Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1947)
T f • '!• • Giant Quick-Frme Unit Will Be Used for Research Here 1 a Klant $10,000 toKhinc >Uff will >h«r* Dm t LU - c" 1 *, *7 lh# t ** m ! of the quick fiwwr with th* T«- IM hortirultur* depart. M AAM Colle** AfrtculUiral Bi. tn«Rt marka what rotlec* depart- ^rinwnt Station’* hortteultur* rt- niwH official# term a mlleaton* M.trrh .uff. Aa tauck Inaimrtloa for tha colla»# In opaadlnf iU prartifable will be *l*#n *10. raapareh and inatrurtlon In fruit ^ N t« in the opemlian of Ui« unit ami vegetable proreMlng. , - * lu i .k* theortc. behind It pforeealng Thf big ”refrlgenttor," which re«rml»|e<l the hualnee* end of a moving van a* it waa trucked to the Agricultural (engineering Huildlng for Installation, will be Uaed in reaearch work ilealing with every aapert of fVult and Veg etable quick-freealng, from teat- ing varieties of product* for freeling suitability to developing specialty product* such aa salads, juicoa and punch. Dr. Guy Adri- horticulture rape ly benefit fruit and and th# theoriea behind •There la a great demand." aald IH. Adrianre, “W the fruit •ad vegetable procewita* indas- try for mea trained in the me* chanic* and techaobiy of frraa- ing ho^tkakaral acwdacU. the feel that the installation of our new unh I* a atarUng point la aa instructional setap that will tara awt these men right here at AAM." Dr. Adriance added that the department work M heduled with a quick-fmi- traUWe^rol vi-g»uiDie grow nt*. locker plant user*, era and conaumer*. horticulture department’s L. A M. FOOD MARKET FREE DEUVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph. t-dlM said 4he experimental work 17° wiU ^“iTm^ly^w^h AAM’s new food technology course It l* alto definitely in line with the current national aim for an ex panded agricultural reaearch and marketing program. The department sees the poaai- ment in the future jto set up atan- dards for froten food product*, pr. Adriance pointed out that bility of working with the govern- while the canned food* industry had extremely high standards to meet, froxen food* have practi cally none. The freeier. as a re- J search unit, can be the tool by which such standard* could be set up. Harold M. Reed of the Experi ment Station will supervise the research work on the unit, while R. K. Cain and T. S. Stephens of the horticulture department teach ing staff will head class room in- structlon dealing with the frera- •perat ion. Cain la now on | leave at Oregon Slate. . Read aald experimental work to be undertaken immediately would deal with a thorough testing of commertial fruit* and vegeUbiaa. While aome products are very sat- fraah consumption, won’t roanond well frerting, he explained. | unit, beside* being used In determining what varieties are beat suited for freeaing. will be uttllaad In meaauriigt the effect of different growing conditions on freeaing quality of products. In studying the quality of frosen products, In diagnosing breeding selection* and varieties now be ing developed and tested in Texas and in developing the apocialty consumer products like salad*, fruit pulps, jukes and punches. Problems coming up over the state that tie in with the regular work being done with the freeter will also be given consideration by the research staff. The quick-freeter, originally a one compartment unit, has been revamped by the Brazos Engineer ing Corporation of Bryan, and now has three chambers which have temperature ranges flexible down to 40 degrees below xero, Fahren heit. The.Battalion Page 4 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1947 To Meet omorrow J For Your Furniture Needs — See — CUytou Furniture Co. FIRST i * • (lay ton Furniture Co. N. Main Bryan For MOOLI, MKI’I.ANK 8! PPLIF-S -lones Sporting Coodn Kin S. Main Itrviin l*h IIMi Starting Lighting Ignition Siwclaliied Service on STARTERS - GENERATORS - MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS - TUNE UP j * l U Bruner Battery & Eleetric Co. e » 113 Ennt 2HUi Street - Bryan Unlng PurU From Original Equipment Mnnufacturem \ Wo offer you our expert . . . UNIFORM ALTERATION SERVICE 1 /' CAMPUS CLEANERS MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS )\! Uae Our Convenient • • f I*y*Awny > Plan CLASSIFIED ADS MPMMi naSh. **4 rsfrtasestov • »4 ssrvts*. All work •aafafttaaal. sfUs. Mm dais. mAu** <114* All Episcopal students, veterans or corps members, are urged to attettd th* organisational meeting of the Cantebury Club Wednesday at 6:80 in th* pariah house at (he roar of HI. Thomas Chapel, it waa announrod yesterday. Plans for th* year, Including a post-Bavlor game dance, will be made. Supper will be served to all in attendance. St Thomas Chapel is located •cross from the new area drill field behind Duncan Hall. tnr m rink anor km. drowtam Mat* UN. Rrvan. r> I'"* «ils»M*r«eK. ■ i-stm. taei wm • i i I ‘On Your Way to Town’ i V 1 Vernon A&M Club To Meet Thurnday The Vernon A. 4 M. Club will hold its first meeting of the year Thursday, October 2,. at 7 p. m. in Room 203, Academic Building. Officers will be elected, in addi tion to making plans for a party to be held soon. All men who live within the Greenbeit of North Texas are in vited to attend. Sussdnrf Elected San Angelo Prexy ATTKNTION KNt.IKKKRa ~ Osl row f‘« mi* rksn si Its, Kirksne* •toss, LostT*Vsikef M MmA. rttroTroe. ro- sravN J. R. KeUr. RewaN. H»> mi or WsMon IM. FOR SALK i I ft. •*• ester *»Wr KU>. , trahu. lies Cnllotrr Msls or roll I MSS. | rt)K BALK: IMI I trsAe. Jo* KrM... Hm Ml*. Mfcitn *o«*erttklr or Dorm S. Raum Ml, I EXPRKSMON leaMM,*. prtvitr sod ele**. i LsVaus Sroni, in* Mua Avmur, Phono 4-4#S|. SALE OR TRADE: IMI rorrysU; MSto *l*hl pnMontcrr : Mr br inrd •• ! rnrlnard ptrk up trurk. Sr* or erito ! Hoom. Ml W. nth. Bryan. PIANO LKKKONN: In Mu*k Hall on rnmpuo. Mr*. T. H. Thoms*. Jr. B. M. and •iprrWnrN trorhor. Call t-sMt. Walter Sussdorf, aenior student! in Animal Huabandry from San for sale: Prim* hrood hr**.tH hron** turkry, ov«n r«sdy for dolivery Thun- 1 day. Octobrr !n«l. Plac* order now by 1 ralllns Poultry Husbandry Drpartment. 4-7W4. Jo Ann Wilcox Named Angelo, was elected president of the San Angelo Club last Thurs day night at the first scheduled meeting of club fpr the coming school year. Bruce Simmons of San Angelo ^ , was elected vice president of the TO Stephens ( OUnCll club and "Hap” Canning from Eden was elected secretary. Oth- Mias Jo Ann Wilcox, daughter er newly elected officers included: j of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Wilcox, Glen Richardson from Sonora, College Station, has been appointed treasurer; Butch Carroll from Bra- j to the Occupational Guidance dy, and Jimmy Callan from San Angelo, Sergeants at Arms; Jim Probandt, former reporter on the “San Angelo Sandard Times,” was elected reporter by the club. The meeting started with the "handing out” of over eight dol lars worth of good cigars. Over ABC Seeks to Air Turkey-Bay Rallv J J * I I HI* ^ —vi.!- n m ;ii 100 “West Texas Men” attended The Thanksgiving Bonfire will . be broadcast over Station KFDM, T , * to httj, plM. «l th, , h-^pw-rW bTtk cLh . J[««... ». asked permission for KFDM to represent the American Broadcast, ing Company in covering the ac tivities and Bonfire h*l«T prior to the Aggie-I,onghom game. The Bonfire •will be on Wednesday night, November 2K. ( The last time AAM was repre- sentrol nationally on the radio was In 1042, when Vox Pop broadcast from Gulqn Hall. In connection with Ihe Aggie Rally, Don Fowler, of Hollywood. Council, a new organization at Stephens College. The council, consisting of five j student members, is an honorary group which will work with the faculty members of the guidance department. Miss Janice Janes is faculty adviser. Mis* Wilcox is a member of Phi || Theta Kappa, honorary, and Psi Chi Omicron, social aorority, at Stephens College. Mom* and Bads lo Entertain Faculty DeLUXE CAFE — Bryan — Where all Aggiee