Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1947)
Diving Coach Is Added to Aggie Athletic Staff I Mamalifa tan bcvn «p- pomt4d to the A. * M. eotchin* Wf |M divine conch, it «u an- aounccd yesterday. Mamstifa halts ftam Cantaa. ^ Ota- State l aiversity fradastiag in with a Bachelor of Science Wcm ia Education. . He won vanity letter* on the Ohio Stave ■wiraminc team* of 1941-42-43 and placed second in the 200 yard breaststroke at the Big Ten Meet in 1942, placed third it the ’4J meet, and took fifth ta the 1943 National Collegiate I Swimming Meat . Hit coach »t Ohio State wa« Wilte Peppe who is recognised ss J54 bail dtyfhg coach In. the world * tgftay and has been SMoIntad dltlng coach of the tl, S. Olympic Ttam. Peppa has the very highest t raise for Mamallgs snd says that s ibould make one of tha bast •oaehes In tha country Aftar graduating from Ohio I T«* Itata, Mnntahga eoaehwl at UW* Football Team Leaves Tonight for L. S.U. Battle .. I illi |« ll - Aggie* Hai ivnuntBAL Btotn w ORtn RECRCfT-I^Nls (Baddy) , 140-pound full- Ttau high m MrKsdin (abort), hack from Iraaa, maced ka Aaetin, Te».. that ha enrolled in the Daiverelty of DIAMOND VUX1K , fOCKHT RNIVRH MBM/oootM llinoraii Hardware 9011 CoUcft Road rises, rllmstiai sm celebrated reerailiag cases la the hoathaeal ( oalereare He ka shawa shave w earing g Hi) lor l ah erst* If uniform durlsg a meal visit ■ •». (AP ta that sehaiil. Photo) ■H- cnterwl th. Navy. Ha tarvod ta tha Navy as • t.t (ta) from April, 194*1 until April, 194*. During that lima he **■ in the Pacific Theatre snd parttatMtod In the Phtllipptne Islands and Okinawa invasions. Nr la martlcd and ha» ana son who ia 1)1 years old. Pawns are without any tell-tale •cent, but the doe takes on an ad dlttanal '»l'«r to lure eadnlcs away from her hidden children. Six Clubs Join Intramural League At a bmcting hold Tneeds y af terooon, team* officially entered the new Intramural Club league live teams are from the Neuman Club, Ml lid Club, Austin Club, Biology Chib, Haart OTeaas Club and the Presbyterian (iroup._ Entry cards are doe |n Friday, OcU>b. r W for volleyball and flag football. Team managers of these cligM try to have your entry cards in before 5 o*clock. i Any other clubs interested *<•< Grady Ihits, Clab Advisor, for In- UjjJtjJjlooday. Ortoher *. Taking an early lead and going strong all the way Milner Halt downed Blassll Hall 14 to f. An aatitnndin| A Infantry taam aipWtai id B Carary to the tune ef 11 to 14 with Psrgus nf A In fantry rwanlng ap 11 pohita. campoatt* took a slim lead to : B Air Pom 17 to It Tha •coring was free with Andrews of the wTining taam hitting I points ^ Tiaaii ***"* **" Ulema and While, K Battalion PORT THURSDAYj OCTOBER I, IMt Pari Mr (M is’ •„n\ 0=^ l(sC>n»fc ) wsvee ; U»MO ry mmmm Mrthuitati Pegaes and (htslafiaa made up the winning comhinatlan for A Engineer* as they downad A PteW * «, R*l, 1-1, p A composiie beat N Knglueara I to | with Pappas gad O'Hara and Batim taking the M- I'. ihsml ihnmghmit ihr „.*ti*h C Infantry smacked out a I ito 1 win over henlnr Com] C Cavalry battied oat tory over M Infantry. With matehm tied at one all, Thomas Cooper and Terry Anderson came through in a Hot contest 9*7 over W. K. Stensel and Ralph Collina. vt Light Practice Session ftibenday Night mage was in a Aggies aa ee area Wed- l learn am sirees psst aw* and anything weal they*, figured on-fdktag H eeey l" Coach Norton said. “We fF 6AJTHP-MWJ iOf H t u •I vta* ih Hta Loner ., • and Greyhound faros are mighty low, toe I ! # Greyhound offers mighty low fares to off pert* of the nation. Check with your Greyhound agent, the very next time you plan a tnp. r; f N (iREYHOUND BUS TERMINAL North Gate - College Sta. — Ph. 4-7114 GREYHOUND /* I^me Star Race , Into Fourth Week (AP)—The Lone Star Confer ence football campaign ia only three weeks old bat enough has already happened ta show it will be a three-way battle for the cham pionship among North Texas State, Beat Texas State and University of Houston. Two of these team* are unde feated—East Texas and University of Houston— and North Texas State would also have been if it hadn’t mapped such a rugged