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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1948)
Wide Supreme Cot ri Withit in the Lois of .southern wide grad the future jiatteifn of Sou taking shape., j . f, i ?S illivan ^oss, Founder of Educational System ’s}latest decision Under this system, certain universities ipuei Fisheir ckj.'jie.jand the action may be dcsighated f4r specialization in indi- Tovejiiors ip a|ppruving the south vidual courstei ^ fetudents jfrbra all over te sphool idepj, i may W that the South' may attend that institution with leifn education is no partiality shoWrj lljhe students of the home state, .p' : [if f For instance, i^ Georgia Ti designated the engineering Yestcrdaiy tljie Unitec [. Court ruled that! the quiesfityn of segregation had not, been ijjjyolvjed! iii JtHe Fisher case. Mrs. Fisheri a Negro woijnjjjiii had previous- p ly been Jfranted m ordhr |r|eqi iring that Ok lahoma provide ■' egal edut:ajti( n for her, im- iy, cjomphrable Itofihajt available^ fol ates Supreme h should be scfioal of the South, the ^vhole region j will finance the growth of that branch of the sdhool and an , cjomphrable to tfi; white residents jpf thejstiit^ (The Oklahoma mediatel, white re Cegents |[uiekly [ ssta^lilkhi <jil a connection -With j the Negr y fo jr-year college supported b|y the state, bjtj I tips. Fisher re- ' fused to en: to declare the admitting her ti itself. THisHthe a'7-2 vote‘s 1 Presijleii|t H anirounced that legislature iyill law school in state seekih Alabaman Or Louisianian would have the right to attend on the same basiH as a native of Georgia, j J In the case pf;a Negro from any soutbe e seeking a medical degree, he would i to such a school as Meharry Medical College in Tennessee, which has been offered to the 11 aftd a^ked ;$e iuj)reme| Court southern states for ijqint-suppott. (It i» at ■gents in (jo: tempt tor not present j a private Negro medical college.), he Uhiv sjrHii y*)f Oklahoma Meharry would be the stjate medical sichool :qurt has ret used to do, by for Negroes from jahy cooperating ■ i’ ill J LI ■. The Sopth-wide cooperative plan may not old W. pjol :e of LSU has bti of impdrtajnce toi white Te>(as stud^ tpc new Louisiana as there are Efe'v courses, evi ,— ir e askied l4o make possible specialized natpte,: Which are j not offered the partijjipitiorjjof that si ate in the proposed either, at the University or at A&M. How- Southern|: highed)educat|ioif ()l4n. • ; ever, it may be Uhat .Texas will |wip|h to join ml ■ it- uni in j j i. by Southern governors jn their meeting at Wakulla {Spring?, Fla,, urijll make possible •“ ^-nanciag of ed- The ^eg|onaji|plah, |te)itjat^vely approved the regional : deyeloibjnent and iff ucatic|nal tfajcilitjij?s that jiiii rht otherwise be impossible for Hjtjy one stifU. ■gain,. Ghosts )ojnen >ile: -o n the “confederation” |o far as Negro schools are concerned. i|h j U i / j I ■ ;!/\ The pktnjj? certainly the most forward- Ipoking step taken,by Southeastern statejs in many years, psb far as higher education is concerned. ' rli’l'f : ‘ p I til • r- p-!:5r ! Oppojnenjts dfj nq,W id^up stock pil f a rgu mentis, oposmg federal aid [to #c is i6ir jehojicest plan. The tune same, aad the words arte when hewspapm with th hardy ed minds who fear any chabye from the pre sent as a threat to their; iec-urity; and the old timefwotn cjr;es are iaHa|n being raised. These cpiesj! wtere uttered also in 1830 when thx-stippOited public education came up for adoption. The syimf yrfies heard today 4 always have il land when the I'itT*! :J| • j| Of 1W Joseph K^nagh • I ■ I V r -BysNAL soyLe g j h • ■ | NEW YORK —(^l—Dead at 25, Thomas Joseph Kiivat nagh began pis brief publiq career with a toy pistol and he ended it with another toy pistol clenched in his dying hand. Both times he was trying to bluff fortune in small-scale lone-wolf robberies. But bdtween the two episodes he won six decorations as a valdnius4 1 — * doughboy overseas. | j The short unhappy Irfe of jhjs hero-criminal U a masterpiece in human irony—a jitrange jig- edticatioii” is yet telndther plainU practically .