Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1948)
im i r awl L’ -TT- IN MI3SJS8IP -'••* PERMIT WDlfEI)I 0^ il|B JACKSON, ImIJIS, Feb. Ilf -^-A bill tollaflow «omfh tc |T on juries Senate tod: Passage _ _.thc“ bill mi to serve on Douglas may be “n !Japan uni cArtfiur believe: o utiqnary vioile s. ! cortet ; mic power joice eiisting ! tH hatred forjoyejr. - sed tjhe Mjsai y ai vf)te of 25 e beppite ca iS j whi riej| with Jl: ‘■i ■ : |i ; ; ; 1 # ?<■' V j l nil mm: “BAR ECdN0Ml(d POW1 JAPAN—OR REWlLUT WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 The Senate jearhed today uhd lu ''* r T ntratekl - Hi _LL Volume 47 Ik' ’ i a i 1 ? *ARY ,«s Melinite) m wignamwimmimiummi Hlllg'dlMli - 1 Fwus.mDAdrmTM'ywuxT COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), '-is FBI INVE$TlIGATfcS VET! HOUSINC, COMPLAINTS | ) W'kSHlNCTOh , Feb. 18 -l FBI agents! pre (working oi|eoii- plaints frprp (thousands off j-Gj’s that they werje.clilrajted on vat raps ’ lUsing. | T ! V - l : I i, 1II I t. i; f N.. I Mv, A justiee |lej|Jar '.disclosed jtljisi of chiselirig; in from non country - I [ 1 i_ij ASKS FEnjERAlt AID ED STUDENTS iri; to|i biy bnilfler Hy dv^ry ntfofffid said! w! io idits lets h*vfcfiLoi9ie t' FOR ME NEW Oscar R. m wfing, administrhtbri yesterday | u government! ami tjq mwlica) t and students flo serious shortage TWO P0L1 TO DIE A! WARSA 1 followers o(( Mikola jezyk Feb, 18 federalj tor re Mho Jfdocto) ORDERED pifes I Fe >. 18 —(lA 1 - -Tjlvo Lself-exiiled Sti j isl|w kerb oomlemiifel Singing Cadets To AppearonPr At NTSC Sa • ! 'll ' ' i *^1^1 I fl j | * Barbershoppers WilljBe Featured^ On! All-Student Weekly Stage Show li. s^urity g.Od hobls p no a death by a hiilita -y court atjC Istyn today. They! ■Were accused (f| spy ing for an ;utinamed .fort*ij: n| epi- :bas ^y- • Ljj, I j ONLY FtllL-TIME STUDi|nTS GET RAIS 3 FROM VA « WASHIiNgTON, Feb. 18 Higher living allowances f > erans in scl|ooil will be grantii |o’ full tihitj students, the i Vi tj Administration sjaid yesteniai'. Part-timi| students, an-|l e-jrrb trainees a ltd (ttljiers, are no en titled to, riises provided in' bill signed by iPrjesifflept Triim^i^ list Saturday, VA attorneys *aitl i The rate*! brtoinejeffectivf 1, and Will hie pajrd for tl time in checkw May 1. ! ERNEST CH I3EK The Singing Cadets, seventy strong, will leave A&M this week-end for Denton to appear on the weekly stage show presented by the students of North Texas State College. The Cadet^ will feo by chartered huts at! college expense. | Although this group is onl^ ten years old, it has become ♦ popular throughout the state and |itch ; yfcar travels hundreds, of fniles to fulfill engagements. It ilso, presents college - sponsored broadcasts ovier Radio Station WT AW .’bad appears on the Town Hall heries. .j M i Jj • i; | ■ L; ThV Singinig Cadets Were firtt organized in 1938 by J. Jj Woolket, head: of the modern language de- parthient. Firkt known as the A&M Glee.; Clubj the name was later thanged to the Singing Cadets af ter naming contest was held. Aggie-nizers Featured Cite of the j best known features pf the Kinging Cadets isj the Bar ber Shop Quartet who recently re- Jiam^d themselves “The Aggie- hizejw”. This quartet is composed jof falph Wheat, senior animal )&ndr Holman WiUDo Fat Research Work At A&M By R. L. BILLINGSLEY Dr. Ralph T. Holman, interna tionally recognized authority In the field of biochemistry, has joined the college staff, according to Hen derson Shuffler, director of pub licity. | ■ j ’ , He will direct the building (jf a Tiselius apparatus, first of fits kind ih the country, for research in the chemical Composition of Veg etable and animal fats^ Shuffle^ stated. : Ajfter spending a year of post- doctpijate study