Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1948)
! ■' ■ '■ i IK- Battalion •\ 1 ' l f5i i d/erj Statesman, Knightly Gentleman’' ; lullivan Ross, Pounder of ' ■ i,; s Religious Eniphasis Week The annuil co ] Week" will b through Febrhsry |22 ^.. .Originated six | year church council/thie W' grown In magnitude an pally because of the e 3 " have appeared. I w Paul Weaver of Sljepherjal (Allege, Missouri "" ’ 1 *’ in all the col- T r . I ' ; I : ious Emphasis lege churche; 6 and continue r i •J by an intOr- jbservance has ; I Nightly services Neither jptilarity princi- jt speakers that services in {Union, Students attending from any mjorning the fneetingls. i ,, This year’?, isenii^’- sibilities. The ranged wuth and well info the m re are to jbe morning day through Friday. *1(1 * which l i|, I have unl imited pos- have b4en well ar- & rs 1 who irq- competent .ijMOiJild al attempt to ost possible benefitlfrom these services by giving milir best in thought and attendance. ■ ! -S | 'hi / / 'p! obtain the . / Although -Agg|e si criticized for i its 1 mitation contributor t<j) can pus con According! to Luther T dent Senate Social acravjit \ the term “semji-fo •malj’ i s interpretation.' W len ilisjed] [official dressj for Aggie jdi rather broadly; by the ftiid On one exiiiemo, thj(!'cf)s| opelitans arrive at,the dance !v|ith orilj tiix: i, taking “semi- formal” • to mean something just short of white tie andf tail:}. The pp psite, of course, j is the g}iy collljegh te fypi ' ho shows up at the door corbpletk . vkith| lort shirt, blue e is frequently jeans! boots, ajid a inning smil^. e Tie Nor Jeans ' ' . ! f ■' I i . i . f li||. ’ • jfe add a 34 disc § I ‘Average’ N i ( j j' Have, we oyer-don^ the average man” jas tihe^ntand) f judge oui’selves? P(afp(i Mc( ] Atlanta ('onstijtutlpn, jis ' ^ and that our reliance On it is the Sion, .j-n .1 ry, of the Stu- subcommittee,! ladly in need of jto describe the; Sees, it is-taken t body! As is path is so Trungfri; Out Urn Vintage S Wairttojoinlnthe Ni Cutting? Communists i ; l By LARKY GOOD be dismissed coincide with ,t and! tie should fill ;nc}e$ have never given any extremities, the proper ... ^ r ,.ween thene two. Us ing a little discretion; !|n the choijce, any cos tume ! contairtijn# a the bill. Agj_ competition ip|the Mlkltvild Ball. On the other hand we don't want! them to degenerate down into rat| races hVijth ja-lpw name-band rating Let’s kdep them as they nave >een in the past, sensibly pleaskiit college dunces—with white ties and blue jeans reserved for the waiters and bus boys.. For future College-sponsored! dances re member the A&M rule of thumb—“with a coat and tie, you’ll get iby.” i i /• er surveys indicates tbiat lwj : doing our be$i fc r fear; t man” is not \Hllink tq aejeel .. j ! McGill, (iiiqtimf a'mytlf \ hewspapermapi, has this to i ag i e” versus '‘jsuperiop ! “We have; cariied; into ,gven into o»h labtr ilniainsj josed to be progressive pjs : te our schools-^ ;his passion fbir the aierkg best. . ■ 'p ' J j “There ariej in evpry jels <how grekt capacity fbr lea ding and leader- world, we'eaxhot unled and, evOp wOrsq, tvho have beep to d -amusement, ijnone;r, p tion. • •[. “We are aibout to omfusj mediocrity/; and wjhen we fl worked our-rt^in. i ' “For mar equality of o||)por|unity:]in} that those of: better^mi foctrine of “the “But you cannot Have equaliky of- oppor- fd by which we tunity in a democracy so that thbi p e £ tor t J ie minds and skills may .develop ai "k\ that we do, to i ea( j an( j improve the democracy. “But, you cahnot have equality of oppor tunity and also equalSh’ of eco ship. We pressHhjem Hack ir make them confhim to tht great plants wher? sjtill aijd craftsmanship can still