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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1947)
CLARK ASKS 81 PPORT BOSTON. Oct. 28 '*■»—Pr»f»cin* hit ppmark* by ws«rtin( he wy a Texan and a «launch supporter of ■tataa* rifhta. Attorney General Tom Clark yeaterday called upon State Attorneys General to sup port a V C. S. Supreme Court de- erue upholding the Federal govern merit’s claim to off-shore coastal land. ^ POLK FLBE8 TO SWBOEN LONDON. Oct. 28 'Ah-A Polish peasant party leader here said to day that Stanislaw MtkoUjrxyk. wartime leader of Poland's gov emment-in-exile. had reached Stockholm. Sweden, m his flight from hi* Communist-dominated homeland. £ The 1'L Li on • -I PUBLISHED IK WE INTEREST OF A GREATER ARM COLLEGE Volume 47 COLLEGE STATION (AfgWandi, TEXAS. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1947 NUMBER 55 churd, „( aria Q en piburn Awards 210 Banquet Prepares For Guest Speaker Commissions in Assembly SMC IN TOP TEN NEW YORK. Oct. 28 <A**_Nbtr» Dame was back is No. 1 college football team of the country on the basis of returns from the weekly Associated Press poll. Sports writ ers dropped Michigan's Wolverines to niimer-up. Texas remained in third place. Two-new tenants ap " ^ "mated among the tap ten, with SMC and Duke supplanting Cali fornia and Illinois. LAWSON RXCC8ED WASHINGTON, Oct. St —i*l- John Howard lawaon. screen writ er, waa excused from the witness stand of the House Un-Amertcan Activities Committee when he re fuaad ta state whether he l> HI aver has been a Communist. Chair man Thomas reminded I jiwsoo that in the past others who hail refused to respond to Committee question ing had been held in contempt of Congress. JACKSONVILLE WET JACKSONVILLE. Tex.. Oct. 28 —liP*— Businessmen and house wives alike wielded mops he re- yesterday to dry out their stores and homes that were flooded by torrential rain which followed in the wake of a window-breaking roof-busting hailstorm late Sun day. 4 visit tr:i n k wzstbZZ . l wo hundred ‘ nd ? minister from Padueah, Kentucky, tPIV«d COmmiRloni M offlcem tli th« A. It M. was held last night at the Aggie- Cadet Corpa laat n yht from Brigadier Gen. land Inn by^the local A. A N. £. W. Piburn, executive officer of the Texan Military District in a prenentati-m ceremony Church of Christ, in cooperation j with the Bryan Church. Virgil Bernard, member of the State Board of Vocation Education and the local Church of Christ served as toastmaster, introducing R. B. Sweet, pastor of the Texas Univeraity Church of Chriat. Mr. “X". as Swett was called be fore hia arrival, was formerly pas. tur (.'uiltui' Sistiuu, having beau replaced Vp”James #7 fowler, pre sent minister. T. B. Thompson, pastor at the Bryan Church of Christ, waa in- tmducad by Bernard. The “Four B's", s quartette of the A. A M. Churrh. provided the entertainment for the avening. The group sang two religioua numbers and a Negro spiritual. Surprise of the evening camv < when Bernard, who had kept the identity of Mr. “X" secret, turned on a wire recorder, which iaued forth w|th an informal message from Stqrnes. Kentucky evangelist, who will speak here next week. Trine Starnes, minister-omtor, will deliver his initial address Sunday morning at 10:45 at the A. A M. Church of Christ. That ssrening at 7:48, and every evening through November 9. he will speak on other subjects related to the A. A M. campus. About 50 Church of Christ mem bers and their guests attended the banquet. Episcopal Church to Harvest Festival % at the Atwembly Hall. Pre»ident of the collefe Gibb Gilchriat, urgod newly com missioned cadet officer* to fullfill the provision* of their commissions, and to reaped the Basic Policy of the college i" ♦sad all duly conftttuted authority in the first address of the evening. Genera) Piburn, in a brief* mea- *4ge delivered to the cadeta prior t<> the presentation said. “Not once dbring my experience have I heard an unfavorable 'ommont on an AAM graduate. Hut, on the IV I con- A Harvest Festival. *t>nn*nml by the en of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, will be held afternoon at 5 p. m., in Sbisa Hall, according to ning Smith, director. trary. I have noted that the ma- Wom- of *** ,mn eveeiient winesdav An "y officers." eanesaaj He furt|Mr tUlMi |Kat AAM is rs. Man- t0 ^ y. g, Miliury Academy In providing general staff Mrs. Smith announced that sufficient hot dogs, chili, officers to our army, and la the T ' ’ coffee, soft drinka, home-made* cakes, pies, and fro* entertainment would be available to everyone at- taMng. Surpuse gifts ranging from a worn-out pair of shoos tu a