Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1948)
Bp'' .EATre CES| FALL II STORES EW V NEW YjORKi Feb. II. S. stockjand ipp’ain m osed ycstrrdajf' but exi ! '• «e rest nervous anji Timtartain ini - of the severe bneak in prices in tHe Ur te<l Sta ;The three bifi U. S. si facturers—iProctor & Gaiiib | cr Brother<|'nnd LolKnte-Pa (jPeet—dropped wholesale ^ ar cent F^ts a^i 1 oils usi d . ■ soap have dropped re<jcrftl .More New York food 13 fell in, line belji nd the |bir stores’ ip pjtfcc sjiashes. The bijf ichai cuts .averaged ;cr Brothe . fe-dre percent. . . inft soap 1 Nr I if flv, I : I J |v ■ i I IS m i 1, COLLEGE STATION (Aggietandli, TEXAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 184* COSTA RJCA NIPPER IN B ■ | l, 5 SANJOSE, 13 —(iW—Troot I today a plot Ricp’s governing: mer president f dia. MUST AllLO TO SWIM IN CHA^LlSST Thri to has been d rect<|*i Boh Moore to .use its mpnicij \ any time it is o; with equal ‘ ~ | TOt A CHEATER A&M COLLEGE nd Activities m ound Ifi peiicefet 5BELLI oncert, ege, Columbii ’ Hall, Monday jORTA KWmi Wealver has preSented fecK bliore student conferenceB", laynTen WgaStLi, civic SelCaldjrotWar- **<* ^ k 'O M P 11 ! D • * : ^L ^CT^AA u 11 if- ASM College Receives $75,000 NEC ROE' il S I '• professor! at Stephens since, j. 1934. | ■ | • 0 ■ a.I ■ , . •ffi i'llJ-ii knr|. |f if, He 4 also director of the Btnlrall Inpi ' 1 • 1 .rt ! 1 1 1 1X1 1- * ' ! If Sumlliyi. School !<31as» at Stcphc ijs. I kv A H| KOGAOreh atlH I 0^^11100 SEIZEP DS • l! ). K! _-r,P) _ COMMUN STB IN CUBA^ rA HAVANA, fL and Army agejn ,s. madtji arrests and raid:; Wed no* in Matanzds pirovincc ijnij erriment csnnpaii| n againijit e •'Yiists NK NEfiROESi I IN, w. VA„ Fid , in of Motiteoii lory by Fee) permit Meg re [>$ to »I .swimpii igi mV or pil|ivi le’ faciiltifp. Yale University, he has liceli a professor! at Stephens since 1934. lie is also director of the Butjral) Sunday!. School Class at Stepheiis. A rnejmber of numerous religious, cm j scientific and philosophy councils, ml 3i dgro "Whas heen recojrnized in both;the up hi DIP TAFT THINKS DIP MAf | HAVE SOLVER SPIRAL f ^ ST. PAUL, MINN.. —Senator |TafI IR-Ohid ;s|iH||{ies- terday' tbi t a reient ;«!p| i commodity marlfetis may hlivi LONDON, fob. 13 ~ aid’s Labojr C overnnK‘i|i) anted its kUfqrt to fr<h with 'a cojnpupsory c-lanjipdo ide , range a wide prices. Sic Stal forA o r r to 'begin ivitlhin Ala., engipeejdn consulting enjjdn said today Cripps,! ved the prob ehrid spiral. : •f—- ■ i MILLARS SHOT DOAVjN TURKISH PLANES ! . . ISTABUL, fl RKEYi F|b| '/PI-—A fofiigp office |!H|>4k<| Vhi shot, dowr. two) Turk if I |srtil(lrc planes over' Bi Maria Mcuidliyl : RIGID PRlUEkjONTRMi i I I DUE FOR BRITISH i i I tie'has iieen recognized m doth) the jApieUcim Educational and Internaj- tional Who’s Who. Weaver has held Two meetings at SMU similar to the one which he will conduct here. The times for the morning meet ings ‘ will be as follow? Monday and Ttnjsday* 11 to 12; Wednesday) and Thursday, 10 to 11; and Ffi' day, 9 to 10. All classes scheduled during these hours will be dismiss ed so tljat men may be free to,at tend thq meetings. " 1 }' | nection with the college each of the j local will have guest speak- present services 4*ach night it 17:15. DR. (I. Ct. BREWER, miiiislermf the Jojckson Avenue Church of j Chris 'inphis, TennesseeJ will I bl ' th( ’ i^t speaker at the A&M f I ^ Church of Christ. Renowned i eVan- 1 . . -T.. In con prograpi churches ers arid ifact gelist, author, lecturer, debator, ind college professor, he is how Reaching in the Bible department i,I ib_ ! of Hardiri College. ;l | nffinn’ItbitkVl X.n Sorvues. in the Fiilst jChristitui olfuc |.Hp4k<$jrji,wi Clu|r( . h | )r Rl . yan wil | imuluetiyl by RKV; S. ALLEN WAI'SON. A gradUalf ( b< ‘ Southern Illinois Univjers|ty, and University of <’hii cagoj. hij has recently moved firdm Beaiimont to Bryan to accept the pastorship of the. First (Tiristiftr Church, j , i A graduate of Duke Universitvi REV. GRADY HARDIN, now as- sociate pastor of the First Metho dist ChUrch in Houston will be speaker | for the local Methodists <!uriitg tine week. , * Having had two governors,in. his church, REV. FORREST C. FEE- ZOR jis referred to as the;“paktor Of the giovefnors.” He Is now, pas- M i*- a.4 wal* 'I a|res vSi! on its’ BOON ON hi^utar tunnel beneath t)he ton Ship Chajnnel. at'Plnsadeiji Baker, vicp pres iderit pi 20' daws,! g fir eers a of the exehcquir, annpitnb government \y|il| order a ffec^ at Decemher-Janpa -y levels ,j (fffwdivo as soan^Jis it! can he id raff tip, j of prices for ill go kls covi iji'd li ’ ex- | ^ tn ^ «j° v oroors^ Me ijs poWjp isting price clntrois. h -rll ! t^'of i\\c First BapHst) rhurl;h :. •::! 1 H- {J , START WORK brw ‘ XT ! HOUSTO '.AU HOUSTON,|F St-ruction wor o tunnelf ?b. 13 V-j'/P>-i}Uon f|n a 15(19 ifoi FREEZE TO DEATH IN PANHANDLE 1LIZZA iDUMASt, T|E>{., Feb; ’PwO childr en jail 1 th^irlgi agid or! perished as a resultDif 4xi ini a stal|ei amic rtiobilhr k ot jtwo xjitbers thh h jfa ford but thanks to art T elderljy many milts tjhrfmgh get help. 4: roic 'alssadai Hrhit v mer MRS.1 KIBBR I EADS TEXAS tlO-iPA AUSTIN, Fcl 'CIO's \ Policial has, iHiewlstite line R. Kibbe o: mer executi re Texas Godd Noijghbor iCfi : Mrs. Kibbe 13 A> — Action C director jCsigpUd - good neighbor cj)mmfe*iijn gust 31, jeh^rg ng the ministration wii h blorikin forts to improve liyiqg. t of agriculkuifal BOHR. ATOM LEAVES FQR LONDON, Ft Niels Boh left Wcdi esday States, thb Dja'i jsh One of jthe :*s( in CopenHagoln that Bohr soo i “'scientific Visit” States, i , J. 1 . iamj di' as t ie pidject i Wayo. During Riligious I’imphnsis Week. hi> will be guest speaker jin i .the Fir it Baptist Church, of. Col- ‘ij lege Stai-ion, Manager of the radio station, Wally Ifierrc. has announced that WTAWl will broadcast all inlirn- ing serjtdces presented at; Guion Hall. Sin preparatjlon for this. l| 4 b iez: ' commercial engagements have ! been cancelled during those, ! hours, j " ^ i:f|l REV. DAVID JACOBSON, ex- 'Naval chaplain who 4s a graduate j of the- iUniversity of Cincinnati, will be speaker for,thc Hillel Foun dation. |le is presently Rabbi of 0 b Ure BethrEl |in San Antonio. ! l.|P' oth 5l|rat-j h % C W wiS; nilr T,..