Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1948)
•'» • iH • > n • I ■ fans whoire worrying about the cham-: relay team staying at home this weekend rejoice, r-j.. ■ 'j * {' J . U./Lt $ton(e, Joe McGjothlin, Carrol Hahn and f. D, [ ,j.t .L#*.-!L-r 51 _ l j x !•__ xii.. :tvL_.i_L ktsuu upwruiiig w»| •—r—) • rr nt m&dy late yes | ^ « m \s ilch - pion A S ,n relax Webs' ampton Relays this an announcement mad terday afternbon by B«1 Ca] ael, A&M Aihletic Dii ector > The Aggie four milie team. cham pions of their event h both tH i Texas and Kansas Relays, will bp after their third straight Victor r' in the four fiile grind Joining Bob Goode and the L mile relay leam. in yes Moines ;* Iowa, the foot m ile team, the , sprint relajl team and Georgt L Kadera will give the Aggies on<$ of the most powe^flul entriesf this school lhas ever had in th* Drake classic. The sprinters vrhoj will leave .to night with £adera and the fotir mile team ire Webb Jayr BfH Garden and nther Wajrren Wilsdn or. Robert .Hill or both. j v The reason for the late an nouncement concerning the fojjir mile relay peam was due to the fact that thp team w^s originally scheduled tb| gojto the Drake y?- Iays7 but la$t week they askedjif they could ko to the Kansas Re lays instead] Their request for entry in tiy> Kansas Relays was granted anti the' plans which had been maqe to send them to the Drake cky- sic were cancelled- i When the j team came home from the Kansas Relays vijetorious, As sistant ttfaijk coach Ray Putnim and the mejnbers of the team ijhi- mediately requested that they (be sent to the Dralje Relays. | "Carmichafel then mjade the nec essary arrajngeinents for the ffur Aggies tb,go'to DiesI Moiaes. traveling- arrangem;enit.s wqre c< pleted yesterday afternoon;. ~ Carmichael will take four pf thfe runneijs to the fllelkys in nis . car.:! I 1 r- j ] has ra ii by Carmichael P Aggie Milers GELKING Fripje By DON EjN It ■ '7i! '1 ! been! Sunday tomnient. L ik Anderson, who s Moinea, Iowa sibcct ]ld n<H be ls.ii- -4 : ft. 3. • / : S. Collegie Road contacted Tennis Team Beats Cougars in Easy Win For the second time in as many starts the Texas A&M Tennis team defeated' the Sam Houston Coug- ers Monday afternoon at Nava- siota. The netjnen from Aggiel md \yere masters of the courts all the \yay and won the match in straight i^ets with a score of 6-0. The Ag gies | won their first tilt from the yougers bv the same score. Ojne ot the main reasons for , making the trip, said | (touch Dowell, was to give the hoys practice in playing on asphalt courts. The varsity men haven't played much on asphalt courts and they needed that p-actl<e?as as they will have to play on that type of court when they meet . Baylor next Saturday in Waco. I' i 1 ;I ;, The Aggies took control from the very beginning when Bill Ben- shett beat Jimmy Mann in the, Not ''|l singles by a score of 6*4, ^ ‘ Benny Stjarrford followed j|r nett’s footsteps and downed ford Manning 6-4, 6-0. Then ijney Sellahs humbled B. F. B ’byles with a rough 6-0, 6-1, add Duffy j Stanley won over lefty M. 0. Par- [ker with an equally hard 6-2, 6-0,. The A^M netters dominated j I the doubles matches also. Ben- j nett teamed with Stanford to de feat the Couger pair of Mann ing and Mann 6-0, 6-3, and Sell- ( ars and Stanley matched rackets for J to down Broyles and P4rker 6-3, ■I ' I 'll: eshman Nine Stops Bli College 7-5 For Ninth — THE