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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1948)
—HBfrg-aBIM I II Hot ijeather problem that (deserv gjideration-of the stiuje The Student Sena e meeting reports of p maiiy people who otj ( f some students' campus dressed only While wearing sho during games such a; the isenate felt that i tuden i- I ■ .• r «“ | light with it a ugh :f»l con- i. I. atti its last more than just gyp shorts while walking to .and from different sports. , Since there are many women on the campus—students’ wives, visitors, sum ac-. The r|ationa Guard, The Draft, And You 5S ’ ||'L I II S’ mr I l’ . ,- „ mer students, And others —it is only a , 1 ^? ra matter of personal pride that students to thejm-actice s h ou jd also wear a T-shirt, when not mg arc una the ^Uy engaged in some sport. sho ts. We offer this suggestion, based upon is permissible a resolution by the Student Senate, as the softbpl anji tennis, udentja shop d wear ■ m ' have loud Na- All: week long vfe sipeakers lyllare; Iforth with dj 0 in ithe. tjional tSuaird and avoid th< drafl:/* We like the Natio lal Guard. Islome of byest best way to recognize and remedy this situation. Rudyard Kipling As East-West Get T mdchi . l ■ ■! 1; ■ I i, t L: hg' • • 4, heard pur best ijriends are pembi rs of? the Na tional Guajrd. But we don’t ike the appeal that is beimg used to ?et member^ for the guard. ]' | .'-I i First a all: We U’t <jowCt)>e : of an., f ‘ PW"^ *>v«him the authority to de- effidient fighting fo: ce coijnposed of na- ' term,me the number of ROTC men who tional guardsmen whp “joined ur out of the draft.”- Second^ Althoughj we abprovje of the guard’s efforts to help students continue their education, we believe that the guard issue and jadding to 1 ' I : •* s? r s ysteria. Oil .several casions •we have read statepet ts Wade has at timjes been guifty of pecloujdiing the Is: a y National Guard Officials statiing that he basic course RO TC Wijll not exempt i. student from the d aft. It is opr: belief hat such statements j,resiiotjonly tjmfouhd- Od, but are actually i ntrue. iThe Battalion hi s mape a qonscien- ;ious effort to stuldy the 9 I | I | 1 hat most ROTC students, lk?th basic and and wait.’’ 1 n its entirety and[ op' onb The Growing; Crisis While ithe eyesjoi advanced, in th£ senior division will be allowed to continue their study and in most cases will go on active duty upon graduation or upon completion of their ROTC trainingj ' The whole matter of ROTC deferments for basic students will have to be clarified by the Secretary of Defense. The draft Basic, Advance ROTC Cadets Exempt From Draft-U.S. News By C. C. RjuNKOE 1 ' R 1 ' ' 'I I , V | J,-,; - , the East is manpolwered and the West :h!anized and when the twain meet, the resalts are leather startling. Mi.nila, a raeet- ig ground for twains, can s low many a eird combination. For inspnce, there is the American educated Chinese who recently opened a supermarket in that c ty. The store is identical to its American counterpart ex cept for the wire grocery carts. Each of the little bpggies is equipped with A Chinese boy to push it aropnd for the customer. One of the larger buildings jof the city has recently acquired a new type automatic elevator—but the old operator is. still on duty punching the buttons for the patrons. The latest object of civic pnde in Ma nila is the first traffic light installed since the war. The only hiltch is that it has never been: turned on. As of yore a Cop stands at its base to direct the traffic. ! • No doubt oriental toasters hpve little men inside to push up the toast when its suffi ciently brown. *1: make it through let, w) y no* run a streetcar line buiilkirg? Faces Taft’s he i\ of the G horts on in Philai fo on res terest in t] idea was delegates When picture gja a handso fere wed an und Senator Robert tuaiws [atjtjhe Philly convention arty. The Senator’s co- ) c apies of “This Weeft magazine providing in- of in- Bob’s l among J? 7 . , *1^ •ibjutei top. tires; and spots rotherly Love^ the booklet to keep D48 draft ; bill conclusion is the nation i " I I , I are cen tered onHhe politics stag^ the Russians are busy launching what anpeap to their greatest effort to force thje Allies out of Berlin. ] rllT r ' Yestei^lay, under Soviet