Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1948)
llRIWifMHK ! 5 tion Frownei Station in ’98 hive -lown con$iA(tnt ddvaratages in ireight for ag es over, grade Hi re- ord at differ Jitt places in Te::as, j)r. R. D. Ldwis, director; of the Experiment Station, his an- cunced. - . Results hn\e been the same at iufkin, Sonora and on th^ King bald, iut thie- test obtained it Lulkin M^ith a half b ood Brahman H< re- "rrd cow and; i Hereford tjull Next “St results Uiere obtained v ith Jereford cot rs| and half^blbod trahman-Heirdford bulls. ' The Experii lint Station recom mends the Crossing of weU-bted Hereford^ An^is and Shorthrrn bhef cows wiitl Brahman bulls, and then crossing tlhe hybrid f^rmiles tb pure bbed b ;tif bulls a» was djrne itt Lufkin.- . • - • U : -GRA T- (Continuer I - i-i apd joined R iraona , in ,ja tenner That Yoi’vei llold b illad, “Now: »y 5 e ; Goodby,” NDPA — from Pago f) * w?ith anpthei-;flihg at hillbilly a pd: singing,! | "Building On S^nd.” j! : ' k ' Ramona‘ire carved the i vation of til idldlipg of lipecial” S<^ “This makes' the fifth - guy that has passed out from, the heat in those Barrack cla.s'jrboms today.*^ ..-.t 1 ' / his was follow red OStJ ? n. biggeist ej eVening for her “Orange IBlossogn Wild was! the 80 Rural Churchmen Discuss Agriculture in Last Session v : r : T ■ ■ 1 • . ■ Jr r Agriculture w4s thej main topic of conversation at the ■h® Third Annual Rural Church conference which ended today at noon. i r j j " Eighty people from rural areas discussed walys in ^hich they fc could put their communities on a progressive basis'both spiritually, and economically. The; situation in regards to rules: and regulations was caching the stage as A&M students know ii today. However there were a few old institutions and policies that were due for the axe. For instance, fees for a nindj months period amounted to only 140 dollars. Nowadays a veteran counts cokes in order o get by ort half of that in one month. That, the college gave the student hist money’s worth is indi ated in this paragraph under Expenses, “Main tenance includes board ing, lights, room ren , bedsteads;, mattresses, pillows, tgbles, wash- stands, chairs, bucketsj, basins and slop-cans, all of which the College furnishes.” Students were still required to. eat in the mess hall anil we wonder if the chefs hud ydt perfected their unsurpassed nkeat-loaf. If not ,the students of th^ early days definitely missed something! The military departijngnt at the college must have been a group; of extremely considerate men. In a section devoted to explanations: regarding the wearing of the ca det’s uniform, the catalogue states': “For drill during hot veather, the' blue flannel shirt, with belt, is worn instead of the coat.” Exactly how big-hearted can yau get? By 1898, the office >f President was again functioning, and doing <|laim that sRe was called fr the wings by ’ audience for Rendition of t|he then (heerifyg ap epcorr. Hbr The Moek'sngbirjd” as unusual ;t) say the least, hbt .si memory !)ks short |iyed (as ^ Grandpa onjcc tqrn hunijofqus. § thp.ismall sum agbin at tempi t ‘The audielhfcL every | stauijchi sblul in it, watched Grandpa sled" hib mustachej. modesty 'ajnd giay h?it and laupch intp another rornd lof, wit which jp '0ved to luj nothing but a rehashed vjersion of: the p ;e- cefedjng “jokef’ session witjh lm i n- pijovement w|u tioever, j Grandpa tipr i^d . from “hunu r’’ toj commercialism and ,«hmmitted thp biggest blunder *>fSlJh : e evun- ■ ; by offering to theijaudiei ce book of sqngs and‘piefuregb oi of r.0c. . I . $ f - - , j alright for itself. Thle catalogue and their wive,s were aided in their ^ Insec^amf their | S^onf bSd to the^ll^by idarvs to improve a f r ] cu Eural ef f t on