Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1948)
/ : T MM IMIWWlrt 1a. & m another evel* since AY; JANUARY 14, 1948 The Tod Tte Narrow Path.. n iriti ijiteid one way pr n i!oll< ke was establish ed. Sbmetirrfes thle h isn [cjothes from out side,. sometijnesj froln i nsi( Much of such comment is heatd‘top ^ fofrotten tomorrow But onei criticis n . iticjip [We can’t get awky from lit, Jt isj tje^rdlprom inside anji outside. That i:;,crti:$m course of injstrtcjtio 1 •. caT courses.' As 90' i in the past ten } ea s in technical! com s«, all .of us' arc affbct* d Students;who ap] il ly tp a four fear Ong n few hours in theiir 5i study of liberal isu >, they have |o orbaden extra-curritiilar wcfti is held in cfiecH by quijred to kepp up w nical course!' ! | .Thispsitnatiph qbiitlled •i student lifeifoynd at Aj. .& : jp proiduce'n rlt.hejrTRalrntv at judges . * i fc M-’s graduates irepeived degrees [jieajns just about by t b cj-iticism. .. theif pelves strenuous- ?erinj|noiiirse find very n-icifh devoted to the ts. !j|Vhiitever desirp th«r selves through anqjjl )Utside reading iiinf of study ret- t!h Itneiilf prescribed tech- stre^ses of buildings of rations for J' 1 t'ruje, do the majority of A. & caitfle. f lihijs ii Ml igraduates | h^ve a clear claim to being considered pdiicafed, men? Not according to President TjrUman’s commispipn on higher education. Tpik report condemns most Amer- j the narrow icip colleges! ap too narrow. Where does, that here in techni- „ M.’ pdtUis, in a Lschool more narrow than most? Thp larger part of'the blame for the ex istence of t|ii! condition lies not with the administration, not with the: department heads, Uut wjith thle students themselves, who refuse to reco|niae the 1 glaring deficiency in i ithj the type of has tended to somewhat'limi ted individufel lipdn fciaduapm. , ( j • As empl]asi :e(| l|y this If ne of world po- ' litipal stresi tt e giiitpst M *ia natiofi can possess is ji vridje-iv r^ke ;j(|;tizinry oUpable of thinking jihrPugh tne vafl amount of pro paganda thfustj upof 1 tjhemfj indf arriving at current happen- a reasonablil true “ings. Otherjvis —• populace' serve 1. world’s play, fp - direction _ mehts of mass One is led ai tifn gii-eatj-jmajority ,of the tlhd mertly'as [pawns in the r lao'vhi, sum-edi first in one hep o psjlcl C itothejit 'w-ifi! by! tbe instru- i deciding what courses offer in the cur ricula for; a certain degree has haunted the dreams' of many department heads who re cognize the 'inadequacy of a degree backed sojelv by purtjly technical courses. The only anlsv’er to the fenigma Cntails the substitution of five yearItdchnlcal courses in place of the qldei standard four yeai\ courses. Though this has beejn I triedf m sevml- departments, studi'ntjs haVefshunned the piap in favor of the <ilder and .“quicker’f four year system. il sublj a time as students become of the: value of a liberaheducation with the technical training they re- ow', it seems that A[ & M. must con- to produce graduates who can claim proweM as f hinkers other thaiKthe to wiUld.a slide rule or perhaps judge . nil ; 4 Iri Where dogs such narrow education leadj? Ifntj avfaie coup e ceive n tiijiue little abilit)y prize c| jo wtjiKieij if the aver- The Port Worth Star Telegram remarks, ih age Aggie uixnj gila#jiatioji|j^ capable to kny aii editorial j j ' t tjainly not t extent of lijtqril fh|i ighftjrertjainly not to the degree jot reas|i:ii|ngips Way through - most of rher compll>;, proli ems of today s !" “one world.'t ' 1 (Upon w|at does' - liefs, his ppBtioal ai mu^t fall h|i|h. upon he A ( socijc 4p-jb •1J judice, for? be - M.Jthat wjoi|ldf help of mankind| .ii| the Should We, ■From ttje Qk4l|)ijia Jb an_intriguij|g plat Commentinif on th* students ret|irjning r ^ays only t(i h nations, th«i pklah gests a renjcdly. Hal week precefd ng It gie jbase his be- convidions? Hie gnuints ajnd pre- hasj I > urnecjhio ficts at-A. & him |ej<alug(te problems sttien^jj'ic Way that he whe a pi y.