Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
center df the three q^ialrter —.— Battali oh P 0 R T )AY, APRIL 22,1948 to Sports. i* 5 ' Baseball Nine ; i " 1 '■ Jii c- By ANDY MATULA • m ^ • ' »■ ■•• • <• • 'L-— I Knockout j Several)) eature i intramural Boxi NNHipi i 1 i\ N lb. Jr at the circus always used to come to the -•dust when every performance was about igh and announce in the best big top gma sa drters ner, .1.. I .# , , . “And thafs only the beginning, folks, only the begih- ' 1 the same against the Aggies. Just ' !| : b*u !lHe was talking jabout a circus iml we’re talking about baseball )Ut when you really get down to tJ (Southwest Conference baseball WjpOttMWL_. Ad a thgei ring circus have much 1 common. And wiih seven games tend them setell tea no>v, the Texas Aggie can (truly say “The show] is just beginning. About 10:15 p. mi Monday night, the Aggies found themselves lead ing theJSWC after a tense victory o^er TCU. But the road down to the conference finish is still long and rocky. For evpn though this past road trip was an exhausting ope, the two others still before the Aggies are mihed and booby- «PPidj j .j Hn: Aprjl 27 A&M goes up to ngle With the Baylor iU that they’ll make jt tough on any other team aiming for the loop crown.! Texas U. pound that out Saturday when thj* Bears sprung a trap door on them. It was the Bruins that Stopped Texas’ win- nijng streak last year. They iiipped the Longhorns again, i thjj« year They could do ■w laiv 1 *!' .429 Brains .286 because! A&M beat the Bears twice! this season is no reason that they 1 , can’t ptlll a win over the maroon and wljite. Especially ; on home ground. Neither is the weekend of April 80 any bright spot on the Aggie calandar- i TCU; plays here on April 30 and May 1; they have a better than average pitch er in Jim Barnett and a leading SWC hitter in Jim Busby. They got mean with Texas and they could do the same with the Aggies. On May 4 the SMU nine finishes its schedule against the Aggies. With Erwin Kay pitch ing, the Ponies will he another rugged outfit. Besides that, they’re anxious for a shot at second > place. Then on the 14 and 35 of May, down to Austin go the Aggies to wind tip the season against Til From where the experts are sit ting, these two games could do- cide the conference title. Texas mi A second-round Intramural “Fite R heavyweight SAlfi Li right to Cliff Deatoi second round. Both fighters until ^Liberto crowd oif the canvas with the of the’fight. There were several in the other bouts but n ed down tor the count. One *o( >tht beat figh 1 night was in the 1-9- bhort Hershel Shelby Kamon lastillion of mixed it up'the entire t| tillion was the best in-1 the night and bruised face with uppercuts \ clenches. But Shelby took ad Castillion's low guard- mm some hard, the head for the winnm Another good pint-st was the opening duel Ralph Wheat of C Inf. Rivera of Leggett. Ri| ed likd the best fighter, Inals h i V ri Gas,, hter dl! “k ? r t^Ke If »<1 garje %£ ntial betwi sfnjd jM up !loi Wb will be tough in their goat pasture of a ball park on the forty-acrei. If the Aggies’ pitching improve^, they may give the jEeahounds a hard ride for thoir money. I j ' il “ ■ ■ ' | l| veryone Wants in the Act . * ! ‘Tm so happy to fijid areally wonderful __ i. i „„ J place to eat ient! , and it’s so conven- A. & M. OKI L L r ■ | North Gate Last; year for thie first time, the NCAA) held playoffs for a national isehall ehampionl Texas U. won e SWCj crown, ! defeated Okla- ima of (he Big Seven, then was feated by Califcjrnia of the Pa cific. (Coast, division. The Bears tifent Bn to bdst Yjale in the finals at Arte Arbor, Michigan. The same deal! goes this year. But;Texas says jhands off this time; they didn’t like the beat ing they got labt summer. So that throws the! selection wide open in the 8W(i Lloyd Messer- smith of SMU, district chairman lor baseball of the NCAA, sent [)[rat (letters ifco all SWC teams asking if given the chance, would they participate in the playoffs. In replying for A&M, Athletic director Bill Carmichael said that (the Aggies were quite in terested in these playoffs. Any team other than Tcxau winning the conference will get the nomination. Should Texas take the conference crown again, the second place team would get the nod. That could be a toss-up be tween Baylor, SMU . and A&M. 