- • , ■, * L L kuimeu the same that opuphents of any sort of free | w * tehtmn w,t j «mchi not killed, But % did get a Purpje Heart .for wounds in action, Among his o;her decorktions were fhr^e that ire given only for persotml] bravery above (he call of duty Cals Born 300 Years I, Onee Dangerous. Costly By LAKRY OOOI i " \ — j - . j ’■ i ■ J. J . fi 19-18 is a leap year, a fact which may not make much of an impression on ‘most modernsii—but take- it from tis, pal, the custom of worpen proposing to then hasn’t hlways been as lightly pigarded as ', ; is the casp today. j ] : H . Time was when the mart-chasing traditions of ( if Hap year were strictly obseryicd, according to Philip Jerome of New York who submits some rather in teresting, if not eye-opening, information about pro posals, medieval style. ;f,J According to Mr. Jeromei riot only were leap year proposals by the “fairer half of creation” com mon, the male in question whs bound by law to one Of two courses: either lie could accept and take the fatal step or refuse—arid piy .a fine. A volumne , published in 160d entitjled “Love, Courtship and Matrimony” declares: . . , “as every leap year doth return, the ladyes have the sple privilege during the time it continueth of making love! leither by wdrdes or lookes; . . . and, moreover, no man will be entitled to benefit of clergy who doth in any wise treat her proposal with slight pr contumely.” (The 'volumne doesn’t go on to explain what is meant by- “making love by . . , lookes”kMnybc nth Century English “laydes" had mastcred'the art of the stra- getic “come hither” look.) [V In Scotland, a law was inscribed on the statute books providing for a fine of one pound or more for any gentlemen rejecting a proposal of marriage. Obviously, the Communists wiih their ’‘free Ipve” ideas - would have gone fa? ip Scotland during this period when one pound was n<> small figur(: to a die hard Scot. ? ★ | ^ ★ Speaking of mafria&e auiif eligible bachelorB, we notice ini the JjJryan New* that Dr. T.|F. Mayo, head of the English Department, was among the nominations for Bryap’s “Most Eligible Bachelor" contest. We guess the! venerable Doctor has made good use of his one pound; notes-down (hrough the years. :' } • J.,’ ' . ' i i •, The contest was won by J,oe White, i an A&M graduate of the class of ’37. ’ ^ ;L '' I I ★ J i; ' ] Still oh the subjeejt of Women, we gleaned the ; following from T. U.’p Dpily Texan \yh|ch seems to imiicate (he “fair ones”; op tjhe Forty Acres pre going tp takje Leap Year matters in theiri own hands. A notice appeared’" in Wednesday’s; issue, stating: “Boxing Training begins, Wmnon’s Intramural Of- ■ mi i^YN T 1 Year ierious -! i 1 • I ± if n • ' Z'i thpui glovcji a stci ml hu aren't; “No” fice.;! ijeed wp V \ ulf talim ee led at sikyeral ! veil (aimed kicks will suf- Ok la Assii carriqil in this colutpl Conte, gals, things couldn’t be tlM bad. If lile m nates saw puzzle with the key ftag- ment missing.' ji | At the age of 16 Thomas J($sej)h j H' 1 ', L'JJ; ou “ j the field of worthwhile and wjlling piates at dear Kavanagh, a Biookiyii boy of good ; . u fJ., tr h» <,lc T - U - • i t ? that lean, perhaps we might make a family, tried to'hold up a Manhat-L f ""i ln k s n h '.,^Lt f fu-1!. 1 suggestion Concerning where spine thoroughly un- — - A.U-....AJ1L ! the Hermans with - piStol title, uso(| n(| uitc wil | ing Ui lont . .ay be.found. Seven ne gun or mpltar —buit fie ■ T - T layer a oih soldi howi ton, his l| other issae(ojOidjJrucials(i|e|cur«ntl.v Fed- ' ! •'-W.p. .f hi. tif S I I.U aid to 0(>» Alto’nr"! of PUWic 8d,ucatjifi|joiic|t|iea;rit^s quit their criticizing ami bpgith pitching in. Other fears irlqluded the destruction of initiative jiand ambition, destruction of pri vate entei Some of t ^ If.-.