Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
. Who's the Pitcher?... Everyone likes a basiibkll game. Those games played op Kyle Field baseball diam ond draw the b|tggje^t crofwds jof any of the )riin it there is that could * • games from >r — making spring sporting events, one thing that las b< en be done to ihiprOve the the standpoint of tiieis; available a public adiressi sys - As things are how the spectator has to rely on his neighbor Or pot luck learn the names of the visiting team. Even the catch er’s and pitcher’s najmes im y ;not be learned AH this could department! woiil the use of a public address system during the baseball season. Either installing such a system temporarily,! or renting a sound uitpa utay |nuL ue xeariieu “ owH*»vi until the game has progre^sdd well beyond truck for the home games vfould serve the , the initial inning. For visjto -sto the campus, 1 purpose; ) r| |; ' 5 this holds tipuiejor the Aggi^ team' is well Such aj plan would do much to make the as their opponents.' : \\ .\ ball games on Kyle Field more interesting If a pinch hitter, enters tjh$ batting order and enjoyjable for the many people who at- there Is no way for) the m4nrin the stands tend them regularly. Battle of Barbecues. i!' ;• ! ji! , j:( Determined not states hog all the publidit; man-anti-Truman light,; becue cost $5 '* plat thar. Southern dt the Tru- H Democrats ;he> barbecues” that 1. Whether ah uninsiru I l icted delegation shall be sent to tM national convention. 2. Whether the Committee opposes the inclusion of President Truman’s civil rights program jn the national democratic plat- a’re staging ja “batt may—but probably [won’t — decide whether or not Texajs will go for 'ri , i)man this year. The regplar Deinoprt.tic iftpeting will be a barbecue jat Fort Worth April 20. Though vort of Democratic Party nonihees, whoever it is hailed by iinanjf as rn ai ti-Truman pic- they may be.j , j i I'hought Control Gaining Twiggins Finds Senior Class Meeting Echoing His Opinions 4 By CONRAD TWIGGINK April 14, 1948—Dear Diary : I fotjnc several prospec tive members for my thought control cdmiinission last night iat a meeting of "The Fifty-five.” They need no training— etters DORM 14, THAT IS! Editor, The Battalion; [;i| j I weald like to correct a state-* ent made in The Battalion. I am not. I never have been, and fj never Win be in C Composite. 1 took it that an error caused the author of the article on the intra mural boxing getting things switched at first but when it hap pened again I formed the conclu sion that he really thought I was in C Comnosite. i jJfc semester but didn’t live irt that outfit. Not that I have anything against C Composite or the author of the article, 1 just wanted to get it straight. . s I was boxing for Dorm 14! i!' b T M&beb*y (Ed. Note: U just goes to show you—don’t place too much faith in the Btudent Directory.) Student Ships To Make Summer Run United ritime nic, its badkers^say otherwise. (This bar- - ^Woodville Rogers,^ forme|r state senator tin Dies would have been proud of * 0 ™: Whether the committee favors sup- thou f ht co,;iro1 k their a5m last night below. J. Parnell Thomas and Mar- . and state chairman of the Truman support ers in the Democratic Party has com< with the new-old word “Republicrats.” His definition; I i Anotheit group of Democrats will barbe cue their own Wa<[o, raise voices . in praise ofi Presklent Tifuma^ti, and welcome Has deimitio^., L , » a,. —Ulfs fre.) J J, run - We donjt qmte thdsiKnif K ance of ketj but he expects to get campaign cmitri- it all, Bui g .fhaeting of. the State Executive butions from wealthy Republicans in Texas, .Committee ;has been called m Fort Worth ^ he seek3 t0 kpeh his clte|lfe sati3ficd by jt r° r the dawafter the barbeche to thresh out making continual warjon h 3 own party.” questions that have ijpht the;party in Texas. At the same ^ said he R, W. Calvert, (|ommitte9 chairman, said ted a crowd of 2500 at Wacq April 20 where the committee is being called together for the barbecue is free but the supporters of the “sole purpose” of learning its'attitude on the President will be asked for carppaign three questions. They are: F {.- ‘ contributions. I I opened the door to the balcony ab<j>ve the Y Chapel ght to head what went on 4 1 k ! ’ ' '' Seniors! Invited Here for A-E Day Easy Road to Success? >• i j.] ||. , j ‘ j J:;;! . - At M a downrto-earth guide to busi ness sudce4s has behn out liied; by meh who . should kndlw. . .