Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1948)
v.. & t,1 If Bf SATUJIDA *— v' ■/. : 4 B i v • i' 'U tauon 1,1948 . Re .\ ’i' yd .i-. - at the; pi Dowell i& dt r Dowell r team Unshed west Gonierer I'-sT# TTr : T SV E , / St^mord of in. me No. Si • lars of Pxice lis of Rvfikdi - ,. G^rtingion 6] the iNo. 6 sp * l/QWell as j s Team At Agj Buil : ±ML /'.I 1 ' ■'Vi: = A .- jj ' •I 4. . « I llll ,1 J.ll ... ^ . M ' '•| I ’ 1 f First - ? ; • • i. 1 , eland 4/; 4 Pryc / lettere It ■p- , -4 ■*tii Z bacH ; this ye f fre4m|i.^U l i ^ wur oe trytui are; Allen ^ - Jimmy, Urhjh Houge of 'tia. f Coach Uiuj crop oi free to enter Ao the Preshij Royce la who was s' WtS, Even Cadet For * Bj L word and! that’s witi the A A&M tl| ini this soi ice. i . . •. yekr’g tenni tt who wi to replace Beal g Coa iioitido fro ptayfd at Act will be Ben . who will pi on, Kodney . 3, Jimmie njN6. ; 6, anu hi, ilsa, Oklahoma) uls not designal is the! wo. 4 piajir- r i ' ! . , ■ F F^aoiUin wh irtn lj94o will t» nelp the teani m last yea! players wStQ 4 tne( team, intfy •tison ot Coiuijija, Houston, and Jtm ' ' ' Hi expects a fix tp temiis playe this tall^Amo prosricts an Corpus Chris loubies champ it Herrera ot Colj-, IN SOMER ■ ’.. | courts W. M. card around the ust what tenhis tennis team. t pa§t year and;hia first Aggie ilfers Ba ither Tit pua Christi who was runner-op in singles in 1943, and R. G.; DeBerry of San Angelo who went to the state meet last year. A&M doesn’t expect to win the championship this coming tennis season but the Aggies will be in there fighting and will give plenty of competition to all the teams mat they meet ! v- By BILL POTTS 1: .Marty Karow, varsity baseball 1 Prospects f — i cqhch who, turned up with the best j the fif team of sluggers in the Sout iwest lief pit Conference last spring, is gGi og to \ Squaameni from have to rely heavily tpon the men sity are Bruce Me coming' up from last season’s Fish ismg pitchdr, Dan nine fo fill the vacanc es next year, fielder, Johijiny Blaz r&: Graduation exercises league scouts; took a heavy toll. Two of his best pitchers, Stan Holmig and Earl Beesley, we >t the way of the majors w th a y< i eligibility left .Tex Thornton, Southwestern Stop, Jesse outfielder, Clark, vuu ciu«, uy man, Zjeke $t ange, \ IDEOUT. famous r back in the late ke over the head •ver the head Agglclund. Dustry Cl Vass, util outfielder, and Walter .Willin jham, outfielder, went down^the gradua tion aisle. ,i Only five letterra<|p from) last season’s team will report' next spring. Four of the letteemen Cotton Lihdloff, RUssel Mjayes, fin Conference ith Victory Next f' ■ ail wr—- ' ' i[ FT i v Bobby were on Jim Calvert line up and was a re- ball Team Loo4’ Infield c§ndii ne will be 1 lidates from the John De Witt, CWCU wuu tuiiieu up witu utc wur inuiy ju team of sluggers in the Sout iwest lief pitchei. - V- , . year , 8 the outfield a prom- and Green, ou,t- are », ontfieldef, and major Drego, catciler, and Hershel Malta, first baseman. \ j in Plenty of promising men are and coming up from the Freshman club ence i and Karow expects to .fill his po-1 - sitions with tntse men. Included I Conference khort- in this agregation are three pitch- Burditt, outf elder, ers, Pat Meroert, Truett Mouiqy, Peck and Biantoi Herl Aggie Track squat 1 hree Years in Row v 1 - - ' .. vT J f\Ji 1 '' : ^ By DON ENbjiklkG ■ Defending Champions of thei Southwt... .. t the second year in a row will be the handle tagged onto the ^Kadera^a 