Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1948)
' 'c*; ' . il I L if- INi BRIE U. N. MAY INTERVENE IN BERLIN DEADU CK TTV7 fy ■ ■ LAKE SUCCESS, Jinje 30 « An American'spokesman said terday th^ Unified Suites is |loi l sideling ja request from Uijited " cretary General Trygve action - in t ie! Seci|rity break the Berlin deadf Nations Lie for -1 Council •ii lock. • . Lie whether tion befo The A (the requ p • \ « V' - \.A- IT > i ? ! T 1/ ••1 j! Tfl I" Volume 48 ^ Continued Cooperation Asked . . as reported studling put the Berlin sifUa.; the council, . 4 ierican spokesman 1 laid .t had been referred to the State Department and an fan- sweif wasjjexpected today. | MEXICALI NONCHAllANT; t BECOMES 100th SUICIDE L SAN FRANCISCO, June 3o| W A riiiddle^aged man pjaid his lien cents an<$ walked to the center span of the Golden-Giite bridge. A coiipll of young mferv camel by, 1 “Boys, I’m from Mexiico Ci§y said the nfan. “Will you give rle a ricrjifpftp ^T’ - I J. 1 S cigarette "uhey did and moved on feet later, The mab stood 1 on tl e rail, Jlip4, j c ig are tt,d an( j ju|np-:l ped away. led.-. , And so, down the years. FIRST A TRIES Twfnty they beard a yelli * at 1:18 p.m the Golden Gate bri< ge marked 100th suicidf? in ii^, ll|' L-NEGRO JiURY URIKA C^SE ■4 GEN. WAUR|KA^ Okla., June 30 jW) Jefferson-j'Codnty, Oklahoma-: — across the! Red Siver rom Tipas had its first all-Negrjo jury yesiif Tjterday. -t . The Slate Attorney General’s; Office said it was probably ‘thej first such, trial in the history of Oklahoma.! The ne\v move was Jan indirect! outgrowth of a recer t Supreme Court ruing that upsei a Nemo’s conviction'^ by a staU court | be cause theie were no member! of his race lin the jury bjix. GOVERNOR THURMOlND S IKE MAT RIDS COLOMBIA, S. c!°, June 30; W Theije is J “a f^opd chance” shat General Dwight D. Eisenhekver will be t|ie Democrat c nojm|nee for president, Governor) Thufn|ond predicted yesterday, i He declined to elaborate i|t a news conf|rbnce, but r:peatedf;his .previous assertion tha , Trunrin’s nomination is certain t( insurefde- feat of the party. I! ' ” ' 1 r “UNFAIR LABOR PRjACTIC FILED AGAINST UMW WASHINGTON, Junfe Robert N. Denham, Nat onal [Relations Board geenrd cou [issued an unfair labhr pra •complaint yesterday ai'ainst frict 31 of John L. I^yis^ Un ted Mine Workers of Amer cal Denham charged that' U1IW members obstructed er trances of four West Virginia coa) mines ipnd [refused to let non-uni< n worl ers jcome up'from underground until they signed UMW membership • cards. I 1 ! The incident occurred during Jthe six-week mine shutdow r over fthe miners’ pension dispute in Match. Li U. Si WARSHIPS DinlN’T SHOOT, ATTACHE SAYS CAIRO, iJune 30 <A>>--The Airab i League reported foday he Ameri can naval ;attache had given %is proofs” that a U, S. wa ship coirld not have shelled Arab f osition5| in Palestine ajs Syria conttnds it did The American rebuttal was ,ke- t ported by ; Abdel Rahhan Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of Arab ‘ League. j . . i * i ' s l L ''i 1 . I 'I —Iff !i 17 PUBLISHED IN THE •< — 1 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1948 11 College Station Residents " 7 j I • J ^ j • * j 1 . | # j j; Plan to Continue Cleanup i A committee of College Station residents met last Mon-* dgy night in order to forg;e a tentative plari for the contin- &In6e of the clean-up program inaugurated earlier this ftth. , | ; l- The committee was called by Dean C. N. Shepardson, is chairman. Members in-* yesterday,, L f MU who dude J. C. Culpepper, Eugene Rpsh, G. E. Potter, R. Steen, L. E. Winder, Ran Boswell, O. G. Helvey, Eli Madely, Mrs. Deatz, Riley Woods, and Mr. Jbnes of the B r &* zcjs County Health Unit. iSome of the proposals consid ered by the committee were: ifj 1) The establishment of a joint jSajnitary fill for the use of both hp College and the City of Col- ere Station. The present seper- latfe dumps used for the disposal of; garbage are inadequate and present a possible menace to the aeplth of the community. That an effort be made by th; citizens to comply with regu* aliens concerning containers. Link ed with this is a plea by the collec tors that bulky container's be bundl ed to facilitate collections. 