Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1948)
Wl r m M: _ The " sical fall r’ shirt, aiiliuo; gym partmenl ucation i h \x 'T' •I •/ tlie cool • t Any pi answer U white if baskei :::i .• must — «d f ■ the campus I to the reqi f ‘ "TfjWw remaitu • iwiris may he: Jpurchaised Exchange St4: of white# khttki shoi r, oasKeiDau J< aocKs, and coord '’.E. 1 r cal hi* the . jirst semefc icted ^utrof-dooiRfc sweat-suits foi ■•!. v / r hhrt wil will aq rter, 0 shoi rchaa nge Store order ito contori eijttents. f A ! of! the but may also bt purcpased elsewhere, ! except ton ‘ |- ijester (of Physical jujred 1 of ail sti dents Who tah|' physically |fit 1 participate iri ; j(trpnuqus exierciisie.: Should any sthfeiit kmow that I® is handicapped ij by some physical ; defect and c inhot pajiticipaite, - should repot ii|nihe_oiateiy to d . college hospital for examihatid r -and oonsulta|ioa with! the Coll pnysiaan;. If the college physician that the stiiluetit cannot p pate, hh WilT ” ’ * r ' " recommei First: Thj find rtki followin cased perznah . Education am er course lop-uus! lemurciiueuu J Second : Th art the student be gi pn a modiiiexrppoirant of exerci to meet the redniiremeat. l. Third: Thklt he be given al modi- ' iri a short -period ■ 1 fled until such from injury or extent that h)e ' Educatlorf p The J mester ... e as he may recover IP, • i i r. Football Practice Hel Field in Preparati : r I Ail By DON :&NGELK1NG will be better than th^y were ^ Head Football Coach Harry y ar and that means the Stiteler, with only four assistants will have to be better hlso .. . including the newly appointed tain the position they held last * ' * “•* * Jir/’ tA-tM iinished in a tie for iffth). Thpse were the words of Stiteler in a recent inter- includii trainer Blaine Rideout has been ■t 1 ** i holding / VS ly sinc< tion fi cam iwlr’' wo football practices/dai- September l"in prepara- the start of the 1948 grid , vjew. ^ This means that there Stiteler probably won’t bring the Southwest Conference Football to be replacements (a ones tod) > ■ ■ ■ -! . .. ■* ood ones tbo) for the following Crown b A&M this year or the [etlermen lost from last year’s ngxt, but by 1950 the Aggies Squad, Backs—Jennirtgs Ander illlness to spch in. ajble ofl parli- r .rw lould be one of the leading con' tenders. Bill DuBose and Charlie De- Ware Will be Sti taler's two assis tant varsity coaches. They will both cctech the line with DeWare concentrating on the centers. BaHoiw “Bones” Irvin will be i j«> head coach of freshman football. |,i|j He will be assisted by one of last year's varsity co-captains, Bob [ Gary. < Stiteler, Irvin, DeWare and Gary are sill A&M graduates. on,' John Ballentiqe, Jesse Bur- itt, Ed Dusek, James Hallmark, . itan Hollmig, and Barney Welch; iiemen—iiob Gary, Norton Mig hts, Cotton Howell, Charles verly,, Joe Sacra and Robert ulis. ; To fill these vacancies on the Aggie squad Coach Stiteler has (besides the twenty returning let- termen) five college and junior col lege transfers, eight varsity squad- men and twelve sophomores with freshmen numerals. Practice sessions will be held Although bpth first string ends • fwipp Hliilv until*/»ln<a<MV2 ctnrt Son. urn etnrtn frrtm loaf voora olovnn >*r twice d i. tember Will be aftemo “Eve tily until' classes start Sep- are gone from last year? eleven, 13; after that^sfce sessions eight good wingmen Will be around held once p day in the to handle that position as well or 'J Hetter as