Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1948)
‘ i ? S !l' vb- If ; f- SIG1 IVE PI WAS! The Iftt (ILL LGAINSt UNION INGTON April 20 ‘ Producer Cecil l|l. crejay was denied a art review | of his iinst a radip unio ^assessment op its ■v eht to the Cjdifo Hitution v hich woulc hav the clbsid Shop, DteMi” y- ■ 1 f -4 : RATE! J UlP iRCENT .1 NGTON, April 20 tate Co nmei ce Coinmis y grant »d anotheif ter »ight ra ;e ihereasei ave: mtcfive percent. tfmm Y VOTE »T 4 e l m outh i Volume 47 : ’ r// ■I':' ' 1 • // f .. ? I : ■,y , / b b ' jj: 0/ ♦ . 1 '/L n ^ r 1.1 '«■ NEGRO PRIM A UPHEL ) BY COl WASHINGTON), April 2l The Sui feme Court in e: tjerday upheld a ( edition ' jfve the fight Me primaries in -f ••• x i Ztfe&'isfo n ';. A i-wV ° DAILY IN . m ERIC COM! A, ! Cdlotnbi IROUP Apr I 204* trorjgly Mrorded anti-Com- esolution will be n L - ue Pan American in a day or twei, with tie oaefjng of tie United States. Delpgites from Brazil, Chilie. Cuba, tie United State? an| Um- guay agyeed informally Sunday to qraftJafnew resolution condemn!- W'mMA n if; ; ij)g Co TO M A IN DA dal: Vought facturin OV pla here in cpmpan nounci fmunism. E JETpEaNES 5 M I LAS PLANT. M April 20—r-P)_Chance .ircraft will] begin Jmanu- jetj-propellejd Navjt fight- •its pew locatiojp near thle r anj- July, Rejx general 5S BEGINNING \ )W” PI OTEST f . INGTON, April 2«—<#> Grant Heynolds, a negro, told Con gress td£lay a nat onwide campaign pf civil yisobediorce has betfn star ted in jroteft pgainSt segregation pf race# \yithi|& itpe armed services. ■ mu rWuifiM Him iW ] k • ‘ r * •> Martin^ Danfort •.'. j: ■ ' !" . ; •:! i •! til it! ! v ‘•’'1 j, a • taho >F A GREATER A&M COLLEGE TUESDAY, APRIL 20,1948 _ stration Slate eek Term Begi J£ r . Mi WCAPON t U. 8. TKIAL Ij INGTOh , April 2» —WP) f “ah atomic weapon” has d at the proving grounds ‘ arshall t C6m- Ball NEW ,, GIVEN! was; A test been h | On Eni^etoki AtolIl in the i Islands^ the Atonic .Ener > mission jianiiQunce 1 yester AT THE COTTON following festlvltlf REYNOLDS of Colic; Fort r Worth. a action at the Cotton * MISS NANCY JANE cadet GEORGE KENT of Aggies HI ;h REFUGES 4G SUITIpIX YWCOD, Aptil 2t Bacall if in thef doirhousi bfci appear n d movJO weam thiiMpuit. I ot a bathing bemfty; I’d rrassed.’' the actress wife hrqy Bt gaijt sa^| before to £eaf\nthj Bogy! in his . | J ! i- EARTT OUAKEf NIVERfARY g mmCLiCQ, April, 20 — harp litt e oarthqiiike hit FrfHnciso Bay Area Sun 44wd a iniversaryf of the 906 ‘quake arid fire, ntering appanpitlir-fn nd Conti a Costa bounties he bay, did no deported UR— Jirnik.... itewt-’fte'S IID^APPERS” % AUSTRIA IlOW ‘NjA, Austria!, April 20 -r [Soviet (a' teriipt tbj; kidnap es’s Germ in woman in the [ih Zone <4 Viennaj, led to yesterday betweenAmeri- Ru?sian) Miilitary police, iroman,' identified Jis Elsa , was wrested fr|>m the lid re easied over their r J ■ ■ Jk I l ’' KoOshitt, Deputy Russiar Marshal for Vientoa, wa* indeijl temporapry .aifest for ^ ianiding ;the ordeife giver |Ametrienn| officer!; in an jm district, and inciting a th Annual Muster • . ■ i j ri!r .