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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1948)
j •■fi r Pa ;re 1 ' \r ‘Teach p “ Ani I my " broth* v With that ■ )/; Ti I Battalion T ^ , j:'!' i ’:!> i 1 ( ! IT ! r— 4* !: it m • j kep p< odk}?, rs It J be asked next Wor d Student ; : ing.' dudentts i|i wa their educatiorl.Jlffo seas by thdfunjd, but | will be Ls^nt to linive places as Greece and||C|(j P'or Ms students worry is whether our^jcl come; in; on tiihe; it | the tremendous hards counterparts. Ijn linjanj . in both Kuropc and A M crowded: together in " ings, and must shaft any vay they ca ! f . While our* wiena providing .jfood and Cpu njtries, theire has ibe jbcttjd for educatioi Ernie I>yl ‘ Hveh todajj, withiinbi ing intd the b^ckgroi ” Pylej brings wiarm t, ans.lNoi other (orresri ^ pigs i of jseryieeimen’s ir iili ali Idler, Statesman, Knigb'tly Geritkmatf’ Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie “fi ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1 HJ • ■ 1 Xr — - 'I WE 0 ™ ! ii i, I * country’s economics Mile its education fags behind is not only harmful to the country but dangerous to the world as well. We as students, many of us, having seen these hid, Aggies will ontribute to th^ l r which is helpr reas to continue countries at close; range, would realize this to be sent over- , m ore than any other group. For this reason 1 pod and clothing a b e asked to aifi students in sue o aid our felloiy students with food, books, medical care, and housing, pro- ' M vided by ouf bootributions to the World Stu- dhief educational dent Service Fund, jj djssfble U 'tc) d realize ■ Student senators will be in the' dormi- 1 i tories during the period of March 1 to March 6 to collect contributions. They alone are authorized to accept' these contributions. flaying our foreign ces the student^ undernourished ill, unheatjed lodg- ! Morrow boi While we stand In line for books once orrow hooks Ihi ^each semester^ many Students must stand ih line dally—for food. When the Student Sen ators aik'for your donation, recall the words of Abraham Lincoin, a man who was famil iar with hardships in education. "Teach— rbesftair to None!’•: IJ:! • 1 al] rplief program lis • for the inefedjf ry little aid di- . Building pp a Hope to All- emembered.. ';;v "looking *—««■' III fHJx • 1 rai — . - I U ... 1 " r. V rr- aVy ‘Phantom’ Myster io Went A 1 Rv LAHRV G< Tho Na^y has blown tho whistk- <m the Ph; tbhii of Treasore Islfend. I Hi ; }j Sailor James LeRoy Tejfeir, who went AWOL in February, PJ4G, was “captured” years laU;r| right on ^ ‘ ' fieial leave— tijui- his’s to the daj^ right where he ' t on Treasure Island, 1 j: In fact, the Navy admitted, Teller was ajround -.11 ala-, flpt 1 roke If y< t rs ago I bni(c and the base all the time. ! i i ilu i But for two yeara, he lived the life of a .sailor on the recruiting poster; the life of an admiral plus romance, education and recreation. , It was enough to turn official brass With envy.. And after a brief announcement, the Navy retreated behind a screen-of silcnce. But k first Varvel Addresses Kiwanians On Vocational Guidance Aims >: n i'- ! ji Pries the waV feuJj. soldier and) he died in harness. ii(the;| name of Ernie " 1 i.*—- - . ‘Pyle i i i spent his |;ime with GI’s m its | to most veter- holes where the going was toughest, and he .