-lricl'; i on fusi| tom ih r uly News comes s most girnely. n resulting frorji Christmas holj- conllf’onted Evith final examj- ma [yilege paper sug- re .tbie;final! during the hoiMays with enrol ment To 1 ' the iecoinci serneHler beginning im mediately if ter the|hoIi(ja|-s'. |* f- [ The pop|ilile imi|rovein|nt in-gradejs and petice of miaiq shojuli makiJ the {plan worthy of chnsidermipn bvlfoth vf|ulents and facul ty. avoiding jnp 'tw^flvhekl Christmas break in th« s^me^t|r. the iitiateilial, would be fresh in tiib ;studjei|t’s m:j.d for the exam. With his esfnjns finished’ tjie weary student would'havelid tertnSpapqrh to write over his yule holidays; no jbuning lj>r Cxaqis by the e : time Finals?. , ‘Irbroughj the elifnination of genOrgl or liberal education under the regime of Hitler, a generation qf Germans was reduced to the stgtusjof roljibp, skilled in their pursuits but inLt Trampling Out the Vintage Will tWomen on t I# Victory less They’ve hauled out the crying towel ijn maiss on. the Pacific Coast and,! between sobs, a few mumbled sentences about F.B.M. can be beard flowing; across the nation with California datelines. ! F.BjM. is, of course, “Football Before Michigan,*’ and has reference to Michigan’s 49-0 humiliation of Southern California ip tlje Rose Bowl. The loss to Michigan, third in a row by heavy scores in Rose Bowl games, has just] about sealed the doom of the West cbaa|. football supremacy, t" J Reqce the crying towels, a (g-’veiopment which' is not particularly surprising to the followers of the Southwost Conference); who can remember quite a string oif victories by SWC teams over the Pacific CpuC . ! I ; ! h t . j j j ' i It looks like the Californians are gojng to have ‘ to either (1) Hire neu - and bettor press agents (2) Employ Hollywood Female Stars, to sit 01} the bench and district players from Texas Colleges, trhbialways hove hail an eye (it say^ here) for the fi)rer sex or (and this is the most doubtful) (3) produce better football • teams, ' ! .> \ Ah Weil, California still claims Texas bred Mary Martin, Ann Sheridan and Linda Darnell-fthey can’t have everything. CAUGHT IN THE ACT The age of science has apparently put to the lit the old proverb about “youth having- i|is way.” The burglar alarm at an East Baltiiporp Candy Factory; rgng one night recently. Four policemen surrounded the building, then entered-ci utlously. They found a 12-year old boy, his moath stuffed with caddy bars. Usihg the ring around his mouth as “pnma facie evidence”, they bookei him for juvenile authorities. EXIT, FREE SPEECH I?16vator operators in the Los Angel have been ordered to adhere strictly to calling floors by their numbers only. Building superintendent Ralph Hoffman said the instiuttions were issued after he r-reived re ports that some operators were, with so lie pessim ism, cajling out “war department" for' t|ie floor where dlivbrce courts are located, “flat ’oot alley” of the statesmen, lies Cermany. do- inc 7"V 'nlKw•TccounrofThc* I f ° r , t ^ > >olic ? ^‘luartc., floor, “moi-giic’j