BATTALION Sports — — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21,1948 1 Aggie Rifle Team Season $ith 12 Wins, 1 Loss f’ •dlJORN J. JOHANSEN, ace spjker and All-American on ston'd Volleyball I team, is shown Etarting one of his kills. ,r'.iU _ JOHANSEN will be here this week-end when his team competes in the Gulf AAU Vollejjball playoffs. ?" "■ Hi I Houston's Volleyball 11 IOHANSEN will be he the Gulf AAU Vplleyjbi Major League Fans Set New Opening J)ay Attendance Mark _jie rifle team finished the 1947-48 Season with 12 wins Th^fii-st team placed second in the Vjfilliam Randolph Hearst tro phy match for the fienior division in tha Fourth Army area. Thomas H. Bose of Del Rio received a trophy for winning top Honors tor the individual rifleanen in the Fourth Army •TMi 'j The first team consists of Rose, Edwip R. Daniels, Corsicana; Geo. S. Kant, Fort Worth; Cloyd Buch anan, Dallas; Clifford As Taylor, Fort Worth. Other members of the team are: Nicholas J. Mees, Jr., Mgrlin; Jo seph V. McCullough, Sam Antonio; Clarence; J. Leinweber, ^fountain Home; Cornelius Duyf, Galveston; , Herstehel V. Shelby, San Antonio; James A. McCulley, Alexandria, La., ami Robert B. McJilton, Fort Major John M. Cool* is team manager and M/Sgt. Trutnan Allen i* c<|aeh. | C : Bombers Take 14-0 Win From Lulkin v \ 6-2. r CORSAGES •I ! ■ ys for You and All Occasions. S||)ecialtiea for Your Dartces — J : 108j v ' An'jp \ SMITH COULTER , Bfyan. and Tyler had set them selves up today as the teams for everybody to gun for in! the Lone ,j . ! j ,, . , . ■, 1 II i • j . 1 i, . : j Star League baseball By JOE REICHLER | triumph over the St. Louis Browns. , Henderson and Longview were i : . r In fther games, the Philadelphia! target. ^ a result AbofUt the only ^ tl|img i missing Phillies] had a successful home of hist night’s season-opener vic- .-iT'fsr.. t> ,f' i+/,v!«, c modest showings yesterday's and Monday’s major opener [ as they whipped the Boston • torS *“ B » but their modest sho league opening gamds was a no- Enwes 3-1, and Pittsburgh did, de FiP ions made them less ^: ei F . /S A.L 1 likewise with a 3-2 win over the: spicuous. | ■ I Ixr Exxrxxwl non. Ax mi 1 r>i ! 1 . In .l, .1 w 3w Pi our '.f I- T ! lp JA1 lent hui ie n Jucca ;he: It 88, Wl| four startod Ie i old Catcher BOB GRAHAM bat ted in the first pair of Fish ^uns in yesterday’s game with Blinn. The Houston Aggie is one of the six freshman starters bat ting over the .300 mark. He is clouting the ball at a .320 pace. Annual “Fite Nile” End ’Mural Boxing in<!i tir]ie] "a rahadifty kS'll ock in et Isa the Jpli , ne fra Aggie bat$ were of Blinn Junior ning and CXiach Ch 7-4 decision over th win for the Fish, a: The Farmers were .ucking the offerings <ack Bass and Bill .nuch hitting, the tilt, pitcl 10-hit, no-run ball bui cept him in trouble all The Blinn tosher wi ifth stanza with a twi ;ng margin, bpt Bob ingle produced a pair j vthe Farmers were ' ‘ time. Graham’s thje first y. Bill nfatrrineh crossef >n a ground ball in the te put the Aggies jn tl the first tim Another, tcib of next frame woh^dhe the Fish. Bill McRhei run double w^s during the jinking, Warriner's long fly to counted hurler Red from third with th markeir. Successive doubles Bollmap and Joe Sa 1 the Cadets their sevepflh rur the fingl inning. The two ! Buc hurldi the first year I crew 1 That’s as wejl as staff has done aRJimi [he F who carried