Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1948)
I • I H » ; ! -■ : W- F ■ : - I : • : F t v . ' / I'.'. i/- 1 j j ! ! r i r ‘ i ' f . |-— t . r 1 f : € . ^ i 1 •. V- ^1 ll r" i /*- ; i j i ■ T - -a r i _ 1 : . Aggies Sfay in Race With Two Wins omers Give Ags Winning Margin BY ANDY MA'jrt'LA i In a tightly played ball Hjojhie runs were the rule!game), the Texas Aggies] or the! day as the Aggies slam- squeezed past the Rice Owls med out a 9 to 4 vijctory over ‘ - • - the Rice Owls Saturday af- terntidh. Bobby Frctjz went the rout^ Jfor tjhe Aggies and his third conference win. ; Fi^st baseman Heiischel Maltz brokel into the Aggie ; lineup in a big why. Maltzls line |drive single to flijlst scored Stan Hollmig in On his waj from secont a single by ICO FECK VASS id third tl.Mis RllSSRU MAYS. He scored on 1 ttii)L|>ir t m: it he TAll-C • 1 j-.' ■ -f inning agdinst the Owls Friday bn i tie the scpre. Third base coach ear’’ signal. I ■ > The Flyinir -Texas :Agtt(os jw: organized W rdni'sdjay ' ►yf sftudrnto-. Iiaving pilot' ( Ijeense] ;|m1 rsted in •prono).jng ptiwiet ' f!wn|., , John ft.' C? sei\v«s euct 'd |.)|es - • dent; Robeit ipiewcRi jice-piesj- dent: aueiji Jo.l R. Hufiiaafl, #i|vri p ta ry-treasure r. T i t ; the j|eond inning to tfe the score. Then in the fourth frame with two :aboard, Maltz cracked out a hbjnerun that sailed high over the! ^ight field fence and bounced aggilist the sCoreboajrd. His ac- | tioiklin the game accounted for foujr|A&iM runs. No| to be outdone. Cotton Lind- loff j hushed aiiother ; hqiner over the i(|ft field fence in; the seventh franja. The basts hud it wo men on at th»i time and; two mjon were out. The iileorthg did not cease then'. Zbke Strange was hit by pitch er John Humbly. Elton Tumlin- senj Replaced the faltering Plum- bly and the first Aggie to fare N^ciuhiSM; is sips Bv H, nj. ^ ^ ^ c Ffyitir «Tcxjis 'Aggies II I- I ; £ sent his way and put Hie ball oven the right field feplte. 4 to 1 Friday afterlioon on Kyle j’iefH. j- • , Earl Beesley opjposed Bill Bishoj) i on the mound apd pitching was the highlight of the game- Beesley picket up credit for the win but failed to ; get any; strikeouts in the i. Uifihop fjanned .three Ag gies :,nd allowed only two walks for thj whole game. His first came in thi fourth and another in the eight!. Eig it A&M players died on the bases compared to four for the Owls. The Aggie* tapped Bishop for eh ven hits, including two doub les and a home rijm. Five Owls got hits off of Beesliey. The gairve looked grim for the Aggits ,4's they! went into the seventh frame. In the, fifth in ning, the Owls Imd pushed in a run bji Glen Fuller’s single, a sac rifice by Bill Bishop and Harold Stock!iridge’s single. That one lone score stared the Aggies in the face as their turn at bats came up in the seventh, i • Leadoff man Earl Beesley flied out. Then Russell Mays; slammed < i'a double agains] the center field; Track Loses To Steeh, 162 to 60 Texas University in Austin last Frida; Texas Aggie tract s The Steers too Aggies captured ten o were awarded for second 5 the reljjys. -i ; n Chafley Barker, Jerry! fliKiimp sun apd Robert v Wain rj| e*el fii won first places fcjr theijUing i horns. Barker's vii t©iiii| |i|i bapu in the 100 and J20 xaifil 'dash es; Thompson's in the iifh aiu the two mile runs; and "lbalter; won both the high jump |jjd |»ob : j vault.! f I|T ; ■ v Parker was high pjiini yviti! his two wins and a leg o | j tonious splint relay leapljj ' 11'» points. ’ : : I •Big (peorge Kudara wa>t' jijjih"fi the Aggies by virtue of jjr ning tprows in the Dili shot pijt. The ppsets of the imeeiji! I he ppsets ot the imee: | htpije u fjj in* tiie Shot But and tie rjip ijumj iy ^ !