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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1947)
NEWS IN BRIEF t \ mt fl>0 O. U. -iANOr HKrKNKN DAl.Ut The r IkS III nmumn in thk intuiut or a cmatmh asm coluck Slitnf »t»\ ?(«» •«in*. A\ MUr f^t HiW M •M# Mpw MM ifron th# (wo rui« "/••UH th« •rtMol* mm fund 6f Mrh oth«r. Th«t WM IndiMUd in ■Utomvnti •til M no from *lt *ff|. •(•to •valUblp t.Kliy ovw th« Ik... <•^..1. ix'r.'ion HattfWV when tom and Oklahoma a«uM thoir annual football rivalry at tha Cot- 'on Bowl h*ra. But thora wa* on# tour not*^ at tha UnlTtraitJ of Oklahoma laat nlfht mora than l.(HK) atudenU hM*ad a. lummy labalad “Jack Waeo” on a tm in front of tha admmi.tration buildirv*. Jack Bia- co was tha raforaa of the Trtaa- Oklahoma fame Saturday. BOMB V. 8. CONSULATE JERUSALEM, Oct IS (AP) A woman employe in the American conaulato in Jeruaaiem waa aUfht- ly injured today by a bomb explo- aion which blew in upataira win dow. of tha building and littered tha interior with plaater. 47 00LUM3IITATION (AirXUml), TKXAI, «ONDAY, OCTOBBR II, 1M7 Numlwr4A Frances Greer Appears Tonight, Town Hall Metropolita^flKMpftM? Varied Program-Guion Hall ( Queen Bees* To Be Crowned At TCU Fish Game Wednesday the Aggie “B” Squad will combine teem to play the aimilariy-combined t'a Farrington Field InAhe open- Week", during which the andTSCW 'CATHOLIC ACTION’ PARADES NEWARK, N. J., Oct IS <AP>- More than 176,000 persona parad ed throughout New Jersey yester day in a aeries of “Catholic Action* demonstration* attacking Commu nism and the Soviet Union. - j Silver Taps To Be Tonight For Longview Aggie drink s-s AUSTIN, TEX, Oct IS (AP) —Beer drinker. In McGregor, Justice Precinct I of McLennan County, will have to content themoelves with *S-r hrew. an attorney general’a opinion held la effect today. Aoaoming that no caaatywida electlan prohibiting all ekballc beverage# has been held la Mc lennan County state IMS, the Attorney General ruled that saly beer of an alcoholic content not hkjftuiM of i f **I*M nay ha 1.1 aereeat to*aHy said. kr KUmiDA KLOOUKD LAI MIAMI, ria, Oet II Sauthnaat Klen.U, Inu Metinna hy the higheel flood wa ter. In mare than a quarter m > century, placetl lie crop da at Wtween lll,tKW,noo end OOO.OW) In the wake of « fr hurricane that whirled nor! ward lala the MUism, *• Wednesday night with the Fish football TCU Tadpoles at Ft Worth ing event of the official "A.A1I town will be turned over to visiting Aggies and TSCWitas. -t Sporx.'orrd by the TCU Por.ner LeUerman'e Association together with the Frog Club, TCU ex-stu dent's association, this will prob ably be the most colorful "B'' game of the year Not to be outdone by the varsity game on Saturday, freshmen of both schools will present their class queens during half-time cere monies. Mies Nancy Chambers, It year old Dallas beauty, freshman stu dent at TSCW, has been selected “queen Bee" of the ASM Fresh man Class, and will be escorted by Bill T. Thompson, freshman from Saginaw, Texas. mm Lula Leveret t, TCU fresh man from Overton. Texaa and re cent Queen of the Freohman Pron. will represent TCU freahmen as their “Queen Bee ", and will be escorted by the president of the TCU Student Body, J. W (Red. Brouthers. acting In the absence of the Freahmen Class president. Mias Chambers and Leverett will be presented bouquets of roses dur ing half-time ceremonies which will include a featured perform once of the TS-plece Homed Band. During the band * show lights on the field will be out, sad the band wtll form Inti) the shape of the musical treble cltff sign Band members will turn an small lights In their halmeta Stiver Tape will be held tonight for Robert H. Gasway, freshman transfer student from Lufkin, who died at 10:15 Friday morning from injuries received only 90 minutes earlier when he fell from a mov big automobile. * Gaaway and two other students, James A. Davis and Don E. Jar via, were walking to the East Gate on the first lap of their hltch-hik- trip to Baton Rouge for the i M.