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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1947)
« Battalion rur EDITORIALS M Hit 2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOWDR 8, 1847 Discrimination Rides Rampant.. • Tho lotttr i>olnto4 out that undtr mfrt- I vatlun, the “Mexican" aehoola are renerally • inforior to thoae pruvkled for "white child' ftohool huparintemlent ran," The bullUlnfa are pour, ‘— w — — lll-pai«l and lem. well traiiunl farititie* are below eUndard jDie Mtthinf oueetinn of racial dlecHm* jpBLP pSS Hchoola la frowlng aajddltUmal chargee reach Uovwnor Beau gSBrr Bp I Thne UttlHNte of Tesae atudenl or- ■anliNtiona. In a letter to Je«i< r laet week. iWiemJ the exietenee of Illegal eegregailutt ^ **jP > *Pl* lf 18iaa" chlklren In many eonool. WMM throughout the etate, naming ftvo Texae oommunito a aa apeclflc examnlee. The letter pointed out that thiw five acnool aye- tcma were merely aelo<t«Ni aa llluatrationa ,fr«*n a large group of similarly dinorimlna- tcry groups and were not lingular rxamplee. The charge of Illegal o|>eration waa baaed on the fact that "SpanUh-name" achool chiMivn are at^rek-atod In numerous Texas cormnuniUeH without reference to valid testa equitably applied. The State Attorney General held earlier this year that segregation waa legal only if valid testa, equally applied, indicated the need for separate classes or aehoola for stu dents with language deficiencies or other individual needs or aptitudes. twohsra art IllUaa are Mow aUndaid. That thaaa conditions do Mist is doubted by fuw Texans, 11 w' v«r, until sufficient free minded public spirited cltlaene assume their respon sibility toward this unfairly treat'd minor ity, "Pablo" and "Juanita" Witt continue to receive schooling far Mow that of their “white'* contemporaries, and Uttle better than “Sambo" and “Uxa" receive In their part of tovnl Many custom bound and^prqjudke clad “educators" will have to be educated to the mode of present times and many of this asms class' will have to be removed foon office be fore state institutions become anywhere near balanced^ Until such time aa these changes occur. Texas cannot claim the distinction of free and impartial educational opportunity for Puzzle from West Texas.. If you want to get your tongue twisted in your mouth, try explaining the College Building Amendment imbroglio to an out-of stater. You can’t do it and make good sense. The amendment, authorizing TU and A. & M. to issue bonds against interest from oil revenue, and authorizing a tax for the | benefit of all other state-supported colleges, * was passed this summer by a slim margin. ; The vote was extremely li^ht in all parts of * the state except West Texas. Polks out there . contended that the amendment was unfair ’,to Texas Tech, although Tech officials had * agreed to the plan, and that college would ’ (receive seven and a half million dollars dur- * (big the rtext 20 years. _ Although the bill wa* passed by the * electorate, action is held up pending clear ance of auits brought hr Went Texans on technical grounds. • L , Now Btate Hep, Harley Hadler of Bweet- ; water has announced that he tnteni|i to run agalmit Governor Jester next faction on the noll'grpurtdtt that Jester approved the Amendment! Unless a governor discharges hU du ties “In an equitable fashion to all of our K mle and each section of our great state," liler said In a recent statement, he should not #<wk or expect a second term rrhlitj hr added, waa^ direct reference F. **»■ XV»A ^ 1 Hollywood Roiadup Texas War Hero Buys House From Ittovie Income By BOB THOM AH HOLLYWOOD, Oct « -(AP)- Conwt Wilds, who hat told 20th Pox ht la not well onsuch is work, la planning to go to Now York wit week. He juet returned from Hawaii . , . Trend Oept.i If Papa* tasunt plana to return is fwil-asalt prudueUon, than why is it releas ing »Ur» like Dorothy Uniter and Diant l.ytm aa ona-pieturwa* year daalsT , ,, Hat earn- - Smijn and •iiwre Meanwhile, n^tor European Agriculture Is ~ Hopeless, Faimer Reports ly HAL BOYLE GARNER, IOWA, Oct B (Ap) ban and thajr ao unlucky to hava —Bte-»Minad Jack Dathmera, cow- baan ham Hi Eurapa/ (ortahly walMonio. altar yarn of Ha told with a look' of wander rugged work in