Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1947)
.i •!< r w tl l: in Shape - Southw yar, Ui*> A, A M r.M.iuii •M'IhmI uff n alrtuly wi>t>k uf Hpjn Witth Wm(H«tiNliiy wtth n riiil Mrinimutfn nimI Iwo l*Hm« |i|N|rtM| fi •Mr MHHtt mlull ^ n Ih# hiil.llHM N \ MiaiHfti iStitnh lltmHi mill‘ t iiuhlry Hlti alit« at wi*K Mu*. t«ll« mnl Jim Winkler a) tweklML fnielj Hlnnl>«n' ki rirfr mul Kerb Turley al t»imil«| •h<l lloh (iiiry at rmi«« r, The barki bml Jim ('aohlnn ami i|tinr!i't tlnmle amt Harney Waleh m *• wlnfa, with dmira.' KaHera al Norton InalraM that thti 'ulil probaMy atari Baainal •tern, exc#pt that >i«l Du 4»k, ham|»ered by a ahoal | J»ry, will be In hia regular puattioti . at fulllmck. The aquad, which haa been |rel ting a ateady done of Idackbourd Work along with the acrimmafing, Will begin taking it eaay Thurmlaj it order to cut down the chance* oL injuries before the Opener. ThcTigem—A&M Conaolidat ed High School Football Team ^ — 4 ’47 Grid Season With Pirates scanon * l Lost Bicycles Have you loat a bicycle? If ao, » tiait to the Campus Seeurity may prove fruitful. Fred Hiekman, eampua security officer, report* that a number of bicycles have, been fmimi during the past year. An attempt is Ix- ing made to locate the owners of •tjlese vehicles, he stated. 4 & M Consolidated High School Opens Football Season Friday High Bchool football get* under way for the local patron* Friday night when the A. & M. Consolidated Tigers meet the Aldine eleven here on the Tiger field. Kickoff is slated for 7 .30 p.m. The Tigers are fielding a strong* AGGIES! Don't Ftrgrt Bullock-Sims CLOTNIMHm v WfMl t Where You Otn AlwityH Find— Smarl • Wrnrin^ A|»|mnl For College Men ■| Timely Llothr* Kcsistnl llal> RKITIHII U ALHF.R SIIOK.H 4 I KK» MAN HIIOF.S FORTI Nr SHORN AKROW ORRHN NIlIRTs ARROM SPORT NHIKTH ARROW NECK WEAR Rstyi lRR ifOM IJCATIIRR COATS SPORT JACREts Cheek with us ixi your ! MI1JTARV NR RON I /. • ; i AlMayi glad to idaiu you team this season, since all of their starting lineup are lettermen from last year’s team. Of these eleven *X|»erienced gridsters, three have Men service for two years and have letters. ty> prove it. Calling the plays for the Con solidated lads is Mason Lee Cash- ion, the Tiger quarterback. He is ably assisted by Hamid Williams, a hard hitting haek Other men in the backfield include Anderson and Drew it. Guard Aden Magee will not see aetum in this first game due to a leg injury. New bright lights have been in- stalled at the Tiger Stadium in time for this first tilt and a new fence has also been creeled. Ag gies will l»e admitted on a Student's ticket which cost* .10 cent* while adults will have to pay fiO cent*. A complete schedule of the Tiger games for this fall is a* follows: Sept. 2ft- Somerville, here. Oct, II--Centerville, there. (hi. I0-7 Wortham, here, (Vt, 17-e-Tomhall, then'. Oct. 44" l*>velmly, her* 1 . fW t »(• Normangec, here, Nov, 7 n Huffalo, here, Hm h thr 1M7 PdlUon of tlw A. A M. ( onaolWatctl Tlgcm that will make their gridiron debut Friday night on the home field. On the front row, left to right am Dowell, Street, Dawa, Klllough, Magrr Thhlrr, and Parnon. The haekneltl on the back row* rentl* from left to right: Anderwon, (’aahion. Prewit, and Wllllama. Rfhrlit J llotMton f inrroaei l signed during n Indlia P r a « k a pro Inis#. the summer glhle for all Ag CroMH (lountrv IVam to Samp As 19U> Kdilion This fall the rross country tiwm, should be of about the same cali- 1 ' l>er as last years team. Return ing will be all of last years team except Joe Vajdns who graduated and Webster Stone who will he out most of the season and maybe all of It because of an oinration that he had la«t summer. Members of last years team who will be out again this year are Carol Hahn, J. D. Hampton, Jerry Bonnen, J. MrGlothin, R B Ad- kina, J. W. Hargis