Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
GAZING By PAUL MARTI* week-end •a rrtd' JtiS ^ P? ,a>U “<*•** *Ai» w« j.. a ^ h r 0 ^sfc s.'xzZiUSL.*: tim * Te *“ CkmtUn trmvek U Aopthi for » n«fM wRIi the LoQ «fc orM ^A>lrSottni«n W, Hoorten to Uh« om the Rice Owli, and Bay' ^jpr wind* up its non-conftrence pbw f \m^u C, in TuIm, Oklahom*. im Om* have att». ‘Ki t fl' f? Marita * Ki^wr bwa MM Mai wb«th»r Uyns «M I kniwk down. H|ff»tL I hsv* Mm»thiii« nn tM M Well. Tim* Mf toy In Jm MmUoU, *hd Ultk backs ihort buHU of pronw ™ ^—I in the tuaak with Ok the Hogs tot ths opiKisiUon on kUhsnls. Boa.v in* only one 8WC win so fsr, the Poiker* hrre develojH.1 prunsijb a defsnslve tana with everything SuilTTrt * ^ Seott On the bests of put performances, we cant see anyth mg leu than a decisive virtu Sr Jh vrEsv ^ ,,, ' tt “ The Teaa* uTckeh with the HoVned Progs nay WeH mskr history of onrsoit or suuth. i utitoh Map# has bash getting his (barge* ln this tilt far ths past two wseks. t why tern oat to m « mstter of .7. u it Rkf Rates Two Touchdown Edge on Horton's Charges > •' By LABBX OOODWYN sharpened for an upaot ataampi ovT^' College Statioi) Friday for Houston meet ike Rice Owla before % sellout crowd ^ Some 30,000 fans will be on band to see the two clubs to kasg^oot of the eseeatO division in the final Southwest i hi (t-reiu t standing!' hach has son OM snd lost two with the also having a tie against on their conference fee* Aggies all Arkansas ord Pie wl »» Is net hlta ihe to be overlooked with such man as t iHala# fltaammef JAmA maul IBmIm ailVVWw UWwTX | w 11*1 mNHHBBt uMBr wwWw Mtout, sparkinir the drive Tests set an en^ri^i^rie rer^rrd f mn^ t he ■tart, racking up sis wins In six •torts before dropping a U-IS de cision to SttU. TCU, en the other hand, was skted for the Cellar h> pre*season forecasters and started out in that direction After 4 mg their opener with Kansas and los ing the next two, purple began to play in earnest. UDMltinv Miami U7 Texas AAM. OhuSU, and t Baylor in that order. Considering that the lossy, will alas be eliminated from the con ference race, both aggregatkm should be giving their be«t exhibi tions. Despite the sheases for an dt tarflb a past two w« to be s msttei han th» mgs weiras lh# strong right srm JW JmSShW"?! I gm iis bieer* Oto nod by ■fAMi J. W. MAGBB. SS» feet II Inch he has rspaJj^t ef kst yeara AB I hr will undoubtl* deal Un MMfh mlseo aatords) Pe«»d , I U si left m us mat Rice, off its sparkling perform- nee against ths sams Arkansas eleven in Houston lam tpaek. rates s h ever A B B. two-touchdown their overhead with Huryl S Battalion P 0 R T a THURSDAY, 1 1»*7 Page S into shape condition i .■m jESu'on Sa®w!fc “r-!.? playing ihal Inst year dawned ths Smi IT-10 on |Mn MmT u Though edmlHlng that Kkt has i excetittotmlly good teem. Ideneed by the kst two perfm ■le> aad the pewer running Rose |» gata three jrins sad a tie id fame with Baty and Stan Hollmif, tilt league’s number two ami thr >« sen, respectively, doing the pi ranter's and fifth nation in la rounding I be k top Owls of ^Jimnof 1 1 V» "I Fightin* Ii Powerful for their Own Good and >e Atgies condition uppBt here, we’ll stick about 14-7 After kst week ef the rumUai by virtue of defeet* and subaod 411 they hew to worry shout now Is besting the other guy. The Owls, prt-seeeon favoritM to topes! (they were ho- cksmptnng along With Arksnse* last yeeH got off tb • bad start, collecting three losses and a tie in thoir first five games. Since thal time, however, Jess Neely's chargee seem to have been inspired by something or other for they first tan