aj .35^ average into tihe tilt. , a ()1 * 'all Twet «... n, but a pair dlls. It was the fifth 1 straight in ten starts. test, ft n’s twiuj. g bid* it. wpm tjMf y ino However, a dozed G 1 - - om free passes. •ee twirlers, Truetb | Mobley, Wiggins,, and Larry Ludtke r r ed the mound chores for tho * Mariners. Eacih hurler worked three ipnUigs with Wiggins receiving for his second wjin. Cadet ttle mo(h||i tching Corps was oppos- pitching cor liberal with iixg batters and gave up twice as;many hit* as the Buc hurl- ierit; But the Farmer mounds- InMn knew where the ball was going most of the 'time and is- saed only four walks. A P a >r of flues, Lloyd Ander and tVili Horstmann, game • t. A&M’s annual “Fite Nito” box* ing show will get underway to night in the gym at 7:30. Eight Intramural final bouts will be staged, followed by a free-for-all between eight Intramural manag ers. . j ; I :• j j : ij I . j Two runner-upk from last year’s j hard To preserve his ||t|e agalij bouts will meet'- - 1 --" lLl —— 1 - ■ - - 1 -- • • 51 ted to be the night. They are B Composite, and Harold Zeitmftn of C Fieldi Both mpn are hard hit ters ahd are expected to give the fans plenty of action. Another repeater from last year j l., - ' I UttXW pieaeiwe nia ic aaWB 1 ] in what is expec-: Gus yietas. Tall lanl^ -Vletaifefi! est fight of the one of the most colora 1 il fightir: ammy Sergent of in t he program, i Harold Zeitman ' '^ • 4. 'Ilf! In the lighter diviiinn,* 11 - IT,--.! ' - - r - who will see action tonight is Ray Miguel Rivera; of Leki^tt irt' Hersche) Shelby pieets tillion. I i 1 Ralph! Wheajt of C Iji t'J . shut out Cincinnati 4-0 ip St. Louis; Washington; gained re- Phone 2-6725 ■l! I F * -S' fans who set a record for opening j day attendance. Aa for the results themselves, Brooklyn snaked past The Giants 7|6 in New York; the thirds Innatl 4-0 gjton; gaii U*- one-sided ■ “'i Mofe; champion! Detroit defeated the White Sox in Chicago &-2 amj the Indians ( sent a record inaugural crowd of I 73,163 home happy: with a jl-0 con- i Golden. Golden will have to work i opening match. Philadelphia Athletics were idl Here are some of the openin day highlights: /-jiteng. by th e fhr leTankees Men defeat thrash- ‘ ing the world champions 9-1 , '; Detroit Bryah swamped Lufkin, l'4-O; ! Tyler pounded GladeWater, 11- 2;P Renderson came frqm behind to nip Kilgore, 8-4, and Long- Eighteen home runs were beR- view edged Marshall, 5-4. ed yesterday and Monday—not a,n Lefty Gene Bauer hurled four- unusiial number, but; look what hit ball for Bryan as M 8 Bomber sdme'of them produced: teammates clouted 13 lilts, two of Stqn Spence, Vern Stephens and thejm good for extra buses. Bobby Doerr hit thoirs'in succbs- 1 Rudy Jones hotneredfin the -sec* sibn in one inning—a fecord-tying ond and Jim Hardin! clouted a feat—but the Red Sox lost any- 1 thifee-rtm roundtrippejt' in the way.P ' j ^ fifth for Tyler. Rudy m-iner hom- George Vico, rookie first hasp- erejd for Gladewater in the fourth, mart of the Tigers, smacked otic | Henderson earned its decision in j on the first pitch served him in i the sixth by coming from behind lus I first major league game. ! a , three-run deficit to ! score foul-' f hi *|l !f ,r Tommy McBride of the Senators slammed one—with the bases load ed id the first inning. Mike Tresh of the White $ox hit one—his first in 787 games. rUtis on four hits, one; of them a triple by Jack Selby, i Named After Pacer He had not‘hit a four bagger since 1940', Previously he had hit oply one home run in 10 years in the majors, . NEW YORK —UPW The Little Brown Jug, famed harness racing classic for three-yearrcild pacers held at Delaware, O.