the hlaok rich asil 0(1 hi* of Iowa* want abroad to aae how tho farmer* of othar lands wera faring. He waa one Bt v the mueh deaoratod ao)dWr< alaepe in Terry Hunt * gym Max Rohmer la raportad at As MacKenzie Beet II.... Frauee, Italy Get Brunt Of New Drive by G»ffi»unists By DOWITTI AT feeUa* Attain *mI>4 Jester’s outspoken approval of the plan finance 60.000,000 in conhtructiou fqr sUte- supported colleges stimulated a Sadler-for- Govemor boom there. In view of the fact that a majority of those who voted also favored the amendment, it is hard to see how Governor J« >ter could be accused of “using the good graces and prestige of this high office to promote self ish interests, crusading on issues that could work a hardship on the small property own ers. taxi>ayers and fanners and by such ac tions possibly retard the growth and service of some of our state institutions." . Yet Sadler has made just such a state ment. < Behind'the whole program aeems to be a foi ling that Texas Tech should be made a constitutional aehool, like Texas University gnd A. A M., rather than a statutory aehool aa it la now. Hut to be logical about auch a change, we should make all state colleges constitutional, Including the teachera' col leges and the new Stale University for Ne groes. Would Tech Iwhafit by auch a change? We think It le fine that West Texans are so deeply Interested In Tech ; hut we wonder If they are doing either Tech or the entire state college system]any service by their “dog In the manger" attitude. Except on the football field, we are not uut to "out id ogoa *♦ ■Mweeat lor iw- the drawl Cowue- tha general staff Babbamm has aaiaad highly atratagtc organization of irrn lhat ia, tha , for world ravalalMW-aad for a formal declaiwtioa at ideolognal warfare aa the Democrat lea, head rd by the U S. A. Baa tern Europe, and part »f the Central Coatipeat, already are in Moacow’a grip. Most of weatern Europe i* in the throes of a fierce economic depreaai•n which readers it vulnerable to political attack, for people who are suffering privation, even %nd cf> i < i , grasp at strawa BoeHiMiAwih 1 to save ' Ho Bolsheviam wtlMitrlke with all its might St weetem Rurope, and try to "Hnmunise it right • hrinigh (n the English channel before Amor Man aid nas a ehaeae in beaomo effootlve, The way It ka now. Italy and franc*, whWh have powerful Com 1st parktsa, will k* the ea prime ohjoeilvea, with polllleally and eronnmleally chaotic Italy id dawn aa the fire! victim Letters MM with a fiwa fawnori at to Jtstpr's advocacy uf tho Collrgp lluttrtlng Tech's throat." W« raapoct our brother Amondment hdoptad by a close vote In Aug- school and predict a great future for It. We uat. It was violently opposed in West Texas, ask the same consideration for ouraalvaa. A Chance to Sound Off... Best news of the semester to many peo ple is the fact that A. A M. will again have a discussion society and debating team this year. The new group will be formally orga nized Tuesday, October 14, and The Batta lion hopes that many Aggies will turn out, - eager to raise their voices in controversy. Certainly there is no lack of important mat- '3ers to debate today—United Nations, the -new Comintern, President Truman’s food policy, etc. and still more etc. Back in thetl930’s A. & M. bad a debat- -Ing team which won the respect of other achools. Coached by C. O. Spriggs, it won its share of intercollegiate laurels. But like many other activities, it succumbed when came. Last year, when copies of the Battalion were being studied by the Associated Colle giate Press at the University of Minnesota, some one noticed a remark in the editorial column to the effect that A. & M. had no debating team. “Hmm" remarked the re viewer, indicating the general belief that a College without a debating team is as incom plete aa one without a football sauad. ~ During the yean befora the war, de- j* . -n - AN AP report from B'-nd.THnnville, N. C. geld: 'The (Vivemor flew here from Ral eigh today to make hia speech and to drown tho Apple Blossom Queen" * hating did slump in inton-xt, nationally. But since the war, “forvnsic contests" have been more popular than ever before. Yean ago, achool debaters would talk about affairs of Afghanistan or Indo-china