Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1948)
ip-TT :-4 p: : IN \l BAGDAD A] TO HOLY AMMAN, 29.—(^U-Ret Iraq Raid todr has st toward 4hrougV complete the recent sa, King Abdulla > IY MOVES *D W^lR Iraris-Jorda Apri lul [Ilih of [his country's army /ing from Balghdm re and rill Ionian. “Ha is Rcuing P UeRtine, 1 after tall in j wt of Tr iti j*J ordan ■ TRUCE MA ILD JERU LAKE S Jewish yesterday gijirdedly exfjreRS rcaUiness to Order a trier 16 pro teertuhie old walked seel io i < if Jer usal^h. /. “ ji l :ESS, Ariril 29.- Arab eajdefs la|< 8C< t u TEXAS DEr THR^TEN I DALLAS, jTex.j April If Dc^vey forces donft treatment at j, the Texas can Contention at Corpus May 26 they pay bolt, S 4 Chairman ^George Hopk|in|? las said hdpe yesterday SAM RAYi SEEK RE-1 WASIUNl —Rep! Sam asking fotyjij gress. WILL 5CTION )N, Apfil lay bum other tei CLAIM OVERCHARGE ON ARABIANlOlL ^ WASHINGM N i Aptiil jttee dejclhrdd ras A senate Co terday that thA\ Navy, Charged at le ipt^30,000,(100 wartime purchases of Arab The compaqy, l^Qwn as retorted that ' its'v pr.i<e have saved t re Navy njorb $2(5,500,000. " to the nation’hj ecoAomj just begun.” PRO-TRuk. ON AIR T03 l HEBREW F UG FLOW OVER JAFF4 MOSQUE VIU TEL A\ _upi£a" Hd over the Hal terday,' signt the entire Mn all-Arab Jafl gun Zvai L< ■TEXANS MIGHT SAN ANT< iNiqJ Apfil Pro-Truman r 'exus Dcniobtn air thfeir side pf the ei ri|en|t party | split tc night fm n tqnio over a \ (j-statiori raldit up cftxried id? a [public | not or a paid political Wopdville Rofaers. of S$ji said, r ■ iff' 1 " *" .* ft; r lt Volume 47 4- M —- 2)9-ip edt far ft ;publl Christ at? GOl c f Dal 1 20.-4 -T^x.) i't oven- on il an oi A rami^ policic th; tj saM ‘[t id benefi ’ hate onlj PaleKtir :9 went dp oisqae ytf iretv. flai itfti Bcci 3 ling the chpture ishieh bond'd' roue by fightej Imi. IL, ASK LAW rteCU\RING jRED^ *'CRU|lNALS"! | r 'WASHINGTON! April legislation hfio pertni 1 : prosecution officials am bers and froits was ai animously today by' Ch American Ac|ivities Conn ! JEWS SAY jUF AIDING ARABS XERUSAL|M, April ! A Palestine gSoveRSment s Cdmmijn|8tl Pa4y expose party m<te- P 'o\ed up- Rouise Up- nri te& f " r V said British | planes strut" [ positions in Royal dAr yesterdajy Ihe Bath Yim section adjoiiing Arab, the south. 4 * SULLIVAN]QUITS A HIGH DEM SOFFtlCIA WASHINGTON, April i Gaef Sullivaf! resign®. ! as ^executive |lirector 0: Icraitk Natiofal Committ He 1 said h4rwili beco I I ted With I America. th# theater ill u TOM BRENEMAN DIE$ OF HEART!ATTACK HOLLYWfOD, April 2D Tom Breheiiari, who fturned hats, (utchidl and kisses ladies into gram, drop A top-flight pled dead o ' attack yestelday. He .'Nl ■•■.I 5Ti STARSEN (llETSjNOD IN PENNSYLVANIA : PHILADELPHIA, Ap <^1—IndustiSab Pteinnsyiv v | lowing recewt Nebraska . i consin treM" — White Hou#! ts will stale Sin Aii- hoo|- :victe“ igram, An ton jo 6 pril 21 —t c imir ] pojkes ’ Fo: Jajffa te L !/ewi| resdjrt -(f 2! I ye iterdby t)he Deitf) ee. me rssoqfa- cWrers .iof for ra’diio pfio- a hej rt 47 ye.lnr L • ’ •il 29 an a, ; fbl and VVjs^ ■yesterday gajve hopeful; Harold . I Stassen a slljn but apimiientlly-c ..T ! •/ ! ». -i elusive margin in the state’s tte- publican Pk'.sidenitial popularity contest. iHjJJ. 1. ' McCarthy Yo VroIcA'iIe SHAMROCi HOTEL HOUSTOH, April 2i) - Glenp McCtijrthy, Hou^toin nilli aire dnlinanxwill jdedidatie Ids nfw $18,000,000 iShamrock j Hotpl htpe Saturday. ■ .1 The Hotel; located ips; smth jjofr/ Rice Institille ont Houistl )n’ i sou tn ' side, is exiitctedi ;0‘ bp j co: npl«ed late this yefe. 1 F 1 ” T 11-H-ted TRUMAN TO IKE- NEW Y' Elliott R01 that Presid fer the D nomination Eisenhower “if manded it. : C.'I COFFEE FROM SCOWS* DON’T BE LIEVE IT c SAN SALVADOR, pi Snlvadcfr, April 29—w—The custdro :rs may be getting liOoffdq .id) their m|k dowrii .here toutu YBE? K, April! & -.VPf- velti K&$ p edict k1 t Truman! v ou Id pr< f- ocrAlic Presidential to Gen. j Dwight P. tn )ec pie (e The Na School repo periments ‘ ing Salvadi flom coffee! East f noon,' toi much chi erate sou ' West noon, much chai i h tj t e~ of’ thete dajys. nal Agtiiclultur il thpt sdci^s iful (»x- Ve been rtadle n fedd- an cows 1 ul > ma le and F in temi .