Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1948)
,> 1 T- ■ L f Mi ' .t ’f §4^-— . MONDAY, f 1 ' :er '“i 4 a ■> ■ ■ . . r ■■ I J 1948 Page 3 To Team Anil r JOO UP)—The University of] Scatherri California baijfball tcani, * n *- v h f ul from the •westjlrn playoffs ULiERTON! JK. iH , iO, Mich., ipne 2^ '* ‘ '• cher Hazard sh Language Leaders Lose In ’Mural Softball Play m ' ’.T I ; ' J I ’ ■1 : I r i ■ i •: V By BillThornton California baseball tcark, inrouti Deni yef to the biatiohal fihal^ herej stopped off in Cleveland, to see $ couple of ma.ijr league jra nes. Maybe it’:|!. ^ignificaiv that/. ^Coach Sam 1 itirry by-jjias! ed 'St -'Louis anB ffbicago, jivhf-re the V Browns and 0 ing; the honoi tin H inff 2 the honor id :n a writer joined lj|thefn. • lunching y.i Greenberg, Clevel^id -|the t ij.' t Wic *■? white Sox their h hoy wer l 'iKTst < Han’ 1 ih T e'y Yor £||Ulv III* i . Hank beghn deftly n< edling the Easterner, ^playiing to the Collegians tfat-he thougit the. Yankees weie slipping bat d that his own InfianS were moving up as annu; iff pennant c< ntend- «.•' v. - c' , I 1 - • •• * h The scribe fjrigiljd takcj. it just slo Idng., Finally jrlfie] amiably agre4l with/' Grip' _ penlMft-g’sj theory |irt thisl way: Yeah. ¥hisi probabh is Ute. laat Yankee |l>am ti?at liwi 1 win [i pennant—this! year. English As He Is Spjokc \ Alrizona baseball coach, an. ■\Yestern Mic vigajn College boy is a stickler for discipline ion his bijll has.son bout ijow lestern xMicJfigajn CollM boy [ Thday, with j7 victories in 22 I Law Star i during the month of June, cUib althouglfj hej has. ion ej unoV libout Hon- to pli.. | j n 4p e fi rs t division only live j Leggett I I iiJi-jlL u..ic i u: i ikj. I ritrycar thodox theories ’* the game. K few yejir.s ago Fritz hail a j, fh4 < Hkeq| j . j n i 0U1 . W eeks, ?Sie Red ' Son ; -jc q y y bull-headed nothing bel right over, ajyoije who —J. fire do The intramural^oftball race went into a mixiip last week when the 'two leaders in .the Campus leaders, L^aw and Puryear, were both de feated. Milner made short work of Law i by pounding out a 12-1 win in ! fpur innings of play. The winning, | i«tcher was Bowers. Leading hit-1: er it. The fivst sacker, who ttr ,pf the game was Fennel of ' to move a couple of steps, Milner who got two for two. bputc J “I'll take it. : | Without even slowing down, the catcher hollered: “No you f ain!t, I got it.” Ahd he took it. [■ McFale met him at the dugout tffps, his eyes glittering with an* eb. ‘ What’s the matter coach pked the kid. “You said aijy play 14s good if youl made the nut.” : f “Yim,” admitted Fritz. “But I'll :k danged if I’ll! hav'e bad English and fc ad baseball on • my team at the ! the sdme time. : Fuitiiliar Cry Of Stcjp Red Sox i eing Heard Again By JOE REICHLER -Th4 old familiar! cry of “stop lea tf her ter fy l! 1 han J? ^ ihve gained five full gamhs op : * pi'-- llfiia..