*ountRj' , e g) illego fly.i ig eliit b hoMinfe ?sts Blans wen piarte - fft' 1$ to join othui g' throughout tie ,air meeT- ar tl ffyitig fjtjujf —-.... w. j.. —— — — i > r v ; AUTHORIZED HtADQUARTt|i ... » !•:. . r ,f ’:t NEW! YORK -rt]F nirses; came to b^ limited to 18 ( . r ^_. up For a while in the j first inning, fence.| ' 1 Bob: jfretz was in ^rouble. Harold! through with a sizzling daisy out-1 ter along the third base, line that For a while in the]first inning, fence. | Cotton Lujndloff then came ; B0hi.F1 How golif Stotlkbridgo doubled liw<the lead- 1 trm wl off slot. Fretz walked /Lindsey oles i$ explained! ini this story Cart'M. Bill Tjlewbill! >rbt on by ciirrentljy traveling the locker i fieddurs ehpkre as i Stockbridge joms: : j venuout at third basti. Then Char- ‘iBack in 1858, thje board of his-! ley KHspn doubled to score Cary, jric si Andrews jhaijl bpen pjon-[ Tru^t/Peachy flied put and Mie- djering the weightij- question! of j keyj jMacalusc fanned to end the ‘IfoW-niUny-holos’ ; ^ golf coup*e I innitsg.» • | ’ lould have. M .1 !' || Tw Owls were unaple to add to tY local player came forth and |jtMH kcore until the, Pinth inning. / 'I'he awaiting response . . RICH lU'RIHl'T and team manager JACK HAl’Bt stand ready tig congratulate BOB FRETZ on his home run against Rice Friday. The unidentified bathoy is one of , „ ../HABBY’s many assistants during game time. FBETZ’S homer with Lmdslby Cary couldnt handle and HOLCMKi aboard sewed up the game for the Aggies, it careened .into the spectators ... . . ~ eg m along | the baseline. Mays scored to tie the scoi’e and Lindloff went to seond. Star Hollmig stepped up to slam a hari hit ground ball to deep short snd heat the throw to first. 1 Lindloff was off like a shot round-1 ed third and headed for home j sliding into the plate as the relay! from first came in. Umpire • Pat | Benajfa called him safe and the, i Went ahead by; one run. j ecision was; not looked on! with tjavor by the Owls and they! jsly protejstod .the ruling. ! game continued as Bob came to bat and promptly j eii a honheit oyeit the left! fence, puiihi^ig Hollmig in. j As faV as action Went, the game. «" ■ 1 iff SERVICt a solution Dased op tnepey of local cliinajte’ iind the contents of a IV his kgy. TViirbeen playi:igieach day as n any-holes as thete Were sips in b'otile,' he (ixolajined. ‘\Yheii e .hottile is einjjtc I (juit as it! ouid lie wnhealth y jto continue, c bottle coetair.); 'exactly 18 | _|4' l) No! “Flistesl L hool. y|o one day. BujlJy just hap- ■ned to be in that jati'a a fid drop-j'Bicg . .•d in ^0 say heilof The boy was j Stojekhridgc, 1. ick .in] the barn, jsoj after sonic ! Unify, ss ighhoifiy talk with the hoy’s Ncjvbill, ef j 1 other, BuHv voiijnt..