8) A plea to the citizens to aid n j enforcing pet ordinances. The lafge number of unlicensed and imjvaccinated animals are a danger tolthe children of College- Station. )4) An urge that owners of va cant lots clear these lots of trash anjd weeds. The city has equip ment available for cutting wee^S, anjd will clear any lot of weeds * a plight fee, which is to cover ji} Problems in the present sys tem of sewage disposal, and ten- , :a|ive plans for more effective treatment of sewage disposoL “) Present problems concerning inage, which can be alleviated the citizens themselves, by ijeep- present facilities clear of tjrash rubbish. « ) That the City of Bryan he d to alter their present system sewage disposal from the area und the Country Club. T#e ewage, though deposited inside; the itiy limits, present a menace torthe health of College Station citizens. 8) That private citizens cease using public alleys for private dumping and storage places. The present practices of blocking these alleys hinders effective collection of trash. 9) That incorporation of cer tain outlying communities within the city be urged by the members of these communities in order that they may take advantage of better facilities for garbage and sewage disposal. 10) That the County Commis sioner’s Court be urged to enforce sanitation in areas surrounding the city, and cause the end of sulh practices as dumping trash just barely outside the city limits apd near food-vending establishments. Also brought to the committee’s attention was the objection of many persons concerning the recent or dinance prohibiting the kooping Of animals, except certain pets, in the city. The objections seem to center about the fact that A.&M. College keeps livestock practically in the center of the city. An administrative officer of the college reported that these animals are inspected regularly and have been sprayed with DDT. He also stated that these animals will be moved out of the city as soon as neiw facilities for them are com pleted. j , k ! 1 A special meeting of the City Council will be held at the City Hall, corner of Church Street arid Old Highway 6, at 7:30 p.m. Tues day^ July 6. This meeting will be opeh to the public, and all citi zens are invited to attend and pre sent any proposals that the com mittee has not, and to criticize or acclaini those which the commit tee has presented, according to Dr. G. E. Potter. T , ; Dr. Quisenberry exes Fircmett’s Training. To Attends Poultry e Held Here On July 11-16 ^ ence Meeting i, ! I . v n- r u no. BRITISH PLANES OUT TO BEAT!U. S. RECORD • 4 { LONDON, June SO CP> weather permits, Britain will njbse Siout the Uiiited States itl the rAce for the fiiAt jet-propell :d aircraft . crossing olf the-Atlantic. J Six vampfre fighter planes ready to fly Thursday; from ham Airport, England, to Icela Greenland, |Labrador arjd Cans 12 YEAR-OLD WIFE GIVES BIRTH TO SOtV SHREVEPORT, La., June -•SO ( /p>—A 12-year-old gjrl who gdve birth ^io a six and thl ee-quar|er pound baby boy is believed toibe Shreveporfl youngest i iVther. 1 Wiley MeCart, Jr., w is bom ?to Mr. and Mrs. MeCart Mmday. Iflis [father is ^p. . | ; 1 ■ •* STONE WALL DOESN’tT BOTHER COW NO.115 M^ALESTER, Oklai, . une 30 Stone wallfe do not a pastifre make, nor tfort bars ai ja il. But jufit ithe same, N<1 15 ha*^ a splendid record at thje itate pe^i-i tentiary here. ‘ j In the Sak 256 day! ahe Jrfas giveh more; than 15,000 pounds ^ milk) Sometimes, i)rii on dafry 1 worKers say, she hits a daily hi£h of Hj5 pounds. J | it Wjiich [id a lot of mi k= in ar«y- body’s jugi —. 1 MAY GET [ Wl WASHINGTON, June TOUGH WITH USSR though White House and S [Department officials' maintaine 30 Unitjed States officials were ported repcjyisg ' new,; to ugh dip matit movies Tuesday to era 11 Russia’s laind blockade-* of fieri' Although White Houstj and S s in might be Unleashed ftoinorrow pr ThmfscTay. ; nature of any swep plan VrAs cloaked in strictest seprecy, l it sign:i ^ pointed _to a sterp note qte- v " i , .j o • s .-I I" ■ , * ■ - | The nineteenth annual session of the Texas Firemen’s ^ijaining School will be held here from noon, July 11, to i p.j ml, July 16, according to H. R. Brayton, director i>f the school. The first of these meetings was held in 1930, when J —*■170 men from 76 cities- attended. This year Brayton expects approx imately 600 men from some 325 cities and has already received word from several out-of-state firemen wishing to attend. The trainees will be instructed by approximately 65 departmental instructors from Texas’ Cities and specialists from major industries interested in fire prevention and control. The trainees’ day will consist of two peiriods of four hours each, made up of a one hour lecture fql- lowed by three hours field work. This year for the first time they will handle major oil and gasoline fires, using special new equipment and methods