— j-nr vate enterprise. k ti ly born hi. was charged oijly with .petty; lar cepy. He plqadjed guilty and re ceived an he opportunity to redeem hiipself and he made 7T , the rise of bureaucracy. Of thought; pot necessari- !to schdoip irang out then hiimanitk4 inherent desire for s foujrhfjplipic education itv ,‘- ,L UXdid, ai|)etetjves as a Ufool- LwTisL’IiwD A npiv -As tlen is (jn|\ slightly ch k the ang- quantity, is the star I used then as now, reflect security, ;hu- is a known uinanity’^ fear Jof change which unkhowri, ; ed. , j j i ■ , , , ; “It’s un-jAnje’ican” isitbi first and most shameful ekeuke ad\4rtteet| against federal aid. Hoivever, jtl ere/is liljtle? in America to- day that cat) bq tjerriied !co|frji|le|tely American heir blood di- tqan” blood and . this, “un- of the nail on |no other grounds than general prittci- t0 killed." j pies—man ;s cot sifiteHcv Whether right or Thomas 3ose i )h f^ vanafe, h] w ? s wrong. . j ; .1 ;!-d There i,s federal ’aid to; counltiies for road- buildingE federal aid for housing, federal aid for prev^ption 1of; disease, federal aid to farmers and fedterai>id for many other pur poses. It has not Clamped shacjkles on any- -even the llndiiajns have luted with tlhati ‘ awful Eiit are no - longer! 100 pe|-c|^t T i, , n , y -liI | viiu iiifLai muh Even a change for the obviois promotion George Patton b he “general welfare” is fought tooth and group: “Gentleii ... LJl ia!..a..-.i ,, ' i • • ,v... uai„,i •» I indeterminate, sentetHic- War gave him tl redeem himsi good in full measure. He served iiji Africa’ and Italy. In that long “forgotten wad’ up the Apennines lie was a fionf-lirie platoon commander for the veteran 168th Infantry (Regiment, Of all combat nun platoon lead ers have the highest mortality in battle. They take the lead \yhefe the metal flips thickets. Geh. Patton pnee bluntly U>ld a. . ‘Gentlemen, your duty js| ! t„ V.,. Ifillnrl ” 1 well. Weap* And he Ifarned how to( utKl ■ns that were loaded. W|hen he came home he left the irmy with an honorable dis charge and a Good Conduct Ribbon. Last Thursday evening Thpmas Josep i Kavapagh walked into the Trans-Canada Air Lines office just oktaE ftfy..Avenue. His haiwl was in a fero vh paper grocery bug arid he pointed it at thje clerk: “l ere I am again,” he said. ‘Thi(s is a stickup. ngw a mq A * to war use c: a fewj man T/4 lM-‘r out I poppin mile kssortt l e post rivgtcf ith’s • lie c undei it 1551 fact. And the boxing (he rush ia too great, •y out of Fort 8(11, the yarn appearing )vepk laboutJthc/Solldier who par- Presl sU r ifolst-script t< i s jdnp » ine:hamcal instinct into . iti On i the stoidj old army post. The HiglU S. Williams took u self-propelled or) a jmlanLght bumble through Law- ohmittedly Mong the course of ti hit teiesjfireplug*, people and uriers. ; j ' • . V' |)it is irather bad: T/4 Williams is jllignte; minus $180 pay and plus »bqr.: .f s ' .- ,•! tjpic tl |plf tire-Army’s' inclination ajtelrrients, was simply: “unauthorized telf-| ropgllea howitzer.” American!” excluse was against Dlicedficj I i ‘ i 13 In we iiqW have. tie system bf i)u inid today (t'h^ ::ame; air^u^ents <arte being brought' into ijltiy agaijjti. “^t’s Socialism” the- < tain in- [thefte'.ojwji minds i cialis'm’f tacjked m a prU right thinking^ Americml plague. [In I83j) ‘Agraria ‘ place pi' “SDcijalism.” I| rneans pf the }ri( h to the poorer jclasbes,*’ 1183(1. I'> i Federal aid Frofn JtieivsdinviHe ( Views: ’ “A;biftLday' paijtylWas given at the home of Mrs, Weston-1V Mrs. Wlillis <*?rr ' ' -'I'T • "i Persona pnov jd a mip^t charming ghost- s. truly af will lowier oMirents wail, cer- 1 t^v term “So : eat will cause any t(ifshun it .like the served in thp (vis “ai^plying the (.reel uses of the srrible thing in ; — Ni the standards of one’s ankles. QnitheContrary fejderal aid has in many cases rtertipved the shackles,!paving the way for many pew opportunities. Ex tending federal aid to our schjools will im prove the physical jiiants, raise the level of the teaching staffs,:’ and furxjish facilities heretofore unheard;o^. h