cuughahod over the Texas Tech Red Raiders 34-7 and then slaughtered a visiting team of Arkansas Porkenf tM. . T" Poaaesun* % brorifl of material still WATIR. Ok la.. Nev. IS Neely will nave the advantage of ( ijg — Members of the Oklahoma nd and will Ihrv* lSites sad I different k M3 an rvtdeued by the last two perfenn ances, we believe the Aggies hsve a better one. Providing Qto Maroon and Whites are in condition, wet give them the signal by not leas than two TDs. Calling thi upaot of the week, well say 21, Rice Institute 7. (IL liinrtnvi iluau* uikwuMua v^u Squad Backs ( oach last Mte Malarday Homer Norton said the Aggies wtild again take to Uto air In an attempt to state an •el. Boasting the ,onfrren«', . leading passing gams, ths Cadets have been drilling all week on for the game Probable Halting Ltoeugai ike •*_ AAM Williams JOB * America „ of the belw ferward wa|L WATSON, tH pound Ali- Armstrong ItafM Wetoen Nicholson iprulll L Wsltnsley Anderson R i i«« W mhler • Ovpib (Jury HUutsenlierfer Tulls • defeaatoe ■aanagee to) hair fee ihs T80N, IMpe mImt cmmIMmI#* Im (MM arks Mtelks Owk’ ill. Be ta a gata dnwa m, playd a vkak of ktsi uuuunmNlji mtontoa, CHARLKS SOUTH HKNft, 1N1A j i fwt hull . is no ucrrt that the difficulties antf tHUj lor a repreaentauve ^ _ Hough Work-Out ji;£™ Hcudying for Rice Wiilhunson Picks Rice, Baylor, Texas (Ed note) The poetry, which can't be much worne than Williamson'a predictions, belong* to the Sports Dept). playing book*(have pract IF YOU LIKE SCOTCH PLAID, LAD... and V(bQ dpgaqV Have a btok at Arrow’* bonny new auoitmeot of TARTAN SPORTS SHIRTS. } * . > Medium wailhti *ta rugged, these smartly aylta ’ ip«A» sHirti’Vome Tn 11 * ’ dilieivm dsisliflft phidi. BuPnn .town Ssf potWm and unouth humg Arrow ioU*rs. on every shut I ^ ; . AAM football squad indicated entire taMT WH,-.lay tht-y ,rc 100 per cent U-hijul Coach Jim Lookabaugh and the iianging of Leokebeugh effigy Sntanky night was reported a* the work of a few pranksters. The O’CoUi-gian, Oklahoma Ag gie student newspaper, said the dummy used in the demonstration attempt wa* made from homecom mg decorationa. “The effigy was ' hanged from a tree on the campus and an-anonymous phone caller at tempted to arouse students in cam pus house*. There waa no response and three student senators cut down the dummy. ,r Text* U. ever TCV- *1 The Frogs are ready— For FredHy. |ke ever AAM. The twelfth man says no, Tain’t so. WU ever Arkansas. Walker over Seott By quite a lot. Baylor over Taka. The Bears are overrated This time they're faded. Notes Dame ever Northweetera. The Irish woh't tare In the Wildcat’s kir. Michigan over Wisconsin. Michigan’s fine But we can’t make it rhyme. Tht severing of relations with Army yeor-sM rivalry had besoms dang-' arously over-emphasised or for off the record reason* involving per- toimUlkS" shocksd many Nat re Dam* alumni. And M«, hist s few day* after the Inta walloped the Cadets 17 to 7 m the serlM* flask, AWte Aggie. Go Through ^ ua ’ I The •ehtvdV mrsskkat snd tke- pte«lden(, Ih*- KSVe, John J (*ave 'tough amt Jobs N Murphy, ra- sprcUvely. quickly denied that ' Idkhy had proiHjm d to ut. IV. either I orally or to u Citing. Then Leahy leaned a eUtenwnt through the Notre Dame publicity secttoti that he uould "consider it a great hon or and privilege to remain at Notre Dame for as long a period of tinle as university official* behev, l can be an aaaat to thi* ipitituUon " The report si a* started yester day by Jae William* of the Nsw< York World Telegram and H. G. Salsmger of the Detroit New* who wrote that Leahy offered to resign because of repmuamop* of the Army-Iriah break off. 12 —■4^7—!