of extinguishing such as “water-wetters, powders, and special fog-streams.” They will al so work with baled cotton and paper, rubber fires, butane tank fires, gasoline “spill-fires”, and electrical fires. The annual meeting is held un der the jurisdiction of the Indus trial Extension Service and spon sored by the State Firemen and Firemarshalls Association which cooperated with the State Board for Vocational Education. The fire men and marshalls of Texas are making every effort tdjeut down the enormous lossW HL* and pro perty in Texas due^$T fire. Last year over $23,000,000 >n property and approximately 500 person’s (not counting Texas City Disas ter), lost their lives because of fire. The trainees will be housed in dormitories No. 15, 16 and 17 with Walton * Hall held in reserve for overflow. Courses are to be offer ed in basic, advanced, building in spectors, and instructors methods. ■■■ ■ eserve Officers Aictive In Home ation Training ^eserve army officers from tl n-College Station area parti- ted Saturday and Sunday in se I of a seven-phase home n training program--" which last into September, accord- to Captain Albert W. StoCkell, sjtructor. « Participating organizations were (j 352nd Armored Field Artillery if,talion, Bryan; the 479th Com- t^ite Group, College Station;; and 1044th Composite Group, tsville. instructors were Lieutenant Chl- nll Vernon ,G. Young, Major Her- t P. Rigsby, Captains Darre) E. Tin, A. W. Stockell, and rles M. Taylor, and Lieutenant mett Trant. lassroom lectures and practl- daljj exercises made up s large part «f: : the activity, but the highlight fpij many of the officers was a ri^ht-time point-to-point compass r nijrch Saturday night in the Col- llgje Maneuver Area. j jut-oi-town participant,; Cdl- 1 R. C. Wakefield of MadiSon- jl|e said “The two-day program very interesting and instruc- I should like to commend,! es- ially, the efficient manner in Mch it was presented." j M The next phase will take place h the weekend of July 10 and 1, Stockell stated. Reserve 'tiffi ns of this area interested in par- |c pating should contact the Of- cfe of the Instructor, Army Or- ized Reserve, PMA Building, jo lege Station. 4 j The seven-phase weekend plan a; been instituted by the Army > make possible active duty in ti uction for such officers whose vilian occupation does not per il; them to participate in 14-day it* longer tours, Stockell concluded. Li. rr-i ' eadl^ to Assist I Reverend Helvey L. Beadle, 3rd year student General Theological Semi- New York City, will as- O. G. Helvey with sum- i nar Episcopal activities. Beadle stated that he would • <Jinsel with students in office No. 1 at the YMCA, le graduated from the Univer- of Texas where he was Presi- • dent of the Canterbury Club. f Shepardson Meets With Ag Division | Dean C.-N. Shepardson left for Washington Tuesday noon for a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of The Agriculture Division of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities. The meeting is to prepare plans for an annual program for the committee. The next meeting of the committee will be in Novem- ber. The committee will consider the establishment of a program of accrediting work in Agriculture offered by different colleges. Most all fields other than Agriculture have accrediting agencies. Shepardson is on the subcom mittee which is working on the plan of an accrediting agency for work in Agriculture. He will be back the last of the week. Ministers Hear Suggestions Of Farmer’s Panel ; | - ' •! ' [l “Every rural minister should farm about 40 acres himself, so as to have a! closer tie to his people,” W. B. Starr, Cisco fanner, told the Rural Church Conference Tuesday. “The minister shouldn’t have to rent such land," said Starr, a farmer for nearly 40 yeaijs. "Nor should he have to own his tractor or other large tools, which he could borrow from his congrega tion. By earning part of hjs living from the soil, he would be; in con stant touch with the problems of his congregation." * Starr pointed out that when an cient civilizations and religions fell, it was the agricultural section of the civilization that Collapsed first. “Farmers mu^t produce in abundance, but they . must not starve to death while doing it,” he warned. I ; Wade Knudson, who belongs to a 900-member rural church at Granfills- Gap, said that dities are not reproducing themselves, and therefore much of America’s fu ture population will have to come from the farms, This places a heavy responsibility upon the rural church, he said. Both Starr and Knudson were