‘lit knew the work- wrote about themrin such a way that he en- sf> well ak Ernie deared himself equally to the people back Enrie isR gone. Thi^ week the !i i . on tlht the jfoifndihg !(bf the gillie Tokyo, ;a sjiecSal prog rajifi!’ -PylcH memory. The Imiatrie it taimjiejit center fbr Cf] ’Si in To "Brig. Gen. Pali! B Keljly, offiqefi praised Ifj'le’is progrijrfi Iwafe conducted ir 'he fipcpliie it| a huge enter- dresubg 3,000 ojicuijilt big tjhejatrei K^Ilyjidiecjlli biiital falcts i of . did, land certainly no [ope pl^ put so JMuch home anf i tb the G|’s themselves.]’ oer. sq resfdalhly. ^HiMaUldin, of course, on paper. put jmufch the satne thjdbghtl into pictures. Blit Bill is still with iis/iilvolyed in prdblems of k^epjng thej[vvcirld ffejni going to pot again i hd Lnniversiry' of in this building, Pfvle Theatre ii Pyle was killed; by Japanese machinegun fire in the fight f.Pr Okinawa, j ■ “It is a great ijfity that the y]orld should have been deprived Of his presence, but 1 like to think that some Of his spirit'lives on the general said. The five-story Ernie Pyle Theatre is To- it "A high percentage of high school graduates dp not go to college,” Walter VaiVel, of the Vocational Guidance Com mittee of the Kivvanis iClub, told members at the luncheon meeting Tuesday at Sbfsa Hall. Varvel said that in-one community out of 100 elementary -♦•student#, 35 graduated and 7 fin ished high school, He pointed out thiit out of a poll of 100 men 20 stated they would halve done some thing els^,if they haijl their lives to live over again. “There are a great! variety of vo cations for men, and! the Vocation al Guidance committde aims to help the mini find: what he wants to dp. Letters FrtMSN ATOtt X” i Editor, The Battalion: „ Mr a ia*S'-£»fa rS, Has t„ h*. hi S „„„ sity, who publicly announced that account showed: Telfer lived for two years at the San Frt Base without lifting a finger to wojrk or a a muster. ' j jj 1^ Francisco 1 ifsWer-j cyo. • Special service tjlijit yider fire. Ad- 1 in; pe rsonnel in thg 1 Ivhej knew more of than almost any kyo’s finest, ilt has two motion picture audi toriums,, a lilijrajryi vijsited By 6,000 weekly,.. .. , . a popular snack btir drawing 25.000 a week,! IK he is Chairman of the AuSt|i!chap- ter of the Communisjt Party. You probably read an article in the Houston pdst which (halt with the same incident. The Houston decision, and we should help him and give hirn information about jobs. There (lire a gileat wealth of jobs and opportunities.” The speaker, in his report, said the coinjnittee stands ready to aid in the guidance of a high school stiident in the endeavor he may What Slogans in ‘48? Asia sidelight on! ,Heifajpprpiching presll tiai scramble Jane Itfdjs in; her Washing- L *' - t “ i fii'tl^C ‘ * and other activities for occunatioh nersonnel m > e «i u a8, hl I choose, “and we will supply work ana mncracujfitioJi ior occupaupji ppreonnei. *d that h># name be withhdd until l>xptl . iHK ., to hi ^ h sc hoo! students.” f e thi :. iS atlon ! S. E. Pratz of Alice was a visitor fur her. The senator said, J t m so- an( , eMs im . lu(i( (1 (; B Wilson of mad I could bust -unqqote. Sa , Ant()ni() th(l A Q uarteti I am neither an _advh<;at|> por a Hdn)ut Qtjil ., u R()b Stinson< Ral ,, sympathizer of. the Coraniunist wheat ami Tommy Gould, Leonard Partv^hut such statconepta as the p t!rkinfl> th , A ^ Ramb i ers> ( ‘ h es- one mm “Senator X’ make me u .,. ch k m l,ers. Buddy Luce, Jitn "Ernie Pyle would be very prbud that his name is dver the dioof and on th|j program,” said Kelly. 