in the department of biochemistry of the Medical Nof bel jlnsititute in Stockholrn, Swe-i den,; Holman worked four! months i fff-st! with Professor Arne Tiselius at the nlSlied ori fiDer ! Physical Chemical Institute, yp- ! i t $ oved SCOTT. SWC HEAD, NOW RECOVERING GALVEsfrON, Feb. 18 The condition of pr. Gqiyl of Texas': Christian;! Univ^rs: presideht'o:' the 5 outhwest 7 Conference was slightly-in yesterday. j ! ' i Officisils at Johif jSealy I wheiT S4bt)fc rtndhwtetrt an 1 lion, for, a hrjir ttimorij si|i, patient was cbnncidus dlirtii: the morni ^j j ) • I '' JL : ANGljo - ARNSiNE FllSS OVER LI KAN l! SI J! , LOUDON, heb. 18 —Mere- were ofiprt.s i)n London jye|;tj? :ilay that tranium i dDpofsits jihigk be the prize s mrgirg t!hc cujrr«tK dis pute ever possession of |th* il Lloak Falkland I:dands, far dtevns ijn the Kouth 'Athintic. I * J H )• Uraniuoil is bisie minerid, jsed in the-powlpcti m of atoinic pijn ifgy- Britain !|nncunce(fl Monday that her Souith Ath niic flagship, p ige- ria, is steaming toward thf (Falk lands tol'Mihov the'flag 1 !* i aj > ihat the govenj'mer t considers E{ r territory; [ > L i4 L NEGROfeS M ILL SERV"E fcfcj MISSISSIPPI JURY LAURE1, Mb;.. Feb. 18 |4<. The -first pfegrte.s to serve Jones Cbu|ity, itfish., gjrw were sworn in VjteadaSy- An ment was Supreme (tour!; ground that no the grand juriy charge, quashed! ast BRITAIN'S CAL CHARGESI “A l * 5 LONDON, • Fei). 18 -d/R' MI rit- m, ain described Russian canted government aft peace talk*! wit 1941, at Lisbon A foreign of ijee a news con fererjde of that kind arouse haird fe try.'] . jf' . I sala, fSweHen. Here he became familiar with- the new apparatus developed hy the Swedish scientist which enables. the__res<taiicher to break fatty sub stances idtiwn into the.if eompope^^f' fatty acids of as nearly a pure state as |s possible. K ! j By this method it is possible te make a reasonably accurate anal ysis jof the composition of a given fat compound. Such informat)ion would! be extremely valuable tq manufacturers of soaps, shorteji-j ings,; and cither fat compounds. I K A giftduate of the agricultural biochemistry divisi<in>of the Uni versity of Minnesotia, Holman took his masters degree!at. Rutgers andi ber,” Turnej- said, returiiedl to Minnesota for his doM torato. After spending two years as an instructor at the Universit !>>' | the iveifik, tish rsity, . ft of Minnesota medical school took hb study in Swollen as a fellow of the National Resenret * ,ii '. •. t' Council] V a tiry ict- §iite grqes'i setVei Tiifh jmiuje L RUSSIA? RURD” ; allsuiidi y< tionfe itl empted i tq Gemarjiy q S^pt. i pok^soisin * tection would bk pixividejd U. S. Preafdenli anti the 'Mr. Truimin w 11 Visit Go’', Jtsiis T. Pinero. 'The hand him j a vf independence. Congress : ex p ?,et! (o' ptten nequpst for INDICT BiENN ON INCOME Tt TIM( BALTIMORE A Federal! Gra indicted retired E. Meydrsi on e ton. f ir vestii ation in \’ East Tdxas: continue night ■Thursday, winds on West T continued night and I '. PUERTO PUERTO RICANS WILL FOR IN DEPEN >ENCE SAN WAN Feb. 4-8 —(A*) youths asking picket Presiden urday. Col.-, Salyadm police chief, sji ,VSK IRICQ, Police said Utp lay Ij idependinc; {w< uld e Ti-jumalii b $at4 Roigs, tpr IE\MEVER$ \X CH ARGE Eeli, 18 ^ ijid Jury ye»ter lay MU j. Gin. Rini itt targes tjiat jie ^ V 11 * ded $15,658 woi ;hi if i'liicbrieilta^eu in 1941,' 'I Ml Meyers Was tl No. 2 equipmerj war andi centra mild ,bd i-i e 4rmyjj Ai d Fqi cie i ring tn ies buyeriduring the figure! or : a sjen- WE 1THER Pai-tly thiu aftien bon, rstlay.' light railn n sou|h\\|est sind ixtrdi. south portions thin afterr oon pd tonight arid near he uppWr «Mist Thur sday. Moderate sjduthqrly the cfsaslt. txas: Partly ctdi mild thb afttert. I \ Six Classes Will Hold Reunions During Semester r ' 5k -i sltei day Six class, reunions are scheduled for the current seme§t(u- accbiiling to J. B. Hcrvey, assistant! sjecretary of the Association of Former iStte dents..!;) • , Mi j jl J i 1 J! u|l The first two of these, will b(> April 2*1-25 when the classes <f|j 1923ian(ji 1913 celebrate .their tWenU ty-fifth :hnd thirty-fifth respective, anniversaries. These reunions will' be mixed affairs with the families of the members also invited! M; E. R. Alexander of the agricul tural education department 1 isj chairman of the local arrangements! committee for the class of ’23,j . M while Ernest Lartgford of the ar--i ..Li.iT'i, 1 0KI I chitdet department and T. R. Spend i i at ( j I cer'of the College Construction De-| arej- calculptedj t0 partment are handling the arrange-: MW ,n cdun- ^ ents for the class * { •!! A section of the baseball stadium! will also be reserved for the ekes and theit families, Hereby added] Following this on May 15-16] the class of 1933 will hold its fifv] jteenth dhtiual reunion. ]; , . ish start Student Senate ■New Stjudenf Senate repre sentatives are to be elected from Dorms 12, 14, 16 and Leggett Hall, Trailer* Camp Area, Bryan Field Vet Village and the Freshman Corps, Tom Lams, chairman of the Sehajte Flection Committee aniioupp- ed yesterday, j . j | i f .; I Laros emphasized that wjjen t}io ballots'are mailed in, the student casting the ballot must sign full name in order to avisid jfie possibility of ballot-box stuffing. Students in the Trailer Area and Bryan Field Vet Village must fill out and sign the ballot and either mail it to the Election Committee, Student Activities, College, i or bring it to Room 209, Ooodwjn Hgll. Deadline for turning in ballots for Wed- mut Quiram,! fish and game major from Waco, l|ass; and Buddy Boyd vophpmore fijom Fort Worth, bari tone] ! The Singing Cadets arid the Ag- gie-iiizrirs arje under thf direction pf Bill Ttirrter, who also directs the Aggieland Orchestra. Turner tookiover thrise organizations when he came tp A&M ip 1944. Wilsori Is President Whitney Wilson was chosen ipreBident of the Singing Cadets for the Current ^car; Bill Evans, Fort Worth, was elected vice-president; dlelmut Quiiiam became business |maimger; T. J. Byrd was selected Iasi librarian; and James Jones was jehoeen as reporter-historian. Although the Cadets usually (fiirtV.A CapoUa, Leonard M, Per|t- pophomore business student of ip piaho dur- these areas has been set for nesday noon February 25. if | ; Ballots will he distributed to the Annex Corps by a member] of the Election Committee. The qbmnjiit- tee will also gather and count the ballots Tuesday night, February 24. Qualifications for candida|es' oth er than Freshman Corpsirepresen tatives are a 1.25 grade poitft aver age, sophomore or gbove Classifi cation, and] residence in the area they will Represent. Application blanks may be obtained at Student Activities, 1 Room 209, (joodtvin Hall. , 11 .j, F’reshman Corps qualifications are a 1.25 grade point average iind residence in the area theyVexpect to represent. Application ; blanks may be setcuired from Mrs. A ,1n Hilliard at the Student Cehterj , : 1 Vets-Wives (!lul»‘ m * T' ; I. | ’ To Reorganize And Change Name ' G ;•; HEATER A&M CO ! vl H 1 . HT !■ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,19 E. L. WILLUMS Director Short Course: Miller, Lewis To Lead Experiment Staff Conference M ; ill :’! • Dr. J. C. Miller, bend of the ani mal husbandry department, and di rector R. D. Lewis o :i the Experi ment Station will pretent the pro gram at the tponthly Experiment Station staff ccinferer ce to be held at 3:30 p. m., Friday, February 26. Dr. Miller will discuss the func tions of the livestock idvisory com mittees appointed from producer organizatons tp work with the ani mal husbandry department. Lewis will present j the proposed program for Bluebonnet Farm, which was presented to A&M last month after two years of negotia tions. The March conference to be held March 10 wifi feature a discussion of the effects of 2, 4-J) on cultivat ed plants. Dr. A. A. Dunlap will be chairman of fhe conference and leader of the djiscuss Others scheduled oh the program arc W. C. Davis, Dr msinei ofrth,, plays th ing rehears;: Is. | “Anyone currently enrolled in sdhopl who jean pass the audition teste is eligible tV become a mera- The Ex-Service-Men’s Wive Club has been reorganize^ ptid will now be known as a Bridge lancUSo- cial Club, Mrs. Ruth Sheipoorg, | 1 club reporter, announced t^tiayi. A membership drive is underway j 1 and a|I.iwiv4» interested/ln .playing 1 bridge or learning ho^tiii play! art invited to attend the/next meeting, February 19, Mrs./Sheinberg; ad ded. i ; . ./ “Attending thb Bridge Club is an excellent way to meet other it. D. IL Bowman, jiml Dr. A; L. Harrison. P II ReligiousWee Holding Serf Penn Stater To Xj O J]; n|T Participate In Drivers Course Carl G. Seashore of Penn State College will take part in the Motor Vehicle Fleet Su pervisors Short Course to be held here, February 23-£7, E. L. Williams, director of the Industrial Extension Service, announced today. “The course is designed for safe ty engineers, supervisors, person nel directors/and training officers of motor vehicle fleet operating agencies,” 7 Williams said. Such problems as selecting and training drivers, reducing highway accidents, conserving equipment, building favorable public relations, arid improving management and driver-customer relations wfl} be included on the agenda for the 4-day session. ..: h j A mptor transport training divi sion under the direction of Russell FitzPatrick has recently been ad ded as part of the Industrial Ex tension Servibe, which will conduct the short course, Wilhams pointed out. ? ! ! j l K ' ; “There are two gr book of nature anijl the and God is the autHc r of ing minister for the A&r statement yesterd^ in M w. - Number 115 J l^r’l f ■l u Ckurches ! 'MM i I world today: the «! eontkihini the Word of God thj’1 isaic Dr,]G. C. Brewer, visit- lu^ch of Cmrist. He made this cing hfe two-fold outlihe, bd Is” and “God Is the Author 6t All Truih.” > U : sermon was one of over a rlbzen | delivered yesterday : i n churdfos In, the Bryan and College $tation arcfi in carrying out. their share of th< program for Religious Etnphnsis ! Veek. ; By takinii illustrations from both and science, Df. Brewer i*|di out that truth jloes exist natural world, an I that bp- of t u* Master Designer, th does jnot vary. Erch of the ustraitionfj was vconcluded by the itement In the twelfth chapter Job,:“Who doesmt know that in ill these! his? J! I ! [|| DR. G. C. BREWER Church of Christ Quick! Get The Fire Extingui|her!! -— ; r~ | ‘f-j -H ^ Hpeaker Trtrf E. C. Tullis, JAPS ATE!LIVERS OF AMERICAN FLYERS TOKYO, ij'ob. 18—lAO-j-A woman yesterday Was charged with serv- iOg Americin, airmen’s livlers at a Japanese officer^ mess r She is Sliigako TsUjtSui, fprmer army nufse j and the first Japanese wbnian slated for trial on war atrocity charges. She and 27 men co-dicfendants are accused of kill ing eight B-29 fliers in medicgl experiments. '• Enirollment Goes Over 7,700 Mark Emiollitiient for the current semester *as 77112 on February l6; the deadline for registration. This figure is only 40 below the enrollment of 7752 of one year ago. ;/ j' ! ] i/J * t-f wives interested in talk ing] hridge, j versity’s babies, or BroccrjeB.'This id! a opportunity to make new and improve same ume