diredtlen, all rail food ishioments from western Ger many into Berlin v ere halted, j Power dams stopped distrih ution of eleepic cur- ’ent to many places f i the American zone, Water to sail but hipsoitals kn^i important’ Dublic institutions;! w is reported to have jeen cut off for Vaiying ieriod; . Perhaps the hart est blow stjruek by the Soviets was anj o: der fc the reaple of Berlin not-to accept the ne v Allied spon sored currency. Germans vho accept this currency tire reauirei ter have their per sonal identification papers stanfped by ' Allied .authorities. To pifevent' conver sion to allied money, the Sdviet-sponsored m ‘ ty j 'll i ' Deferments for college mein enrolled in ROTC will be granted for the student’s full four years, according to an ar ticle published in today’s issue of the U. S.£News and World Report. Jr i “<*1 Although thert; has been no official interpretation of the clauses of the selective service act as it affects men in basic and advanced cour ses of ROTC, the U. S. Nexs’ article indicates that both classes of cadets will be granted draft exemptions. j “Reserve deferment,” the article states, “good for the college student’s full four years, may be obtained by ertrolling in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, the Air Reserve Officer’s Training Corps or the Naval Reserve Officers’Training; Corps." U. S. News continues by stating, “In this case, the student must agree to accept a reserve commission upon graduation, if one is offered, and if called up, to serve a term of active duty later as a commissioned • officer. “Youths planning to enter college njext autumn, as a result, may be certain that their education will rtot be interrupted by a draft until mid-1949, may insure deferment from any draft after that by taking reserve training or by choice of studies.” A telegram to the Battalion from Congressman Olin Teague quoted passages from the final version of thp selective service bill as it passed Congress and was sent to the president. A portion of the telegram stated that “Within such numbers as may b t! prescribed by the, Secretary of. Defense any person who (A) on or after the effective date of this title is selected for enrollment or continuance in the senior division, ROTC, or the air ROTC or the naval ROTC.'. : . and (B) agrees in writing to accept a Commission if tendered and to serve, subject to caft of the Secretary of his service branch, not less than two years active duty, shall be deferred from induction for training and service under this title until the completion or termination ojf- the courses of instruction and so long as he continues in a regular or, reserve status upon being commis sioned, but shall not be exempt froiir registration. *' •. |. . . C The provisions of the draft a|ct further state that advanced stu- pllshed, Clay said, by any a,ctlon short OI dents majoring chiefly in science, engineering, or medicine will be An ethics class ip one of our Southwest ern universities recently conducted a hit pa rade in reverse. The question asked the class was, “What is the greatest evil of mankind?’’ By arid large the honored first place blue ribbon went to “excessive driuking.” Tieing for a poor second were "profanity” and “stealing.” No, the school in question was not A&M, but TCU, of course. At 1 another S. TrumAij May I i K i^w Choose Jo Moses’ Me Day An( Grayson only ope p His yoh one Texaiv arrived the front cover opu quite a jolt, it] of] Thomas E. Deiwe A ial £o f lack has i: )n<. ■ i . i j/f will not have to trad bf a name as Harry is Baniel Wisdom tjiphjens! Faith Arid Spirits i’sH |ev: he Communion Field nessijAml J Jshua’s Zeal Win The [pnqift r All Murphy, a negro of Dj n says that he kpoWs 'ler pjftsor who has a longer name ipt sop-] s naiped Jfunipr. will be deferred. It is impossible for us, in the light of present conditions, to imagine any other course being taken in the case of ROTC students than to defer them. In conclusion, we would urge every one to forget about this “avoid the draft” business. We feel that the training pro gram as conducted in our own ROTC Units last year was of such high caliber that membership in the National Guard would involve only a duplication and would re sult in a waste of the student’s time. The most imuortant service that