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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1948)
; ‘jf’ i -1- V l' I* Ji SJ ** I , I p . #«>■<» Page. 2 itmmtvrrn »’v *•. v .'-!■ — Battalion ■ir*r r-ff "> TORI AX S MONDAY, MAY 10, 1948 iter, Statesman,] Knightly Gentleman’ jnce'l ^ulliv^n Ross, Founded of Aggie Traditions i ^ w* v ■■ ■ ' ii:” Ui ■■ r Church|irs Wthy Dream-Child i ■ .1 Winsloul C)uirchiil hasicaten been right in the past, .only t<ij bg ig|(j|ed because he .went against )the titend of ithe times. Butl his ’plan fojr |i Federation ic|f Europe, an ti a E TRAIN NURSE -'t notmced ladt iveekJj has cor time. | ■ J ! | »1! at! a perfect |- In The ! Hliguedj Neth)pi?|iinds city and “ World Court seat, 'fi|hurehi|J ;iske(;l members of a 22-natio» forum to i)|lad with their- government^ tii) “create a n^fEurdpe’’ whose unitedrvoicij- cjjan b((‘contiguously heard .j The new (jlouncii of Ei{i‘«)e should be a:, subordinate bjft nedl'ssaiy mrt of, the world organ zation b(f thq futurfj, jhe sja'd, which should have throe regional councils F- The Soviet Uf ion,. The chujicil oi Britain^ joimeil wil il on problems of the (lay.” The meeting also is asked to create ah emergency Council to direct joint action far economic recovery and ftiifitiiry defense to‘i “preserve Democratic freedom.” Churchill is honorary chairman of the mejeting. i“We s-eek nothing less than all! Europe,” Chprchill declared, j “Distinguished exiles from Czechoslovakia! and almost all the eas- tiermEuropean natio|is and also fiiom Spain are present among ijs. s “We aim at the, Eventual particbation of all the peoples throughout the ^continent S, ^ugustjhft subordinate”, Whow society and wjiy of life are hot in dis- . Europe y t ncluding Great We welcome any cqbntry where tihe people i her pmuru and com- own the government J and not the government- hearts and create a. '‘{tyropetjli delil|» ! t itjivel ... . «.v « be exchanged- Western Europe thenfselves. Wej certainly I? thraligh which violvs adid a commcm E -• I i: .ppetin ! : accord with the charter of human rights and the sincere expression of free democracy. i v* » ’•S' V /\&M Receives 3,500 Bibles At * ™ , , !',• - r; , Special Parent’s Day Program rmoimfealth. j j • y, , . the people. | . ! I j T\/ J O i I? 1 ® tv.rt fw, As Churchill spotfe, a flag bearijig a large | \ j j By j. K . B. NELgof- ! V ^ulain 4 wartihie d( aq(ji >.11(1 that the red E oil a.\\hiU| |)«ickgiotmd llqated o\ei Thirty-five hundred Gideon Bibles were; presented to west is giueyed mtdlerjhe^hy the attitude th^ public bin ding* The Hague-The flag i A 1 M at a ^cial Parent's Day Program yesterday morning of tfw Soviet!lUniQff, ^ whose activej wjjs designed by Churchill s fcon-in-jlaw, I)un-j| n G u i 0n Hall . . i ., vi’L. 1^™. I ^.deon State Chaplain Joe .Evans presented President nd rpinds oiimein- a nations.’ A resolutSbn ihj: befoi\* ' jie meeting to; Hitler tried to acditjiplish by foreje may leijli delil|W tHve assembl\ : pestcefully uiccompliilhed by the Rations vie hi | ed m^njore pracUcltle 0 What'xa 9.'‘ ^ Gilchrist with a Bible as a gesture representing the first be (;i,l,o„s to a coll.-xw or university. nh;it at times only a Motlm-could l? metnbeh of the varsity Pistol, ot t After welcoming sj|eeches by sh , ow> - art(1 wh i t . h h, aronts ha(1 un . Team im recoKnition of individual I ■I wiion expressed; hojpe so. II'; ' I- I ! I I i reports, the Committee is We're A biferfliive ‘ n‘ T According," to h House Un-.- 1 /incricaH A|;tiv|ti J now investigating |jhe iFedind Communica tions Commisijion. I| ; r ,.. This is rh^sama .strariijo considers itself-m(|re tiapdbl ing govern runt employes is denmndii g jthat |TBl! reniolc it. Oddly tnjmgh. ;!thej Uij-ii^nierican Acti vities Com nittee has'yet| ;t|» do anything worth while. Hts s- rapboc^! is full of head- lipeC but itq; filed arif ei|j|y ai^y veal eontributioii No dou lomijniltee that of (investigat- the FBI, and |Hs bej furnished An Asinine Congressman . . . it Jo Anjh'ican y fluidity. ’ the ext Australia has its ostrich and tjhe United St|ates Congress habits Leo Alleni A propo sal! by Allen to giyf bonuses of SlOOU 41 nd $11500 to. armed fortes enlistees Instead of rjejactivating the driij’t was termetll “asinine” tj\! President Trumm. We agree! with the ilinesidentf i . : ; Allen, who is cmirman of the powerful, n n * • house rules committee, has been chiefly re- 1 nS'VPil Ao'CriPS sensible for bottling up‘the t^IT bill in J ^58* the house yorrmtitteti An avowed opponent of ! l -TROPHY- (Continued from Page 1) Girl E. Olsen Jr., Air Force; Col. B lly M. Vaughn, Infantry; Lt. (>1. Jerrol E- Taylor, Field Ar- lery; First Lt. James W. Pat- tet-son Jr., Corps of Engineers; Captain J. Hadley Edgar, Armor er Cavalry; Captain Don Hodges, Chemical Corps; Major Janies W. R^ach, Coast Artillery Corps; Cap tain Forrest H. Sparks, Ordnance; M^jor Theodore H. Clark, Quar- tef-master Corps; and Colonel Gene E. Lewis, Signal Corps. J The following branch awards wfre presented to outstanding ca- dejts in each branch by the Branch Association: US Air Force Asso ciation Medal, technical Sergeant Theodore Copeland; Coast Artil Ifci-y Association Medal, Lt. Col. R. Leatherwood; Field Artillery As sociation Award, First Sergeant Byrton W. French; Ordnance As- solciation Medals, Major Guy Nor- flCet and, Staff Sergeant Wayne Bj McLaughlin; Quartermaster As sociation Medals, Lt. Col. Albert W. Blackstock and First Sergeant Burton Hink; Signal Corps Asso- Cintion Award, Lt. CoJ. How^r(l R. Oliver; Transportation Corps As sociation Award, Technical Ser geant Truman G. Martin; Engi neer Corps Award, First Lieuten ant George O. Muller. 1 Gold keys were presented to njembers of the Drum and Bugle .Corps by A. M. Waldrop and Com pany, Bryan, Texas. Cadets receiv ing these awards were: A. F. Field, H. F. Harris, D. C. Fisher, M. Musey, F. T. Davidson, R. W. Law- lei;, W. J. Worley, T. Y. Lokey, D. B. Sparks, L. G. Maxfield, J. W- . Horrell, Ct R. Gordon, J. O. Will- By J. K. B. NKljSOS' 1 iams, and-T. S. Fluker. . [ Thirty-five hundred Gideon Bibles were presented to . The Professor of Military- ■! Sc . uce ana mcacs lor A r AwaCd, a gold key, was presented to Cadet, j Colonel jack E. Jackson, by Lt. 1 Col. John H. Kelly. Air Force. | National Rifle Association P(s-j -; tal Team Awards were presented , to members of the varsitv Pistol r T i- ' I , \ V I .at lOW 6 ®' U] Hun': tyoniberu presents \r-- m: KVS ' || ; M % "'DENNIS^ JOHN " ^ OtHfU, LOHR ft s I'I’OrUCEU Hi MCa CdEfiTpK I : HbNI StKCMBCkg i ttVcWn : z:v] K h>w ■■ * I M | II : , T 1 K'.'.forf i,| “'ll" l,i:1 1 • / ' jr ! «r$ Brjjwn, the Singing Cadets pie-, troduced Evan's"^ this 1 time' and I Individual expert awards were ted a brief program featuring th h om .,>U, un * l umorist ’ lost l ,r( ^ < ’ nt ed to William E. Wolff and dedication, of ;;llo^ Swoo, ^ ftff JSTS X TT F ’ *“ ■ i t ^ -shooter award was presented to I Billy Stoffregen; and individual marksman awards were presented i seated a brief prograitj featuring a Heme” to "Mother. l-’ollowing the (Singing Cadets, a "T •Unite to Parehts” was given by scores attained in pistol competi tion during the 1!)-18 school yeay. al expert awards ww to William E. Wolff and j The sensational star of "TK STMNGE WOMAN" i n h4ri latest dramatic triumph.adapted ‘ from the New York stage Mk j whkh ran for seasoml f* H' beat of his audience With 04 (fears experience as a West Texas cattlepian behind him and no fdrmial eduication, the .little Chirlie Kirkham. Reviewing the piitf | Gi " W "- HWl ‘ W *«— , " 5 l “ lk sorts for the sgcrificek and love with a natural loquacity and in sight hearkening of another in to George T. Keene and L. 1). Col-1 Her. The Woilers Trophy was pi‘e-j sented to ‘‘0*’ Troop Cavalry for j. who ! being the best drilled Cavalry unit I * ’ : -«l Thomson to Head aiby form of compijlsory military training, j ( | t Alien must be acce|)ting defeat 'in coming dub nu Committee -(.'il'hoa.ejLpidturW jin L : fe maga-j In addition tb tHf bonuses, AHpn suggest zino 1 recent le remip.led lettliM-to-ediGir v.-rit-i that the army |<>\v\jr the minimum accept- ers tjif a sinister ertev iti a nitfiie mlelndrama) j aible score on tile, army’s general| dagsifica- will .be‘to hvies'tignte the I’diinding fathers,; tion test for rycruljts from the present 80 (Icvljire Alex; iider rlarjiiitob; jt vidciou$ .Red,jf tin a new Sow of 70; This would jiot attract George Wasflngtoji alsubf|^sive influence,! the typooti,men whf|h a modern army needs.- ami Thomai |effei4jonia tdjjjiof Moscow. All; j A study of scorejj; made on fheiarmy gen- - whiqh will gijt thcffii rjiorej|j‘ the headlines:: end classification lest reveals that out of ^cyj so av d b df^lre.'V | | . j 22!7 occupations',! vtjbich were aifanged at- Bul oh«j [|uest4n lijem||rs' unanswered.; colrding to the gfafe men ii| these occupa Who will irlvfeigaie ttf Up AmeHcap Com-! ;tlfims made, the lowest occupation; listed was mittoe and : cbmpU-Se ||e linear-job bv de-j Ititinberjack. The avj daring I’ajtnull Thilma.s af<|fhis . 85, 15 jkiints lie om Thomson was elected pres- nt of the Cdiyell County A^M at its org|»nizati(»nal meet- Thursday night. ^ dike Brown was chosen vide- president. Rogijr Williams whs neu secretary - treasurer, and Copeland whs elected repotjt- ; j ! weiity-three students from Cur- County attended the meeting which a club constitution was men thems flvigs toibeiageiitk “judt as 11 railroads Trumat Taft' and We mJusn’tiiltjnve that job ii done. Wo must! help the com nitteqf pi’pve [l xt,e\1ery citizen; of the Unitkl jStatffl isKombh >wf;i subversive! Reel,. > -.'l of Joe Htalin?; Representative A114 of 1 formally educated cowpoke . j grasped thej imagination and in- t° r tbe year 11*47-48, by Major 1 terest of thg American peopk* over j Norman \\. Parsons. "C” 1 rnop is a decade ago and made the name, commanded by ( idet Captain Jpe I of Will Rogers a legend during his k- Clark. I own lifetime, • • The follehving named cadets were He first convulsed his audience announced as being the best drill- with tales of cowboy life and then rt s0 Phomorps in each organiza- ! became serious ini the latter part '•* on: D. P. Mc( lure, "A’ Intantry; of his message th express confi- R- A. h lake, “B” Infantry; L. E. | deuce, in the youth of today, to cm- Lhase, ’ Infantry; J. W. (lUiiter, \ I phasize the responsibilities of pgr- “A ’ Field Ariilleiy; J. K Wood, 1 ental guidance, and the importance 1 "S ’ 1'ieltl Artillery; (. K Wardle, of "being one’s .self.” ‘ ;[“C” Field Artillery; D. A. Sand- The. presentation of the Gideon 1 “D’. Field Artillery, b. H. Bibles was made at the close of Barnes. “K 1-ield Artillery; L. J. , Evans' talk. , | Hatzeribuehbir,'“A” Air Force. * q B. L. Heubner, “B” Air Force; Sunday afternoon following a Gordon, “C” An' Force; W. crowded noon meal in Duncan Ilall, M- Henslee, Maroon Band; W. T. reception -was held at the Presi- Thompson, W hite Band; \\ . C. Me- , { 1 . Prb-Dogi Aidi-Siii' . . . As hap presidential .in ffivor b; Dewey led 0 s lens evjjry foyi! kjeaf in the US, eiandimes iareRiyain coming out <Jiogs‘;4iT<l ngailirt‘sin. Governor! ijjf by Snyiltingi ji| terrier to join. rage lumberjack’s score gher than the minimum 1 would like; to require thje army to accept.;; • This bne:man hi s taken it. upon himself tot throw every po^ible block he can into the path of any cqmpulsory military train- y injg plan. Perhapk He is acting inkbe;convic- fiiim that he is doin^jthe right thijig. But one . • nti|ui, or a tew meiUwho do not Have all the faicts. must not try;to determine the policy of the government !®n such a vital subject. We agrefc \vit-h| I President Truman that he officers will be in charge of a'.•concert of military, clasi w. A C avail j;C. \V Llliot, B club at 'the beginning of the ^*1, and dopulah music on the Uvalry; 1 . S. 1 hornton, () G U\- roai lawn of the Presidents home: ahV! V- U A'** 1 *!, A (ymipo- thi fall semester. ’Ians were imUte for!a social in conjunction wi ('oryell County. th fornj<| r students I ' ’ Dallas Engineer What’s Looking'' SIGMA XI CLUB, 8 p. site; W. 0. Mahaley, “B” Compo site; F. A. Cleland, “C" Compo site; E. G. Martin, "A” Veteran; W. F. Bohlman, "B” Veteran. ill Address SAE : Representative Alkth’s illirt prtHiosas is “asm- Li ; join his pa rtf on fhe-ispeiM r's platform at| A'haitce, ^ isioun,|a few Weeks back’. The: coingpjess get electcjl i Missouri.(log-appi-enjtiy4til favored Tru4- . -LV M - i n '. j ! mail in spite jpf tg gdlluif ibll. He refused.! 1*1 I I)1S ( .orilUr: r0[)0{V • • • lil. ...iit-fll '1. i»r i : I • j I | I. < j A radip-rt a fajlio is a radio] Gertrude Stein, might have sa|d that, but thie Russians woul[jf probably have disagreed with her. ' 1 ' Thursday, Physics Lecture Room, Dr. Aithur W. Melloh is guest speaker. ' SAN ANTONIO CLUB. 7:30 p, m., Thuisday. Room 208, Academic. I. T. Austin <tf Megginson-Aus- Election of offieevis. . and Company, Dallas, will :ul- ' AE. hio p. nb, luesday, ME ss the Society of Automotive Lectine Room. J. F. Austin to gincurs Tuesday evening at 7 T the Mechanical Engineering ^ ^ meets Tues- •tute Room. 7 • ' day night May 11. at 7:00 p.m. I C. Teuimer, president of the M Biolrtgy Lecture Room for Not to lij» outijlone; ijrisKlent Truman 1 eamfe out r?c|intly |n favoivo ' both dogs and kids. Hi told thejlNjiitiOimi; Gonfeirence on] Family Life [jthat i'hiidrpl pud dogs were! ipprtants as Vvtd \Val I la.- By One estimate, there are more | than 170.000 miles of water pipe ' mains-in the United States. This country- is estimated to I have 400,000 miles of service and residential gas pipe. , We wonder : how soifie nje-rnbers ot ' a^M V »tudmT\'hai)te?J mmounc^^^^ election of-officers for the corning that Tuesday’s melting will be the veal 1 . t this semester. 4-4— ■ GUY H. DEATON Typewriter Exchange New tk Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repairs 116 S. Main Bryan ! . ,1 ,■' FR1D li»aiterJ injiHedil Street and the! i Prayada, the , , , . 1 sajvs Yivigpuf Aleiander Popovjdemonstra- ; -ion.