Meetings are Debaters M Be jHosts To I r Team Monday U . I i' • I [The Aggie Discussion and De bate Clul» will entertain Texas tlni- day/evOning at 7:15 in, the 'Cabinet Room of the YMCA. Cokes are Served during the games, and first and second high prizes are gfven at each meeting, j Wives are also invited fo come to the meeting rind play ginS-i’ummy bingo, or any other acceptable card game. Duesv.are 50 cents jfor the winter semester, 25 gents ; for, the - spring semester, and 15 cents eSch meeting to pay for theij bridge prizes and cokes. Sau Angelo Club to Elect Officers Thursday Evening * • ; j • • ' j I jjj ; A special meeting of <!he San Angelo A&M Club has beep called for 7:30 p. m., Thursday,’to elect officers for this semester* The mdeting will be held hi the Agriculture Building. , inter-colh giatc debate i a good | team Monday at 7:3) p. in. on the frijends) seqond floor of the YMCA at a n . n „„ ... at; tt, ; WTjto mwrtjt rf h, A*M d»l,. ‘^WnhJS “wlS, of the ’ u a - uUl ! r E m(,U £ ° f ’f f' VBhsh dc ‘I different divisions in the contest, held each Thurs- part ment anpounced today. Contest For Pipe Puffery TA Challenge Endurance Prowess ! 1 j. 1 - ■ - i Dp. Brewer’s subject for tonight bfei “Dill Christ Visit and Die By ARTHUR C. M \NN Someone will probably turn in a fire alarm the night of February 25, thinking with perfect right that the YMCA is afire. .11 That will be the night of the Greater A&M Pipe Smoking En durance Contest, and billowfi of clean white smoko are expected to shame the usual College Station fog. The College Station ('onfcction- aries and the Philip Morris tobacco] company, makers of Bond Street Tobacco, are awarding prizes oflj expensive pipes and large litis of Cotton Howell, tenior liberal arts student, and Charles D. Kirk- hajm, a sophdtnore electrical engi neering student, will debate against the University team onjthe sinject, “Resolved: That a Federal World Government Should be Establish ed,’ 1 ' aqccfrding to M. A. Huggett, faculty sponsor of Ihe Discussion and Debate Club. John E. Regan and James Hipp will meet thb; University team in a practice debate sometime Mon- Other \ practice debates are day. scheduled to be heljrl before Mon day’s; speech ejassesl All students and faculty mem bers are invited to attend the Mon day night meeting to hear the de bate, Elmquist added. Emil F. Huhka department iri lii elia nients for the debate. Jl ’~*ir' of the English rge of amahge- I i ■ fl J , ' / 1 1 , .; . , 1 , r ? ! . —-—u|..— .. jyf-r-- ■ “ 'j'r| u • 1 j:— 1 ...—7~r ^ yr-'.^Tj 1 H,, r v ^ A Cunning, Mysterious, Inscrutable Ca se, Indeed Pipe smokers jwho yearii to get in the contest should-contact Vick; Lindley in the Battalion office In Goodwin Hall. The only prerequi sites are the strength to hold a pipe and the: breath te keep it lighted. Entrants in the contest will be assigned to one Of three divisions according to the sizes <rf theiij Flight Sign-up To End Friday Registration Trir Aeronautical Engineering 22,1. Plight Train ing, Will remain open through Friday, February 20. ^ - All students, except frtshnien, are eligible to make application. X — 1 “t" :\ jnsi lar adequate 1 vo- th the etirs. ! Case of Disappearing Billfolds inspector Slkkman of Aggieland i •[ I .MV' . . r : it, , I -. i . .'I I hh? 1 ; ■ •/’ ■ i m, Ihspeptor cio jqy nshi *■/; ; Also Scheduled, for thisjfcemestci:[; are the reunions of the Bull Ross group j! consisting of classes frotrli. kteteVh T u ) 1892 through 1902, during ffiom-j! MOrt '^ ^bui mencement on June 4-5, and the; ov rt : tne bowl of his oversize Meer- calsses of 1908 arid 5-6.!!! j! 1938 on June! _ i The will 1 obi as ja iind . ■ vit Offices Will | Be Closed Monday - Veterans f Administration serve- Monday', February 23]] holiday since February 22jii' Washington’s birthday, frills on Sunday.' this year, J. R,. VarneU,- VA contact represeritative annouite ced' todiy. The U r eternns Administration; Oifr! fices at Bryan will also be clpselti on Mortday. !