any student can render his country at this time is to continue his studies. To paraphrase Mil- ton,' “They also serve who only study Medic a in the f( annual AssociatiM invention pain from] aching bs|c| house? scieijm i of f ift<H‘tingj de C j U tent step forward came if idar. Two medicqi at the >f the American 7 Medical ft isti-at 3d that the war-born ! :ftp/bef used to eure any type-.of Aggie] Vi’Ui l X to the perennial Is ft |re a jadftr operator in trie IS m While on the subject of Texas schools, a story ini TSCW’s Lass-0 about the new din ing hall to be built at that institution leaves the reader lost at sea. In-discussing the sound proof walls, the story states: “Loud speakers which will be placed over each separate counter will dercease noise and confusion through the room.” If they wapt to really Special! :atiop is t LSU is inseminaftiJi comptica future w bees i same. ru y the fad of the day. i (# offt -in}: t course in artificial n ojf ;( jeein pees. That’s going to matters: fb’ the father of the will have to find a substitute for o|lqjl ixgjanrition of birds and i : li £ Young Hopefuls Given All R]i Aid Them In Training For Fi In Germany . . . 1 radio warned the pqople: f accepts that stamp will be marked as a reparablv damaged. Any retreat on our person who violated he order of tfie So- part would undo all the good of our past iuet Comritander-In-C hief Marsh? 1 iSoko- Actions t I •Viet „ _ tbvsky.” .The Russiajns haye issued their Own new currency. , General Clay, Amfricaq ‘comminder in Berlin, said that the Russians are “trying, to put on pressu ;e'to drive us out of Berlin.” This could-not be : • I L-i the .l?iiited States adjvisory group Gen. Albert ief of n _ r fo the ;'l Philippine^,, tmveiled a plaque at he spot vhere General Mac A -thur Stepped ashore in tty'"'- : r ftad the're-i|ivasion of d the ifnpression cally wherever.he stepped. .-ft' “ft ft' £ The larcenous inc ividual "'ho jsfcole at. Memphis a MisSlssip )i Baptist m nister's' brief case eontainirig p three years ’ collec tion bf seimons may be Sorry if qe reads then . rf. ■ S:' : j ■I u -44- ■ Anyone, who the prestige of our country would be ir- M. Jones, -uzon. Somehow, we hey, grew aiitomati- war." . ■ , Once again the, situation in Germany seems to be building up to a crisis after several weeks bf comparative quiet. There is no doubt that this action is the first effort in a new Russian ^ drive to extend Communism and make up for the political ■ defeats thgy have suffered in the past. This Russian action is another indica tion that the efforts of this country through the Marshal Plan are having their effect in halting the tide of Com munism. The stone-wall stand of United States forces in Europe bps thwarted the? Soviet drive to conquer that continent. Now, wjth the opening of what appears to be a new Russian “cold war” offensive, -the United States,, England and France must continue ip their firm stand to resist such offensive^, If we were 1 to withdraw from Berlin, exem in the ; •[ ,/P 2(1. The president is also gityn power ield of agriculture. A !•. ‘I to defer necessar 7 my». Random Thoughts actions. Thei Berliri situation will be another test foil our foreign policy. We trust that American forces, backed by those of Eng land and France, will once again be firm in their determination to stand by our accom- unalterable committments. \ •I’s A Michigan, letter carrier confessed that he destroyed 100 pieces of political campaign literature “because there is too much of that stuff in the mails.” We recommend leniejncyl and the erection of an appropriate monument. One of History’s Greatest Personalities - Churehill I • ; A ' ' By CARROLL TRAIL ft ’ : ' i 'i , jty > For a man who had nothing to offer his country but “blood, toil,, tears and sweat,” Winston Churchill has given as much or more to his fellow man than any of his contempor aries. . . ■ Taking the helm of the British government during its darkest hour, he personified the grim deternphation of the English people. With a bulldog persistance profiled by his jawbone and hunching shoulders, he rallied his people and led them from the dreary days when they fought alone to. the time of victory at the sid<2 of the United States and Russia. Solidly supported during the war years, Churchill's