'Who do we figure to get the pick? We’lUtell you around May 15 when Htftiston’s crack YMCA Volleyball team is shown during a practice session. Going after the ball, No. 4, is ALL-AMERICAN BJORN JOHANSEN. This team will see action here this, weekend. Gulf AA V Volleyball Meet To Be Held Here Saturday The first Gulf AAU Volleyball Tournament will be held Saturday in DeWare Field House under the sponsorship of the (Texas A&M Volleyball Club. The tournament thhich is to this three ring circus of a confte- j be a double elimin'ation affair will begin at 10:00 Saturday ^ence has folded its tent and si lei)t-|l 1 * 1 • ily stolen away. didn’t let , that bother Up) jjis landed rights on his head. Rivera took the out lost the next two a A neat-capacity crp ed the fighters putiddni theity | best performance of t|: jr«*r. In the welterweight Y ass Bj^b Taylor of B AF and ii le $r of. ,C 'Composite fough | the f round in short spurts » inctyi by long pauses.; Tayior started crcii ftegj opponent .in'the sec<te( r Ou He floored Brock witM a short night’s annual in the gym. LigM-; llished the feat with a hard le first 16 seconds of thi '.' i | j ., • . 4 and traded punches a corner and lifted hini fighters came out lor blood, lithe second round. They alternated turns <m the pen, with Golden getting the ’St of It ‘Wleiaa found too • any openings m the third round apd gave his opponent several haid punches tor the winning points. kill, hut Brock kept pni at] bp ^ the rest of the fightj Taylor picked up enq|i th po for the win in fhe secow roiiml ■1 r I J ; Ray Golden of A ji . ■ ear the light to Gu^ Vletasj| i the lb. Class, but lost the Batch w|l he lot Ivs euaid down, ■ f 4> em-e has fo.'.lprf .ts Fent and s.lcrtt- jj,^. ac( | elK i Saturday flight. A trophy and medals will Do We Or ill 1 ^* j:| Right now, the Aggie.s may have ! reader a now conferenct record to their j evideni credit. Last Satur lay they toed off not. Tl leaders whether they can produce! nee of any better record or) ^ .... Phis (appeal is not confined to' glaitist the up in Rebel the campus alone. We’re anxious ’ark a and biakte hs. Every ball 0 fhot Sign in e distance fron 1 Tliofmnton, f ' ‘ Don’t We Have A Record? ( ’! be awarded to the winners. 1 i Orfe'rof 'the highlights of the evening will be at 7:00 when an out six home to get the straight scoop so pass hit cleared the the Word along. Should no conflict eft center field; ting ictjbrds, backed by evidence home plate was teach our oars by the end of this The Waco YMCA flire has been placed in the number two slot 1 and exhibition match between two girl the rest of the card has been fill- chanipionship volleyball teams e d with top fight teamsl Some of wiU .be played. The Houston girls these other clubs are' the Dallas team sponsored by the Grand Prize Brewepy of Houston ari<jl the Tem- YMCA, the Fort Worth YMCA, the Texas University Club, the Waco pie All Stars will be the particr-! club, and the ‘ SMU . yplleyball about 350 feet. Bobby Fretz. Tex season, well, I guess well Alvjig Nixon, Stan rack up a riew record. Hdlhnig, and Peck Vass were re- aponsible for the barrage; Vass Quite A Card fused to restilain himself and wcked two of hem. But back to th,at record. James j BETHLEHEMjPa. —W'— Ej F. H. Stewart, executive secretary I (Ebb) Caraway, coach of the Lo- of the SWC. hits baseball rec- high; University baseball team, d« for only |the last three j played with the St, Louis Catjdr- ekra; none approach the six nals* farm teams at Shawnee, . T omers of the Aggies. Okla., Greensboro, N. C.; Scotts- ik ft there’s only One way of find-! ( | a i e , Pa.; and Wheeling, W. Ya., rv'°,i^^' eS | ^ aVt> before deciding on a college c<tech- That’s to ask our . , . j ! ing career in 1933.