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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1948)
I i I l I I !". -;i.r ■ i/ r. • :L I M • ; 1 1 i■' ■ ■ * .11 j^, I. : mn i' '•f ;$ 1 m ' - I'BV-I 4Page 2 j •.> ii M -1 Lawifence i. I . V*’ f tr 4 * w I . T • 7 'd . _ j. . .1: —B attal i o n ITORIALS ’ j I; •. ' "J FRIDAY, JUjLY 30,1948 mUMM $oldtei,.$tateiman J & nightly Gentleman',’; Sullivan Robs. Founder of Aggie Traditions What ■ j value b o rom Station kn<ji Bryan hayej .sacrificed their huraaiHe$< urtes t( o cheaply. ' \ eliberi tely or through a negligent urvey oi the rial, they have placed a mein value on the ives of their Citizenry ; ambled and they have lost, v k No codmunity can afford to gamble wi|h the ^ es of th ur people without just ■J. . • m /J. *A VICIOUS CHARACTfR* u i- III I [jd ; onstitutes An Emergency? emcl^cifficuit to measure the these accidents have beenji available for a uman 1 fe, but occasionally it long time. They> have not been provided, —sary. The jcities of College This negligence is inexcusable. On December 1J7, 1947 the Battalion made a careful survey of the potential dangers at each of the railroad crossings in our communities. Specific recommenda tions were made to remedy and partially correct the dangers. • Copies of this survey Were sent to the mayors of College Station and Bryan, to . .. , , r . „ , . the Bryan newspapers, mid to the rail- jurea a|T«rfroad4W^» « Byan an4 rmd . complinie8 in y 0 i ved .| The recommen- College Stajtion wit nn the last year. Each , r : ^r. r - f . i4i„„ >u^ n save ^ > dations were circled with a red pencil. A . j* - T,TT ; of these r ; The iater could h|ve ved should have been si '•nf Trampling Out.the Vintage easy. A a cupii V : 1; 1 4 " i? f -J-W red pencil was not effective—they should V Safety devices capable of preventing have been circled with blbod. * r 1 ' i : I f li Evidjenll ly some people think • mpre| of their, grassf than t ley do of thelir neij bo^s. -iiji ^ \ , The W^ter sup; >ly;bf! Bryan and lege Static h is cr tically loiv. Losses of stored waller duriiig daylight hours!are ;e And. You . . , ■ ' ‘ '• I . . . ,!•. ...i. i will become fprty-eight! houfs [unless spbnds ago, ancji 4 simple fered for Ithe .con ' • ' TL »■ T supply. That pl^in untary ehi nination lawns. Had home r > | * —« .. tips initial reqifes • \ ' M ' !■ \l ' By CARROLL TRAIL In Wednesday’s column IV pub lished a letter trom J. B. asking iif there was a Dormitory' 13. I check ed with all the authorities on the subject and none gave me an af firmative answer, i , I However, after quite a- bit of re search, I found that the Dorm just south of the Main Post Of fice is 13. The college athletes were formerly housed in this dorm, but after winnihg only one ping pong game in a)l athletic ‘events in 8 years, the authorities thought it best to move the boys elsewherp. When the athletes left, the dorm lay idle for twd years before the administration thought it wise to use the unlucky number again. A new president had been establish ed over the school, and he scoffed at superstition. One of his first acts was to dg- mand the addition of a new course in the mechanical engineering cur riculum. This course, called “ther modynamics,’’ held its first semes ter of classes in 13. After of the students failed, the classes were held elsewhere. But even to day one can still feel the effect the dorm had on the course. Again the dorm was idle. And Jit -j? i.j.u.j,:.... . r -v . -i" —i - — - 'Khas remained-idle most of the timje. or e: tqcss > watering 01 that they are watered with our neighbors -•J'wiggins used it hack in '38 for owners responded to drinking water. Lets thirik about them for his camnai,rn h, ‘ arfn ’ ,:irtprs ^ Amplification Department