« T7n;« r rr« l Texas members of the American .J ive ,j operate the Rehg ous Wwk BUI IS IS DALLAS. ' Quarterhorse Association have do- c^of l lHo^amihy hav,ng as th^r gues CHICAGO! , , ^ted to the animal husb^ry de- \ HARTEj rector «!f Vr AU 4h”'| 'IaLLAS, Fehi L’j-'^-Bandits Chapel of Austin: A graduate Of; »>#M two' senvicp stations with ,Scc CjRAi TS on Washington and Jefferson Collegel b#lsts of machine (gun fire which in Pennsylvania, he has A&M College Receives $75,000 To Aid Research and Teaching .7 Seven Numbers Left on town flail Calendar ! f. Grants, gifts] and awards totallirig $73,175.00 in support of research and teaching have been received by the College during recent weeks, figures compiled by the office of the President Gibb Gilchrist revealed today. Gifts ranged from top; quality quartet horses to a torsion balance for the geology ♦department, Newest of the grants ;for re 1 - search support is an pllirwahco foi studies in thg properties of.fats by the Medical Sciences Division of the office of Naval Research The investigations will bo conducted by Dr. Ralph, Holman, who Has just joined the A&M staff, and pr. Paul Pearson, head of the department of biochemistry and deart of the graduate School, President Gilchrist said. , * • l By TOM SUTHlERLAND I Sgven programs, after the Sid ney, Foster show tonight, remain pri Town Hall audi jdees this se- qerfjictr, according tic Grady Elms, liSisijst int director of student activ-i {jtifoi,/ ■ 1i*' 1)/: KITCHELL. ballerina, mod- I'ltn'iiancer and class cal artist, will gli*ii-'and .hop tjA<»igh two hours j ^tjon t0 jg|pport studies iin plant: , (Schools wel6 dismissed untill WCA;ST C - 18 ' b r' V0, " nK t th rT m r t W at Gaii^vm;. Whe7 a 4,e of the world’[ most famous : e Ta^ Midwat Roletf 1^' I t ha n lu L d U | TFtt*" rihhr )S ’ ij! 1< [ VVESr *J. ,NS ‘ stitute, Kansas City, Mo., wntinues! raj^^ted trees apd wires UHUHt .will appear March its SU pp 0l . t of t he same studies with rrf - nfr - ^ ■ - e0S ap ° WirCS| ^W'Khiy Darned f|om childhood, | a K ,. ant of $2000 for this>ear. A grant of $2,(500 has |)een re ceived from the Texas Poultry Im provement Association to aid chic ken and turkey improvement work of the Agricultural Experiment The Nutrition Foundation of New York has granted $2000 to support studies in the field of amino acids under direction of Dr. C. M. Lyman. ; General Foods Corporation re newed an annual grant of $1000 to the Agricultural Experiment j ton jjrhl, Five Perish As New Cold WaVi weeps State jFive persons p e r is h e d Thusday, three of them from exposure, in r Winter’s latest bitter assault on Texas, ac cording to late Associated PmssK released, j y. t Two children and their grande mother died of exposure after be ing trapped in a stalled car near Stratford, in the Panhandl^ where a blizzard has been raging for two wijeks. A woman died of asphyxia-i lion in a Bro\ynwood hotel room, A Sherman druggist was killed when his car skidded from an icy highway. | | r| j j ■ Travelling conditions over much of Texas are bad, worse than in thl* last ice- stcirm, state mainten ance engineer G. B. Finley said. Motorist are warned to stay off] the highways arid streets unless they use tire chains. (Crops are also suffering fromj the latest addition to the severe cold wave that has taken over the m ,u Number 112 •1 ij eature Sidney Foster on Tow Cavallaro’s Orchestra to •j ; - 7 1 | T I , By JAMES D. I ELS§ Activities for the week-end!offer a full two days come in succession. L ] Leading the list is the Sophomore Ball that; p. m. This is the outstanding activity for the Sot time for all who attend. It is open to member V I icn If to™* ' : b fed . it^rtainmeht ijf they were to all stgte for the bast two weeks. |Val- whb lost much of their during a cold wAve earlier thik month got set foy another icy blast Lows of 26, to! 32 degrees