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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
Battalion EDITORIALS ■f THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1M7 ‘SKort and llap^y Life of Francis Cucumber’ e for Sportsmanship... Smrwt strain on the A.&M. student so far as weekend conduct is concern- * cd, Will come this Friday and Saturday. - • A number of irritations have aris#i l i during the week. Rice Institute studcnta, 1 rememljering last year, have put a guard aro .® n( J their campus.'Some one has painted “Ripe" in grey letters on the administration building sidewalk—whether it was done by owl* on th» prowl or just by somebody who wanted to have some fun, no one can tell. Some students are stHl unhappy about mov ing .the yell practice to Sam Houston Music Hal, not having read the complete explana tion in Tuesday's Batt. And though the ath letic department has dug up an extra thou sand student tickete, some feelings were ruffled earlier when the original supply ran out. ;4 ;• I The last two gripes should be pretty well settled by now. As for the painting and the guard*, the best thing to do is ignore thetr. A group of Aggies will be officially welcomed to tne Rice campus Friday night, Indicating an attempt to meet us half-way in ouf; efforts to ivutore an "sra of good reel ing^' among Spythwast Conference schools, That the dinpeiiii is "payintf off was shown In andad wav last Saturday, Doak Walker, star of the KMC team, was acciden tally trampled when caught In the stanuxnU' of Angles after the T broke up. In a bad atmosphere, this could have resulted In nasty aecpsatlons, As It was. In view of the recep* Him given MM 11 motera anil the team, It was obviously an accident and everyone imme diately (Vcogulimd It as such, (Ri Mei# i Aa: Ufa #f I at Cai tr» I Bats' * Btaaia Ittdla la esralr The following letter from James H. Stewart, executive* secretary of the South west Conference, was written to Asa Holle- man, head yell leader: . “I would like to take this opportunity of gfxpiWiMwf to you and, through you. to the Students of AM. College the appreciation, of the Southwest Athletic Conference for the « >ucte*itti extended to the visiting teams at exas A.AM. College this fall. I have bad oothing but the best reporta from everyone concerned and know that such behavior is due to fine leadership. • Through a taar In tha pup wnt which ha had purchssad, at a sur plus army equipment sals to Tl4. shafts of moonlight itahbad and am- l~<i<U>,l ttomasIvM in tha floor. A ftro- fly flitted te and fro in the <larkness. showing itaalf tha way to go homa. On his air mattraas in ona comer of tha ahalter lay Francis Cucumber, garbed in hideous pajamas given ham by” Aunt Bertha on his tWenty flrst birthday. Ha could not sleep His aathma piqued hit sensibility, but being s weak, suspicious individual, ha thought that his wife's flirtation was tha reason for his dia- Shrdlu comfiture It all started with that beastly butterfly. Ha umber, of course) and Dr. Wataon had picked up the spoor of U'pHtuplerous munificiene shortly after tea had bean the delectable crumpet, the two had donned their sun their nets, and dashed out of the ' learned need ike hwc utter Macknees coal aS nothlngnees Alter baptising Franclp' head in i! the make-shift fata It cpiphsny tank, Arabatla arose wiajaaticatty, walked te her pack, took out a bot- Ue of JergcM Lotioa, and ruhhod her hands to prevent chapping. Dr. Wataan came out from under a rock and remarked that Francis was exceptionally collected te be able to slew after so much excite ment and in tha water, too. Ara- kraal to capture the beggar—dead or alive. Staying down wind so that the butterfly would not notice their presence, they stalked r I through the hush. Cucumber’s I was sorry to hear of the unfortunate *** rt ‘T M* t !' e incident th»t occurred ju« before the .t.rt *0$^ of the reoond half of the S.M.b. «.n>e b-t ^ Saturday. Coach Bell, of S.M.U., Mil* me that iep„iopterJus scented them! tea It was an unfortunate occurrence and tha 4 trice he curled hack those fierce he appreciated very much your attitude in antennae, lowered his head, and apologizing to him for the incident. flitted menacin^ly toward Francis. “We have a very high plane of intercol- [X/TlffYe inmU,! hfs^t legiate athletic* in the Southwest Athletic nod Call it wwaSStee if you like, Conference, and the sportsmanship exhibited but the self-preservation instinct by the different student bodies towards their was stronger than his courage. He opponent! is of vast importance In maintain- ; Urt ** n,B ’ 1 gn * ••had ing fine relationships between the different Kj n - — institutions. 