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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1948)
Tt" ^4 i -l it *, ■ I ■; They Drop Rough Game J.-3 / ? V, Beats Down Aggie Cage TeS 57 to 41 n%r .ipn ’ « By ARlfl HOWARD A bad case of out-of-towh jitters plagued tbe A^M Bas ketball ‘ “ _Waco in a r< riight as they Ip^t to the Baylor B6ars jll-57 at oiugh and tumbl4]game marred by fouls land Ipst . balls. j —4M' ; • i The Bears hit the bask jUi.e lead, in the seconid minute (4ft j ; play, and they, kept the leaf! tihit i- j rest of the gatae. ;l .t: ; ICpach Johnhie, F’ranKe’s ’Fisli} Bee team afoM had irljiard 'hightf thfeip first two shots) to take | losing to the! Baylor Fresihmdii |i 52-38. T; ji.l 1 ' jv .. s Much of the'polish ahtj teaitwoifli which the Aggies showed in thelf first two conference games ut tlfe tea missing, but if iwerg starting ■ to threaten fully but penalties lost them the ball' too many times and Baylor stalled in the closing j minutes of the game to end witlj a aij-fl Victory. Neither t^ami wa^ satisfied With the calling of officials Bedford and Boedt. Both sides were penalized iitt jiever : $toj)- j on ; questionable plajys an i in adili- ped hustling pr fightit'g fqf ball. Bad passiing losjt; tlbe ball fbr Wl . nt unnoticed. !■' > 1 But the Bruins tidn severajl flaglant violations the Cadets sevt ral times when on} a few goals wjre needed to : ;ieatfl) up, and the sli :H floor of; thu Bzy>- lor Gym netted the players- sevenujl '“traveling” peiialtiesi; aljso looket, spotty in plades, and ji was .only; if W tl ' the acurate shooting (if their twh. guards, Bill jfohnsdn land IJiafj it two long swisri shots iby Bill 'Btitie ■ § ~ a nice baskpt ^)y Sam , enkitW al|l ! dirculating ,ottens<j whicu lett one a free throw* lay Tutinbaw naihojvf- '^ s dca^-shot players ope® al r.j ed the score 16 15-22. Both ;tesi iis dtose range; A AM 1os|, the ball f)ur times' when men were ; “rou iding the curve” under the basket for sure goals end slipped bn the unusually slick floor. The ho ne-cot rt Brujins lost the ball once that way, too. Last night the Aggie squad Wasn’t up to par genet ally, but Bill Batey got hjot and netted 15 points to help keep the team |in the running. The rent of the Iscoring was spread out among t the team and was made mostly Robinson, which keptf them j the lead. :... [ i I Baylor lookld hcj( (during! t warmup and wlion plajy stai t,etl ;thp quickly ran upla 7 point lead whiic . >, ...... was stretched] to 14 points ih tnfe'.f ion long shots, midfjle of thelfirst half. iI f i' • . . ... Then the Aggios ogit Init ^l 1 ' 1 ' nmdc mhst of Us popiU ■ • •* > ■ l * 1 * by confusing the (Aggie4 with; its f -ean Cromwell Will Coach ’48 Olympic Team LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13 —<A>)— In his 29th and final year as a developer of great athletes, South ern California’s Dean Cromwell has been appointed head coach of the 1948 U. S. Olympic Track and Field ‘Team. “The culmination of a coach’s dream”—meaning his pwri-^was the w gy the smiling, spare 68- year-old Trojan coach put if. This, Cromwell disclosed, is his last season as an active men tor. University of Southern Cali fornia rules demand automatic retirement at age of 67, but he was given a ope-year extension wilh Ihe hope that he would snag the Olympic appointment. Cromwlell’s assistant