-LSU football game. They offered a ride to the highway •a tha three boy* jumped on the running board rather than crowd the ear's occupants far such short distance. When he attanMed to change kts grip •• a smaU trayeling bag be was carrying, Gaaway laat hia balance and fell ffom tha running board. He wm rushed to the college I baeatte. where an .semination re- ' 71 vaawd taveral MmII fracture# I" I addition la a broken nark Gnaway wee given a heart att mutant and pul under an eaygen tint, but he never regained eon B’Pa wae tha sen of Mr, and Mrs I Bob Gaaway, l,ongvtew and a mem “ ryPi ) Students, Adults General AdmiNHion Ticket* on Sale At Door; Performance Will Begin Promptly at 8 PJVI. Frances Greer, Metropolitan operrf star, will open the 1947-48 Town Hall series this evening at 8 p. m. in Guion Hall. ■ A Koung soprano with five years’ behind her on the Met stage, Mian Gmgr will open tonight’s performance with "Music for a While”, one of the earlieat dramaa ever net to muaic by an English composer. SENIOR SWEETHEART NOMI NEES—These four senior atudenU from TSCW were sweetheart nomi nees for the TCU Corpa Trip on October 18. Left to right, they are: TERESA HILLER. JEAN VAN ARSDALE, NORMA WALKER, and KATHERINE BLANKEN- SHIP. Dean Dunn Writes History Oj Veterinary Medicine School Oct II —(AP)—Chairmen Clar enee Brown (R-Ohle) of the U. I. House of . Bfpreeontatlves news print committee predicted Satur day the price of newsprint will not incraa** before January first, but did not rule out the posaibility of S boost -thereafter. EQUAL PAT * AGENDA AUSTIN, TEX.. Oct ll-(AP) —The school controversy over equal pay for Negro and White teacher* la scheduled for furthci consideration before the State Board of Education here today. Two achool districU, Goose Creek and Texarkana, whose pay schedules were turned down by State Superintendent of Public laJ •truction L. A. Wo<m1* because of * racial inequalities, have filed writ ten compUinta. ' WATERLESS FRIDAY . DUBOIS, PA„ Oct. II—(AP) —Mrs. Salada, president of the (Warfield County Women's Christian Temperance Uaien— noting President Truman's plan for meatleao Tneoday. and pool- - try and egg Ism Thnrsdays— has an additional idea. * la a telegram seat to the * President. Mrs. Salada said:. “Here’s one yon overlooked to aaee groin—Whisky Wee Wednes days." SITUATION IN EUROPE? . U-L bur of Battery 0, Artillery on thq SvaMhMMG? Dean of Men Bemtle A. tlnn to | Q attend the funeral services. Thee* student, were Louie M H commanding officer of Battery D, Don K. Jarvis, B. L. Southall, Will lam Hilliard, and James A. Deri*. The funeral waa hold at the First Baptist Church, Longview a t 4 p. m. Saturday, with the Rev. Marvin Ferd officiating. Interment waa In Jte Memory Park Cemetery. Proooadi from the gains will ha used for the TCU alnlotii p grant. (hampThumbcr Rel [uuhrs iptcV c teran Cooking? Bigger Kyle Field Planners Inspect LSI, Sugar Bowl AGRONOMY SOCIETY. 7:30 p. •a., Tuesday, AI Lecture Room. AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE (Math- jdiat Church), 7:90 p.m., Mon.Uy, Home of Mrs. Don Riddle at Roo: Court AMERICAN VETERANS COM MITTEE, 7:90, Monday, YMCA. BADMINTON CLUB, 7 p. m . Monday and Friday, Gym. BUSINESS SOCIETY. 7:10 p. m [Tuesday, Agricultural Engineer ng Lecture Room. BIOLOGY CLUB, 7:90 p. m, Tuesday, Science Hall Lecture WASHINGTON, Oct. IB-(AP) Congressmen returning from a ail-week study of economic condi tions abroad disagreed today on Western Europe's need far enter gettcy a Ml this winter, Rep Nisan (R-Callf) esprapa*) the views ef the maJerUy nfhen he J| told reporlsrti Huilding OrganiMlit PHurafeO fansrallv la aaffarlng All nsraoiM lavitsd from » la«k ef sufflsient fsad, and RRTOMOLOnY Cl die siibiyen welay i« wmt than a», L doodaf. Rm»m a. It was Mars thsVar" ► Tfull FA HU HI But-hep Andersen (N>Mlnn), AMKMCA,-A4m CslMis urSJM** ^ to».lP#JNag, | (ff» T^Whfs are fist as had »a they Ag Enfineering Rwiiding hare been psHraymi ta m by rsy VOMt WOltfM AAM niaiiviHi af ear ewn fsvsrfelp. JL U»nd