members of a panel of farmers who told the,70 rural ministers at the conference what the church should mean to farm ers. Grandpa Jones, Gr ‘Rattler’ at Grov Coon Dogs and Pups Will B At 8 p.m. in Regular “Grar * I I. GRANDPA JONES will ap pear at The Grove tonight with his grandchildren at 8. Cavalry R0TC At Camp Hood Has to Walk i; By BEN ADAIR Dr. J. H. Quisenberry has just returned from Ft. Collins, Colo rado where he attended the annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association. . ,> • 1 > i Whild at the meeting he pre sented a paper on the use of hor mones for the production of supe rior market quality in broilers and fryers. He was accompanied on the trip by Professor D. H. Reiid, C. B. Ryan, and IT. L. Gernjian. Reid and German also presented papers at the meeting. [ Other members of the A&M Col lege poultry staff who attended the meetings at Ft. Collins includ ed Ted Martin and F. Z. Bean- blossom. j Martin presented a paper in the Extension section and Beanblos- som presented a paper to the Mar keting section of the Poultry Science Association. Each year the annual meeting of the Poultry Science association is held on the campus of some land grant college or university. Next year the meetings will be held on the campus of McDonald College, McGill University, Guelf, Ontario, Canada. Ah adding machine or at least an Recounting major would be needed to keep track of all the formations met by ROTC Cavalry Cadets here at Camp Hood. The men of the cavalry are be-; ginning to wonder if they aren’t being converted into “paddlefeet.” So far the armored cavalry trans portation! has been two swelling “dogs” incased in combat boots most- of the time. The tank jockeys are ready for their tanks. | .. While running a compass course last Friday, some of the group got; *“0* off course and were lost for a time until rescued by jeeps. As a result George Marble of C Troop Cavalry is currently known as “Indian Scout” Sofne of the Aggies at Fort Bel voir :have sent travel folders as a “float out” to the men here. But already the cavalrymen are plan ning to return the favor. They are going to send the engineers a vivid description of Mom’s home cook ing after they go home during the July 4th holidays. The Aggie cadets at Hood gave the other trainees a sample of that old Aggie spirit the other day with a yell practice. Asa Holleman and Tommy Splitgarber were back in their- old places and brought mem ories| of jjast yell practices. Number 10 n v t r By OTTO KUNZE Grandpa Jones, whose song “Old Rattler” has ci. of all Aggies, will make a personal appearance at the Accompanying him will be his musically inclined champion old time fiddler. Grandpa and his group \|i Station WSM in Nashville, Tennessee where they are h New Associate Pastor Beco Acquainted With Duties He By W. H. BEARDSLEY “This is the biggest school I have ever seen,” v. MethcjcSist Announcements ^7 b . \ ‘ May Be Ordered All students who plan to graduate at the end of the summer term are requested to place orders for graduation an nouncements at the Student Ac tivities office, Room 209, Good win Hall, according to Grady Elms, assistant director of Stu dent Activities, After leaving Lon Morris Junior College he Went to Southwestern where he majored in Sociology. He wap president of the “Indepen dents,” students not organized into fraternities, President of the Gam ma; Mu, a scholastic society, in Who’s Who of Colleges and Uni versities, and a member of the Blue Key, a leadership fraternity, As Finance Chairman and Vice President of the Student Christian Association he was responsible fur raiteing a $1,000 a semester budg et. He represented both the junior and the senior class in the student seriate. Ho graduated from South western June 7, 1948 with a B.A. degree. Lenox and his bride of two weeks, the former Beulah Derr of Qujtman, Texas, have moved into onel of the Jackson Apartments north of the North Gate. [Mrs. Lenox attended Lon Mor ris, where she met her husband, and Southwestern where she received her B.S. Degree in Home Economics. She graduated this June. When he was asked about a hob by, Lenox just scratched his head and said, “I just like all kinds of sports, especially baseball and foot ball.” Asbury Lenox, associate [ pastor of the A&M church, said in an interview recently. Rev. Lenox, prefers to be called just plain “Asbury,” was appointjei his position here by Bishop A. Frank Smith in a Houston Methodist meeting. ' * Lenox said, with a smile, that he was already,, acquainted with sopie of the pastoral duties