Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1948)
' .•-mN h % ! . ; r Pott —~p— MX ABNJuK ’ - r 1 •J p-ARE YOU SURE Ip TO TALK ♦/fpftl.lGW T •- m #**» •pi i'i: I# I pP? [SGUNOS AGREEABLE m mm EF ^MjAGREtr TAHWING.^Sa ASCXJND5 PAY SENT H.TME.TT , r^.PO'TH'REST O' YORE NATCHERAL Junior Committee Names Group To Meet With Directors, M ASA SHIP’S i-p| CAPTAIN- PERFOPM a WEDDING.^! j 1 ! if TT' 11 ffffi s By Al Oapp SOUNDS AGREEABLE rME.'T 11 ! 81! • |-'; i; ,: ‘I j e QOOI WX?« slicy* committeeittho Junior Class voted list tight to recommend to the Junior Class that a five-man committee he appointed to meet with the Board-of Directors When that body convenes May 3. j | The group, comprised olpne. Jjmior representative from each organization oin the campujiiW h— was formed t<a aid in p-lhnniing t: * poRitipn in cjidet ejorps acjtivitr that the classijwill take as Senior next year. : 1 • ' j . I ]" E j The five .mph recommendiid b| the eommitWf were: Job i .Or President of the Junior (Glas s; B OIcClure, Sgt.ifMajoif of the dorp: | Donald Jarvis, Sgt. Major df jtl ! First Battaliln, Avtilfery^ 11J. JT Rochelle, Fir#; Sgt ofl “CH-Baif! tery, Artillerji; and! Johnny Dk4|| First Sgt. ‘‘A^ Infantry. The rec6Jni#endati( five men by" |He pojli will be vote<| qn b The recCJniiertdafiiop r of} Glass; at the fnext class nie|etin Rochelle, temporary chairrh thr committed, s^id TpesdijiJ. /The finaiiif, approve by the Junior (Glass will meel . 1 the Board of Directors- for th * pui enting relatierjs hi t ose 1 r? I thes iitte| • unii ° ■ 'l l f • 1 f. ■! need lawn i Henrv! A Tools you keep your good sha “ Miller Co mw S-FuraHiIrp hGate ' aJT # tweeb the two grouiw for next yeari” Rochelle said. ! j Following a report by. a com mittee assigned to ■ investigate (the bousing shortage, the group (db- cided - hot to discuss the issue of haviing freshmen ori the canipiis (next) year with the board of j di- reeti iat’s Cooking? !_L Air Force Still j i Has Shavetails r m ’ ! i"' ITT ■ •. -I 4Vrmy Air Forces will con tinue to have commissioned of ficers in major, captain and lieutenant | rank, according., to I-t. Colonel John H. Kelley, A &,M Air ROTO officer. Now titles of senior airman and airman second class, as an- . noujiced in the Battalion, apply oiilyi to warrant officers draw ing: pay equivalent to major, captain, and first and second lieutenant, according to Colonel Kelley- : : I 'f t f SINGERS- (Continued from Page 1) I I •/( • I: TR; named* dean of the school of music last summer. He received the bach elor’s degree at the University of Minnesota and the master’s and ({octor’p degrees from the Univer sity of Io\ya. Hodgson has studied and travel ed in lEngland, France, Belgium, Holland, |Germany, and Austria, and has served as a member of the board of examiners for the eastern division of the National Associa tion of Schools of Music. He came tb NTSC from Mt. Vernon College where (ho was director of the con servatory of music, and professor of piano and theory. „ ] —— AiRICULTURAL C O U N (JlL, 7:15[ p.m., Wednesday, YMCA Heading Romn. ; ] * , AGGIE AERO MODELERS 7 :lH p. nj., Wednesday, Room 10$, ME Shops. Movie and eelction of offi- BRAZOS COUNTY MOTHERS CLUB, 8 p. m., Thursday, YMCA Lounge. BRAZOS COUNTY A & M MOTHERS CLUB, 3 p. m., Thurs day,: YMCA Mother’s Club Lourge. CAVALRY SQUADRON, 479th COMPOSITE GROUP, Army Or- jganmed Reserve, 7:30 p. m., Tues day,: Second Floor, PMA-(formerly AAA) Building. EX-SERVICEMEN WIVES BRIDGE AND SOCIAL CLUB, jr : 3i0 p.rp., Thursday, Cabuiet Rootn, YMCA. Et PASO CLUB, 7:15 p. m., fThufsday, Third flooif Academic. 