f' 'A Answer; Well a man in the the yo Limited Linguist WMmworthy Pe f By FRANK, GUSHING 1 - lady’s It is to be hdped that the recent actions of a lost traveler will not be a catching fad. The said tourist, a Mexican, had no knowl- * ‘edge of the English language and even less ' knowledge of- which bus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was the one that would carry him to Dallas. Evic|entally running ori the assumption that all roads lead to his goal he placidly - • climbed aboard a Springfield, Missourii-' bound bus. Some time later he learned of his mistake when the bus arrived at its, not his, "destination. Now instead of showing the type of per- serverance desired in the old adage of “Try try again,” the lost one wandered off from the bus depot and purchased from a tobacco shop one package of cigarettes and a shiny pocket knife. He received his money’s worth from the latter t After smoking one cigarette the dis couraged individual proceeded to thoroughly stab himself seven times. Certainly this type of action leaves much to be desired. What a chaotic effect it would have upon our country if all travelers that found themselves slightly lost- rushed to buy smokes and knives. The old timeYs that constantly insrstthat the younger generation is made up of milk sta? :haract|’ th of Lots Of L; era nee j ■■ i . i • • l i 1 i si ooting, it was found that . ] erhaps smelling halts will ta. 1 dardrequipmenjt for future ict ^s. r- 1 i ■ l K* prospec ivfe fa.thei-in-l4w had requested that the poll e forbid wooing )fjhis, tl Howtevsr the The woe T one mm ’oung love is not always is tfie sorrowful belief of itotf in Mississippi, His le lover from pursuing the requestor’s, daughter, 3 /hole situation ended well, died off the police by in- cess P9*- water scarce within twenty-four to the public, re- ediateljr to the pleas of City Walker. ; Manager This shortage v^as predicted two weeks Bryan and College Station must exercise tained the necessary margin of; safety in our water supply. J They ttid not rejspond. 1 Steps, have been taken by the,_city offi cials to remedy this trouble. One new well has already been sunk and will oe tied intb supply lines aS soon as it is possible. The machinery is already on the site for the drilling of a second new well. Togeth er these two new wells will restore our water supply balance. Unfortunately these new sources of wafer can not be of aid for another two week s. • In the interim the home owners of you must be quite to develop such an interest king’s English. Too many of uh4 people today ace learn ing to do; something. Instead, they should Mow your example and^ SO ps and weaklings will find good confi tion.for thek opinion in a young hold-u* cabulary and be able to express specialist in. Chicago. s oneseli [correctly! Ah, yes, M. L., He attempted to rob a hamburger em- L c ® n #.. S i? e i; t f^ at you wil1 lead a rich t porium in that city recently and was foiled by the woman-owner of the shop. She fifed one shot and the youth sank to the pavement. His true valor was revealed when a sum moned ambulance arrived. Instead of the young man being mortally wounded from the J e l mi forming t lem tbit she was of legal age, as was herjlx loved. She further stated that papa was old-flshioried. The up-to-date daughter hafppenld to be seventy-one and the boy fr lend sem-nty-three. W 1 i ' 1 : Any ! Aggie wto has seen the “Tilt” sign defeat iii hopeJ of winning a free game should jpry f the : lisplaced luck of a man in Santa I aijfbara, C alifornia. Desirinjf a cal e of ice, the hero of this narrati e deposit d two dimes in the proper slot of i v endor-r lachine and awaited his re* turn. It cime an l of a greater return than ; expectef, [ j osifor moved hastily to dealers pulled their hair, of ice skidded out to- rest* - f. VVjhen the deluge finally r selector a likely j and left. His winnings, Our board of language «x- didn’t know them, and I effective plan Was of- more judgment in iervJion the water must chcck thcir depen the use of water. The}* mpulses to water their ,1, th ' 1 l awns daily. We ajdmire green lawns and ” verdant shrubs-out not when we know made xirc>4tamt>rp .. . .