-Avi', -Ji. it uit, 1 ’ q r ¥u *i Sl, -1 the world’s fi’-st l-adiq recover to the ^ <4 audi Chemistry around thq \\lhitje jloUse lad :1k-. Stassfen 1 A- s roriuuitic lo|kipg : vould wish w;Is Irei e’Ll- the aisle if |SL John last Mondjiy JleAitd: l-'U The Ba Ltauon,, of of College i>ta((ion, : Tt afternoon, i xe^pt da e4kiy ; lished semi- ive< 1 ' News o win Hall. ~ 3 209, Goodw n Hall. Ent*rcd as 1 i jv ,j : CHARLIE m irtes' 1 R. a< L. liilfinal iL “ftrt r. q-..C- M 1i g * r Tom' Communist- mewspaper, PALACE Brtjan Z’SS79 for healthy appetites • • • SA'ITIRDM * liave jniit y,et commit-j ted the.mstlvtts on jthjk niij^r of the dogs,!, . e i^ ew here as (radio but, unless tjieir pa-esk agij ts are slipping,; the}]'should (bmeOut iprifjkg anv dav now. ■• • i r I. •; nr ■' • L—v May 7, 1895. Pravha also (jarrio|l an at f Sck recently on the ‘■shim laurels” bestowed up- oii Marconi, un Iliilian, who is! recognized s' inventor. ! Maybe Moscow cujnie of the Italian *—A/ojj , ,, ,, 'York Times tjold of a 1- teiku Peninsula mijmth old child \vhj) todrlled to a ivindow and •U 1 fell out. ont 451111011; ?lusjsified a< n Hall. J ds T* '■ 1 1 a ] irtde as anyone; - hf|io-balked clown] s c|Ri pel, Del Monte,] veinted wireless, of, tajn. A radio is sti 1 a radio is a Story in New tb N O VY ;% Paiiliandle*’ is unhappy w elections last ith the out- month,. hut whatever’ the reason, and no matjtei who in- one thing we c%n be cer- Iradio. • QUEEN “T 4- he Battalion N O W “‘’Three Daring Daughters'’ h 1 d net-'ijpaper of the Agridujtui -cas, is holt md and Meriianieal College of ’ Kliahed fp-e times aj week and circulated 4jury Mondi [jys an<| examination periiods. Djtripg the Rummer The Batjtalion is pub- ‘ dyeiitisii Texas/ and the City ay through Friday ipbsjcriptlcjff rate $4.30 per schbol yjear. furnished un request ibutiaps ijiay |c|jmade by telephone; (4-5444) or lit {the editbrial offiqe, Roqm 201, Good; placed by telephone (41-5324) or at tile Student Activities!Office, Room may* the Aesocl ed tij iF orlhot Rights of i epublicatHpi df all seco*d-cl*s8; Office; at Co fete Stilting the Act of C< iifc-re^of MMch . 3, ——-——I : - -3" -ir: is e»tl|tled exclusively to th? use for republication «f all news dispatches credit- «i»ter Ttjxas, in the pjiper and] locaj news of spontaneous origin pub n er^matter herein are ailso resieiyed. f—, h—r Mentber of The Associated Press NELSON-.-- Hcjlresentea nationally vcrtiiilng Service Inc., at CMct^o. Los Ancclcs. and San Franciaco. ..1.....-.1. -Wire Editor'P Bob Kennelleri. ...._ -rrevino, Hardy E. :Mrt«TnVEdaon( J, Feature Editor I Ar .itature Writers T , ail. Jfamea E. I 1 jijli -SlngloUury, Howard DeAjjda,\Andy Mi n Eug^lkLuf, Bob f- 1 *5*** la. Zero OI Hammom, ished herein. i ’ ■ by National Ad- Nvw Yiirk City, Co-Editors ff Ci!)ciilaticn Manaser Photo Engravers Sports Editor Writer ST DAY—SHOWS 7-9 [i, TfCHKKOlont j IITA HAYWORTH ARRY PARKSi. One .. Ginge M-tcxm. rrow rt. Free Show . Corpe All! Kogertt. .. Opens 1:00 P.M. Ph.4-1181 TODAY & TOMORROW —Features Begin— 1:50 - 4-35 - 7:15 - 10:00 Nm^RIiNu.. n itt tenderne**! Aj a rf ir 1 witfi ne place i m HI . ICE CREAM ! ■ s Hardy,oppetites are nature’s sigrt of good health . . .appetizing, ^ delicious, wholesome Id CMAM does double duty-satisfying big appe tites, pepping up squeamish ones. Servant often... regularly. . VAb^' * \HA^ R A f r THE [trade OF THE BELLS tes j. cosi TOM & JERRY CARTOON NEW’S — SHORT - . Wed. - Thus. - Fti. - Sut to tm: tins of nn F\nin tvf. *LADY FBOM SR^XGHAT “SCCDDA HOO! SCt'DDA HAY:” “SITTING PRETTY” , “MAIlNGOr MYLLIE ’ I 4 ( r i r., p • *« F- i