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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1948)
i ' h . - '( 2 : : 1! 1 LOOKS UKE A DC WIGHT Two Types of Behavior! . ?=T.My I w- ! : -f. ■■' Id, ^should begirt i.t j portance of some of thie loaf articles can’t honie!. '• l in • ml ljf/ " Wm #«fW h dollari 11 | . of events fchijt: ' - It would appear that we have been di- L ! " ‘Ififir our pleas ir|!tito| wiring djirecltionv be we should have been italking to the 1 " ' J ‘ 1 ’ ‘ who stayed here the activity n on of even ve are no flnced that spbrbrtntoiship should • follojy suit.i | ]T ! >• '•!> r t. [We re^r, ^:«ou|| ^ u -he barid’a poKmitory Saturday compared to the weel^nd in, Sun ! From theJA aino city )we heard not! 4but pleasant ardj friendly reports students, San AitoriW citi^eas* end A g|es mingled together, enjdyed ihe co lacts, and not one word of wnpleasantri *s did we hear. But not here oil the campis. - Sometime Skturd|(y .! night unknoyn persons entered the band’s Dormitory and opened a hot water line on the top floe The esicapjng steamiijjnq, water ruined ijfi ~~ r—r—3 ' ■ ”*p strum^nts, rajjiipis, lifnif )rm», and oth^r personal effects to an estimated Value, of 'one thousand 'dollars. The personal itn- | l ' ’ rV , I '' Marlow On Politics and 1: Hei’e are the views Press’ Jame^ Marlow On the President|ial Campaign and it’s tie-in w^th Russia. Sfnce his coverage is far more complete and erudite than any we could offer, jive offer it here in our coliimns. f center fails us/here. / Optimistically we don’t believe there is 4' two per cent of our entire student body so thoughtless or intuntiortaBy dostructivo. } 'j. J). kfisfci to ttie two groups j we say this. owE'fcir thejfc sportsmanship in San; Antonio. Your nc- I I I 1 11 ' I I — J ■' J 1 " —'— r y 1 —|j!' p : pr- Amplification Department ft, w . T1 , , , withjn two years). 'H.e a will bo caused My the evflnta;now occurnh* in Kdinrieth Voss, itoiior the oipimon thatjij “Wn,' cnuseiii by the OoijijttHinig Thanks a million felhnva fqV the show of sportsmanship in Sanj Antonio. Vour ac tions and the credit they have brought our school won’t be forgotten Andl to the people who did the thous and dollars worth of damage to the nijillion dollar bapd—you won’t be forgotten of the Assi)ciat Russia anil big “IF? Communism provide jjhe in tfie prcsidpntiail campaigni, 1. Will therft beiwaf* with Russia? j; either. ! • .• /' :.•] Russia . . 1 j But Dewey very carefully put a big “IF’1 in his promises as you can sec from what he said in Newi Mexipo last week: “America’s no. 1 domestic problem is eati wiorld peace. We can on|y master the question of swollen prices, debts and'taxes in a world at peace.” J As an example of how Russia puts the big “IF*’ in there, take this: j Right now, because we’re trying to By CARHOLL TRAIL i Deni Sir: 1 iun « bis lory ninjor and aft Much I have a jupcclaP intci' ip tibf history of this college. In imy spare time I ha Ve iltutlled the schoors pajit, extensively, Und liave uncovered manyi iptefesijing facts. But that iif neither here jno|r there). 