1 EAST TEXAS CLUB, 7:30; p. •m., Thursday, YMCA. Special mee;ing. ( > 1 . HEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, ME Shops Lec ture Room x -i i : ■ INFANTRY REGIMENT J79th COMPOSITE GROUP, ARMY ORC ANIZED' RESERVE, 7:30 p. m., Monday, second floor, PMA '(forhieriy AAA) Building, i For Your Visual Probler Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee optometrist 208 S. Main — Bryan phone 2-1002 \ Extension- Specialists Meeting Here for Three-State Workshop ; | ill. . , j | ‘ • 'I I • I I " ' ' • •; j j • i jThlirty-eight Extension Service specialists from Arkan- sas, Oklahoma, and Texas are meeting on the campus April 26 through May 6 for an Intraregional Workshop for Exten sion (Subject Matter Specialists. i ; / jG. G. Gibson, A&M extension dkiry specialist, is chair- 4 jj-'.* * i T 5 : t \ | |i | c ! 1 • i t-r— J, Wd Student night b Static, - Urector of the lorial Csnter, left last plane for RoanokU, Vir ginia tej attend the Silver aitniver- ?ary of jthe Association of Qollege Unions. The celebration, bking held April 29 through May II at the | Hotel Roanoka. will be attended by(about 250 student union directors from colleges; in the Uni ed Status and Speakers for the three-day af fair include G. Qtt (Rommey* dean of Virginia Teacher Dr. Francis P. Brown, executive secretary of the Anjerican Council on Education. 1 principal speaker for the£ Fri day night banquletl will be Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of the University ojf North €arp- I*# | f i 1 1 Li I I . j- I jiPollowi ng the business sessions Saturday afternoon, a trip Will be made to Virginia’s natural bridge, Virginia Military Institute,' and Washington and Led University. A visit will also lie made by thq union directors to Thomas Jeffer son’s home at Monliicello arttl the Smoky Mountains, j The Association ojf College Un ions was formed in 11919, bijit did >t meet during the war yfears. Stark;; plans to return td Col- 5t CO:R|;AGES IT , Specialties f# Your Dances anti J. COULTER 1800 S. College Ro44 ■ •{ 1 n - ' . i — M $5.00 S DAY* 45 ggu: •f ..t- All Occasions. I Tl SMITH Phoije 2-6725 SPECIAL OFFER • $5.00 for $2.45 Studio ege Station, Texas L , , . ?i; O F If E R S . . ... ONE 8x10 BEAUTIFUL SILVERTONE PORTRAIT . I. 'for only $245 ‘•ALL PORTRAITS COME MCfuNTED IN A NICE FOLDER" Proofs to? Select [Jmom Not good . “Serving j h- Satisfaction Guaranteed : copiywork. bSYears" nian bf the steering committee. ♦ J. D. prewit, acting director; of the Texas Extension Service, open ed the Workshop Monday with: a talk on “What We Expect The Workshop To Accomplish.” Gib son followed Prewitt on the pro gram] with “Organization and Workshop Procedures.*’' “Exten sion’s; Opportunities” was the sub ject of J. L. Boatman’s* talk. Boat man 'is | chief of the division of subject matter, Extension Service, i !L ii Other speaker^ and their sub jects (on the firsi days program were:,“How We Decide What To Do—Program Development” b V Charlcss A. Sheffield, Extension Sei-vice field agent, USD A; ’‘Ana lyzing; a Local Situation” by K. :F. Warner, meat specialist of the Ex tension’Service, USDA; and “Ef fective Methods of Education” by John R. Bertrard, assistant to the dean of, agriculture of A&M. •hit ' * f (T| Yesterday’s program includjed Louis; pranke, Texas Extension “ditoif, who spoke on “Teaching Material? That Fit The Situatiori’” \Relationships of Specialists in Cooperative Extension ; Work” by S. R, Lyle, in chirge of the agri- cultutal section of the Federal Ex- tehsionX Sendee; and K. F. War ner’s talk on “How to; Put On A Demonstriji'tjon.” f |.