*, anil six m the *c,mH jiitchcll -Ttu' "vli i | M I 11 * J dace Philadelphia Athletics, joe i Walton The big Ijlisky kid- ri uld i c c, irtll y’s Climbers also' have! , •! linini tVirpo irninn® ' (in the third the pitchers' add infijpldjtits w tried: for f hig h topes. One day so hie one hoisted! a hi| foul near tie firstbunej box and, thejeatjeher iforjt dha L V . •rr. 7 l ! A X 0 I H E R .1 I Leggett outplayed Puryear all the way to win a close 9-8 decision.!' Puryear’s fielding was excellent with them getting three double plays, but Leggett’s timely hit ting proved to be the deciding fac tor. Plagens pitched for the win ners and was al^o the games lead ing hitter getting three safeties inv- throe attempts at bat. In another close .ball game Biz- £411 outlasted Trailer Camp to tak-e u~ 7-6 deecision. Gus Swenson pf Bizzell was the games power hit- tpr getting a home run with one on in the- first inning.'^ Outfctand- ing play of the garvRf was a run ning catch of a foul fly made by Hoyell of Bizzell in the fifth, that I .helped pull Bizzell out of a tight spot. ! w-Waltton w-On its first game sin j league competition by defeating! Mitchell 6-4, Dittmar of Walton led thb batters with two for three, j but the hero of the game was i 1 M I- , • 1 ggie Softball Ni teve’s Circle Cafi jLJoydKuies Two Lafemen Mitchell Defeats law; Bizzell And’ Puryear Win Bjy Bill Thornton Jitchell! remained undefeated in injaamural volleyball by defeating Ij»w 15-5 i add 15-12 Thursday af- r oon. Excellent plajying by illand apd Hill sparked ith e Mit-L® rEC cltell teamj tb victory. Williamson lw P . t. • ^ tuined in] a good game for Law & S ue miiking several good spike? ' In nnAkvIint* <ronvA> nlaVnirl f I A thoroughly improved B. J. Lloyd sparking them tu ri$d baj|: nine of Waco Friday night lJ rt Lloyd shut put the Cafp allowing only twcFmen to get base. Both of these got on due k? errors. In the second inning wi fc away Centei-fielder Rucktn ;• ■ : ' a *ibosQ Boston Red Sox” is being bean once ' again around the' Stone of Walton who drove in the Fritz” Mcllple,| Unik-eJsity (kflAWf?? 1 . Du !' in P the past ^winning runs with a clutch single, j , iilnjont i this has bfeen the.most Her- j p 'culea i task in baseball. Boxes: Pictured above are the meijnbers of Dorm No. 16’s champion handball team. They arc: 1st row, left to right, Washington] Smith, Soyars, Carroll; 2nd row, Cook, McConnel, Young, and Balder (not shown). ! j] I j Eight Records Set at Texas AAU Olympic Tryouts in S.A. In another game played Thurs- fday Puryear edged Wajlton but pnly after three full games of play. Puryear won t^e first game 15|l6; then Walton boun ded back) to win the second 16- f. Pur.Vear won the tpird and deciding |game in a clo?e battle 16-11. Hancock for Puryear and Duller f«)r Walton turned in the day’s best performance?. Bizzell took an easy victory from Dorm 14 [by winning two consecu tive games 15-4 and 15-ji. Spark plugs of the Bizzell attack were Hovel ainjl Shula. but promptly died there v whf*r Lloyd fanned the next man op. T i< Waco team was unable to je another man on base until tli* ; sixtl inning when on a close play a first base Lloyd hit the rum e with tl)e ball allowing Him to me v< on to second. This was the clos< s that the Cafemen came to scorijig all evening. Of the! first nine men thit faced him Lloyd of the Aggii s | fanned eight. This included tl e first five men up. In all Llojd fanned 11 men. The Aggies got eight hits off In the! other scheduled match j the two Waco hurlet‘8, but u e Leggett fjoifeited to Trailer, Camp, i them to good advantage to pi s 4- * Milner •*- and a half games behind IhC paci -getting (Tevelam! Indians. I 0 ? (-4 I X A ( Sox are firmly entrenched Bizzell 0 1 0 0.' 