hand- painted water bottle will bo given winners of bingo, whieh Mrs. G. W. HrHesoolman wlU handle. Other attraetions will include aaaiara dancing, called hy Mr*. I . , . I _ . Smith and Lee Thompson, and com- L*rOV Jcffcr*, Wrll-knoWH ic movie* furnishetl by Mr. and TrXAS barrister, will first institution of its ty for To Speak Before TAFT DI8n’88ES PRICK BOSTON. Oct. 28 —</h—Assert ing that some prices now are “too high, and others are all right,*' Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, can didate for the Republican Presiden tial nomination, said yesterday “I think we should aim at a price level 50 to 50 percent above pre war." Tickets for Rice Tilt Ready Tuesday Sale of Student tickets for the Texas Aggie-Rice football game will begin Tucoday. November 4. la the YMCA lobby The hours for purehasiag tic kets will be from S ta It a. aad 1 ta S p. m. The price will he $1.20 along with student cou pon hook. All date tick eta have Aggie-Ex’s Jersey Wins Top Honors C Mr*. < harte* Tignei. gn Booths will be set up and oper-1 hia | ated by members of the women’s | circle. Mrs. F. L Thomas will han dle the apron booth; Mn. Pete Thompson and Mrs. George Lykins. the novelty booth; Mrs. C. C. Tbdd, the gift booth; and Mrs. Phil Mur- dork end Mr*. Halpin, the potted plant booth. The Canterbury Club will be in charge of soft drinks, and Mrs. Blank assisted by the younger boys will have the game booth. A rhddrtn's fish pond will be bandied Mrs. Gloria Owen and the Girls riendly Society. analvsis of l TAft-Hartl< VP* in viding officers for the Armad Foreaa. General Piburn .,ilr»hutad this achievement largely to 0»e train- Ing AAM siudent4•Sreceive white at college In even is|y»g the suthoe* Ity of Cadut offieerr " The program started with th» playing of the General's March as General Piburn, school officiate, | Reverend Norman Anderson and present |wt, Rsvtsgnd J. B. flteteansr tam the controver- ***** , . Uartley Labor Man- •gement Relations Act, at a joint j , Wn r . r ^ w \ Penherthy. ' olonel Gpy g. Meioy, R. L Angell. assistant to the Prve- meeting of the Accoantii* and Business Societies Tuesday, 7:80 p. m. in the Chemistry lecture A contrast will be {made to the Federal Labor I** : in existence prior to the enactment of the new statute. The social significance of ider.t, Colonel T. A. Adcock. as«ls- •nt PMSAT. Lt. Colonel Joe R. Haute assistant rommandant, Lt. Max H. Gooler. commandant at the Hnncx. and Lt. Colonel William S. IMrRIhcnny. exeemivo officer and ... The Big W eek-End The Baylor game week-end wee a huge time for one and all. With a aurp fittingly thrilling football game, two eo performances, and a Winters daaee there wa tertahuneat far almeet • one. Pictures of the week-em from upper right te teft mm down the page. Inrlude Bll Turner aad the Aggteiaad Orsheetra play lag for He Western Dance in Nhka Nat •Piny night i Jack Roti i! J. T. Millar of the Wei sing Committee preaentlag sa. Pat Naff of Baytar with the promised cigar; rodeo shot* from the Neddie and Nirtoin'e annual fray: aad feotbai shots: Ed Dnsek tak ing off on a long ran, and Wee-Wee Smith plunging over fir a touchdown egehurt Bay- COLUJ8BUS, OHIO- Herman F. Hevp of Buda, Texas walked away with a major portion of hon or* in the All-American Jersey Cattle Show here laat week. Heep, an ex-Aggie class of 17, is president of the American Jer sey Cattle Gub. He was born and raised in Buda where he now has his purebred herd of Jerseys. Draconu Royal Bayon, named Grand Champion Bull, waa shown ' Heep and D. T. Simons of Fort orth This bull was undefeated in the Waco and Dallas shows this rear. He also took first prise Veer ing Bull and Junior Champion at the Tafl-HArtley Act will also he adiutant considered. Reverend Anderson gave the in Fepd will he handled by Met- damks Oria Helvey, R. C. Curran, Lee Thompson, and John Cum mings, while Mr*. T. A. Adcock will handle desserts. The Young People* Service League, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Martin, will carry out the hatvest and Halloween theme in decorating Sbisa Hall for the event. this Columbus show a year ago. Queen’s Plum Tree, who won the Class I Division far Heep, placed second in the Bull Calf Division. Other bulla exhibited by Heep took Gass 4 ribbons. t Jetton graduated from the Uni veraity of Texas School of Law in 1982. During hia senior year he served as Editor in Chief of The Texas Law Review. He served as assistant Criminal Diatrirt Attor ney of Bexar < ounty and was form erly a member of the faculty of St. Mary's University law School in San Antonio. Currently Jeffers Is a faculty member