conservative party was resoundly defeated in an. election following Germany’s capi tulation. This election—the first in ton years—-of course, ousted Church ill from the {prime ministry. He assn ft ed the idle he once liked best— leader of “His Majesty’s ILoyql Qppqsftion,” and; immediately opened up a barrage of attacks on his sliccossdr, Attlee, whom he called “a sheep in sheep’s clothing.” Somewhat inconsistant in his fpreign poljcics, Churehill was one of the first to give orchids to Mussolini for his work in Italy. He later repudiated the. II Duce by referring t<j> him as “the crafty, cold-blooded, black-hearted Italian who had thought to gain an empire on the cheap by stabbing fallen France in the back.” Certainly Churchill has made spine mistakes, he has made many. He has unfairly criticized his opposition; he lias Unduly praised his own party. Conservative to the point of being reactionary, he has even sup ported fascism. Nevertheless, Winston Churchill; has many qualities thfip are much to be desired in our present world leaders. His brilliant statesmanship is unpfiralled by anyone today. His leadership ability is unquestionable, and his diplomacy, although not of • the best, as certainly far above average. ‘ , I. ; | ; ft ft Undoubtedly, he will become oiie. of history’s great personalities. Writer^ painter, soldier, statesman—njan of destiny—Churchill will live forever in. the hearts of the free peoples of the world. By FRANK CUSHING ' Nearly all mothers entertain the hope that their Junior will some day be t|ie president of, our coun try. The. Batt has deltyd deeply into the current Republican Nomi nating Convention so that any Re publican mothers may havjft knqwledgfe of what Junior \yjll have! tG do in order to become a, presidential nominee. ' . j We nat urally cannot insure suc cess, bqt we maintain that if njiothi ers will carefully read this article and follow religiously thje program set forth! within, Juniorfs chances for gaining a key to jhe White House through the GOP;party will be increased immeasurably. As a primary qualification wp find that the presidential hopeful should Have tremendous physical stamina. The training fpr conven tion strains cannot s^art soon enough. An excellent gymnasium, of political type, can be hadjim a smoke filled room. Place Junior within and leave him in the smoky interior for periods up to ftight hours. This will prepary hinS for the clear thinking needed in hack room deals. For those famiiles not fortunate enough to have access to a ftyoke house, a, satisfactory., substitute can be had by allowing Junfo attend dad’s |K»ker sessi'An. not bother to plug up his can cotton; the jokes he might will be of great aid to him when he is making his name “regular fellow.) Junior should be thp p sor of great lungs, To build l up start him blowing: 'pamper around the hous. has attained suffii to thid o tnMrhod fith md| ic sustain a six foot kitp i two hours then necessary endurance sppech making. For speech training we fijrljl§er advocate that Junior be schooled in doubletalk. If, hoft^er you are unfortunate enoug h have a son who articulates c enough to be understood, thi r^ not despair. Your road will more difficult one but it may be one leading to success. Merely make him memorizft ery platitude that is Fec< rft Have him learn to speak ft>r w ithout once using an; W g phrase. Teach him to wavi! arms and to throw- his body dramatic positions as he Have him master the ability tloj^ry at an instant's notice. Note only rank amateur politician) es| eraents To Mtial Race i hq Ah wll Carbines, Pistols, Movies Encountered At ROTC Camp cru thn By J. T. MILLER Another week has passed at the K ' •>!!' -ft- 1 n pt Goodwin H Office', Hoo: i . - e Battalion The Ba talion, official newspaper o : < Aty of College Station, Texas, j* publiftr ]''rida|y afternoon, except during * Aliod 'is published tri-wcjekly. An request.! 4-t i> News ctytributions may be|madh b r telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 1. Classified ads njay be f aced by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student 2,09, Gobdim HalL iated Fifes i is enfttled ex UreditAd to lit or not bth mwise <d herein. Righ _ lusively to the use for republication of all news dispa edited ip the paper and local news of spontaneous origin pa iglits of .redubli'catioirof a|l other matter herein are also reserved. ir Entered aa becond-claes lost or at PtoM i tfied & Collfte Station,: T *as, unftr tic Act of Ccogrcaa. of Harih ,8. 