5f 2 i 5 0 0 7 Rj 12! SAN ANTONIO, Tex.J June 28 (^P) — Sixteen were 5 ooo :? l x R <) qualified for the National AAU in the annual South Texas 0 5 2 0 0 1 b R 8! AAU Track and Field Meet which saw eight neW records If Hv HAROLI) v . raTliff l .^!set yesterday. , j j, ^an ANTONIO, Tex 1 Kurt | 'j y !-ij g[ Despite a heavy rain 'forme of the finest marks of the ptseiner, who got a lot running Foreign Legion jVet Seeks US. Olympic Post acress four rubs. Big gun,in Farmer attack was Milt Son e who cracked out a triple and sin ? in three attempts at bat. Bill Hodge and Bu'rdett both also i two for three anil Cook and Bal I each got one in three tiihes j the plate. Downs m 1 1 ilen w aeh & WnSASBom hers Drop the sronx Bombers .615 pace this I ^ rri i , »ino)v h. . iTuame to 1 yler i F n f. ’ I he Bed Sox moved another I •», I By I he Associated I’res? , , year were hung up featuringi a' 0 12 0 10 OiR 4 i 52.4 in the 400-meter hurdles byl 0 1113 0 xfR 6 • Jared Morrow at Lackland bpse here. Perry Samuels of] Texas, run ning under the ban nor of the Aus tin, A.C., won the 100-meter ijash from- which Charley - Parker, | hi.s easy victory in the jOOO-meter run, and did most rioilence to a record. Hisi 16:03 lopped 26.8 seconds off the old ihark. Other records: Ralph Davis, Air Forces, 48 feet 1 inches in shot put: old record 46 .Texas teammate, had withdrawn f t 10 , sct f 1)y George n l CD lit' t ib,.! U The A&M nine jumped Into two ran lead in the first inni i off of a walk, a hit, and an oi t field fly; then added a run in t rJf practice in the French Foreign second and another in the four h. 'Legion, is a candidate for the United States Olympic tpam in the j 10,000 meters. Kurt, an Austrian, ; is in the : Army and is working with the | Ajmy-Air Forces sipiad training for the Olympics at Lackland Air Base here. ’ Steiner, traveling ih France in the* suspicious day? of 1938, | The Red Sex moved anothek 1 2-0 and 6-3, HrSt. Lotus. tW Lonjn . ow Texans. 15 2, as ^ « u ' nth o f a^cond .record 22 feet 11 inchbs by PaviJ “ f h,s , ' >r< ‘ ,rrn h '“- k ‘ rr ‘"' nH Hc It Was Ted Wdl.ums agam who , m d b - Parker ran the 200-meter dash pt.. S . Air Forces. 11.5 in 400- riiv ided the win^ft »>ow m be ' >" 2, ; 7 - ‘U <*'« I 1101 meter relay; old redord 42.2 hi (j.gMcap. led'slammed h,s lofh T ln othcr ?am , s . Lufkin Ldged accept a place on the Texas t^am | Austin. A.Q. ] 1 omfc' two men on ba?e , « „ n(1 Tvl( , r ^wti- V/ f ^Ta \r Parked, 21.7 in 20limeter dash; . " ' f | He already had qualified for the ^ j s , O 4| iff ptri-tH? riftltt foot\- WilHhmsf .' v,, Tvier "broke a six-srame ilosinc Olympic trials by placing in the j GuuIifvibL' for' tim N’-monai. - ■ • - Ifatt ntr average Is uf)\v* .41^. ; , J , , . , * \ ‘ '*'/ j. f NAWA meet. j ^ ! » A jy . * ^ l * * \ ‘,. • *« runner’i career. Hc kdpt running ^ i* i streak hvMaknitf advantage of five « \ . .. iAAu Were Samuels, Kural Davirfj* „;» , u;, il' tl |as'a, U-gamo hitting. stmA go- llit , , 0tbo Ni t c holas notched hi.