|’;3iS The 45th Aggje Muter program, under the auspices of udent Senate, wHt*be held tomorrow on the east side of the Administratiort Building lietween 6 and 6:30 p. m. Freshmen from i Bryan Field with classes ending at 3 svill be brought to the main while those with classes; at 4 will come in for the p. m. Muster!, ending Muster The over Wj and part of the' reviewi program will be broadcast the Texas Quality Network and fifteen thousand dents ty Ni former stu* are expected to tqke part in similar gatherings all ovep the world. Three hundred musters will be held throughout the nation tind the world. The Student Committee sent Americian Broadcasting Company' (See MUSTER, on. Page “ . M Senate a letter Muster to the a •J] l RMERE FEARS ULNELTRaLITY” YORK, April 20 ;-<£>>_ othermere, British;; news- mblisher, ;ard yestegday “a >L wlishfvl neutrality” ip ih Bur op; aijid can grow to ions as to endanger ihn United States. )rd Rothermere, who yfcoke at the TOCjth ahnivei shity luncfieon of the iAssociated Press, urgicl more npwgpiint Mr Eurqpe so ifhat the ^“Battle* for Freec omf’ean he fully CLIFF HARRIS New- Baptist Deaeon Early s elec- a long , Senate dftist Bomina- “RedjNorth”. 'e Qasperi’s were ahead inatqd Pouu- rip, | Venice, are| t under cipal adifinistra- tioui about ^Senate elective 1 he vote campus for the review and ggies Ordained; At Sunday Night Baptist Service m Two A&M students, Cliff Har ris and Roy Hunt, were ordained an deacons by, the First Baptist Church of College Station during the regular Sunday evening wor ship service. Giff Harris, a Lieutenant Col onel in th<ji Corps, is A&M’s Cqdet Chaplain. He hails from Gail, Tex as and is now a graduating senior iii Chemical Engineering. nr j i ! ’ “-ji * ■ • • , Roy Hunt, a married veteran from Dallas, is a junior in Elec trical Engineering. A^ter tie meeting was called to order by Rev. R. L. Brown, pastor ojf the local Baptist Church, an or daining council was selected which vtas composed of pastors and dea cons now serving in their churches. Upon examination of the camdi- datus , for the Office of deacon, botri the council and the church body fountl them to be qualified the position. ;j The charge of responsibilities of the new deacons to the church and thbse of the church to the new aeons (was then delivered by •v.iP. W. Chunn, the local Bap- Stude it Union Secretary. Hj |' Truman G. Martin ajikd John Oglesby have been named winners of the annual Dahforth Summer Fellowship awards, J. W. Barger, of the agricultural economics department, announced yesterday. This award is presented every year to the outstanding junior and freshman majoring r ‘ = ? ~! ‘ agriculture. Sponsored by the Dan- fqrth Foundation and the Rilston Purina Company, the junior s ward will consist of. a four-week itudy tour in St. Louis, Missouri and Shelby, Michigan, while the fresh men award will be a two week summer camp at Shelby, Michigan. Martin, a 19-year-old junior of Silsbee, Texas is majoring inlagri- cultural education. He is Junior editor of The Longhorn ajul a member of the Rosa Volunteers. Oglesby is a freshman a; the A&M Annex and is from Goldth- wpite, Texas. In commenting on the awards, Bhrger stated that they were given on the basis of scholarship, eitehip, and extracurricular vities. Applicants prepared aj word theme on the subject, ‘‘The Importance of Well-Balanced De velopment in Attaining Leader ship.” Winners of the Fellowship Were chosen by a committee con sisting of professors J. A. Gray V. A. Little, H. E. Hampton, A. V. Moore, and J. W T . Barger, j An interesting tour has j been planned 1 for both winners, ; with most of the expenses being pi|id by the Foundation. Martin will go to St. Louis August ,1, where he will join students from 41 similar col leges. The students will be guests of the Ralston Purina Mill! and WKU. be conducted