—considered the pacing Kentucky Derby—is The Liverpool (soccer) Football i na * n T ed : aft « r a f ^ I I' ous l l a . c ? r nam T Club will tour the U. S. playing ed Li We Brown Jug which raced top American soccer squads this 1I ? the^ 1880 s—-not the^ football se- year. Beginning in New York on Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, Fall River, Mass., and other cities. rids played between Michigan and May 16, the hooters will play in I Mpneioti. 4- tr - —r—rt iFor Your Visual Problems ; Consult \ ^Dr. Carlton R. Lee i OPTOMETRIST 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 1 \r I'or Your Sporting G oods Nerds JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 f .-I 4- — rm SPECIALS.E imon | 44 I honors for the aftern outfielders connected f ; The Fish hit the iiecond time this weel vhen they travel to Y •ethm engagement wit of Cubs. 'ill . 'aisf, 1t4H«nc|. lb mriner,’ If rf ' '(ini*. W c e, #| Sxir- hi-ulW, BtSimaiRL !:ib KK- S , Sntiarino, 2h iM+lW. P I !Se\ 1 frftiB i k|rt»mHnnr rf j 4= < |4luber. 2b Wdeker. cf '4m, ib ;. UWthe. »b IUkH. V ; p PI 1, : F hitting n. Both two hits, d for the Saturday aco for a the Bay- It STATISTICS ' A® K H PO A 1. * l 1 4 o * . i 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 o • 0 0 Q 0 0- !o 6 ) « l • 0 0 2 t I 0 0 1 !:• 1 .|f OH O 0 o \ O: 0 2 0 4 1 i i' .4 2 b l .0 I 0 2 0 0 1 1 " 1 • tt ; t * O \ A 0 °0 0 V \ :<1 • 3 1 0 Every Friday and Saturaay, ne will / •• '0 I 11 In addition to this, beginning at once, we will Thursdays of each week at “hot", prices. I / ■ ■ ■ ri ; \ J ]' .j J , By "hot” prices, we mean at prices so low SOM worthy of being advertised as a leader. This Thursday, we will select from the ads apj items which we carry in stock, or items off those items at of below the advertise^! through Thursday, We will follow this plan fidegt in our present buying connections. Typewritten lints will be displayed for denote the article on our shelves. Almost NO store ever runs fifty items on spcjl SPECIAL PRICES EVERY DAY. Spread your grocery' buying throughout the wj will now help yourself and help us. SOUTH SIDE FOO C f> L L pYDAf wWskend W** " ■•iji i i'; .. - ij- ITEMS—Mondays through ?■ Brazif| ( ounty »tow thought it wan j I I. •• [ Brian Daily Eagle fifty ty to our ittems, and sell next week — Monday *r. We are THIS con- Red price tags will vb' ean truly my we sell at ' S M •I »* sJ •k : ■. \ ri vl: ;L 7 i- '!/ f r ikJ ; I !: I' rJi r/if'NC I’m so happy to find a reaUy wonderful place to eat lent! > and it’s so conven- • » r a • ee* 1 ' ikMI A.&M. GRILL North Gate fN- — ■» ■ - -> Cood cooks everywhere know that <le* |iciou$# nutritious, full-flavored ICE CF is the perfect climax for any serve it often, and regylgrly It :•! . CORBYt HURD n_M.. clothes “Ole Ami Lqts Dress ui” O' ‘ : EXTRil ■ r ' * J' ■ 1 Zuotify extra! •i 4 J .• -- By so doing, you H*- MARKET !■:{'. iTT 'i 1:4-i; !• ;M F.' S 1 V r--, fNj ■ I 7 ■ X f'i r ! I \ ■ ! I y ' J, There* aD extrd >hirt* that will ist quality San I irink , ,i. thal i , • an give perfect. THE EXCHA • j “Serving % •j that will not ie and fong* t ‘ l j I : tl Ji i. Jin