Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1947)
. I tl 1 1 ^ * , ii,.. ■ FROM THIS ANGIE lr U»IT OOODWTW— tet®£«‘ 5 ''Wai'fc' Mil# 'bound wwrtem. may not a fired-up trouble, and might prove dlaastmuA ■And another factor to bo taken into con- , 4 . *y e, 15 tion which •to t® 0 mw »y afl In , flinwi to laugh off—Texas Teehf r~r- r dined to laugh . J_J| has a pretty fsir-to-middlinf ball club. Despite the "M-O seore of the Tech-Texas game, take sway four plays—three wide sweeps in which fleet Texas back simply around the Tech defenders for scores and a Tech' fumble on the 10 that set up another touchdown, and, peo ple, you have a very close ball game. Bear in mind, also, the fact that the Aggies don’t abound with 0^5 dashthen In moleskins as does Texas. The Farmers definitely are go ing to have to find a good substi tute for the speed they don’t have to shove Tech around come Satur day as some people expect With these facts in mind, Nor ton has not been lenient on his charges in practice drills this week Long, rigged sessions have been th# order of the .day. TUeaday’l MMM' featured long blockinc drills, and war* on paeateg to3 developing » scoring punch from inside the 10-vsrd line Tackle Bob Tills hurt his ankle »nd was helped off the field, but th* injury did not appear serious enough to keep him out of the Tech game. Norton declined to say who would be hie starting left-halfback Sat urday, but he did state that Oaah- ion, Dusek and Goode would hold down the other backfieM slots with the same line booked to start as faced Southwestern, providing Tl- lia rounds into shspe f Morgan As Surprised As * Anyone Over Loss to ’Sips The poop from Lubbock is that - h°hody waa more surprised by Texae' heavy margin of victory than the Red Raiders themaelves. Before the game, Head Coach Del Morgan of the Raiders figured the ftMlg a tossup which should give * rather good idea of just wnat the Teeh coaching staff thinks the Weet Texans CAN do, The fact that thav didn’t do It agulnat Tex- ks shouldn’t prove reason snouth fbr the Aggies' followers to be runnuut around loose giving points •n Maturday'a game. ffha Raiders have Just shout the MMf team hark as the one that ♦aiixMlUal year’s \AM eleven i shadl- lan rorhy and handed them ir^wdltai W pasting, to • MUM* unrl^... | | the rlnanriarembaira Aggl'-s cones rued. Am Harry Stitrler and Botchey Koch, who scoute<l the Raider* against Texas, hasten to add that Tech has more top-flight reserve strength than the Aggies. Sport Shorts: Texas Christian hal bunt out thr S RO. sign for the T.C.D.-AAM game in Fort Worth, Oct. II. , . . Rice Stadium likewise la sold out for the Rice Aggie game on Nov. IB, while the T.U. game hare on Thanksgiving, has, of course, been sold nut for weexs.,,. Arkansas expects a full houae In Fayetteville for the Ag gie gam. and both thr O.U. and M.u. game* are eanecled to drdw («Ki each , . , And the here nn Kvle Field la draw another .muon eknn we ran got a adore ^that wnrka with all that 4- 4 OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK No cover charge for dining DINING & DANCING Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specialising in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FIN FEATHER CLUB Fin Feather Road Ph. 2-1673 LAST WEEK IN REVIEW Amomr If Aaaastatdd Freaa willad lalSrTaliaa ael tall Ms aand Vernan ^n (tan Antonio) aa teams with R Ml while _ », Austin -—* (nouatan), four 'ToHIro, gat strong teats, Falla againat Bracken ReagM WHh tanaai (DaSta). Stand-out team of the state thus far la Odessa, the defending cham- North Side (Fort Worth) IfTlast week and bounced Lubbock M-6 the wdek before Thomas Jeffer son, Ute other l»d7 