1 ekwerely hojie that this can '^1 il, M * ** Ih* maintained at all of uur Conference ' sUtutlons." ■ high and into the by the brought diurnal the SO tiflM Their ex \ ly flat an the ground, he rife Bitting on tha limb wm that desperate, da- gleam. In her hand was A AM.V repMUtlii; f,» <Miumu. j3,^fw ?.« Is soaring atialli, dun U» eanmulary eon- ami vnra Francis, she sooty pushed duet this year, Onapite the petty IrrltAtlon* w Mungar Upidupterotta weh- hied unsteadily pasi in Ids i hsrgi* ■mllad daiwlly 9 'Paper in the Bank’. i pett thai'have arlaeth we ahoulil be able to Im |U i«s I he |*eople of Houalon as iH'Ing still '•aoldlsrs, stateamen, and knightly ^111.1^THR^SaaTlSe maMi T I 11^1-^ IBiiliiBi hand in tht Arabella eat there. She regard ed him coldly, but he felt that his projected morning's activities would change all that The sun was hot as the three dense undergrowth beaters. A nu the news that a insect had beei Countryside. They in getting on his preaaions were facial. Suddenly the beaters froae, star ed at som nameless thing lumber ing through a patch of columbines, thawed, and ran shouting their tribal retreat cry which sounded like “Qlgura-agees " Francis felt oold terror in his insides, but con trolled himself and decided It was the pancakes Automatically, he flicked the aalaty on His net The butterfly waa coming straight for him, its antennae down He steeled hlmealf. Ha was na longer afraid! The qualms of yesterday ware no where preaenl aa ha prepared to went in i\ On IS* .Vre»n I How a Marriage BreaPM-p; Wife to Drink-‘Smash-lip’ SMASH-UP (Campus, B-preSM) ] plot has time ter hokum reael of Pauline and her of a Marriage. While on the sur face this film may seem to be just anether w»e oa weeretery The pkturu bean a guaranu-* from th, «tud>o to *1teva evan the mont sophisticated tad blase patron*’' Mmp te their seats at the end. This, wall leave to Jour judgment bells, with fai igned havin preaenl aa he preoa the net. Then alT His head thiubhed u kneae, and h* ramsndiered THE Ml a Om-e Ngalii The Ball haa “tuiitor lu Iho iMink." The Tuoaday laaue waa prbilfd oit |*apor burniwwl from Mr*, Leo f, Rountree of the Bryan Fugle, who came to our aaalM tance after all our stock waa ruined by eight een ' Inch** of water In th# banement of Bligell. By preka-tlme Wednesday, long-diatance telephone call* to Dallas and San Antonio had brought delivery of new roll* of our customary atock, enough to last {for two week*. In addition, the Batt waa able to secure some adding machine paper—in new%-1 pai>er-size rolla—on which to print in case the regular newsprint runs short. T. R. Spence, superintendent of construc tion, has knnounced that the drains in 'Biz- ^ zell. which Mopped up and produced the flood will be connected to the new* sewer line laid during the summer. In order to prevent such deluge* In the futura, Just as theatrical (xxiple have a slogan f'The show must go on." Ho newspaper peo ple have a doctrine, "The paper must come out." In time* of trouble one newspaper w ill usually hflp another, and no It waa In this case. H la hard to realize how much paper la used iu printing The Battalion five timed a week. Approximately a too. Publishers today worry more about the coot of newsprirft and the difficulty' of get ting hold of stocks than they do to any other problem of the^ publishing business. Of > course, there are car-load lota to be had from the “grey-market” but few pai>ers can pay the price demanded. We can’t. Therefore we appreciate all the help given os during this 1 crrtical w arttin *« i I# ken af her dls aMNvak Na felt Inslina* lively that shs Thera was a sWaat*, slsmmy damjinete abmit Framls' Hint ftHaa Ha eaHsenawute** If Is aFilMla w«n wM, and same. Utlhg immilied Ms lirHalHIng IU IMUfM la hlmaaif, "I musi laasoit il Id' not ay- •Jt} 1 * •Mwtta lake thal arove, i HutUrfly when something daaeaiMt- "You dan't P ' 1 • •'•th Urflfld teraa. Now snoroveY'' ha 1 ^ damp, fliaa the mUoatlatt uueried shaao- ''•*»* " n him He Waa under “Tv "••v-wp w^lurl