play hi part the s1 or / is the same . .. ilet us base e^erythingiort ^'bat the average jperson can dbj If we ajiie tq sjive oftselves t Good Enough i ilf Budding Writers On Story; Movie, Writers Talent Scout, Incorporated of Hollywood, Cali fornia, is offering $8,000 ih prizes to aspiring writers. The prizes will be given for stofies; ideas, and movie plots. The contest is divided -into four divisions. The first di vision is the Roy Del Ruth Motion Picture Award, based on Trestle Elected i j ! r • j! i : Waterworks Head At Last Meeting .ip polls or Rop- hold hack from t the “averagje the best. ^al Washington hr schools and which are sup- — - T . - jaheadi _ T _ . of status then; you' cannot allow equality of opportunity because so the more skillful The Russians ladio Ideas A prelude to what might be happening in. gro cery stores across the nation if the stock market continues its downward trend,was indicated last week by some strange dealings in Helena, Orei . A price war between rival butchet shops oc curred. Picnic hams went down to 45 certts. then to 40 then to 36 cents. Hamburger, starting at 49 cents a pound, soon became 'a, chief target for. the; competing price reducers. It fell to 15 cents, then to five—and filially, one butcher put up a sign:! "Hamburger freefone pound 'to[a customer." i Maybe its not out of the realm of possibility; that, in due course of time and hot tempers. they’Ui be paying the customers 10 cents apiece to carry a|way meat. We’ve already heard about one ipaT- ket (also in the Oregoh areal which has begun shipping free hamburger] prepaid and packed in dry ice, to mail order customers throughout the nation., As the fellow- saysj they're not making any money . , . but, boy, are they doing business! . Maybe this will eventually lead to pork chops by parcel post! Wonder what other strange ad-| ventures the 20th Century will have to offer. P.S.—Henceforth, the editorial policy of Trampling Out the Vintage wiill he to incite a three- way price war between Duncan, Sbisa and various North Gate Eating Emporium. Do any of you good readers wapt to join in Uie movement'’ There is a distinct shortage of rabble-ropsers, conspira tors and other instigators bf subversive activity^ Communists in good standing will be accepted, ami prizes of free htiinburger meat will be awarded ltd all if we achieve qur objectives. | | | AUSTIN ICE SHOW M n j] j • j ,]/ A taxi driver went ail (he way in ob.scrvijjg a boulevard stop sign in Austin Thursday. His cab Warning to Rocket Ship Pilots . I . Lij... -l ... i.jj. i , , „ ,m| I | I., j --.-p-i-y! . J . J • j Ha by a la Wei, all the to the mind. Mote When tj general} Thiji _which nide t in polio ijvome employe 11 populations I -I l • •fsuggestions for njiotion picture plqts. The second division is 1 the Jack iLondon Short Story Ay-ard; based on actua} writing skill. The Rudy! Vallee Radio A w a r d, radio snow series, constitutes j the third division. Fourth division award will be given in the Pine- Thbmas Motion Picture Title | newly Martjans Hear ‘Old Rati irtjan irk Ei y do vein! of • i Mark Earth Off As Total ■ I ! 1! . Vi 1 The two bruinies^meh on Mars crouched before y invented crystal set eager to pick up the firsf / • e 1 ; - , LOUS MORGAN A 1 1 i '. 