coaeheS in clude (representatives from every section in the country. Those nam ed 'were Emil Von Tilling of j New York University, Tom Jones of Wisconsin, and Emmett Brunson of Rice Institute. DON VOLDING, Aggie guard from El (patiipp, tries for a scor^ in th| second The committee, meeting in New York yesterday, also selected Ward H. Haylett of Kansas State as Olympic Decathlon Coach and named Alfred R. Masters, Stan ford, as head manager of the l . S, Track and Fie|d squad. I*niL SmiLTON. Sfijior to tramurnl Official from [ Dallas, will be the only loss to [the lh‘ tramural Department at (the enf of tlu^j semester. She ton iis gradj uatin|gj a I thqt time. Mdrc 11 M Track Schedule If or \&M Released ’'hi» trank schudule is as follows: \ 6, Texas U., College S' ation i 13, Border Olympics, Laredo i 20,i SW Exposition, Fort Wofth : ] j I.NRIice, Texah 'hri Re Austi n irdh 27,i A&lNf, riice, f Corpus f’hristi nil: 3, Texas; Relays;] rij 10, L.S.p.. Baton Rouge rij 17, Kansisj Relay^, LaWfvncc, ! I; j Katfsas |. 1 , 17, Rice,!,Undecidje(J )rukti Rel dhy 1, Oklahoma Agglies, |l Station II | ■ T,'. lay 17, T4xds jlf., Undecide 1 l uv: 15. Southwest Cpnfei chce, : ’ Houston. A ii‘il|24,j Irakli Relays, feds k I n I d iowia ’ I • \ bines, College ;1 \ i . Klcinhaiis at SIIJ SYRACUSE, jhieihnansi, forfnj ii iteberj |s epa: \|: K N. Y. it-WB- ?r Rational Lleaguo :hing liasebijll at S f rjjicjuse (Unitje: •sity] ! , [ ganif, with the Arkansas Razorbacks. T he Aggies lost the till by a score of 56 to 44. Bill Bfjfcjy stole] a pas|s and >Wa8 1 'f'l Starting his coach dig career at traded basjfeti .until if In; half fvftfn 1 j. cjiii tSj&ufy stole] a pass ami was the score rea(M2-21,i : Baylor. i ■] ! dunning Jn' tin!'‘/clear for an dasy ^Dorti $horts Sam Jenkiifff drew tfi rat bl|iod Jn j crip shotjwihen! a Baylor player hit 1 [f 4^4 jjhe second fialtfbut the Aggiog wv ife aim fronrtjie back; Bate,; stumbled I off style badly;as thieig oppbjiujifs ' :l couple of. stejps and then sjunk 1; .made 9 straight pttinfs,' matiyi Af kis shot. The ivljistk* tad ;bihtvii them front wfthin tH- circle; Bjay- I before ins toss,, but the loul was so Jor Forward iJamesi C wensji t.Ts’, j obviously iptentjional that the ref-is .made 4 of tkesc frtmj under ! jie ! oreg countOif the basket and added Si basket, but poach (Marty Kuj ri\v a free shot to boht. : sent in lordeifs - to tj jhjten t|i* j !•- fense and Olvons y eibt ■ sc(i('e| A the rest of thi* game With 11 mifiutes Mo gies were bfhind Ip - ?h ! q<3) Keepsake O'l A Mi O N 0: R N C's’ S V • .*. pat go the; Afih points art 1 i 1 l .... y Statistics J A&M i)'i.lenkins, Stun f |Turnbpw, Billy f : Moore. Bti|dcly f !* | 'Kani|H'rni;(n, v Bobi c Voiding,!. Don e Williamsoij!, !tutus e Batey. Bill g (ia'fcia,Mjike g | Miller, Jack g |; Schri'clcl, Gene gj iTettit, JoL g . iTownsendj Bill £ ost Season Football Highlights; Walker Best PJayer, PAT Stays, Norton May Coach 1 0 j iydar fvm 4. [Il|e j>pl r’jltilne it V "mfiv con 15 jhllf th. 4 ;*> 'i tiles c() 10 OjUithu : rk,.., ; If 13 tie with Penn Statt' in the Cot ton Bowl. I 'But ’I want to try] my hand at Totals •! i Baylor Oweii.s, James £ | 4 DeWHfc. Bill f ■ | j 0 Hicknjan, Williain f j 0 Deverauxj .CHarll-s f ! 