212 lb ^’ V’ unioiV Texas Aggie track team next spring. The Fanners will be will bo the top man in the Con- trying for their third !SWC track title in a row at the iy49 ference in both the shot p*t and Conference Meet. - discus. Kadera wonlboch of these Col. t rank Anderson, head track coacjh, will have two meets 5 ^ the * ast t>V ° con,eren( * tiflea at assistants next spring to heip-himv— j—— = whip his team into shape. Kay ;three letters to their credit while Taylor. a{8 the workhorse of the iisil last spring and seems to be the most promising of the three. It lis not known at this time whetlier he will enroll this year or not, but if he does, he will be S Welcome addition to the varsityi Moon and Ti outfield :gies played good loosing only four Coach Charlie D£Ware’s man team of last spring one of the most eiviabty of a fish nine in many A&M. They endet theilr with 18 wins and 2 lossefii . credit They were defeat© 1 t San Houston State -and thi I University Shorthorns. I . material that piled up ti ii that Khrow will ill ttye erence play, one to Ba; to Texas, the ps. Beesley did most of ig .being relieved y by Bobby Frets, Bruce Morfaue, or His loss to the wajoi a year of eligibility left lots to the team. j when Fret* is hot piR 1 Thornton, who graduated, will piay in the ^utfieid also‘■■■MM tract; He was one of tne best assets to tne Agji Hops seen in the Southwest spring, srence in many years. ”1' Cotum Lindloff record vi ,ca it spaces. i From the refurjning m« row will have an able piU Bobby Fretz. He will bs by Bruce -M or rise, if MoiiriBe able to pick ap the cun ro hje lacked last season. in] Brigh( > ;♦ • • I I' s !' 1 hiii position at second base; hi wi j ohe of the 1 outstanding bat* te|s lait season. in^r'LSL^: ayes will be back to play in. 0 Use sc isoq; the oikt- A l igst; ie ice. will aRi in take Conference for dera win again Football- t Fubnam ana Barlow “Bones” Irvm will be Col. Andy’s helpers. Putnam is a veteran qn the Aggie coaching staff while next season will .be Irvin’s tirst as an Aggie track coach. ( ardon, who has two year’s of eligibility left,, gbt his one let ter last year as a sophomore. Bui Napier and Warren “Red” Wilson will head ihe list of Agg.e meets. ii rranklin Young, (who hais not decided whether or not he will be back-next spring, \vas the num ber two man in th|e conference in the shot put lasjt spring: p tobert Goode, who wrtn the (Continued trom Page 4) in 1944 woo broke his leg in the LBU game last y^ar, will prob ably be the number one signal caticr. isuryi oaiy, a 4 w o year leiteiman win oc vying wan tasmon tor the starting berth. Hon Nicholas, a member of last year’s squad is the imrd candi date tor me quarterbacks job. The Aggbs Seem to be well ioxv ule tuiioack position wicb | six cauaiuktes vying xur tue start- ; iiig Dei tb. Among tnese candidates j are tnree ReUermen, one junior college traosier, one varsity squad- man alia pne iiesnnmn numeral winner., Boohrt Goff, Ralph Daniel and mg and his presence will be asjset to the team. ; the cjtch- year and im Calvert will man position again this ikeljy to be given plenty of "It- 1 for the: spot by Bob unf- , whose sharp pegs ca m|fny a) runner off base Igst aprihg. Aggies a|je expected, to ha he or other good Uahi next base they have thb material. iy need ijhow 1/ the expsr* They should finish in the bracket in ^he fConteremfe 1 . ‘ f-f r r w * flitO^m Is one of best bets tdr i; a : coniference ti this year. Brtyan, Johi