finalist, has looked good, too. The Jeffs last week beat a strong Temple team W> after downing Lamar (Hou* ton) 2B-1J previously. The top twelve teams of the state on the basis of two weeks of play appear to be Odeasa, WichHa Falls, Waxahachie. Longview, Hrsckenridfe, Thontta mmmm, Amariilo, TVlim Oermsa Chriati. Arlington Heights (Fort Worth), Highland Park and Austin. ASSAULT SET TO RUN _ NEW YORK, Sept. 24 (AP)— The off-again, on-again $100,000 match race between Armed and Assault, which appeared to b< on the verge of its second no* t pone- ment yesterday, apparently Will be taW at Belmont on Saturday aa tttadoled. Max Hirsch, Assault’s trainer who said yesterday he thought the Taxaj terror was below peak form, watehed lit clubfoot and kick around mornlnf and said people still want hi be wiling Aaaaolt.’' However, s confer*nee it arhed- •led for Ihle afternoon between Weidner, president of Belmont Park: Rahert J. Rleherg, owner of Assault, and Warren Wright, owner of Armed. MABRRaU HITB NRW PRAK tapi ta dAIVMta- ftaalMnl haeehalf beamed |t* loud tai hi Ttaaa In ItaT^itairuM In which thie etate had clubs drew t,ol*t,oitl paid admlaalona. .. J*?-™!' I'vutu* almaat hit the tJMjHin mafh wNR 1|0MN for the five eluba In thla state Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Bhrov* port, the out«of-atate clube, con tributed M«.wt7 to the lwa«ue te- tal. The Big State League, organised only this year, packed in fno.Hrtx The Lone Star League chipped In with 42S.440 The West Texl*-Nen Mexico League had fil»,Ml with 473,flit of this by clubs in Texas MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS By the Associated Pres* NATIONAL LEAGUE Batting — Walker, hiiladelphla 3$2; Kiner, Pittsburgh J115. Home runs — Kiner, Pittsburgh and Mixe, New York 60. Pitching — Jansen, New York 20-6 .800; Monger, St. Louis 16-6 .760. AMERICAN LEAGUE Batting—Williams, Boston .342; McCoaky, Philadelphia .331. Home runs — Williams, Boston 30; Gordon, Cleveland 20. Pitching—Shea, New York 13-6 .722; McCahan, Philadelphia and Lemon Cleveland 10-4 .714. Aggies Due for Rough $|§f Day Against Raiders ** °i n . the ; t ? m SSh. l Hh y 4hJ ii! isi An e tonio J or t tf lr »»turd*v night JtfhJhii I h I rom J #XM Tech ' Rlnc « T®ch fell ,n Au,,ln l ** , 11* aeoACi HAVE 10 K TOUGH Whll* athtr MadiM w*r* tumbling with th* ptrplning 0,1, pnbl«B In IhotbaU Iwt Niton, llUnoi*' obtcun Ray Eliot (ml unwt NuNpickil) hit th* Jickpot In tho WnUri Conhtunc* ind In i (UeUv* 48-14 rout in th* Ron Bowl. Ho trlN no top*Nr|Nnt ituff, yot ho *nd*d up at "Coach of tho •;Y*ar," For ftiU dataila about Rajr'i auddan and aurpriaing iucmn, baiuratomd A Coach Doaan’t Havi to bo Tough, jn exciting articl* in thie wotk’i Foot... by Tom Siler '■wry,. i- cm mr/oMfu - U MMlMAfiXam JM ww-Mmrm, utmaumau tmiminiijvm mar-monrm- ARKANSAS If. C. V. Battalion P 0 R T S WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1947 P»«« 3 swerfufl ■ sear* N m a % —2 -J* 11 tad ta topple Id Raiders by a This will really **Me K 1 - slmlllr . sMww; of the show) Tetao Teeh laet w*»k agalm Lubbock ehowlng nf ■,——'/--- ■ ■■ i- » agaiMst T, JLJje tays from Lubbock are \m*4 wHh power again thie year a# only three of their eleven start era mm laet teer'e squad are mlaalM, With this taken Into con- Sidemtien H la not at all hard te another victory for the **^—.