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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
I f f I '■ •/ i - i-. f'. ED .V\ Page 2 ,1 Inv^stin Lawrence . u 4 Bait alio \: - I •' OR Tlf 1 r, |i ; !i - I n' j k f •?. liLiLJ 7| er, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” ■'r • • r Ross, Founder of [Aggie Trac sting in Brain; litorial in the; Arkansas Ga: I r 1 r • ansas.” i wh; such a ii' did Stanolirtd oiffer the money f juilding? Evidently they recogni s * v '*^ ■ izette employees. ; Why niust industry [spend enoi nfious sums Undo" i m Z-J FI J f 'I ? s! li s I j * | ||' ;i_ BEHIND THE I vil' Ij y . - • .4 FALSE FRONT ■ F I 1-- : j '' 1 '• ' . | : i iy must industry-spend enonj- doing some of the work taugh^ them in universities? Why doesn't industry jothl . An feditprial calls fiitt mtipn to a poinjt Wit! which A&M may we 11 be concerned j^oting that the save itself both money and tune by working SL &ie“S bu ‘ drfinite tfrom**, based onT»st -ibuilding out that “ institutions of ,learning? It won’t be simple, but surely a definite program based on just , r. 4.4. • * this one thought could prove invaluable to uo 6tt n. points Ithis state, to the employers, to students, and no mdustny oMKNM* W ever •s t oju le . e diege concerned. 1 i although of a slightly different nature than the program mentioned above. Its Business for and Industrial [ Advisory Service, offering . - - recognize Texas indli^trljes specific and detailed ad- that the 'establishment or?bettefment of fac- vice on pertinent problems arising within ilities o: institutions of higher learning will their organizations, jwiU provide an actual benefit them directly, famcqlarly is that laboratory for students who inltend to deal true of vocations or professions which de- w jth labor and n mand advanced training for even a basic un- graduations. The [service will be financed by 'derstanlrng °f the. subject . - donations from industry, presumably from It appears to us thatLmany Texas indus- those who take aid vantage of its facilities, tries ar: ignoring the benefits to be derived Nevertheless, it is a .wonder that some from si ch action. They^aire nissing a bet of the larger cotton firms, oil refineries, sul- in not r “cognizing what |5tanollnd did recog* fur conjparties, jand related industries don’t nize... hat our colleges and ur iversities are assure themselves of larger profits in the the mojjt logical places 'Sfor .trying future future by investing in 1 brains nbw. ! Italy LooksI Westward... Eledtion time in It American eyes to the m(| of world politics. This opened the ictical aspects ! ' ' nation, which hiretofdre insisted on cdmpletie ’‘hands-off” iji foreign elections, did an about-face. Wit i all the means at Thi* poli< lie besdeakf World iffair encouragement, sih of thousands of Italians. We [are shipping back the gold the Germans stole during the occupation.)! We probably had a hand in hav ing France ieturn some border land to Italy. We are paying for work done in this country by Italian war prisoners. We are‘Sending coal to aid Italy’s gas in dustry. At^every turn we have maneuvered Russia into positions where it would be im possible for Her to swing a veto without marking Italy off as a total logs. The shrewdest move was the announce ment of a plan to return Trieste to Italy. Russia couldn’t open her mouth after that without alienating either Italy or Yugosla via, both df whom had hungry eyes for Trieste. Italy was overjoyed ait the sugges tion. f Tfjr '! • In . jr j _ . .i .