on a tour bf St. Louis, studying problems of ijianu- facturing, commercial research, distribution, advertising, and per- sqnnel.s. - . . .. * k Following this tour, the ji niors will attend a two weeks’; American Youth Foundation Camp on Lake Mlichjgan. In addition to lectures and i discussions, the group will have all the sporting facilities of Lake Michigan at-their dispiosal. Oglesby will leave the latter pgrt of August to join a group of representatives of similar land- mt colleges at Shelby, Michigan, is group will haive a two-week study program of the problems of leadership in addition to a ivaca- tibn on Lake Michigan. In the event that Martin will be uihable to make the trip his alter nate will be L. H. Blankenship, jiinior wildlife management major from Campbellton, Texas. Ogles- by’k alternate will be L. M. Pope of Wimberly, Texas. Nine Clubs Slated this Week For i Longhorn Pictures | , i ■ ;! j Nine clubs and organizations are scheduled to have their pictures taken this week for The 1948 Longhorn. Members of the clubs should be at the YMCA at the time indicated. TUESDAY, APRIL 20 5:00'—Battalion Staff 5:15—Agriculturist Staff 5:36—Commentator Staff THURSDAY. APRIL 22 5:00—Engineer Staff 5:15—Town Hall Staff 5:30—Agriculture Council FRIDAY, APRIL 23 5:00—Arts & Sciences Council 5:15—Southwestern Vet Staff 5:30—YMCA Council Texas Almana< Editor Speaks Tonight jdjf I ij] J • . 8 .j:|f I j ^ ; [' Stqart McGregor, associate edi tor of The Dallas Morning News, and Editor of the Texas Almanac, will speak Tuesday at|7:30 in the YMCA Chapel. j ; !']* Sponsored by the Economics Club,! McGregor will outline the economic development of interior Texas, and he is scheduled to des cribe 1 present and possible future developments of industry in that section bf the country.!.. j McGregor was graduated from the University of Texas in 1914 with a bachelor of arts degree in economics. The following year he received the first Master of Journalism degree to be award ed from that institution. After serving ini the United States Naval Air Force in World War! I, he began his journalistic career on the Austin American and Statesman. He has been with The Dallas .Morning News since 1923. ) “Associates think Hie knows f more about Texas as a whole ■: than any man in ..Ad state, for he spends most vacations and days off traveling to see with Price, another member of The News’ staff, says. McGregor’s talk, which will be open to the public, is the second in a serjes of two lectures dealing with Texas industry.; Last week Frank C. Smith, president of the Houston Natural Gas Companly, tolpjian audience of ;200 i persons about the Houston-Gulf Coast area. y m une 8 f liT: ;j I - j • ^Second Summer Registration [' TofBe July 19 '' i ' ! # | [ Students currently enrolled in sjchool who plan to attend w .jii QUEEN by King Cotton WALLA' MARTHA JEAN LANGSTON of TSCU on WALLACE 1IACKLER at the Cotton Texas Almanac Editor Missouri University to '! |i 1 ! J Annual Photographic E ■ . The third annual National Collegiate Phot( hibition will be judged at the University of Mis Sponsored by the honorary photo joumailis! Kappa Alpha Mu, the 1948 sedition of the e.