-I: i v< 'ir if <■ cite ftm PUBLISHED DAILY IN 1 • '[ | •ilf 1 I ! 1 1:1 I r : if COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, j.t A&M APRIL 29,1! -J' ton Accountants Will Convene Here May 4 VANITY FAll MISS PAT DAVIES of Glendakt.! Arizona will appear in the VaHity F&ir section of t!»e 1948 LONGHORN. She is one of eight beauties selected by orch fstra leader TEX BENEKE. j | . hi* first. ccounting uonference pom Hide Summer Students To I i• • c|.jjj-- j ' Live in Central Area ■ vj !■ I 1- ; lit . r ; If • Wa! during f sumimer school, Allan Madeliey ot the Housing Ulllice an- noujicetj Friday. j ! I Bizzell, Law, Puryear, Mitchell, Legett, Milnier, and on Halls', arid Dormitory 14 \vUl he used by summer Eight dormitories in the central area will be used < mer school, Allan Madelley of the Housing Offi held in Texas will get/lmder way hole May 4 and last Through Mhy 5.1.1 4 conference/is to be spon sored by the btusmess and account ing department; T. W. Lcland, head of the dopai^ment, has announced. Mdre thgn 250 top-flight offi cials of the United States are sche duled tqr attend, Leland said. | conference has been! ar ranged by A&M and the coopera ting organizations of accountants r accountants, representatives of Management, credit grantors, and educators interested in? the prob lems l of the accounting profession, ithe advisory council has announ ced. The advisory council consists of !J. R. Mulvey, assistant controller, Humble Oil and Refining Company Houston; S. R. Harwell, controller, Magnolia Petroleum Company of Dallas; and Lelamli Taking part in the program will be R. G. Dunlop, president. Sun |Oil Company, Philadelphia; D. M. Sheehan, i vice-president and con troller, Monsanto Chemical Com pany^ St Louis; D. C. Higginboth am, [president, Sabine' Chapter, National Association of Cost Ac countants, Port Arthur; C. L. West president, Texas Association of Public Accountants, Longview; E. C. Ring, chief accountant SEC, Washington; and Joe Judd, audi tor, $outhwnatertii Greyhound Linen, Inc,, Fort Worth, \ President! Gibb Gilchrist will give Ithe address of welcome. , .'. and Dormitory 14 w Nolan Announces Commissioner Precinct 1 , ■ hirst . Only Itiimps A occupiotl in Wal- Rdymond ownisr and A spokesman for the group operator of Wellborn, 1 sentat(ves from the Fiscal Office j c ,,. of <n, -i t has announced his candidacy jfor wiHj bejat Goodwin Hall for, stu- ^ teakmai'i o/the A. Nojan, 40, farm through ton. jj_ Tj'o avoid congestion on registra tion day, May 11, Madeley asks that students register for rooms before 5 p. im. Monday, May 10. Beginning at 8 a. m..May 3, fee waiter slips will be released through the; Veterans Advisors Of fice,! Room 104, Goodwin Hall, All (lay Monday and Tuesday repre- George E. Adams Is Candidate For State!; Legislature Will Be eterans’ Meeting on Tiiesda wr Town THE AGGIE PLAYERS will take to the stage igain tonight to present the se< ond showing of Thornton, Wlderts : OUR TOWN. Opening last nijj:ht in the Assembly Hall, OUR TOWN will he given agaih tonight and tomorrow night at 8. At the right arc four bf the twenty PLAYER!! who! take part in OUR TO\VN. Standing is HENRY GUIN, who plays milkman HOWIE and also doubles as ‘ George's friends.” Seat to right, are GEO RGE MAN, as CONSTABLE REN (doubles as the fchie Auditorium’); _ ^ SPARKS, as MRS. SOAMES, tjhe chatterbox; q n d WEATHERFORD, as , :[ II' { • ' vl [ HOL- le of OME of left ILL- ; -VAR v in NN WILL sIimon SIMPSON, the church organist. r I! i I'!