1 Ii ; f j j We think so tob. •> Bay ing a , . ,| He rose at leisure and turned in j\yhen he felt like it. iri his own quarters. And then he began to brag. Yesterday, \y ate rounder 3/c Telfje^ was tcllingi his 2-year-old story to the disciplinary, officer; Telfer said be had only two months to jgo on his eolistment on Kebriiary 12, 1946, when he wasj overcome with distaste for hfs next assignment aboard the USS Lexington. Instead of going oyer the hill, Telfer simpl changed his name to James LeRoy Johnson an took up quarters in an abandoned barracks. Wit! the money he had from the last payday, he ate a ships service. v Meanwhile the lWy listed-Telfer as a deserter* After a few months Telfer came but of hiding and began to circulate as “Watertender 3/c Johnson.’’ He managed to get on the baseball team and the bowling team. , : | T,; • \\| | , He set himself up a basement loom near the swimming pool and ate in the islandKeantebn. . As money ran short, he got a job. . He Set up pins in the recreation hall bowling alley arid um pired the Treasure Island baseball teams fhy money.. He managed a little romance by managing the WAVES softball team. ] \.' ; When he traveled with the howling and baseball teams, Telfer could have disappeared. But life Vas loo good in the Navy, Telfer-style. H There was only one hitch, Telfer had no jdentit fication caul for “Johnson,” so he ct liberty card to get off the island, exci | teams going to games by bus. In two year# Telfer became an o d resident of the base. He began to make friends He couldn't resist telling them what an improvejnent Telfer’s Navy was over the regular Navy. Somebody told the Security Oficel On February 12, two years to thpklay from the day that he went on his pwn, Telfer loturnedito the Navy. This time he was behind barsj i ' rtneis !tt ' Bought nijip k pr>i scotered ptfle mininjg in .It; Hjynch nd irqn gasj ih^sks ijp foutnl the fty m They Albert’s cl l"<illn fed b ah((|fireme Sf m ! • 4 coa f(jr f air; ydills V Ccquse t into a !‘ Please Wt A|ib|m Johjih >;' J; AH is lUit jie ite w tl the] ia rmed ifMiejf. Thv RBMph Bit neajiri st tap ttejNavy it |gt'a|)Leful. ^ r : Cn roqi}e,| fir. 'Bju sgi oj. ' I Phe sudIrk t^oj |A ptail louis ‘Jegroi j'x' 1 b toji akf ■I r*—‘~ n " t, nlver resoi fL‘W L d <fvv iifcra. tnidder estfin ith a fry a a sin a >lf, \i sohtlf.d as llptiries, Ii L home. Bel NVillblms ar iuiu iiu luring [juldn’t get a . jjij,! pt vyith sport V 01 ' i wonder somed.imcs: make The Senator, den . | . ton lojumri h£.s hne^ -ti^c. soijrie interesting history on the ol<S Apnjeflcjjin cptom of coin ing campaign dogantt. . although t iere Ail anhouificemient of slot { ing coiiver|tioris,! both jpfcittifes {are trial-baB loon ng catchy bajttle |c rtes. 1 Republican circles Maloney, Ronald Johnson, and Tex nas, no ooum, ruuere<i a; menial | pigidg T phrase that would fit today was circulated ®^ ,rt,on ' T * M} «J rm Ptoms are per-1 .The Ramljlcrs and Quartet mcm- by Horatio Seymour in the same 1868 cam bers were presented gifts by the iroibablV be no formal tintiUthe nominat- paign. The cry Was "Reduce Taxation, before K e?thit Jenator’fnami.? fwpuld j Srtdbm^t fr^hemxSmf”^ Taxation Rediices