1870.. T fBTH.|MNW OOU: .. 1 ft m : X Some of the more or less distinguished people who receive honorary degrees from universities don’t know any more about the subjects in w'hich they got doctorates than some of the students who have those subjects in thetycourses. Off to Europe ft r By MACK T. NOLEN (Mack Nolen, former feature editor of The Battalion, is off to Europe this summer to study at Sarbonrte, Paris, and later in Geneva, Switzerland^ The following letter, received yesterday, was written dur ing his last days of frenzied packing.) 1 ft But for Kismet and other niajii- passport! festations of fate-I had hoped to At length, after! had decimated be several days on my way by this fty long, curved, and cerisq finger time. The last three-sevenths Ojf ijail^ in anxiety, another notice ur- the past week were nerve-wreckers rived stating that our boat would the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas ed five times a week and circulated every Monday thr and examination periods. During the sutiunejr The Advertising rates furni rate $4.30 per school year. anq the mgh Bat- shed - 201, Activities li t- '! ft Member of Tie.Associated Press Wire T- JW* Writers 1 1 1 J: Uepresented nationally by National Ad- vertialng Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Lob Angeles, and San Francisco. ' par excellence in my books. I received word front Lykes Steamship Co. to be on hand in New .'Orleans June 21, and the stibr sequent comparison, between .my self and a decapitated chicken was not even funny! I packed in a trice (really in a trunk, but people are always pack ing" or doing something in a ' and I try to be democratic about these things and conform) and was all set for the Grand Tak6- Off. Then I remembered that the Immigration people in their ec centricities insist on seeing one’s ! ~ ' —- •*? cpvrtfcrs J»4isi hib Editor Hnwull ..^.^..1.... ' j ft ] V * passport before turning one loose on the hapless world. Mine own passport was at that time in Washington being visaed for Germany—we land in Bremen, jrfknow. I wired Washing! ever, he has. ‘ apswer was immediately forth coming) and. | *et, snares r such W ’ in' Africa seT fd? , * i {JSS i]ail th^ 28th as per schedule. I have been doing a spot of out side reading between labours. First I got off several historical novels df which I had heard a great deal --The Black Rose, The Moneyman, The Stone Tower—and then I set tled into something which has fas cinated nle a long while, an Islamic tri^e History covering the period from bout t re time of the Prophet up to the beginning of the Ottoman era (1500). ] [ft For a story of an advanced cul- thire when the great nobles of Europe, such as Charlemagne, were jhst learning fo write their names dTook into that subject, contiiiues to amuse me, this gjreat conceit our Western Euro pean civilization has. It admits ifoihlpg.Js- or ever has been its whup. grater st Air Follies ROTC Camp at Kelly Field. And what a week! Class es all morning, carbine and pistol marksmanship carti afternoon. Saturday morning we wasted by posing for propaganda movies for the Movietone News cameraman, then goofed off the remainder of this weekend in various towns throughout the Southwest, For the cadets taking Adminis tration, some form of condolence is in order. Those men are being exposed to some of the most un inspired pedagogy ever attempted by anyone. Dry, confusing, repeti tive:—that’s all in a day’s work for them. One consolation, many hours of muchrneeded sleep is {gained in these classes. However, - we. expect things to get better. On the Friday before the Fourth of July this unit will - undertake a brief bivouac;—a l.ti-mile roundtrip to the County countryside. Who sai( is a mechanized Air Force? nil re ttetyi' Ids Letters^ One comment beard folloWi dance thrown by the Fort Houston Army brats for th dots: “The dance wasn’t woi 11 damn. . . before we got then; ijhc Aggies had dates with; all fie girls ” (This from a UniVersi Oklahoma cadet.) * . The passage of the draft •day is causing quite a bit tention to be focused on Itha: No order clarifying the ppsitL. -- cadets in ROTC has been rec< i' 1 sd, and some of us are rathei; wo 11 sd. Two years may not be much t o pe younger non-veterans here camp, but many of the chdet) 24, 25, and 26 years old. The; r the ones whom an active dut; ’ Would jolt the The thing! tliat makes one to wonder As one obvious there are very fejy second enants to be seeiji ou Kellj Force Base. They Are as scarpt four-star generals around (And we’ve seen quite a few on^on in the handkerchief (For developing his dra- idrses we dfrongly rccoin- be shown “.Wc’vc Never n Licked” several times.)