■ ;j AM.iRlLLO ORGANIZES , N EGRtt ijTNIOR COLLEGE I J AMARILLO, l Texj, Feb. 18 UP» iA negtp icollege for Amarillo has been approved. The new* evening Junior College for Negroes was! au^horiped Monday night by tnls-i tees of! Amarillo college. ' i The School, as yet unnamed and! unstaffed will accept students from the Alriarillo school district e* clusively. '.I. ' J ; . j By FRANK KNEUFFER . ifSee ed torial, “Crime and Funishmlent,” on Page 2.) Fred Slickman of Ag- d settled back in his held a lighted match .• schaum, j puffed- deeply several times, arid blew a cloud of smoge. Herwrigglcd further back into his ehniir and g*zed long into the leap ing fire before he cleared his throat amfsp^kb. { , , . | iT ‘^During my extensive career of law-enforcepient I have matched wifti witdi many clever and diabri- lical criminals, Speeders, over- packers, step-light runners, side walk 'spittejrs and bu|b-snritcheirs aixs legion aimotig those I have ap prehended, but there stands out in my mind one special case that tow ers] head-apd shoulders above all the; others ip cunning, daring, mys tery and inscrutability. That was the Case of the Disappoaring Bill- foWs. > j l; . ; ‘fin 1!)46j when the great in- fluK of ietdans began and A&M was swampbd under the deluge, we of Aggielaijd Yard did not have Jtinte to sicresn each applicant as Is our usual custom. Instead, all sorts |4Utypes labored through regis- and began attending cb we had no ideal of ,tion, church meml revious condition of ser r brand of tobacco amok ^ 81 iU: , | i . -yi im?';; ; | Naturally t|ihk disturbed His, but j were not the same ak on the others, we carried on vn our great Aggie-' “Soon the vobberips began again land Yard traditiori> f j “However, our fuilure^blanie- less as we‘ are, it was no^thelcss our failure-—became quite poon ap parent. In a riiatter of dayS a whole series of baffling robberies* wris re ported from the old New Afea. And each of the thefts bore! tlhe Same identifying marks—we dbteqtives have a way about noticing: Dvings like that | . “Of course we posted dpr most trusted operatives in thb! florm where the thefts were committed. That was as much to qpiet the fears of the residents there as anything, but we made b^Ktesp. Several nights we observed the same man leaving various ■ rooms and soon thereafter a robbery was reported from the same ropm. This aroused our curiosity. “We wore all set lo pah fellow when the semester en and all the students were! m to other dorms. That set us somewhat” The inspector got up frt>m his chair and walked over to the fire place. He tested his hea<i oh the tall stone mantel and gazed into the fire sotefci minutes befpre con tinuing. hi ; ij “The new semester s with a bang—someone tried to blow up Ross Hall, but we decided that the identifying marks of that job sion ofhplgnt morphology, my fav- avocationul study, and I for got to mentiriiK the missing bill- foir —this time In the] Pre-Cambrian Area around Milner and Mitchell. Again we spotted the same bloke whose presence wa$ always noted at the Other! crimen. I personally xgad coffee with the bounder one morning to try to luire him out, but we became interested * n a discus- gnt morpho orite avocationul study, and I for- ot ds. “Then came another new semes ter, new moving, inei^ robberies, this time radios, electric razors and the like. Thi situation became so acute that I asked, the fellowAo. drop by my office for a chat on the subject, and wh le he was there a most