Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1948)
mm mi. FOR SALE—Houv (No. 4, Project Area. Furakhol or uafujniiahpJ. R. J. Carl ton, Ror; 5149.- t f •uirant Announced as President Of Singing Cadets for 1948-49 Helnut Quirlun .\viil|i|i0 president of the jSinjring Cadets for 1918- -19', retiling president Whitney WilHon Jr. jannoun- ced Sati rday : night at the annual award banquet 1 of the Hinging ('adets. t - finnan. for next year; n for oi^ht ('adets. Rev. Sam R. Hill, eolleKf chap lain. was principal speaker at the banquet and Wilson acted t| | Petej Jones dill serve vice-presi'yent F ill Moss wiM Jbe liaraciqn; Ji*i}ay4- ;r r r yr,, >'f " :xr t\ b r'K : tors in retioinitid i »ei; and tie., |Sehn,ll will te NV()rlt f n th( porter-histomq.j .1 1 In re crip nitioo of fiis past j - «i:(r’k dork as h in^iiig (’s dot presidentl. i , Wilson was pnisiented a ce.ti ’ieate 1 f .t 1 ' • entitling him tb a suit of el >t}hed. ”*0 n' ji -i t ’i ' 1 Vs ♦ f! ,r z iT'rti iiT.f ife„riwS ibthlwwl. mi,.' i; I, tit' Crisli o the tan- ent (Jibl. Gilchi-ist. ' ■ .1 «iUeejTho m art,A Wise . ' r . : l was .program chairman, And Sam _ Twenty-ax rnembers on t^t' ;l.anfoicl was in icharge of dqcora- JfinginK Ci|del8!Weri| presentdd fii-i J •<» t4 i t *. i ’ ’ Q- f 1 i ' 1 no ill. ' This US er keys it reerignitfon of tv riosters’ work ilii, tHc choral t Students dho had i> *en in thp <j'a-j' SUPAI, Ariz.i—<- J P» Jets for four sejfnest >1 • were d'idd keys. Siiil-sdu estor were pi, sinleb.'Uvuyi\ V\UoA. Keith llhineii-.y .Fob ufij W| - -1 iton Postoffiee in anjlndian community iedjetb I at the bottom elf the (iranj jCan- j y'vm .W dwt vvt VVvv W\s ws \iCwV\‘ .fqlep mad is stiff d.e(iv{erH< only by hors FOR SAIJ? — Tircsj batter«'«. trailers. You can l»uy cheaper from Baker Tire Co.. JM W. 22nd4 Phone 2-9159. FOR 3ALF.—Senior , boot a. Size 10* j Calf 16. Reasonable. See llarru, 101. No. 10. FOR SAI.E—1937 Chevrolet Tudor. SfiOt- lirht, heater, fortiitht. Fieri 1). Sher man, Apt ,309-2, Aimer. FflK SALK—1946 Indian motorcycle, Mte 74 •‘Chief." In co<fU condition with lot- of 0Ktn*. Price--) 2550.00. See A. W. Nelson. 17 10.1. FOR, SALK—Senior boots, size 14'' calf: 7 1 ,. to H 1 .. boot piints. pinks and khaki, 29" Vrii-t, hooks: chain., spurs. sho>- trees. See H. C. Butler, 218—No. 6. FOR SALK- My two unit prefab house and lot at tzive aiway price. LiK-ati-d at .208 S. Munnerlyb Drive. Contact Jam Aubrey, Apt. A-7)W, • College Vi<vv. ! SEt US for electric or acetylene weidinr .^Jpb4 larste or rmall. H. P. Farm Ma chinery Co., New Hwt. C. neat to White War Cafe. , I '* FOR SALE—One Bu«h and leme piano, personal piano of music teacluer. Box 110®. Colleee. FOR; SALE—Trailer and rocm equipped v. ith electric ice box. hot water heater and built in baby bathinette. Reasonable price. See J. H. Slcdife,’ Area 1, Trailer Nd. to* 8 - WANT TO BUY ttood two wheel trailer. Box 4089. ' I ■ FOR RENT—luirae two wheel trailer: •print!* and tall lisbt--. Reasonable rates fof studenta movlnir. Frank Pritchett. 102 S. Polk. Bryan.. Phone 2.1244. LOST—Slide rule. If found phone W. 1. Mprrqw, 4-8671. after 6:00 C. ECHOLS Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan Phone 2-64.’ft FOR SAI.j?