it was handled in ’47, Lettermen ends returning arie Hi m xtd Ai, *'»i ' * rg 4< ■k-M ¥ •t—— «•. . — — „ I i: i ing activities. These will include calisthenics .running, mass com- Natives, contests, relays, and self testing activities. >, , •„ A physical fitness test will be given each student at mid-semester and them again before the close dr the semestqr. This test consists of — t h Ithinning, slt-ups, and 300-yard,[ ■ < " O Battalion . jPl O P 0 R TO For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 80.8 S. Male Brvasi Ph. 2 -283:i /r' n •-*— •ir - r * j l if 4! • is- Phone i \ )' it ri e ^ 84 1 r' -1.;- "Tj|shuttle run. ~ Ml Page 4 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1948 4 ! l l TW Thecal EducatAcm program It T - ^ \ i ;S l £Si s S3 DeWare Field House Named In tfand endurance through exercising •j all parts of the hotly. If A program of sports is offered I the student for the three remain- ! ing semesters of required Physical t Education. i . ■ . M -• I J 4- WEECOME BAcr; Aggies : 1 . iL For the Best \ . r A. & |M! ■ l j HOME COOKED MEALS • • • • GRILL North Gate Honor of Famous Aggie in ’24 -A By BILL POTTS jP j , DeWare Field -House, the building that houses the bas ketball dburt and seats for spectators attending the games, was iiiamed for a famous Aggie athlete of many years ago. C. A. DeWare, for whom it was named, played football for -A&M in '07, '08, and '09. He was* captain off the football team in '08, 1 and in '09, made the All-South- ’ V f V % . I V • - western! /Conference team as an end. Htffalso played baseball for A&M aj^dVwras captain of theiteam in '09. J C. A. DeWare, Jr., his son is now a member of the Aggie ^.coaching staff and also gained fame as a football star in 1930 when he made the All-South- western Conference team as cen ter on.the A&M team. ' The . main function of the field house is to house the spectators for.bascktbaU games but it has many other varied uses. Tennis, volley ball, boxing and wrestling matches, and handball are some of the other, sports that can be ac comodated/.‘within its spacious walls. Also included are lecture rooms, lockers, examination rooms, show er baths, tumbling rooms, training irodojs. for boxers and wrentiers, and offices for the Physical Edu cation-Den^tment. It also contains Its own-heating plant. The aeaiiqg capacity of De- Ware Field House is approxi mately thirty-five hundred, half _ of the seats b-ing placed on eith- ' er side of the basketball conrt. ! It was originally intended that ) there ^ be an upper deck of seats ,(On icach side of .the court but their construction was never au- thorized. ' With the present enrollment at t&M so high, nothing has been eeded worse than that second tier. ie field house will now seat a little over one thirti of the student body. •. ■ ' <i~ DeWare Field House was fin- .~L -m** :/H 4/. !,. me Awaits You... IJES--- .p nt; tNear ■Ir' .1 j . % HAMBURGERS - s tm '» I,BEaSS luJas: '■ ■■ ' ■ ■/! t . S^ryice— .5 Coi-try aub’* '■ • 1 ■ -■ ! ished in 1924 at a cost of approxi mately $140,000,. It was originally called Memorial Gymnasium but in 1939, its name was changed to DeWare Field House to honor De- Ware, one of the first football greats at A&M. tv The first basketball game played on the new hardwood court after it was finished was. appropriately enough, >'between A&M and Texas University. The Aggies did an excellent job of dedicating their new gymnasium that memorable day; they shellack ed the Longhorns to the tune of 21 to 14. 