meet “We Sam the Beat” member of l«ook maKaiin* staff, Beaumont Afftries “ill he present. He plan* a series The College Station Mothers and Dads Club will entertain the teach- j ing staff of the AAM Consolidated High School In a reception In the i 1 U • gymnasium at H p.m., Thuraday. I A “ 4# All parents are Invited to attend.; When you buy auto insuranca yoV think of thrra things: Pint, of photograph* for Laik to the traditional Aeeie spirit, •how Aggie Playern To Meet Wednesday Meet Wed. Nisrht at 7 The Beaumont A. A M Club will meet Wednesday evening at 7 In Room I OR. A'lidemtc Building, It wa* announced yeaterday Plan* for the current semester | will be discussed. , IXx-ri* for AAM-Ot bly Hall, George Dillavou, group Tilt Now On Sale sponsor, announced yesterdsy. Plans will he made for the next production, he stated, and all stu dents, wive*, and townspeople in terested in dramatics are invited to attend. Refreahments will be served. Selection Early — Don't Let Santa Uateh ^ou Doz-2-z-ing. Ladic* Fo<h1 Group To Meet Tu^aday The College Station Women Food* Group will meet Friday. October 3 at 2:30 p. m at Jhc home of Mr*. Ray Reiser in the Beverly Estates, it was announced yester day. Mrs. J. I). Neal, chairman, will demonstrate coffee, coke, ami cocktail parties. All College Station women are invited to attend. C. D. Owenby, bu»ims* manager of athletics, announce.) that tickets are now on sale at the Athletic Offiae for the Oklahoma-Texas A. A M. game to be played in Norman next Saturday. Tickets will be available until noon Thursday. BADMINTON CU B TO BE FORMED There will he a meeting of all student* interested in forming a Badminton Club Tuesdai. Septem ber 3a at 7:30 in the gym The discoverer of the Wasser, mann Reaction. August von Was- seamann, was a German profes sor of medicine who died in 1W5. Busino** Society To Meet Tomorrow The A. A M Business Society) will hold its first meeting of the year Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Building K-23, it was announced yesterday. All business students are reqbmt-) ed to be present, as officers for the curront year will be elected *1 and other important matters will be diaruaacd. Abilene Club to Meet The Abilene A. k M. Club will meet Thursday evening at 7:80 in the YMCA Cabinet Room, it was announced yesterday. All Abilene Aggie* are urged to attend, a* officers for the current year will he elected. Tha AVALON CLUB It Ml. W. Bryan—Hwy 11 ■elicits your patronage We aarv* th* beat of food tlA POODI IN BBABON K & BTICAKB SOUTH CBN miED CHICKEN Air Conditioned - Beautiful Dance floor. FVr (User. • IMSPSl The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— Come in and see us for large or small appliances: «. c Radios, Elrctrir Irons, Stu dent lamps, Floor lamps, Prrsto Cookers, Coffer MiMrfOT.... and many other umdula I'NITED APPLIANCES, Inc. tAlh A Wawhlnglnn Mta. Phom- t mm FAB RIGS G A 1, O R E ... in a multitude of colors, weaves, and prints, in such |>opular materials as — COTTONS GABARDINES WASH SILK WOOLENS» JERSEY . . . and many others in prices you like to pay- The FABRIC SHOP Your Exclusive Fabric Center BRYAN, TEXAS Your Own IVruonulity ... recorded In a Ft^graph taken In our Htudlo AGG1ELAND STUDIO Reeving Aggies Inal 37 years Picture Frames — Photo-Copy — Kodak Finishing JOYCE'S TOGS & TOY SHOP S. College Ave. DYERS-PUft STORAGE HATTERS can mmm “ f * .1 wUt dot* it coat; Mcond, what will it do for ma; and third, will it pay ka Just claims. Tha State Farm Mutual Auto Inauranca Company of BkKimlniton, III- Inok world's largest hm th« anxmar. Phone your nearest agent todlv. I . M. Alexander Jr. 2ojl South Main 2-5547 STAtl PAIM MUTUAL Ak/TOMOIIll INIUIANCI COMPANY el lleemlnytew, ••llnel* n« Wildt Imftt Auf» luMroM* C*. , 1 ll .. “\ Tf INSPECT The New and Improved NEWS STAND 1 NO. I NEAR SBISA HALL OFFERS YOU i !V MAGAZINES ★ . ji NEWSPAPERS j \ ;V I • \ .} ★ • SANDWICHES ★ COFFEE Mi i; ICE CREAM CANDY 4 \ \Y\ w > , t a » .i .j