are forecast for the: leg farmers winter vegetables iridbr the direction of Dr. John F. ^Vijljamson, member:* of the choir maintain headquarte rs in Pririce- toni New Jersey, Tlhe orchestra Of SAMMY KAYE is booked for U performance and ; Station. an. ;all-College Dance on April Ka.Ve’s appearance ion Town Hall ephtces the Ambasiadors of Song Wh^ cancelled the r engagement combination will-apptar on April 8. HARRY NOBLE, pianist and FRANCIS KING, attractive y >ung lyric so- prabo; compose tl is duet. The playing of wetl-kiojwn ballads, itd^-lty- tunes, and operetta seloc- lioilk highlight theii- program IB A AC STERN 'will play for Town Hall audiences on May 6. The noted violin viijtuoso, who re- confcly obtained recognition for his presentation of classical and pop ular melodies is featured. Rounding out Town Hall’s pro gram are the MADRIGAL SING ERS of North Texds State TeZch- ersvCollege and the SINGING CA DETS of A&M. ! !j f: # The low for that area was 20 degrees 3-! Corn Products Refining Company of Corpus Christi. is supporting a study of the feeding value of by- products of sorghum grains withji imumTeioci'ty' 0 a gift of 8t) tops of sorghum by- r pimluet meiils. In additiori, the company has donated $4^500 for three graduate research’ assistant- ships in this fiehU _■ . Houston, 41 ;i Waco, 24; Corpus International Minerals & Chenu- christi, 34; Brady and Wii\k 16; ca! Corporation of Chicago contn-, an(| Texarkana, 41. huted $2,00(1 to aid in studies to 1 Todays warm sunrise promises determine whether magnesium . or: a relief from the prolonged cold potassium, or both, proi|iote the j w ^ V e hoWeveij# aintl many sections intake of phosphorous ini pasture i report clearing skies and melting grasses, resulting in improved ani- j ic£. mal nutrition. This research is ; „ j headed by Dr. J. E. Adams, (he j wj a T J department of agronomy. ; f OltCF 10 LCR(l it , f ' / J . I ; J - ( f [ Studies of new insecticides are being supported with a ! gift of $500 from the AmericaniCyana- mid Copipany, New York; Dallas area reported that thje snowfall there ranged from one; to; two inches;'in depth, and was ! bajdly drifted ih highway and rail-jj way cuts. The familar blue norther which! I accompanied the cold wave was de creasing in violence as it continued! | ithwaixi, having attained a max-! j f 50 MPH at Du) J mas. jl.ow tempei)Ati|res reported ovei] th^ state werb: Abilene and Big Spring, 14; El Paso, 17, Austin, 23; Discussions At Isotope Seminar ice tpnight ip Sbisa Hall at 9 lass ianti promises to be a good jphoimoire Class and their dates members of , the Senior Class. Ipusing Office already has 137 name* on the list for room, reser vations plus 18 that are being held In I reserve for girls from TSCW./ For ] those who arc riot in the Jophomore Class and whose names 4tart With a letter from P-Z, there Wi|| be a double-header basketball (rajme in He Ware Field • House starting at 6 p. m. The first game dll Re between thtf Aggie Fish- leits t)nd the Rice B team, followed' lyl tho varsity game. I • k II I 1 ■< 1 Foster Plays at Guion, k Anyone not intcrasted \n wpotts, . and wjho is not in the Sophomore Class | canj see a Town Hall show jin Gu on Hal). Sidney, Foster brilliant young American pianist, will presenlt a program of classical and scmi-dassical music. The pro gram j is scheduled to start at ^ p. m. Admission