1" Gary Added To Ag Coaching Staff Robert “Bob” Gary, a four-year letterman center and co-captain last year, has been added to the T«x»s A&M r*]l«>ep athlotic staff as an assistant coach of the fresh man team. .. / - R. C»nnicha<*l. athletic director, made the announcement today. Gary graduated from Forest Avenue in Dallas and lettered at Texas A&M in 1943-44-46-47. He played oti the Marine Camp Le- jeune team in 1945. Gary and Halfback Barney Welch, now director! of intramurtl athletics at Texas, A&M, were co captains-last season. + WELCOME BACK AGGIES r ; > ' u / A SEE US ; 'I ;r FOR ALL OF YOUR jewelry needs AND REPAIRS j ti CaWwcIl leweks ^ Biyau f J. ; j, \i XL •> :? exas i L ■I I n > V ■M:,! /• ’» S' )Jl. << - y team in the Conference W1 Vr<* one. They will receive Others who will ad|d dep end -positions are: George Dick Callender and returning squadmen returning squadmen and h rbhm t prdbablV get tne hod for the start- Barton and Gednc Oopelt n l fro. n i ng benhs. last year’s freshman teani. -Jauu gas, t posts, MXinMi last year is expected to tale jovfr ye ■■ Only two lettermen—Jainls Win kler and Marion Setegas, un r :- turning at the tackle postp, bijt s)n ex-squadman who 1 ex-squadman who was lJin|e|i|ilHe last year is expected to I one of Ihe starting | berths. one oi Ane siartmg iDer 210 lb. Jimmie Flowers Flowers together w-ijth conference tackle Jim V\ i should giye the Aggies the top pairs of t tcklei conference. Settegast and Mil on Boi^ t, other; returning squadman be the two top tack e ref Adding strength to -m e slots will ble: Dwaynn Tuc o ry Holditch and Fircy B tie Rader i, Hodke r, eiVefe /l ■; r / ■ a i- 1 ou d fre numeral winner. iThelAbiM fo tifkd at both guard slots with fo ir capable lettermen return- in Herbert Turley,, with three l, Odeliff St ' leflters, |l If Dupi - si mid ituk w th Uvo and Max <\*niruT and Cflvin Dupree with one apiece make the Farmers solid ini the forward/wall. h|tauifeiibcrge^;and Greiner wilt etja and ..Ralston Chapin ti winner. " {(I again be well inly two letwrraaq will be ro lling at the quarterback slot to puie .he dulled of the man-under * Coach Siitelers T. , y Junm-e Cushion, a letterman (Sec FOOTBALL, Page 5)1 .J : i I illl iiera Stautzenbcrger ,i depth to the guard ptisi- .. J three sophomore with fdeshmen humerhis. The; an : Ca -1 ^lolberg, Donald SI tetj and Micnael spencer. Herliert ttilis is the only let-^ uirmat returning at the ^center ’ slit. A lot will depend on w tether Ellis can hold oown the ci ntem job with the aupport df K ibert Dales and Hugh Meyer, leye: and Bates-won Freshmen .U.,,.-'* s last Ml. -r ■■ r !•'■ P m\ si, a "'i' SIDNEY L. LOVELESS, ’88 ■>’: T>:-r. ■ !;! ■ # WELCOME ~ BACK Ijl. R ||Hi -r BJ:, \ SCHOOL /p Sir/ ) M. »L “RIP" ERSK1NE m Hi , '■■ li* u I;, *T 1 •X I! uMh A . ■viri | LVPi.E| j ’43 Ml ImfM* «| A. DUANE NIXON. ’49 •I I 11 Li SIDNEY L. LOVELESS, *38, Mai COLLEGE STATION AGENCY •v H. E. Burgess, ’29 . ^ 'i r, i > j | • t » H. R. Hooker, ’35 M. M. (Rip) Erskine 50CIATES ts T -Lb H ..iv" - • i 1; FLOP COLSON—General -■V! WP ; | • ( . j ’ :.■’" American General Life Insuiahc iK-- Houston, Texas ‘lifelnturance A fublic IlUt JDUNN Y tiy ' • i Weldon L. Maples Johnny Longley Alvis Duane N|xoq, ’49, ({ionunferviUe] 1 ' !. . K- 1 \L ... - 11 i-..' / 4h: .'AA ■ '■(: A i 1 i* ’ -A n % "} : ' 4 / p- : •J i ft ‘‘i. '*'•' l L I I .1 \ ■r- : ■ • - 4 -vi », - ill ■ , I ■• A- A y : 1- V t