Henry, Jack Bairnett'and Bart tom will all bii oack xor a rep (I helping of tge; conference title. I Hast year the Can out the Loipgi of a point when TGU took 01 v point trom match oi faltere|d atliA dropped if int» a tie with the ■'•Steers, j ’ f . fI What really get up the crown for the Aggie? itvas- The 6-0 Orubbiing they handea ; . IM eaiiy in the season. Travis B^y^n is the most c©h- Javeiin throw in thei 1946 (lonfer- j^aul latest are the IcUermen; Uo- nr thi m ,„u 14 sprinters next spring. Wilson let- ence meet but placed only fourth vis uisag 1 is me junior college ^ Ktm ‘ eu ’ — - teen will return. The nineteenth thlrd • Kenneth Voss is tne 1 . events squauman |ana rwunton Taylor is ^jalid the broad junip. lt is nbt defi- me r resttman letter winner, f. , - -1 Thb best prospect among sprirtt- kite as yet whether Goode {will be man is, ^ ovs commg up from the Freshman on^the l;J49 track squad. ££h ms s on, ail ing for discos mmm iggsssa mm*. ,, broad jumper,' »»eou o»y, , D Bi n t relav team “ and broad .jumper, Joe sp, ^ , ™ re ay team *, - . ... . ■ • - j Ihe AggieTrack squad will be splinter McGlothlin, miler, arjid'|Aibert Ricks pole vauUer and hi®h jumper.) Squadmen on the .’48 team who tyell foriitied with. distance run- iktrs next spring. Seven runners rf 4 ; -■ The Aggies wiU agai; be s^V^' d place on the squad as thrower. L. O. Coleman and Gotlde both leltermen, will be the on y point getters in; the broad ju up. No varsity high jumpei s are re turning but Elmo . Wade ; nd Wade Simpson, two sopnomo es, may ^' e b s ^ r come through with poiu s-ia this the Ietterm|en halt-' even t uoii a no iiamel s<.em to. be Hie leading candidates although they .wnli probamy receive much ivuipetiuon from Olsak and Voss. a ue surprise addition of Frank The backbone of the Aggie team)) nerd and Arlan McKcjntile for the coming season will oe Dan- were ireshman last,year, i iil]M ny Green. Green is the conierencfl and George Hied, wno vjasji cnaipp »n the 100 yd. Individual gmie last season. Medley, 50 yd. free style and 100 ln the b ackstro(kc A&M yd. free style. He holds conference hard hy ^ lofi , ot Ug J tj records in the last two events.., 1 1 boqihwe?t Contei mce, cts Expected to help Green in thO ard Spencer. A lot win aMdnd sprints will be Berpie Syfan,' who i George* Reeves, as .to '4*ewer swam the distance graces last Sea- can nil bpencer’i shQdn. son, Jerry Fisher, Ictterman in oacksireke men Will mcluie Sh jp/ vrUo ’48, Paul Clavtnge, who has showp marked impiovemenl in the John Westerveit, who was , uy marked impiovement in the sprints, Aruse, Squaamaij oJl ’ the 1 been showing; 1 ne audit] 1 ; Ftsner, leitermail 1 » Aji; eugi-: ble last yc^r, and G. i urp “Frosty” Torno will bolster Aggie] will fall heavily on nave Varda- ; th 4ft 4 Agdied hjave mben impiov-m sistant placet on tie team, dutierp Jolinity-Bentry aud e Longhorns hdre strongest deam in the-Nation, as mders W retur3ing7 they'are both ^L^ard Tate Johnnv Lvis and gie ^a^lifid are, Charley RoyaKy chafiged to J, 200 yds. Topping the able rep'acenicnt for as quaner-milersr are co.iceni- . iate - Jounny ^avis ana -i|rf Kf ., 17 4 Haiimark. hmh sn» R i.. ,„;n uL .i a eV K,hv 1 ml bu ir U s ryTr r mrT B gT, mn“K ^^“nmn's tiTe oiSunrota ^ !>»“' *«“- ^-"utrokc m,i will be FM? lack hue,-. t lay ,teartt was considered by thei ex- 4 peris to be the strongest in the vC ■ • , 1 should provide Chough .