Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1948)
‘K a; 1 - I I - Vohim# 47! .. f !] i r ■ ' j : ;j! : :j| ; ■ j, . • : : : ■ • ' • | l | #4^ I ■» ! #4’ ' 1 * * ^ . I The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY WTBE INTEREST 01 A GREATER A & M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), T®XA S - MONDAY, MAY 10,1948 3* ’ i ' > jj j i i j ■ Summer School Studei ■T' > • '; ■!! ASHVE to Dine Tuesday With Gty chapters Tuesday Afternoon in Sbisa Hall ictured above are PRESIDENT GIBB GILCHRIST and DEAN OF MEN GENERAL GEORGE F. MOORE TROPHY is ptrtsedted to Battery “K" AIN N. •DITCH” HARTMAN. Moore iIropbiy s , 1m /L. PKfctt jHY h i ! Trlilfeijy Corantiinder jCA.,....., .... ... . . I|n Clie byjLKrtttrnd.llt jidon nearer BILL COt’CH is holding the jlwre trophy flap. This award was Riven ME” fitter) ft^lmtstandinR seholaMic, military,lintramural.jand extracurricular kandards !ad\ievei4 dfrirtiipis Jcht«I year. | I ! V !■ II . It BatteryME’ Artillery Wins (Jen. George Moore Trophy t y;' The American Society of Heat ing and Ventilation Enuineefs will have its annual dinner Tuesday night at the Fin Feather Country Club. This affair 1 will be a joint ses sion of the tlhree senior chapters from Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio which will be meeting' for the first time with the only stu dent chapter | in the state. The A &M chapter yvas the first student chapter orgaijn'^ed in the nation. ’The organising of this chapter was to help (he student in famil- arizing himself with the different types of air! conditioning equip ment and tq provide connection with air conditioning corporations. This joint meeting will give the senior chapters a chance to see the progress that the student chap ter has made; under their guidance, | and will giveithe students a chance to meet Air Conditioning men from ■ all parts of the state. i f j I [ i The social hour will begin at 6 p. m. Tuesday and dinner will be served at 7:110. All students who at one time or another have attended a student' meeting on t!he campus arc* invited ! to attend. Tickets are $2.50 and - can be obtained in the hall of the Mechanical Engineering Building or from Jaiik C. Palmer, Charles Howard, or ;Staron Ammons. -I Si' ! HI : - j Batlteijy “hf. Amll#lj, comjmandod by Cadet Captain. Arthur N. Hartman, jvvas awar ded the Gci ierairCec)l-i r eiif. Moore Trophy for the b&st alil-rouijd military organization in Rules of Order To Be Discussed Tonight in YMCA I Parliamentary procedure will be ;Dr. John Qj. Hays| professor i 1 the Cadet il’drii.'t Testjerf|i|'! morning during: t.eremoniia conducted at the Parentis Day Re-! analyzed feir Aggies tonight view, I !• !!|: rjp ! { ' ' ‘ " “E'j B{ tter| }ia(Hh| ihtramurali sfiOjAs, aijid :j for 1947-4^.- a^jarq: The .IJeuski' iiailitaiy ‘ Cqinmittefc ajairdi tl? the c. gqinizatrAi) with thfi'highej (tard of itnif tary [m-olu ie tHje schorjl t ?ar j lifi47-4!i Company ! ‘ ; .A| ’ Ciirmiosit).*. ijMembetfS o|! t,hq rj!itita('y lif^H. ra S inK in .‘M. “““P pieficifncy. j“spitorej: by the Dehate awt (tf racurfiadar activities ot the 2o units composing the ((ulet ( orps pueussion (Hub, Hai-s will tell the philosophy behind rules of order (hen will desjeribe how such formal ivas presented by President iGibb Gilchrist. ''airs^^ f ' -'*7—■ -l- i j--v— - |- j- : 4 4-f - — Cqmjnittcy ]) -to : («ich “A” rcseret^li citatior omp,l|[iiy. eij(k‘t.|. The Tv.ti’.s; Rescrjle OfyRed| Als- ^oipiation isa!i“r w«jfc pnisenfib 1.' to (’if.let Colfmei of tjh'if Corps M|{! iiahi L: Brown. This is p|| etit- et-l.'