0 Sfackj B{ll | t-g ; j0 1 McGow an! dlar'etlce f-g (t 1 Pulley, Ralph,I fj | 0 HeuthingtoH, Diii c j 3. Preston, Odell jh J 1 Johnson,' Bill j t> i Robinson] Jkck | - Mi f 1 ’•jL I F I g Ft Pf l'p ; By H.VROLO R.tlLIl F He stays either Michigan or 1 5 5 4 k\ ssoci a.t ed Press IS port 8 Editor Notre Dame would be hard-pressed ^DALLAS, Jan. 1 j -—'/Pi— Every to boat the Longhorns. lie also do- coaeh wsijhts fa elipiinate i ' hued that Texas Had U better thv ^ anl|J j fj,] is h college” after Uijichiiqwtie Each team tnain Southern yfethodist. tne' • • ... ! |is voted (liiwn; bat there eitly elejen that licked the Long ue a day when i more than j horns. coaches ijirestjrit for the It'j; a shame all these closj- games tifah Kvill Ipst ganies , during a football seasoti. ain't tie . . bargin of the extra point, i played over. Pci haps .-all teams jii 1 jTficii. (it’s likely tho coil version try ! should meet each other twice dur- d 0 |0j juji.l! He ; legislated out. ing a campaigH just to make every- 9 d 0 : j 1 UV tliiuk it woul'3 be a sorry day thing conclusive, I* ,n 5tl tiH should fhat eOme a|>out. Persunallv, wo get a little tired U t- f l '■'JVTD'.r it., other way do setllv Aij of hearing the tia'mfe that get beat Ipv Ft Pf 'Ti) * n o n oii n0 ' Mt 1 ^ t ‘ r t ny , T H 1 *' S3’ around saying they lure better. 1 4 •> io I \j <! '7,’ l ' >s 1 l 1 ' eoileg(|s|iidopt the | t ' s j,^ the well-khowii crack of I 0 0 2 0 ^T mn r^ ' *down... yardage the beat-up fighter: “If iyou-all ; u (i j y • p If- Ip 1L ‘ htgh sehopls, which hadn't,.- pulle^l him off ojf me I'd In •> 11 • o , T c ‘i’„ of n . . ;• , ji 4 1 havel rc-iallv worked! hint lover.’’ n 0 0 r, The! extra-point kiHfcer is a I I feal artisl of football It re- ! | quires;; long, painstaking effort . , p , ”! Jo deVplpp into a eionvcrsion man. l ’ la - v " n Htflercr.t occasions and USU in 1909. Cromwell produced 12 NCAA champion squads, in cluding nine in a row from 1935 through, 1943. His teams the last two Reasons have been runners- up to; champion Illinois. The Tro jans also have ngbbed nine 1C •LA crowns under his direction. 11 said Doak here' to’ receive tonight the Maxwell Club's inward as the outstanding football pjayer of 1947. Chuck Rednarik, University of I’ennsyivania's AU-Anherioa center,] also will be honored jii the ;No. 1 ' linonmn of-the season, Although he has gtiined his rep utation as a ifootball jplayer, Doak rise plays outfield oiij; the oollege s haseball team and WoijHd be’ out for basket hall eccept for jured in the Cotton shoulder in- 3o\vl fray. NF.W YORK. Jan. 13 —'Tl— Minnesota’s Jim Kelly, who spent some time looking over European track talent, brings word that everything won't be beer and skittles for American runners in the Olympic Games next! summer—in fact, they may not find a skittle anywhere. . . without mentioning too many namjes. Jim pointtj out that England and Holland have some, good sprinters and hurdlers. Sweden plenty of good distance men, and from what he could See.:they're by no means under nourished. The l . S. will have to look to the relays and field events for most of its victories, says Kelly. A We also have an uvcrsfoin to the expert who 'seer, a couple; of teams r> Totals !. . 20 17 it! If -. Halftime Scorjr. Baylor 32,,;A& 21. i ' ■! ' . T Fheif Is droat skill involved ami 01u '/ )f then, .defeate, he re’J- team-work, tob.l See how wh « n ^ '"ft. ' , !‘] s t,u lh *> (ny extra point are; kicked if JU,1 8j ne ’ U t ^ t , Hlij doesn't hold or !the fellow a ^ ui ',‘ l ,n 'j! fl, : N ,!' t V H °' V ,1 u 11 ci'i •, . 