for the feated but still the key to peace in ^SmS'of S^Jt^ar Easte rn ' ^ Nt f f floor . an f . Bal1 and Cha M for lhe Eun,.,o. To ovory • Uy *««»• tlie statesmen, Germany is a chal- with emphasis op Russian relations mge and a series ]of troubling with Japap ynd China. The mater-. ^ (luestions; Nowhere . have those j a | | s drawn largely from Russian ! *hc newly organized United bteei •questions beejn answered more di- • sources; Irttje of it has appeared Company fox hunting club turned its reetiV than in this book by Russell •„ Knjri’jsh ijefon-. ‘ .j Thursday from hunting foxes to hunting Hill, outstanding eoirpdpqndeiit .of >Hss Mooi'e’s purpose lias ln-en ' The. tit) members bought two hounds In the ‘Struggle for Germany’ Lies Key to Peace in Europe By MRS- WTLNORA BARTON Readers’ Advisor ] vivid picture! pi. hoW the Germans arc living and thinking. STRUGGLE FOR GERMANY by SOVIET FOR EASTERN POLICY Russell Hill. Harper,. 1947. j 1931-19Ui. By Harriet L. Moore. Behind the confusing headlines, Princeton University Press, behind the laborioust negotiations j lm is a '..sfcoyt but remarkable City Hall polipy of ^ilijnis, youVe got your worn why we’rei losing by four touchcl HUNTERS HUNT HOUNDS The Okajy, you now toll ijl! ! • + f * CLEAN Sf| When Fiji nk F. Ciollims lifted the tticeiver cf his telepHjone jheft ■juierith', \\ cost),51,200, 1 slixn-wliwil 1 ^ c . ojtbdv end j of the wire told j The NeV York Herald Tribune. 11 0 the Atneriean reader a At theputset, STRUtiGLE FOR turc of bpw tlA war in lhe P; been pic- icific GERMANY, highlights Hie basic looked to'the; Soviet people. To that i conflict between Russia and the end she has included in an (ixten- in !€ l|)U-t by he banrls (it then lestroyer.. 'western poweiN whiehl threatens to sive appe-hdix tbe full text of key. •jia today its another striking instance, turn Germany iYno a battleground, diplomatic documents and Soviet lere thiejdpSjiaj of intellectual freedom and The differing pomdus and purposes j statements lit critical moments in $200 and noted for their fox-hunting ability Tuesday they went a hunting, for the first time. They; sighted a fox and the baying hounds took off | “Rke thjejt were jet-propelled," accorditjg ]to club ■ president Oliver Purlin. The: dogv haven’t beep seen since, h jeitber has the fox- ijoad edutiijjioh lowers the productive effij- cien’cv of the people;! Specialization, thus, can undo its owiji purpo$e,’’ light of q '(rhlristmas tree, and none of the worry which! oncoming exams can brin to; m|ar hi j;] qestjivities. The semester coplc] as easily stjarti the first of September, making up for the time cut off from what is now the post-.Cli|ri|itmas period. he OkljdHoma bditpr concludes, that the would Irtve some merit for the profs plan aS wSll as no ir 4 44V/J1 ^ I l \ 7 f It i l l V - ^*7 l-k.» • Annual legislature Needed souse \Thil<? rush, to| re mas tars. tkej students since there would be ad assembling and preparation of the material for finals. of Russia, Britain,\t’ranee and the . recent far Eastern history. United States are shown in action This is aHdiluablo addition ti^the as they have deve bpeil since the litevatun-of Soviet Russia and the fall of Berlin. The ihysrery of Ger- Far East. Those who want a brief, many today is attailiked with a rich sujniVniry and' who. Want arsenal of anecdotes ; ann\on-the-! source matenal will find this book spot information which bushes a useful 111 further studies. On The Screen Hurry, Step Right Up to See ‘Nightmare