< •• j..: i - ,j . ■ This is a far cr>’from our past policies. Twentj -mile merchant dhips were transfer- It - B an active ;policv J ithl some meBt 0 n its red outright to Italian <^orS. (Food, clothing, i n the past we let the other nations machniQry^nnd money f iave : been .shipped ^jj the turn, then we joined with the one W er - ; j ^ ' v j i most like Unto our own beliefs. Today we Thcf State Department .; urged Italian- call. i i j j:|. Ameridans in this country to barrage their The disadvantage to the new system is hemefdlks with letters. jThei Marshall Plan . plain. Wd : lav^ no one to blame but ourselves was sej; up to give .aidf to needy countries if we suddenly become weak of heart. But f ith tMe restriction that communist nations 0 ur HUccesdes Will be our Own. would eligible fof assistance. There is light on America’s diplomatic ThS warning was givien orut that no com- horizon after a long, dark night. Let’s hope munistf could enter the U, -£j., long the goal it ish’t; false dawn. 1 -4-—-I—— ; ...i. li^ui— U—i— : U4 :f ! l! ' ,Jl ' ' 1 i Classes of IS and ^23 to Hold n . TV 4 .1 LaBvv will convene here Saturday and Sunday, April 24 and 25, for their 35th and 25th anniversary reunions respectively, J. B. “Dick; Hervey, secretory,of the Former Students Asso ciation, has announced. • Members of both clashes will register at 11 a. m. Satur day in Sbisa Hall. About 65 .are ! *~ expected to register in the C ass of ’13 while the Class of ’23 ex pects an attendance of about 160.) itself “The Firemen,” will hold a class dinner and party at The Oaks in Bryan at 6 p. m. Celebrating its Silver Anniier- hapd i| has shoveled a d, ■threatol promises,- and seductive offers to I tali’ tq prompt a non-communist vote. Ap parently Italy has decided to jdin our “West ern sphere.” . ! Thif policy of actingl where our interests a new American i awareness of Affairs. ; j j. v To |wing the Italian jelectiins toward the West tjhe United States irenbunced treaty rights fo a share of Italy’s navy, and per- ! sUaded Britain and Greece td do the same, : CLEANING sary, the Class of "23 will meet at 5 jp. m. in Sbisa .Hall Lounge to honor With a coffee those profes- The Class 6f T3, which calls sors who were teaching here in 1023 and still reside in this area. At 7 p. m. the class will hold a dinner and partji’ in Sbisa -Hall. Suqday moraijig the class has - PRESSING I Hi ALTERATIONS AT THEIR BEST — AT 5 ! ;i 1 ' | r p i CU1PUS CLEANERS Over The «- i . 1 4-M .etters to the Editor !; I — — Exchange Store planned to meet at Hall ior breakfast meeting. Immediately after the meeting, the reunion will be ad ^°PUns for the Ctaas Of ’28 meet ing have been made by a commit tee composed of local members of the class with E. R. Alexander as chairman. : Ben F. “Reveille’’ Brown of Waco is class agent and class president ] The Class of '18 will also meet Sunday morning at 8:30 for break fast and a class meeting. The re union will adjourn after the meet- ^Vo local members of the Class of T3, T, R. Spence and Ernest Langford, were in charge of i making plans for the reunion. L. D. “Dad” Royer of l gan An-f tonio is class agent, and J, A. “Beef” Scofield of Vernon is presi dent of the Class of ’18. ’ Physics Students' To Plan A-E Show Students interested in partici pating in the demonstration to be presented in the physics depart ment for A-E Day open house will meet this evening at 7 in Room 39, Physics Building. Coryell County Aggies to Meet All Aggies from the Gatesville area are invited to attend a meet ing for the purpose of organizing a Coryell County Clubf The meeting will be held at 7:30 Thursday evening, April 22 in Room 307, Academic Building, Ted Copelani stated. . * A The largest complete record stock in Bryan and the phly store with sound-proof listen ing booths . . . franchised to sell all makes-r- \ • . BETTER HOMES Appliance Center 314 N. Main Ph. -21642 : What’s BAYTOWN CLUB, 7:15 p.m., 106 Acadei BRAZORIA COm Thursday, 7:11! p.m. demic. CORYELL COU Academic 0 ’ T| ’ UMd * J, i CATTLEMAN’SI Friday, Sbisa Hall, James and all 'the boj A’XZW ing Room. LAMAR COUNT! HT r m , 7t 4 E CLUB, 7:30 •. Vdks by J. L LAMAR CC m-^ursday, Dr. Thomas Scott. COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. Room 126, Aca- u C i RIO GRANDE VALLE LE OUUB, 7d50-p- m. «om 228, Academic. BfUUMlS. 