„ U1C Gharies Clark, a squadmen last 1 for ; lhc Agiges in tne pdle vauA ' Haltom haM'j lakun iheir ahapje- I'diauon. Oniy one inemuer of that ill 5 **'! o' , ^ will pro !ably lie and may nOt for 4he cro mt up such a fight this Bear. missing next spring. To take the place of Hamden, Col. Anderson will have four top tl .CrOwti!. this .hfi Proxy-coath; Gaythor Nowell;jofi notch quarter-milers. They are; theriBryan Go do try Club is ekpedt-. Cohnaliy Ludwick, and Benton 'fer- •ing several) other Aggies, to' give ry, squadmen on last years team, the lettermdh {it rim fot top fligt)(it?_l'wo Quartermilers coming up trom Carrol Hahn and J, D. Hamp ton will be tops in the mile run for the Aggies. Both/Wen letter ed last ytar. Hampton’s special ty is the two-mile run hptne wHl probaoly run both ra^tes nex Our chances fy|c a thuil straight conference track' brown 1< ok excep tionally .good. erage punter. Jim; noswell, an outstanding ) prospect [lor the Aggie back- uelu, will also be vymg tor a starting position. Two'oafcr candidates who will :nt. 10p of uijvihp cojach The burden of the distant event* ) witn tne . Kmanuel Mam^jga, A^ijl nupes at tpe naltoack posts, lornojmap. Assisting Vardaman xpi the is reported to be a better than av-) distances will be J. W. Nix, §teve be able to give tpe othe • more competition thari previous years. Forming Helping, F. W. Sidel, Gilbert Mc- Kepzie, and John Peters who has cieus of the difers will cnanged over from the breaststroke strait, Mac MiOollouf h to tjhe distances. 1 [ Potter arid James T lov e The breaststroke event will find ' Coach Adairiso 1 hopes A&M in better shape than fast to jput/togetner anotner kM aV. am atfd'Spsit.d fftnd nrengttrto tW A1'-' t ye1ay. TTnti yekr the event has been'* ed 4o0 yn. relay team can be Aggie? Otner a ^ V mouid i j qcniiois | • 1 in nu- hill icc ttie 1 0s t ■ (mly streilsth ‘“ cn nUm f ,al wianer8 last lai1 - Flowers who was ineligible last) Last year the - vauitT 1 1)ew M P e 8K®d as the possible season. Flowers in his iirst year one dud meet wl|,ch wa| ^he|r ^nly successor to plan Hollmig in the J at A&M brock the Southwest Cob-' H'fts in the last punting department while Slaul- ference Breasrstroke recora for the year the A&ivL team'ejjpiitsl to |nd ' spccialistjL. • ' Geiti :h wa:i ihe r only ommy Comstpek of Houston and two .ye iirp. ' 'his ] Sargent; of Fort Worth; 1 Geijie Summers who has been going il'exas, Dallas /..Q., Nor hv espern on the:squi ,r !k- c. • R1 • • ' 1 Stefi — Buy it CIGARSTAND last year’s Freshman team Who can run the distance in less than .1., , 50 seconds are, Don Mitchell and 5 ' 1 ^ J; In addition to Haiirptbn other spring. • RADIOS Schotil & Office Supplies j; l - ■ . ALL YOUR NEEDS HASWELL’S Cecil Inglehart These- 410 men will work with lettermen Ray Holbrook, Eryin Bilderback and Don Cardon. Both Biiderback and Holbrook have R. C. ECHOLS Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy / !. Bryan 1 Phone Z-ti454 , For Your S]>orting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS ,!* -<?■' y* /* 803 S. Main Ph. 2-2832 Bryan TIT 5 0 DWA'Vj' CLEANERS Special Rates on Gash & Carry f-’p ■' \ ; [ j: !