11 i ■ » • Award, based on best titles sug- waves from Earth. Weakly ati first, and then gathering vol The Roy Del Ruth Motion Picture Award has three awards. Fijrst is $2,875 in cash from Allied Artists Productions, Iric., qf which $1,000 is paid immediately upon accept ance and $1875 is paid as jmlary over a period of ten weeks jit the rate of $187.50 per; week. In! addi tion th 2 awardee Will receive first class round trip raU-transpoijtation to and i from Hollywood. The Second award in the ip picture division is $300 cash not his student's Who b the moedd and average. In the and the t!h the great and ftunin :|)ired majorities, lat t 4 end of man is nbtjcii .f. self-glprifica-, N.jE. Trestle, Superintenden a. | the waterworks plant at Temhle Se of better was elpcted president of the Te# d use them Water; and Sewage Works Associa r tion at the closing sesgidn Thqts day of!the annual waterworks short course held here. ;! This course, dt-scribj-d by jjtoe Son-ells of the CiVil ■Engineering Department as “<>ne of the finest short schools we have ever held” began on Monday and closed Thurs day. Four; hundred and tweijty- Seven persons were registered for - - - , ,, .., i , , ; the course i will not remain in qquql status. The Russians several cups and plaques Were tried to jhav’e both and they gave it the first presented at the meeting by IDr. real' try/ badked 1 bv gqns knd terror. And it George w. Cox, state health offi- economic “’’’.wj' status lit the Soviep jUmKHI jfpda^; ment to waterworks system, UVal- “We [need tq ddvdlopl our leaders and it, «le, for most attractive water plunt, means revising schools, concepts and direc- and Big s , pri . n? ’ mo ? t attrac f v6 tinns •? ' • rj , Tji I Tt i sewage plant. | j a i|. lions. . i - I :J.]: i d I. i. ; ' The association awarded Hpn- “Jeffiersqni and I still hear him well spok- orary life membership to Clyde 0. fex nonaon aaonnstoi-y uxvis knew the average mind wants tq follow, and time with adjustment of th^ cats whisker, “Old Rattl request of 900 A&M students, broke through the eth fell uppn the unaccustotnedcarsj or# 4;— tHo Martians. I in re of being pinched / are getting IdllVe’re not refer inrioicent reader eltieii are j Hiring policewomen, pinching", ‘it’s not expected to ~ lie horseplay that the present j ird lisi "interesting." . j Citjr 'Managers’ Association, 1 : -ment; regarding the increase id : an i oatimatod 1,000 are now- more lUnited States cities with ■ . - ; - I i: ii-i ! . . . ■ . - i : - t; PALACE ■ I'H OM I ’ - A otion from Allied Artists f’iinductions,j Inc., and the third award is $200 from (he same company. One thousand dollars caslj from the executors bf the Jack illondbn estate, plus $1500 from Cosmopoli- tan Magazine for AmericanL Can adian }a n, l United Kingdom; serial the Martians, “Nothing but a bunch of coon hunters down there,” the brainier of the two remarked, revolting thc- super-duper directional antenna yn- til the sultry strands of ‘‘Amour'’ drifted in from the direction of Venus; And that’s how Grandpa Jojibs and “Old 1 Rattler” have affected ihe history of the universe. Strictly a local fad, the Rattler Complex was instigated, it is rum ored, by a disk jockey suffering from lack of Sleep. However this may be, Radio Stations KORA and WTAW share equally in this honor, or perhaps the blame, of. making the. record a hit! in this area. ^ , , Grandpa Jonies, who rocottded’ rights for your story will be award- “Old Rattier," is not, in the biolbgi- , , the first place winnerjm the | ( . a i sense, a grandpa at alb This Jack London SnOrt/Story Division, disclosure was made by Charlie sen of specialized work. SO ernment democracy with dally do we have tionary : measures. Jefferson did tej the entrails of a fowl or send fYorc tn YtrKidf tnun rtn fVtra and must have i democracy so and skills may tefed and improve yotj, you ma| i [develop and itise tjfiejrt t the deifnocracjj. i -r/ !