1 want to ask about ;!th|e naming of Goodwin Hall. 1 have been able 1 to find the jirigintii of most of the other btiitdinjg’s names ; but 1 cannot find a thing °n Good win. Ftom all that I Can gathep, I presutne that it was named |j far Larry,(»oo<lwin, assistant editor of the Commentator. However, there is a Slight fault in this hypothe sis: Goodwin is around 20, viihile Goodwin Hail is 40 years old) Can you throw any light oni the it situation ? Cori much gO^to, L J. T. M.! So.fjarj tht twoi fop candidates, Presi dent Truman jand kept our fore: JOvprnof Dewey, hive icy out of the polit fh) parties, Democijats vey, h|ve 2 political ■if canipaiin/ ];) ,|^ Thafa bee* ’ and. Republicans, have helped shape our foreign policy toward Russia and Europe, In that field, ijt least, they’ve bjeen able to 1 work.together [for the good of jthr ' 'll - '-W If r ■ 1 affairs out of (tin country, . So, with ifdreji irgwmjBnt, the tfhat hftppei»4o»| H four yeara ue in the campki homo in the >kigjn ih ip fox# ey#ry day aropnd Berlin. If she gets tougher ahd throws a little mbre weight around Eurqpe we’ll 1 probably have to spend more than $15 y O0QiC«)0,000 a year op the arnfted forces, j ' ■[ jj: |j ; . : j This year, we’re spending $5,300,000,- i 000 on the Marahaiy l^lan. Njext year we expect to spend mote billipnf, although perhaps not asjmueh as this ! year, j But suwwse,Russia acts up and' thoso westeijfl ISuropean countries siaggerj then Anfwior: Xo, J. T„ Gobdwiin Hall was iiot named after the Cominen- tator! aisistant editor. The bpard , consisted Larry; but they Were, reminded of Public Law 5fi438l* which -ftatiRs, “No A&M College building mby be named for sOme- ; one not’ born.'’ This radical piece of legislation was passed in 1892 when there; was a strung Republican faction it} the > Texas HoiiRe. P L ' ’ '1 Actually the Hall was najmed in honop Of G. I. Goodwin, author of the licit creating the Cpllelgei! He fostejre):! the nationwide ^g^icul- turali, colleges. Besides Larry spells ' Li! ij j T ! Sneak Preview! . 4' • ~| • 'll' ■ 1 , I r! his name "Goodwyn.” ^ m Dear $i:r: \ f saw the following filler! ih last Tuesday’s Bryan Daily Kiiglo: “Robert Lout* Stevenson called more salty than the average <>f nil ocean*, bdng 8.0 per cent salt.,’’ In words of one syllable op less, what does it say? Sincerely, i . . C. M. Answer: You probably read the serttenefe *wrong. C. M. It should read. “Being 11.6 per cent salt, Rob ert Louis Stevenson called more salty than the aveiage of all oceans.” Then too, the Eagle is gUilty of the same thing of which many papers are guilty. That is, they use too much journalistic jargon. Ac tually the sentence should read, “Being 8.6 percent salt, Robert Louis Stevenson called mojre (peo ple ) salty than the aveirage oif all oceans (called people fcalty),” I imagine that you can under stand it now^ Perhaps a little of Stevenson’s life will throw more light on it -for you. The first phrase ‘‘Being 3.6 per cent salt,” might seem a little odd at first. Perhaps you don’t think Bob was so constituted. But he was, for Stevenson was raised on the toast and the sea was in his blood. Now in the locality where he liv ed, it was the custom to refer to everyone who made his living on the sea as “salty.” The habit be came so firmly embedded in him that Stevenson continued to refer to his acquaintances in later life as “salty.” bid for world' d ^pinati /or k! U not em hunt.” “An hecutmilatii nl«f amill oventu jflf tin bf although he expe HNn.l’ next two yeaps. #1 -»hali.' :pr*«{4 “No” declared! J. L. .Everett, -fat will he aophomore, “I doubt whether ehh- thought! ini tNir or country is roatjyI to