jU^!’, and tor all its simple like to know what it is. 1 might; logic it failed to reduce either taxes or the see il on a bal!ot sdjpetimcv GraJlt followiiig; , j | . RIEL BR()WP(| ’47 Probably the r0c|sjt-popular datch-phrase . (Ed. Nypte: Sorry, don t is the old saw "Don’t Change Horses in the Middle of the Stream”,/which is n< RAGS TO RICHES So you’re broke, pal? Flat, cleaned ,,u ti liauper-. ized ? Take heait; cheek this rags t<| riches story from Pittsburgh. ■ , 1 1 Grayhaircd Jimmy Lyrfch belieVijs the reason (|nt)ejre 1 ijionth out a Robe ;t Jl lapse*! r^v ved. NAvv ^ ling first, i’s CXi i ri, air i;i habjj 1 rheh, fort! The a jo to tl; I m blr I s. T did J T l ’ one i|rjd$i hilly- ixi virineri md jist heard a lecture on by a a jk hud Mr |j)i{ta Ohstetticiim and wor things llmk jah unscheduled; turn.' tia hing rptlni t( . lit Nis rluc to the If hd hadn’ttk juhi have boi pttojm fapO fi fact he was en penniless, rowed money ftom which ho by sellinj the ltopsoil th the topsoil, Lyi'ch sejims of cod from strip iylvjania. asoiC land for jfJ.OOU. Engi- in hi' to i.uoo.t thi- mifie chi ld be work! return t ;> Lynch, laoil land for rale? .j * sst side-.i. i | boj’s tein s, save his , ockcr f theff ” id Phil Pj [he Uirning bu igalow. They ious urtder u o jrt doj? unconsc !{ X! rindoA' and pa used Chris to The firenien outside. Dog) lae :son, III. ten they go yorlrl, not even between titmy advariced SS2.20 to one fcxpehfFs ard transtpoi tation to the iliiMlig st n on iji Ccduinh is,' Ga., arid II • • r '", . J two firemen fojur-yean-ol puppy. ear-old vl.l V. V j^. - 4.Y4JM l ,T v 1 VG» » firemen iitriVed at his r l larski put on dej ided he j rfferiiHl sou to the ipiiriidc grejund rid signe* up to be a NJa'y slid the |Airniy is, also oilrt the $2.20j. TROIBLM | tal kriass fdjir expectant inrthers at the lei 1th Depiijtimeiit’s Hall Street Clinic •TitUiy. trijiijied suddenly into a natal BmiJ odni v whi 6, was rukhed to the re the Pntjtlaiid ohste- T two lafsSstiints, deliveiVd a, sevpn- l| . ' , , . 41 th; Idnfijsion, N<|ra Jnclfson, >jl, an uipthejluled fiVe hound baby ijg phyi|i 'ianb said psyellologieal re-, tlure :[nj|) pbjyrpiayeq a part in the , |i - i -d Ifilize! Hiy Ipetures Werji so effee- ian shillJshikmg hid heiud. Ate # jr;iE umoS ' rimes the! ciation; st 40( ! know either.) learcl at the BOTH WAYS havo ^uggestejd |. "Vtoltfei iRepdblican—SayM end of practically eVeTy first tetm. It was Editor, the Batulion- Whit’s Left,” kK” ! 1 1 ■ • r J while t|he|l|qjmocr|tt.s have beeiji toyih^witH "Be True id f fumail” and| Henry Wal pee bus come <tu t r |v|ith a “Peace and ' Pro:pdrity •’ pfomisei J i In the past)slogans Mvle^olltiwed more or ai\0 jare nqt only t of wnat to /expect : 1 -i I ' t.ri came forth with ass. They ddscrib- rthern - Man 1 with in the Ihte row : over h crats. fnay; be! ihitornji key wtfrds jand u$e tht A jj:ood/keynote f was sounded by U. the Rc|publ!icahs- drotvllei of political issues inJl8', tion "tet Us-.Hav^ Pfi' k In the past)slogans fi§v less iii a fix(|d pjAterii amusihg but gjvqi us ai this year ais Well. Ift 19-18 thie Demo a' phrase boosljing Lev ed their hope I as "A Southern Priniciplas.” Lincoln’s originally, j I . Re: The spelling of m| name, With the multi-divi.sions of] the Demo-[ ™ tu '“ re cratic party, the,manjf candidate^ for the Re- since the beginning of mg happy publican nominatrih, and the exSstance of a life the name has been spelled strong third party, the air shoMld soon be b r °TON.