(’j , Speakers scheduled for the Ve- maimUr of the workshop program includp: Miss Mafy'Touise Collins, division of field studies and train ing, Extepsipn SeiviceXuSpA*; D. I S. Lantrib,, Arkansas state 4-H i Club Agent; and Mrs, Eloise T. Johnson, A&M extension family i life education specialist. Also listed are: Dr. H. G. ’Job | ston, A&M extension entoraplogisf^ Miss Mena Hogah, Extension Ser vice. field agent, USDA; Dr. Parul; J. Kruse, (department of rural ed- 1 ucatien at Cornell University; apd | Miss Helen Swift, extension so'ci- olpgist, rural v-pmen’s organiza-; tipri; Tynis R. Timm, A&M exten sion economist; and J. D. PreWit,' all of the Texas Extension Service, j T # in ] not meet during th* Stark - plans to re lege Station Sunday jnight. La»ar Fly Resigns Banker Position Lamar Fly, vice-president and cashier 6f the Collegei Station (State Bank, resigned effective today. He will be succeeded by H-l E. Burgess; Burgess has beei| en gaged iii the real estate business. Fly wins editorial ajdvisor id Stu- *. fwalter w. van KjrK, tor- ^ent Publications prior to apeept- merexpcutive secretary of the De- ; the ition at i the bank . partmelnt of International: Justice and Goodwill of the Federal Coun cil of Churches, will be presented over Station KAMT Friday! at. 4:30 p. m. S ' I: • i|-: ; ! j Dr. Van Kirk is part pf the Pres byterian (Radio Committee's series entitled ‘‘Like a Mighty Amy.” ( A Methodist clergyman, Dr. Van Rirk. is; the author of “A Christian Global (Strategy.” f: • Dr. Kirk to Give Radio Discussion • ■ Hi It ■ I 1 1 i Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk, for- Classified Ads WITH A BATTALION CLASS!- AD. Bate* . J 3f a word pel witb a ttf minimum. Spac« Clamified Saetkm . . 60? pa inch. Send all IblaMified* will to the Student Activities Of- ad* ehoald be turned in Ip '0 00 of the day before publicntion ^ '»■ - M ■«*>' f nu flVW TYPIN' to™ *(2-6705. 4- POR 8ALRi-Boy‘»\ bicycle. 26“ wh rrrr . -• ^ Good c viu.w. 500 E. 2fith\Bryan. Flight ‘A’ Wins Muster Day Parade Flight A, Air Force score of 92.7 to win first the Muster day parade day. > honors was points. Com- nd Troop A, Cavalry placed third and fourth with 90.56 and 89.82 points, re spectively. Church Stewards To Hear Wilson A&M Methodist’s stewards will hear Rev. Guy Wilson of Bryan at their monthly meeting and cov ered dish supper Wednesday. The business meeting will begin at 5:30 to permit some persona to attend other faculty meetings at 7. Supper will be served at 6:30. All stewards and their wives are requested to attend—with food. -ROYAL PORTA PORT S120.00 Cash delivery. NE33 -MACHINE? 2-1*8, P. O. Box ‘ Brynn, | Texas. —i * W-t, tie*, ill SALESMEN!--! Good uire in p.*r.ion lUswe The Empire State Building in New York City has 50 miles of permanent pipe for water and steam. Heart of Texas Club; Will Meet , f j J l i The (Heart; of Texas Club wijl hold a| short business meeting Thuiiscfeiy at 7:30 p. m. to discuss final- plans for the spring picnic to be Held next Thursday. Club; President Pete Growder re quests all members and potential membqrs to attend so that the (time ajnd place for the picnic can be arranged. * IN - ' For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES -Iones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Hrvan Ph. 2-2832 2*1885 FUR STORAGE HATTERS mrman . t are running special In addition to ottr 5^ be! • tl ( Because] We. Wi ye certainly «}ant usual weekend specials. take a volume of bwti rhokMalers even morjp