Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1948)
/. -ri I ! — U% Afii! IT'S UP VO'ALL MOSS.- ft^PEP O'OUR T'UVE 1 , V WRITE :/ Atio' THr ‘ELLim Ml AGH AH'D KATE T'LlVE MAH FIGHT W1F Jp\KJ, L. SULLIVAiN -QR TV > CASE O' TM' BURP iMYORE ' VASE—ORTHETt TRIP T' BOS' ■h Df" ; - Jv, - 1 : . ^ *■*» V *•* » > ** ♦ V % v % »} < V ’i* V 'v • v 1 • » * fcr- ^ ! i r / i J ■ ■/ V »' it • « V ! i m 6#tfh} OVER. a^THOP^SHtDa^MAnA TAhJGLjE W)F ji^V 0' 7HOS: GALS t. '*«*/ H«« k f I,. •,I «»«o i m— WE HAIlfJT HAVlM'ANYBODY iYO'KNOWS FO'SUPPER, ’ SALOMEY'' YO-jEST- GOTTA GIT OVER THINK4W' } O YOPESH-F as A LATIN' PIG.'T-VO' ' ' ■' GENOOWINE' ALABAMMO! THET'S A ENTIRELY DIF F'RUNT CLASS O' SWINE,, FUM tR' TY!PE va SLAPS INTO A SKILLET AN’ FRIES-OR ROASTS, j • ■■•A.. By Ai Capp RtMEMBER.^ GET YOUR LETTERS' IN VTKIN TWO WEEKS .'T' ■ — - —i mmmr, a AH WERE MERELY POINTIN' OUT TH' DIFF'RENCE BETWEEN YO: AN' COMMON, iGGORANT EATIN'-TYPE PlGS.^— 'HAMMUS ALABAMMUSSES" IS NOT MEANT T'BE ET / BUT T'BE LOVED U'PftAflkfw ~n ! '■ tojirn't HtuistTn Hill . l•cpeat inp o broad ])0ii<lr .bn ace Si find will ’beiiiuii'i •1 Ifl Vni'( TcxaT Texas .Mile inuejl from P;#* t us' weekend. Jni’ have a jh'an ir ijl'IT' (‘il’ortii }\v ■' in fijje.’C inVTe •] ,'Nalw I'l'llyTtliP ■rln.ihfr ?:r 'njjjt iimpjcr, J|(lm Kobe inj ^hantjj IryHiatu •o(r rrariirs . p is}n-VVc|l Nvfllav 1 recoct.’ T i' r-Tj-ir. IV4- \\ (’ifFbsj’lir !--•# ■ < ’f &M (Tertyj Biklei liijfk, llolbrpok, j and' HarntUjn), Tinjelj 3;19.4. KH- yard .dash—\yfim by Parker, J •i Texas; reebnd, Sat|uols, Texas. n 1 Time !•.(!. j : ( j Shcf Pul — Wbi byi Kadera, ,, Tj'exa. Ait.Mf. -1H fvetj 1 iueh; second ■ SUkvovwK, Aevas, A^ if eel H iiwbes. \ .Mile Run — Won |>y Thobipson,; ,, , Texas; second. Brooki. Texas. Time i ! l 1:^.3 .!•:(]■ , . ’ [ -■20 yard dash •— Won by Parker ; ' Texas; second, Xapi'T, Texas A&M 'Filing .20.9. ii’d yaiif jiiyh hui(|»s — Won byj * !'rsi .■ •vx*-. . V* ' iVESTOCk - (Continued from Page 1) E. Dube shoeing “J. \V. McCiie,” second was H. D. Roberson show ing “Kingnnudo.” and P. H. Kra mer showing ‘‘Reno Unindit.’’ T. J. Bergin showing “Blue Pepper-’’ was first in the mare class, 0. C. Noie showing “Whitehead Filly” was second, and T. A. Elders show ing ‘‘Peggy O’Neal” third. Cham pion showman of the horse divis ion! was Bergip. lit the swine division V. R. Schmidt placed first, F. A. Rau second, and T. L. Phillips third. . The medium wool class of the sheep division was won by B. Wey* or is, F. Wilkinson, and James Haralson, respectively. 0. W. Nall was first-in the mixed lamb class, J. Fineg second, and R. H. Van Court third. F. J. Dyer placed first in the finewools class, \V. L. Dyer second, arid D. L. Hush third. The Southdown class was won by W. C. Holland, B. H. Gibbs, and D. C. Pitts. Holland was selected as the champion sheep showman. From tpo champion of each di vision W. C. Holland was selected as grand champion showman and V. R. Schmidt reserve champion showman.! Classified Ads PELL WITH A DATTALION CLASSI- F1ED AD. Rato-i ... SC n word nrr insertion with a 2.'C minimum. Spaci’ rates in Classified Section . . . 60C per x column inch. Send all classifieds with remittance to the Student Activities Of- ~t>J r/o -SOON YOU'LL NCCD ALL *i*a THAT LOVE T~ SALOMEY T P.'.W-n, Texas; secOinL ‘Cuhdon, A & if. An jjex 21. P. Abbott Martin Chosen Hon Fish at Little Aggieland 1 i I . • i A. p. Martin Jr., a freshman mechanical engineering student of Dallas, was selected outjKtanding jeadet of the freshman regiment,at the Mother’s Day review held yes terday jit Little ^ggieland. | * In [receivingj this honor, Martin was presented a medal and certificate by Dean of the Bee. All adj should be turned ttFAy lOYlJO a.m. of the day before publication. TYPINCrH-Brinz your theme.t and th»9i« to C-Kt-A, College V’icw Apartments, after 5:00 p.m. or to the Scribe Shop. 1007 E. 23rd. Phone 2-C705. FOR SALE-22 It. trailer With' 22-xS- room attached, all "under one roof. Trail er h fully eauipped and has n new four burner apartment sire cas range. Sec Bob Congyr, Trailer Area No. 4. Site L-C. WILL OFFER ?23.00 casb reward to per son giving information leading to. event ual sale of my trailer house and 1 ^oom ns it stands on present campus site. Bill Gardner. Trailer N-t. FOR SALE—Dobermnn Pinscher pups sired by , Hallwyre Kennels. Champion 111 CHICK. 209 Park Place, West Col- lege Park. FOR SALE-—9C acres fronting $00 feet on new Hwy. C. nine miles south of College. Large fish pond with fish: beautiful site fur homo. Abstract fur nished. ten year payment. 340.00 per no re. 209 Park Place, West College Park. FOR SALE—Large house trailer; bedroom and complete bathroom built on. Elec tric refrigerator, apartment site range. Ideal lolation. Trailer S-4, Area 5. Box SAN ANTONIO CLUB MEETS J 1 ^ — OffiCOPif for 1948-49 will be elec- i FOR SALK—1939 Packard Sedan. C cyl., ted by the Sttn Antonio A&M Club ; L'TcTJm. 1 ' “ ^ ' Thursday at 7:30, p.s m. in Room! — FOIt SALE—One 1929 model Chevrolet 1 1 . - ton truck. Sealed bids will bo reived until 10 u.m., Wednesday. Mi$y 12. 1918. The riitht is reservied to reject any and all bids. Addresn Comptroller, IFtTHYmtRF POP —S30.00; dinette tables—?ld)0 eh.: de-lt-?10.09. Apt. WAN'ItED—Student tact Mr. Kraft. Kraft LOST]—One box Kodla cht architecture models; Retvlii uir,-j Library. Phone 4-5.'‘‘ month. 2200 A^l/’hpl. FOR PALE—19410 Cujshmai Seei at F. W. WaolwarL, Ask! for B. F. SwindlerJ,! 1 ] FOR BALE OR TRADE trailer convenient!; 1 Warner, Trailer K,5. IFOR RENT—I rocim ftirni a. .1 i . t l. \ I. from June through AurM -• ’ wjyji 208, Acadjemic Buriding. R. C. ECHjj Realtor! Over Canady's PI Bryan | , Phono 111 LOST; -4 Brown billlfold Camimf Corner and Ky] n,nd important papers. I Bain. Apt. C-9-A. <|r Boj NOTICE FACl'liTY Have you ever) read a gc| it may form the basis of a| course; for POST GRADUATE If inter«xitrd. sic V, M. Hall fur details.|Now is tli y. M. FA) Post Gram NOTICE TO MAJORS IN ENGINEER! I !* in MBEhHt b«g(kT rretlpoi ijj!n(f Un|E5 ires, our. i on S ilNAGE All majof-s in Management who arc Completing thel 1949 should register i for M$". 440 during the first tfj mer session. These tvfo eotr made prerequisite fori Toolif isigh. Students who must Inttedi ■ ,!,■ . i Knginp vork, iK SO of itho :s hav,' >ee A&M College of Tcvas, College Station. Texas, for further information, , . i . during! the first term ; may Ip ME 4 lo during the s<£on: ‘ FOR PALE—My home in West Park; 10 summer school if they v ij tall cedars and other shrubs; lot 75'x advance with <h|e ME de|i|i 150"; concrete walk: garage attached; tary. fhis actiori shbuld I iff living room 16'xlK': hardwood floors. ,lintel); If sold by Tuesday- $5,200.00. 202 Fi- I V. ML FA dolity Street. 1 , Post Cradbr Lmiwer bblle meiht nkth yd/*over America... Smokers Re r,te f the h i in i imps For Your Visual Prtjiblems Consult Dr. Carlton R, OPTOMETRIST 20S S. Main — Biyl Phone 2-Iftfi? For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 T ***—u •*< w ti . S'I fLATTERNITS Chmc ofl yot(il U ytiu’ll yirn, expect LUX a jiility vet’em! We'vt a ftEsn stock H I] . : | T r pot stodtingj, in Jclote! MiiiJe oif duf|c|ht Nylon *4 ! »il! * H ^ 1 ' shja'des M 4 j! v ith. the Blti-prdlcisic^ijyjbu 1- - : of ;FLAtTERNl(tS, . tested forjwasli- uoocMe. Xt^ir sftippUpis. of spring and j. Slmm Cr !sh;ides Ol TsT.\\l)l!\(; FRESHMAN—DEAX OF THE ANNEX J. I’. ABBOTT preHimts a medal anil eertifieate to A. 1>. MARTIN JR. of Dallas at the Mother’s I)a> review held yesterday at the Annex. MBS. j! ART IN idoks on gleefully. and Si-LT) ! j." 8MART SHOP BKti it M. Time JaVeln I: I I. ) Texas, lj»|5 feet 11 (inches; second, er) Time 41.7. Tiv.'ts- 8sh ya il run - Won Ity-Sparks, st . tl , n) | lietween cjuirey ^nd Ricks. 20 iit*rcent on aendemie ratintr; s V i*/.till -iw I , . vc , i \ A. \ 1 era ■ , • ff , , g* • , • f * 1 i* 1 • , « . . t TexiT Tihu l-.1t;.2. 1 1,1. Thfow ;U on by (iiu ss, '44o yard relay - (Tatoiu, Samuel."? Hi:! feet Bole Vault Texas 12 feet Also receiving" medals and cevti- j ! fit'a(es at the parade were repre sentatives From each company of 1 freshmen. | Most outstanding cadet of Com- 1 panji 1 was Charles H. Neeley of | Pans. Honor cadet of Com nan y 2 vjas Robert L. Sturdivant of Dallas.. Raymond J. Kunze of Gjddihgs was; named the outstanding mem-1 her of Company George V. Charlton of Dallas, Cdmpanv 4; Cly<|e. D. Henderson Jr. of Honey Grove, Company f>; LeVon Mas- sengjale Jr. of Dallas, Company (i; Wiltjnau 1). Barnes of Ahilenc, Coinparty 7; Gordon C. Edgar of Eagle Bass. Company 8; ami .Tamps E< Pisnta of San Antonio, j Company 9. I Company ti, eornmanded by Johij E. Gossett of Houston, ‘was | chosen the honor organization at ! Little Aggieland. A ribbon was 1 presentee! the unit and it will be placed on the company’s guidon, j Units and individuals were judged by e committee of military ofiems at the Annex. , In; thh Selection of the out.-land'! ing cadets, emphasis was placed i ! oil academic p|oficienoy. The breajvdown of selection is: 59 per- 1 1 cent,! academic proficiency; 15 per- 1 cent, military proficiency; 10 per-1 - Wort by Texas cent, character, personality, and I Lawr r, Bark- antiunle: and 19 percent, extraom- , riculnr. * Won b\j Walters. , In judging the unit<, 50 percent 19 inches; tie for . wi-s based on military proficiency; when you smoke PlilUP MORRIS! .because Philip Morris f ; si‘com! Stone, Texas A&M Texas A&M, 12 feet *! inches. percent oil discipline; anil 10 per-; High Jump -- Won bj Walters, cent “ii inlramurals. Texas, 6 feet 5 inchci; second, Following the flower-pinning j Haws, Texas A&M. 9 feet 3 inches/ ceremony at Little Aggieland. the , 2-mile run - Won bv Thompson, 1 ^‘^man regiment paraded for Texas; second. Hampton Texas A , Al that lime the awards r ' . were made to the outstanding eom- &M. Time 9:24.5. Discus Throw — Woj) by Ka dera. Texas A&M, TdO fifet 8 inch es; second, Kraincs, 'flexas, 151 panics .and cadets. The oaf racks were open for in spection bv visiting parents from | •J to 12. j If’ct. j | After the review. Rev. Carlos j 229 yaul low hurdle^ Won byi Daiis. director of the Wesleyan Hall. Texas A&M; secontl, (anion,! Foundation of the A&M Metho- Texas A&M. Tripe 23.J. | dist 'Church, was prilicipal Hioad jump Won by Jay, Tex- I speaker at the special Mother's 1 as A&M, 22 feet 54 inches; sec- i Day service in the chapel, mid. lidl. Texas A&M, 'TI feet 5, Dining the afternoon a band! inches'. : I concert iH'hind the chapel, an ex-) j hihition [H'r forma nee of the fresh- i N'KW YORK 'A' 1 Of Amen- man drill team, and a reception at can babies, more than i)7 percent the .Student ('enter were. held, have blue eyes, about 29 percent The day’s activities Concluded h DEHNRED IRRITA1 than any other m r-; I ■. \ !■' N i ••i I eyes hi own- eyes. 19 rig', u. ^ pat| orr percent, gray, or ; with a ivtreat formation of the ereen and peiet-nt otijer colors.' freshman regiment. for perfeef fit plus meld athletic support i fjor Reis Scandals! h;j|ail lo pialjc..Inal- t aije hiilvrcd /l/.’. I.’al- \o scrrel v b.v men | lici re seienliiicalh i tm. I il and condo i tiled dart stitched pouch provide!- mild -iiypoil helps jiifvjent atigue. All-Around i la-lie uaistband. '(Uoii "ealed no-gtip II) . ! me (|iiiliit\.«ollon.,do:ely knit lor] long. shape-retaiuir.|: \ujar. ■f.i il.iiiiim: Re j- \\ f > ! shirts pspeiKullv d< ii I^ccpi niUiii i| i i! \ ■ if-— , ;-Rooq«ipi*g » / 'igilj'il In hr worn with i»eispcur)<l.:b 1 1 THEY’RE CUT TO HT...TC Kanjous Reis patented dart-stitchfd poiu’li sliages Scandals to body ... I Nivides piild sninioft ... ;Fs(ircs pirn PL Full cut scat f<H «tra co nfort. better Idqks. No scimis t,> sit on. nj wusT dc-ign for extra comfort, heller: fit. M EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas] Aggies” m • • r ft*; 1 i ■ j i All over America, smokers who lnjvfc mokris tell us . . , they now cr}oy fresher, cleaner snroke than they eh Yes, there’s a difference in philip iJ|))r]U ;|t it from all other leading brands!l,|| , I ' if If you’re tired of “cigarette han taste in your moutK—that dry throat . . . join the millions who ^aU- and remember : ; ■ Of all leading cigarettes, PHlLjCH MORRIS—and only PHILIP MORRM ( —is recognized by eminent na4 and throat specialists as definite^ less irritating! na to PHILIP |r smoke, a n before. al clistinguishes -V# || p . / ! / If that stale, musty oMt feeling in your OR PHILIP MORRIS, 1 jp/T/: Ccpyrigfitj 1947 by Local Advertinnu Co. ft m il r! NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT* Read Vfhcrt One of Kmenta's Top-Ranktw j | j Doctors Sa'/s Kboul ?H\W N10RR1S "1 have often sute,ested 'o s»o k e i S couvl-^ “ MORRIS Cigarettes are le^s irntaNinfc the other brands. |p fiom on« ot » *•''** ''WHSSV0HM. RDMI b, ENIKINT HOSE W* THRUM ... »SiSi£„; IliiP m “We were awfully lucky I took our wash to this afternoon.” iniL , ^ 5 1: 1 l ..; f""T lUNDERETTE j • l *i m You// bo g/od TOMORROW .... you smoked Philip Morris TO DA V I-- ***(*&% a85E5SSES2!S21!!! !9H ! HS||i! !B!"E I !!!P*55? , 2!E1