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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1947)
NEWS IN BRIEF . "I URB IKr NKW YGRJ, Oet 1ft-(AP)- 0{ W».hln,U,n, n*tlon«l •xwuthr* MertUry of th« ,n ^ Yor fc May with 1 " t ! f * ,ud >" urflnf 23SS3 would b« 55S , «i u “ BORDER BMUOOLBRB HIDAlXip. TBX., Oct 10 (AP) •rPHraU film In the Rio timndc V.ll.y toy be callod upon U top •pot auapic iou«.|ook in* pbMi fly. t'jrv*' u " ,t#d s ut «M«uo f. . m *.r ch y” tat w “ Pa ported to «>• on the hftraMe in this area. ^f**,;*w«‘coiur*E WASHINGTON, Oct 10—(API oT? Department hat ad- mlttad thah ao far it i. .tumped «or meana to prevent a threatened JroMapa# of f nnct > t d#|Ur power within the next rfl "IT AOAJN GUAM, Oet 1ft—(AP>—A dev- NUtm* tropical typhoon whtch aat down” on Uny two Jima level, ad acme building, and Wt other, little more than twlated ateel and faint radio meaaaye waa pkked up by the Coaat Guard ata- MpB here reported. Aft OOOfBM, Dm . prangisgo, Oct 10 - IAS! ot ^y^-ow J° »eph A. Padway, Genera] Counael of the American Federation of Labor, threw the APL convention into a tunned frief and delayed a proapective vhowdown over John “* "Mio refuaal to aign an non communlat oath. *«ADT POR HURRICANB W^WINQTOK, pet. 1ft—(AP) —MSiUry and dMNn ulintlila ar» after ready to awinkle a little ™P "• •■ParlmenUlly on the toil «f the flrot young hurricane that fotofta along, a joint Army-Navy announcement eatd today. V. H. TO GUT C017GAR nxoJ'iMAP, A; (•hake) Rlnar, wild-ani- mal dealar at Brawnaville, haa re- ralvftd an order from the Unlver- of Houston for s cougar, to be uaed m a maaeot for the uni 'i n«ity . football team. TAKK8 NO CHANCBS FORT COLLINS. COLoToct 10 ^ Thf ( olomdo door soanon All ot hia Jeney eowa will wear f»d bandana* on their hoods until the season closet. „ NEW HUGHES HEARING WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 -(AP) —Chairman Ferguson (R-Mick.) announced today a Senate War In- hmatigating subcommittee will rr- 3 wn public hearings on u »he«' wartime pUne contract, before No. 17, the date previously oet for the roramption. “DRAFT Mac ARTHUR” NEW YORK. Oct 10 (AP) The American people "should dc mand that the Republican party nominate General Dougla* Mar Arthur for the presidencyJ. E. McDonald, Texas < ommiiaioner of Agriculture, said here yesterday. ONE*POUND TRIPLETS NEW ORLEANS, Oet 10 (AP) "Triplet girls who weigh only about one pound apiece were given only a .light chance of survival today by their dentist father. STRIKE OVER SUGAR PARIS, Oct 10 (AP)—All civil employes in Nancy and 11,000 min er. in Briey, Damecourt and Au« boue were ryprted to have itmrk today In pratoat against the ship ment of 160 truckloads of aRgiy to Germany. n. m.-texaTroad WAR AUITIN, Tftx., Oct. 10 (AP)— New Mexico's Imposition »f« road milmur* tox on commercial motor vehicle* from TtXhs haa tauaed Texas to ash termination of « aia- { aar rvclproeity agreement on Oet 1, Stole Highway Knginaar D. C. Greer said today. •IK I (« Mj^ iuTlONI SIOUX PAl.rr, S. D., Oet. 10 (AP)>M]. Norton ^amaeon, op.-r •tot of one of South Dakota's larger toting placet, said meatless Tfoaday had been well accepted aad that he had no drop In patron * -*i y wh#n ^1^ ^ hla menu* prison wa- B yesterday when poult eggs were miaaing from hla Jameaon la the atato prii JUMP RENTS ft% I ii WASHINGTON, Oct. Ift-(AP) —A blanket five percent Increase in rents in the Louisville, Rf., MM and removal ot ceilings in part of one South Dakota *r*« were approved by Houaing Ex pediter Prank R. Creadon. It waa the firat action under a auction of the new rent eontrul law allowing blanket ineraaaaft.