in ringing tones but without much knowledge about or Iik tereat in those far-off countries. Today we know well how important those distant re gions can be; how trouble in any of those regions can come home to us violently. In the meantime, interest has shifted somewhat from old style formal debates to more modern methods of discussion such as the panel forum, which is so effective on the radio. The Battalion is glad to see that such panels are an important part of the plans for the new Discussion and Debating Club. “Debating is at the root of our citizen ship.” says Karl Elmquist, one of the spon sore of the new society. “It is used in our legislatures, our city councils, and in our — courts. Less formally, it appears as bull-ses sion*. But we are always debating, one way or another." Here's our chance to sound off. Let's take full advantage of It In nfHmiiM tki« sHItl* I Ihs MprsMlnti "Mrclntflral fsto", and on arcond theught ikaPa too much of • KuphcmUtn This m tlm* to mine* words. Tho Boiakov 1st offanalvc la for the purpoa* of raUbliohln* the r**d “tML” all right, but the Com munlaU have been emplo force, Including wldcsprctd I dation of oppononU, In bath Europe and the orient. We may ex pect to aw those strong-arm meth ods intensified, for this is • fight to a finish. I And lot non* bo unwlw enough to boliovo that the conflict willbe confined to the Eastorn Hemis phere. Any notion in tho Ameri cas which dallies with that idea i* playing LitUc Red Ridinrhood to the Big Bad Wolf. It may be expected that the intensification of strikes, and the creation of other haaards to recovery in Europe, will be accompanied by an increase of Communist activities in the west ern hemisphere. And supposing the BolahevklU are able to drive through to the English channel and consolidate their grip on the whole esnttnent? This column has said before, and says again, that such a situation must almost inevitably another world war. There la only one barrier which her* from England, new Yu Manehu story far tbs Chariss Korvln, back from ths MM Express ** location to Europe, reports that the London and Berlin atages are bristling with creaUvt activity. With the theatre In Paris and New York at a lour ebb. Chartos thinks that tho reason for the boom in tho other caoitala is the devastation they suffered in the war . . Ingrid Bergman is in practically every aceac of “Joan" and there’s not much chance of her bring ab sent from work. The other day she was suffgrinc * sore throat and hoarseness. Her husband. Dr. Peter Lindatrom, treated her and ahe didn’t miae a take ... la the Hedy LaiSarr-Keenan Wynn whirl the real tiling? Some think ao Bob Hbpe has received 2,000 photos of pki-nosed moppets whose mothers Want them to appear with Bob in "Sorrowful Jones.” But ths gal won't play his daughter in tbs film. The comic says he has been flooded with ao many youngsters that “I’m finding, them in my oat meal” . . . Melvyn Douglas is re ported set to star in the Groucbo Marx Norman grasna pl«y, “Kli- ■ in here palltd hopslManaw uf Europe's MMM.'^ 'Rsems as If ws knew less wh«n got bash thag when «• start ed," he laid Mbsrty ••Well SPECTATOR Editor, The Battalion, Your article on The Texas Spec tator was a very interesting one, snd I enjoyed reading it For quite some time The Spectator seems to hava bit on a lot of issues You brought that out too. But did you »beth.” It will break bring out the little fact that the ] the coast . . paper seemed to have hit on a lot of things that happened at this College last spring? No, I don’t believe that you did. Nor will you ever bring out that fact. 1 Now how about oae at your JMa aaraaatis remarks to this letter? ARCH D BARNES, 44 . TVf picked up potatoas no HhT than a piar he saCP'lut is huagry he’ll t>'W«r than a pia, pu k 1 rtsa? have to feed them the er lbs re And we rant eetl It to them because they're ready bankrupt Wefll juet hi to give H to (bam. “It's either that or turn them over to the rommuniaU. The* feel ing Is pretty strong over there al ready. * The six-foot farmer, whs work ed hia own way up from hired hand, was considerably *hock.