singular thing occurred.” We sat on the edge of our chairs while the ini pector took his own sweet timex re-lighting his (pipe and resuming his seat. Ten seness hung, in th<| air like new- swept dust gsi we i waited the de nouement of ;this thrilling episode. At length the inspector spoke: ■'“I had just asked him to give me an explanation of the strange coincidence of his presence at every purloining of a billfold on the cam pus, when my friends of the State off Highway Patrol'dipve up beneath the window, got out of ; the car and started into th ; building. They were • fev minutes early li for our daily cribbageNlutej But the spspCct in my office let his mind run away with him— hf thought they had come to get him!. He confessed on the spot and led us to (the various spots on the cam- pUs Where he had concealed the billfolds once he had emptied them of their negotiable contents!. There were seven in all, I believe. “I did not hold him in custody,, but asked him to return Ihe next day to submit to further ques tioning. “He returned the next day as I had requested and we began the inquiry. Oh, it was a simple matter to' amass all the evidence we need ed to expel him from school. How ler, we mentioned turning him over, to the civil authorities, and that was our mistake. “He asked to b« allowed to run out for a Sandwich after which he would retunr. We let him go; He hasn’t been seen since ” The inspector fumbled a feW seconds with some apparatus, then pushed a hypodermic needle into the soft underside of his arm. Thtit done, he smiled ad us coyly. Wp stared back at him, our eyes thri distended, pur mouths agape, oi egos awed and humbled in the pre sence of such a greatness. pipes. The first class |h the hrkvy. weight group, eonsis||ng of phi.! bashes, wechsels, iiiiul asstipted stems with kegs uttiirhed to koii- tain the weed. j! .. Metal puff-boxes oil ihe KU ktqn type make up the 8]>< on<t U mp. Those pipes; ate segjegated, roiir the others because the . udges | onj't 1 recall a previous conic it iin rtiich metal bowls wen* entered. In ] inie' metal howls will proUibly In ak-j similated, but until thl>u thk*y hurt hide, thejr time. The third class of ikimi-sni uppers i^ prosaically «jn led “j aid,” whjieh means ijw isual ep largeinor-small Dr. Paul J. Woods, of ■thl'i tory department ami Vick My of the Battalion staff been,selected to judgt the c< Both of; these men Vre 'di, pipe- stem-chew.ers and can b*] almost anytime followj^K u rt 1 ptep-bowl around the icampi . third judge is to be riamecl bf fojiri the coritjesi ■’ '• |[- .jl!{'] Contestants will gja .her iini Chapel pf the YMCA: the e’ ! ' of February 25. am? rocel measured amount ojf j tobai smoke ip their own pl ; ges will! wander arou^ ses, pointing to occadi: ants who must then judge’s satisfaction tbjij are still “alive." Af!t firing-up no more fir! ijg-qp * inittecj. j t’We are going inp[ this | ff|h| with j open minds,” [ “rind we welcome any about tnc contest. W t(. do ik break the LSU man who kept iji 64 miruites.” !i ii. ‘Who e tjii 4 ings, God hath done n Other Plaiiets?” Ser- e in the A&M Church J t 7:15 p. m. He has a thei th indley jsuggeif^ it jWej ConS oi pipe iU kT1 iifir Beings t oes twill 6tjpig| .. ?cn j priest { speaker, for three oc- wsjbnsl todhy, having also addres- ted tlb jChiirch Ladies ClasS, and the Bryan j Rotary Club. He was tehedt led jo speak over WTAW tei»! alteljiujon at'4:30 p, m. ai I Revt-rpnd Joseph Harte from the ■A ll-Samts (Church, UMivorsity of fexhb ClHattel, will speak on “The thulrcli”'tepight at 7:15 in the St. Thomas Ghjupel. He will hold ser vices Ihroiijgli Thursday eevning. Bis|h"P Uohn E. Hines, coad- juter of jhe Diocese of Texas, will le at It he Episcopalian chap el at 11 i. m. Sunday for con- 'firtnation (services. . •• ;! Rev. r Gnady Hardin, principal ipeaker fcjr Religious Emphasis r ec*k, spol4> this, morning jin Guion all to fmejulty members and stu- mts. i He jiS scheduled to speak ain totmrrow at 10 a. m. Dr. lertrgc T, jEddii] of the SchOol of i*t4frirjnijp jmec^icine, is the orgjan-i jThc !