for thosb who do not have season tickets will lie 60r* oji students, their wives, and chip for others. Caivullaro Featured Saturday $nt[irday night will begin With Cjivallavo show,, in Gi]iioii 7 p. m. Featured on (thiH ill be songs by the hjand the •: 'I 's;. ’ ■ 1 jnrmtn TOgiiim w{i'l he songs hy the bn: Iteuturp acts. Included in't sialty acts is the dance team of Claire jand Day-who do theii'- ‘'eHitn of the rhumba, waltz,lain other continental dances. program also includes Cavuj- Do’s arrangenients of sndh popu- ! ail tunes ap Jalousie, Rhumba Ma- jrifli, Iiterfriezzo, and Anitra's Boh- gi«. (Josephine Rangan, lyric so- irtmc, will sing Romance, froip ‘D(-sir( Sting”, Linda Mujer, am! T()mptutio>| Fantasy. Many other j‘eatut'es Will be presented on the irpgijaln which is divided into two rtsl - ' Imlmediallely following .thiV'Corif' ■ert |n (iriion Hall the Sfr. Valeni it e Dance and presentation-of the Hi! beauty! nominees from fBCW will begin in Sbisa Hall. Cnvjillaro Avi|ll ijurniah the music. lopiinccs are Colleen Cox, Con- Wily. • Aiki, Betty Crumble, Haw* djis, iTe-rena iuHMr, Victoria, Bar- i|ra WilliamS. Depton, seniors; Jp . n Dobbs, Menard, prances Gran* ry,j Mineral Wells, Joan Moorq, Graduate of 1930 Advance Geology $ehol4fsh||) Establishment of the “Michel T. Halbouty jEello^lsh in Geology” at A&M was announced today by E E. Me flu len. director of the A&M Development Fund. The fellowships, to assist geology graduates! h* worker their way through undergraduate studiesl to corrnB additional courses, is financed^ | 1-- through a gift from Michel T. Hal- , , . Ui, ,,1 bouty, Houston petroleum engi neering consultant and A&M grad uate of 1930. ■ H I!: A seminar on radioactive anjil 1 Co) I ege l bursts of machine igun fire which booh It! narrowly] missed jibe attendants, m lijittee Mrs Dau- San Auto li ,i for- secre)a r> (fj the his preseht pastorate for five ypaijs.]! (dipt oft a policemdii s cap and es- REV. A. T. DYAL. pastor of the! calfed with nearly! $300 in cash | here yesterday. $300 WO! 3C U. 81 b. Ill r, parish ktohi for It! ientijslf: three: jw WQUild «. h. I’OSTEON E Di- > AY IN PALESTINE DAMASCUS, SYIH4 '/Pi—Surcos ;clo: e to ijhifc unteer army: coijanianj sa ; J as b ten |)osit BoliticiUjapf .diplonji; opinents ipi Cai 'o atuj q capitals” caiiis^i the posthfc the fnfo: 4 Day" Tor i the Arah.Ii Palestine’* jew;, repo Feb. 15, ‘ hants ^aid. .WEATHER! East Tfxas: Cloud; cloudy., Occasioi lal rain east. Not !so co d in w^sjt! this afternoon. Partly continued cold 1 tonigh tures 18 Ho! 28 in ir tfljrj ten to 18 Oxtrimc njoiith 32' to 32 cjoastal sejctio lower Rio Grai de V|il Saturday (pgrtlj clou<jly|^ er. Moderate {0 frqs! Senior Rin«; Dance Changed to May 14 T Avoid Conflict The npw fellowship, to hje award ed hy the’ faculty of the] geology department of the college to a ! student' “who has earned ii part or all of his way through college dur- , , . ing his undergraduate years, who stable isotopes wil be held Satuift has graduated from A&M, who day, February 14, at 10 a. m. iri needs financial assistance! for fur-: , the Agricultural. Experiment Sta* | ther study, and who fmebrely de- J tibn conference room, according to; s j rc8 il0 ta ke advantage of a year, an announcement made by Profcs- 0 f graduate study ih the field of sor Carl E. Ferguson. ! geology,” Halbouty specified. i, y T !rsqv “I the Agricultural Experiment Sta-' ' ; tipn bi cooperation with the phj)-j “albouty, who lives 4t 1635 sics and biology departments. ! Hawthorne, Houston, graduated in; Dr. J. G. Potter of the physijrs | geology and Petroleum engineer- department Aylll conduct the firkt i A&M in 1930, taking^ his M. si|x meetings ih which atomic struc- j same field here ti|re and radiation, their value ahd ! 