fight my *.a ntiul MpplM.’Y f J. , (aeniaf, at»trd Pr| the next few, ffli] might possibly hr Bg conflict ubnnt not but not in the near future" re- than " 1 1T lh.j ] ’ bring senior, ^(lid thOt “It hr may be exiected in! the nqgt murked Senior D. S. Fra ?, R. Wella, senior, <l Wl 01 • 1 a fi o(v* both^ luck the! ewsi»n|ial sup] Neal; 'T jpstj tiryjng to hi Ait* « i i i - for wor « , |,hfj is not em ilatidil of smill events "Thu MSum. t»£ « Ud.'Burgess iiit Letters To The EditorU ' n,T 1 : rl : j. !J ■ ']) |j: j! i'l „ mi . , less so very proud of jthis iril.- awgrd nu dnl*I from the) $ liant accomidisiiment that We'art) of i **v»ih on Diitnlu . *ted in !th« nut stay out of v)—, . years and tijijt it jvill coble W. W. Heaton, senior/ “U'J Ijjobml; 1 Fi rtltude” or, mijih|y for our otvn liant accompllishlpent' thut we] nre of jiexis on Ofltober 5 <j tit Hhut of the ho- perfectly willing !to give and lake AshtonL chairman Of « LIT * I«L . ! I'lT* tinif itvilruriiliiial <%•« sttlMlifr fkin V^ikAU Uk^ kimt-ftUil Ddar Editor: IV« ask you satisfaction ari^l m »» «« v.,* . J; , • ^ .. u ^ t — r - r -, , called Aggies whojprecipitated'this with any ind^yidual or outfit on the Yojith co nnuttee, h*riiffljounc«| lejtelf to print th $ It cap be most campus: provided: we are giVan a B irgeesis tbjh.dil Ur pripbrly named Ode on Intestinal chance to defend ourselves. If any* Mr(. add torsi. H. id Burgess Gufs-Hl ' one thinks these accusations ary dal ns known only t!Took of t|c puikcrs M>4i jTf t* P ijiif y Dies fi .j 4 Kumi ! j , r if Thanks a lot “({)|io Arimy is, if two percem erff cart be cla,^! ffod iajs buch)l. Cduratju atipns'oi. „ r .^ a job well done! While he Aggie dred miles sepiijating uS. Ih case f Rand (Was gone Im San Antooio foi- you don't belieyiei that several hop- J the game with T«xu* Tech, sdnie of dred dollars worth of damage wm* the braver of thi^ i“merl” On the done, a partial list of damagei»| Campds who, I rCajsons [best property is, enclosed: knoWn to themselves, dicl not to Band iiistji-timonts whose toi the kkniQ and. whq, for jother rerf- value is $15(j0.00ior more dainag' * J ii <.1 4ir»/'l f/% nn UTlkTlOWD C 0 themjsclves and to an extent. Kurpl youj:!!. Day 'altj ITit REASES; Olj! DETUO T, Kept. 2 jS m® ji ^ 1 ' dally arir pifopositibn cilpied, not tualnur l*ni dally arid shojiild rea^h :< *ji guessed at by lie,I entered dorm Uniforms, too numei'OUs to inert* ^ t' pj iverl and remnVeii a connection tion, cOmpleiely ruined, by fading oi a pipe on the Ifpuirth floor, flood- and shrinkage.: ; injg the doim in a “typical” drown Bookfc, [coiUplotely water-sbaked jodt. This in itself [is pot unusual, to a point wher^ al ’ e Unusable, brit (by prdhjaryj fjtanibrds it is At Wasp sL|c Yadibs etOtted fco tin dejne as ; a more nr Wss sporting unplayable condition, j ; l] , ' whehj the derm is ( oc- Two [ typewriters damage- tin* ot wheiji;jit is a kpown known.; i f ; fajet that) eveiyojilc is a\ my for an Several footlockei-s soaked: be- critire weekend. l Adgiefe are [kppwn yond repair, | j; J. j j - all Over as a fe; -spurtjng, Othejr small iifems tejo numerous BUT j |p o au oi- 250 units i(bl8 tl n the coif hijneh. Obviously, then, wpj)! carried out! such a nc|t| Aggies, as jAggiek istbbb so 1 low], jj the “men’ plap \yere woidd ihot wowtoija fiuropnn courttricd stagger, The we’ll ijfnbabty dpeml a lot mare than $5 