- < I -I- | out whether rpcoyd or not. pants hi this match. N. A. Ponthieux, tournament di rector, and Walter Arbuckle, pres ided! of the A&M Volley hall Club have been working on the plans for the mciet which they hope Will be come an annual affair in the Gulf AAU. . Some of the best teams in the nation have been invited to the tournament. Foremost among these is the Houston YMCA team which won the National Championship tw o years ago and came in third in the same meet last year. The Rcuston Club has been top seeded for ! the week end tilt. team. A&M will entptf two teams in the tournament. A championship trophy, given by the Gulf AAU will be award ed to the top team in the meet Saturday night, and- first, second and third place medals donated by Student Activities will he given out also. All games will'be played in De- Ware Field House and plenty Of good fast volleyball Will be going on all day. ! •Hi T an (intermission show, aev, iml 1 blindfolded. Intramujml Man agers had a tree-for-all. Bob Speer, ; flirt! McGt'under, Bert Buebner, hun Clark, W. R. Blackburn, Bill* IiUtefcslfly. and Art Hdiigst were he Victims, These lighters had io rontehd jjiot only with low blows, rabbit unches, and unseen opponents, . ut also with gloves tied on oom handles wielded over the tropes by several' other Ihtramitr- jsl Managers. . 'j 1 ! ■ ’! McGruder boxed all bV,himself after takifig several jabs from an elusive broom-handle. ★ Ken Tinimans of A Inf. took a ecision from Locke of Hart in lie 159-lb. class. i Jj ' , They started out slow in tpe first round and fought a draw in the second. Timmons did the crow : ding in the final and deciding rpumd. /* [ - : • : Two' other good boxers, Sam my Sargent and Harold'Zeitman. T> 1 • ri »hl i.b .nd^UrwUl.; ft | round without either one getting ’(hurt. Zeitman got the best of the slugging in the second- round. Both men were trying for »■ knockout and traded mspos in the final round, with Sargent taking the most points. j| Stocky Pat Green couldn’t i>ene* lllltje- CNOCT'CO T on Page 4) ! •• k I I ■ u. i I •!■■ •M. T b! NW” P ' There is one mile Canada one mile tor every the United States. if railroad in for every 29pjipersons, and > for every 59P persons in Where* — y • S ive your shops atj . AM ANNEX EXCHANGE f STpRE \ j liter quick repairs—Same prices i! 1 as at our maih shop. a. HOLLICK’S! $0(|>T SHOP 1 Mf" m ill P I m m IM It’s RUSS tfiose cr*d rne Chewini; that bird w«i h Gum?'* Ml; that bird'WM human the way he )liiurpb! I can't blame him though. > < or Dentynef* refreshing, long- nr myself. Mika the way Den- Gum helps keep my tMth «n—Madie Only by Adams ii pil DR. N. R MpNLTT DENTIST’ * Office Ih Parker Building Over Canady'a Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas vi : : wm ■ 1 0m 9 it ,lr 411 r ' : . »p Detta Record T ■' ’ j I'f : ill kTv I . niTiIukvoCs,. WiMlonfStlew, N. C. I m* i /■a ! A T ON Typewriter Exchange New & Us«d Typewriters - Guaranteed Repairs 116 8. Main Bryan THE 1 ELECTRICAL AP P LI A N CE STORE IN ’ in and; see Jus for large i •pliances: € IRONS FLOOR OOOIOSRS AKERS or’ 1 RAMOS, T sTur- msf. 4 •: • I* It’s Morgan at his best...sweet swing at its best.*-in this new Decca platter. Wbenjltcomes to cigarette^ Russ says in his typical Morgan Manner; “Camels $uit my ‘T-Zone’ to a ‘T.’” Millions of smokers agree witli Russ about Camels. More people aru j unokinf Camels than ever before. Try Camels on your ‘’T-Zone”- Find out for yourself Why, With smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the “choice of experience.” r-i are • r» j HOTPOINT usefuls I a , - told here’s wether greeti record*- X' ■ > M \ > * v M •I iv r .jll V ■ CIO BLEHti Kr.Trts