.to the joat-tandtHg cajlet ’ictjr in. the Caldct:''Coi'pq. Colfmclli: lien- |, art! N. Cijmoj y, Agru4i|»|e t(f | made'li he ptesentatfo The Caidwl’ll Tijnphy, prt|j<|nte|;i annually jto'yhe ;<>{ tstan(iini'!|H)ii-| vohrmissit ne<i otinj x of ulfefj|i(U t Ciirps vvas'uon b|l Cadet'|||ster j Seirgeant jMajvjn H| Mc(Tlnri||Thij tropby'eoh.sisj (*(1 df|.jj vvaiclh ||4ard ;.*d by Caraw't 11s J| welri- Ef||e o Bryan, atjit wis pipsentbd: liylcoll. C/: S. M<-!|o.V lllr.. liimabdUitl ■ Cadet <’aplain Biim«» C. L^ilng- ston. was ptesentel ihtf Tai*l|cal lb partmicntpA ward saber f4r|be- mg the j oiijlstandfng. ii»rg^n|za- !| s|e|ted rjonal c4mijiandei| of the fifar. IU. Co.l. ;Jot|| E. lh\is jpres thin awajrdJj T I 'A .$200 [cadji aw:.t|d wsis pfelent ed by thej'DaiaghteE t of the Aj|ieri ran Kevoljut idn to Csidejj Te|j«iieal : Sorgeant | itonald E. ilar\|iii. fori; mitintuiniiig the hit host! stalyfards | acadojmid endcavori , n|ij , |tary of IHiofieiendy. :|]i(l tej tlm ship iKlq-comniiskoncd \ Mfiebrs.®;« award was j]i'o.sei)^id b.vj MS*! Ed-j wjirO R "Barj'ow, $ ate jRemift of (he }f\K, , J' I |:| The Ailjies t Sydiiky .Topnst|>i| sa-jj hdr., presented amjtiallyi .by! 1 the i) I 'filed DhtJtpterS Ij >f tq <,o'ary tu. qn‘4 U.stspA ling catidi I»ffi- T'dr. was a\fa 'ded'Cadet .wtuonel F'idnh L? Bh. ,nnoh,i! by firs|i.I. H. Dli nja van ti .Cadr-t Einjt t|eb was p Cf'iittly Rbseiiv ti(m sabot;, w ' Cadet Corns'! Lieu;|jenat — piuii win Uf'McnuL* nuw .such lurinai : campus. . To illustrate some of the tyore tommbn errors encountered in large meetings using parlianien-; (ary procedure, Hays will act as! parliamentarian for. a brief illus- j (rative sessibn, of a ficticious or-' ijranization. Btudentswill introduce a motion anjl (any it through to adoption or: tabling. During the' proceedings Hays will point out mistakes which the group are making. The meetipg will be held in the Assembly Room, second floor of the YMCA, at 7. All students have been invited) to attend the meet- j ing. First Si Second Students now] summer session t Gasses will Students wh j register from 1 t<i students whose st fnnollji mifov I jus|)e min the College ■ Given: Plaque by sl&l Agronomy Smarts June 8; itration July 19 in is'cliool will register; for ijrorn T lto 5 ji-m. in Sbisa Hall! lytl during those hoi^-s. be|gjii)i with A, B, jC, or D ""(i? group wall be followed with S through Z. Between ► Camd l students whose names bc- ' gjinl. with ll through R will re gis- -• :t|r| and E throug| K .it'gistrt Ron \»ilB follow from •l|tol5 p.m. 1 ; Tomorrow’s schijduje follow( j | il-2—Students \fhoSo Kurnaiqes tieigin with A, B| C, 1); A plaque honorin | graduates "who made Sacrifice in World Wb was presented to the agroj e Mq I * I aii|(| :t)llege j pst 1'.' | SftU'P debt PatteD iflU, Ag«ioi| t CHORES GIRL—BILLY McCLING was barl of the “Zieg- field” chorus Saturday night at the Aggieland Follies of '48. Follies Give Visitors short, impressive eerdmony unlay afternoon in fepnt oil Agriculture Building: j The bronze plaque, ehanical engineering; : was presented to Pn- Gilchrist; by Neal < . i president of the A&fU l Society. President GilehrisC |unle( plaque over to Deaiji dj Ag ture Charles N. Shlji U'dnon erection in a promiilj-i t itlm the campus. j! 1 K The names of ‘tjo'ttyj ^1 agronomy graduate^ killed in the two jb were liste.l on the ill [ They were Clmiji George : F. Wellagij| Beasley, J Bailey ( James E. Rountree, Allen, John B. Nat Aycoek, Pei cy B. B^* 1 E. Dutton, Ralph Howard 11. Brians, Wilmoth, Charles E ward I). Morrison, Partlow, Richard ANfb Richard L. Gregg, Hi 1 loe, and Edgar B.,Bj Three families of I Sf i'll: 2-4—Students Whose surnat licigin with S. Ti U.'VJ W, ;|Y, and Z; j a 4-4—Students whose surnai kegin wiih L, m N, O, P, find R: I 4-3—Students Whose surnai a'lj ltejgin with E. If, G, H, .if i .