7 p. m., 3om 39, Physics Build- A-E Day open house. VALLEY CLUB, YMCA VOLLEYBALL CLUB, Thurs day, 8 p.m., DeWare Field House. r ,4 I' r ^ iij fell*** I admit I’m guilty I of too many romancos- not murder -- but r JT ij * I : in .1 -—Hi MOTHER’S DAY — SPECIAL OFHK ;• ) 5 • $5.00 for $2.45 • $5.00 for $2.45 j- ;AC^IELkH);$tUDIO[ | ' College Station, Texas O F F EftS ; }• ONE 8x10 BEAUTIFUL SILVERTONE PORTRAIT fot onh "ALL PORTRAITS COM® MO to Select From 1 - Proofs $2.45 BD IN A NICE FOLDER" Satisfaction Guaranteed Not gojod for eppywork. “Serving Aggies for 28 Years’ I _ | BEWARE OF SWTSj ( i Editor, The Battalion: > On Fi bruary 20, 1948 I dtliveir- 4d niy Automobile to the feoutb- S^est [Te-hufear School at thf an Air Base to have: it .painted aid the bjody repaired. At that I knew about the school wa^ whk I had lieardi from anothef who ha k his automobile piaintpd there. Hie tolihme that for wtudlems ’thfei wore which they did Wats sit- '• 4s(actoi- r . Aft^r seeing thfe fal low’s ai itombbilfc W'hich hai| been , painted by the students. kt the Southwi st Technical School,; I h^d to adm t that the paint jtib was good. T lefftupon | decided tp hdye ifly auipmobile painted aiid the .body re mirad. 1 ' 1 i ' On the particular pay I dfelivpr- ed my a it6, the instructor who \fras to supevise. the work on my I ihvas not the least bit hesitan it. He ;aid that he needec hide that.jvwry afternoon Ifecajjse l^. ' die" whom he had! a! crew of studenlts for whom he needed an aatpbohile. j This saine'' instructor also i od me (that if 1 could lea auto'that afternoon, he wo«ld ithisrcrefY to work on it imnidi ly aften I had filled out the ’ Mry releases at the office. The!re lease y as to the effect that the school i^asi-not responsible for Joss by fire and theft. 4 | Uporj gejing to the jofficej I had a short conversation with the jnan who bended me the release. Dur ing the conversation this mjain jtold me that the students did good work r -r- d | What surprised me was the atti- W instructor. He com- fnsofar as students are ew) to do. I asked him if there jkas j tude of If any danger of anything being Aik- plained he en ffrpm my automobile, to which lows at v he merely said that if there jvas what sbrt - r rF —, anything lying around in my (car and why lie toleijated such condi- 1 . jj iji ij ' : . . l\ .. f !i j.. - 1 r 1 ■ i ;' I !f ! : l-i. ■/ 14 if l could not keep the fel- Ork. ‘Upon asking him of disi:ipline the>’ had i; -r—sr like to add at this time that he did riot even -scratch the surface, which is the main purpose of Srriy writing this letter. I want alt Ag gies is well as others to know'all the facts before they release their automobiles for work by students at the Southwest Technical: School.) After my automobile had been at the school a couple of weeks, I was notified by means of;a postajl card that I would have to dejiver) another piece of sheet metal . in order 1 to complete the work on iny car. According to the policy of the school, the owner of the Car fur nishes the necessary materials whereupon the school does the: nec essary work without charge. When I delivered the sheet mttal, the instructor admitted with some; re gret that one of the other which ;j( had' delivered before been stolen. I took the irifor and the loss without complaining. • M i ! Abdut one week before Eaitar, I went out to the school ihgain to see what progress had been mlade. I found that the fender had been