j | ■ T. 1 Federal aid is now held up by the baseless fears of alarmists. When they tease scream ing their .meaningless phrases and get to Work for the commop good, th^n we can see ‘"And another tjhing — what-iboqt) our school system arise from mjediocrity and the way; Aggie* are ; speaktni? it Letters i Bolhvorm Control Meeting Feb. 20 COLLEGE STATION — meeting at Commanche, Texas, on February 20 will discuss control of the pink bolllworm, which this! year is an unwelcome visitor to central Tertis* 1 ! j I ! J |j Ji The A&M College Extension Ser vice said that Eastland, Kralih, Commanche, Mills, Hamiltdn, Cqr- Th(| clerk imjm'cdiatclv recognlz-' hampasas. and Burnefc Coujn od Kqvanagh air the man who;held :>hth ties, would be under pink bollwoifm quarantine iin 1948 for tlje! fii^t time;! . ■- ii-! ■ ■ -ibi ... 1 '"*• REN I CONTROLS TO GET TEMPORARY EXTENSION WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 — I > . LIBRARY MANNERS? Editor, The BaUalion: How would you feel if you .weift told to the periodical room of the li- responsible begin to-turn out. gdbd citjzms.i — Ip.-Uf-f ' 1 C-) News ahd for three other Ion? brary and got your favorite njagl- robbehes of t?e Colonial Airlines zine only to find a large section office. The gray-hairted father! held torn out? Or worse still, maybe out his son’s honorable army! flis- you have research to do in cut- charge and shopk his head in wot'd- rent technical magazines and find less grief. He said Kavanagh only it made impossible by the butchefr recenjly had enrolled in a unjiver ing of some selfish person. I don't j sity under the G? Bill of Rights, feel that, I am alone in this com- j What is tbeL thing we don’t plaint. | < I il know ? What! cgn make a mun bravely risk his( life time after time for his country—and then tdss him dp last mobth and took;nearly $1,00(1. Two detectives-were in a back room waiting for just sijch a return call. They 'stepped out of separate doors and as Kayanagh raised »his ■ arm menacingly they began firing. 1 Extension of rent controls beyond He fell dead. When they pull ed hjis hand from the paper ba|G they saw clutched in the ex-war heroi's fist—a toy pistol. Later Kavanagh’s father was brought to identify the body. Police lim they; also held his son Court was handing dofv sioii upholding such thofity). : a itrol s(u- ■ -J; -—r L AC j*] TODAY AND ALL TIOS WEEK :1-vj seems that some of the gqys who it away in a futile bluff with a ! have been a round a long time thiitk toy weapon ? . i is last Tuesday. j most of us speak to them bo^au$e V\'|hat gave Thomas Joseph |Kav- Headline in the Sacram ?Iltq (Calif.) Ufl- we have to. .Maybe -there are 8ome anugh the courage to be a standout Ion: transportation Methpq Sojjght to Para- things we have to do, but spe^kirig hero in war yiet left him without ‘ ‘ 1 ' npnrhv town J “ftnv i g certainly not one of them; We; the. Ijong- anoiiytnouR valor with i., ’ ,, ^’ i should consider) it a cotirtesjf aiid j whiqh millions Of other veterans nde. writes the con- ; }l nrivilee’e to sneak, even if \ve are wio disc.” (Note; it’s; a w'ould I appreciate’4 tributqr. I the Ijong anoriymouR valor rider it a ooprtesjj! arid | ! a privilege to speak, even if _ we are working oujt the problems peace L. r; : nl - i.j__ - .e Speaking of the; houseWivesf .share in the food conservation program, (the Amarillo item in the C imbridge (Wis.^) News wfhich etilled for a!do rection later: “Mr| anil Mr>. Edwajrjd Jensen, Mr. and ‘Mrs. D^vidi E lai ichard ! iretlirned hotne ; Fri- day from a llwd week's Urip through the of the^ationfs women. IM. ■ . .. - t ' T. j - Tslj TT ih 1! -^tH 1 ; - - ' :t! ! receive no response. How abopt it, brought them?. Aggies? JOHN SHOEM AKER, 19 ii.'. I Death holds! his ajnswer! (Tex.) Times repbftied: “But! these words haven’t exactly been taken to tne hearts and ,-ionfioc! Af S-Vio MtteiA-nfe u/n*ruin V ... I ij . , , “Satjura,|” (the -youn^ W© involved in the Mee murder ease., ^jfpeared in court ,! 