- “PRETTIEST GIRL” / J AUSTIN, TEX.. Oet. 10 (APtf- Dtl BraMford !of Rock Springs, sweetheart of 1 the Univemity of Tftxas, will be the “date” of Ala bama's 6 foot, I inch governor, B g Jim" Folsom October Bft. Folsom consented to attend the annual air day In Taxaa celebration at Haritogen Oct. 14-tt if he could ■fto a date with the prettiest girl in Texas ” Volume 47 Bent By Taste Tert.., OOLLBOI STATION (AffteUndj; TEXAS, FRIDAY, Picnic Becomes Festivity When ^ 0r ? anize Wife Bakes Chocolate Cake By ARTHUR C. MANN Th« Rex F. Colwick family considers itself among thft fortunate to live in th* Pro- jftet House area. Their roomy, well lighted apartment juati- fiea their pride. R«x, a graduate student studying mechanical cotton production on scholarship from the Texas Cottonseed Cruahers Association, brought his wife and son John here in January 1B47. Being near graduation at the time, he was able to get a Project House apartment. Colwick finishes his stud- i in July, but is hazy and undecided about what he plana to do after then. , For relaxation Mrs. Col- wick often whips together a picnic dinner, sumptuous with chocolate cakes, and th« fami ly drives to Haawell Park northwest of Bryan for the afternoon. John, the younger generation of the clan, thrills to the swing and other game Rex ftomfttimfts pleys tennis facUities in the park. At home on the college courts which »re only a block away. The commissary gets the Colwick family's business on »U staple groceries to the tune of some $50 a month For meats and vegetables they go elsewhere. John has gradua ted from the baby-food class now, and eats .right along with his mom and pop, re ducing the overall cost. Mrs. Colwick, an accom- oiished dress-maker in her •wn right, makes her own 'lothes and those for her Son. Rex would like her to make «ome for him. but she shies off *t the intricacies of male WMdaahftry. On the subject 7 clothes Mrs. Colwick had this to sav about the new •tvles: “Oh, they’re horrible" Her husband seconded the motion. 'x Above: MRS. REX F. COLWICK propering the feut ^ ^ * Below: JOHN COLWICK dragging the thermo, bottle to the car. AAUPMeeting Discloses Fact fUmcook, Tampe That Profs Are Human Beings Win vs A Race By J. T. MIIXJCR , John Hancock won the me Hilar onini™ -Tk * " ttre hu "?* n Wngs, contrary' to for iwwisncr of the Veteran Sto a mtaaconir ^ Com ^ 1 ' c * t «d mechanisms with' ,lwlU Aawiation. over Claude mStW-M ^ “ f . d k ' rwt, . ul ? * nd P«rverted »on«» of hu Th.T i iV “tf. 1, '* th * .option • BetUlion reporter form last night while covering a meeting of the local ch of the American Association of University ProfessonT thizedwTth* SSi* 1 by ti lf ir j° keB and ftBecdotes; he sympa- ' mpr,Me<1 ^ ‘I*!' «!"«« A. AM. ^ ^ Tha aubjcct for discussion dn»nk will be Buntyn and C. V. Slaae jr Gtt » v Lampe won in the race the local chapter for Vice-president. There waa no contest for mc- retary, treasurer, parliamentarian. 1 Developing Student Awarvnm Sf Interdependence*." Two •ehooU of the college were rvp- ^ntod to the panel diacseeion r up which was lad by Dr. Omer •psrry of the Rang, Manage- ment department. Profeeaor John R. Bertrand, rep- fronting the School uf AgvtetO. lure, (poke briefly about the im- I'ortanto ti a Useher 1 * knowing ths contenta at the other eouraee ^.L , S ld,nl 1 Me emphs- •Jsed the imports nee of demanding that a atodent take counee in the Mw In which they ate Hated in the catolsfM. In this manner a pertoptlve student can correctly utilise the different courses as Ing stones for more advanced work. Bertrand did not fool as StTa^i P ° lnt Wtr * >mphM,x#d The eagineer taking part in too pnnri discussion, Norman F. Rode, of the Electrical Engineering De partment, drew an amusing anal- oey t* tween n atodent in the search ■ kiowledge and a chronic tip- rter who