- - • No Contest / * ■ • j I ■ . ; We have this a painstaking yoim^ repqfter who got in volved some [weeks ago! with some sort of double-jointejj corite^t;be!in| put on by Olym pic Mills for its Tif h-U-R ipt sweaterfe. It seems, the cohtesf is to ruh in two heats: gals may either send i|i | ictures of them selves clad-Ip sweatem-ilrj else a several hundred word ei isaV bib siome ^object or other. The wiinnqr ipjJeajchjitategoi'y will get he set,up the gre^t ideals of,a [popular gov- iment, ami b^- religious freedom arid of separation of chui’ch from state, An average mind would hevier I,h,at'e suggested such bold and revolutic not peer intc out messengers to feed what thei mi street thought about It. He and the others, with capacity for jappat leadership, set up great heights to Lie;stormed and they jolly well came dope Jo failing because of the great weight of mediocrity and ’fear- which they had to early. But, ‘ ! and they won.” Positions Open In Civil Services receive $200. In the Rudy Vallee Radio Awards ; divisiop the first place winner will receive $500 in cash from Writers Talentj Scout, Inc. plus a cpntinu- ing royalty equal to 5Vt jof the total proceeds received if the pro gram or program Series is sold to to a commercial sponsor. [Second , J I i i to a commercial sponsor, isccono The United States Civil! Service and tbird prizes are $300 and $200 " respecjtively. The; Pine-Thbmas Motion IPicturb Title Awards lists seven prizes. Commission announced examina tions for; pos|tions of highway [en gineer trainee in the Public Roads Administration; and for positions of photofluorographic operator, op erator trainee, unit supervisor,jind inspector in the United States Pub- i Murray, co-editor of the Battalion, wl *‘ who served with Grandpa Jdnes in the ETO during the war; He (ies- ci-ibes Jones as a man about 37 years old, and towering 5’ 5” above |Sea level at sea; level. Other dis tinguishing characteristic^ report-i . — r .-i —fi- ; — ed by Murray: a nasal Kentucky! s hjn|ld jstWr clear of Ma drawl, small black moustache, and; ■ I guifar.. He has a wife and two Chil- j ilren, Grandpappy Jones took up the ary, 1946. Jdiuniay Isays Grandpa J; tinguisbed! himself at dri 00% jeep dbiiig! KP anu hilltjitiy ballads. “Mountain rathjcrbthgn “Ilattler”. wai pa’s! favorite at that time “Qld; Ktattler” slept qi] WTAW’s [file 640 severa before its sudden mat] fame, or inf;uny, In an determine the gause of “ popularity, C. G..Monroe disk 1 joj-kiiy, ran \ crintjes “Why will "Old Rattler’ll! a clpssic’j? E}gbt Rattle were given asj prizesv bu says two winners have pick- up their awards. \ Most 1 c|)ntes|ta)its exgrj lief [that interest in and I tioii oT “Rattl([-r" would |l throughout the ktate by weekendsj—lost or othcrw there it is expected to spili parte pf j the ! country—y the Woj-ld. Maybe the unj] so, Scientists coptempltiti plank-taryi travel in the hej 11(1 l es-dis i ig: thJ i % Grind TbliA Y THRU SATURDAY: I; , ll ■ ■— I • ‘ Hi r’g VTA\! nt tlej aecomli rec »rd); Uuprojl aiie< ilUMHIKEV BOGART I 1 ! 1-%-' / > :’; - ;l 1 v i ■.. “Treasure bf liierra Madre” QUEEN " t—fl • ^^ To**H V- -4— I \ 1 I'HII)AY and SATURDAY B, | 1 -i- % The Dml End Kids i"T i (•' t in r-1 nrhe Bowery a * Ve Average mind followed hr Health Service. s’ Pa v fm* fho hit a'$500 bond pnd a trip to ; eptds aex , it eoniary, and the gal thfe sweater ccjtitest will get a as well. , -| r j j , . • But our iteporter sniffed a h k '- are the qual5ficaf«)n,s to win thi sweater girljcjontist^’ hie tiked. ! 