13 4931. Re moved to;Houston in meaning, as Well as other basic 4935, joining the Glenn; H. Mc Carthy, Inc. firm, and serving as The Seniop Class voted l^,t night to move up the date of tM&4 Seniot Ring Dance one week.- from May 1 21 to May 14 tb prevent h conflict with the final exam week! of other concepts R'ill be discussed. , . . A schools. 1 The latter part of the seminar v 'Cf president and chief geologist According to Senior Class Presi-; will review selected research-papejrs | 3ri< ' petroleum^ engineer^ for f debt Elmo Livingston, seniors felt it would prove difficult! thbi own his Army service, Chi. Ha was assigned as ehicjf of the leum production seat on, pli division, in'the Armj rNajyf leum Boardlufider tHp Joint of Staff. | r | j. Halbouty was edili r-in-clli f the Longhorn in .1 0, orgi tion ehnirman and irst member of the Schol: irship Society, president c:' the Club in 1929-30, .nrd th43 graduate student a; A&M cejVe an M. S. degi !;; in arid petroleum ejjigjm erihgj- A member of Con p»ny I, try from 1926-28, 1 albout; transferred to F C< n pany; try when the organization banded. \\ ! , i f College Mojr Dinner Caii to get dates for the dance if it took place while co-cds were i studying fori finals. Senior Class Social Secretary ;N.] R. “Jug” Lcuthei'wpod nhined the various committees (that Would V set up to make preparations foi- the dance, and accepted vbluntedr.s . ! for the different committee jobs. Leathorwood requesU’d that all seniors, whether cadet or] veteran, who/are interested in working on the Dance Committees see him be fore next week, [j; j A tentative report on , the out come <)f the (Senior Class sponsored Aggie calendar sales revealed that the class had profited by some $1235 on the sale of 4122 calendars. and other stjbject matter In the I l ‘ onc ®*’ n > driHl he formed 1 his field in Which the tracer techniqlie i in 1937. is used. He closed his Houston i offices Ferguson extended an invitatibn | during the war to serve in the to any staff member of graduate Army, which he entered as a cap- student ititbrested in this type of tain and from which ho wis relcas-j wqrk to attend. j ed as a lieutenant) colonel. During The regular meeti College Employees scheduled for - Febi mliry 1 -m . , Impressive Moonlight Services IT p- wi is - da ag in H-H- been 'ilh late for the meetii ter. postponed Religious ! hr njijig lijF ’'tiro- i|efs ; ■ ^ q of dinner tiuii’y,! Mineral wells, Joan Moore Robsj:own, ■ and Peggy Richardson, ”m Worth, juniora; Antoinette ■ati and Bobbie Robins, Dallaii, tsy Dean Smith. Fordyee, Arkki lanjd' Patsy j 1 Wolfe. Greenville, sopni- ioihorli's; Hohhio Loti Watson, Ralt jjlas, i Jeannine Holland, Houston. [Marjprie Wright, Boiuujiont, and al :|lleleij) Beys, El Paso, freshjiHm. - (Cnhillaro will furnish Ihe muKic foy the dance. The dance is ached- iuli'd Jo start at 9 p.m. and ndinis- sijm ps $2 with or without date)?. Paul W Boynton From Socony Will dress Students it ii 4sis Wi|c will Fiibrjuary! 25, al 4'p. ip. in Guion bn Vocational choice and the metpod of finding employ- L UH Engineer Will Speak April 7-9 By VICK LINDLEY Unable to ehduro the drabness temporary i buildings bearing labels as A, B, C, such unrolmaatiji I ahd so forth, ii; Dr. Donald L, Katz of ;the Uni versity of Michigan, authority, on petroleum engineering, wfl give a scries of lectures here Ajuil 7, 8 anil 9. * 1 !'• ill;!. 1! li and 9. '- 1 [ ■ i ■ ! jp The conference is spoasored by the petroleum engineering ment, of which Harold A head. ; :i; [ I r Dr. Katz will lecture op “Phase depart- ance is Own parties Wed nesday night painted names on® t|ic structures in “Hog Hollow.!’ Among the new names put on bpildings were Gilchrist Hall y Hall, Angoll Hall, and Z all. Gibb Gilchrist, of course sident of thb college; Col. G el6y is commandant; E. L. A; is assistant ito the president, the three Zubik brothers are ate tailordn " . Buildings A. B, and C. all onging to the business and T ^*-- - ’ ^ nt were na: shimld he odnesdhy, ding which of th4 Zul rhe; ■'sent ; February 18- The wed will be presented go Womens Club, will hi. 26. students’ wives and chii- drbni (as well as residents of Col in, are invited to be prt •)- j I I' / j | l Apparently nbt quite up to date the pranksters named Building D (economics) Winstead Hall, j after G. B. Winstead, formerly 1 head of the department of information, while Building E received themame of J. W. Rollins Hall, afW the former dean of men. F was named for Fred Hickman, chief of campus security, and G for F. C. Boltoh, dean of the college 1 . (This must have been an oversight; The Elec* trical Engineering Building has ah ready been named for Dean Bol ton.) Meloy’s name wenl, appropriate ly, on the military sdence aithexi Building H, while K was named for H. L. Heaton, registrar. The name “C. Murray Hall” is co-.editlo' - of Th | ,Bn > t Murray talion.! Thb names wet: -i paini black, and were sui r >undei gold border. Obseners c: tured that the gold border be the identification. >f a cs military unit. , THc temporary cits logs were military I 1 here from Camp W Murray, informed had been chosen for iron utilities shack disappointed that one of. the claifc-ro Jerome Zubik, on brothers who operat o)r Shop, when inf< Battal on that their the halls, sa t and nee tM Building Dedicated in Q{|ii|t Ceremony; Hierarchy Fetid i ill W. Boynton, industrial re- laiiops expert and authority in the []personnel field, will address tpc A&M student body Wednesdayi 4! p. ip. (111411 ‘ (mint, according to W. R. Horsley, (lireqtor. (if the college* placement offiep. ] 1 i / j f B|is talk will . be of suchr im poHhnce that students cannot aff i (to mjsfi it,” .Horsley hays. ton. long interested in t ic ce of college students, ,s ght to the campus it t of J. W. Newton and U ougli of Beaumont. He has wrlitfen several books in 'the per- ?l sounbl fi&hl,- and his knowledge ot this phape of the American life, is world-^ide. j At present he is supervisor; iof j employment in the industrial re lations department of the Socony- Vaieuum Oil Company in New York. I T^friTunib Play Tit Be Presented 1 I' All children of the College Sta tion I area between the ages of 2 anil 4, wfco would like to partici- pa« iri it Tom Thinnb Wedding. ^ ^ the YMCA at 2:30 UOi- j, H , hPre- J Wednesday, whmr thn J be assigned, MrsTFobtii ! nio-