1 does n< know what will ■ happen sCff.' up the ball tails to get;. • , * , ,<•. 4, , , - ' l it ■ i I in another game . \\ by tfy to take away the glory; that Other team ’>] vijl in-: the proper (dace M 'j, i ★ f: i Aggie Foilers \\ in Plfcl iinan w ho called for elirai- hation (M the extra point this year at the NCAj.\ meeting was Won when it was vietolrious? ft. 4 j .-.j. . .1 — Th# moit, Ireajurod of joH'dion^qnd i • tingj ..'.her Keepioke.!cKoose viih * 1 J * * |; I confide rice «t (hit rl^re, lorijie geepiolie Certificate of Giiardnlecaridt]' RcgiiSalO'i Is pari at ypur purclKn*!,] d Initial Bout 14-13 The Munion and Wjldte Imainai^ed i ! If to Mjueajk -by lheir (firsti ojffitfial fencing match,liy a score, p.fl 14. to 1 13 bouts,at Sbisa Hall), JanUi'y 10, The Gahleston Fencing Club ijujiyeij to Hei a kcrappyj outfit althfifnjjh'fl ’ eons is ted of only thfee menAbbot 1 , Fuller and, Brovi n. The Aggies won bot ' epee matches Hk- scoifes of 5 to bonis, add theydrop majtdi by a sedre, of indlicates] how tl 27500! 150 00: A BEDFORD S4I tn^ogemenl Ring B lApY DIANA Self 050 Oo] Er^agemen* Ring 225.035 Alio $350 mi 50O ' wu- h thv toil and ‘ Hlatty- Bell of Southern Metho- |iist. No one questions Matty's Sincerity. If eVjer a cjoach should , lav Or tin- extra itoint. Byll should. ! It is! tepm won thdSouthvest Con fer (jnpe Championship because of one! ■ ) M.a^tiy says getiting j id of the] lektiapfioitit will ynake ] tlie ganjiel tSoi';;- linteresting ; and |more wide <|:en. lie argues • tiijt the,; extra lafinj ! doesn't indiicaUf yihich teafti i|l tub strongest jnywaV. He says Doak Walker, Sbiitljern r Metho- disti University’s AH-Ajmei ida back who-] was good enough tp hold his own] in the 1947 New; Year's day Cotton Bowl game: is jstjre. of one 1 1 thing—he wants to h|a\je a fling- (at the professional’-gamp. That’s still two yitirs away for tluy square-built youngster from Dallas, who -last New] Year's day paced the SMU Mustangs to a 13-, e/mDA/s /uf/ess SyMPATHY i GREETING CARDS r a ufidt rwiUt* WEDDINGS TWANK. YOU ANNIVERSARIES . TRAVEL [; i G/ET CARDS FRIENDSHIP RELIGIONS <r>t The Exchange Store Serving Texas Aggies” to keep y opr Ford egr rplling. Ttit t best Way we know; :o do this is tq give your car genuine Ford service regularly”* id to usic Oenvfina Ford farts wtljiencvier it’s'necessary to re place arty part. • To 6# Sure—See f bu can bring your car to ut with per* ett confidence—because we’H giyc you Gtnuine Ford Protective Scrvii: and ‘ u C Genuine Ford-Parts. Automobile parts may look alp e bu they arc not alike. Ford manufirtc p irtsi only [foff Ford-built cars-r ev plrt is prcfision-built exactly like th o iiginal paijt whichrcame with yb ur cj - it’s rpade pf ttie same identical i j r hi under sljrict laboratory contrcjl- > y ill perforin'right. Don’t take <jlianc« [j I - sec us fc|r, genuine Ford Pit ts. ’Your FrieJ ijly Ford Dealer”. L c BBY \N mm l OMP VN Phone 2-1333 t if thyvl was no jcxltu: point, thv - , tgaih^ won id hv gouijg jail out all it'd tlljv] sal)ic ( |be tiiiK , 1 ' because} no- team wants 4 to -fa. Th v vinilfg mvjt j! -‘‘to- :rr 0 c r»43i illustrated oij! well os nof •Sngaenlarged!to v* ,nc,ude f#de«b 1 i ^ Ouataotfed I illustrated o4o l 4 5b> weM OS POfurol gotj^ ntorgedlto jhiw deta'lt| fedefoi to* ^ I:T;ulis may be some logic in wltnf , _ . , .'Via tty .