• Notre D too powerful for its university hoe schools of the >n ore being h Homer Vanity third day of on Kyfe Field 1 noon aa the Cadei to meet the Rice this coming Ssturdi When aaktafo. ngOK, Norton sent the eomi opinion 00 Norton said, "Our mg UK, Norton said, * chance* of winning are aa eiim this week as lalL But the boy* are promiqtog to put in a good gams.” Norten *l*o added that the team William* Mid that Amy's tare- well was "only en* wtta'!rs"sl Ml a tong Mrtee (ftem football ash*. Mike) and, a* these wWMtewula eunted, th« foo<ball set-up M ette Dsme began te loss skUhty xtul no little ptesttfe.* I Privately, <h* Army's eUNudS may be shniler to that heto by •eversl big nine ssheels ihsf Netre Dam* simply is too pmseA fuj s customer to bandit ql'-ns adlh •even or sigh! other teams on S •enson's scheduh-, Michigan, OMt Htote, lllrnoi* and Minneteta decWi- m! to shun the Irish and then may Idsltekp s complete unanimity Mn ■big ntoe to eeld eheulder the Weaker Seat? We’ll bel yew Stinnett High School Girl Takes Field Friday, To Crash Starting Grid Lineup STINNETT, TEX. Nov. 12* -tfr-Frankie Groves gcU her' shance Friday ni^it to show girls can play high school football just Uk* the boys. Frmpkie, 14, it five feet four and weigh* a solid ItS and She’s going, to at right tackle for Stinnett High School in the big game with Groom. Ooarh Truman Johnson *a>» Frankie, whom he considers quite a of handling a luwman’s capable h better taektor (Fan hltahe, and"* ^ **"" ' I want to get the Omoia receiver -va. uo mmm , jM«M.. hi* trasks," explained ( )fUO HS hU*! t*ll To But whether (Hinnett hlehs or Play Austin High Friday m A cate vivacious little blood, age A with big blue eyes ran oat oato the football practice field Wednesday afternoon and, < "icKcd ea the sweater of ops of Coach Johak Fraakk’e “B" team player*. •‘WiH yoa pleaae wia that gaaie far me SatuidayT” 'h.- »hk*-d. "I waat the Aggies to wia.” The boys gathered •round bee, noting that she wore a white sweater wish a rad *T". Questioned by the preta, the aaate as Jaaa bat bar last name hard te My." cral of the backs aa her boyfriends then scampered home after the "B" team boya promiata te da wbat they could fey hat*. the b lrt*b. OK. R B. McNUTT O E N TI«T Office la Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone t-l4ft7 Br»aa. Teas* , . -tomMtN0U0W OdOMNOblades ifehAMjeta AaAAAliAdbd^te Ito saelAM M it mtom*mfrwl**p *mW fff ^Ffl g|l M m mum* ttam MtAdi ml Stam^AmM smlialma »»rm mvf7® vnVwfm Vm T 'Vvvw* A Sag jam fttoriu Arrow deWrr for Anou iforu ih<rfi 1 I ' f. I ten* lw pmi PXll «fr ti 'TV WUm. Wtea 4 Wim at ~ Mm • ClMtM« ttesr-r* Xta*r n>4f fat «« ete lA* M Am tod mil. ASSim. CoM«e» tfaS* . CWt. Ntbodr A Oa.. lac. Ne* Y«k M. N. X- ARROW SHim and TIE$ JINDIRWKAB • HANDKIRCHIIFS A SPORTS SHIRTS in wateh tag rl Herfitrin m» ih* gridimn la aa rata agsiaal it hat bar parent* eauaeal Tom Gratraa, Ml ■HMfi Mid bo)« of the rommunlly hsd refused la let Frsnkle play faat- Thai maasi toey mvd yfae yev evict, ball with them beesuM she i* etmm|| damAxjhdbjmiAgta sKsawms stewmmldtmumdfl Asms ms^totfta ''wwn, ww••• V<toTm«e *”™"mB> CsnT“lfl“r“fl ifpfl rilmH " • i' 1 you am Ike u — ^ ^ But Groom can’t do anything : ;.viL u ."'"tot It and Friday night Frankie K ; YOv TI,47r,will be oa Stinnett', aita-eo that’* ekhr^^l Oe* e pocksg* *odoy. A for tOe • IB far l|g • R5 far S^c r I Inighl Kl Fssn will be the eaahe of per hag* the hii *t«to intorsavtlunal high nf the saddfRi Aitata play* beta ta tha eleven, which travel* all the »y from Toledo, Ohla, The