iaen( I think Nnrvpa m make II | _ M/ ta **11111 all HfiM wWhmti 9MrmRM9> v - Room COLLEGE EMPLOYEES DIN NER CLUB. 8:45 p.m., Thursday, Sbiaa Hall. Purchase tickets at Ag• gieland Inn before Wednesday noon. Newcomers get complimen tary tickets. j i CAMERA CLUB. f:M p. m.. Monday, Room S3. Physics Bldg DISCUSSION AND DEBATING CLUB, 7:30 p m, Tuesday, Room uoaaf nmetliHi. B A1^ 'sludenj* #l!g. Of Dal Ion Aggie* I ■DPI Kajrt* F. Carson, member of tha Class of '40 who gain ed national recognition for hia novel method of hitch hiking, relinquished hia business to Bob Shell, Veteran student at College View Village. Canon, who hitch-hiked among other places to San Francisco and New York, received nation-wide publicity for hia self-invented shine-by-night "Texas A. 4 M." placard. Membership in the so-called Aggie Hitch-hiking Ctub is open to all Aggies. According to Carson who was on the campus this week, he is extending membership throughout the state, but he want ed to give Aggies “the fint op portunity to Join.” Students interested in the rules and regulations of hitch-hiking should contact Shell, Apartment B-ll-Y, College View. Payment of $1.50 will entitle the student to a copyrighted information booklet along with the A. A M. reflector. Aa yft the revised booklet la not off the press, because the latest rules on hitch-hiking have been added, Carson stated. However, the pamphlets will be distributed to club members as soon aa they ! arrive. * . % • Some of the better method* to be used in enlarging Kyis ild ware observed this past week-end by a group of four mefl who are Investigating the In atallation of additional seals at the ASM stadium, The group, rnniMsed of Difeelor of Athletics W. K ('armlehael, D. W, Wiliams, vies president for agriculture and •taumaR If the Athletic Council, (Allege Architect A C. Baker, and Willard Rimpeon construction engineer of Nan Aa* •I^Bflraw^a^tet^^H^ ,of Thoir fleet atop waa at Now Or. leans to study the etmetar* of the Sugar Bowl, which hoa a double- deck type of construction. The group then flew to Baton Rouge to note LSU'a eltonded-aeat type stadium. The LSI' stadium has A6 row* of seata, whereas Kyle Field has only 48 rows. The double-deck type construction is used more in large baseball parka, such aa Yankee Stadium in New York, while the extended-seat type ie used more in the larger open-air bowla. No Friday Batt Ne Friday Battalien win he pnbMehed this week, Rok Blag, maasger of sUidMt pub lications, announced today. Since Saturday la aa offlglal holiday for the Corps Trip to Fort Worth, meet alodenta will havo left the rampae hy Friday after Mmo. Kconomic*M (llul) MwUTtifMlay By J. E. HOBAN < A brief history of the School of Veterinary Medicine at A. A M. has been written by Dr. R. C. Dunn, acting dean of the School of Vet erinary Medicine. According to Dr. Duhn this his tory M . . . begins with the coming of the late Dr. Mark Francis, an Ohio Bute graduate to the Col in IBM, , , Hia duties and re sponsibilities were chiefly to detor mine the reuse and prevention of the diseases affecting our live stock." Dr. Franc!* Iwgao hia inveetl the work increased gattonai M , , . thf and additional he! t aary to carry on. In ItKMi Dr, Marctollar, alao a graduate of The Keenomlee Clah will re^l KlaW Dnlvmlty. wae ^tpl^rad la ganlse and etoet affirm Tueeday MMat Dr Francto In hti night, October 14, Dr, C. Wilson jofto tallage work Handle, *|>enaat, aanaUMod PA* day. , Thli yedr Che Huh wIB Cry to protnlaent speaker* for bothl Band closed meetings. Rep nary hospital, and an old remodel ed natatorium." Mark FYancii Hall was built in 1918 and the other buildings of the present unit in pitfL 717,.. r J • . After the death of Dr. Francis in 19M, Dr. Marstellar became the second dean. The school graduated K . , . 