-av.-j but ni|icv I'uiic- teams ilfj) Hgnciiit Tor; fife( Cadi-tsj vvyrij lifn viant tics and; wij) no' play f.n •Fultbu Dye. -\Vai evil RobJrtjfsoH! t|vm, tlicii the cktrai point is the Dmfley hjtillmgejr. Roljiert Sh.-^v anil bji-st wJv to iiifcvijnt. If we’re Ignifcio Bai i ios. Dy4 and Ba'i'rioU Jung to take- the: food but of foot wen? high, menj for !tm* day! - i • ! • Guoianfted Satiky Parks ■I if W 1 K l|k k| | 111 Mkin ! Bntjuj — fopr wink each. 1 . ' .j* A iim iee-touriiiaiiient in v|)i-v and sabre' followed: flic tvam niaf’ch: Two Agjgies ejmergnl] with first places ici both iwcapoiijs. Dyje won the epeo medial and Robert Hon re ceived tlio ,sabr<! niei al. Othifr coin testaius ! that pfaced in epee we Pierce Caiqn ntjcr (second jpljife^ and Chafles Holland of RieeM-t^ird | place). ™ sahnj., Holland \v|n »ec- j bnd plaael and Uoe Fullei: ojf Gal- J veston. |f 1 iced nliird. . j , . witlii|';LI! uliyl no; ( lijn',.nfa,e tlv field f' 1 ami the punt? 0m- man does ii!> may nut eVed be a reg- PAWN TICKET HOLDERS - • ilfg siiire ii,p t(j dalle your ifiuch. ■■ ' ! # I : • U-. Aj fa-m,; i|lgr. ! jlfot our money,: ;i place-kick ■that , goes thi'ough thcfvroks-liars w th a tail genu depending] upon it :s as ihril|ing as pny play! .ili the l-obks tTK'f were Except a 9.9-yariLrup fora loiii'lv- ' tlowH. or a uti-yijiril j p*ss. ? It eer-! iainly has moi'e puiujli tiliau a pfud ’ f hat goes out) ojf lioiinds on the tne+.ferd line. Thpre’li a; lot of kick 5 in I’a Tick like tiuft; thefc.’s no Ifiek s hi' blasting the ball through the 1 -jHff 1 j, 1 We understand Homer Norton,, tftci; former Texafs A. <S M. coach,; |4 Ciinsidering a iprdfvs^ional foot-j Hlill job. Norton has -received offers Sroin several pro tegm.-j^ l ! , Afthough the Aggie ] Hiemor' of jj-j J ,V A'. \l ,,^.4,1 (awhed: merchandise is j|iaidj 1 .J . if nut lit will be!soldi ft cost after IR day period. Inventory too; hr ■! f. Studetif (lo-oj ) Store t ! yeairs won’t leave A.[ & M. until 3i|:xt,]; September ] 1 hi''will do no niorti coaching tjtet'fc. Harry Stjfe- tijr lius already taken over. ' ' t i Boh .Warren, agetit for thu com- plinj? that carries jathlctic intsur- igqs for Texas-hi^h gchijpls,. rc- yj-als that his eonairn-psvii.f off fol ia plikyer phat was killed by lightn- , i H 0- i jit.: happened afteij praetiee while I t ic jplayers were takinjg their laps | arotind tile field prdpaiatory to go- i ! \4uglm once again displays his vocal versatility-rbackcd upl by the Moon Maids. You’ll] like this record —so lend an ear: Another great record is the one belonging to Camel dgarettes. Mure people are smokirw Camels than ever before! • ■ ■ IL, . J • • ° j'' | tj- • ' Try Camels! Discover for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are die ‘-clioite of experience’ it to I 1 ’tj g jin tor the .day. Lightning j j js( rtibk | five boyfi, killiiig. one and ’ , V .. • 1’ More people, are, $*obtg Ar : i Ntirth Gate iiSjujHng four otheiii. j This, happened in] another state. ★ ; , Wilkinson, Oklahoma cojach \\lh(| jtjhougjht Tcjxa$’ skcbml I j' ; t 'I ir 1 ' : : ,1 /to to; [i i| touch- (l|wtij against his jteaii h.ere last t'Vlbher was illeigal because Bobby tifmfg had his kneg on the ground, thinks Texas hud quitm a fuotball m befool rttwaiMaaMMlMnSMl - [ -'-J i '1 kr: