Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1948)
Baseba : i\ ri f m * f •• il I I •' r r >>' •» r-rl H,-;. 1. , ■ y il 1 Mil |1 M 1 Ijj i ! ! ■ I ■ .• . -il ■ I Headline Weekend Conference Sp A g Thinly Clafc Leave for Texas Relays; MAe Relay Team Ready to Set New Record 4; By DON iENGBLKING l Col. Frank Anderson’s Aggie Track squad, the beat in the Southwest, will invade the Texas Relays tomorrow with, high hopes of making one of the best showings this school has ever made in the 25 year old classic. !; 1 i i j j LI - ' Dhpltolhe large number of outstanding psrformers entered in the field events little or "HriWr' m ' " ' ^ rt0 attohtidn has bean paid to the4 . , J j L ^ • Robinson Of: events,a i ni; -j in ■ By AUSTIN BEALMEAR o: NEW YORK, April 2 —(*»- " Fourteen basketball playei-s, prob ably the greatest collection of ama teur cagers ini; ihe ifivorld, v/eve named today to ilhe i Iwuad which will represerit the United States in the coming Olympic games. The Phillijps Oilers of Bartles ville, Okla., who defeated .the Uni versity of Kentucky, 53-49, in the finals) of the Olympic tryouts Wed- i 'j M finals; of the Olympic tryouts Wed nesday night,' landed five meni on the squad, as did the defeated col legians. j Phillips players selected by the 13-man Olympic) basketball cpm- Ji, mittee are:’ • i If • i ; I ' Bob Kurland and fesse Reiiick, 1 both of whpim played their college basketball at Oklahoma A&M; Gor- III don Carpenter suid R{ C. Pitts, bjdtti T .__ from the University ,bf Arkansas, ^ Jay and Napier will combine and Lew Peck, from Oregon State, with Bob Goode and Robert Hall The Kentucky players selected: in the 440 yard sprint relay. The Alex Grcea 1 Of Martins Ferry, Ags hope to place as high as Ohio, Wallace Johes of Harlan, Ky. second in tips event Cliff Barker of Yorktown, tnd., Ken Webster Stone, Bob Atkins, and Rollins of Wickliffe, Ky., and Ralph Carrdl Hahn plus one other half- Beard of Louisville. fluUer> whom Col. Anderson and his Other places vfent to Don Karks- assistant, Ray Putnam will pick dale of the Oakland Bittners', Vince before tomorrow, will compose^ the Boryla of the Deflver Nuggets, Aggie two mile team. This relay, Jackie Rohinsoii of Baylor and in Which each man runs a half ' ‘ mile; is the other event which /the A&M TIT. Texas the uext Longhorn tilt witl Class “C” IBomV - Activities wmw Sorters willfcee plenty ofj|ction iwity squad follows up 1 Bryan Saturday night wit M MjTTr '■.■ i : ■ j i’a Fish nine, winners of / The 1 Texas Aggies will enter ejNrf faaee en the program al- though-.Col. Anderson may not de cide until thb last minute which men will run each particular race. O&ptffp ich the Fat in»vorcu itihlle relay is’ the one event alhners have high hop k other relays which the have a good chance of ich the Farmers have high hopes winning. Gonnally Ludwick, Er- Bijderbacjk, Ray Holbrook, and t Harndein will compose the team. {They are out to run their best rflcc of the year, and many believe, they will act a new relay •gpir -' 1 ; winning are the 880 yard sprint relay and the two mile middle distance rel*y. Texijw University with its fine crop of sprinters, is the favorite to cop the 880 yard affair with each man runni»gl220 yards, but the Aggies will be trying to upset the dope bucket Sprinters Bill Napier, Webb Jay, Warren Wilson, and possibly low dl«jr Doi J i ' Above an Champs sho C CviTtvp.v Cai 14; Koenig, II . Finals in in the 169 po< e six -e: knfcdi bound flhsi, 169 T MI i ; rs of the Ifltramural wrestling finals:hield MakcK 23 in Be Ware Field house, left to right: Kutch, 119 pound class, iof C FA; Garcia, 129 pound class, of if.; standing left to right3 Flescber, 119 pound class, of Dorm , Klutt, Heavyweight class of I) FA. V9 pound classes have not been held. Sajrgeant and Bcott will be the finalists gl iq class, bf B. Inf of A FA; ,afld hurdler Don Cardon will run the 220 yard legs on the Aggie team. - JaL and Napier will with Bot It fyoloperman and Rogers will battle for the 179ipound, crown. 