schedule. However; the Eagles still must bo rated the team to heat. Their showing against outside op position has brought prestige to the lone ataa ganruit. Last week, for instance, North Texaa journeyed to Florida to give the University of Florida a 20-12 licking. The week before the Eag les had proved rough customers for Arkansas of the Southwest con ference before losing 12-0. University of Houston appears in moat danger of dropping a game this week as the Cougars plsy tough Texas A. snd I., also an unbeaten team, at Kingsville. East Texas State meet* downtrod den Stephen F. Austin at Com merce in a conference game. North Texas State takes the week off. In other games of Lone Star conference members. Trinity plays Daniel Baker at Brownwood and Southwest Texas State entertains Howard Payne af The Texas Can* ferenoa at San Marcoe. Williaimon’s Previews Winner Friday, October 10 T.C.U. 1 vs. U. of Miami Saturday, October 11 Arkansas va. L.S.U. ~v*. Texas AAM TeXaa. vs. DHbEmBB KKW Bi..’ Okla. AAM Rice vs. . TBkM Tulsa vs. Texaa Tech Only a light store far the Texas the Kyis PMd practice ■ ay afternoon, as the varsity rbr •'B'* team, minus shoulder pads hot wearing plsotir helmet*. Johnnie Frankie 1 * “B" Squad ran through A number of ptay* that tha Aggies could expect froth the LSU THgtrs Saturday night, against tack of the varsity squads ta tuecsssfon. Only check blocking waa used, no tackling was allowed!, but tha team dM street paaa de fense and “W# tonight, don’t want ta risk an/ saw injur ies this close to •oafemma eehS- dute and several id tha boys hava colds This workout was primarily ta keep svsryone ta titaas" Tha taam iaavua tonight on His southbound Honbeam WsMOMlm ^.«a 1m iWm nilwe R vE'EremOtg* IN »MG Kitdsv sfteinoon, they C annthar light Hrimtaggi la ton Koute, mainly ta hasp tha squad in shapa, Caarh Norton #s- iha n|dnton H»t 1 team wat playhtg at af week that Ine rsaims m up hvitar than at Okla (learte Kadara I* aga Ml til taaig hul will probaklv T0U Ult, a wosk htausenbeffar, .,m n , n .,rr. Ovviiy. and Boh (Ifloda afh afl hampered hy Must" cold*. Farmers Definite Underdogs \gainsl Potent Tigers; 37 Aggies Make Trip Thlrty-neven Aggie footballers plus coach and managers will Idtve Aggieland tonight at South bound Sunbeam for Baton Rouge, La., coaches, trainers 7:54 on the tton Rouge, U-, where they will kangka with the powerful LSU Tigers Saturday night. Out-manned by Oklahoma D. last week, the Aggies will fhee i sttl more potent football* MacPhail-Durocher Baseball Puzzle NEW YORK, Oct 3 —(AP)- The two big questions remaining in the wake of the 1947 World Series today revolved about that old Damon and Pythias combina tion, Larry MacPhai! and Leo Du- rocher: 1. Will MacPbail’t resignation as president of the Yankees, dra matically announcad by MacPhsil himself in the clubhouse at the end of yesterday’s game, stick, or will he remain with the dub In an ad visory capacity. 1 What’s to become of Leonine Loo, now that his suspension as manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers is supposed to be at an end. Some insiders insisted > that Branch Rickey, who succeeded MaePhail ss president of the Dod gers, would announce his decis ion regarding Durocher’s status at the conclusion of the series. Rickey’s reply to reporter*' questions was simply “Durochcr was suspended by Mr. Chandler We are waiting for an official an nouncement from tho commit- ■lonor.” HISTORICAL EDGE BATON ROUGE, UL,-It may or may not be significant, but Louisiana 'State fridders down the years have won 106 over their 1947 oppon ents, while dropping 73 and tieing fifteen. through victories LONG PULL BATON ROUGB, LA. A “must 1 task for Louisiana State's 1947 footballers will be to cut down the long lead now enjoyed fly Alaba ma's Red Elephants, who have taken the Bengal* Into camp 12 times in the 19 meetings between the two schools. v M*' 7$ 7^ jf/ TIG KM TINTYPt RATON ROCUK, LA., Musty «bl retards teveal that when La, Stale WHipml tta first grid rham ainniblp Wk ta 190*. Salon ~ fans posmhI Ih* kitty ami h»n«IM umhrells* Ghtard and nn K Halllgan. I t,.,,, S|H'rll,iK ^,*h*,Is Nr. «1* HIM H sroi{ UNO (.