\J ; I . _ ■ « _ . could have main- awhile and save the water. ‘:v. I Don’t Discuss;’ Says Henry li;. The Battalion, does, not as a rule fol low a policy of f ’epijmting other news paper’s editorials; but the Atlanta Consti tution in weir Jhl ’ 24th issiffe ran an edi torial whitlt we b ilieve deserves publish ing here, jit concerns a recent press con ference h(pl by Henry Wallace. “The Americi n press came djff very well in ills conference with'Henjfy Wal lace. He began it bi' being very (critical of the piss for ijot bejing objective and ! speakingjfrankly on cui(rent is- ^lureupon a reporter, limited to one ques ion as v ere the others^ limit, not imposed by either the Republican or Democmic com entjjon leaders—asked Henry Wallace if he had, indeed, writ* for nol sues. “ ten the Guru letters, These letters, pub lished Westbr K>kj Pegler in The Con- 'stitution and otl er newspapers and by Newsweek Maga sine* reveal a fuzzy de votion to an eso eric ' % J& ] _ ., Knjpy: your-Jleat eating under this simple guarantee. ... r Coox jand ser/e any cut or kind of Eastern cult and its leader and 'Presuinably, from Wallace’!; pen. (i ijdpn’t discuss Westbrook Pegler/' f i Ti : . It rj : |X .j Eat’jitjall ip .( %ge juicmeES iind flavor, [* j j ■ Tk City: of I Fttfey • tidioni Th tredite .t said Wallace, in a strangely evasive manner. ' V ’ ' “Pegler got up. “ T am Westbrook Pegler and Pd like to know.’ j j . “Henry had the grace to flush, but he said, AI don’ll discuss anything with Westbrook Pegler.’ “Up then got famed Henry Hencken, of Baltimore, wbo forced Henry to ad mit he was not a stooge of anyone. Still Henry was unobjective and evasive. “Up got other reporters, who had supported Wallace, and urged him to answer. ' “But Henry was neither objective nor forthright. He wouldn’t answer. “Also Wallace and his platform got right along with Communism. Much of the Wallace platform contains identical wordage from Daily Worker comments oi^ the arrests o^ Communists. “The Wallace platform . .. presents "Russia as a shy friend, waiting to be loved by this country. It is a platform more hyprocritiCal, eve|n, than those of the two major parties.” his campaign headquarters. Bje- sult: a resounding defeat. Yantfs used it as his home headquarters when he mapped out his world tour in o9. Result:.shipwreck and near-starvation. Now J. (}. Penfe- ton is qsing it to keep his mers hall help in. Result: well, ti-ho iljm I to judge? ★ ’ I Dear Sir: My vocabulary is limited, tbo limited. Can you tell me the meaning jof the words listed below? I want to get the jump on, my English pro fessor. He doesn’t know them eitih- j er. Here are the words: slockste'r, felth, sloomy, misgo, misproud. j Thanks a million. M. L. ( and full life. As tor ;[«*tir words, I must admit that I had a hard time finding them, perts didn’t want to embarass Dr. T. F. Mayo asking him. So, I had to look them up in the Library. | “Slockster” is the term used to describe one who steals servants out froth, under the unsuspecting noses of his best friends: In these days wHqh servant help is so haM to get and servant stealing'has gtown Wfth leaps and bounds, onb is a social disgrace if hc v caiinot use “slockster” fluently. “Felth” denotes the ability of the fingers to enable the brain to recognize objects through touch. I can see/that