Is constantly seeking hi* favorite beverage. The itodont drinks from the fountain of knowledge; th* im- blder on the other hand, procuree hia drink from a bar. If an instruc tor can persuade the student that hla subject ia the meet interesting among the manywlgeh can be or must be taken, tfVill be assured of success in his Thstruction. The same thing applies to the booxe hound: the bartender offer ing the most promising drink will receive the drunk's undivided at tention. Their positions are anal ogous; iKiith ars aatiafied. and both art consuming tomethta*. The thing to watch for in either «ae. Rode pointed out. is a Mickey Finn. Both the atodent and the ■tunned byr*urh a <Mvice; however, an educational knock-out drop will do far more damage than WOI the drug which the imbidtr consumes. An informal discussion on the subject of coulee interdependence* by the audience brought to light many grievances and ideas. Sev eral member* agreed that el- toough textbook, am constantly Increasing In site, the number of classroom hours devoted to that •vb)«ft remain* the same. “It's merely a scholastic Sear* Roebuck ratalogea, as one prof put It. °*OT Points which were die- cussed Included some that both in structors ami students ran sec eye to eye on: the belief that AAM students must take too many hours Pot Aemeetor in order to grad uate and th* queetion of whether is student who ha. jumped prvre- qoialte counes to take a certain ^ retired to go back and pick up tho** other courses later. I "tovtiog there ^ 10 * one MMMtotf thou » ht - •« we, as teachers, do- our Jab? Little blame waa plac ed on students for misunderstand ings created b y overlapping course*, inadequacy of backg^und Md corfuninjf prerv- quiaites. The members realised toeir owa limitations and the prob- toms of their students. . Dvriraj*,, portto, T* to business, results of nounced. The new president of the tocnl chapter of the AAUP it Dr. J J Sparry, of the Department of Biology. Norman F. Rode, Depart- »ont of Electrical Engineering was 'lectod Vice-President, andC. H. Bernard of the Physic* depart- urtir ’ ••Med Secretary-Treas- Tuesday and Thumday/ Mat Number 44 Cool Snap Caused Dusty Streets, Spence Kxplains T. R. Spence, manager of .veiling * All fttudanta interested In organising a Pr^Uw Club will meet Monday evening at 7 :B0 p. m. in Barracka K-2S, Phillip Goods, instructor in the business and accounting depart ment, announced yesterday. According to Goode, plans are being made to obtain speakers for nil meetings, including dauna of the various law schools in Taxaa. The last issue of the Bar Jour nal atoted that all prr-Ikw clubs throughout the United States were in the process of boing organised into aa affiliated group. Catalogs from other schools presenting tK ratings by the American Bar Aa- aociation woultohs obtained, Goode atoted, which VR assist student* in selecting their Inal law schools. There will be no limit to pre law majors in the local club. Goode ••■ted, since many students are undecided aa to their course of •tody until their, second or third year in college, d Russian Language To Be Offered In Spring Semester necessary U> r Converutional Ruanian will “ M develop* be taught next semester, pro- TH# ■mtho,! of construction waa vided there is • demand for * gnomical and .ffsetivo euch a course, J. J. Wooiket ot • p P , > rjB f • wrfOTe seal head ot the modern lanrusoa Spence statod. Rapid cure part ment, announced tSSS^ remSU A tot of Russian Unguagt re- w W*!- 9 have been purchased for the ( " 0,1, l tn * otion Cotojmny af eU “’ Wool ‘‘*‘ ■toted. for Although conversational Rumian Sf2d b? u. “ .SS "s^ ,P# ‘ Student Life Representatives To Meet Wednesday Evening ♦ ‘JAM nli . ~ . + F'PWWnUtIvwi will be held Win , W ? ln “ d * y .' . 