—Officer-; uniform eon<iatint! of the fhlluv iny: Tropical worsted blouxf, pant\ and shirt. Sf^nre blouw, two isertte ■•h'i.rts, serpe pants. White blouse. One iciv cream shirt, two ice cn urn pants, twb Ot) pants, one short coat. ;Will sell as :g)ut very che ap. Sell piece; by piece- afteh: Weelnesdny. Call 4-:8.35jl. \ FOUN1) — F'ountain, pen near Pe troleum | FOR SALK Cub Super-t Kldtf. Owner identity and pay for Uiis »d at Student Activities Office-, 209 tiuedwin Hall. iiiser, 3 plne-e-. Vacancies Exist In Penal Schools Examinations Cor the position of correctional officer with federal correctional institutions at La Tu na, Seagovillc, ami Texarkana have been announced by the Civil Ser vice Commission. Entrance salary is $2,694 per year. Application forms and addition al .information may be obtained from Roger Jackson at the College Station Post Office. ' -FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — W — A i helicopter delivered parts for a Quonset hut used for a church at : Supat, Indian community at the bottom of the firand Canyon. , i Keepsake O' 1 A M o n 0 / KING' s~\ For Thai ruise I'luctically new. i.nly 50 h\in». Hanker ed. Extra instruments. Will trade. Bar ykin at : *3.000.00. Cost—SH.SOlhOO. Eddie Anttcl at trailer (k-us--. •j tnil^ north of P, O., College ■ Station. NOTICE. FACULTY WANTED A Correspondence eoure for POST GRADUATION STUDIES entitled CARTELS OR COMPETITION T See Stockintt’s and Watkin'a book of the -ame name. Irdererted faculty members see V. M. Faires, Austin H#ll. Pleaso hurry. i i WANTED—Full or pnn ttojr for retail rtore In Brjt: a double entry , joarnnl-to- preparatioo of trial! Ioka. etc. Reply'Box how Ion? Used Headqua i’41, Ford, Tudor t j j ;. r ’41, Mercury, Cou^cj '.19, Lincoln-Zephci ’19, Chevrolet, Tufqjr ’19, Ford, Tudor I ’18, Chevrolet, T ’38, Fonl, Tudor ] | ’37, Chevrolet, Se ’36, Plymouth, Co’ ’33, Pontiac, Sednikt ’48, Chevrolet, Pie| ’48, Jeep ’47, Dotlge, Fxpre ’40, Dodge, Truck] | V ’37, Ford, Panel ’85, Ford, Truck BRYAN Ml COMPAl ’ | j I 1 Your Friendly Fofrf Dtfa 415 N. Main St. jP|ont! Bryan, Te^a ... M ewWnyt- e‘, FOR , tbyr it : Calf 10H. Mje 16- 442jl. : -penior bait- r-ad. bott .1 yrns. B* !' ■ ' PLENTY QF ^TE MODEL USED CARS f • 11 T ■{ . Any mako ., . : j' • • any mpdej . Priced to sell ! • U. DISHMAN PONTIAC j j Across from Post Office ' . : : j, . . , | ' si//over America. y ’$ Report — YHillll m A • / <zyveciaL . ! f£ The traditional symbol of f lovp ... a genuine regisferod Keepsake \ Diamond Ring. Cheete 'Ajth confidence ... at this store when you smoke CHAMPION SHEEP SHOWMANV-W. C. IIOLLANIL above, was chosen (he champion sheep showman at the Utile Southwestern Livestock Show held on All-College Day. He was also named group champion showman. ■ )/' ' Civil Service Has Typist Vacancies What’s (looking? Sign up todfify with iOHNstlN iMAGAZINi; AOIvNUl AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE of the A«tM Methbdist Church, 7:.