After boshing Frsnris on the skull with her cut *lkk, Arabells dragged his Hn(p form to tha edge »f tha water hole snd lmmrtst*d hia head, face down, in the cool limpid depths. Theta is some ques sadness, said he was defunct, having laid down by the pool to drink snd doxed off. More people drown la water tkaa any other stecle element, she declared. Wataon, with a Wooden expres sion on his face, quoted a stanu of ‘•The Walras and tha Carpenter" to give vent to his grief. "Arabella." ha said with a thick Hindustani secant, "Mathinka thou hast done abominably in this Re member what Voltaire said 'Le <-rayon oat aur In tebie!' Rneh of us has within him lUaven and IUU and a etiirh in time saves nlna. Idter'i Can't you kmlarstend what thU meansT O' darling. 1 loathe iheel* Putting a tlerrln gar from beneti Mi "look, ha aim Il at her head ai blew her lower es> i tv nil l la# te smith* eraana In the un> •ndurnltle flash uf K in Arabella auddenly saw her aught tryetolliiMi It waa aa elear now, A allUh In lima dooa save nine, With a amila of In finite undt mtnndtng on har aarana lipa she gurgled anl aa analysis will tha “ smash of n couple of “coming up in tha Soann Hayward (i<>ea n commend able pertraysl of the wiis wha U driven to drink by the theofcfct that the ia no longer of use orJ importance to her husbsnd. He,| Lea Bowmsn, ia an up-and coming crooner wham popularity rises too fast for tha wife te keep up. With the entrance of a secretary. Mar-1 »ha Hunt, te Uke care of bowman bweinaea and social coutecte, Hay ward takes a back seat. Observing hit wife’s kshit, bowman, in de-, greet become* surprised, beerild- erod, alarmed, angry, ashamed, disgusted, vindictive—but never ia able to see tiu- part he la playing in her downfall. Them are several conventional features of pectures like this which in this particular movie an uncon ventionally treated. The cast ia richly dreaaad, but in a disenchant ing manner. Alcholum is present ed in g straight-forward way with out hocus-pocus or cloaked ap- PeaiMM, yy. Not • Lost Weekend, “Smash- Up" dealt With reason* rnUit-r than results, and this la what make* it • picture worth aeaiag- AiAfIL ((iuion. S Brothers prwluction indiscretion of a sol- * he empm Opc« l:0B 4-11K1 LAST BAY *iU iOHKSOk <om i te MiS ae«' •« wifo while Though nppamiily ip love Her newly acquired Jiusbami “’•Tu, who •lip* •long, is prompuy siuhhmi „u m\ just once d unely" month* of Ms ah*i t'ompllpniions really *Urt da veiopini whbn aha tlaya har alan* tits lover Ip self defense snd with B murder annrgv, pm •at iifi tripl A uh muunttng, snd mavlp 1J0 Features Start l:«T|t40 - 7:80 10:00 IMINAIJ) Dl'CK IaATKHT NKBs deal UT faced •u|i«e*|Hently | sUijar t.tet, lavish I skillful MMtiMn raj MUl * "* * 1 iahl Mv. "No, 1 don't," aha answered with n sneer, squirting F1H In his tom. Loping u p u serai and succumbed. * .eek. Norris Gets Notoriety... carried out of the convention hall, Texas Baptists have a problem child and don’t klioW-what to do about him. Dr, Ji Frank Norri* of Fort Worth is revered by his congregation, admired by some others, detected oy many, castigated by the press, and disclaimed by his clerical MjfHwiriWnile still alive he has become a Texas togend. but many Texans don't know T Norris smiled at reporter* and said, then to point to him with pride or alarm, is the worst thing they ever did." Mo they just point and say “There’s nothing else like him." At the Baptist state convention in Ama rillo this week, one of Norris’s proteges heckled Dr. Louie D. Newton of Atlanta, president of the Southern Baptist Conven tion. This was in some tyavs a repeat per formance, as Norris himself had been eject ed from the national convention of Southern Baptist* for personally heckling Dr. New ton. Am a result of that attack, Norris was bitterly roasted on the August editorial puge of th« Atlanta Constitution: that pmiht sug to Dr Wataon tinn aa to har motives, whether she .he leaked her arms around him •"»••*** b> bring him around or , i i planted numerous pas.ionaH m 1 ***^ , *f A*** "VTfi P” 1 ° Ut kmea U-low his handlebar mu* ^ ^thinphl. brain forever, uebe. Thia waa ona way of ahow- At any rate, breathing wm a dKfi- ing Franc, her diaapproval cult thing to aeeomphsh under the surface of the crystal-clear pool. ^ W I F»nds roalixad this in an instant. Francis had not eatea