1 the 1 a'(Cut a) rr L [porter, worikmg th ' f |; ! ! Bettly Donovan; Ciruriiiinti (0.) Post re- f Alr HumrlrKno' rm si urnBii clnrv rlinlpfl on a muu tier story, j dialed ie deperal Hos^ ta l ahjd tpard a voice say: “Cincimati Butchers.” N ( r ^ n ^ er ^ad slip- Tpe ticipital’s numljx te is 3100, Cincin- Bujtchejrtj Supply CbJ 4P ;i' ' ! 1 " wearmg tevfei-e bu» “ISitHng btack one put. 4i> ]by J j|E l |krcb Brotber, Colonial t0 “Drive Safdv^Arf Safe A LifL" Drive Safely—And Save A Life. NOT “NOT COMMON Editor, The. Battalion: What do you, meah starting of: ; yesterday’s editorial “The man wljo j puts up a fight for his education , . is not common jat A&M?” Tfia^s ; year s niojsl unusual, if j directly contrary to what eifery-1 body knows, and seems to contra dict the whole ipoipt of your!: edi torial. W KK VAN KOIENHO.VEN Our vbte fo * the ,ye£ not most effective,, ifoster panel goes to the When a sports (vriter for! the Detroit (Mich.) News camp up with t|vo byline sto ries on the same page, the composing room took siiecial note oif jfr. One sjtory was “By Sam Greene.” The; other w|is “By Same Greene." Jif '' ' ; I! :'!--l.;-|[ l Battalion The 'Battajidn, official I m -of College Stjaliion, Texas, Js afternooji, c^ctept {during fift liHhcd schii-wjerkly Subscfii f—y ■i ii -1 ;4pa,per of (the Agricultural and Mtehapiqal : (Joilegje pf Tcjxas and the City ibluoied five times a week and circulated every Monday! through Friday ) hys and Examination periods. During th|- summer The BaUalion is pub-; i n rate $1.30 per school year. Advertising rates fur lislica on resuest. -I.—u ,-1:47.1 ;RI.: -;,— ^ ;; made by telephone (4-5444) or at thv editorial office,; Room 201, Good ie placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activi ies Office, Room ] Isnifbe Aat ociated Press News coi win Halt ions mijiy ^ i id ads tea; .1 ■tentertd las Qtifce at Colle. the Act bT-Cyn. • not otbierwise dre repi4blic4tion of ' il uss mattiif a J,iT. MUleij Tew;*, March ; 3 RAY, JIMM4I titled exclusively to the use for republijcatjhu Of all news tjed in the paper and local news of spontaneous or gin dther matter .herein are also reserved. J;. i)) ’ ? ' ~ 4—4— , Associated Collegiate Press i i | Member j j lispatches credit- published (Ed. NOTE—What a difMertec two little letter^ make! The pfoojf- readcr is redrfaced fronfhaving let such a slip pass* while the ediun - tel writer has ha|d his knuckles rappad for writing such awkward andjeasi- ly-twisted circumlocutions as “ript uncommon” whqn all he meant was “common”) i rtHK -f Bottling Course To Start March lj J The fourth annual short course under, the auspices bf Ametic4(!p Bottlers of Carbonated fleverjftgeB, Washington, D. G.,|Will be hold at A&M March 1-13. Truman M/Gill of BueviHeij na tional vice-president of the Ameri can Bottlers of Carbonated Bevete- ages, will head the t^sociation cote nrittec sponsoring the past the cou 50 or more bo lives and February 2|) bocame almost cer tain yesterday The HouSe Banking Committee voted 18 to 5 in favor of continu ing them for another month. Chairman Wolcott (R-Michl kaid this was only a stopgap movd'jj ad ding it was “apparent” that I the controls would be extended j “at least for a year iin some forte." (As Wolcott spoke, the Supricipe Opens 1:00 ftem. 4.118 lAtST DAY. A 1ST RUN ATTRMtIOI tv* I . :! ], r -1 Dr John S. Caldwell 6ptometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas —feature Begun) j QUEEN TUESDAY — — WEDNESDAY 1:20 - 3:30 • 5:4() - 7:5jQ!- 10:0() j • : . j -.-PIUS |j- | r PETE SMITH SPEfiiALTY LATEST PARAMOtlNT NEU STARTS TOMORROW [ [ ^wo- DAY'S •‘Forever Ant|>er j- Admission Pric Matinee: 80c (tax Evfening: $1.30 (tax! BRILLIANT STARS! h BRILLIANT STORY! ANDREWS MUU OBERO It ■J TODAY . J M "DENNIS jincl.) Lncl.) r-— EDN ■* f.E IS 11 j J ■■m r !■ t ■ ! r r Y . . '1 f \ 4 THURSDAY— “ I—FRIDAY- — saturd; 4 AlWMlt mm ■ K !- • IIMUK- ■! ;! I > V a r.\ ta-'J w MU® 1 ' ( ' m; il . B ;*ri»V.n KUJUMtfUM TO OUiON Ii! m 1