- IAnderson ? f 11^ slron ? Atr. y Ank Guess. Austin AC. am! s eng honing h s kgs tot hm IH- ifllthL-torv in 12 starts i^. limit- t™". which ran ott-with. • Mattl ’ ^ , >raiji vi„ v; Bill l: ! ' , ^ nt ' E ?oss-countty jaunts. A tL. Ailiicticj „ • . .. ’I- ' trophy, dui the 110-mcter| sh hen , V T ^’ ro ,i w ’ Jd ?! il 1 K'. .Iicadcr from the White Sox, 6-5 imd 6-2, in Chicago to pull wilhin i 1. j ei-confage points of first’pkjOc. J douole victory, PhiladelphFi’s ><:; of his j foreign background. He took the alternative of jail per manently or the French Foreign by choosing the Legion at 25 cents a month. Without knowing it,i Kurt was 1 preparing himself for a distance mile now is just a warmup for the jiixtt and seventh m a row, mark-' ' od .he first time -this season the.! Wh'te Sox have gone down to two, }\f !ef< ats in one. day. | j he Indians kept first filacb j byi coming back to defeat Waslj- .] j | inKton. l-l, in the second game af er the Senators had won thie pp.'iier of their twin bill, 5-2,! (efty Tommy Byrne, making hm i.dt start of the season, hand- c , ( . v ^ nd i r-o AMERICAN LEAGUE j['uffed the Tigel's with two IdC phnAielnhia n Detroit as the Yankees wifn a - s - t , w y 0 ,.|. Boston ill*--* . -, k w,- . I Detroit / and Buffs-A\ in i Washington L • . ' 1 1 • • ! St» Louis . DpiihleheadiTs ; Chicago V ' il r. 4, mister: r Your BE1. »8 Show in Your waistline?si|n the * - - i' . f I limeli|ht these cqatloss days. | ‘! u up' your f )pe;ir- By Associated Fress : . Losfon ' A manager might know • pm i .st.. Louis piijher’s faults, i-w Eddie' Chin-pittsbu’igh die and Carl Erskine were fault-1 y 0 ,.] ( Usi against Lester Burge. The Philadelphia ex-Fort ” r 11 “ :i jles i 71 t W. I. :;7 ‘1-i . 40 2(f ' .37 • 25 ,31 2| 29 '4 .,29 34 2? W .. 18 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. 1. M Contenders Begin P Scramble For ! Heavyweight Title > j Go'nia|iy. Hc van errands and carried) messages. Thq American i rniiHooipn ’ort Worth manager went HA* j Brooklyn . in six trijw to the plate as the j (^i n cinnati ; Ca:s, scratched ‘ Dallas, 74, j Chicago f |las tonight. . ’ j; • '.’he double vticttfiw spoiled: a | MfSiaday evening outing for H Jml j Houston .. . [fans at Dallas but :it kept |:be C^ts | p 0 ,.j Worth wi bin one.'- game of pare-settpig | Tulsa Htustsm. Houstpn jumped ; on 8 . H1 Abtonio -t. .•Bciufnont twice, 4-2,5-1. . r . | Daljas n another dOubleheadef, Okla-; Shreveport ho ua City and Tulsa, ’spht. ^Jhe . o k i a h oma City ....51 Indians u'on .the nightcap, ,7-5, Aft er Tulsa took'the opener, 7-4. : Shreveport won over San Aijto- ( , iiiiia easily in w single game, 10-1. j gjfe, T . 