Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1947)
mt ACMRK miof T»pl»«. I AfT • 4r«wtat. PWm MW. IMT KNOOmCM •Ik ffeart at tl . ■ , , .Si The Flr»t Nairn* of Ice Crram ■•> * * {.. . ! V ' 1 ' | FOR SALRl Raaatlfal aaakar ptm pm. Ckmp. MM TaML Rrraa. FOR |ALR OR TRADIi ITI *mm i aaa. NUI Cwmu, kaa all «M» aaaaaa- aa*. WrHa aiwtrai AathrKlaa OMtaa, A. 4 M. Ctnif. WANT TO RUT i W4I faH ar CW Wi. Ctaaa ar MMMrtM. Ra> KM O-H-R. FOR SALRi OaM Mr MrvW* m4 aM. MM. Mr.. Jaa a ••Ilk, A pa. UK. OatMot Via*. Battery A, Artfflery Win Regiment Parade Battery A, ArtilUry won flnt placo at tho rafimontel ratraot parade hold Wodnoaday afternoon, U Col. William 8. MfElhonny, adjutant, has announrod Soeond plaeo wont to Artillory; third, Battery foorth, Battery E. Battery B y Di and County will I Ltf# Inauranoo Taoa. at TJB In tho Ntrol- H waa •«. FOR BALK i Uto mi Rar.MOiM Mth ratraa. I1M.M aaaR. Call l l*M a/wr liM. • LOOT i VMaRr M aaw o|h notify R. W. Wi Marti Bala, aMa raW aaoiaorr** If faaaf VUaofi. it. 4U fVw. Aaa. FOR SALK! mt HarWy DavMaao molor. cyalt. »ri.M. Dalaaa kuMy Mat. iraak ywOi^iaOOa kac>. Apt. R-tt-t. Rryaa | CAMERA OWNERS: Bar* am t* f o on Mon. flla. Praak Raataua PKm-X. M npo«ur*« Mr aack. Bafc Votow, Dona BS PREPARED TOR COLD WEATHER BA*LY DCLIVnY PKOmttKD M fcr^l Gaa Rofriparaton Got poor orOtr la •ow. Wtbon- Brorrir Co.. Pk. 44M1 LOST: Brow, loatkrr tlpprr aokakooli I boom W. A. Rokartaoa, Jr. oo co*. NaaS oota* for "A" qoMa amt k. rt»<W pWoM return to Romb It*. Doroi i. RatraH. General Pibum » a, ■ - Visits Campus The Lone SUr SUte of Texas flax la prominently paint-1 Oon. E. W. Piburn, moc ed on the none of the Army Air Forces C-54 Skym^ter, robot “S controlled plane, which completed a htatoric 2.400-mile At-; Sond.v-' and TuUdsy f£r a?? lantlc croasinx from Newfoundland to Enxland, guided com- formal inspoction. Coionrl G. pletely by a mechanical M brain. H The plane, (above), is shown Meloy, commandant and PMSAT Enxland. (AP Photo). » n 5 ounc ^ , 1 General Pibum will mapect in- ttallations and peraonnal on the campus, and will diacuaa problems facinf the ROTC instructors os the campus. at the Briie Norton Airfield in Attend Conference At Ysleta Station .1 1 A GOOD INVESTMENT mi? iHiidr mB x*. Dr. J. E. Adams, heid of the axronomy department, and H. P. Smith of the acncuKural enfineer- inf department will attend a meet- inf of Cotton Technicians of the Southwestern Area beinf held at the Texas Agricultural Experimeat College Employees To Dine Thursday Order Your Fall Suit Now From CORKY a HURD CLOTHES (1 Block* North of Port Officc-ColIc** " n nri.MWA SACK ON WS THE HAGUE, Oct li-(AP)- i Wilhelm ins will rwume her functions December 1 after six weeks rest, it was announced irday. Crown Princeee Julians take the oath as regent before TtoMf, - ‘ Suhatation ^’tob^J «>™mktee announced Friday after 13 16 noo, *• D>m,|n * win f(>| k>w the meal, n** AA.m.. _Mi amitJ, win I TickeU priced at $1J6 should be ^, cj***^- *' “P *«'"*«!. I.n YAM WEEK’ PROCLAIMED AUSTIN, TEX., Oct 13 -lAP)~ The finrt dinner of the new I Gov. Beauford H. Jeeter, Saturday school year for the College Em-1 proclaimed the week of Oct. 26- ployeea Dinner Club will be held November 1 as Yam Week in Tex- In Sbisa Hall Thuraday, October j •»• peyinf tribute , tp grower* of ttr last Taxi 16, at 6:46 p. m., the css Yam at the auhatetlon. C v Call today for your— Appointment to Loveliness COLLEGE HILLS BEAUTY 8ALON Walton Drive Elsst Gate Phone 4-1174 Evening AnpointmenU for thoae who work. Wedneaday noon. Every person la requested to sifn Ms ticket before presenting It at the door. Persons wlU enter at Ip aouthweat door, It waa stated. New staff members and their wives will he guests for the oc- resian) dress will ha