0c, “ , '*' r 15, in Room Ml, Good. «l yratinUy *** i ‘ u " t 10 *•» <'<*» ot men, announc- a.- 0 r* OI Purpoee of the meeting is to explain the onranizatlnw rrtm tr ^tf^° n * t ? Ct ! 0n ft" 0 ” ° f the h®*” 1 of ^P^ntative* and to divide thTgrouD in fram, eUted yeeterdav that — •various rebcommittre., Zinn ,t.t" frem, stated yesterday that •** the whole responai- bflity foe the duaty condition cre ated by the recent street repair program on the campus. .Tue cause of this unfortunato inetdant waa that a spell of rela- tivoly cool waathor followed tha completion of the rctoppmjr, ami tha asphalt did not ti ike up a* much of tha cover material aa it would have in warmer weather. It wa* necessary to leave the txcess material on the streets for • few day* so that enough would be taken up by the asphalt to pre- ^ coming to the surface in the future; however, the disas- ttoua nuisance created by the dust mnde it imperative to get the ex- cere top material off tha streets. It ia being removed at present, and ^ topfeR *>to be- fin to “bleed through” It will bo necoaaary to remedy thia situation res it I I .a* * 1 luHSMMin w be emphaataod, some grammar will naturally be taught Dr. Josef Stadelmann, new pro- ftoaor hi the department, *11 ur H"rim*ni, will Hickerson, Ulich SS& Teaching Welding man, Ftench, Spanish, and Italian. Films to Be Shown In \ M(!A Sunday public Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. The films are: “South of the • travelogue on Central and South America. “Now the P*uot", U. H. organisation and worW tocunty, and “The Wayward PuP . • Woody Woodpecker car- J*» O. Hanrark ~ Ik (Um. -in b, « . seven by nine screen with a atx- !r n J n i , IiT* Ur Pfui^tor given to {J? T1ICA by the estate of the toti* Hilld (Dutch) Halperin, for- What’s Cooking? ^\ N j ( r- AOOIE WIVCT CIRCLE iMrtk- «llat Churrh) 4 p. m., Monday, Home of Mrs. Don Kiddle at Rook teurt •RAZOR VALLEY KENNEL ^ *kew, Os- 9 «•, Animal Huaban- dry Pavilion. BADMINTON (XUB, 7 p. Monk, .od Erik,, aim. _ IL'SINMS Eocutnr. T:M p. n, Tuesday, Agricultural Engineer ing Lecture Room. BIOLOGY CLUB. 71*0 p. - Tueoday, Science Hall lecture Room. CAMERA CLUB, 7:10 p. Monday, Room S3, Physics Bldg! HANDBALL CLUB. 6pm tSXrmSr*- p ‘” tai ...DWlISSiON AND DEBATING CLUB, 7:-U) p. m., Tuesday. Room S24. Aeademir Buttdtof. Oreanti. tional meeting. All students elig ible. ENTOMOLOGY CLUB, 7:10 p. m -’ Monday, Boom 6, Science Hall. FORT WORTH AAM CLUB, 7 p Monday, Science Hall. NEWMAN CLUB, Bus leaves (or Denton at 12:30 p. m. Satur '‘‘taw?.? w.JS | Mft l ?JS mcr professor of mathematics' Filma will be shown to special C ps or the general public every lay afternoon and tho projec tor will also ba lont to student or ganisations. Any student organi- ■ation desiring to borrow the pro- tor may do re by seeing if L Cash ion, secretory of the YMCA. th! HretuTn PB * nlU of ^^EWMAN CLUB. 7:16 pm urn election of officers were an- Monday R.wm.nt Lt o, « nounced The rv-« “■tomeot of St Mary’s P ■»-, the Chapel Dr. PRE LAW CLUB, 7:30 Monday, Building K 23. REPRESENTATIVE^, 7:16 n re, £S"~ U '' R “" ^ tumbung club, Utility Engineers To Meet March 8-14 The ftret annual conferenea of P 1 jg tt T» ,l> fk»toto will be beM l ®4a, tho plaening committee deeided veetordeT^ In the Electrical Bngi- toering Building, the planning tommlttoo made Untotive plans for the firat ranference of (to kind. Profearer L M Haupt, chair- ■ton of the committee, atoted that about 80 outatonding protective engineers from electric utility com puni« of Texas and surround- ng areas are axptetod to attend the conference Com mittec Sociologists Elect McCain President 34-Man Board to Elect Committees; Mitchell Representative