Aliev-Gam pus < and Wire- attention hounds, valued at Spmeonelj that k forge .gainst] him q| of the] Ande toward '■ the j. • There, n - or suejh a ch be foiijnd fhe at {lipOO, ani. By DAVE SELIGMAN NIGHTMARE ALLEY (Campus h'S). Attention ail Aggigs over 21! This picture is recommended for adult entertainment. Starring Joan T|he plajj kot onljv makes a great deal of in’lije |mi([st O^'^heoncmhdng wpekf Blotideji and Tyrone, NA portrays and kept tluiirefqme Oil the''radio • Southwesteni Exposition^iml L.u- p'ot and is better than qyerage en tertain nu nt. ★ PARTNERS IN -TIME (Guion, FS). Lnm and Aluier vi-ho gained 20 Students Visit Ranch Sunday Twenty A. & M. students ac- complinied by Bill Wfirren of the animal husbandry department made a trip to Magnolia .Sunday to visit the ranch of Lester Goodsoh, quar ter hor$e breeder. Four classes of quarter! horses were jiidged and discussed by the ■students at tbe ranch, Wajren re- jioi ted. I - Fifteen of the 20 students niak- 1 ing the] trip are iprospective mem-j hers of; the junior livestock judg ing team. The team will compete in the 'collegiate division of the livestock judging contest at the Bpn Cadt a company if.) i a la rmk Tht off his own Bbn iii d! him bis attedjpting to cash a chcijk a- ;iip appliance stoire. Co|lins, mar lager ■: 1 RiJey Beltatc Office, hi 1 I {■ ■' . . , )p(‘kjlejlv_(if such a call,; such a fop'ger, to the c| j iVhieij Chilling, Returned t dobil open. Gqno were bonds, valued l:oo iu cash, i INVUATI^ . ; | ■ || ' t ni Of IMiiloidelphia is part owiuji t inuiiufactureii autofuobilc bu -| j Hr dap, |Bit- 11 t-°pk the burglar ajlarnr tjo leiid ii; to alfiiend and— taxifabsi temporarily. I-ij)OD GROUP TO IMEEtJI The (j'ollegc Station ;j Worn) iioup will meet Friday aftM it 2:3(1 at tlije honjije of] N j Lewis, 410 Thvockijiorton. j Food noon R. D. 'all 1 •pauseiftjr a moment from your attempt t-all evib.ri'thing you forgot over Christ- iind think about relocating the .semes- A minol wrangH whibK has been ste\i- ing-betweel. [Goveir tor Jeiier ajnd the sup porters of 4'Vera! i] jw appropriation bills is pointing upilajquesti m whkh has been ignof , ed for gome!'ipie. A) e Tox;*),’ legislative prob lem^ suffideiitly m merqljl; andj complex to _ merit an aifnjual aelaion <jl cjnir state’s law=- makers; raijjjer thin theii r present overy- other-year ii leetingil? . . ^ The spolsprs offljills ipcolving establish ment of a tijtdte Upii versitjf Medjical Branch, a Cancer-iPieilegra: ! eseart;?! hospital, a soil conservation jprOgnm, aid several other .projects arffilpbbyiii) r consi: ten-tly for a spec ial session iff'the $(lfth .Leg| slature.' The gov ernor is dpjjjmsing; speyihl session with equal vigqr| J - J | . jjj There Ls|^m to ue sievjoral reasons why we should Najvie a lit'gular j mnijial legislative session. Qui- good argunj ml was brought out in the jiews cjo iimnk recently when the state penitqmiary'3'sten)i f'an nut of money' 1 ^rights in tlhe middle-pf gislat jye chambeiH were if id the life surrounding] cheap side- go out of their medium jin attempt- shows. ing’to maki' film historyi It’s good Contrasting with the idealist- for a few laughs and has special hero | role in “Tbe Uazcjr’s ] Edge,” appegl for tht- -‘homey” folks. Power’s part in this picture is the THE DEVIjL ON WHEELS, unprincipled carnival barker. The (Guion, F$), double feature. Hot- gist of the plot is his causing the rod drivers, young-kidg who race death of a drunken mieutalist after around in jalopies fake a