«nd K. , ' _ _ J .'u ij 'I hjtudents failing! to registcf y’ 0 I'these times will register will |lif'Vf students on Jbiu* 7. RegHtra- . ] tpoti hours for that,’date are s. bed- , ; i|e4l as follows: ’ i M-'J—A, B. (’, and I); hi I P-10—S, T, [',( V, W, and Z; X, Y. Sf ! ,I,: J0-11 —L. M, j N, O, P, |Q. bnd R; | 11-12—E. F, G. II. I. J, nn<? K. 1 Classes for the first summer ses sion will begin Jujie 8. !| Registration tor |he second iticr semester will I be from 8 ' * UjT’ • 12 noon July PA That regiftrii- on schedule follows: 1 Kum- n.m. Ha JaiUesj # h. ettL I Iiirjtg I aigjein , Bjutler, ii'illia:. I ^troini y 1'- 11 resF 1 Ij' 8-« 111 ml Z: S. T, III Y. 51 H-WI — L, [find R; !! lo-n—E. F. G )j .11-12—A. B. C, 11 Classes for the M, N, 0. I II, 1, J. a , and I). becond s X . Y. P Q. and K: suiitmcr A . - ■ Aggies’ Originality j - , ‘t Petroleum Juniors To Name Officers Next yeaf’s president and vice- president of the Petroleum Club will lx* scletted at a meeting of By VICK LINDLEY Aggies and their Visitors crowd ed Guion Hall well beyond its ; rated capacity Saturday night to ' laugh with and at ithe Aggieland ; Follies of 1!»48. A swift-moving hilarious revue j produced as the entertainment fea ture of Parents Week-end, The •ir ’'I were present • at. ) Mrs. W. B. Murray : suiter of Charles Hail | Wbward H. Brians oj l ow of Howard H. B( j Mr. and Mrs. I). Br-Bji ^ jsieana, parents of Ij | through the dark under ultra-vio- | nett ’42. were in attl I let light, as tney sang barber-shop i ~~ ! style. , . I Bill Evani and Jimmy Jones i staged a brief vaudeville skit with direct campus references. I Skater Ben Jeanes took a couple of pratt-falls hut also showed (lec|ii^|rl 1 cere t agile *14,1 d'ssion : will begin Tuesday, July ill .' f * 11 . Tl I |;j Simlmer scheduled ol classed are !l*f’: -irr *i.. pn'm.Kcs 'anil are qva Registrar’s | Office. 4- Lr; ti., (i • ip I l;*S, Mil* '|Hi, llry in etl pf il 'y B a nee. Architect Cited lib April ‘Forum by Just p P. ecture depart- second as the Follies contained a MUo variety of | Ji 1 ".','! 1 ;?'™* in ...OWri.l fi-oni m«,o,io,« .£:«. ?<*»"*«* *>«• it ] li SeilYcant eseqtljd Officer!’ A*! PHYSItfS'MAJORS displayed "etiergy enough to lift a battle ship 400 miles” all their A-E Day shouj Saturday. ERNEjST J. KING and FL()YI)| .I.j Dl'HOIS (across the ti;|ble) show how it works. ' [ : j r ! .1 9 I • The dcijponstlration Utilized mopsetraps and rubbbr balls to show the disintegration (f a group] of atoms when: bombarded by an elect (on. ' I i ■• !• . . ’ !]•;)■ ‘Ij j j i • In conjunction with the exhibit) th( effect, of pijtchbiend on a geiger counter was shown. Board Promotes 29 Faculty Members at Campus Meeting material, from mysterious shirt-j „ ...w-...* swiping by a pair bf magicians to] Throughout the evening, Buddy all petroleum engineering juniors < bill-billy music fifom a faculty i Boyd carried on sdavely as master to be held in the Petroleum Lee- tV ° ni ‘ > " M *- | of ceremonies and chief vocalist, lure. Room May 10 at 7 p. m., ac- j Biggest surpriseis of the even- ] The pit orchestra was conducted | cording to A. O. Hammons, club j ing were given by four Annex I by Arnold Walkow. Lighting was president. I freshmen. Henry Holland and Bob) provided by' Duane Evans, and Bill | By selecting these officers prior} Cockrum impersonated