintiiit oil-houring tly are being produe u of the American! Institute Ch?miste, said here tqqAy, The noted inventer and, (tuthor said present production comes from al)()ut 4,500,000 acies while there) Is geological CvidCtioe that qil flea posits underlie at! Ilenst t,000^000- 000 acre? of lAnd In (the contincn* tall United [Stdtesij ! ■ , • r Speaking boforej the Indeuorident Petroleum Association of America convention, Rgloff said the imtiqh definitely can. be seifteontained as to oil. ( Two other speakers at the open ing sessions of th?; two-day con vention warned that known m selves must be developed to svicji 'lish fot use in case of wav. art! extent ns to establish the iti- lustry’s excess production capacity Merle Becker, : Si Louis, TPAA president, said,.steel short?(tes are preventing Sufficient petroleum to ))e» - mit a supply "Safety factor” which onubtedteucceskful prosecu tion of WorKl.War II. Ernest 0 P ThoiUpetni,' Chairman of tho Texas Railroad Commis sion, suit! "When war comes opr reservos must be in tiulivemblo oil, the pipelines laid, the oil ready te flow”]/ San Angelo Elects ’48 !CI)|b Official^ Harold Broome was electod pres I Other officers ntthuxi were Co|‘-j ky Eckert, vice preridept; Bobby Hykus L secretary; Munjh romptop; (ivasurer; Jimmy jHhirtulsdii* rtv pprtcr. George Hughes uml Clovlsi Ohak were nnmptpii tall-twlsleris. kucce •HlftM in ret I Th it' fdlloWing iHl Fnmjc rioliL ») igthh 1| iCoirt! hud' chit f the I'edtfial iplss on, ?fiou <1 ton noli be du< to veiy « Th [bc l.v 8,01 da|te‘! 1 Ah o' op September bet vetn Til xus Lbt Is it na Ste Bill on [ton Both ganns l)()i am wii \vi 1 lii con cliif ion [ of *1 bis request’ is fei ant froi i: the,or as mojtt olf tlife A Wfla learify ti the hmtter. ( ent emiin: Vte 'espjectf illy •mis (lor to' wpi dca|: ; gar ies bet.wct'n leg i nrd Te[vt‘- V WtHpjAkV ’io m ib u nh i:[T Itaijt !)« ell HHHpHHI ., |hm*l itisl on th btjoadNh?|[ special 1 •tents avIi eh tiiok bh co,• |iT . o r Uroiult altinl Houri. A till: pr’Seri time t umr. ijequt st jfpr jtlpegiul uilhori )’ ijiol Lo crmsiiloivl 1): tile (JN Iv imL... I chtioni ('t A& . lie gain ab o to; nil school kvor c mitnm tjo hi tel t will (UHl’llsfl 0, ipelu liite thrir HiyCjs, njutrtp fot tba I •t o unthukliis ttiijl (.lolltige ptat nu liber into tjhe ceiftioiji front ythc carbjf tie iTnttic, If nb| T' < idcjit of (1)0 Han Angulo Club ?t! its first meeting of the year hejil! Thursday night in the Agrleultuf- Building. , j, | ! mi rbt [ ye y te hi) lit. :| [ \u.v consitli'i'U ■ gi' e t iis rteupll bPpxx’tliiiUid. ,i vmy «ruL Jfiarjk ff. V Irtler frtWt ic Col that rupte ji id! t*i d b> th t’ff(X‘|tV is A ’M UollCi 5eij a nivers tv! toper )• it), dl; irtf.:) Itroadt ? ?! Mi ll III «if- I 11 Usnnis "tuitiois. nies whull Imipo.H iidl Itha. ill be fi ! • k item ’Bwedct" Hunsort okn tho un»»nl4 C fot' thoNCIub’s oandfi- „ choice fot! , .... date in the Comhuintiteor’s ‘'Ugliest 4" rri; • / - '3 BWK( shmoofi Flasher Signals To Be Installed On MP Tracks One of College Stations worst- traffic hazards will be removed with the iostnllaiiori of « com- hlnation hell and flasher crps- sl at the main Ml?^ j tie, crossrng northwest j plleve Station depot, officials expect to have lanager Raymond: Rogers. Rogers has «St a letter to i isnkin ty of ' . li ■ i-ii Iff their this at I eslimiltc D' mts :l r .ylriursj Htited ac qpti 1« 18, pi oviqed lhat[“« » dniidurd hrhu shMim tetepo ?te a Mho be accepted b,- th/'Com \ifht!)i mterv icm iJlSpi thu); until per ml? by; the! Com mi tsld WOl fuljhuf bre sdc ey<jnts; uflitb’ l rog ,’on ittSy | hi I tens. hr 2(i. Ml 18, i by Iran thi Ajigie Roiho. IGci bn te: I eerii asl nlfht in the Lu jUira npoin pHsidt nt i»l’ tl • Cl lb. I j lihtiy fhte, lulu be »ll*t usted at be iry staitodj eHribl i tp eiAu*; • Kipj'swrry p Ilk s I li !*• (H-itvl Sirs. te irtUiiton ite ttllteii ;thy lirWt thpt tiwilrod lii tie opening ci iDon’s I: ■ • I R '■vi , I ■ ft !■ i' ! r f KJ annual sentttd j ai ! \ o eupe l\m p > mift oil mil ! l nt! ■i* - DIED N N > J. nisrkot ii diftions Ik bettr and inee all At: ' ririn li Bry u| '1 itte" Ij mtiljci I MH a I «ll J », ’ \y to-, i P trl<)s | yior.^. r K {: liy. ■:'j Sept. 21 in/ the Chaglpfli 'Xa*, itionai tlvi tit his ibn: of nventlo -in - I cda : ¥ U, a^ij *1 f I ' 'IT 1