36 26 ;’.5 26 35 28 .31 ?ti .31 So 4> 7 ot Cincinnati : 28 .56 25 157 TEXAS LEAGUE \.W. L. 43 [28 48 ];;ri ...29 180 ...31 36 ...34 38 ...32 f-39 homa City ....31 j 39 Beaumont 20 j 15 i LONE STAR LEAGUE W. L. :i,Sk h ];f ,V : V-1; - ,.,h Schmil distance Mar. « ,; SS STSuiu" ^ ^ ^ “ i Eiisf Texas State;-iPete Watkir ! i ,nd i , ; ! ' l V a > ruThardt unauache(k, in j the camp took a liking to , Kay Holbreok. Texad A&M Lollegl. |! St y nt .J and wanU . (] to (help* him if /-I ” « Vv/jj B/ ’i ! I i-hey - could. When hej got away Lollra« Wins JL 8 • ffiom tjhe Germans, Kurt got a job j irrii 1 f ' as: cp-jmiinator of a mbtor pool. (#Olf I Om nam<‘i?l ? ' ,Steiner asked ]to join :the I’ct ; flpoVY/WPlOTIT I HID' F * 'U.S. Army. He was accepted. Now (H7 i ’• T 1 ” ^K 11 *' A me AUSTIN, lex., June 28 6'Fi-4\ i with two jt-ears sendee behind! .6(<6 j NEW YORK June 9 8 (.T’l The ;.* s hanf4shodting putter won the I him he can within one more year 597 1 sci-unhK* ^ is nn' for ~th<. I vacant Texas Jajcee Golf championsl|p . become a U.S. citizen. ' * sc, ‘ unb,( Is (>n t01 ttl( - l.' at ant yesterdayj for li.tle Joe C<|i-J Lakt October Kurt ran his first Did of Sin Antonio. With t|ic j; recognized race in the National • 160 | weight champion Guk Usnevich 1 the right Jo j “t, ' ftS*? irSf and 175-poupd contender] Ezzarri 4 scycn-man team to the Na- f„ d thf lackSfn •SHU Charles seem to have the-edge op ' m P at Silicon,: -an. 10 hi ran in (hi Jackson J ! the pack in the ehasc for boxing’s ! Augusf I »*>' commemorating a Pet J most nrized crown i ■ I Conran ten ned lit a 56-holo total j historical e\ent in Gen. Andrew ,58l| Joe Louis created the vacancy ! " f 158 four .uvUt par and |10 Jackson^ command of the Bat- Frklay night With his explosive ! strokes Ntter than, his nearest Ti-I tie pf New Orleans. Iroops car ls on .525 i hob vy tv eight championship^ .1751 now Jersey Joe Walcott, Right light- ! vals, Morris Wiliams, Jr., aud Billy Maxwell ,of t Abilene. Ruth’s Cojndition Is Satisfactory , QUEEN Bryaii Glade wa.t cr Henderson ii: Snap | ance With a new jstyled tilCKOK BELT. •. T ' V, j NEW SUMMER| HICKOK ACCESSORIES - Belts .|. . j j BillfQjjds ... 5-.Si|spendet8'; , (Jarters and • j New I esigned ’• \ J ■ jj 1 Jejwelery f ll i ° " ■ OTHIEJI Golege anll Bym r j I- MON. - TIJES. EXOTIC DESIRES in a STRANGE! LAND! WED,! > IH gic:ious 5ftiut)Avn) nms ORA ROBSON / ... », PALACE 55 PMOMF ?-&n7V LAST DAY •‘BLACK ' NARCISSUS” j With Deborah Kerr 1^ - • 1 / • j ’• TUBS. - WED. j THURiS. J | FKI. - SAT. From Ihc r. 4 Best-Selling, Book! .514 .541 right hand Vhich flattened Wal .517 cott in the eleventh rpitnd at .484 I Yankee Stadium. .466 Shortly after ten Itjiid bean .433 i counted over the fallen challenger, .403 the heavyweight champion an- j nountifd he had fought 1 Ilia laift Pet. : fight. Tims ended the Brown! NEW YORK, .June 28 (.P 1 —Babe .606; Bombelr’s record reign of! 11 yean; i Ruth, biteeball’s) home run king,! .589 | and three days. . j * j “is gettitlfi along fine" his phisd-1 And! it wasn’t long (after the , oiau Said, toddy] Both enterel a l king hhd announced his fetii'er. i e!it ; hosp:tpi Thursday for special treat- ; •'} ** j that Sol Strauss, acting! promoter , nmnt. i | | • lal j of the Twentieth Centnrj - Sporting ! Dr. Sjinon Lj Ruskin, 'an par, |. •Uv qlub, declared hiif cuffit would