- Note that the spelling ttilU/i ifrJ+UiiLiLi-tJnno : i# the same either fqrward pr Jiack- fllled With caHlErilKlI jplOgMn* • - ^ ; ! ward. That seeriis simpleSenough As many candidates have shown, these f 0 r even you to remember/ phrases can at tim^s literally win an election. If the occasion should evgr;arise. And as the now flamous “Rum,| Romanism, a P ain and my name should*; happen and Rebellion'’ phi-ase demonstrated, an ill- ‘f**' chosen expression jeah defeat a candidate. Remember—NOTON—tKg same In a heated campaign, logic sometimes both ways. ne hi An average metropolitan news paper contains more words than an average novel. ^ t_, ——4—t-—— the PiiesidientS piyil igjiri bill, the Demo- gives way to icolop, and some highly irrele vant gems are created. With the hame-callihg that this campaign is sure to /bring, most slogans born in U>|8 will probably bellow the pattern of the; epic circulated byj Democratic Severely yours Ho switjeh tiyVtwo itase agkin. ) t -{general candidate|S raiit when bp and lout thi*! discussion vice-presidential candidate Thonias Marshall 1 Dear Editor: JIM notenJg P.O. Box 1534 jhreveijort, La. Feb. 2301, 1948 with 1 —,—-—‘i*--•—* i"'—... .j—.. Mriria Lisa's 11 . I . ' I ][ j ! j it J i , - , There shotild be m®r® ads like.this one by Alfied/A. otfhnrK • copies pf the book "Mona-.Lisa’s iMlustaCue1 • \ .\ the supnlica- in 1912—"What this country needs is a good \i|other parif five-cent cigar.” I ^ tat? he 'A— 1 — I 1 The mpstiinteljli^e attajek thus fair On mo Times Boot Revfew. "Dull, $bs;fra,, injc Masses; j ! H : ‘•‘An ufbane| aTi fror tali abthek tin Im Yorkerj WYl I I ‘[Total Th|os(kpt)lid witch Dali ate cSrawn, land eloquent pijosE.”! j—jlN; "I remajin uncofivlr plea sun* at; ni;r 'Jfickijs TAbout thi* Most ;i|ii f r--fi—• 1 I 1 ' )iiktluential,”L-4-N |e w niej BatjtaHpn; ;ofill<|iii [-. pf Oglcgc Sjtatipnj, Texas,si .71 . n •ii lege Sjtatip afteino**!, ekeopt duiririg ■ N A lishtd sririii-iycei’ 'Jews edntri .* win pah- Cl: 209, Goqdvvin My. Sub A1 -Americaii rhejAa ed to it or Riglfta ofTv. En eredi an 1 sfrcoi Offlc< at College the Act at Conjgrwi of Marc i r ip 1-C14UIS CH/RUE lius Llndiey ifSk-, . J. T. Milltr. K Mack T. Nolen Bllllngslf Carti r, Ted C- ; P«1 C. Munrofl, C. OttJ R. r. t irry; oriri nne b Bond, •J. . e'ooi- e Jj. - Kunsk, J. Qdl.Prei!S rwiae icsitidn ■ U- ■r. d. iTril c. ruiiM, if rl : -iW. "i t| Vitty and scholarly i art.” —|New York I the world of art at the moment. . . ought to cure lots Of people, of a neurosis which has robbed them of their reason in the world of. art.”—E. \V. Watson, editor, American Artist “It is malignant, rumor-breeding slander.” —Margaret:Milleri Magazine of Art. "Brilliant Writing . . . and how timely.” —Frank Lloyd Wright. liientlv art.” - h timorous -The New He Nations » kHridtorK, -Picasso and rjberild in clean and leekfi: j still glamting wjith i-itM.