Bing Crete- ! EnoehF was technician. D. C. Kol- j j to the first semester of next year, j by and A1 Jolson, matching their ; berg was stage manager. | Hammons stated, the Petroleum) movements to thq sounds of fee- Director Glen Brooks gave pace I j Club wull ;be in a position to | ords by those two Hollywoodians. i ;in( | style to the entire show which 'function immediately with the op-j *So carefully synchronized were ' W as far better than'anything of • ening of the fall semester. ‘Miss A&l Miss But : i m irsF I the lip movement that some peo-; the kind done here previously. | pie in the aUdienCe never did real-! A&M’.S first . turned hut to hh‘ A&m:” ]} Saturday evening I 1 Ifrs. Tickle, wife of i.Ji ndrew Tickle, veterinary ni(iiiciiie_ dent, defeated other depa tal candidates for jtj|# t A&M’s first "MISSfjU- ‘ A&M. - I Announcement of tion was made at lege Dance Saturd 41-1 N A house designe I j Moore qf the archi i iljent has placed ' lijost'modern desigil in small l|iouse (|d>nstrUction. : | The recognition |Aas givei l|puse built at Dentim by the ) (witectural Forum,’] national m- prill i (sue. The lable the niost moder \ de- the secom Vloofe-dcs gned in the tit tion- the ”Ar- rnag- issue ts M ) i/rt itf t) lihuse )iWed wide survey. If' ,, . Rin^ DanOe Tickets j \ I | Vll Due to the continued demind, ' tickets for the T^enior Iting Dance have been placed hack on jjjuile and may be obtuiVei l^tkdent Activities) OfH« til 5:99 P-m. Thuteday, IBanqpet tickets ^re no 'available, lieh isjjgiveh oujtstal ad inglj Junior aios-y Bi iifon. I]JS Wavy,; madj’ .sdutetibn.l I j -j [ 1 The Hofustt n Military (’quimittel* ajso pri sented tliph cords'to) th<* o]ltsta<H|in|; Ijiion- eonitnissioned offic#* in ,the|t u*ps, arjd to the (utstiijjding; notl- ‘om- mlssiosed off cer f]fom jeacli legi- inent. Cadet JlasterijSergeatil! Mar- vjn R. McCluie rec(|ved ;thh|award r 1 ' " qn-e(|n|mis- 7 E. (*ia S: i ' ! ' | i i ~ i - • . MailyH T L| ’ Jly CHARLIE MVHRAY , | j • 11 j e j!| Twenty-nine members of the) college teaching staff were official!^ promoted today pre- ;at the opening session on the campus of the Board of Directors. ■ The promotions are effec tive September 1, 1948. Air airs j ' rita-' C. W. Hahdpe, acting head of Ahe economics department since June, 1947, was promo ted to head of the department. | Receiving the tittles of profes-A" ^ fqr the out.'ianoli: sipnedt officer of twt 1 Master Sergj anf-fteorre Ri. |Ed- corpsJ|(|ulet w|irds,- First; Serg#int Stewart, Te(hpical F.> Davis.lFirkt Seljsrear Orr- andjFiirjst E.-Denny reqj'ived the f being the .outstanding .no ■ signed; of Dee ijs of t||e cci "•arid the FiM, Sedjind. !Thi^: Fourth Regiments JespejetiW*!' I sor were H. [E. Hjampton (agron omy), J. H.j Sorneks (civil engi neering), L. M. Hdupt (electrical engineering) ^ arid It. P. Thompson (mechanical sengineering). Promoted |to associate profes- Leliitip G. ergdant ijlmes t Jijh i E. t Ric mrd wai 4 for n-cc b niis- rns (thfvops | by the Board werie. 0. D. Butler rid ljuid G. L. Robertson (animal hus- Companv “A” Cjhmndsitp ’ jA” - ' "ir Iflilrht Flieh» 5Air as ithe 1 '* j Flight ‘ Air tjForfc Air Force, and Force were .ii’ime jsors xvere R. |C. Potts (agronomy), |R. S. Cain (hortileulture), H, L. Gravett (bioJ6gy),j A. E. Finley, |R. V. McGee, ; arid B. C. Moore ■(mathematiedf, anti J. I. Stadgl- jmann (modern language^. Assistant professors appointed bandry), T. |M. Ferguson (biolo gy), F. L. Hays, (business and ac counting), AL 0. Frenzel (chem jistry), P. L. Ferguson (economics), |W. H. Rorthrock (modern lan- hest