civil i 2atiori ” named I students shall be deposited with methods by members of th^ expen-| the mosquito ag the m0Et danger-I the President.” Is it Possible that meat, station. ^ L, ! jous insect in the world, but said''the cadets were fond of dueling? Dl ' A. Little of the Entomof that most of t . he deaths occurred Or maybe President ‘fSully” shot .1 This didn^t gjo over tWi wftdl, i'aiui. Grandpia, noticing th® si ' i'-ence with- Which his announce ment was grcWed, attempted to IWilLth® shnlw out of the dold- f#iins with hii trademark, “Okl - Hat tier.".. i4s this epfc ballajd fpded smocrthl/ into thkcalts of the dawg Ihjjei s in the Wdiencf. tlie^Aggie Rbnbl ers returned t*> the! stage anjd gave the audieneje -_a i ' - .•I.;. .Offering ‘j D: 'pjggin The iUow “BSubblies In iMy Beer,”..and-“ijhi :!)) nr^i i.l«»v, A.'jjied in the tropics, i Dr. Little stressed the need of cleaning up the' breeding places of all insects and expressed the opin ion that in the near future the a little" eorrmiunity* geTtihgetlTer.” !P ubl ‘ c wiU ^ emand the ^hnmation ,A little on the unuspal side i roac ' 1. —FOURTH— j (Continued from Page). 1) hjis favorite girl, and participate in side was the revelation by dne of tpe boys In Hi/zell Hall that he was going home'to the Rio Grande Valley and take in a bullfight down in Mexjeo along with a picnic, swimming, and fishing trip. In answer to many questions on the control of ants Ljttle stat ed that with the proper applica tion of certain ingredients the ant could be destroyed. ,L jack-rabbits on his of: hours The entrance requi rements at the turn of the century were much the same as those today. A fresh man must either have been a grad uate of an accredited high schpol or else take an examination to de termine his intellectual possibili ties. Thp catalogue includes ques- tibns that were typicil of those found in one of these e {animations and it would seem th it idpas of what comprises an. adequate back ground have changed somewhat Dr. T.i F. Guljjxson, president of , o ne 0 f the questions icquired the Several of the Cowtown .boys j the Luther Theological Seminary, I examinee to spell correctly* eez, ajsserted that they would { try' to splash, all the watercut of Lake Worth sometime ; this Week-end. of Swimming seems to : be “Light From tpe Houst* of Over the Countryside,” at tree spread its broad branches over it, at the foot of which bubbled up a spring of the softest and sweet est water in a little well formed of a barrel, and then stole sparkling away through the grass to a neigh boring brook that bubbled along among the alders and dwarf wil lows.” In another examination for those who considered themselves of sophomore caliber these questions were included: “State the logical predicate of ‘Soft is the strain when zephyr gently blows.”' “What is the Nebular Theory?” fuel, wash-. (Good question.) Name the leading characteristics of the great divisions of mankind.” Give the theory of tides and ex plain the laws of storms.” (Only one law that we know pf: Precipi tation center of the world is lo cated in the County* of Brazos, USA.) Even at that early date the “gypsy” was beginning to come out in the Aggies, Especially close to holidays. The college officials found it necessary to devote sev eral paragraphs in the catalogue under the head of A SPECIAL WARNING IN REGARD TO CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, “No student will be allowed to antici pate the date of the holidays and leave the College at the time when his examinations are pending. The evil consequences !