sami-formal. New faeahy members caa caH at the Agtlelaad laa and ra> reive complimentary tieketa be fore Wednesday noon. J. B. Roberts and Mrs J. D Prewit are to-ehairman of the Colltfe Employees Dinner Gob. Agronomy Society Rcvine Charter The Agronomy Society will re- vtae its constitution at its next meeting to be held Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 of the Agronomy Building, according to club reporter, A. W. Bell. Other business will include elect- ! ing a treasurer and organising new members. All people who have completed Agronomy 106 are eli gible to join the Agronomy Society , and are urged to attend the meet ing, Bell added. Refreshments will be served at the cloae of the business session, Bell further stau-ii. Announcing— Our new McCaII Pattern Department Bay your Pattern and Material at tha same lima— The FABRIC SHOPPE Your Exclusive Fabric Center ; Across from P.O. • I r 1 . o t 1 —^ T-^o IN tVMY DORMt' M- Where's my Mi We have » Complete Stock of Radio Parte, and the beat repairing equipment between Waco ft Houston. Have All Typm Of— EMERSON RADIOS y WK IK) BICYCLK KEF AIRING 1 C— tt STUDENT COOP STORE >/'» ■ Qamer OOAUI Dobbs deskfiu hsu with plenty of fiau plus a wealth of Dobbs quality especially lor you. Take the "Goalie’*. Narrower bom, nice kick-up ia back, contrast- m| felt biodio|. Aad the tou|her you treat it, the better it ioobl lt*e iba Dabbs. m 1 ' Ragular and kM( ovate DVWR Gray and Burley Brawn tlSM 1 M " 4 IS ONE OF OUR NEW WORSTED SUITS We want your business, and know our manufacturers can give you v. the: beat Value for your money. Come in—look over our hand-tail ored suits and see our large aaaort- meat of slacks. > - gn|r -fiR-" ■ r i * .PRICES ALWAYS REASONABl*E Altered w you desire { i r ALLIGATOR RAINCOATS —la Stock— $15*50 to $36*50 - When it rains be prepared to aftfe j' that good suit ■ Leon B. Weiss Next to Campus Theatre BABY YOUR CAR 7 K GOOD TO YOUR CAR ... MIY IT . . . COOftil IT ... BUT Ktir IT RUNNINO... BRING YOUR TOBD "BACK HOMC TO US ... WI OIVI YOU MOM SIRVICt TOR IT ... SO YOU OIT BETTER SERVICE FROM IT. BRYAN MOTOR CO. North Main St — Bryan X)U probably know a number of men In your , class who wtro pilots in the wartime Air Force. They are the beet advertisements for the Aviation Cadet program. Talk with them about It Chances are, they'll tell you their eervlce as pilots was one of the moat interesting and exciting phases of their lives. Fast action, comradeship, and the chance to serve their country paid them dividends they don't forget . ., added something to their stature and poise that they couldnt have gotten anywhefe slue. Cadet life today is no different Aa a potential pilot in the new U. 8. Air Force, you serve at a time of equal importance to the nation. Freadom, responsibility, the chance to use your own initiative are all yours. The training you get is the finest your govern- * meat can provide - $85,000 worth for every Cadet You're taught by »k!»ed Instructor*, fly the beet airplanes. Your living facilities are excellent Leernlig to fly today opens pnihtablt field* to yo« la aviation - which is expanding more rapidly than at lay other time In history, * Pilot training la opefi, now, to aingie men, ID to Mh yen#* old, who tyr* completed at least one- half tha eredlta for a degree from an accredited college or university - or pass an equivalent ex amination. Cadets completing the eouree will be < ommlaslonil Second Lieutenant*, ORC, end as- ilgied te active duty a* pilot* with the Air Fores. During their tour* of duty they will be given a chance to qualify for Regular Air Force Commle- RioBis. This Is i/rmr opportunity! Look Into it today at your neareat U s Army and Air Force Recruit* ing Station. IL MtfY Ml AM >mt IIMIIT1M IlIVlll