drilled j units ;tin jfhe ^Arps j guagefi), C. W. Landiss and N. A. fj,r (he year '1947+18, j and :b|ere Pontheaux (physical education), (j'**si«rnat^d lie receive (Jisti^iivje B. B. Boriskit* and (A. G. Edmonds I i 1: s(re,*imerjs 4b be 'Attedhedi: msnentlv tojilheif fguidonsj Sons oi| thij* Airfricatn I| Aten Awijrdsil werej! pr^senl the out'ste nding seniors 5n 1 Force and’ eFch bpnc Annv. if i' JThese teinfters^ er- |i (physics), Al M. Platt (cHemidal; now 1 ^ oca ted. j! engineering), A. V: Sisson and T. olu-1 P. Prickett ; (electrical engineer- warehouse at NTAC;j$3,500 to con- stnict a radio broadcasting room at JTAC; and $3,000 to purchase thtee additional lots at NTAC. - Authority was grapted to estahl- lish) Agricultural Experiment sub station 22 on the IE. 0. ISiecke Step? Foix-st near Kirhyville. The substation was to hi? used to co ordinate research in (forestry, live stock and forage production for that area. The Board authorised the spend ing) of more than $9,500 to move the (Cotton Fiber Testing and Spin ning Laboratories fijorn their sep- aiute locations on the campus into available quarters i|n the USDA builping. This move! will tend to coqteolidate related I laboratories ana] make more space available for lother departments now located in the building wherj? the labs are ing), and P. I J*. Reiiten and H. P; Rigsby (mechanical engineering) • "At Ll ^ An appropriation of $6,000 was approved for the construction of a warehouse fe: the material storage A! proposal for the reorganiza tion) of the work in veterinary med icine was okayed by [the Directors. Subject matter in that field will be rnore closely coordinated in teaching, research, And extension work. This is the s^nye procedure recently adopted in the agricul tural work at A&M ize the trick. (Later, Charles Eas i ley did some move impersonations i Of Jolson, using pis own voice.) The two other freshmen, dis- | guised under the team name of Zaidaan and Biiuegmann, magi cians, caused C, G. “Spike" White’s shirt to come oujt of his coat in a weird manner, frightening off the stage the girl stooges they had selected from the audience. When the Aggieland Ramblers announced "Old Rattler” as one of their numbers, voracious bark ing echoed through the audi torium, and students whispered to their mothers, trying to ex plain about Rattler. Needless to say, the Ramblers received the biggest ovation of the evening on finishing that “classic." Judges Judged—Not Cattle 4- Saddle-Sirloin Livestock Show Takes 0 Among the routine business, the Board approved the continuation of the cost of living increase, not iexeeeding $*100 per year, for all (personnel !on modified ] service. This policy) has been in effect for the past two years. Also a minor change was made in the procedure for) awarding the Albert D. Santa senior scholarship. Actually, ‘the procedure adopted has been used in the selection for (the past few years. [ The Board officially ac*epted a gift of $1,000 from Jess* Jones. ; The Board of Directors went in to session again, this morning at 10. They were expected to act on construction and budget matters for next year, including plans for the Student Union Build ng and] jalterations on campus buildings. ★ v Board members were giests of Prairie View A&M yesterday be fore coming to the campus. After lunch at the branch colli were taken on a tour View, . ...JIL ‘ >Jine husky Aggies, dressed in the most elaborate of show-girl costumes, paraded down the run way amid whistles and wolf-calls. They were Bruce Hill, Bill Wales, Jack Meredith,) Hairy Saunders, Bitsy