‘i0 p. in., Monday’, Hpine lof Mrs. R. I). ! Positions for stenographers and Decker, JJ-14-Z, College View, typists with the Civil Service Com- AGGIE RUTH CIRCLE of A&M missions are open, Paul H. Figg, Methodist Church, 7)30 p. m., Mon- rcgional aireclo". announced today. day _ Home of Mrs! Jim Teddlie, Entrance salaries range from 1402 College Main. .) $1756 to $2394 per year, and cm- , i ployment will be in Texas. NEWMAN CLUB meeting, Mon- ApplicationS may be obtained l ' a >' il’^ | ed from the College StatioivPost i-pn^’ ' l ' LK(11 ° N 0F 0FtlJ i Office or from the Itegional Di-' — ' ' j , rector, 14th US Civil Service Re- pr K . MED, PRE - DENTAL gional, 210 South Harwood Street. SOCIETY. 7:30 p. m., Monday, Bi ology Lecture Room. Dr. H. L. i ■Stewart to speak. Refreshments will be served. RADIO CLUB, 7 p. m., Monday, Room 102, EE Building. SAM, 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, YM- ( A Chapel. Dr. William Gomberg is guest speaker. MORRIS! _ because Philip DEflNHB | • i ! A MfADOW S»i 100 00 (Agog#»T'tn1 JOOOO B HfATHft S#« 36J50 frxgag»m*ni ti»vg ISO.00 Aii« $100 la 347$ All 'ingj .vvodcb^ -n arh-Tf 01 wgfl oi roturoi gj>lj PncCi include Federal M*, San key Park ■ * j b: w e l e r I : Bryan ' than any o ther l# 1 SMOKING IN CHON Last February Mr. Tom Bud dy. Manager of Guion Hall The atre, ported “NO SMOKING” signs at ea:ch entrance to the theatre. Early in March he started running a “NO SMOK ING” trailer on the screen at each show. During the months of February, March and April the usher jn the theatre has made periodic checks of the audience and has asked smokers to put out their cigarettes or leavg tlfcj theatre. ) 1 On May 5 Mr. Buddy made new “NO SMOKING” signs, ex plaining that smokers would be ejected from the theatre and subject to disciplinary action. On May 8 at the Aggieland Follies announcements were made over the public address system reminding the audience of the “NO SMOKING” regu lations. Despite these signs, an nouncements and patrols some one in the .Aggieland Follies audience almost caused a se rious incident by carelessly- flipping a cigarette into a drape in the theatre. In conformance with Nation al, State, [and local law and college regulations there will be tio smoking in Guion Hall Theatre. This is not only for protection but for common de cency, Offenders will be re moved from the theatre. Every day . . . Tgiore and more people are discovering in PHILIP MORRIS a milder smoke, a fresher, cleaner smoke than they’ve ever known before! If you’re tired of “cigarette hang over’’—tired of that stale, musty taste in your mouth—that dry, smoked-out feeling in your throat , . . join the millions who CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS. Remember ...PW/L/F MORRIS is the ONE the ONE Yleading cigarette rec ognized by eminent nose and throat specialistsas definitely leas irritating! NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT! ' ' } mm m Ray# gfewij l • ’’M lt< 35 r j P? * r of America’s Top-RanWng About PHILIP MCRRlB doujbt in ay mind that S CjbKarettOiS ure much ingj than othhr ciga- [would be neglecting our o smoke if we did not sug- y stoke PHXLftff M0RRI$.f jl of IPN0FESSI0HAL STATEMENTS (lost unit THROAT SPECIALISTS. (fcP A You'// be q!ad TOMORROW - you sn oked Philip Morris TQPWY •' Tl 71 If Tlf • ■ . L 11' ■ i- I- pystwl i