here as he has been preaching during th^ pastor's absenc^. Rev. Jack- son, pastor, is attending a Juris dictional Conference in El Paso. After graduating from High School in Texarkana in 1942, Lenox worked for a utility com- pjany for several years, then entered Lon Morris College in Jacksonville. While there he was president of the student bocjy, and president of the Religious Council, and when he graduated iri 1946 he was given the Founder Award. Along with th^se school activities he was li censed to preach in June 1944 by his home district, Texarkana. He pastored churches at Ballard, the Jacksonville Circuit, and two years at Minerva-Maisfield near Came- e| 4 > ' mm\ REV. ASBURY LENiNOE been appointed Associate tor of the A&M Met! Church. r If San Andreas Fault Gives Annex Apartmi Now Available It Married Studen* Th? college now has three apartments at the available to njarried studen cording to Harry L. Boyer, of the Housing Office. These apartments, for th^ part, do not have running Boyer said, but most of the portable sinks. A few do ha ning water in the house, of them have a outside bal hot and cold water. - There are now thirty five lies, many with children, liy similar apartments at the These homes are in good having been sprayed with D|)' June 28, Boyer said. Anyone interested shoulH Boyer, in the Housing Room 106, Goodwin Hall. [3, J ! Di West Coast Earthquake Near; Towns Prepa re for Emergency By EDDIE SMITH “Hundreds Die in Los Angeles Earthquake.” "Violent Tremor Panics San Francisco.” No, these aren’t the latest news, dispatches from the Associated Press, but seismologists say they may well be in the near future.) The series of shopks which struck the West Coaet of Japan and resulted in an estipiated 3,100 dead Monday has caused renewed speculation on the possibilities of another disaster in California such as occurred in 1906 in San Fran cisco. According to an eminent West Coast seismologist, an earth quake equal to the one: that struck San Francisco in 1906 could hap pen tomorrow and is sure to* hap pen in the next 20 years. Earthquakes are nothing new to Californians. The*} have oc curred there regularly for over a century. Since 1906, fortunate- - ly, they have confined their ac- * tivity to sparsely populated areas, causing little or no loss of life and minimum muteriul damage. The speculation is over the great » San Andreas fault which runs the length of the state and narrowly misses San. Francisco and Los Angeles. If this ancient crack, whose Pacific side has been creep ing toward the ocean at the ge ologically rapid rate of two inches per year, should reach its break ing point, then two of the nation’s largest cities might easily suffer. However, officials of San Fran cisco and Los Angeles have not been idly standing by. In the Bay City, a high-pressure fire protec tion system, independent of the domestic water supply, and with all its main pipes laid in streets where there were no breaks in 1906, stands ready for service if such an emergency should present itself, [ Two salt water pumping sta tions, located on a solid rock foundation near the bay, stand ready to supplement the system if necessary. In Los Angeles, er Emergency Cc a ted wi;: a Major Disas- Council was c re power to supervise re in any of the fifteen nto which the city has [for that purpose. i A building ordinance restricts the number of stories of all struc tures to a safe figure, the fifteen story Los Angeles City Hall tow ering over all other buildings in the city. Most buildings are of steel and concrete construction a 1 though frame houses are equally safe for their occupants. The most danger ous materials are brick, tile, stuc co, and plaster L which crumble easily when under a strain. Structures built of these ma terials invite calamities such as the one that occurred Monday in Fukui, Japan, where a crowded theater collapsed and only three • persons escaped. The possibility of that occurring in this coun try makes the cost of any pre caution a small price to pay. The dubious advantage of an earthquake in Los Angeles is the unique newsreel covenige afford ed the public. One can well imagine the Paramount News cameraman eagerly training his camera on the Warner Brothers studio as it col lapses, leaving him with exclusive pictures of the decline of competi tion within the movie industry. ieir Howling Ipry” Style hj i to gain the acquaintance ove tlhis evening at 8 p.m. j ihildpen” featuring Ramona, com* to Aggieland directly from quit a regularly over the “Grand <>• Opry”. . [' nformation on Grandpa