BOO,(Kill,000,to Wive them. ! j, ! j _ r L ’ A'tiijl if eglpdruteo in just j t^Wi I two. In hHoiT, ila! tljink the eauntry ivllj fields--Mlefoni^;wm!;J|»t‘ Msr hall ij'jan bu bettpy uuiljrt’ tH Uviulbtkans or Uu) gq up cutting llixei IHitt vrttt He-tough j, Jit spite -‘Pomoewte. j j ;'i[ L; ;[ * • I luvIm^Nsl^ 8o trtV 'Sfr! liss irtttde t‘««f j Aliik pruml»dd, i>|lH time do t; ttaunclug the Ro)iu ill^rtH, , '^y l ^ht ! . t .ampa gn gmm u ong u of t he i’(U|(t|dnlw* Ulkahoul what iilf ^tx•t’fHL4^^^<u^TITTT^3• iti) wiy hertt; ^hclug the 4i'pd|jjllieBdr t!; (lovefftofl povyli hfls rtald quite a) about briftfiji# down! pritjes and cuttiiV if jinirremomb^* government spending and !tnxe^, j to ^tfuwelf %»|iybe id will, Hij—.v I M jr-'i' Life in Berlin Isn’t So Dull As Seen in A Foreign Affair loins pushing baby Jcntringuj* fly ing the Htltir* and *tripii*i.. When she is aepainted from her |iiirly, slu' is nicked up by two Amerjrans, mistaking her for a German girl, AR A iRESUlif *OF THE LKJRM I N G UNOCCUPIED SEVER- •’* i 1 '' j • l)> ANDY DAVIS j , A Foreign Affair (I'ajuimoimt) Mtatrlafi Jean Arthur, j .Mm l.iMidj ahd Vlarleur DietHcH. (C.imptt*). Lpd In Berlin may noli be wo B AIL: HU worth! CL0THI D AM AG This letter is i iin^t a l|id by any- ono; if or syiriprithy firqin; anyone el if. Hutber it j# i| notice to; these st 'Oiig, b'avo niifn who aie flouht- ! ^ 4r 1 and wimhi up In whbro Mia* DUtiilrli i* singing. Tim elute - dlnUi Hike uttna Up hiring heived all, Jntt lulMmsy! tiiat; Ri«i- . witi rui't (iauslng all tlie a*am('luont t(> the patiious, and mi ilijijii G*|V- in (letiiiMiny. .j I!! ' tain Lurid, to oxpluln matpira, i .li|i»b Artbur, as the Inviejijiliu'l* nedlGiingW’Wwwomaii, reUunii id the screen vvith . .. 1th a bang, arid IMetwh (girttidmotnor) gi^cri evl better now than jilt lust think !o ill Id the Mdrlimr iyck evl* wuiling, things are /A ifetord potato yield ia expected this the past 40 yiarii. year, fed unbent of folks lwh(> trophe ]of' hitvtug |dt8'jl;lin are makin|gjl^ngTfcri ).s ti| visit relatives jiublidjat 4ow |rfices, the gok'ernnjent js they haven’t seen fof that long. irili jj • - ’jjj '[' . —I; ’ I I six adults in the nti- ouying thepi uil by the ton. Something like oiir |old, they want ii all. 'But;if they’d stoye the spuds under the ground at; Fob Knpx, and pile the gold out of 'tion are retjetiying sbme' sort of goj’ehji- dtjors^We’d hate soime chance of avoiding jment checks r ^And four of the remaining spoilage on both items. PG •* ,1 i- ' [ J! ' |^L|! I I j ' l ■ J *> , k . ■ “five are wa ting their chance to .4igi ! ! ■n. “Father of 10 Shot; Mistaken tor Rabbit. ' L. if ■Fir . jj; ■ v M '. i.T " 1 : : . The modern Nathan Hale: “I only re gret j have but one vote to give to my party,.!:. ! : The Battalion, ] j/clty of College Sti I '■ MX: KnlvMw /:• Wfiro Ut-t’o! : lUu Act uf Cuiuircjs attalio g holidftyBj amj ■ exam ying nouoayBj anq oxami [on Moadaly, Jycdjiosday hDUb on rei ues . Agricultoial and Mechanic e times a f d. He summer ite $4.30 nor pin arc ■: I K. Thl hepraseaM b itforu vprtUing Sfirvki lac itMNbkM •«••••« w :lldh><'h*l UardliUo**. J., w—- jL i« UUMtfHka •rr+.G+M , OJtji., r»*bc|*co. Hcntr that slie still has iwnjttjdlling intMTfiit in her original (Her* w*irt.