^tlid personiiiiel managers of about the value of IjCnglish chur^es.) twepty companies throughout ihe nation. In 6. Ability to keep abreast! nf the latest fic- a recent i|sue the !Kept Stater quoted ten tion and non-fictioi9 t by reading at least one the scene I saw. One man, whom I would want to be my vice-chairman of the commission, advocated chang ing the rings for veterans (stu dents of A&M) aind corps ment- M?rs (Aggies.) He recommended {that military decorations of re moved from the side pf veterans’ rings. Of course this doesn’t go far enough; I advocated merely a belt buckle for non-corps members, but his heart was in the right pl a e e - After all, It’s just as he said—, veterans are hot Aggies, they are only students of A&M. And while we we at it, I think we should look into this matter of Commission has made available to students wishing to travel in Eu rope this summer two ships which will make four round trips each from East coast ports to Engltsh and French ports. The ships, the Marine Jumper and the [Marine Tiger, will also make two sailings to Scandinavian ports, Passage rates will vary, depend ing on the class of the accommo- dation and the destination, fre $140 to $200 one-way. Inquiries for information should be aduressed to the Institute], of International Education, 2 West 45 Street, New York 19, N. Y. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST j , Office in Parker Building j * Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas Directed by RAY ENRIGHT| $ci * ir mm MI *lfct mi ^ George W re SE lKREDITH . STEVE BR0DIE 10USE • Produced by NA? HOLT by Nornun Houston and Gene Lewi The Sturleht Councils Schools of of the riculture, Engineer- and Sciences have invited hikh school senior boys throughout the. state to be guests ! of A&M on Agriculture and En gineering ’Day May 8. More than 1,000 boys are expec ted to attend, Bennie A. [Zinn, as- iean: of Sistant d€ wen, announced. ,Agf tnake above a [t'C” atid remain an giades. I say ho Aggie can ever gent business lettei?. (That statement Should clarify any doubts; students might have attributes the United as necesst man or wc ed by Future,like magazine of States Chambe y to future! su i Aggie. There’s something com munistic about people who make; good grades while corps members don’t. I’ll bet those red scoundrels! study!. i j ; ; \ “The FiftyfFive” asked why the Batt doesn’t present the edi torial opinion of the senior claXs ^ 14, vj. ■ views. ((This is a flood way jto establish a common ground between yourself and your employer.) .. : ■ .■ ! j | 7. Good manners. (An interesting note on Stater pointed out that mosfc personnel man- this point—-the magazine | suggests that agers coull recall instances iwithin their own young men should wear formal evening doth- pf Commerce; less of a young ft:!,- Abi|ty jto, shoot golf tinder 90. The experiences where an ° Imfiortant deal was / conAudSd during a “friendly foursome.” (It appears tfeat the [Bryan Qpuntry Club has received ifs share of Aggies interested in ' eagles, biddies, anjd the like . . . evidently these meil are getting 1 -the jump on lazier . students.)! 2. Abifity to operate a typewriter. (A&M ing as often as possible to Avoid that "stuf fed shirt” look at critical times.) iy 8, Ability to dajnce well. (tVhere Tessies can help.) 9. Experience ajs WORKERS on commit tees. (From watching the number of clubs on the campus whijih bog down and die from lack of a cohesive organization one might conclude that Aggies havg quite a way to lere good book a month! or by lending book re- exclusively, jand (hat’s some-^ • >rwL»- •!*- tU zLiL- - thing I {want jto know too. After} all, wtyat ot|ier K r WP of any value is there a|t A&M? The Bait’s '‘cultuial editorials’' got lambasted! laist night. Well, all that will be behind us wherj I am thought cpntrol chairman. There will be' noine of jt then, f assure you. Who; cares anything about culture anyway? Just same communists w H o make grades. | ! : |} |[ , On this same count, I must! express my opposition to the ! student senate — , it provokes j thought and cannot be control-! led. The Fifty-Bive are on my: side when they fight this instru ment of the devil. My platform is anti-culture[ anti-student senate. A vote for Conrad Twiggins) is a vote Rare Plants Found In Braaios County ,Species of plants little known to botanists were found last week in the northern'part of Brazos Coun ty by V. L. Gory, acting director of the herbarium ;• of Southern Methodist; Iniversity, and H. B. Parks,; botartist in charge of the Tracy Herbarium at A&M. pr. L. Clonstance of Harvard University’s Gray Herbarium, Along with Cory and Parks, also examined specimens of plant life collected recently by the Tracy iHuMrimlii] . ' lj'. CoTy and Constance are at pres ent on \g tour of the southwest. FRIENDS... Don’t pass by ... Stop and Buy | —at— JOHNNY’S CIGAR STAND Main Post Office ■4* PALACE Bri|an 2‘fl$79 NOW SHOWING- SPENCER