\ award prizes to the top eleven winners. Science Illustiyted will award the grand photographer whose print is judg-" 4 — L '— ed “best of show’.” The grand award will be a trip to New York with traveling expenses paid; seven weeks’ work as a staff pho tographer for the magazine ; at; a salary of $50 a week, and promise of a job for the photographer uppn graduation if his work provjes mutually satisfactory. The exhibition will be divided into five classes: news, pictorial- feature, industrial, sports and fashion. Sponsoring the first prize in the news division, the Milwau kee Journal will award the win ning photographer seven weeks as photo editor at a salary of $50 a week. Other prizes will include; a (See EXHIBITS on Page 4) ! he (first session; bf summer ihcfol may register Tuesday, ay 11, from 1 to 5 p. m. ac- ording to Registrar H. L. "ealon. The summer semes- r will begin June 8. ? Clhsfes will be suspended from j! to;5 p. m.Tor those students de siring to register at that time. The order of registration w 11 be as follows; ' ! • f -■ 1-2—Students whose surnames'! begin with Aj, B, C, amf D; ' 4 rnamc U,V,W,X,Y,Z;> lose surnames,. ,ea4 Z; 1 ! l‘S and R;- osis X-Ray Results File at College Hospital eputids would ie na- mun$sm. % cloady this nesday. angle in temperature. ealt winds y clopdy this Id Wednesday cljange in tempera- • ■ . rT! jjh| Of the X-rays made on the cam- pus apd at the Annex in Jantiurjri the State Health Department las reported 4 films as tubercular, 13 as suspicious, 13 as non-tiibercular pathological, ‘and 60 as unsa factory. Unsatisfactory X-rays | inch that the person moved while film was being taken or that JUtji was some mechanical defect in X-ray machine’. Dr.; J. E. Marsh, of the coll hospital, said followup work been done by the hospital All tubercular, suspicious, and pathological cases among i ito dents and. college employees have been notified, Marsh said. Persons who have not been noti fied by the hospital have either negative^ or unsatisfactory (un readable) reports. Marsh said tubercular cases had beer tacted and that the suspicion pathological cases are still Dr.: Marsh ; said some of the films rep< rted Us suspicious were due to col is at the time the X-ray was made and further checking lid not indicate a tubercular con- ' ! iy Reports from the State lealth D< partment are on file at hospital. Family physicians rho desire to see the films of in- iividua! patients can obtain them t)y writing to the State Health De ment in' Austin and including name of the patient and the le number of the film. Names of the 60 persons whose Ims were unsatisfactory are list- I. below. Dr. Marsh emphasized “that these films were mechani- 'ly imperfect and therefore could be read.” They definitely do indicate a tubercular or path ological condition. faker, Arvel LewUton; Ball, Jeniie: Bluhm. Wiley McCall; **11. X Kenneth Edward ne^t Ka Potr Jrune :iarir Un*atl»factoify. $Mnu have been reported for the following; Archie. Bridjp Am mon!!: Arnold. Mauir Walkow; Arvln, Donald F, !- Roy Howard j^Bowera. Bilb' J-; Cardwell. John M.; Cole. Gra Co^jub, Ray H.: Cooncr, Chester Cokniah, Billie Roh: Cox. Curtia C. II. Mrs. Rowena Clark; Creel, N >w, John Andrews. •niel, Zehna O.; • Dickerson, meth; Fandey, Faya#; Ferguson, »rd; Fenner, Burney Fey ; Flai Kay. Jr; Fuqua, Wayne Alan. tUieb, Erich; Griffith. Walter Ray; wsSaK-jirvS: sste lpa£TLS»«l! F " nkU “ ddonado, Domingo D.; MamCliga. ; Mfngrom, James F.; McBet, Lloyd „ dore: McFernon, Louie Oliver; Florence Viola; Morris, James H.; Er-win R. fg, Rung Moon; Norris, Horn Jr T, Joe A.; Pollard. Aubrey W. John James Jr,; Rucker, Can Yield, Flank Lee; Shofner, ; Skipper. Jarae* Maurice; • L«e: Spink, ^yictor E.; Roy; Wagamon. wrtrhtf'n^ New Supper Hour For Wednesday A new schedule’ for eating supper in the mess halls will be observed tomorrow because of the Aggie Muster. Cafeteria hours will be from 5:45 to 7:00 p.m. and the Corps , wiU eat at 7:00 p.m. These new hours will give everyone an opportunity to at tend the Master. ■ - r ——fciU— 4th Installment 1 ' t Fees Now Payable April 24 is the deadline for payment of the 4th installment of fees payable to the Fisca| Department. Payment of this installment will take care of student fees up to June 5. Fees for corps members are 4 follows: as follows: Board Room rent Laundry $50.40 '16.50 4:550 Total $65.40 Fees for veterans are: Room rent $10.50 Laundry 4.50 Total $15.00 New Rapt I Barlow tp Engineer The structured seminar of thejen. ty will meet Tlfiur at 4 p. m. in the Lc the Petroleum Eng, tag. '! !. * Dean H. W. Bari a paper and a de; column testing. All ulty members and dents are invited to: T Clifton Choir To, present Program Us I lb The Clifton Junior College Choir will sing a sacred concert here Tuesday evening, April 27, at 8 p. m. ih the YMCA Chhi . . in tne ijvu,a u The choir is maki mile tour of the prii Texas. The 21 me; choir are lor Colle pel : a thousand- ipal cities of ibers of the students at Clifton Jun- ouege, Clifton, Texas. The college is supported by the Evang elical Lutheran Church. I; ; jThe Choir is directed by A. H. a former member of the >ir under the direction of*F. ius Christiansen. |rhe program here'will include compositions from itUe Various schools of sacred chor al music. There will be no admis- -3—Students whose slum* in with f S,T,U,V,W,X,' .1-1—Students whose sunu begin with L,M,NjO,l’,Q, am 4l-5—Students whose surnames be^in with K,F,G,H,I,J, and K. ;; Atiyone failing to register at i(thos(‘ times will register with thg *|hew! students on June ,7. The reg- iSltration for that (jlate is schedul ed its follows: ; 9— A. B, iC, and D; 10— 8,T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z; •-U-—UMiN.OJ’.Q, and. R; M2—E,F,G,H,LJ, and K. !l students planning to at tend the second summer session will register July 19, from 8 a. m to 12 hoon. The schedule for that registration is as follows: H-9-S.T,U,V,W,X.Y, and Z; ‘ 9-10—L.M.N.O.P.Q, and R; t0-l 1—K.F.G.H.LJ, and K; ‘ 111-12—A,B,C, and D. C|asHes; for the Second summer session will begin Tuesday July 20. Lewis, Union Fined Heavily For Contempt ■ • } v IT 1 * • t WASHINGTON, April 20 <A>>- John L. lewis today Ivor fined $20,pOO am i hii| United Mine Wprk- 1 erji i$l,100j600 for contempt of n court’s stdp-sprike ortler. Tne fines Goldsborough imposed today were only for; criminal con tempt. The judge granted a gov ernment mqtion to consider a pen alty! For civifl contempt against Lewis and the union on Friday. While Lewis sat stOny-faced, Goldshhrqugh told him in . passing sentence: “If this court was to use its in dividual judgment ft would impose a prison sentence;”' Bbt the judge added that he Was onljf one man and was accepting the | advice of the govertiment. Singing Cadets Appear Tonight iSixty Singing Cadets will ap- ir on Town Hall tonight at p. m. Featuring a complete n*w repertoire, the .Cadets will include among their numbers two sacred songs, the patriotic piece. “This is My Country,” aiid the rhythmical spiritual “Dry Bones.” Student, tickets are 25e, non- stludents $1. I if 4 m + m ? ■ »». .'vm N' ’ ; 4r'Y * f* , IX „ f * ' f* “ ’I I ' hJ 'lli K } •' |L# f dh. rVf ’ S j w: % 1 I I f I