-, i i ortaijft hapjiemng m Miss Annie Lee Singletary, obituary writer for Winston-Salem (N.C.) Sentinel called a funeral director and asked if he had anything for her that day. "Nothing in this woHd,” was his reply. Filler item in/.Wakefield (Mass.) Daily Item: "Fairy exjibrts say farmers can in crease milk supplies by keeping their cows happy.” ; : ' Ovl ! ’ r 7 l : vspaper of j the Agricultural ahd MechanicaL'poli published fiye' times |a week and circulai lildays and examination periods. \ During the,Bummer The Battalion ia pub- tion rate $4,30 per school year. Advertising jtjates furnished on resuest. l>e made by telephone (4-5444) or at th be placed by telephone (4-5324) or — 5 : js ft titlck cjccli sively to the rid ted in the 1 other matter herei Tie Battalioh ideal ilCollegc of Texas ted every Monday th the iummer The Bat and the City rough Friday Poit i mder t the editorial office, at the Student Activitii Member M The Associated Press to the use for republication of all news dispatches credit- and local news of spontaneous origin published herein, eiq are also reserved. P r^rp —.--K.- i : :d Collegiate Press [ mrr 11 * b T N * llooal A<1 - paper Associated Collegiate Press NELi son!. H(*rgan.. Member i il National Ad- - -7 —-. - York City, Chicago, Lo» Angeles, and San Francisco. Represented nationally by ertU’inB; Service, Inc., at Nc •4- ...j.,,,;*. .. Fsl •'•trw'SK ieportaxs Maurice Urady Sam. I Art H. James ‘ V_‘. Co-Edi .. . Advertising "‘"'t'' 1 Ttf"' 1 L parry. Gray .jf. Upon noticing, your statement in the Bait a few days ago which in dicated that I v as studyijhg : Eco nomics, I hereby vigorously [deny any connection v^ith the distasteful study of economic!# and vfish you would correct that, since I’d’ hate to have to conterid with" people thinking that Is like mqiiey well enough to study lit the resit of my life. I’d hate to even have ifiy name associated With Economics ;;ai)d the BATT’S statement is entirely un- substantiative in tlhtt resriectl Thanking you, I am, Sincerely, J. M. Huddleston, Jr. —- —.—jr-j Rtl—r---1". '-fr ■' • RECORDS • RADIOS School Office Supplies ALL YOUR NEEDS 1j SINCE 1888 Opens 1:(K) p.m. - 4-1181 TODAY & THURSDAY FRIDAY and {SATURDAY V \ - - > .v. - A ! i ■ 1 ! . V n f; m !-i SETA DIAL AND FORGET WASHDAY! Turn a dial and “tuna" washday out of! your mind—and out of your life. No work, no fuss, no cleon-up—nothing except a "dick" of 0 dial tcfparl your Bendix. A BENDIX DOft IT Alt! * | i ,! Prom the moment you put « dry soiled clothes (o the mipyte you're ready to hang them on the line, your time is your own. While you're enjoying freedom, your Bendix washes your clothes—rinses them three times—spins them damp-dry. it has cleaned itself and shut itse(f TO WATCH tT WASH! (atch a demonstration. It's thrilling to a Bendix do (automatically) the jobs i struggle over every washdoyl “The . Fabulous Texan” — wiflt — Wm. Elliott Features Start: 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:45 - 7:50 - 10 Color Cartoon - News J, NORTHWEST OUTPOST : j/mus st b Pi..,, rtl 1 ) nrir ijan Pliiu sltim i ^ i pw that it.i (ent si|iic|.i ijijl). getting hiinh* !'. A I'epqrt ettin; inaLcuticnl Miumfalcturer.s muimption |t)f laiph in is u|i T i Vt AlWAYS 10VID YOU 5 4*9 jVTffta-Jtf A . THE SWORDSMAN I# Watch For Them AC TODAY THRU SATURDAY SEE IT TODAY! 4 Ii :r . Small Down Faymei Easy TerhiH ht - You may purchase a Bendix at the old price r- Subject, to stock on'hand. See us today! Wilson - Bearrie Company; ; One Block East! of Bank Phone 4-8531 . • - I I JI 7T7t QUEEN ; •: h TODAY “Out of the Past"’ — with — Robert Mitcham II 1 , / • I • I M :|-S. . - ii.. ■I - I ■ I], :'?!> jr ; . v i - ijf b; i J Jj U t: f; tV] • ‘ ; '-v. I b. I