TRACY LANA TURNER in “CASS TIMBERLANE” —-— Plus -rt— News.. • ..Community Sing rvi i £ l *” . «r,ssi.r iP^J 101 ^ io preside over a io. A hobbv or talent. Anv tvoe of «voc- mcoting. (With all the clubs on the campus a tion or special gift put to good use will aid an effort^houW fee made acquaint one’s in clearing the .mind of niggin self with ihe elementary rAles of parhamen- ^e end of a hard day tary procedure.) !;[ [ I ■ 4. Ability to play the!card game most popular ifi his business set. (Here Aggies have matle a strong foothold on future busi- thte game should be poker. ov- good old-fashionad medieval govj- . i, , .i ,, . ■ ernment. My pollitical appointees ggang details at W ill echo these views. i jisb4|m&: I. However^ we need more fexperlence in the itltlicacie i’, 5.Kt of brid iwledge +■ , dergast tb priaqn new :booklf that tt is reaching for der countenance United States.” i about? I J ; cuu ui rt uaiu ud^. . Now—how many of the! above attributes do you possess at; the present time? How many can you develop in the future? Some of the desifeable i talentk ior qualifications V seem irrelevant to ybu, but after all, se twenty 1 personnel nten probably know their business. They're the) onps you may be he end of hoiy tp write an intelli- applying to at the end of y6ur [college careen; ..f i-."u! - ’. _ _ „ . „ rl' .. i J n r ; Maurice _...., r ... . nine yej&rs ago, says’ in a stay in their Ber io sent Tom Pen- Uncle! Sam ;and John Bull are going td and Russia can’t the old Democratic machine give ttyem the ozone, power again—this time “un- " ; —4— " “from aj president of the We can afford to lose the huge amount in zone Wonder KlP, I Clay FRED C. SEALE ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances Fixtures i P.O.Box 292 Dial 2-6424! Bryan, Texas i;: !■ — —' s/fnmr 'MlV£rlN TmfREj NOW LAST DAY MELYFN DOUG! ROSALIND RUSS “GUltl OF tt AMfer! Features—7:15 - ®:00 r i — MORROW tonn Ford ^Framed” 4 ■ QUEEN TODAY and SATURDAY— ELIZABETH TAYLOR i “CYNTHIA” News • Cartoon Tr i ■ sa dho he’s talking of money expended in Europ afford to lose Interest. the army is like The fttadi ! s but we can’t ; and niust be kept ready “MAYOR MASHBURN And play checkers? OF YEAR FOR 1498.” 1? • • 4" go up. ft' les. Unless, that is, they riivecle To Observe Bap ;ist Tabemarsary TWT ..j,-, j! Tomorrow.” G.) MesSeuger headline S NAMED MAN Gen Uhcius D jt a fire department a: to put oiut fires. : ; ft ■^;}i A writer says it! takes {approximately two Unusual mixture of headline type in the months for a housewife td notice any change Atlanta (Ga.) COn^titutibn: j "Fiftieth An- \ in the price of groceries. Unless, MOTHER’S DAY • S5.00 for $2.45 AGGIELAJVD STUDIO College Station, Texa$ OFFERS ONE 8x10 BEAUTIFUL SILVER’ for only $2.45; “ALL PORTRAITS COME MOUNTED IN Proofs to Stelect From j — Satisfaction Guaranteed Not good for eopyworl, I “Serving Aggies for 28 Yeirs” I T- ' rf i, A. — speciaIl offer * $5.00 for $2.45 ITONE PORTRAIT A NICE FOLDER” r\ TO !'j: I! The Of Col aftei liehed ——— 1 1 > win 200 ■ The ed ? to it Rights Enured Offle* at U» am CHA k %e Satiation .j. !fT Classified ads may be placed by iHin n rato $4.30 per school yeah Advert —;— u r he made by tel lephone (4-5444 j or at thf telephone <4-53241 or at theji niliviiijc* i ii“ onccoi'a rates furtiishod on request. ; exclusively to the use in the paper and local matter tonal office. Room 201. IPli®'H [ T“°|" for repubheation of all news dispatches news of spontaneous origin published Good Roon are also reserved w Member of U I - The Associated P: NELSON. II*. ^Jentunc Writer* 'Trail. JamcB John SinjrleUm . ’Reporters k ' Advprtieine James DcAniia, Don BinseUcliur, GradJ Griffin Sam — • t tan ford K J. •■WiitBiifa MW- .! 1:1: credit- herein nattonalLr W National Ad- Inn., at New York citf'- ' “"rTTr. 4s, *1 TT OPENS 1:00>.M. PH. 4-1181 TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY f-Features 1:44-3:48 I ill i A.’ "The Best in WholesonK i ! Nbrth Gate — YOU W !' ■ '4 HOME STOLE FOOD 1 j i > - ■ j [ft ' r - lit Eat At :| ! I 'ITT I -| ■ ) A.AM. GRILL !:. ' I; f ►] • '• Food.” ! •fi [DDK CANTOR JOAN DAVIS J|f You Knew H SUSIE- —Also— SPORT — NEWS — SATURDr SUN. PREVUE TUBS. [Remember Mama” 4 "HIGH WALL” "RELENTLESS” “THE MIRACLES OF THE BELLS” "TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” 1 f *; I mi I TECIHlCOlll MISICAL! thrills hy doyf ttomasc* by niaMi SftetocuUr dance revel.* I Ma(lc Latin Imuilcl It'e flol tvtythingl rSa HUfiH BIAUHMt' SIGMUNONtUHLO j lAJn'rtEwnfiD » ESTHER [HAMS hi yf 1 tamiroff m tYO CHARISSE HN CARROU ARY AST0R g: _ FOAT8NIO ROMANOVA ft • I ■1 i ■pl t i ^ -i ! f ! ■ rz I « .i. I 1MM 1 -•ft M 'ft iM •ft - j.\ ! 1 I ft': ~~ ! I-1 m -j. [Aft