-,: casts and class barrier* in Eurp pean lands which make it difficidt for men to better their lot Sum ming up his memories of Euroia’s distressed, be said: ' “They can't understand why ws were so lucky to have U on bom Drthmer* brought ImI a son- Mm that European farming method* are outmodrii and will It be skangod before ms- •binary aan be used watt. "They don't uas ths maapower sad the tools thug have afflrisnt- Hr m MM "Even Urge farm* MM'MM up Into amaU, IrrnguUr plrtN. Th England they vomplaln«d at* Uah at manpowot, but toy had •• mss working on one 1,4'mi n wtk Oat fdfM Bad ton bigs and all pn* man did was taka aara of * them." -v- i’«ni«MMng on Osemany, Doth- mrs said i “You can see everything you nsod to ms in one day. U Is all l»k»wn to.gtaaos.” « Hr ntet a group at Gorman "w r hV vT fly don’t we see any young or mmole - aged German men ^•■■d are they all working in tba mines or factories ins toad of on the farm*?” “All our young men,” said one mayor, sharing Ms head, “are un der the sod between hers and Stalingrad.’’ i re on For Your Visual Problems Consult Pr. Carlton R. pee MB X. Mala — Bryaa Phone 1-ISM will hslt to Bed drive, *i)d that Is a physical one. Puhliv opinion smonir to demasrsclM 1* no great er deterrent than a teator would be to a battle tank BoMhevUm must come up agaUat a tpbglbls barrier That san only he provided by a quirk rsbahll ution of to nations of waatern Ruratie as as to give tom ths Mrrnctn to ds f*nd tomsslv and the time In whleh ta effsrl that rshabllltatbm Is very short. This now Communist dortaratton of action age Inst to tlemotrarlex naturally has given rise to the question of how to rods can sorry on In to United Nation* now. And there is quiet and unnfflelol dls russion whether to U. N. would n't be bettor off If It were re formed. leaving to Communist bloc out Ws ere likely to beer much more of test os time goss on. At this writing one can only comment tot to Bolshevists and their minions will think twins before voluntarily leaving an organisation which pro vides them with such an admirable theatre for cnating obstruction snd at the same time spreading Red propaganda. QUEEN OPEN# 1:00 F. M. 4-MU RfcGINSTQDA^ Also Plays Wed. - Thun*. TODAY * TMI MrtDAY •*8hcI1 Guy* —with— HONNY TIJITN JACK’S PASTRY SHOP Full Line of Cuke* Wft Lift* I ARTt|f)W (ini ‘ tml PirntrU* NORTH OATH Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Hat GUION HALL TODAY - AND THU RAD AY The AVALON CLUB I# Mi. W. Bryao—Hwy 11 Botictts your patronage Ws serve the best of food— SEA FOODS IN SEASON K. C. STEAKS SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Air OoodiUoeed — Beautiful Dance Floor. For Rmst. - 86S2F21 DOROTHY COMING PREVIEW — Sunday — Monday *' A PUBLICITY release for ‘The Miracle of the Bella" informed movie columnists that Jessy Lanky would produce the film version with Fred MacMurray In the "Ulla roU.’* The Battalion Th« Battalion, nfflelal newspaper ef the Agricultural and Marhanteal ( ellegs at Texas and BtaUim, Tawto' ji.pybliahed flv* Umea a woek and rlrrulated svary “ ef ('allege Stati'Mi Tsxxa, t« Mbliahed flvt tlmra a 1 afternoon, akceff dgrtef holidayi lad axamlsatlea |lahe«l asml-weekly. Bubserlptlon rate 14 per arhool year. ■ Darlnj Advertu ■ tho aummar | rig rate# farali News oontributrins may M moda by telephone (4-b444) or at to editorial eMMl Boom Ml, Good- S I* Hall. Cluslfiad ada may be placed by telephone (4-M24) ar at to Student AcUritiao Offtas, Room M, Good win IUU Member of the Amodated The Aaasriatsd Press la entitled axeluslvsly to to use for rapubllcatlon of all new* dtepotche# srvdl- credttod in tha paper and local news of sponUnsoua origin published Barela, era also reserved. Ud to It ar ngt otherwise credited in thk paper si lights ef rappldlcaUon of all ether matter herein st r«t Member Associated College Prats writrid waHimaih W MmIAvamI •ZlteZT iZ-T Ia r£r I^^Fv^Wi I MM.* m f OF M X'lBVe U* Xeaelw. aoi iao traoilwi QlARLIE MURRAY, JIMMIE NELSON Co-Bdltora fisnazrr* mu*- ffoek T. WsimU-"— 1 ' ■■ -Whe Uttor P...I Marti* Inlurr real mmnm — i . i w— See MptHOMf. ArtW Mower* Urn> 'iJrjS.’qtaas -fwasrt WriMiBi Tpp. inM. ft- fcwart frtattt D.f' .^.C.'aaaitts Wt'ewi H. IT. THE QUEEN THEATRE GETN THE BIG ONES 'TOO WAX* run THEM II NBW POLICY STARTS SI NDAY the woy sha gloyil Wont to Isom how FRIDAY * 1 NAT t HD AY i n -, (OMINO ki V dell'. . i