lambast- Power has learned] his ti'icks. When i ing in this picture,; bu|t: it doesn’t 1 1 -a j j* , ,.i he marries a sideshow - performer,, make much of la rtgiviei. Trying to S: -t Ug solmd funds from an auto license the'team rises to fame UF night- put .forth a moral, (he • producers appi’oprmtiohj into thjjt; prison larder kitty, club headliners. But he in turn neglect the picture and,consequcnt- Althnugh ihiq move staved off starvation - 'is tricked by a beHU(ifdl psycholo- ly a sail hudodratna with all injec- tir the mojneht the inrpates and quite a few 'Fist. In the supporting roles are lion of romance evolves. tf i-? arc jKyinninlt to u-ondcr- if auch sko ! KO> RAW' WQUecn.ThFS), nanjj.ans njtakict lot efficient government. j— —f— — ; Mood, mystery, and melodrama are mr m • j the supporting eleinctHk of this j\avy 1 laifUC to Story of the cops-and-robbers type. ]1 j It's the one aibotitv-a hard-boiled CoI]rt <r <‘ know-it-all adverttu/ei: -this time ! : i? J in Panama — whose services are available to anyone for a (irice. The go.Ver lor brought out another inter esting poiint n his own argument against the packers .<|f an old age pension amend ment;. At ithe present time it is illegal to amend the- constitution in a special session, and it is ejveif impossible to vote on certain bills 'during " vv^vc uu VCA (fc?' m & t hv I ^ O’Bridn play, a not loo con- t he called periods If an emerge *'1' v* t!' ° f % '' 0 vincing role, surrendering acting ineyauea periods, n an emergf N;ivy Department for .ts *er-\ hntlor t0 : Arin( . j t ,(fries and the supporting cist Starting! sfovi - because ; of trying to build u|i mood, the film gathers momentum-airt dnds as priihe ac tion stuff.] Fans, tipn’t expect too. much and iyou will enjoy this. ,X',.-LL kl j l : al Establish- F. E. -Bolton, ejicy j req^ibjibir! qn amendment were to arise -’. ices --.-rideied in training officers just after (the regular session, it would be technically impossible to put the amendment, through, even though a special Session were cjtlled. These arejpnly-specific instances from a largt group o| ! such legal bottlenecks. Texas for food ptjdebases I'd period whiui the 1| j empty. Justj is the jeon-vic s were begimiiijig to tighten wiieir hejlls- and look hungrily at .each other lspnieo,i)|. conjC - ivetjf the idea pf / •ii has expamjled greatly in population and husij- ness volume d\[ev the past few years. Our present house find I legislature can not keep pace with thej new Splenjands forced on them by this expansion. The legislators no longer ajrrix'e in Austin tty - Wells Fargo Stage. Should they lyork 'on an equally outmoded biennial schedule? I . j . ■ d ' R : 1 : 1 The Battalion i! 1 The Batttilion, dff cial nej» spaper of the Agricultural of College Stf^ion, TeP as) te - jj> ibijshed five times a week Mqchanical Cdllege of Texas and the City tnd circulated every Monday through Friday afternoon, except dpiii ig hoi is ays and examination periods. During the summer The Battalion is pub lished semi-wfeeldy. S ibscriplfnn rate $4- per school y£ar. j Advertising rates furnished on request. .News contribution win Hall. CljUsified * 209, Goodwin tllall. jif- All-Americin —4t- CHARLIE MURRAY, ,Vlck Lindley Farris Block, Doke Hobbs, David Seligma?