so. wholesalers 0v« * our whoiesalei arrangements. We also ion as •t ets we have a good -*,( — 'ii GROCERY SPECIALS EVERYDAY? you can ap «tem IN- 'A'\ - ‘ i: 1 ' ,i- _ ill on 50 Items every, week, Mondays through Thursdays, impress upon our trade retalh our buying connections me iff I sr what a good just as they i i i Shorter for e to reach this figure. y >ur entire grocery requli > (conomy. SIDE FOOD thing we have, are now. sve been cut; and these of more volume. T°^nake tume w« purchase under the Febniary volume. We (Jf jjl j ts hem with much satis- * £ w. 11 i '• You'll love delicious, I i s V .ill nutritious, creamy- textured ICE CREAM when you top it off wi$ the luscious §olden-r peaches.. .You can br out the more subtle fla*N vors of any fruits when you combine them with ICE CREAM — For true ate-teasing delight! JEWS BOB BANK (IN PALESTINE RAID TEL AVIV, Palestine, April 28' —Heavily avme l youth^ who said they Were mepibers b Jqwish underground pulled qi $1,0C0,000 daylight (bank robbery yesterday under the: eyes of Hagqnah guards. ' F A NS!! Table Models Floor Models Attic Sunbeam Products TOASTMASTERS COFFEE MASTERS . Aggie Radio & Appliance East Gate FOR SALE—95 acre* located 9. nine milt* tout) fiih pond, 2,000 pine per acre.- ikn] year furnished. 209 Pa Park. ; FOR SALE—House N(i. 4 betwi courp* and Project Houae*. or unfurnished. May he seen noon. Write R. J. Carlton, Collette Station. FOR SALE—Student Next to Project MM furn .cssary!'. housintt for married; student is bed or unfurnWhod. Ter -two hounds. A tan female. 30 return or information the tfltur'h of these 48HS, College Station. THE INStRUCTORS OFFICE, ganitet) Reserve*, desires the a Clerk-Typist for 6) days riHi May f&tb. You hove to be of the Enlisted Kssrr^e or to enlist; ig the Ortjanized R i order to iloallfy, Ol Instrufctors Office. jORC-PMA College Station, T«txjis. rd male lb*, n. hounds, Texas. I in pcirif :( 30 ACRES 15 minutes frpm Col Cejmpus. . . . New 2 room hpme which feai roomy built-in ca,bi artel closets." - 1 ' • . You will be at hottu hit this suburban place wl i : t j has all tha cpnvenieii of| the city. ! ! I ■ i ws.Tl U n -4 foi IHrjf ves it at ith) lldiny . 1 ClLPEPPK Realty Co Phone 4-1101 East Gate d' c SEvn FLOWERS BY 1 ( apply. AY, APP.lh 28 five fetotwhrr for workers NO. 1311 meeting rvrJ. Wn ' GIBB OILCjifRlST, W.M W. H. BAIXT iks- AFAAM Thursday Work In 4o your for Mot! (May 9(h) WIRE’ mother r’s Day GusiiiLAND FLOWER SHOP Phond #-1212 _ii-j H —H I Usedj Car Headfp, arters TT' j. j Today 1640 PLVMOiak TUDOR— 8750.00 1946-dWercury '<blup CbtJipe, Radio, 1 Heater j '.(.'! 4$flFV»rd Tudor, with Heater 41—Ftjird Tudor, New paint ! ; ! II j | {j J iLl ' 1 ' Nl--Mercury Coupe, Radio ahd (Hkater I ] f| ■ '• ■40-4-Pfymouth; Tudor ! 89—Mercury Tudor, 31,000 A(c- ( fclliWf-. 1 ! Ml ' lUncdj^VBfibU-' . i .' ' ] 384-Fbrd Tudor, with Hefllcr ' j f ■ Hi. -Kfevrojet $edan I37~f0#ievroleti Tudor ] mtielc Sedan « I ! .>• 40-tFord |- ! ’ II I 37- L tr * !"■ M>p jj !: FOrd, Panel Delivery BRYAN OTOR CO T,: ir |r •! "Yotir : Friendly Ford Dealer” | BRYA [ I' N, TEXAS; so tvnich rjto smoke! 1RRIS offers the smoker an extra id in rio other cigarette. For Philip le ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by lejading nose and throat specialists as definitely Ijess irritating. Remember: |,ess irritation nieans more smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris snookers know, they’d all change to PHILIP MORRIS. r ( * ■> PHILIP benefit foi Morris is 1 i'L ¥: t 1 -(iv ti T, — ( I !! . I 1 !■ ■ •Ji ii l , -U I . F;. "V