Unelected Ag Council Elects Timmons President Kunkel Assistant Jack Timmons, senior ag ricultural education student from Red Oak, Texan, was elected chairman of the Agri cultural C ouncil Wednesday night •J Mto fitot meeting of the orga- niration. ‘ Jim Kunkel, Junior student in •ahnSl husbandry from Megargel, waa elected rice-chairman, and V~l Terry, senior horticulture student from Houaton, wa selected ••gflwy fOmwr. av *• • topreaentathse of the FFA chapter, solving aa viee- preaidenL He U^aire chairman of tha mdio —r;- ■' 1 ' i ■ ■ epoerered by that chapter and broadcasts FFA news over the Texas nctWurfc.! , »r B. LeU, renior xtudent in *»<l -llfr Agriculturist, was elected re- porter of the oouncil. A Hot election of officers, plans were mada for the coming year, and Dean of AgrlcuHg* Omrlea N. Sbepaadaen spoke briefly, The Agricultural Council acta aa e student advisory comnfltte* to |MM Ekepardson. Five Yeli Leaders news oval sgricultu Tho AgiH v ^ H. Saunders, and Freddy Stuart were elected fresh- From October (f through 8 th.v ,,, • n L y •‘ ,l ‘ ea f ,er * •» D*e Annex last Otoaen from among 21 candi ill lead the fiaabaaam class at aU ydi prac- 4t^ * .. ■‘.Amarillo; Ortobir v SSS A Ch ~. fir tober 20 through 22 they will^ ST* ^ — winn€r *- at Stinnett; October 2S 7 through *i. C tr* d,an: Drtober 2 r through 29, at Lipscomb. The school offers training eith ot for beginners or for experienc- ed far weider* in ox yacetylene and are welding. The farmers are in structed in the latest welding tech nique. for such job. re hard sur facing of plow shares, welding cast iron, and cutting metals with a torch. LOOK to Publish Story on A&M Life By MARSHALL E. LA88WELL Arrangements for LOOK mags- X n !w! 0 v^ k, k. B of pictures of the Thankaghring feativfUea at A .~ M-. havt been completed, ac- ootdlnf to Dun C. Fowler, depart ment editor of LOOK. Fowler, accompanied by a r* porter, will come here frem Holly, wood to do the picture story bne-d • typical cadet officer at A. School and classroom activities Thanksgiving bonfire, and tlnl * ^ fc ar9 'tory. Colored pie- S? th# l /7‘2r wh ^ will be . h# M November H will also be taken. The colored pictures will be considered for the cover of the "'■»“ | ne •dition, which la to bo 5^‘ h,d ^ p * rt ^ "• ,t f^ 0 bleated that he other stone. while on the campus. •uu-SHfs w 5f7u & ii ore *‘ r> i£sr-(S:^7 u ", c ub HoW8 Soc “ 1 Ur>ir of WtstinghouM, Houiton. f l? t OTmi-annual steak fry of the Range and Forestry Club *“ h«>d Saturday afternoon at Hcnsel Park with more than seven ty club members, faculty, and fWOTta attending. m 4ft * n>OOB cluded a softball game in which Carl McCain was elected presi- students defeated the faculty. dent of the Rural Sociology Club . Vjce-preeident W. E Dickens in- Mondny evening at the first meet- ttwduced now members of the club ing of the semester. »nd faculty. Jack Willoughby was elected eJ^BiiutSt Newmans Leave A ^ riCT,ltu ^“ 1 ^ 12^0 Tomorrow wwtology Chib are held on the Drat and third Monday of sack I the Annex. „. G f4OTtt,' ■ graduate of Lamar High School of Houston, is an, en- J^nesMng student; Joseph of Har lingeft ia taking businoas and ac counting; Plante, . graduate of ThoMM Jefferson High School of San Antonio, is studying electrical OTginhertee; from Amarillo comes Saunders, a chril engineering fraah- man; •'^ Stuart a grades of Waco High School, ia taking; busi- neas and gpaaunting. Robert L. Meleher, commandant •t tha Annex, conducted the yell leader election. lingP rogram iL r phynu ir P«OT of this program, accord- , ^ Dr. Rdda, k “to acquaint the end caps. - la Dr. G. T.rEdds, of the depart- 3 °f physiology and pharma- , to conducting an agrlcul- todto program every Mon- W^AV?" 1 °* ** 7:l * 0,,#r •‘■‘t 0 ' 1 °f llrseterk aad poultry In this area with the disease, com T 7..