(20 lashes at dawn?) are not confined to the individual student, for his class mates and friends are so disturbed in their minds by the feeling of homesickness that almost invari ably results, as tio be unable to qcquit themselves creditably. “Except in urgent cases, leaves of absence shall not be granted within two weeks of the close of t|ie session nor within two weeks pf the Christmas holidays.” (Chic ken!) The college had begun the prac tice of expelling students who were “guilty of hazing, or of inciting others thereto.)!, In all probability, this was a result of a particularly unruly bunch of freshmen, or may be an unusually viscious group of upperclassmen. At any rate, that clause in the Blue Book that deals with “freshmen discipline” has een a permanent fixture for the £}*£ «n»«tlon jrlth • Uf minimum. Spam 10:00 m.m. of the day befi at Callege. IT: On# from Cwnpi the money. r “*• • . 44- Wl be St, I’auh Minnesota, spoke ^on seez> pleez, neez, neese, poleese,, last 50 years and will, most likely J '°d j looz, brooz, and eck:;qooz| The Icontinue for several ice ages. (The t* 1 ® ; freshman also had to tiike a “how- [interpretation of the regulation Y'W t IV sehjsed the ijiij e|i(iiiig tojich aiju] erf : ,i ■ the most popular activities sche-1 jng. diiled for Aggies’ Fourth" of July j antics'.' ' . ! ‘ : M Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Garrett plan i •! to go to Hearne to visit her Moth- 1 er and cat a watermelon with her.: Thej^ also plan to go fishing and. | swimming. Mrs. Garrett is .employ ed here at College Station ijl the office of the Veteran’s Adminis tration', and her husband is a vet eran student. We also have another honi'l-li one ot j opening session Wednesday morn- IV- "I don’t know hoSv the coun try church can really help its people if it does not, take hold of their needs and troubles at their lowest edge, the edge of sin and guilt,” Dr. Guljixson said. Other speakers before; the con vention Wednesday were Jim Ros- , horticulturist; Ii)r. Little, now-brown-cow” test that went | something like this, “A great elm jjwill continue to change from time to time however.) f ; . Ho ‘ ' Dr. Nelson Predicts Truman’s Nomination and Defeat in ’48 Red*” jthe' Rapiljler’s failed 1 to rob- „ . _ _ . liz£ What thin’ Were pu4tiKmi<ng. i'el of the college faculty. Nlnety- Atitjhe coneluhii nj of the disf loin i- j nine and forty-four one) hundredths ber iGrandpa ; it d| Rym6i}.a| ret.tfr i- \ percent of them plan tf> stay home.| ed ; to 1 the stiipel and wh<k Ri- with the family this Week-end: fmonb fiddled ‘lScwan.eei' Hive-” Fred Hickman. Captpus Secur- Grandpu desib dbd' to 'Hie ma n Ry Chief, has two bays with floor with a iMrre stack of jiis 5' if ! nhich he plans to IcaVort this books iii his tili-m*; 1 week-end. He has in ' When the du sH cleared; it wMs evident : that!| 'ihie.. audience h^d borough, horticulturist; Dr. Little,; r v w ^ URNDElRSON tt . ow .,„. v I1V1W -,,,,-, Mro. BloHe Trigg 'Johfison and Dr B. Nelson, ; oftlquoted his- ing bunch'of troops in, the person- ^ r - P® cr ®'- ai y; Town lor y p ro f > p a i n t e d ia dark picture - and Country Work for the Amen- for thu Democrats in khe coming can Baptist Home Mission Society. | oresidenti'il election ’ Dr. W. H. Andrew pastor of the : ..‘ This is , a Republican year,” said First Baptist Church; Bryan, pre-: N(>l8<)n .. and top fanhing Demo sided at the Wednesday session. 