-.r* T*“ j TWO DAY SERVICE : Satisfi fn Guaranteed )AWAY AND COLLEGE ROAD .1 ' -T l ’ D - r -i j k, • 1)' i 7 .it ' y ri t: r Kr ii! ' : ,!v r. • • • l . • • : AGGIES |/'-k lf|y one of our .. . , FOUNTAIN DRINKS !. K - ] • • .1. • -fm SQ I s Pharmacy w TH SiPK . r \ »n . . , will be lettermen Jeny pyce Raven. Adding strength tb tjie distance faces will be Jim McMahon, who was a stand olui on the rrpshman team last spring. Lcttermea Bill Cardon will be the only outstanding- high hurdler on the squad while Bill, his broker Don and Robert Hall will give the Aggies three top notch low hurd lers. V~j Hall, who recorded a 22.7 last spring ip the 220 yard lows, will bi? out to break the SWC re cord of 23.0 next spring. Ticket Requests Filled Says Ownby All football ticket applications dated prior to August 14 [have been f.lled and the tickets have been mailed, C. D. Ownby, business manager of athletics, st ited here today. Seats still are availablis to each of the JO games the A| :gies will iwnby said. George Kadera .great Aggie weightman, also will be after a j her 25 will be the first conference record next spring. Ka- sellouts, he believes. P la y, O The game with Texas Tech in | San Antonio September 25' with Baylor in Waco October 23 and) with Texas in Austin 0 1 Novem- o become When Better' ,«■ {'. HAMBURGERS are Made POP SHAW Will Make Them! ,“ip* s / “At it for 32 years” Remember the place . . . back of Leggett Hall WEI (COME AGGIES — BACK TO SCHOOL Ar d a Welcome to the Public in General George B. “Pop” Shaw V. 1. %S! HOe v Come To- JONES BOOT ii SHOE SHOP T i- 1. ' •; ■ M iu£L _4- ,-r 4 J . V J -7' ■! '• •1 •' r .j- ■. ].-• ,1 V :■ . • ' r f. : './ Southside . — ' ii 1 ■ X ti College Station - » 51 ■ y j /■ ,1 tl i, J ■y ti I !/' p 4, 1 it r r 1 «=^H*KS=© -i 7 17 V 7- • r 1. Starting Sept. 15th thro we are giving away a total $40-00 to purchasers of gasoline and 6S . M WELCOME AGGIES 1 i I Y < s =SF>tS=» For a)U your • . • • f AUTO REPAIRS AND SERVIC .||) . . . . visit the new COLLEGE STA MOTOR SER\ Aggies to Have Strong Swi Year; Jimmy Flow.irs, ^ . By LEON SOMER f ' i 7 ■ -TTl j A&M once again is expected to field a strong The AgRies have lost several members of th«i squajd m^et- last season but have several men joining ihe 4 According to Aggie Coach Art Adamson the p much stronger in swimming this year. Amo^ig the top ^hreej tea(mjs expected to battle put rtext year tor the title wut De * ~ ' ~ p A&M, SMu, and Texas. I good in 200 yd. e\e^ts, J6 m en bad i/i7i K rr ..mming season second in the Cdnferen wejre ireshman laat spr ionference is expected to i>e lit nte College i’i of Loufaiana, and kiahloma t|nivCf8iiy. ’ ' Thin year’s conference meet will hi held at either lexas Umveistty ^ aa l ytor ' - • m Coming to A&M this fall will be verai rreshmkn who 'will be wj;l- imed amut.ona. Among these are ms of two Aggie coaches. Ttujso son of Aggie?77 Uoacn Art Aaamson, and 7] Karow, ^on 0/ Aggie a nd Basketball Coach Marty v ' 1 ' ■ 1 Adamson was State hign champ i;u the backstroke test nd was state champ m. the rep styie in '46 anc^’47. He #y»e ear infef jat- sluit- ii for fell Litloh omm ay- pi :ht, lit nth oilal our station. ASK US FOR DETAILS «=S]OQteO \ Owned & Operated By COOLY & A. J. SLOVACK, JU LOCATED 3 DOORS EAST OF 1 .1-; Vi r*# 1 i )49 st ■!- : i •,* an ^ Aaaiiison, son |wim 4 my i ill '« ijjarow. Var :hoo aar / 40 f laceti second in the Billy Karow was the 100 yd. ffec cnanip in high school and placed sefopd in t]o ije ^ble ' f™ 8 strtike.'f.. ‘ . - ' | ■' ^ther freshman swimmer's who exported RMS yeas include tyleis 'B.iiy Hale and John Cbp “ >f College Station, and of Houston; breascstrolterii Comstjpek of Houston and 1 [Vers Edul Shatier ot JjUg ^ iring.i George Kooiice of Iowa ty, and Gib Matchlock of - ipan f r r| I .! 'J s V y ( - ■V 7 V. uy 7 r* ■ y i'l 4 j »v / 7: •