- ■ ^ 1 !L Number 103 ■•'I " 1 ' ' % * ers Might Have Been Texans Our Town 9 Production T Careers of Aggie Players j :BY VICK LI town- DLEY A living town—Whose , people were Rew England ere bu| might as well have been rural Texans— was set upon the sc< neryleis stagp bf jttie Assembly Ball lasit night. Thornton Wilder's moving docu mentary play of American pfe, “Our Town, is the crest of achievement for th} Aggie Play' ers. It will be presented again to night and tomorrow night at 8. Gejorge E. Adams, former state j kew 5 -plate seem as strange at agenit and vice-director of the Ex- 1 ^ beginning as Ojur Tocfn, but tension Service, has been “drafted” ' by friends as a candidate for state representative from the 26th Dis trict! "county commissioner pf Precinct 1,. s ibjecti to the actioh of the vote -s:in [the Democratic; primary. N dan l|as lived in the precinct for 19 yeprs. Born and reared in the |Marvey community, he mov ed tp \Vellborn in 1912 where he vand his family, Mrs. Nolan and then, five children, live on ,theii< farn A. 3Ians to entdr September, and three ■biers are tp pay fees. 'lay 4 fees will have to His only son p! and M. jin Of his daughters ai|e mow attend ing Consolidated School. If elected, Nolan! says he wilt seek! an increase iii allotment of funds to keep the road machinery and crew on the roads when need ed. He believes in using the te u *l , ‘ meret to build terraces, ditches, and tanks when not in use on the high ways. > , ■ - .1 :j, ‘ N dan also believes that ma- Chinjry should be used to build (lriv;s and ofi drainage work in; cemeteries and around churches ahd schools. He pledges his sup port! to save the taxpayer money or Reduce taxes. ! J) j! don’t believe a commissioper should hold anotheif job- or oper-j any other business and ps.e; commissionership as a side-' ” Nolan told The Battalion yestjerday. • • . , «, “If elected,” he said, “I promise ■■oters of the precinct to, stay lie job and do the best I Can what I have With .which to r J:]': • ’dents! tb pa After M: be paid at the Administration Building. After' payment of fees students may register for rooms j in Room 100 Goqdwin. Non-dormitory students may al- sp | Secure their waiver slips and pay, fees beginning Monday. I I ♦«&<*n's iving in thosv s * x dorms [mentioned above will have . first ,c|ioice for their old rooms. They inay register for rooms , un|til 5 p. m., Wednesday, May 5. After Wednesday; tlje Housing Gffjce Will assume that students d6 jhot plan to attend summer schools. Beginning next Thursday rooms not 1 assigned will be given on a first-come-first-served basis to studentji living in other rooms and to those now living at Little Ag-. ate t|he line the bn witl) do." this) aftdr- idbyi: Nbt rature. M< d ml thje coaigt. tihid aftdr- Flidiy^ Nft per stpre. Silver Taps Silver taps will be held to- 10:30 for Glenn Dale erman who died this nihg In a San Antonio hos pital. • Sirnmerman was a sophomore t roleurn engineering student an i a member of B Infantry. Its parents are Mi'', and Mrs. B. ^hnmehnan of Big Wells. Texas. . ■ ' le was a victim of leukemia an I was in the college hosfpital foij .a while! I ’ I 1 Dallas Club Me Tonight p: Tjie Dallas A&M Club will meet :30 tonight in the YMCA cha- according to Doug Freburg, ident ,. jT ' . i* P tins for a party will be made lit ihe meeting. An Aggie foot- movie will also be shown, tburg said. . Galveston Club ?ets Tonight ie Galveston A&M Club will medt tbnight at 7 in Room 129, Academic Building, President Jack Mot re Said yesterday. Plans for a barbecue to be held sooil will' bp- discussed, f—r f: Braaos County Democratic Execu tive ! Committee, and with H. N. “Natal” Sandall, chairman of the Grinies County committee. After working with the Exten sion! Seryiee, Adams served as state representative for the 1944- 45 term. Not seeking re-election, Adams was succeeded by W. T. “Bill” Moore, now candidate for state senator. Adam’s ’ supporters stated that they; believe he will respond and serve the state diligently if he is elected irepresentative. Faires