trom this choice, M. L., you igre a practical man. Ap parently you are preparing for tne day when you will become old, and your eygs fail you. Then, if some one were to« ask you why you can distinguish objects with your fin- . gers, \ yOV can say, with a sly twinkle In your eye, “Felth.” “Slooniiy” is certainly a good word to have at ones command. How else can one combine dullness, laziness*; heaviness, and sleepiness all in ohe word? “Sloofny” does just; that;. . , ] “Misgjp” means hrrive at the wrong an( i “misproud” means proud fat the wrong reason. M. L., I am proud of you for your initiative. Actually, I am a little surprised that you ha.en’t been able to use these words be fore now. It is my opinion that', one is verbally tied if he does not have vital words at his command. Loot knowl but thejf tja Whi e ] the cover a id the thirty tw<| ca! upon th b iiavemei subside l the pi louKing ice enu: like 80 pf ny otl ht thoi the A bjig brought observaltidn liki The Democratic the pn g| that ’t nelter away.L |: unknown origin was the/other day. The e lopg iskirts “New ibitlon era. It is cor le joints still e^ist in found quitje aS easily. )mmon n both 1. Adoption of price controls and ration ing to curb “Republican inflation.” 2. Repeal of the Taft-Hartley Labor Act and a boost in the minimum wage from 40 cents to 75 cents. ; ’! j' i 3. Continuation of a vigorous interna tional policy with an international police force for the United Nations and all-out fin ancial support for the Marshall Plan. 4. Action against Communism; the main- tainance of strong army, navy, and air force and international control of atom bomb. 5. Recognition of Israel as a nation and revision of the arms embargo to permit shipment *of war materials’to that* nation. 6. Freedom of the press. ^ 7. Federal aid to education. 8. Enactment of housing legislation pro viding for slum clearance and low-rent hous ing projects. ' 9. (di tihuatil and ref ea l o .10. strict qnfarceme; E; ipansioj elude hpa 12. erans. 13. 51 forts tej balance thfejs idget and cut dom, a]b ment < 17. fth. Pi otlectidi tform thi and disapili farm price supportf al oleo tiw.. for! “.small-business” and t bfKanti-monopoly law^. * of social security to in- )ntinu ion i()f in«uron' ,< v • i; r |eral aid to vet- taxes \ 'b in possible. J 14. Prograjn 15. 21 tUm 4 P , Ij ' At celeratlop oi Federal Reclamation Further owned* pqwer sy terns. Federal i ction to insure racia shmerlt of the poll tax and eh act anti able activities a volved. The Republican Too Hot for Him Here ... i antis Journeys to Capitol To Cover Special Congress you e the mtl idemess, Safewajr meat th t . . juuge uic cciuuoxueas, *; .nuguai lutt, (icxu ’orl.f ' V with two arrows), Norman, don’t Jikel it-J-for ally reason 7th Base Post Offe, APO 50?, to Hq 25th Headquarters Special Troops Eighth Army ' PO 34$r ' ' . ,.. . , 0 . So much of Par 6, SO 172, this Hq, dtd de ^ r t tu r e iv^ not exactly 88 2 August 1947, pertaining to Pvt Shot reported thefn ‘ By IVAN YANTIS O’Daniel Apartments, Wushihg- ton, D. C. (By Carrier Pigeon}— Perhaps my readers will wonder why I left College Station so hur riedly and came Up here. Well, Saturday afternoon, the managing editor called me in his otficc And said, “Yantis, we need some <bnc to cover the special session I of Congress. Since you are our best reporter, I am sending you. It will be a tough assignment, but I krjow you can do it. Good luck.” (Editor's, note: Yantis is | in Washington covering the special session of Congress, but the Cir cumstances concerning his hurried he RA17200934, - 141 ... , vvbatsoevdr—We Will give all yout money Inf Div, APO 25, is revoked.—U. S. Army ~ ~ ’ without return of thi'meat! Special Order dated August 5, 1947. 