[ilfth(r Ltuid. WW^ujpt^aifii the AW'f'k’ini i A nay Officeiv iuHi* in his l)'f*t performance as to; date. Th»- htory takes hold whfon a < hl colate cake, flown all the why ~fr4m America, is delivered: to ii certain Captain John Lund, by Congresswoman Arthur. ari|d i* exchanged by thy former for a bcSt-up mattress. The mattress finds its resting place !in the ) homb-scarrcd apartments; o f ' Fraulcin Dietrich, a torch) ising- cr in an off-limits cafe, and also ' Lund’s “girl: friend” during off hours. ( Mi** Arthur and the delegates investigating the morale of Ameri can G.L's in occupied Getmany, afo taken on a tour of [BeMin to see: the; conditions that exist for thoni*eli*es.] 'Mi** Arthur s<Mfe mojiri than desired (Gertijmtt FriM Croneman to Serve Will National , Committees of AVA , r I ■ | • j j j v [;j, ; ' > ' ; 1 '' Chris H. Groneman. acti; of tho Industrial Educat, partment, hi , w ■ g head u De- just beef) igfortrted ppo htment on two national rvu as a ! Iridustejal Art* : l inmg Group which hsisi for it* iert : the establUjimicjiit and tiion of tMt gonoi'ul: [over-all ■ tg«ch- ( other membbi'H fririiiH’^B ' ' .M second eotnmlt hionll Hiring strilcily a bunlncw* vrontan, Mt** Arttiui' takea It liiam horHelf to find out why Miss pirn rich Is j allowed iri rim loosej when sho was such a prdiuihieitt figure in AHoliih’s social circle, niul also ^IdWIy re lated with brie of his ridm hand men, now in hiding. . Miss Dietrich and Miss Arthur meet more than onre in the pic ture, and it looks like our Amer ican Congn^swi'inan gel* insult ed every j.time. Naturally Cap tain Lund doesn’t- want anything to happen to his Frauleih and finally Irak to make loVe to Miss Arthur to kepp her out Of the file*. He bargain* for more then expected, because things Happen in reversal and they become en- j gaged. (This file room scene is 4 one of the best in the movie); y I i! !■ H; | ; The Army steps into [the, picture and ordai*s Lund to rerifw his ac quaintances with Mis.f Dietrich, since they have received qord that her Nazis lover in hiding Is going to try and kill him (he’s the Ira it). Miss Arthur takes it pretty hard when she finds out it is Lund who is connected with the Gernian girl, but later, finds out it is only a trick to corner- the Nazis. This is one movie you doh’t want to miss. It’s a not in Prints, and is pretty good all the rest of thei time. ' i ASPP; Drivelbr Membership! Opens ’ ^Application blanks for tnember-j sh|p In the student chapter of ihej American Society of Mechanical; chhirt Noijth jOnti Ifpish^je!. Order to nieittioiu |! I Signed |; j., 4 Thomas B. Roxburgh '47 Roland H. Johnsop ’fp 1 i T. A. .Carlton Jr. ’48 R.j Bruce Hurley (49 Wm. H. Hawes ’49 Carl Whyte ’49 Jariics Loi* ’19 Tony Liirota ’<|9 liirry Kjinaid *4^ s W. Hiram 1 Smith, I i/ij X : X V i ' • . I ill w •i» a iii r if), Fiiik Boot Brieechc*.. Fink Slacks Dark Sprge Slacks and Shir ORDER N0W T0 AVOID 1 KUBH LL'i . All typeri of aUersUdiM find imiiKMiu scwtug, | ; /, U B1C K : vjfrimr /n V'4'4HY tf tCCESSOmES I ' : m sreco siinff) mi nil unit ;; , Engineer* will be available in th rotunda of the Mechanical Engl neeving Building alii this week Charles V. Howard, jjchbinnan oi the student chapter, 1 unnomicct .. 7Uf extensive ttm .of gift* that . cmiMifted Svlt Orotitpa. He b tens oii thU cou tiji Monday. A apooiat InviUtloii If extep^H to nil freshmen jand sophomore studehtg who hav«> not been mem be i* bf the AS ME beirotk l!i Verne Hunt 11 STUDIO o: f j n.,v '▼s •wp* m 4