Visits UM r On Engineer Study Vijrgil M. Faires, head of the management engineering depart ment, visited the University of Missouri, Columbia, April 19-21 to inspect the mechanical engineering curriculum for accrediting by the Engineering Council for Profes sional Development. Fiiires, a member of the Engi neering Council accrediting com mittee, also inspected the curri cula in mechanical and" industrial engipeering at Washington Unj- vers ty at St. Louis, Missouri. the strangeness is due to"-a tech, nique which throws iway standard theatrical tricks aid substitutes a lifelike simplicity. There is nb scenery—the stage is bate when spectators enter thf -theatre, and i f- only a few properties are set out from time to time. Yet the New England village with its white houses become more vivid to the mind than if it had been painted. The Aggie Players have come a long way since their founda tion three years ago. Last night’s smooth production is at tributable both to the direction of George Dillavou and the con siderable talents of a large group of players. Betty Knowles will have to be protected from screen scouts to Hollywood. As Emily, the young bride of the play, Miss Knowles gave the best performance seen in College Station in recent years. Closely pressing her for honors Ag Students Will in Contests Here Qver 600 vocational agriculture students are expected to enter the state! judging contests to be held on the campus Saturday May 1 Approximately 150 agricultural instruc tors are expected) to accompany the students. These men will arrive at A&M sometime Friday after noon. At 7:30 thatjevenirar Char-4-— ——-—‘—^ j les N. Shepardson.jidean of agri culture, will deliver! an address of welcpnie in the gynji. The welcom ing address will be! followed by a jAjOtffi. ;|i >■ . ’ I 1 ’ I The [contestants and instructors will spend Friday night at Little Aggieland where 12 barracks have been! reserved for them, f Judging contests will start at 8 ». m. Saturday jmorning. Con tests will be held |in the judging of livestock, poultry, dairy cattle meats, and dairy jproducts. Contestants for lall the groups will meet at 7:45 Saturday morn ing to organize amkreceive instroc- tions. Livestock judging teams will meet in the A&I [Pavilion, dairy judging teams at Ithe dairy barn, at Ihe pdul* poultry judging tesjms Sam Donahue Band lo For Senior Dance, teJJ I ' ‘ Sam Donahue and his band have consented to play for the Senior Ring Dance, May 14, in Sbisa Hall according to N. R. Leatherwood, clhsp social secretary. Upon receipt of a telegram from Donahue yesterday, Lealtherwood said that final plans have been completed for the dance and the banquet in Duncan Hall, Seniors may make reservations with stu dent senators in any of the dormi tories or areas on the campus, j ! , Leatherwood asked that all sen- irii-s desiring tickets for [the ban quet or dance make reservations with these senators. The Senior Ring Dance Committee will com pile a list to determine how many people will be expected, j ter-dinner speaker ifor the which will be at 7 pi. m. ’ R. E. Jackson of the history and government depart^ ment at TSCW. Leatherwood, he IT > [ & and philosopher who is well known for his speaking abiNty. Colonel Guy S. Meloy will pre sent; the organizational command ers with keys for their work dur ing the past yter. . ) Bennie A. Zinn, assistant dean of nien, will give the keys to the Moore Trophy, Award to the sen iors of the whining organization. C.! G. “Spike” White will give out TWho’s Who at A&M” awards, us Vletas, Senior Class his- « tan. Will give the class his- r m j. rps Chaplaiij Cliff Harris will give'the invocation, and Sam Hill, college chaplain, will give the ben- ‘•iT • ! r. U' ; has been named ionics, and he will but the main speaker, ibb Gilchrist will Intro- Dance will begin as banquet tel completed, odd said that the dance i ill: soon as Leat [j Iii J I ■ ? 