any sup- He was ever quick-witted per, but had gone directly to bed. a bloated, stupid looking fish For hour, he had lain awake think- • wtm 01y by Francis’ eyes. It ing of ways to restore himself to reminded him of Aunt Berths. She Arabella’s good graces. Tomor- ,1,0 had that vacant, bored air. row while hunting more lepidopter- 7^^ ^4 succession. Francis ouses, he would prove his mettle; MW the little red wagon he had Hubert Wataon stood alone oa the hill ton. The sunlight filtered through his hair, leaving a flaky white precipitate on the shoulders of hia opera cape. The wind ro- freehing draught* into hia confused mind. He, the sanest, eleareet- thmkinr prnf***or of nhysiea evor kmh iu*t,d from MIT, the moat log ical mind of the generation, the greateet living reason for birth control ws* confused. What did all this mean? Wm the WCTU right? Did the chicken coma be fore the egg? in hit hands, sobbing, a disillusioned, beaten man. i ★ Three weeks later, a safari came of other wet Used plcitnes In tha leatlllil ml*' I* Ann Mheriiinh who I* sup porteg by Uw Ayei*. /.„,hei> h«'iu, ana Bve Anien. Cradit for suparb dlreation anil axceilettt da llneatlon goe* to Vincent hhenaan. THK tlNBl’.HlV'TKD (Palaat. H-praBM) Is m can be gathertei from the title, a thriller. Here in one mqvia are combined a murder myskiry, a chiller, and a ngent Hollywood fRv.aitc psychological limniu Only a dirartor -such m Michael Curt 1* could arrange tha action in this tyovie into a sus- I*enseful picture. It is definitely above average, hot mostly becaabe of high-claas stance Bennett, and Hurd Hatfield complete the players. • Nerve-tingling as it may be. the t uliir (nrUMin Bknrt KATFRDAY PHF.Vl’F. KUtrta U:(M P. M. Abo HI NDAY • MONDAY pulpit, Ci<xi must shudder. The editorial he would stand fMt; Arabella loved so well, his college days be- upon the remains of the three brought up old police charges against Norris, ^uld grovel at his feet in admira- fore his untimely expulsion for try-1 teighty hunter* who had not poa- of murder and afson, for which he had been 1 J forgot his Mthma and , n( to oust the college president, sessed the courage te face lift The tried and acquitted years before. Norris dowA - - IT 1 «dfbt|Mtei* wrtMw* hadBoaq •air wllQ j ijiT'i 1 : „l- I * of the PU-T8CW football game, work well. Kicking the skulls a- . ued fe r libel, but later \ ithdre his Ult crisp, full-bodied, nausauting and the flowers in tig front yard side, the leader said in a low voice l esterdays fracas was sorin over. The Qd+r of pancakes woke , Francis of his mansion. filled with compassion, “I hope one heckler, the Rev.i Bill Frazer, was bodily from his sleep. Regurgitating in The flowers suddenly tumml to of these wm not Dr. Livingston. while hia hip boots, he dressed and strode bicycles, then automobiles, Uten a What would people say if Stanley “This ovtr 10 breakfast long line of hearses before a grave didn’t find him?” gcaUxi that averjf tint* Norri* (miunt* the toMMirmciTi* FiUior, Th# BattgAMl Your editorUDIn th« Armlilire , Day Batt on Ctiiigm<*li>nai Com- mUtlos wm aril put ami Cannot tw stressed too stmtiuly. In the Nov. 10 Iseue of TIMK magattne there is the following patagisph: * "Cangraas’s power to bureetl- gate was not explicit in tha con- atiinikin. But it has become im plicit: the itepreme (ourt has held that the right te legislate carries with it the right to in . ydre late all bnsineaa pertinent But Perry F. Webb, pastor of the First Baptist rhurch, San Antonio, said after ward: “This is something that is repeated year after year and i* terribly embarrassing to us. There doesmt seem to be anything we can do itbout it. These men have no more right to the floor of the Baptist convention ^ than l would have to the floor of a Methodist 1/jit* of f !!u pm#nt j convention. They are merely after publicity.* u octmr gi .'If publicity is Norris^ goal, he must be 9 counted successful. No other pastor of a church In our time has had so much ink submitting hia questions to th.