'mind a cool watermelon and some good rvsti- ful sleep., Over in the Chaplain’s Office n Haft Hall a certain young lai y tSfefc Si i **•=*• " ;il1 ^ *■ m' ;.r«S; snq tlieechoei.o poimd datvgs fa 1- ] U! j. p| aMS f 0( . the Fourtih of Jul;\ ed pn tlhe /hstlanjcf 1 * TFT : VA/WM TODAY a4 SATURDAY The. resistance met in this sjitu i- tion spoiled, the random samp e necessary for an accurate poll. Frank Vitopil, found working n the greenhouse, had .the best! an-1 r'.YV' "‘T swer of them all concerning his ' Air Reserves [To * j i [ • Have SleifL Diliner crats are willing to et Truman ride, the sinking shii> to the hot- tom.” Dr. Nelson observed that Truman, battling an opposition Congress, is in the same boat that Herbert Hoover was in during the last years he was in office. Thu Democratic party was unable to retain control df the Congress, and Truman has .been unable to get any ! legislating aldne to h s approval .105th Composite, Air Re- “Get Acquaint ed” party July 7. at Franklin’s according to Bill Avlm. i The tickets arei^l.75 p®r persbn for a steak dinner, and; may be I When asked about the possibili purchased from qny flight leader: ty of a Democratic victory with or any of the following; Joe Holm- Eisenhower riding tie donkey, green in 9R Projject Houses, Bob | Nelson .replied that even if the Beverly ’Brafle.y's” in ! General did accept a craft, which s | (>1 , 1 since their hold was broken plans for th^dth ' WhenTslcHli ho£ or Kil1 i " Leggett, j is doubtful, he couldp’t [hope to de- Accordmg to Avon the Squadron , ^‘jlr/Ncdson" felt ^ure that either second par ri’ would favor legis ation which Fri. 1:45, 3:50, I Bat. 1;20,; 3 Featur ?s Begjrt 3:501 7:53. 10:0(' IS, 7:10, 9^)5 !,he would spend the w^ek'-end, He'. According to-A yen the squadron I replied “Pretty gbpd”. lie wpiit on | ‘ s holding gmumK school tin Room say that all of his ho^s would' Goodwin Hall, ort thj* second be home for the*4th ahd that ithov a,u fourth ^Tues^itys in^-oach month at 7:.'5U p. ml. Flying is done at Bryan : Air Force Base on the home for t,he 6 4th artd that they I bald a chicken dirtner plannejd to end all chicken; dinners. j : ■ Taking everything into conslidei - FIRST RUN BiRji'AN & GDLLEGiE ation. including evervthing] from watermelons to bullfights, lAggiqs The next flying pjeriod is the and professors should have, a noth week-end of July 3rd and the next mil Fourth of July American way. DALACE • {>►! O M r / - AH 7V Friday—Saturday “B.F.’s Daughter" —With— j BARBARA STANWYCK fiFst and third week-ends of each month. A th® old ground school meeting !is July 13th. ! blom »'-atoMr QUEEN Friday—Saturday Zachary Scott , “RUTHLESS” Kiddies-Kiddies SATURDAY MORNINC t 1 i ... ^ jr. - J L L Y ■i 3 AT 9:30 A. M. . ' ■ ' ' t. ' ’• ! . • , . '' L I ! A BIG SHOW r FOR YOU I • - ’ .; i] r ' ! “YOUNG [i 1 » •If} i •, j - TOM EDISON” ■ , . : ir i Prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served. f A! * 4 would not be in the nterests of the South. Dewey’s election would benefit the nation as 4'hole more, said Nelson. Tinman, faced with a choice of displeasing : Northern minority groups or selling tpe South down the fiver, chose thei la:ter course. A dilemma is apparen ,ly nothing new for Truman’Howe''er. He op posed the formation! of a separate Jewish state in the Holy Land and then, threatened - with the loss of sizeable blocs of Jewish votes in the eastern states, recognized the newly created governn ent before it had had time to request recogni tion. Despite the Missouriin’s frenzi ed attempts to regain (he support of the various rebel)ini; segments of the Democratic part r, the rifts have grown w'ider. )r. Nelson stated that regardless of the shows pf opposition displayed by South- <*rn leaders, the South would prob- fibly go Democratic. That’s one tradition that the Northern Demo- (trats have approved of. Dr. Nelson also pointed but that the best thing that could happen |p the South in the coming elec tion would be the swing to a two- party system. ^ • “We can’t expect anything from either party as long as we vote solidly and steadily for one ticket” said Dr. Nelson. 