4-44—-t v—4——^—4-r——■ AL—44—; 11 ty Karow’i ' Aggie player i> night's contest with new manager of the rejuv- Jonnbers is Jew Lanjirum, played second base for icr teams of 1936, '317 and i| % ' ■ 1, ' :• Houston State the Cadet Will face their most for- le opponent to date, Thgs the Aggies have mode short work of Scuthvreitem Universny twice and Austin High School (Houston) once. | j : fi, j;; | L oh dll of hioV. The 741 -and 9-2 While Austin bowed by a 14-6 count. Aggie batemen hfld little trouble finding this range: an|d are belting the Kail at a .342 clip. The Cgdets have an average of 1 hits per game.'i S' j ! j . -1 The varsity nipe swings back in- The freshmen have wot (their tilts in a decisive fashi Pirates fell by scores of 1 H 'wM Mi to action Tuesday after a twb-day | rgst. Baylpris Bears invade Aggie- land for a two-game series on April ;6)and 7. Ik P - W- ; TAMPA, Fla., Walters, veteran! hander, believes him pitch winnir .4 il 2!'--k>4 dight- r] help Hea- blete incinnati m « i 3 Walters says he took five tflbleu yesterday and then pitched 30 min ufces of batting practice without tell and Dodd T« SP0 ^ S “ “Ii, FRIDAY, APRIL Team Tkiph i’ea^tern By S’e: ABILENE, Tex., April 2 Bobby Dodd, coach at Georgia and Matty Bell, coach; (if Aggie Soccer Club in AAU Semi-Finals oh of Baylor Ray Lumpp of New York Univer sity. Alternates inflludeil Gerald Tuc ker, Martin; Na^h and Ed Belsser of the Oilers; Joe Holland, Jim Line ahd Dale Karnstable of Ken tucky; Ray Lipscomb land Jim Darden of the Denver Nuggets; Les O’Gara and Warren Taulbee of the Bittners, (Jim! Owens) and (Bill Johnson) of Baylor and Adolph Sehayes of! NYU. % y 41J: | 9outhjern Methodist University, W 11 i the Lo^ Field eleveh Sunday af- — jin ± B °t ifech, T; $OUth J | De head instructors at tne iex; jp) i Coaching Jchool here August J :t to-'t 4 : ■' I SAcinti ti-o-i 1 Dodd, .whflk-ttses the T formptiojo, |i! try! in a l’'ll coach the south All-Stars luSd feiitl Bell'Who uses the singiejwrngbidk, r fhe Soccer Club takes on be head instructors at the Texas terhoort jajt Kyle Field in the seml- sVrjfpt to- J l KANSAS Cl iri, Apflif U The oouthcast rn AAU day had ajchaaiipionshi phy tb slnjiw (or its fii national .bbxin; B tnurnanieMt! h u . , .. ,-r - , : j, The Somhet flei s lastlttigbl cap-’ t* 11 fhtor the North These a|l- tured thelelulii binner M fhi na- 1 ^ al ' teams, made up of boys who tional junjor AAU bo|ing[ (ham- f av ®' school pionships W4th a perfor ■ - won the fldm ration oi fans who furnad mt fo|th| khow. jln ti-u l j4--j—- •— i Texag assistant coach, will assist | ■° finuls'jbf the Texas AAU • eham- piqnshi||i. Game time 1 is at J p. m. 4 The Aggies at Dallas three vel'ks ago, won by forfeit over the iOYe Field team but preferred to lojy the | tilt out. Thr winner Of Housto Play Br ■ Buffs |an In Exhibit Came . jljMp \ I i Ehe jsemi-ifinals goes on tO Dallas 1 rh^lnlnil'nllv^n n^v swf Ox** Wrinkle-pwifiip i h ? U II iAdoo i Keaton, Br il’s assistants; iSMU, will aid him in coai jNortij squad. Instructors for basketball at the school have not yet been named hut Clyde) Littlefield, University of Texas track coach, will handle track and Bobby Cannon, Edinburg Junior College Coach,-will direct, babqball. ! - , . |? i ’] 1 .■ il r. li-il i ' : If - ' ; o Patients in VA Hospitals | i : Have Recreation Facilities ; ; 1 i S ; i Nearly one-third of ajll patients in Veterans Administration Kbs- ir.that^ootM 1 eligibHity will clash dhL wil ^ erJ i The T , xas champion wjll ■ Bomhpi . s a t 7 o m tonight’ori \500 , Muof August, b, ; then gfl to St. Louis where tie: * f tom « ht on S y as4r?4 ;n 'X'Jii^ 4a tteAj ' lineups;! i j, | 1 ' and helped the Buffs take the T 1 as League Title; J t T Team Places Third j] j 'j jj_jj ij At Louisiana Meet ;; *eV.:' : ft . .