“pa(itor of the governors”, tey. GjoiTedt C. Freezor, Is spepk- ng daily A the A&M First Bgp- Ist ChurcB. He is pastor of the firat. ^ ' ' Rcvdj chkidlain who" is a graduate Upifersity of Cincinnati, isi for the uiu«l If „ , he j guest Speaker rorin(|i Uon] He is i»rescritly Rabbi 1 ' ‘ 1 iili San .AntoiiSo] Uaval f' the I e gujest iditit) Iff Ihc Drt i From ' Aijlst] [I'LuidBL at Ihe Stj Mary's Chapel, He Is ‘ now ] the assistant chaplain for j .the Newnj Austin’s (!hapel jmes Rev. Michael i Austia : .. khoj ir conducting services t , sity loir T« xas. i Reve eni the; fir; an •onid ..byte’’ 1 Hon. Ubbn fi'oin Jt-hii aSck idlis Developme Ahead ofScfeedi|le The development fi of the Former Student * Assoc is well ahead of the prigram comparable period i uring Dick Hjervey announc *1 yestejrd Reports compare fb; oruhl 1946, which was the |*kssoci: best year, he -said. The fund is being icheratei straight calendar yeai-'irist ( the fisbnl year basis! ted ha: since the Association kjounlcil ged it in the spring f change was made to felirti confusion as to the ilate beginning and end of the ment fund program ee of such a greatness. (Ed. Note: The stangest thing out the Case of the Disap- Billfolds is that ; ! ; ’ ' ! ■ about pearlng true.) ii-" McCully m Experiment H nd protrim °M 19S17; SI tioji’i Wayne G. McCully, a assistant in the biolog \ depa has been named assistant leader in the brush ei ididati control program, Director Lewis of the Exper teen has announced. \ .! McQully received gree iii range manai ice rado A&M in 1846, *ur doing graduate work ent of range and 15, 1947.: ork us a jc lastor jof Church; of fto.Bryikn 11; an Club at the: Dniver- Tj Dyal, nastot i Presbyterian Church, ib services for the Prcit (Jhureh of College Rtaj receiving hi^ dischar Navy where he serve ^ap ain, Rev. Dyal the Third Presbytoria Houston until be move 1945. Scramble Contest Winner to Enter Jh A&M in September Winner Of the first 82,000 sihob arship jofffcred to participants irt jja HoUfitor Fat jStock Show calfi scramble ^as fifteen-year-old L. O. Tiedt, Jlf, Tiedt, i La Grange High •School Beriior, wMl enter A&M in the fall:] ’he ajrt ful | f . The sjjih^larship, open to succesi- calf . rmrticijpants j scrambl! in the 1947 tvas.offered by the Firat Natioina|l Blank of Houston, and was [baled! not bnly on the development and Ji»andl ng- of the | contestant’s DU lugii ,m ;n;, field lid ii ii^- u* i His : uunusnipiii'p Ik; allso on the excellence in riiainitaibi^fr records Of gains and calf, man an will spe scholar m feeding methods and on high stan ing in sth<tel work.'The schola divided jnl o $500 a year, wil for a cqmiilete course here. Judgeh i i this year’s contest were E. E. M|cQjillen, extension director of the jeo lego development (fund; Minor Huffman, Boy Scout execu tive for the area, and Gen. R. E. Kuldell, chairman of the agricul tural cemputtec of the Houston Chambck- <if Commerce. Jira ' ’ufker, Houston insuya breeder of Hereford cal s >r and award next year i i, also of $2,000. I 111 if program. [if ‘J I, I ■■4 yll Trainee To Report Frida to. repoi are 20, HI CL itl - VII trainees wbb to Sbisa Ha\\ on Mon- Febr mry 16, will be expected there on Friday, Febvtt- ween 8 a. m ; and 4 P- ra. i tlechek, trailing .ofifeet;, terans Administration apnoun- inee who has not |frc- training program should cjr to that time andpbring to the Veteran’s Lounge Hall. .T^T