Jones, Pat Wells, Jack Hin- maihjr Billy MeClung, and Sam Langford. (Langford was differ ent—he came as "a Fiji maiden.) Dean Barlow's Faculty Band, under the baton of Burl Ervin, beat out the “Too Fat Polka,” with Newt Heilscher soloing on the bass fiddle. “Uncle Ed” Har- pingten pulled the strings out of the band to play hill-billy tunes, then brought down the house with his vocal "Manana.” The Double E Flats, also pulle4 out of the faculty band, were real ly flat and drew some good-natur ed boos. Harry Saunders gave a faithful copy of Celeste Holm singing “I Can’t Say No” from Oklahoma. The Aggie-nizers exchanged their customary white aprons and black mustaches for stroboscopic vesta, By H. Z. WHITE The Saddle and Sirloin Club’s Li t;tle Southwestern Livestock Show added a Pew twist to the | livestock show business Saturday. Ip the Freshman-Sophomore ) Judging Contest, the judges Were ) being judged instead of the live stock, and in the Fitting and Showing Contest the showmen were being judged instead of the live stock. In the Freshman - Sophomore Judging Contest, medals were giv en to the six freshmen and four sophomores with the highest scores. Several juniors who are now taking AH 202 entered the contest, but no medals were given to this) group. The four sophomor es to receive medals were Ernest H. Trenckmann with a score ^ of 701 from a possible 800; Fred Bar rel, 700; Bobby Blandm, 692; and Ray Red, 684. The six freshmen to receive med als were G. C. Damuth, 718; U. P. Stromberg, 714; R. G. Wheeler, 711; L L. Landry, 707; D. B. Bis hop, 705; and Douglas Wythe, 703. Other freshmen with a score of 700 or above were B. C. Neal, 702; A. M. Payne 701; and G. W. Brund- rette, 700. The three high point juniors were Ralph H. Meriweth er, 72t; Carl R 4 gan with a jackpot test with Jack King first place w;ith a seconds. Prince Wn ond with 14.7 see Kruse, third with Wright, 15.6; Olive (till Soyars, 24.2; an 21.6. (“Proctor’s Red Lig Ed Talk, won first five gaifced horse diV Plume,” ridden by won second place. In the matched n Woods' times were 15.8, and 17.8; giviii 47:15 seconds' for the Caddo \yright’s Unit 22, and 15.7; givingjil m a of 61.5 seconds. Tlj r, H ■ The outstanding of lUe. afternoon was the : ^ofes^js Pig Roping Contest.) portant event was Butler in the shorf minute and 14 sec( Dana placed second of 1 minute and Through courtesy tia contestants, their ill names) will not be (Tony, owned by Mo ridden by Charle t in the Reining C ” owned by Fll by Prince “ 'frrince,” owned fill Lanier, third; lind' rftjde Soyars, fourtlj (Grand champion hhowman'lii the' 1 (ting and Showing Contest ^ , C. Holland. V. ft. Schmidt serve champion showman, ngus bull, class ivus won l y .J. TaylOr. Milton Jpport, anF W. (hat older. F. H. Him? in fl'esham, ir itas first thel Angus heifer Fj dlkss, (called before Junuaiy 1, , W?); Bryan Milli plaeed second, ijjtf'd.B. H. McClanJhun third. For Angus hejfep (calved after ianuary 1, 1D47) J. R. Sahol was ist, Carl Kjemplitv) Second, and G. Kothmarai tnhq. For Hen ford ifers (calved be no re January 1, 47) D. C. Libjp'tm, C. H. Alsak.) a|i|d L. R. Wright,.won the first jree places, j In the class of Hereford heifers jived after Jatmiary 1, 1947) jilton Galvez was! in first jlaee, R. Carothers selond, and it. S. rtwright third. ! jf {E. A. Reed won first pln<c in showing of Hereford steers, R. Pepper second, knd F. A. Winn lird. D. C. Liberia. was cl osen ipion Hereforq showman and H. Sims champion Angus sltow- cctid as e cattl? Liberda was ipion showmai ision. The stallion clast 'Ur' was won 'X Pb«