( H >|>N 'or the hull and shout the works,” Aggie v/cjMTn nomer norwn bumtw r, *Vit I’m sfrsid we wont vary bad poo agsinet LSU. an four and five deep to n/vmivies* H POHlUOpi. just didn’t kan enough ms, and ws don’t quantity now,” Nor 1 an «wv oijanea m urn prerieai re- sem taim. Bafty MTmi keif, la aat whk aa inland kid* a:. - ; Houston otM ’dfhUS’UTtk.f’rf ^ lk# A,,k> k^fif. I itartlng sist of B. Barney W Ousek at Hmsi I K ta mm I wHh WaHk, The ta Fart 1 lto*<ui> against LRU depend on whether the Agfiea, t *r receive. If thqy kick, Bob- Dew will replace James 0a»»- 1 at quarter and Joe Sacra, for. m«riy a guard will be In for Bob TuHs at left tackle. The not of the line-up will eon- Bob Geode at right half. Wekh at left half and Ed full. ‘Ill Me lino will be Bob Gary at center, Odell Stautaenherger and- Charles Overly at guards, Jim Winkler at right tackle, and Nap* ton Higgins and Cotton Howell at < nd« the nmainder of tke Aggie aqtu.t making the trig to BtMG* VWlock, Prokop, W right) tackles, and Heitafasti fuarda n*. Oninov, and T*h, “A tK jjt St&.'lffBir nilMi IMMlwrR, PMIVelii Rflll f MM'R. with (ka taam mi he saved far tkal flmiJMbr Oilell Jim Winkler. Bad Vugie Handball Club Organized The Aggie Handball Clab has «n formed and ia now meeting ch Tuesday and Thursday at I p. m. In the Physical Education office Herman Sagreat, chairman of tho required Physical Educa tion. is sponsor of the club. The program for the year in cludes the Second Annual Colle gia tt Handball Toamament to be held hero thia spring and tripe to Austin, Houston, Waco, and Dal las. Generally speaking, England gets more advice from the British dominions than the dominions get from England. L.&M. v ■ i Food Market FREE DEIJVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph. 2-6189 The LargMt Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— a Come In and see us for large or small appliances: Radio*, Electric Irons, Stu dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many other uaefula UNITED APPUANCBB, lee. Mth A Washington Me. Pheoe »-149t h Gat off ta a fly Inf atairt.., r : f ! % 1 1 f Aac? tT / I J - Y’ith the creamy-rich lather of Sesforth Shaving Soap, •f the heather-fresh exhilaration of Sesforth Inttoo, you're headed for better, pleasanter grooming. Enjoy them yourself...soon! These and other Sesforth . essential*, packaged m handsome stoneware, only f L x Seafortk, 10 Rockrfrlltr P1<uu, h. Y. JV S~ Wc offer you our expert ... * j ! —' ' UNIFORM ALTERATION SERVICE CAMPUS CLEANERS FOR SEAFORTH SETS "-b— \ , Smart Shop un n. Bonn OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK No cover charge for dining diningTdancing Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specialising in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods Starting Lighting Ignition liaoUllwd Iwvlo. un UTAHTHHH - (IRNKHATOR* - MAflNKTO* UATTKIUKS - CAHMIIHKTOHS - TUNS US Bruner Battery & Electric Co. 119 KUt 2ftth Ntmt — Bryan Uathg Parts From Original Equipment MamifacUrara FIN FEATHER CLUB Pin Foath.r Rond Pb. 2-1473 RENT f ^ -M; ^ _ r* * A JEEP .VA ; f' r k "■ At the North Gate «4* 3 Door* East of Bank PhoM 4-H394 ' J* 1 ' W. < . RATES - Hourly or Daily A»;gie Jeep Joint Box 9047 Amw Shorts! .y mokf pm ihth iimp fnrUklt . % $lfB$l4f ‘ J a* 1 There * not a iquitm in a carload Of Arrow shorts with the patented Kimteis crotch that can't bind, can t chafe. l tK Arrow gives you four different model* to choo*e from —elastic tide, adjtatable tic tide, eiaitic all around and French back—in white or stripes. See your Arrow dealer for Arrow ihorts. Every pair is Ssnforiaed-labeled (can't shrink more than 1%), and tomes with grippe** or bottom, ft la $l4<k ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDltWlAR 0 HANDKIICHtlM • SPORTS SHIRTS 1 t: i CMKY t HUM * , v l' 1 • • CLaTHBS ATTENTION AGGIES! 1 ■ ■ Pink Anny Pants '• < -*A .V y • ’Vt 1 - %mL; - y 4. il Green Army PanU j • ; I ! Hand Tailored to Your • Measu remen ta HIGH BACKS or ANY STYLE *20.25 and 121.75 1 ! I » Each Pair Guaranteed To Your Satisfaction i* By THE STORK OF PERSONAL ATTENTION CORKY ft HURD OLOTHEB 2 Blocks North Pool Offict ^ College Station