opponent* of undefeated and untied Austin were tha mythical Mmaed more interested in the Tktabftving game with Tex« Unlveraky thaa Hto tottUe with tha Owls. Big George Ksdcra reinjured his ankle in Wedneaday'*-drill and Norton MW It was quostiousbie whpther he will *#«< adkn Mstur H|i Otherwise all the team i« physically up to par. I . Charlie'DeWare's freahman team scrimmaged with the Varsity as Ihay readied Uiemeaivas far iheii emping game with Ihe Klee glim* RyleKi Mike Thsidiqivlnq week-end lamethinq eitre-ipaelal ■ ma ■ »- l_a 1 k A^tam Am If Tmrnma mUUm w ,4h rvpyfWv 9 | tos^vw^wawvvf »**spvww Vw t s^wy stotow* wvvv^Me W, * T ’ DBf»#llBH^ cofif7#c^iof7i daiI, w#it yAuc sail tddbii'rto AfhiflbJl todhas a Am ktasaggi adhtadlAf ta”* ▼wrtogvtawWY pWsi TB*w 1 y™to Wtev* L a rmfkMW fi.m mmta samA taaf k (rsI«ii wim ftgsmmmf C' U»,. k miAta fvV^ta™ *sta» WV*^ wtow* *taw"™ to * *wV^^^^Vt WwV^tolPto ^wVvto 1ma at P4gk|k^m* txHiAA ttod amkxA^**lma vtatotot v tor”wto* w”'*Ww V^to t^pf^wtoxfvwl toV^to vl^tow* . Blto Deld Friday afternoon *4 % •m state champ* of Ohio last year •ta thi* year so far have hod only on* game III eight Itert* Their starting line bp will average about j tTI pounds, which Is comparable to that nf Austin, .. ond for rocl economy $100 Pol Lr>*- rooa HANDSOME. OASSIC FABRICS FOR FALL TROUSRRS Pure Worateds and X)abar- dines for umartno* and eervUtoataiity. , , , Coiora to blend with any type suit* coat or aport jaehet, PAL COl:OA QROJND RAZOR BlACifcS Ml •ro jnd ho. the r 'cd> ■ rankle ,ha. been a little sur prised by all the fan mail, tele phone culls and aoch that have coqie to her from over the nation "I’m serious shout thi* hu*ineu,” *he said. "It’s not a stunt." Coach Johnson pronounced Frankie to good rnnriitlga. She has taken work-oats regalarl) • with the squad this week and yesterday doubled the coad it ton ing because she also played a game with the girl* basketball tatto. 1 \ Tonight she drill go to prayer meeting at the Baptist Church but I all other nights will be in bed by 9:30 o'clock. It will be Stinnett High’s las! game of the season. The team ha* tost five and won three this yew and is out of the district race. "Frankie means business,” said Ann B-iiis BEAT RICE OUEAJ^Nt 4 — PRESSING * WATERPROOFING • All Kind* of Rapair Work and i‘ Alterations AGGIE CLEANERS N. Gate- We Deliver Phone 4-4554 9 PIONEER yfu./uu^. GOVtINMNf DISICNAUO fO CAttY PAlUNCdf, dflANI, HAH, tXPIIU Stag up y9tif face value.. m Wn’^v W f * • , , • j I • •£- * ( * Stow - complete rtngo, rsfutora and tatigs. * PRICES MODERATE FOR ■- f - MAKE AND FABRIC LEON B- WEISS Nex/ to Tbtttrr ) \ SPECIAL ,A/ at the RENT • i , .J J J , j A JEEP At th« North Oat# — | Doors Kant of Rank htow 4 IHMM KATES - Hourly or Daily Aggie Jeep Joint Box 304(7 The Cottage Cash Grocery * ’ *! J (On Hwy. No. 6 at “the sign with the Polar Bear") FRIDAY « SATURDAY, NOV. 14TM - 15TH OUDO **•#♦•* olAoiola tious . jl /XS J svseaviMMewavv****** 5 Pounds I Poumta llta *viaata«ev.a«va#t*a* CIOASUTTM 11 Ivtry Waokend vw.vmA ’dMHMK wow emu ZZ~: AIMISATtON OOKVRK Per Carton $1.6ft Mi Pound Carton No. % Can - Market S|M’( mU • MUM "A" SIRUMN sma^STi II AM A—Half or Hhota Per Pound I M***«aa«dkaas*> PW I 'HUMI • Best Everyday Prices Add s plus to yoar dsys and your dales... enjoy the rrostny-rieh liixuijf «i S SnOorth .Inv* the hrseinf foil..'. 'Mi *1 v jlinlb'i limiht t'lrtwInUtaNb 1»» iit' in suiia! Tkasa and ottau Baafafik xaaanltaK ( |i*< ksgrd to k*ft«UoMi stonawatos utap It aaok. UtAmta* fl ta |7. V. Am^rtk, 10 ffmtaj/MSr /%**, Now Bata JNh HTsKAhHmTsrff tn n, imorl shop i Bryan