11 Dr, Nelson seemed to believe that President Truman’s bitter at tacks on the Congress will prove to be a political death rattle. QUEEN Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Wednesdav-Thtjtrsday DIH HAILEY Regards to Broadway ,2Q : . cl; ..TECHNICOLOR ^ ■■ 2 New Assistants Join Library Staff Dwight W. Shannon has been named assistant librarian and Grace Middleton has been named first assistant circulation librar ian, Paul Ballance, Librarian, an nounced today. Shannon, a native of Ohio, re places Paul W. Beck, who has takfen the post of assistant librar ian at the Los Alamos Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Shan non has been engineering librar ian jn charge of the Texas, Engi neers library on the campus since October, 1947. He is a graduate of the University of Dayton, Ohio, and holds a library science degree from the University of Illinois. Miss Middleton replaces Mrs. Carolyn Conrad, who; wjas on the library staff while her husband was attending A&M. Miss Middle- ton received her BA 1 and BS de grees from TSCW and has had experience in the Extension Li brary at the University of Texas. Ag Dean to Visit Latin America C. N. Shepardson, deah of agri culture, is one of 12 deans of U.S. colleges, to be selected for a trip to Honduras and Guatemala in early August; The trip iis being sponsored by the United Fruit Co. of New Or leans, and is for the purpose of studying Latin-Ameticah agricul tural conditions. Dean Shepardson is the only dean selected from Texas to make the trip. It will last two weeks. Darnell Named to Dairy Judge Post A. L. Darnell, professor in the Dairy Husbandry Department has been named a judge iii the Ap proved Jersey Judges of the Amer ican Jersey Cattle Club, i •MRS. CAMPBELL- (Continued from Page 1) tivities were suspended for many years. 1 Long before “Pinky” Downs ev er dreamed that a swimming pool migjht bear his name, college offi- niais were having trouble securing funds for an earlier natatorium. When one of the state legislators asked what the school wanted with a pool, he was told that the cadets needed a place to sWim and bathe in. To this he replied, “But I un derstand that the Brazos River is only six miles away!” The natatorium was eventually built where Mark Francis Hall now stands. Besides the other functions it served, newly arrived bachelor professors were given a dunking there by their colleagues. There has always been much speculation among the students as tq how the State Legislature ever jnanaged to pick Brazos County as such an ideal location for a school. Mrs. Campbell offered both official and unofficial reasons for this ac tion. It seems there were at least three official reasons: 1. At that time Brazos County was the' geo graphical center of population in Texas. 2. Brazos County offered more acreage than any other coun ty in. the state (reasons for this later). 31 One of the few railroads in Texas at that time ran through this area. Theories Advanced However, several other ‘theories’ of a humorous nature have been advanced which seem more logical. On® is that the legislature figured Open Season for Summer Sun \. I . ' • ! with a if boys could be taught to raise crops on the Brazos Uplands, they could raise crops ANYWHERE. S on the Brazos raise crops Another unofficial reason offer ed is the fact that this was an area as far as you could get from any large city, thus eliminating “big-city temptations!” (The legis lature must have thought horse iind buggies were here to stay.) But the rumor that sprung up about a certain poker game must also be given consideration. It seems that a group of Bryan gen tlemen entertained the legislative coipmittee with a friendly little the legislative - totMUylittle game one night and in the course of the evening managed to lose quite heavily |o the visiting law- makers. Whether the Bryan men “ ist intentionally or not is a matter f opinion. What do you think? Is >ssible that the student body &M was sold down the river a poker game back in 1870? !