Jones is 80|newhat scarce; however, he is the old timer that his name implies. He has been honoring the cqfns a id dogs with his music; for ny y|e)ars, but it was not until sonjg "Old Rattler” made its ijirancc on the air that his fame , jan t) soar. Aggie a received Grandpa’s Ver-j , sibn of “Old Rattler” with .great ihusiamn.;Because if gained such i tat popularity on the A&M cam- pa i, the Agjjip Ramblers sponsored th< Old Rattler record contest held) ... i la-t spring over station WTAW. v jjij Kirg Recording Company fur nished 25 discs of the song as piizes. Persons who wrote the best 2j letters to the Ramblers telling W ] y thty wanted a record of “Old Kittler’ won the free recordings. ;A la -ge audience is expected this everting when Grandpa Jones j]l fill tlhe lair with his melodious ■»ins if “Old Rattler” and milur| |er hillbilly amfcfolk songs which love i. Since the show will' be The Grove will probably he eked with admirers of Grand- i mijisic. About 500 seats Will available, but it may not be a ide| to bring a chair for your |kingj dogs while Grandpa un* hes hiis. teen Reports 6 Kiwanians ... n Convention here were 2300 delegates repre/ siting 1100 clubs at the recent; wanis International Convention Los Angeles, Ralph Steen, dele - e from the (College Station clul tod 1 Kiwanians at their liiqcheoii meeting Tuesday.** he Texas-Oklahoma district haul 400 .delegates. It was the sec- ohi, lari rest delegation. The Cali-. f<$|nia-Arizona district had the Id tost delegation. The speaker said that Los A,nge- U#lis a great collection of taverns, " ' If pletoly surrounded by the Bank of Amedca. “They had smog out tajere, t)0,” he said. He referred the (falifornia weather; the na- wn< as call it smog ....... „ ot thert is a heavy fog over the< sMite. • 1 'IThe convention passed, among a f oiijer resolutions,. Steen said, one 1 R eading for statehood for Hawaii v ’ abd Alaika. “Governor Earl War- n? i made a fine talk. It lasted opD 15 minutes; Jim Farley talk ed !an 1 our and a half and said np hing, ’ he pointed out. Local Girl Will Appear On FHA Convention Pane Miss Lou ress, daughiefiof Bifrgi Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Burgcjs^lof College Station,; is , schedul *ds to appear on the progrtim of th; tional Convention of the Fu Homemakers of America, o held July 6-9 in the Mur|i Auditorium at [Kansas City, : ] Miss Burges-s w411 repi e*int Texas in a panel discussion on ^Na tional Work Projects”. The >dt el, led by Miss Charlotte Ack ;r j of Jacksonville, Texas, also ini liMle* Misses Gene Man s of Col iqikn, Frances SprattJ of Huntsvill i 4nd Gwen Bailiff of Marshall.' In addition to the discussi >rj work project*, Texans will >ipfti- cipate in other parts of th|[ gram. A ritual for opening closing a chapter will bei pr^sjjJit- ed by a group of Texas girls ritual was written by the Chapter of F. H. A. The A&M Consolidated fide will sing the Future Horn ’ song ai a part of the rifi [Symposiums will be p« by Miss Lenora Walters of ton and Miss Marga Aldine. Texans will take pir th« “Parade of the States”) t Sand ii will also present a skit “Tactless Tourists." er tilted icn it rains, Oh y)es ( we heard some jokes,” went On. “For example, the one ut tVe hog and the chicken king along the road together, y saw a sign, ’ham ana egg^’ hog said to the chicken, ‘that’s a day's work for you—but me ?s tha job of a lifetime!” [ amai Fly was given a rising vet a of praise. Joe Sorrels, who [in&rpducnd the speaker, said that is Caving soon and offered a fbte ol| praise for his fine cifiSen- sh and membership in the club.. Pay up,” Joe Motheral, who pp sided in the absence of Presi de t Sid Loveless, urged members i may be in, arrears in payment) of lues. [I i ‘ uests ! who were introduced by come Wright included E. K. rr, Austin, and Dr. S. P. Paw- Balttimore, Maryland. S(reet Will Head mi Next Year r. W. E. Street, head of the Eingineerng Drawing Department haw been elected to the Executive Committee of the Drawing,‘Divi- siejf of (the American Society 'dt ineerln 1 an J Education at'its to* Was elected to his five itn by written ballot of from the United States and mi '1 (ring nual convention in Aufetin. if X G. McGuire, J. P. Oliver, B. . Mtilling, G. H. Brock, C.'H. * “ R. L. Berton, Paul M. C. Dogett and W. J. staff members of the [apartment also attended convflintiort. Mason presented a er ort^ “A Unique Method of Projection by Models/' the second ASEE annual itioh held in Texas in the «at on'p 56 years of history. Iher meeting was held on the campus in 1988. ' T i