'Up#*;, ik tie ■-IvL. •i Franeisco News. Thank God. J !— all. J Claa m 20?, C -~r soeiated it5Pv no ! m- Bjcond-clati tfico at College Static he BattaliQti Mechanl :al College ofTexas arid the edriesday arid Fri3 ihonej>(4-5^4)' or at the edit© _ by telephone (4-5324) op: IS it) entitled fefwiie credi piblcatkm l itvl .. a> ■ —•y'.'-Hr.. After not finding a room to sleep in, and losing his money. Yantis was picked up on a vagrancy charge. By exerting PicSoure in tne right places, tne Batt was able to spring him. For his health, the staff decided! to send him to Washington until things cooled off here.) editorial office, Room 201, at ifye Student Activities ’ to the use for republilcution oif all news dispatches ndlocal news of spontaneous origin publrlh- ifcjr j-Ct P«t r..«nu under In t^je paper and local news o 1 other matter herein are also T- » i 1 . ''I I Billy Ciuyi Jt ^ Member ot jc Associated Press . . . .. reserved. r. Lii Upon my arrival L was met! by my old chum Senator O’Daniel, a.t whose house I am now residing. I haven’t seen the Senator for sev eral years, and our meriting fras quite touching. I drop ilea in on the President just before he gave his message to Congress. I tried to get him to change his civil rights program to iny civil wrongs bill. If he would' J i /, FREAK BIRTH REPORTED / IN TURKEY - IP listen to me, he could get the backing of the South and consoli date his party. Trunin’s message to Congress Tuesday was received rather cold ly Renublicans put cotton in their ears, and sat silently, Democrats cheered madly, and Dixiecrats cheered Until the President men tioned his civil rights program. Then they became silent and Rep resentative John Rankin jumped up and jrriad from the Constitution until someone told hini the fili buster wouldn’t start until lateri I saw, Lyndon Johnson at the session. Instead of being at his regular seat, Johnson hovered over the group in his helicopter. When the President finished his speech, be was congratulated by many of the lawmakers, while others <:0}Hpletely ignored him. As for . me, I Tried to talk to Margaret but she s^iid that t wasn’t her.typo and shei had no desire to make my acquaintance. ^ In spite of Truman’s attitude toward hiy civil wrongs, I was de termined to push it through. I button-holed one distinguished- looking, gentleman, gave him a ci gar, arid.; tried to get him to put 1. Continuation of a bi-partisian foreign policy. ; 2. Encouragement of unity in Western Europe. ■ 3. A firm belief in the princiole of “col lective security against aggression.” 4. Continued support of the United Na tions. i '• j ' i’ : ' 5. Recognition of Israel as a member of the “family of nations.” 6v Continued friendship with the Chinese. 7. “Diligent pursual of our aims for uni versal limitation and control of arms.” 8. Elimination of “secret” foreign pacts. 9. Encouragement of the reciprocal trade policy. ! 10. Reduction of government control of businei s, tion in 11 agains 12. ment’s iog* curity minatibnl to matteife 13. crime 14. to exi Comimi development lyniching law. Ekpbsitic i of Communistic treaso id prosecution of those in- orm !... ■ , ai)id gi eater emphasis on competi- pi ivate e iterprise. ]• otlectioi of workers and employers ^oejrcior ^andi exploitation. ecognit on (jtf the! federal govern- r|sponsjH ility in the issues oi hous- cqnilervatio l, pujbiic health, old age se- apd sim lar pleasures, but a deter- lea' e filial legislation on' the$e to t le individual f^atesj j • > 3na|ctme it of laws prohibiting the lynchi g. | i I ia :tme ,t of such laws as necesst ^he ‘treasonable” activities jsts am to defeat their objectives/ |bc(litioi of tlihe poll tax. The Progressive 1. Peate with Russip. , 2. Repeal of the draft law. r 3. Destruction of all of America’s atom bombs. 