| you’ii have more ■ than your share of fun this summer — if you do your swimming and sunning in one of these new ' Jantzen swim suits. For one thing, Jantzen's Lastex* Contour Control does such an amazing job of be-littling and smoothing down yotui 1 figure.., and Juntzen’s new Dorothy Liehes fashion colors are so exciting! ■ . . : 'll I 1 "I $10.95 — | * ‘ 1 MeKF.NZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS col lege offer i refresher courses in ehort- hand. bookkeeping and associated tub- jeeta. Dial 2-€666. |ryan. Texaa. RANGE, M.M per peraen er : amlljr. All expense* ap to No waiting period*. See POLIO IN8U M.M per S.'i.OOO.QO. Eugene Rnah. acreaa from Poet Office FOR SALE: Royal portable typewriter* from your authorised Royal dealer. L. 8. Adams, 107 West 22nd St.. Bryan, Voas. r 1 '• . FOR SALE—Registered collie pups aired by Morris Holme Magnate, an imported sable! Kenneled by Lone Star Sue. See R. W. Russell. C-17 Hart, or write Box No. 208. Wl ICE. FACULTY , WANTED ' A correspondence course for POST GRADUATION STUDIES Entitled THE GROWTH OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE See Sir James Jeans' book of the same native Interested faculty members see V. M. Fairet. Austin. Hall bills rto FOR SALE-Cl day an|d Btinl _ 1008 South College FOR SALE—8S acre* nine mile* south of pond, trees. le*el 1* 850.00 per acre. TOn year payment Ranch house or West College Pai WANT TO RENT or about July 18th fi W, Graham, Genei Station, or ekl|) 4-5 NOTICE. ’ WAJ A eorrespenito PO(5T CRAipUAjr B | OCR A PI! IKS ENGLlS' Interested! fac See V. M. Fair WANTED;: Consciifd^ 1 handle inusic l)ibrar . to Radio Station W' „ ■ ,L, FOR SALE: 781 lb.! box, godd condition: Apartment No. 14.' \ : '"i r TYPING—-brinr -wir th*m«« *M • to C-13-A. Collet* View Apai menu. after 6:00 1007 East Ilacm ( trtnent Dan Wl ite . Ena mu 3| >04 Coll? WANTED—1948 cash. Cot one Box 1108. College a Ml wES rge Station, Ten *. OFFICIAL NQTICE July 16 Is the deadline for, fill tg apt plicationa for degrees to be ronfe the end of the 194R Summer Sessio i. :deadline applies to both graduate and un. feet dergraduate students.. Those students who* , I Kav* nrt# mlrwtoaiv *4nne» in ■HnuLl vn*Wa» fltnc*. Shave not already done so >hou!d formal application In the Reglstra ■ flee immediately. HEATON. . n I v i B A TTA Li iCLAlSSi; F A D ll GIVi B X T 1 K E S i f.' : 'I — See - ’ BETSY ROSS | .“First” | for! clothes for the “Four h” and on through the sufi • ‘ j . ,• , ChRrming styles and gnat ., values to weqr at beach pi tr- ties, lawri parties, or ar; where you go! . j . •| ,v ; A BETSY ROSS DRESS SHOP East Gate PHONE 4-1252 1 V —L i: SAVE MONEY No Extra Cost Use Son!tone Servlet PERFECTO GLEAM EllS Drive to our ready vour iiai shape for safjjftmpolt thoroughly fi pi i, bi it completely; IS YOUR CAF READY FOR VACATIONING 3^ Station now and let ui roads—put in in tip Jopv i lUmmer driving. We check i ;r. tp bumper . . ... servict ee & co. Phone 2-615£ Get into o|ur |ijghtweight Clothes Comfort . . . for Siiriimpf i • , | ! j 1 1 ' r : x\ Having tli e ri| right tihii is summei. Hi summei play. His: help yo|i Light T Tropica Cotton Cool Co „L tVev ropic Pla; ft . , Ventila^ sd Oifp ‘rYoili i )e |naici , t Lfjk: thing to wear at the way to a comfortable ifything in cool othesjf >r dress and dlifiw suggestions to heat. iight Spits, J lacks, < sh ^traw Hats, Sport Shirts tyesh; Dress Shirts. and Cool Cot Sheer V'eight P and khort SUevds ’lay Sh)r|[s i-nidjiTee'Shirts, iwii Si it^, SunfTer ” J ^ Knee Length ’ -J|U . lie I ri I ■ ' :|l, . JJndefwear, I comfortable •» LlERS - i h k y .