! \Vhen cu t sincerely and conyinc- nim that *T am not only cdnrnon man hut 1 ftirt for htyty P er rapitA..” (hen hi,s rT 1 upon its way.! bf ijllpwjng Juniiif! to Ito conlnct with radical lfo| instance allow him,to •corimnics courses. Theft; is s teaching economics iti : io >1 system will ebrrupt t sj'i [entialj ■ hopeful’s j mind, igv ;j been known to I state ?j should be no (arift's he United States econo- t ll it should be. listory books would be bad as they giyg many faeft RepubLcan party] that rt -i 11 i- shou (I be ignored. In leas , the ijloeS, thing be education Junior cap h ist amount of t lie; better off he wjU bo. Ii* sFintilr] fHltilc nr Irnnur ‘ rhort, 1UVO thi|nking. f ft] r hie should think or know jityn to, him later! (His articlo-is writteh ip It -publican fraction We do ' o instruct you mothers o install musical and culi- in Junior. (The Demo* nisi, however, should, be ilj’l instructed In f^ddle alnd baking'hiscuits.) It dell for Junior to leairn keep step to a military l y e th( u jh. so th^t he will appear urilijt if (tailed upon ip be in a 11 * hj the basic* f|pt Republican presidential Wo reel that. Junior 1 itO (er be allowed to speak e truth.! A particle of fact hen ij) pcrmissaWe, but b(ind that he insists upon ; speaking the ttutlf the not be spared for his goojd. |Hc should cultivate the lie! with an angelic ex- Nothiqg would dr more paji: ide. f1istly ;se I Bi'ial! i ild who an< is inua 1; sboijib r u at|l ty p mission ti-aiping •sidefttial s imeitij to the lad's! /future' chtjhces Hrith ptii tice Rdiblii rejli ers drdfm—(J ihj of tl an thd' inability to lie; h (|k, pml, and careful of these helpful hints you mothers among our realize your greatest ior at the wheel .of our ft' iti 'ftpV star generals around here!) (fifty ] u the only thing ‘ lit •4 InamnwiwMil the Batsubis in Africa set lions ta catty our postal carrier— ftn ow ..Circubitiou Mantgcr ‘Taicu our* postal currier— Adv#rH«imr I felt that he was withholding qiy * ly departure. publican Convention. Editor, The Battalion: Would you please publish some information on the progress Which has been, made to the effect of cs- the only thing for us to tablishing a curriculum in Indus- watch and wa >t trial Relations here at A&M Cdl- ' - ■ - ★ ' I, lege? j '4. ' i .A few of the cadets frou I would greatly appreciate your Dallas area are planning to chiiiler printing such information as when a plane to take them hoiqe ditiig the course will be available to the Fourth qf July weekend/F i students and what the course will expect to save 25fc, but it - il consist of. still cost them a cons ide 11 le Rudy E. TAKACS, ’50 amount of hard-earned mone r. (Ed. Note: Dean M. T. Har- * rington, School of Arts and J. N. (Red) Miller, of O: Sciepcep, said he had no infor- has been appointed cadet «|1 on a curriculum in In- of the camp for the week of Relations. However, he 21-June 28. Miller coi joint study was being Troop Cavalry at A&M 1 it w»v» whether or not there ( horse jockey?) to plane is need for such a A&M.) eh what? 1 I JL 4.1,. ben plal! cr, W-cjs h music room oi jtl ?n» later in (hi have a $1,000' etipecittlly built and {\ ty " bf; hewi records, Paul ie, lihrurian, has announced. - esent plans, are to redecorate ioni ii ivory and install crom- fujiijiture. Most of the old ishjnty' will be taken out al(dl fhelvea, containing .music i I be placed on either of th< entrance. ti e rear of the music- robm res will be plaobd to hold -d colluction and phono; able and a desk will 1 section 0/ the room from the A stuff member of the M 1 locate the records and elr playing. record player will be l Turner, djrectoar of vities, for the Mui :, l 1. I -■ ■..JI&LaJ:'