4 men in the first class in 1980 and a total of 58 men in the following 14 yean.,,. The demand for vet erinary medicine has been rapidly increased from 1985 to the present lime, when our enrollment in the 4 classes, freahmen, sophomores, junior*, and aeaiora. total* 151. The t»u| veterinary alumni amounts to TM clnee eatabliahmest 14 yean gtfTT" | * Kquipmcnt \ alued At $1000 Adde4 To SchMof Vet Her next number will be "Pack, Clouds, Away” by George F. Handel, followed by an aria “Al Desk)" from “Le None Di Figaro” by Mocart. Miss Greer’s next section of the program will be a series of new translations of Lieder r by the renowned soprano, Mme. Florence Easton. ■ ■ ‘ The thin! part will be another ■aria, “Depula le Jour” by Gustave Charpentier. Thi* will be follow ed by an intermisaion and then a piano group, played by Royal Hi»> man. accompanist. •* The fifth section of the program will be a group of novelty tunes. Including two folk songs. “Roving in the Dew" and "Go 'Way From My Window." An aria "Steal Mr" from "The Old Maid and the Thief" will be another of her selections. Miss Greer created the role of Ue- titia in the first stage production of "The Old Maul and the Thief" open and dosed meetings. Rep. I when they Martin Dips, formerly chairman of to recognln the Hous# Un-American AffaiM | thing about Committee, was one of several well Known men who were guests of the dub last pear. All atudants on the casipua are eligible to Join the dub; no re* Ktriction la made in regards to their course of study. The speakers will interest every student MONKEYS WEAR CORSETS CHICAGO. Oct 19 -(AP)— Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, physiologist and vice-president of the Univer sity of Illinois, wants 40 monkey* to wear corsets far two years in an experiment which may deter mine how grandma got her ulcers. Fees Due Thursday The second installment of feet amounting to S48.M is payable to the Fieral Department before Thursday, October 18. Board te Nov. 17 amounts to S37.28; room rent. $7.75; and laundry, 88.95. becaate livestock KsIssh and thing about their nature.” But to successfully meet theee Increaaiig disease problems "... required bt t- ter trained and bettor qualified men. Dr. Fra net* wisely rpcommei- ded that a School of Veterinary Medicine be A. A M. to professionally and tecji nieally train veterinariam. The re commendation was opposed and ' many thought to be folly or al surd to invent so much in thq 11 -lock industry of the State. Af overcoming much opposition ai many difficulties, the School was cutebltshed in 1916 and organised under the deanship of Dr. Francis" By J. K. HOBAN Over 11,000 worth of n«w scientific and visual aid equip ment has been added to the __ physiology and pharmacology estabiiahed air Texlis | department and the anatomy de partment of the School of Veteri nary Medicine. Tht veterinary physiology and pharmacology department haa add ed a new movie projector, an am plification system to amplify heart sounds, and a photelometer, ac cording to Dr. G. T. Edds Thia movie projector is a “Pre mier 10” and will be used to show films in connection with class lec- (n Philadelphia in 1941; in the aria Laetitia voices her feara of be coming an old maid herself. She bewail* the paseing of time, and the fact that he la more Interested In baseball and boxing thai\ In love making. The aria end* with a plea for the young thief to steal her sway before time does. The latter part of the pregram will Include "Clair de Une” hy Je. aeph Hsu le |m! three South Amur!* •an folk aoaga * France* Greer, *1111 In her twea* tie*, ha* sung mere then 40 diffi-r- •nt relee in 400 appearamee both In Kurepe and America Norn In Arkansas, she studied velee under kaa* wiles ease t*MAMA|li# \ IflftO Al IsOUAe ilESnAaiefnKilflllP n***. It watt atfer graduation that she toured Europe aa soloist with the i&U lymahMy, General admission tickets for noa-acaeea ticket holder* win he ea as ie at the doer for 00 ceata aad |1. etedenta aad adalta, re* sportively. HtedenU* wlvee rea alee aee the performance under the M-ceot student rate. Mias Greer's appearance in thia, her third, transcontinental tour la under the mperriiion of the Na** tional Concert wnd Artists Corpor ation. The fint classes, started