of The South Texas School of Law of Houston. For the past six years he has been associated with a pronHnem Houston law firm and apacialixes in the practice of labor Relations Law discussion is facte their vocation, and wa* followed bv Pres ident Gilchrist and fteneral Piburn. Lt Colonel McElhenny admin istered the oath of office to the nrominv cadet officer* following General Piburn’* iddrrtw. and Col onel of the Corps William L. Brown led the long file of cadets up on ♦n the stage to receive the ribbon hound cadet com missions Following the presentations, the Rt Reverend J. B. Gleisaner pro nounced the benediction closing the presentation ceremony h This discusi sculty memfc *eir families trs. s open to aU student* and Saddle and Sirloin Rodeo, a Roaring Success Yates Challenges Students to Live Life of Courage By R. L BILLING8LRY When the first horse came roar ing out of the chute in the twenty sixth annual Saddle and Sirloin Club sponsored rodeo, all the con testants, and moat of the specta tore wore firm baltevon IilMm old Ft Worth adage that there "la more rodooin' going on In the chute ! the search waa certain that ilasaao las A Wa •aoMMaa *' la* te*. m.i — ** - - te apparent fi chute than In the arena The mood of the stock was quick* from the difficulty the channeling the wiM"%sr" w E vf IK* ft VVVraMl I Wrfef would bo nteo If ho oould With another bronr, •walling hie (urn is (he pickup men and “Screaming Al" went out the far gate with a few teat vengeful kicks, but when the arena lights were turned out the search was still on for the strayed papers, which Gammon inateted were only designed to wrap to bacco in, hut one of hte aids In Mn in LIthute. TV penril-in-hand conversation with the beauteous ronteatanU In the barrel race had Increased the value of th# papers by several photu numbers Wilson Gresham, a bnme bust ter frtm Mud Note, Virginia, eans out with high sally boss named hut the | htfe In (he runway* got a rest when an animal named Screaming Al" rame through, hut according to Boh Gammon It Was •II an act. “Screaming Al" and the rider from Wnxabochte came out together In a aerteo of twisting crow hops that left them still un tied hut the air filled with cigar- •ties, coins hoys, and aoetrul slips af pager. After the allotted seven ccconds, Mr, Gammon jo caught hia calf with the find loop, but found when he I that hit calf was mi te for bu^ldogging than tout second* try rtubbnrn Brahma from a slightly In the stands who to greater efforts Ipl that if he coukfnl to search for hte outfit’s "Who ran throw the bull with high esperletbM 1 hate named "V-l“, wa* evidently In tew it fund the Fnru ada, he gave Mr. Gresham ve , te the way of t ride, deanlte much K ing In both shmilder* and ts of reperruaaiem fmm De* . heeai »ry Hi very little nrectet the stu MMMi! forth nil ■ oup of two-mon te prove that in ‘ I rting lop kick "Who ran throw i*etter than anybody I km Rvent numbqr sevoa brought i team, there te thte dairy rarhet iMMOHinMi •« listed a vi , end though d the tow# w< milking don# wo trait The anM ropers had a hot trouble due mostly te the si site hut rapid rate of their Intend, sd victims, which added to the tech nf trrmifirin mmit nf Am wg 1 ■ U^p ^pe^^ww w^wW pretty well L One took- ly limited ns "Wild ■nakawg rs un- strtrt- had ups oi lair praenro diaWA: Twu of the ladi. wtm techs a violent bottle with n rangy b to, n fiery eyed boast they cornered after n melee of rope ’lipping. Uil gt**ping, and fast dashes, when they receive! moral -tort from the tuioo hand. Al Roc RODEO. Pago 4 By WIL80N H. BEARDSLEY. JR. Ihr. Kyle M. Yaioa. pastor of the Srrond Baptist Chuich of Hous ton. urged AAM students to stand for their Christie* principles in coHege Ufa. as Ho addressed a gathering of studenta. faculty, local re#ideate in Guion Hall night Dr. Yatoa was thr apeak in a general religioua meetir *i*onaored by the Bopttet 8tude#t “Dare to he dlff ‘rent for Chriat^ •aha, for powerful Gtriatlanity Is wurtk a thuusaml dollars sn tech," said Dr. Yajtea as ha addrosssd the • ehgteus rnlly He further dered the stwlente net "te allow them selves te h* shoved around tha rumpus like a wheelhnrrew^ hut "te throw fear out the window and heep It mil the window" te A religious sense, He compared pnw* Pic's reernge to Ihrtr hachbongs by snying. 'Toe many iieopte don*t have anything between tjmtr «**• tor tome* hut a Hit of Macaroni." DWk Ratter/ ■ revival singer, ••sg "Mr GtH Is Near To Me," end “Wert You There When They Cite* rifted My tiord" to hte own pmum- panlment on the piano. Cliff Harris, Corpa chaplain, In troduced Dr. Yatea following m- ML r