straightened and the bohlyjwprjc had been dope. Nothing had bpep! dope [in the way of .painting liyet. tions, he merely shoulders arid sal didn’t , feel like could do was to shrugged his id that if they working all he ive the students a low grade. I asked him when my car would be ready to which he said he would trjr to have it out by Easter. I received a postal card April if-that my bar was ready. When, I went put the following day, my car; was ready insofar as the school Was iconcerned. With rill due respect tri the honest stu dents at the SWTS, I would like I rto point) out jthe true conditions as | ithey exist at thjt school. My car j was ready insofar!as the body work ' arid the painting was concerned. Howevefl, something else which must be said and! which is of such vital importance to anyone who is going to take hh, car there is what one might find when he goes out for his [car which is ready accord ing to the schoo| . : ] Upon! [looking over my car, I’ll admit that tihe students painted it well and repaired the body. Some of the other things which had been done were the following: : ’ I ! r ■ i ' ' Two of my hub caps were gone one door handle and two handles for rolling the windows up and down iwere gone; the glass in one of the-doors was broken, and (See LETTERS on Page 4) ; WE HAVE WHAT Y SCHOOL S - i i i ■ • f OU NEED IN . . . ijimiES 1 BOOKS 'I COLLEGE i if I North Gate EQUIPMENT ij j 'i' BOOK STORE Ti ' J f'i ! 8 1 ili. ' College Station GET BACK TO NATURE j|Mb Jon Hall “LAST OF THE REDMEN” Palace he Battklion ■4 ,444 : . 'Mrfni i ■; f . Thfc Baiti allori, official of College Station, Tiexas, afterm on. wreept during ho days and : lished jtenii-Weakly. Subscfip ion rate * ! Nt we eontuibutlons mriy *be made win Hi ill. Classified ads ihay be placed 5 e AMOCLated Preu ^ jnUUed of the Agricultural and I a week and atton periods por sobool year. Aim—— 1. I College eveyy M< summer rates furnished on request. ■firanfilHI of raxas and the City onday through Frtdaj The Battalion Is pub ' % I .• U ed to t or Rights! of Office Ui* Act CHA ts Mcoad-eioM laattfr 41 Post I StaUon, Teaw. uadsr J> i 110 I '•ii ii Bob VauHi n MURRAY . Ja M IE NELSON Member of 'Jitfodated I., IS*I|II>«|||| I'HMIpIlll. II* , itotion ojf el spontaneous! A ■I I KwMtiT'Bomi,'' Harvey Veynsnc!, Larry Good' Hr,wall - T i. ••-r—Th--- Uly by National - Ad- .. at New Tort city. . and San Francisco Co-Editors XVvPOX Lc^U Ar)wrH»ln» 1 ' H Jss Don Grady Griffin ' Manaeer j i |: i I Si ■ 1 It i ii Last Times Today—James Stewart In — “CALL NORTHSIDE 777” NOW—In Color JGGLERS’’ ‘THE SMUC —- SATURDAY MIDNIGHT 11 P.M. SUNDAY thru SATURDAY I ShocUng, 1 ' it Gentlemaris Mreement HOiM-itvTse-havoc 4, ' i SKEWS COLOR CARTOON £ Opens 1:00 P.M. ' Ph. 4-1181 NOW thru SATURDAY —Features Begin Thurs. - FYi.— 1:10 - 3:00 - . 6:35 - 8:20 i 'Ml' GH...UIDE1.-iite DEASLYIi QUEEN <*- P. — — ^'4 THRU THURSDAY iA4tery Mole Thrlllina Thun H<«onl -wi Sam' lain ford ,’j g j Marak ^Sporto V,titcru Piiotograpber ■ f m CartoonUtr JL' * -— MV riKWVB- -Plus SPORT reel NEWS CARTOON SATURDAY PREVUE SUN. - MON. • TUBS — I, BIG .4 r ! fH r. 1 Voe’s 0 rvffid, two-fkted end lonwr in M-e-M’v i£i, I ! SATURDAY—- FREE SHOW » 10 A. M. | •. j ^. ; 4 : j; JimmyLyidon 'loan BlomlHI Fi ^ -in— ^ iri ■ ■ /• ■i' Thorot^hbn J 1 '.I mis it THE 'KH WAY! fi RIPPING WiON! ...CASED MEN CLAW THEIR WAT TOWARD [4 I V : '■£>4 Ai T i •YTo the Ends of the Kart! * “To the Ends of the Earth” '“RelentieM “Allas A Gentleman” I V "'I MATTERS an 14 r T i?V ■I ; 1 ANCASTER CRONVN JICKIDRD ^ seed: • HNX HE —remSc f-; ml ms Its wsaun ss As^stoMs" mm m m mi DeCARLO BLYTH RAINES COLB) LtSflteW Wedneadhylr Thursday rlBLOMAMAI , .-“.pi MIIDD14V jmmrni mm u • EVE ARDEW . m«dsdby ARCH DIOIH ♦ A MsbwiHWwifii.MeYSrtttgS