in the turn. The amplifier ia used to am Wilson President Of Fish-Game Club j fall of 1916, were held in the *. old chemistry and veterinary i science building, a frame veteri Stray Dog Halted Earlier Experiments ... Rare Specimens’, Say Children About Pastor’s Hybrid Chickens B^ W ill' IppM Freberg Pretiident NOMICS CLUB, 7 SO pm* Tueeday, anImtional meeting ILUB. TiN j( I, Seianee Hell mm** of tela « hap IOOIEN NRMU.t e DBAi. INDIA Oet: II - MADRas. inuiftit (AP)—•The Isdtaa Biprees re- ported Saturday that a fear- meath-eM lafeat waa feaad alive la a Joehft'e dea ia the Jengle near the west ceaet pert of Cal- "rfft-g— (ward the tefent’e cries end west te the den, where the infant waa fee ad andemeeth twigs aad Waves. UN DELEGATES PREFER ’SERIES' MOSCOW. Oct IS (AF)—Trod’s special corre*pendant at the United Nationa Aaaembly said in a die patch to hie paper Saturday that some delegates prefrrrrd the world aeries to assembly ae The only one he named was Hector McNeil, a British delegate Thursday, FtfyeWal ^UN, Till ». m., nt of St. Mary's Doug Kreberg waa elected prval nt of the Dallas A. A M ( iuh turaday evening at a e YMi’A E«■Student Pteeger was elected VWa it. Dev* "Snag" p. m. HANDRA Tunmv i li’tltse-mlitaCt refiifrwftTvfi NEWMAN Mendey, Res chapvl ^ FRE LAW CLUB, Tfk Monday, Building K 89. MCFRE8ENTATIVE8. Till p m„ Wedneeday, Room 301. Good- wht Hall. RF.9ERVE OFFICERS ASSO CIATION, Braso* ChapMr. 7:10 Tuesday, Petroleum Lecture neeS^^YMCA*’ 7 (Jmsn?Mtwnai Bombarded Officials meeting. TOWN A K■ Students was _ ve "Snag" ....... •eeretau treaeureri and William "Ruete" Utlhert, parliamentarian Plena ware made for erganii Ing • serial enntmittoe llort dull Slates Barbecue Nov, I A hnft toil Here hartmeue will I held In Hensel Park on November I, It wa* decided Tuesday evening hy the MertWelturf Cleb. In addition |e barbecue plana, the club agreed to hold the annuel horticulture show on December IS- 16 le Sbiaa Hall. Penberthy Not Among HALL, 8 p.m., Monday, Guion HalL Frances Greer, aopra- n °TUMBLlNG CLUB, 5 P. au, Tuesday and Thursday, Mat Room, Qrm, VETERANS WIVES CLUB, 7 :<0 p.m.. Tueeday, YMCA. Slip cover demonstration. W. L Penberthy, dean of men was net among the Texaa-Oklaho ma official* who were bombarded with pep bottles ta last Saturday’s football game in the Cotton Bowl Although originally scheduled to officiate, Mr. Penberthy all athletic appointments when he waa named dean of men. By KENNETH ROND One person on the Campus haa never worried about moving; and he W Rev. Norman Anderson, Paa- ton of the Prcebytermn Church, who eonducta services in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. ■Bee, Anderson, whose office It in the reer of the T, haa h« ld servitWl regularly in the Chapel since 19M "How well J remembet that met Sunday morning ser- vice," he Mid "(l coneWtgd af IB9S paafRi Mr, aiwi Mrs D. W WHIianm, Mr, and Mrs D H and their ••m, livin.Mr i M M ShciwHqJ, the N Mtnwter, Rer Jee* IWipeen dM net h«id night eerrim, *•• he end Mrs Them peon attended, Iningina the ftlgijit attendeae* up to I total af Msa. Rev. Anderoen waa hem In San Antonie «f Scottish Immigrant ent* HW father served •* a and sales manager ef the Texes Lend end Cattlv Company, (Tl), for thirty-four veer* He was ««n corned with the famous King ranch, the eertien of lend around Fowler Bluff, Texaa, and grating land extending to the Canadian Border. Upon graduation frees high school In Sen Antonio. Rev. Ander son attended the University of Texaa. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, he complet ed work for e Hasten with the ex ception of his thesis. Rev. Anderson completed his Masters Degree end received his Bachelor of Divinity at the Austin Presbyterian The- otogicel Seminary. He faded to take Hebrew at the time he attend ed college, eo he had to take a In 1926 he married the former Mies Mary Dunlap, of Cleburne, Texas. She wm a member of l't> Brits Kappa, the aorority for stu dents with a high academic (tend ing. She received a Bachelor of Arte Degree In hletonr. The An- dersona hove three children: Mary Evelyn, twenty years eld, i» • graduate ef the Uaivereity ef Teg* „ m, majoring to psychology, Dm UI The visual employed by the A. A M. Research |* coopera' Fsuadalma. Norman, Jr., vmm m teen, ployed foothill and basket phfy the heart sounds of on* stu dent for demon*:ration and in structien to the rest of the class. The photelometer la a derice that measures bv chemical analysis the contents of blood such M blood ■Ogar, calcium, and phosphorous This machine is similar to one now in use in the veterinary clinic in determining the extent of arsenic poisoning in animals by urinalysis. The veterinary anatomy depart- added a photomicro- camera and a microalide , John Milliff, depart- stated The camera la used far taking pictures of a slide preparation through a The prelector enables enlai Images ox microscope slides to be projected on a screen for class In struction, Dr Milliff Mid. The anatomy department to add a rsaearch type mlc with special eye-ptoaa ssd that will make poMibie ths tak ot mush dearer pictures In coll ah) work Is cooperation with the visual aid department PEN Bill Wilson wm elected president of the Fish and Game Club at its initial meeting of the year held Thursday evening. Theron Carroll wm named vice- president and Bill Kiel, secretary treasurer. Following a brief business meet ing, Kiel addressed the group on hia recent trip to the American Society of Mammaologiata' camp Higgens Lake, Michigan. Kiel many of outstanding men In the field of mammalogy and wild life whoa* books and literature he Rad been wtudying in courses her* at A. 4 M. • Tentative plans call for a bar becue to be held sometime in Oct REV. NORMAN ANDERSON Presbyterian Pastor thn-c year correspondence course from the Univeraity of Chicago. After two years at minis tor of the Presbyterian Church at Taft, Texaa, he wm transferred to Ool- lege Station. There were aee teen hundred students attending A. 4 M. at the time he took over K toral duties. Though sen obyterian Ministers hold i ricos before he arrived, ho wm the first regular pMtor. Rev. Anderson hM worked in the Deportment of ReHgioua Ed ucation since 1989, and hM been bead of this deportment since 19M. VMM at Ito meeting Tuesda], other aMeeriM organtsat Ml •looted for this )t Robert L Clinton, t 'P. H H • h Nu!to\nu£i»IuH hlLMWiei I 0. MofWfM, MStof, Off rlflitto mivrFMlPfl in ntoiHIrHiMf rMilffF I toHIhllllriMl m mm 1 HmMlitoM MikdaiMMA Mating, and genetics Me hsa spent CJ;: ,J| onsidershle time to developing IL# Jw* A k u iiu.lent M,. hybrid thieheiis. After seven years !f he Instllute of the Aer^I in experimentation, ho had peHert- Ili’tu, W r m ed mosters with white plumiaago 1 I hens, with murky white fMtk- ors, from Jemy Black Otonta Then while Rev. And ■way on a visit, a ctray ed into the chicken yard tshed his project by killing chickens. At present. Rev. Ander- n Is in the proceM of producing s novelty chicken from the Friti led Breed end a Chinese Variety. His children refer to theee chick ens m “Rare Specimens". "I am greatly impressed with the intense spirit thet bind* the students together," Rev. Anderson Mid. "1 believe it ie caused by the dose contact and association that s dormitory life affords.” Tumouiotts dirrruhsU\ rnrlisr found JMUHMf mud 4 4he Imhn aa the riee-ehalnMRtHHHBii n tsry; and Robert C. Zivney or. Thomas I l SaltorM ted to serve ss Junior tire on the Council. Prof •rton will s faculty sponsor. Membership Branch wm six students, the InStitote first Tuesday the next November gineeriag l Pink- reguUr the Stnimt by ftfty- moetings of be held on the tch monih. with *che<tuled for Petroleum F.n- memberx County iloris Aaeoelatton are all peraona who within the year hav« rontni. ated to the AssociaUon by purchaM af Christ mas soak. Money from ■alt of soala Is the ’ main soureo of support of tba organisation. ' The Bratos County As sociation keeps 80", of the money from teal Mies, and sends 80% to the State and Na tional Associations.