*? ov,r th# ,n Alamo Ittadlum. This is essential ly the same team that beat throe of Its four BWC rivals last year. The Aggies will be greatly handttapped because of the lack of depth at the guard and tackle slot*. There are only six guards and five tacklee on the squad at present which is far below the needed number for a 8WC team. After the favorable showing of Maa Hoilmig, Buryi Baty, and Jimmie Cash ion at quartdrikack last Saturday, Aggie fans wiU have no need to worry about material for the quarterback slot. The same goes for the fullback position with Ed Dusek, Ralph Daniel, Qaatjgo Kadera, and Paul “Bubba” Yates •II showing sparks of greatness m last Saturday’s contest. The halpback slots will be cap ably filled by such speedster* as Bob Goode, Bobby Dew, Jennings Andaman, Jaaa* Burdttt, an<| Bob- Hy Hoff and the ever reliable but njuroti Barney W*leh. B«ge«» Greene, who was recently brought up from the •’i’’ squad, wtli dot be around for oetlon at lefthalf The Texas Tmh hackfleld will is To .. ta headed by Freddie Brown, passer who showed his waros In tha Texas game with some accur ate hearts that had tha Loom- horns worried. Other Troh back field starters will hr Eac Hender son and Glenn Lewis at the talfs and J, W. Thompson at fullback. The starting Aggie line will be the same as last week with Cotton Howell and Norton Higgins at ends, Jim Winkler and Bob Tulls (nursing s bruised foot) at the teckle post*, Odell Stautxenberger and Herb Turley at the guard* and Bob Gfcry at center. The Tech line will look some thing like thi*; Joe Smith and R. Vv Meyers at ends, Marshall Get ty* and Bernie Winkler (brother of Aggie Jim Winkler) at tackles. Floyd Lawhorn and Joe Bob Tyler at guards, and Roland “Tuffy" Na bors (all-Border Conference in ’46) at center. Rife-LSl Game Is Top Tilt of Week HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 24- (AP)—The Rice Owls will find out in a hurry If it’« true what’s being said about them. As a trial horse they will use Louisiana Statb University at Bat on Rouge tatukday night This game it tops in the nation for the week. It Is probably the moat Important ever played this early hv a Southwest Conference team. Each is a heavy favorite in its eonfrrance-t-Rlea In th* South west, Louisiana Stole in the South- •astern, The result should have a profound bearing on national rank- Inge. L. P. U. I* mnsldrrvd much more powerful than It was last »*a*on •hen It dd everything In Colton Mewl ekeept aroro on Ack- IP food man nTall positions. Sine# Ike toatuk taRlm! an even term* !••» ycq^when L I. U. won by the a point after tnuchdaw ripe it si i teams hattb JT a. lb** old* tfmroTs nK,V t4t forecast except a eloae, brilliant fed Ita MutaMant wtta tames ornmet ta calitnf kite Mart mom an *** ** * rmtn ** ^ MM ■ m ABM-Gblahoma football qume an Oekntar 4 iuu V** m talUBM during the fmft* !i J- y*. * .r*"* 1 " OIJ »» Ofc* th. mNw »" ii ..^iT, Me*'' ^ i OW. 4, '» ta Ik, Nan, SM<* rf , ! “ .y* "-I ►• ■pri •»rte«a» it n. mm * KoOi m ta, mmi Om. »U*. ^ a^wm n,u ^ IML— Room. p.o. Reewtta ef Football (tomm •« Sept. I ? rgXAB AAM - texas imm... n.^T mAB — o—BOM - mob j—— l> s. u. j ta*lt V, SANTA CLARA ! N. T. S 01 m . OKLA. AAM ..... tame all the way, » Of too, N|-.rtlnn t.'MMl- Nr.,), »OM N S|N»K I |\(j fit inns J!ooA Sma/U —he I+hgaH in us MARI TOUR CIOTHIS TO TOUR ORDER • YOU CMOOSI THI CLOTH AND THI imi Ndutk# , l «<NA|M. k i FOR THU IIRVICI r >■ CORKY-HIRD CLOTHIERS Two Blocks North P.O. — Collage BUtion l«m DAVIS'S NSW DISC ,OR KA VICTOI 4r It’s a groovy group of notcs-dooc to a turn by one of the top of the new crop of lingm. Yes, Beryl Davis knows how to pick a tune... knows how to pick s cigarette too. ”1 tried many different brands and compared, says Beryl Davn-’*! found Camels suit me best." That S how millions learned from experience that there are big differences in cigarette quality. Try Camels in your T Zone (Taste and Throat) Let your own experience tell you why more people »re smoking Camels than ever before) 1 \.ti j r -ill.*-—