j nose arid throdt specialiet, laid j •<A)2 J to hring tbgetheif tjlio leading that Ruth ‘‘would bo in and out j, j Heaviei in an elimination tourney of the hospital lor a while." * . t j,j j to determine the Browij Boinljer’s j Ruth utidei welit a delicate throat •’I,. j successor. j ,d j operation, on Jan. 6, 19-17, and! has ■l’^! Eddte Eagan, chairnian of the' been bwpitaliked several times . Now York Athletic Cfommissioh, I since then for further treatment. '•jUn 1 Haiti the cbmmi.-sion Couldn’t do I ■f” anything until bouts w«[rc brought! ' " to it for official actionj But theke ‘ vfaSn’ti much doubt that Eagan and j his jtjwo fellow colnmisrioneis j would] | approve a series of fights rying full packs ran 6V4 miles to get aid that saved the day. Ever since the race has l>een run each year. Steiner finished 13th in a field of more than 100 runners. !’ F Corky & STORE HOURS-- I [m thireg Nof fall prcjbg teaimi; ni ftl Ciifetnien I er ed. I' y i’. n Wilkif, McFi l ’ Slriri St 31 p Hucl: Wpl Mcdi Me Ell Hi:!, Sfevlls A. fcj ! WakU eld, 2 b Cobk| Bate}’ Palnii Pi(fk l1 Hi 1 ' H S<> It, LN»y bal nine with pitcher T he itdvefs Circle Cafe' mi u 1 * a ro hit performance never seriouslyi 1 mes have been scheduled wee 1 yet,! hut t ^ ere w i^ be two. The times and tying] pjayed will be an- ;e’i Ci irir, 21 )i tb #ei', If M •de Cafe A!B ss< Cite M 0 ( 1 C II PO 0 f 2 1 1 e Cafe— 0 0 0 0 1 If) 0 It H/E ’ -0 ef 2 ■l 2 : GIGA MOVINff T SHIRTS (Solid or C o WHITE SHIRTS , FRENCH CUFF SHIIf COLORED SHfcRTS. -r-2r;, ofi'’ TROPICAL WO 1 ] si Redu , NEW 8 A.M Giving Worki 1 CO North Gate Clothes i . ; &:30 P.M.I 8.93 5.50 4.9«r Now $1.60 3.50 3.50 3.75 .422 that Would bring in Walcott, Lejs- | m vich and Charles. Wjalcojtt, inci- ; dentally is 34 years old, Lesnevith ! 55, and Charles will jbe 25 next j month, TODAY thru WEDNESDAY —Features Bej[ 1:15-4:30-7:13-10:00 1 \>. BEST YEARS OF OCR LIVES — j!; Mgm GOLF LINKS Prizes & FYee Games Giv^n Away ■ ii OPEN EV^ERY NIGHT 1 6:00 -! 11:00 P.M _ f Borbora STANWYCK Van HEFLIN Charles COBURN S.JFs vriM mimic dim ! nwsi' Tmnii LOT • MARCH * ANDREWS • WRIGHT • MAYO —■— —Plus-4 SHORT — CARTOON — NEWS i i . pi “ “T - r—r— TIIL’RS. — FKI. — SAT. BRIAN DON,l.EVY ROBERT CUMMINGS ^Montana -PlUS-4- ’ ‘ ,J Mike” jSHORT — CARTOON — NEWS — u> Attention!... JUST! RECEIVED •if . , WESTINGHOUSE— i i Food Mixers Toasters n Waffle Irons I : 8'r AGGIE RADIO & APPLIANCE IZ For Style... Smartness... and Comfort, too! > is # Is ox $10 ! , ,R 4f hStu V i & ANZACS / RW.U.S^^fAT.Otf. ^VEN POPULAR COIORS: 1 baiiiWhil'‘,\a\vIMuc, Bahama Blue, Rope Tan, San Yyflov', Red Gray, Shool Grcca A 22 OUR; P.R /■ J - : ts A: Chance i 1 i 'ollo ^e St; Station, Texas b cpr li (o{ t-la iw, v. u:(1 jbe a a + the| exchange "Serving Texas Aggies 11- i M h tfisli ic rii(JC|| Anzads s you) r maid ue foi thred' A if j; 4 REIS Rta. 0.*. f AT. Off. I ■ ' ■. ’ I ■* .to ltd rigid., a T-shirt right That's why \ > ; rc so popular. The RcU j iMurtnce of high j ■ • ' al ami workmanship, .of our u pricy. Swell with > or ihpib. Yo ill want l}o give pertoi tci,' JTOtE ' H r 'j’i' I D ;’’4 I; . ti I I ■ I SI