■ \ f ;we abilities, the Waco VA office an nounced. ■ ■ ■ ' ,"v I j, Villanova is preparing for its 79lh Consecutive baseball season. Itj is one of the longest records iri American college ranks. . 4t__ ! ■ I- -L-—.!— Pilot Johnny K^flns will start either Jack Cileel or Buddy By- erly at the mound position against the Bombers. Creel, a righthaflder, played on the St. Louis Cardinal team ‘for The A&M Junior Poultry Judg- several seasons, /ink Teafli placed third at the col-1 Houston hits one of the best Jegiatei poultry judging cent st at secondbasemen in the league in Louisiana State University, March Solly Hemua. Hem us was voted the 30) aceb^ding to a telegram reeei- best mid-Rack.| titan last year and (Ved from Cecil B. Ryan, team coach, ended the season with a .309 bat- C The team placed fifth in market ting average, ji ’ 1 .J .4 ; product^, second in production, and This game will start promptly at third in iibxhibition. High point in- 7 p. m. Students Will have time to idijridual from A&M Was Stanley see the gahie before going to the Eiinn, IWho placed secojiul in pro- Infantry Bill. < » dUction Jnd exhibition. Elinn \Vas ' L ' ' J ‘ — ■ >. L - ! i i ■ Brand Fal i LI J FRED C. SEA ELECTRIC C[ Contracting - Appliances 1 )' Fixtures P.O. Box 292 . Dial 2-6|4fitt Bryan, Texas I {' ! L'J . l ' ; -I TTT alko 4th ihigh individual of the en tire contest. Other team members wore He Ary Theflm, |Guy Walker, B. M. May T field, and H. E. Phillips.. 11 !sti Petersburg” fu., April 2 -r'®—Manager Bucky Harris of the New York Yankeea is looking another starting; pitcher now Students tickets will be on Kale only at Taylor’s Variety Store, North Gate. They win sell for fifty cents. No student tickets will be on sale - at Bombc j Field. ■ King Ranch’s Horse Wins NEW YORK, April 2 —tiPl- Kin.g Ranch's Better Self, a leading l)alf 1 uer event wmen th Aggies have high hopes of winning. | Other relays in which Aggie teams may threaten are the four mile, the sprint medley and thg dis tance medley, One of the leading candidates in the 8000 meter run hi Aggie J. D. Hampton. Last Week in Cor pus Christi, running second to Jerry Thompson in the two mile run, Kampton was timed in^:30 which is ‘twib seconds under the I Conference Record. ‘ • Bill Cardcjn, consistent Aggie point-getter, may be counted on for a place in the high hurdles. In the Weight events A$gie George Kadera will run up against tho stiffest competition he has ever had when he tangles with men like Fortune Gordien of Minnesota And Rollin PrAther of Kansas State. Gordien is capable of getting close to 180 feet in the Disculs and $4 feet In the shot put while Prather beat Kadera twice last yeak ’in both events. If Khdera places as high as third in either event, he wHI deserve a feather in his cap. j ' ' . 4 ' . •! This 1 is one. Meet the Aggies are certAin they will not win because no team title (is to be awarded. 7f ——-i.—” Crider: May Enter Private Industry ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 2— wave of speculation was sweeping the University of Michi gan campus and the sports world alike today in the wake of a pub lished statement that Athletic Di- rebtof Fritz Crisler was planning to enter private industry. The story, originating in the De troit news yesterday, said the pro niinetit Michigan football figure would take a. “position in Chicago” in the next three months. It drew no denial from Crisler—only a; re petitive “no comment.” /Bob Wrtn, up from Toledo for a an infield job with the St. t ali” (n the. hit flipper 'which usually jpains ter a few minutcia of steady ncuv- ffaring “‘flny flipper Aggie WEBSTER STONE will be counted on hea in the Texas Relays. STONE ran a l:56-second 880 Corpus. He has made a | total of 12 points in four Netters Play U of H F Meet Rice Owls Saturd I r !’ | ! • ■ ! ^ ’ ;!T i By BILL EVANS A powerful University of Houston tennis the Aggies today in their second meeting of U of H barely nosed out the Aggies (4-3) in th ing. The preliminary matches began at 3:00 courts^ j, ! , L ' . Thk feature matches will be play ed tonight at 7:30 in DeWare Field House, where Bill Bennett will play Gleja jHeWett in a singles , match In four previous year the Aggie N three and lost only being the Idss to t‘ J < mg 4*. ; iPp L i thati Bill Bevens is on the shelf;in- Kentucky Derby candidate, lefeai* Hefinitelly. j i ed a fiqld of oldcrKorses today to ; Bevens’ arm went sour against win thb six furlong Paumonok the |St. (Louis Cardinals Tuesday, handicap at Jamaica as racing op- cned its 1948 New York season. rookie righthander of the Brook- lyn Dodgers, jpas an excellent chance of sticking with theiBrooks. Banta, who led the international ■/-r 1 liA ; rt: Pit fi ■j wP-.-tPa . * league T _, last year, blan treal teamiioat seven innii _ 4441 eouts its and st: ed his former Mon- L Without a hit for Mt-i if - ? "Insure Tomorrow Today" EUGENE RUSH j Repreeentative ! GBEAT SOUTHERN LIFE I INS. CX), ; j North Gate 1 jl Ph. 4-4666 i lii, , — For Your Visual Problems Consult L Dr. Carlton E. Lee ip. v.rj fir does s)ie go for Chewing Gum?’* Ml —- Aifj* jl: the' goes for Dcntyne Chewing Gum, jtha^t^atic — that swell, For Your Sporting Gootls Need JONES SrORTING r ipust la.t«ng e Dentyne‘flsvoTtend S it;does you or me. &he Hket tl helps keepiteeth w^ite,: too.” FI Dentyme Gum—f-MaJe Onl h—. ends her at muc the way Dent ** ii Only by Adams GOODS 'Iain Ph. 2-2832 Bi van Louis Browns, is a nephew of Bill Si ' - reehoy, Detroit coach. In the double.-s ford will pail- to and Toley while S j r, j. ^ j « — a i ley will team to and Bennett and Benny Stanford Homes will team against the U of H pair of Hewett and Jason Marton in a doubles exhibition. | The Cougars will probably be hard to beat as they looked very good jlMt weekend in their sur prise defeat of the Rice Owls. AH riudents are urged to attend the Friday night match in DeWare Field as there will be no admission change. AfWr the encounter with the U of H On Friday the Aggie netters will take on the Rice Owls tennis squad Saturday afternoon on the clay courts at 1:36. This will be the conference opener for the Ag gies, and: Coach Dowell says his hoys are ready. A conference cham pionship will be held this year and all the teams will be pointing to ward thalj during the season, says Qokchj Dojwell. 1 , Saturday’s tilt will consist of four singles and two doubles mutches. The pairings will be as follows: Bill Bennett vs Bobby Curtis, Rod ney Sellars vs Chick Harris, Benny Stanford vs Bob Toley, and Duffy Stanley vs Bobby Homes. ie •ohl!C|rt]s itan- 'iBiialjd t ie niut :h, jthat LET AN IT • * II - -REASING G ljlNG & ' POLISHING KTOP at THH , | v I 1 GULF STATION ill J J -.j ' || T -.! • I block north Bronco Ian || qn Houston Hwy. Owned A Operated by J. W. Schmidt ’ | M g -i' ' IT j a .am atu. v«t f cibM ; 'a ;|s din ■f F Ii THE ACGIELANI) STUDIO MyTH : • P v! Jj j;j ' 1 j: v ' 1 Will not; take pictures . . . ! : _.u • -ii/ InTTI- Ji 1 _! t 1 ■ j Monday and Tuesday liMl J ( jj i'll t r.iL : :!l 1 Wc util attend jthe Southwestei*n Photo^r<iplieris i I : | * Liar ’ * ' | Convention in Fort Worth on those days. ■ *! I / 1 M ■' r- k. '■t w'; v, I T I I caKXTB jHUR» T IT ii' MLp CLOTHES I * • (f Tailored by \\ Avon •ii wing Co. ■ 1 Co. J It :. (he I ful nurAflc r ' n combe* PolyneWfopri, moosh^ t popular, Made 1 ' >4 ■(r ' •' H ( ' ! * J ; I 1 :) i ■ m IB! * ii Ed V. JPrice—Brighton Tailors Where else can such a seleetio i be found?” jj,' ' :»! J{1 L iLA i. tei 7' 1 (ortobl*, most carefree, molt color* !i$ttng»4hed line ... it's the Beoch- by Non is. Pottemed ih exclusive the some superb styllng'bnd work- mot e Norris Cosuols Shirts so T \ ;j| J. ■ 7” ^ te patch pocket, from cool, obrici. You‘ll wont s)#v- ; K" g ^^.oan^cctoyour n. \Xi ■ . A* I 1 v j