1 *r than 9 p. m. would hot start laf and last “until-’ In recounting the tradition be hind the Senior Ring ; Dance, Leatherwood; st custom was beg; Seniors wear tjheir rihgs with the seal of the State of Texas turned toward ttyem until the dance. Each Senior and his date will ptep into two huge ; replicas qf the Aggie Rihg. While inside the large rings, Ithe girl reverses the ring on the Senior’s hand so that the military [symbol faces the wearer. Members of the Ba: Program Committee tha with- Leather-wood are Kenm Jones, Committee h Leatherwood ar chairman, Bob Taylor, Jimmy H ThT Sales Committee chairmanship off He are Joe Richardson et and worked Evans, Bob Bob the • Oliver Robert try farm, meat judging teams on the south side of the A&I Build ing and dairy products judging teams at the A&M Creamery. All contests will be completed Saturday morning. Winners will be announced in the afternoon in the lecture, room of the Agricul tural Engineering Building. Ban ners will be awarded to the first, second, and third place teams. There will be no individual awards. These judging teams will rep resent each of tl^e 10 {vocational areas in the state of Texas. Only teams which ranked in the high est 10 percent in their respective areas are eligible to enter the con test herp- There" is no limit to the number of teams which any town may enter, provided the teams placed within the highest 10 per cent in the respective area. Any Aggie who is a student of agriculture and is interested in helping to put on the contest is requested to report to W. W. War ren of the animal husbandry dept E. D. Parnell of the Poultry hus bandry department or A. L. Dar nell of the dairy husbandry depart ment. !i Corps Review To Be Held iToday f A corps review will be held this afternoon at 4:30 on the main drill field in connection with the annual Federal Inspection. Both foot and mounted elements will be present, Bill Brown, cadet colonel of the corps, has announced. Members of the corps will be re viewed by the officers of the in specting team. Mounted elements; wfll include howitzers, armored cars and tanks manned by personnel from the Ar tillery, Cavalry, and Transporta tion Corps, tj j h Uniforms for the review will be No, 2 with helmet liners and arms. I in the “Our Tdwn” i i were J. Howard j Davis stage manager, who is narrator, commentator, nu< tor by turns; Art Htaij Bill Krause ns fathers ol couple; Countess Jones drod Wright as the, mo Other excellent per" were given by Cliff Hod! Puddy, James Bond an# Willman. Also in the large cast ian Sleeper, Henry Holgjji Greene, Earl Howl, Jei nodle, Will Weatherford Sparkll, Wayne Robinsoiy terman, and Jamies E. Altdugh Howard Da? ed the Stage Manager, stage manager, -who cf ed properties, light*" generally called the hind the stage, was H Homes. With Friday night’s 1 TDlu irxsts uctior th< tuoib it ac‘ r an< iyoui III Sides Of nus Issue To Discussed ternns on ithe A&M ^amgu nr Juk; Leoy: Lyn ck At n. play- real! ruct- ance,"the Aggie Players this season over! Direct ( vou will spend riext year umbia University on lea! sence, but it is hoped group will continue. On; tion already scheduled mer operetta in cooperi the Singing Cadets, in tion of a tradition of th standing. | U ■ Dill; t Coi of af Nat ;tl rodu sji:, tu«i r al Extension Vi Aids Special! On Special Jack Sloan, A&M ext ual aids specialist, is in ton D. C., where he will w i nd t’ months with the USD^ Picture Service. On this special assi will work on film distri other phases of moti production, J. Ef. Prew director of the Texas Service, said yesterday. Sloan wiil-work out p more efficient distribute for USDA movicis, leadi provements in the. prese which would be benefic Extension Service and people as a Whole. He study their plans for a (j movie production bctw< which will affect! Texas. While in Washington, have an opportunity to «[ time with both tfie Exte; ual Aida Section and t Exhibits Section. 