<m spilled over him. But ia Norria famoua, or ("t jh #ir “ WB HRTSL l* t * ll, m.rely MtorteuT ■ " ZTt!Z 1 mlttee Mked Mr. Hughes, 1 au* ptet that the commit te** wm afraid (hat »nme n( the questinna Mr. Haghes wanted to a*k might am* d bafttes both Naoator Brawiter and th* commute* member* alhee they ary hi* fallow coilanguas Civil Service Positions Open ' ASKS MORE TAXES *1.0NDON, Nov. IS _«An_JChkn- 1 coUor of the Exdhequcr Hugh Dnl- to* asked tbc Houm- of Commons E „ min . t ion* for Physical The- te4ay .to double MflUin s tax or r . pi , t tnd lfkMCC0 i mpi - r » or po*i. copiimny profite ss . step in the t i ofu been snnopneed b> the fi^ht against Inflation. | Ck|l CommSsiMi. The Tobaico Inspector positions are in the Production snd Market ing Administration, Department of Agriculture. From 3 to 6 wessons of FLOWERS FOR . . . BLOOMING POT PLANT* Imp .4*: Mm AGGIE LAND H.OWEK SHOP “dor flowers say it r for you." \ 1 J KkSh^hU/ teteCAA ESMOND CARiDON YOUNG CHARLES 0 BROUN Salaries for positions with the ^perience In handling or market ‘ tAm I ‘ ing tobacco is required. Salaries range from SS.lftg, to (4,148. Additional infermation and ap plication form* may be secured from the Cemmisaion's 1-ocal Sec retary, H. N. Yardlay, at the Main Post Office. Veteran* Admmistraton in phvsi cs' tharapy range fren (2.A44 to *’-,W)5. Qualification* nrlude grad uation from an appnqred school of physical therapy and, for tha high «r paying positions, professional experience in physical therapy. Letters to the Editor (a (he ttetbm'a welfare. Hecsuee aerh Inquiries are yet a ludlriat proms, ( ofireM hs* the right te make Us awn retee" ♦ The preceding quoteUnp teas fin mv opiniiai freedom uf speech are bia Inihiilea the light to intarrugate,' It is my belief that the commit- question, cntM-cxaniine or what- tec ha* bean prejud|r*il against ever you want to call It. U is the Mf. Hughes ever since the start of right of the pursuit tu whom the the investigation because he knaws questions an directed to refuse to i some embaraaalng facts ahuut some hi the motion D ,—J ,, — ,- j it also ha* a direct bearing on the examined himself. Howard Hu|hcs case. The article Even though the committee mem- states that Congrexs has ?hr right hers cross-examined Mr. Hughes to make it* own rules, but rhe*e at some length, they absolutely re rules should not violate the Bill of fused to let Mr. Hughes question Right*'r nsmcly freedom of speech. Senator Brewster i^ithout first tlgat IK wniHiLt RSQDKST) The Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical CoUegc of Tax** and the City of Cottage Station, Texa*, is puhh-hcd five times a week and circulated every Monday through Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods. During the summer The Battalion is put liahod ami-weekly. Suo-cnption rate (4 per school year. Advertising rates furnished on requMt. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-8444) or at the editorial office. Room 201, Good- 1 Hall. Classifiod ads may bo placed by telephone (4-6324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room Goodwin HnE . T * . , ’ ■ t MAKE IT EARLY That nIuIrk (or Your , , . Aa usual, wa art boIhk to bo ruuhad In DtottaW, to coma Lhla month and gat prompt m i mu AGGIELAM) STUDIO Jot Soaolik, Prop. N. Gala IMMIE’S GUT & TOT SHOP loot College Avemus — Hnan Tr^a»r Hour*: 1:80 • i pm \, INJCa HAND-MADE DKEHSEi Cotera - Mite l yr to I yr ( TERItY TOON FIQDEa •mbr- u. ry trimmed Nile l yr to It yr — Fuetol CherkiMt in |>enrsie LkHted Nwias LAST DAY Member of the Attoriafrd Pram ? ! The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the um tor republication of all news dis; local D*qes of tod to it or not otherwise, credited in the paper and Right* of republication of all other matter are also u served. spontaneous origin pi Associated Collegiate Press Member iispstcbc ublisbed tches cn-di herein. K«traMtDii4 ruilkrtiaUy by Nttional A<^ emu,** Btrvlec. 1m.. at NtV York Cite. CUtesew U* Aatelii. *»S i*» rnmUsM. l’*ul M*rU« *pri* tew Xnect%>»e Artliar. HoeaH terev Gw 4«r*. Aadr MnIuIn t*to UpriFtN W W. IL Mriila L (irv Aria [VAN JOHNSON m asosci FRIDAY • RATL'BDAY V If* M-GMs ^Little mister ywf , —with— Hutch -tonkin* Innwa Craig and Franoaa GlUnri Aggie Service Station and Caragi NORTH (k^l " PH; 4-1124 ! ; (SINCLAIR PRODUCTS) WHEEL AUGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING Complete Engine Overhaul Motor Tune-Up Valve Repair Radiator — Cleaning & Repair New and Rebuilt Motor iMtaUationa illy installed wheel balancing and put your wheels in NUIANNR CLARK * imiral TYilyra ^Hft- r UED JACKrra Pastel — I to • yra. v T; 1 ! m.m GUION HALL SUNDAY -r MONDAY