\ Entered as sedond-clasis ifatter Office at Colioi dl Stati(>n iTexas, .he Act of Congress of Ma t Mack T. Nolen Louis Morgan, U jjnneth , It (L. D. Bnice. Jp. i How ird Tom Carter. Tori Corelskd f [ and tm-n for the Navi: nu-nt during the war, Dean-of the ('oliege, i hnotiriccd to day. • ‘ ■ Ceremonies will be Held ib the president's office, ati 11:30 m. Thursday, and the pflaque will 'be presented hv Captain Henry Y. McCown, USN. Ball Will Present Awards Next Month The Second Annual Battalion Awards will be announced during the first week of next : seinestci, Roland Bing, manager Of student publications, announced .yejjferday. Last year awards whrd'presented to eight college faculty jand str.ff members, whom The Buiitalion staff considered “most outsUimlmg” dur ing tlie past year. ; • ; Today Thur Saturday “ll Had to Be Yoii” with GINGER ROGERS CORNEL WILDE -ttff - . 1 1 ,• j 11. . may bi; made by telephone (4--544i) or lajt thfi editorial office, Room 201, Good* Is may |e placed by telephone (4.-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room ' i [•> s i j- Meiftber of the Associated Press S3 iS'CD ise credi !of all c itledl exclusively to the Use for republidation ;ed iti the paper and local pews of spimtam ther j matter herein are also u servod. 1 of all news dispatches credit ous origin published herein. IMMTtfi NELSON.. ! pcn*er. j • Twnmair ’ * T. Mui, if Associated Collegiate Prc • Member ;' • i ' Represented nationally by National Ad- -ertising Seivicc, Inc , tit New York jCiity. 'hidago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. -f-lp—M- ..Co-Editora ditor 1= ..Managing Editor* Feature Editor ....Featurg Writer* Columnist* Paul Martin Don Hngelkipgji Art! ir Mbtula. Zcfo Haton Sam Lanford, W.' K»U HouelS |_i- J... . mu * lowarfl. Larry Goodwyn, Andy pd, HeeaheU Shelby g__. Sports Writer* ville, :L. Gray u CarUKinist* llarri-tt, Pfl-stc a I>. Kiel! n........ Spri - Advertising Manager Advertising Assistaats —■ Clrrulatlan Manaeer o.It—t'j:... CIUON HAIL TODAY A THURSDAY «A» -Viv ; r .., M G M s TECHKIC010R MUIlCau ii i , - ■ i ; • i 'BRWOUAMS i** MELCHIOR am DIIRUIIE wsu JOHNSTON inw CUGAT isd 111 oriMM'l j fin - 1, EXTRA! FATHE NEWS PRESENTS ROSE HOWL FILMED IN COLOR! also Cotton Bowl . .!;. Sugar Bowl . . . Orange Bowl! il IL also featurette, “WHITTLE IN THE NIGHT” stock Sjiow at Fort Worth January 3°. ! I i-^ Twertty] six nu-n tried* out for | the teahi December 7, and the field i was thjimted to 15 following the j holidayk, Warren said. Final selec tion will be made by Warren, team j coach, and assistant A. C. Sears, veterinary medicine student. Wairen reported that other trips are phi lined to give the students an opportunity to see more stock of all classes and breeds in pre paration for the Fort Worth con test. QUEEN ! LAST DAY “Pirates of Monterrey” Opejns 1:00 p.m. 4-11 Today - Last Day 1'Tins I* i Pi 1st Run Feature lyv- - - - - BA1 4ki iCOUJMli MCTOKtS Ktuno tyuv-dut. TON ifeotuB I CDWA(0 EVERCTT K0S1DN . Y-GtNE ICtKHAW rV Features Start: 1:00 I- 2:15 - -l:3j5 - 6i?5 J -j 10 - .6o ® i 1. • —Also-- DONAIJ) DUCK .1 NEW! 5 THURSDAY — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Riff Raff” with Pat O’Brien RIDAY & SATURDAY BIG DOUBLE FEATURE! - J jH ,, Si arts Tomorrow ONE DAY ONU ^Copaeahana” —Starring—! CARMEN MIRANDA GROUCHO MARX h- GUI0N HALL CO MING — SUNDAY — MONDAY * from lh« Origin*! Pny bi „ lt ^_ HOWARD IINDSAY S RUSSEL CROUSE MICHAEL QURtIZ from OicM SRrtin s SU|e ProURKld" • 4j<c I Mu Ste-nyr • (Sattfi Pl»> <or DwMd 0t*«jUm 1 r ffi • - ; i! i n 1, i,!. in ' j j ' jj ' • . i Ii , J i ) i; L i ty i mmmm. Ml /I r- i m • i AORIDI NASH DIRIU HICI MNFOIDMWSCMOWEt Prti*nf*d by riradatoi Rattaaina 0m l and V Mara fun tlrawba ^•-•sswasr AWCaWMJvofMN paaauc)io* IU