*ered; to . go Nelson, if Walking Pe4ehoy, If lj Bully bud- Mat-aldse. 'J ... .id a double' ^ ijlariil, e lj the rival -Texas i.YaiiWiek, &M c<i>ach—ohurnini outter!" ! Blijmply, p li ( Eds.; note. Howl many of vou 1 Tuinlinson, p ft *T|om||sPn l| JReininger i] l 1 Totals .i ninth. A&M Mays, Liflloff, J St|nnge, c-rf Hoillmig, If TKhrnton, ss V !h p the ’incle- r! ar ^*f | iflltc* and tht* | | ^ w- i , . . bottle of Scotch ! Was^f. Then twtsy.rutis! came across j Aggie announced that he had arrived at/ } ■ s t |ar ght singles by Bob \\ il ly solution based on the ’incle- 1 UnU pmch hitter Job Thompson, and' ]) Ernest Remingu n 1 ri«' r filled the i on a; wild pitch and a; ground rule The teclpibality. The final run was scored hy| Cary who icame across stieno on !]tt>ckbridge’s singles A double | The playj relieved the pressure and the ! Fretz game iended when Nijlson gipund- slamni ed out. ; ! field jfretz struck out Dll of the 3?\ meh to face him and; issued only ba ceased tWd bases oi| halls] The Owls 1 ^ t> tapped him for 11 h ts only two of jthjein going for extra bases. T|e [Ricp offerings on the mound | ed up wei'4 pot equal to the SY Battalion 0 R T MONDAY. MAY 10,, 19is Cage 3 Aggie Franklin was the favorite for in the shot put, was bfiH Texas! George Betraviclj. vich h|ea)ed the irnil balj 8 inches to top hm of the! season by nearly fj Young's best throw j son M 16 fett 1 inches. ; In the mile loin,] l)ick|l I Texas'j converted tw ' in seeoiid. The Aggie ! rol Hahn and Joe. M j he'en counted '<01 fo vital pjoints. I The lAggies swept the 1 lj). tlic low hu broad pump. vING iRgh/u charapionshii)] fashion t tyd previously unjflefeated tfrW ■ {ixtiele irteeft . I 111 a final meet, m first places vfhile tie second places. Np points Art Hamden, showing that h? is ‘just about recuperated from ;>ken finger, heat team-mat i* Holbrook ih a 18.2 louatter- • 1 . ■ j bel t Hall, ii'rac.k Aggie 1< w j.*r, won the 220 yard lujr- ce in '23.2. Hall waij follow im-mate Bi|l Curdon who h in jusly tgkmi secohd hurdlcsi ‘ I]' i\ t ic Vebi tp misc Hill I 'or top lu ibnifi rJ in wrhi ] ! plkci;] ten h; IBetro l« fee j ; effort! jo feetii l* sear' jBrook can Is, fa liii. I» tih i» 'pull ite> ad juirtpingj for the S irst tiiic mpetitum this • year, ^Agi ie Jay leape I 22 feet t 'y inclu ipther Aggie, J ipors in .the hroi Hill’s best! jump w^s 22 fn ICS though this track Disk may the LonglUrns in the favoi - fole for l|he SWC meet th i-tnd. Aggies should!be pie; w;ei' sed several maroon and while thin y i (jclati hecagse of the showings «|f ‘ tie i i Biili Goode, Nauier and all right tlieilc. Bd-sley put ivls down in order the last 7 Radio Stations Star Swimmers I* S J fl To Knler HS Tr*fe. r.cM Meel AT A&|V) Seven'Tc.x.t- laiim n will .uigiilcast ali e\ . inbi n; tb.. .Ith j Aggie mfield (‘ante up with Soufhu^V/Athlctic fonferenge ,\ t |, a st three state high school [ a pcrl^t cri’oifss (lay and rack- Track Meet to be h-ld ai Rice F-Hd su-..„„„:iig records arc m danger tw\t it nings. The four (ioubleiilays ip the pro- Saturday. Aggies. John J cess. If, it’d toff to Thorntop to Fretz Went six anrt two thirds ' counted for euiij ih second frame innijigk, gave u]> seven hits and Dusty Clark cHpgdit Charley Ncl- only one | son’s fly in th«Ns|ixth itining and itiithe%tesf 1 . , , idfigk, An ajticle entitled: “l niversity ; oigHt jnins, struck oiut of Texai" appeal's in I the May is-i man a i id walked five. shot the ball id ftp Bobby Fretz f Cosnmpolitail. it deals with ! fi|ton Tumliiisen hurled an in- to catch Joe NewbiR off. In the tic athlittic prowes.j 1)3 that, Jchool. niilf apd Ji thiifd. gavij up two hits, sevenm and cjghth rnfiings, the KT p n \- to rrci iiitiijg'lot] athlcjes by oncihviilk and failed fi Dm anyone, eoinbiiiation of; Mays fp Lindloff ‘ ‘ '* xas l 1 , one parurirajph is its fol-! fylaj Strange was llit by pitched. to Fi/etz counted up jhvH ws:-- : ! . hajf twice, both times' by Blufnbly double “Assistant coachBktlly Gilstrap anijj Jesse Burdift rot into the Riet ‘aid about a fapmji bpy who look- game and on base without an of-] for ; like a waterniejort but wils a . ficijjil time at bat. Bnjriiitt was hit t ri'fic hroken-fiijlilirdnngr in high : by ll'utnlipson in the eighth. Fio/xl S, < > iititi /!• v Miitll’. • mi Lit lx • 11 v_ 1 I! Alt R H BO A 5i 0 J 8 0 Rice Stock! Cary, ewbitl, cf up two more (days. was busy too in avcininjHiig o (loubleiplgvs themselves Alt H BO 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 L 5 •$ 0 2 2 o el soi Peach) Macaljiso, 2 Willia Fuller Bisho) 0 I u ; iexas 6 i Mavs, 0 1 ' 0 Strant H | Hollmi >7; •! 11 24 14 | Fretz, -fSingled for \'ahld!iek in ninth. | xhornion, Singled for Tum|inson in the ] ('lark, v I Calvert, e BG A I Beesle , 2 1i •>! AB R 1 1 1 l! 'i Buirditt, Maltz, 1 Vis, v. Calvert, c cf :1 | 1 *)». \ 1 idge. , rf y. if d, c !’ Total A&M * • Lin.Uo|ff, 2 ' e, cf g. If 1 u- 1 1 ♦J u (I 1 5 10 lefty 1 Rice . A&M 1 1 2 • l 3 2 ab 5 4 3 1 1 .3 • ff 4 4 34' 1 n 1 n 1 0. o' 1 1 5 H ») 0 1 1 1 2 ; 1 1 10 •» 1 0 5 1 1 24 BO 1 4 (i Kvin Tip-, Vis Box, Cb;. i iii. Jor- dan, and Cene Heani will bring a play-by-piav account o: ilie event.'. Tlu- • sU\i M 'taiii'l:- a hedui'i'd fo carry the tuo-and-a-halt hour Hoilf-, ton; Kf{I.I>, Dally/ KABC. Syn Antonio; KRld. M< Allen; U T.UV, College Station: K'YoW. Austin, KVCFT. Wichita 1- alls. BmadcaM 4 ] time is 1:45 p. m. 0 , Events scheduled for tins track 0 /meet include the field 1 vi nt:-': dipt p : put, high jump, pole vault, broad (i ' : jum'p,\discus throw, and jaVvlin; I,! ynd thi’Y^uiiniug (-vents: KKi-yalii,. 1 | 220-yard., Nam I 1 Id-yard da lots; 1 ! the Stdi-yaiK, one-mile, and two- j j mile rutis; thN, 120-yard high hut- .j dies; the 22n-yeud low hutdles; and the 4 iO-yard'aiid one-mile re- 12 Liys. A .) 1) 1 °! 0: 0 1 Sclirc b\ inning Ripe A&M 27! !) Consolidated Plans Sports Day Events T h e Southwest (Onlert-ne? Sportsir.anship Tropin. an aw ard inaugurated this year In The Battalion, will he presented dur ing the afternoon to an &WC school 'selected by conferoniAh state, and newspaper judges. ' The Rice band will provide mu sic between- 1 v< i.ts. Dtml and triangular meets ulid the preliminarv trials ate all 11 27 000 010 0011—1 ; etal Southwest Confi 1 onei track 000 000 40x—1 and field rgcoids will lie at t take. — The meet will be scored on a point system,! and all sehoo|s in the Southwest Corifeiencc will iigvi entries. of being smashed at the state laiurnainent in re at Texas A&M; t.'oilege Satuijdyy, May !f>. VYvnant tVilson and Jolm Craw-; fold, bulb ol Dallas]Woodrow Wil- si'ii, and Ilarvi \ Bouhiin of Austin recorded times in the Southwestern invitational high school swimming meet at Daily, that are slivlilfy befjer than state nraiks. A ilsi it swam the '200->ard free styh in 2:0H.5. The state record, set b> Danny (ireen of Dallas in I'.MI, is 2:23.6. over a- 220-yard cnuisso. That gives M il- son 15 seconds leeway for the additional 20 yards. •J Crawford's time of l/iti.l fijr tilt) lUO-yard bteast stroke threat ens the 1:07 record set by Jimmy 1 Flow 11 s of Highland Bark in 1040. Bouhiin swam the 1()0 yard free style in 55.8. The record of 56.6, was set hy M.erroll Club of Fort Worth Ba-cbal in 1038. X an \damson of A&M Consoli- diitvil, College Station, used 1:03- .0 for the 100 yard back stroke. That's siv-tenth second over the mark sell b> Lloyd Smoot of Highland Bark in it) 13. AH Adiitnsoh. .Aggie swimming hroitc jumpers Hill and Jay Mitoxf' *il .up well in Friday’s meejt ! Cijnile threw tlui Javelin &‘i;t| 2 inches, to .mUik him as tjhrf‘|it for at (east secomj place ’onfetence meet. Bark :r he w the i' papier was second t< fjlte 220 which means point-getter 4 I J\ 20 preface to this meet in which offi- 1 foseh Avlt" is director of the an- _t : cial Southwest C.'o.f. i on... : rack MUtll . '-X 1 tnu I'liailleltt. eXpect.i a !ai":i tie!(V witlt Houston'^ l.amai in tbr e'>!' defending champion. ] flte High 27 11 R H E/f Seven t 100 00(0 003 4 11 0! Sports 010 300 50x 9 9/1 Fliday j£—iHoIlmigf RBEfStockbriilge, Nflsmi. Lindloff 3, j Hollmig 2, ) day, at i Mfijtz 4. 2BIf—Stockbridge,/Nel-] includi sojt, HR—Maltz, Lindloff, SB— | softbal —flVillard, Mays. DJ 1 —Macaluso, j ternoon. rigerif of A&M Consolidated j School will present - their i Annual sports Dance and Day at ! Consolidated on May 11. Clasnes will dismiss at noon Fri-1 id a sends of spelts events, tg a fathers versus sons game, tvill occupy the af- •: ' C;|yy, Stockbridge; Ciirv. IKlacatutso Each class at Consolidated has Stjockhridge; • Cary /Stockbridge; cntcrcc a candidate in competition T^jnlinson. Stockbridge: Calvert, ] for queen of spfms. Coronation of j Lihdloff. HP—Stran^iy (Plumbly) ! the winner will take place Friday) 3,j purditt (Tumlinsop). j evening before the dance. Dr Jolm S. Caldwell Optometrist CaldwelTb Jewelry Store ; I Bryan, Texas For Your Sporting Goods Need* •. JONES SPOKXING GOODS 808. S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 i.... - ^ ^ .x.. . , HEAR YEE SENIORS LOOK SHARP FOR THE RINCjl DANCE ., . i i You look the suit you weii.r •ijr » . .■/;i ,’•? Cfft *}ere fast-get there fresh-get there FIRST! L,, . | v j 1 \ IAl - d \ iDi j : Direct-»ervlt« fntc 25 v«v 4 1 1 f ■ Southwestera Citlc*—fojt Connecticut to any part of the worW. Steip on l in j (In it Inti' w Ifjjs li(l all i ;uly t Kniii 11 In ok and U 1 . t.'i tire Glowik e >’ of the water i ‘. 1 first to weJ Have ‘‘Tilley” make yejur elotljies look sharp. 3 ; A&iJM Alteration Shop Owned by “Till {' ' of Swim ’jTmhki.s. ful. smart stylejs, hb swim wiih ^you. jrjuijks, sport iritnks, y netz Gantner "Cold* by day in dr out. today - * i be Uie SI I HI ■ F I IT North Gate