4. Government ownership of large seg ments of industry—and “full equality” for Negroes, Jewish people and all minority SneaK Previews • ; v4.- - -V:'' ’ — v)' 1 !;.. -iW Ameri :ai is. 5. Support eventi al® 7. fight augurs H hlgK my prbgra Seriate. |He th cigar, but m before thanked me for -r ^ -T.- ’j. •. • - - V:/ ' - Hr j;- • ji\_. I- * -r .• ’ ’ j • • ‘Naked City’ Recommende 1 As Pest Bellinger Productib . :■ .!• ' J: Kditor , ^ J»W i VBt*** Reporters m % -*-4- i mr Htrriy niutionully by National Ad- Ipc.. at New York City, Aniralw. and San Francisco. Co-Editors J H clan. Bob ISTABUL Turkish doc tors are intrigued by a freak birth, according to Istabul press reports. -^"..Sports Editor — Writers iwa ^fcJBaPhotozrsphei ^rmpondents These reports say a 25-year old woman recently gave birth to ‘a male baby whtch has two heads, four, arins and throe legs. Jiving and urider close exafmination •t the City Hctepital at Eskirihehir, a large dty between here and An* kata, the reports added. One doc tor described. the case .as an'ex treme rarity. 1 a tight;:: he was the sergeant»at arms. I snatched back my cigar and decided that maybe I was in the wrong.; What this country needs Is not: a states’ rights program, but a . county rights bill. Then if Con gress Continues to kick the Brasds River tidelands question around, the County could just secede. Ima gine—The Brazos County Repub lic! At any ijate, I am behind the Presidents minimum wage of 75 cents per hour. I’m tired of chop ping cotton for 40 cents. And I wouldrift be a bit surprised if the t pass Congress. From , most congressmen am r the day 'when tbfcy ted and will have to for a living. I - By BILLY SHIPP “THE NAKED CITY” (U-I), starring Barry Fitzgerald, Howard puff, and Dorothy Hart. A Mark HclUnger Production. Palace Thea ter in Bryan. I The Palace Theater is currently’ offering the late Mark Helliriger’s , last production before Iris sudden squad i ,L'dL ,-,-J pictures, Hellinger puts hts best efforts into “THE NAKED CITY” Filmed ift New York City in on- the-spot locations, it .is the same type as “BOOMERANG” arid “THE HOUSE ON 92nd STREET.” This is XW hard-hitting drama ef just oi-e of thp many stories that arise from that teeming city of miHidnsrThe story’“deals with the efforts of the New Toi lice In trying to solve th of a beautiful ; model and hejr Con nection with a : scries of jfwfF job beries. Barry Fitzgerald is Ijis mSmi 'Has c ■■ I |KmRR Mi I squad. Newcomer Howi rdl Diff, radio’s Sam Spade, docs vjejl as his side, kick, i Detective Mlomn. Texas’ Dorothy HuH is beiritiful as the girl friend of dr e if the suspect*. This is her first staning role and your reviewer bplieves i uiider ui ual excellent self las crafty linl qun- n of the holnicide she has quite a future iu stdre for her. i The movie is well put tcilsether and haa an Excellent p oti Ifia filled v4th thfillt arid , “ It shows how ‘a' big c toi-ce’Operates with its Li; 1 1 thej: United Nations .as the edeiil world government;” 6. ^rtotectioif of t]he constitutional rights of Coifmjluiliists |p freedom of speech. ion of federal controls ito t of living. tform J •i / .. ; i ■. ficeni and the latent scicntijlic .uipmjcnt The show is fast paced nd moves toward u thrilling eli- " ! : 'S ■ ' lax. ii movie , entertainment .•kffi' cm-T ‘“*T • •- . . Matty Volunteers May Halt Drive WASHINGTON. July 30 The Army cheerfully said todi that if enough men continue volundcer mpybe you won’t draftod after all. Lt. Gen. Willard S. Paul, chic of army personnel, hold hope to drift-age wen In porting that 18,085 swopj civvies for GI duds during first two wefekslof July. Thi ; more titan ; half tl monthly average the army it will need boost ‘ to 790,1 »“ihny har F Vi