*^** OTeson af the year, snd with Ute preventive and aanl- ‘*>7 pwaldare. that should be <«k*n. Tha prubtoma of external •nd IntaraM paraeitae and nutri- tional disorders af animals art al to discussed en th* program. An autherity on th* individual •ebjoet to be discussed is brought £.. lK * -oh .toeak/Dr, Edds said. Some of the programs have bean ivbreadcaat on the Tex- u Farm aad Horn* Program which to heard over a state-wide m each morning at 1 network Members af the Ntwmaa Oak zgSZS&SZZ Chapel at lldl p. m, Satarday. Strickel Elected Fort Worth Prexy Th* Fort Worth A. A M. Club elected J. P. "Shady" Strickel president for the Ift47-4I school J r V * totottof hold last woek. ,., Al 7* t 7f w * ■HO ba AIuib F U 4 m* Dewey S, Evan, publicity chairman, and R. 'JHgAgWMW+MltoMto ' U fl$rty-flvt — MM IT •nt. _ prea- wn* decided to change Tha Plana far a Christmas daae* will t* mada. 1 «d. Also, th* duties of each of tin committees will be explained, irty-four representatives wefi “I last week under the nes jt government set-up. Then ■ms 24 men from the dormltorim and 10 from houaing areas off tin campus Th* •‘'•dent life repreaontativm wiD be subdivided into six atendini committee*. Six membera will Im nemod to th* hospital committee ■to on the Exchange Store com hMteo;. three on a mess hall com ndttoo; five on the athletic recep tion committee; and five on th* aloction committee. In addition th< Student Council will bo compoaet of four cadets and five non-miii tary students. Beaidea the 24 dormitory re pre sentatives, 10 students have bee? named from tho non-campus areas Djto waa elected frem esc) * Allowing places: Veterans VilUge, College View, Project Houato, Trailer Camp, Bryan FUk Village, ( olleg. Station, and Bry en; three student* were elartet from among the freshman student) ■t the Annex. The board of repreaentetivoa comparable to th* House of Rep resen tetlves, U under the MtiHien Ufa Committae, th* cuulvaUnt nl th* etate Sonate. Tha Student Lift Cotnmttla* to compoeed of nlru feeulty members, five non-mllitan studeate, •»*d nve military stu daite, The board of repreaentotlvei wQl meet quarterly and aelaci atonding committees once • year Slur* the renqvatlon of Mliehet Hell was not completed at eleetior "toe the represutaUve of tha >Aot*i witt bo oUcted next woek. McConneiltoHead Market-Financers John McConnell, senior agricul tureJ economics student from At lanto, was elected president of th< Marketing and Finance Club Tuea. «toy night at the initial meeting of the semester. The twenty-eight members pre- ■fnt also elected Charlie Truitl vice-president, A. H. Conrad sec retary-treasurer, and Preston In gram reportip. Sara Alton was elec ted to represent the club on the Agriculture Council. Plana were laid to haVe speak- era at each meeting on the subject of Job employment and other sub- )*ctR which will b4 of importance to every agricultural economics mMar. The club will meet on the sec ond Tuesday of each month. ^ amilie* Can Swim Two Nights a Week The awimminc l»o®l will be open ""nrTuraday and Thursday frem I to 9:30 p. m. for veterans, facul ty membera, and their wives, R waa announced yesterday. J| Swimmers must wear bathing tuberculosis ASSOCIATE! Tuberculosis: The earlier found the sooner cured I I Tuberculosis la mt I herited. Every n o to*e of tube rcu lot comoo from another ■ tive cast. Becauaa t bercuiosis to usual beyond the eariy .ta before the person f*< . "tony perso ftirs the disease to ot ots without knowing 2*5 i-?" 1 ' *" i- •woly than young pnea to know that tin Imto tuberculosis. , cheat X-ray will d! cover the disease PWton. of all ages. ■tomeeemasmwei