1 w? ti I “IB ab. The Battaflion, ■: of College Start.jon. the answer capne: ; 1 that's exactly what’s (worrying us. the contest who wins , screen test ahfi a qraqk alt A Conover contract n ,tj)Icli“he to I cqinfit New York when the highway engineer trainee ranges frbm $2,168 to [i$2,- j 614 a year, while'pay for the pho- fYou know, frankly, tofluorographic positions range j from $2,954 to $3,397 a year. / The age limits, 18 to M/ycaris of 1 : j Tide age, are waived for persons j’-en- 1 1 1 ; ■ j', j s k j j I titled to veteran preference. | A garbage man:/ijs arrestefi. for posing! USJit as a diplomat. Nevertheless, Ihere’s a 'ot worse equipment a diplomat could have now- ,, ot ^ t L n February 24 and'for adays than a good spundj khowledge of what (he photolfluorographic not later is garbage and what isn't. | than March 16. ; M . . ; #ij j j (r 1 j I ji| ^ | ’ O’ j j-f Tokyo Rose, wartime Jap radio propa gandist, has applied for entry Bito the United States. A rdse by , any other [name would smell a great deal sweeter. j (Arkansas Gazette) ' -j- I ; ^ ! seven Five hundred dollars will bt given to first place winner with j second and tiird receiving $300 aiid $200 in th;it oider. Fourth to seventh place winners will receive $50 each. Rubs and other; details can be obtained by .writing to I Talent Scouti, Inc., 1067 [North Fairfax Avem e, Hollywood, 46, California. Expir ition date for; this particular contest is May 31, 1948. [ PURI. . soldier's litb Hi,February 1944. The army, in the true spirit of SNAFU made ‘him an ' MP. After being; shuffled about in the States sever al months, he Was shipped to Eng land, France, Belgium and Gei-1 many with the 308th MP Battalion, j returning to the States in Febru f)AL AC With the Lowistoft Polijce, you can’t winj thiq snapshot Recently they arrested two women, twins, f f|$ked. L and charged, olne of them with Ijewd and las- irl [ has to be civious conduct. The other one was charged ’ ‘ ‘ erprise. PREVIEW SAT, NI Siin. t Mon. - Tues. - We^ Thurs. - Fri. & Sat. ‘Well,’,’ hie pretty and bi^ U-Knit swealtier.’ The repetrterd . ..... ^ , . from a phbtaj;rap|h whetjhdrlthe girl is filling reminding Golden Gloves entranjts of a phys- Ji the sweater Or, er/wielL iyoif know.” ical exam, concluded/“Do not forget to bring The silence hujng dqaijd fl|r a while. Then your pink qllp.” 1 : jetljy fill ajTish- with idlencse.-^jLiijhoji (Maine) En^ Biut I’liw can' you tell A promqtio)n bqx in th©! Newf York News, me Battalipn afternoon, except, Audi g liolij Imbed selni-woe Su JSdripti 4 _ f News coni ns ma^ 1»( made by telephone (4-5444) Goodwin AU-Amei Vick! Llndlty J. T. -Miller. Ken Mack T. Nolen , R. Hi! Bllllnssley, Tom Carter, Ted C. C. Munroeu Otto R. Kumse, .: ' 1 ; .'vl. 5 pape/rj df tl|c Agricultural and Medhapical College of Texa(s and the City jlished five times a week and circulated every Monday, through Friday fys'amjl examiniation periods.; During the framer The B *’ ^ " (n, rate [$4.30 per scliool year. Advertising rates furnished Battalion is pUb- at the editorial ^ off lice, Rcjom 201, Good' e placed by; telephone ^(4-5321) or at the student Aotlviticp Office, Room iber of The Assoghited Tim The cd to it or Rights of repiMicarion Entered a« uccinl-clijb mi Office at College btlie Act of Congi CHARLIE tion of iall news dispatches credit- in the pfper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. tjed excliisiycly to the use for republ per and tocal news of her matter herein are also reserve; Associated Collegiate Press Member NELSON. .1 Feature Editor ,... .[Feature Writer* Maartm,! [Nefson,-; lagutsi^.. kfpriaipnijed [;v. .W»e Editor Maurice How ig Editor* (irailjj ‘lirifflt Greujt .l,rtff;i : L..1 Sam [.anford K. J. Mabak, Larry Orgy ,• Cartoonists Art Howard Ji.,,.!; jj .Sports Editor James DeAnda. Andyi Maflula,,aero Hammond, HeralieU Shelby . LJi. Sports Writers Bob Kennelley ...A,Mp.*J{,.........Ci«ulaUoB Manactr by National Ad- itt New Tork City, mid Sun Francisco. .Co-Editors .Advertising Manager $..! Fhotographer rANDHl ASSASSINATION --Friday's Features . 4:55 - 6:35 - >0:00 Disney Chirtoon . PrevTie — 11:00 ]i.m. S unday thrp Tuesd: ly Another ■g 1st Run S