1 ton vi ’ ishiin Moth i nt on atj| pictu actit hisid n w d somi lian V l/SD senior elected Ted Copeland, ure student, was of the newly-forihed Co: ty Club at its organizat! ing. At the meeting members it waa dues will be mestv. of decide | until The next im was set for Thi Room 307, Academic. M. C. Garren was eledpd president, Dick * ted secretary-! Thompson was sleeted I ^»rter. Jfi i-i Will have a chance to discuss ‘*i)p- c ration Bonus" at a special moot ing Tuesday in the Assembly Hall at 7!il5 p. m. The meeting will be under the penoral auspices of the ; Veterans i tujdntss Association, Injit will bf open to all studjent veterans. Taylor Wilkins, Veterans Advis* c r, will describe summer jegistra* tion plans, in addition to telling low A&M received an invitation tj participate In the rffeent “Op eration Bonus” meeting in Austin. Bob Poison), One of the two I ie delegates at the Austin m hg,; will tell in detail what H; pened at that session. “Letters to the Editor of the Battalion have indicated a great deal of interest in (his! subject. An open meeting seeiaa to be th# best way to answer ques tions” Poison said. J i Student shakers," both for (^gainst the proposed bonus, given a chance to express theii 1 ws, Poison iitated. In order to ike the most of the time allot* tied, however, ihe . requests that tihose who wish to speak sec him Wato “ IX ami vvRl im F-3, Walton Hall. Know- Pol- bottUH eterans ose in those qt Rooi hqw many: intend to talk, it be imssiblo to figure'out how ijuuch time should be allotted to qach speaker. ) At the Austii|i meeting, a resolu- tion was adopted tp work toward n tftute bonus for Veterans, to be aid from a natural resources tax, nd net to exgoed $500. A Com munist, Wendell Addington, offer- 1 id the support!of that group, hut < n :i motion by Poison, (!’P nirn(,n " ist support wps repudiated and Jtdillington left the convention hall. Most of the; colleges In Texas jro taking limited ,to college veteran*, On pointed out Actually the * a more criticpl! issue to yet now working than to thoi s chool, he said || ^ J. .j. .1.. iggie Debaters To feet TCU Team In art Worth [Today members of the , varsity :bate squad left last night fur ^ort Worth where they wfll hold i) '(series of clhssroom find radio , debates with Texas Christian Uni- ■letfisity, E. F. Hubka, debate coach, announced today. Representing" A&M during the i ina-day meet are John L. Taylor, . itumy Stevens, -John A. Shortle, Uflton Abelow, Charles Cabaniss, ' "homas Cruz, Jack Shepjmni, and >aul B. Wells. j.R. Harvey and .H. S. Creswett, nembers of the English depart- : uent, accompanied the team on the . £ach of the four squads is to ? anticipate in two debates on the opic “Resolved: That a Federal iVeirld Government Should Be Es* ablished,” 'v.uJ' Stevens and Shortle will debate . >v»r Radio‘Station KFJZ this af- Bthoon, while Shapparu and Ca- laniss are to engage in a' formal lebate this evening against TCU’s lumber one team. The remainder, if the debates today were to bo icld before classes on the TCU ! sajnpus. The Aggie teams will return to ;he campqs Friday. ’ i f, Music | by Stern On m « Music jby Isaac Stern, one of America’s foremost violinists, will w featured over WTAW’s pro gram, "Music By Master Compos- }t," Sunday morning from 10 to . kill ' J" ' I Louie Hauer, profesor of Eng- ish, has charge of the program. Included in the broadcast will be Witniawski’s “Concerto in D Min or," Beethoven’s “Sonata No. 7,'' and “Sarasate,” Gipsy Air8> . Hauer is presenting the program as a forerunner of the Isaac Stern conceit which will be presented oh Town Hall May 6. Dairy Specialist At Judging Parley 4*. -G. Gibson,, A&M extension specialist, !1 &s City, Mi erence of for left yesterday for issouri, to attend official classifica- thc Jersey cattle is on« of nices being he Ize clask! Jersey breed. :'1 (three regional con- held in an effort to ification work for