S. C. I.udwirk. A transfer stmlent, Mark -Gesslin and a number of men who were at the Annex last year who will try opt for the team will strvng then the team further. S Battalion p 0 r t a THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 — Page 3 1„ A M. v. -» . FUOf) MAHKFT KNEE UEIJVERY To ( nu ror PTATION i*h. i «m« The rfo»s country achtslule FROM THIS ANGLE by LARRY GOODWYN DH. N. B. McNUTT; DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 - Bryan, Texas DON’T GAMBLE DRIVE AN mum CAR Can you afford! to lose your home ... tie up future earmngs? It can happen - sf yotl have an accident and your car Is not insured! In vestigate today State Farm’s low- cost common sense plan of in suring your car ... it has saved State Farm policyholders over $75,000,000 in the cost of their nuto insurance! Get details of State Farm's more auto insurance for your money plan today! Call or Write l . M. Alrxifnder Jr. 203 South Main 2*5547 v J L • JTATI fA|M MUTUAL AUTOMOIIll IRtURANCI COMSANY Tk. Woilfi l«ry.,« AM* IMWWK* C*. ■ ■IHHaRiHIBIR 17*47 Del. 4 O. U. (hi Norman, Oklu.) Ort. Ih Okla. A A M. (ai HullwHier) I bile I'l ruling Nnr th Texan Slat# (here) N#v, 1 Texas V. (her.» Ni»y, lx ^ (onfervn#* Mevi (Austin) A&M LrrMlimnt To RminiiD irurk Vnd Tirld Loin|M k litioii The Affg io f4* *hntr»n trHck team wiRtake to Ihi- (tnder path, hvhiii thi* spring for the first time since 1041. There will only lie two men on the team who were in the slate meet at Austin IhM year They are Don Mitchell of Deer Park who won the quarter mile and (|«ne Salmon who placed fourth in the discus. Salmon is also on the freshman football team. Track roaches. Colonel Andy and Ray Putman, have Ineatr-d 24 good prospects at Bryan Field to hols ter the team, and the coaches be ll jeve that “We will have as good rAteam as anyone in dual meets and that the team will turn out to be average.” An attempt Is being made to re vive the “Little Conference" meet I this year which was an annual meet between A. & M., Rice, and Texas U. freshman teams each year before the waf. There will also be meets scheduler! with | other freshman teams and theae will be announcer) at a future* date. With the Aggies first game of the ’47 season only three days away. Coach Homer Norton put his changes through a rough drill under the sun Wednesday, topping the after noon’s activities off with an hour-long scrimmage between the first and second teartis. This latter head-knocking duel proved quite interesing to this by-stander and might Ih* used'as a signpost for things to come when the Aggies start playing for keeps in confer ence warfare. In general, the play was not such as to cause the Ag gies to Ih* ranked as national contenders, hut in spots, they l«H>ketl like they might Is* able to take care of themselves come October. The two teams I tattled on eveh terms for a full thirty minutes, UTore Harney Welch unloosed hjs Ih'U and whipped off an Hd-yanl-punt-return for the game’s first tally. John Ballantine's point made It 7*0 which hOhhI up until the last play of practice when Hob (ksHle heaved a touchdown |iaaa to Meryl Maly. "Automatic" John's point split the U|>* rights to make it 14 0 at the finish. Cndel Grid Opener Slated for 31*. M. Againal Strong Southwestern Team Th* IMT officially totu with the power rhamplunx of ( aark M M Madia* i ha* alatml ltil« I HI# •quad I* la I ha belt eaadiiltMt ef any «tuad ever marked WliH allM* •quad, Medtair will hav# malarial ha Haa had ilaaa MNtaim whan tha hrala* haal OttItrvraHr of Tain 7-0, Working fram lha 'T* fi Hen lha Plralaa will ha pa«l tiaeauaa of lha loai •tar "T' quartarhark Maana. Mean* '•all contract randarlng him eolleglat# aporta Coach Hrnner Norton'* h(great problem conremlng the rqminx con teat I* the fact that little ia known about the Pirate tactic* except the fact that they are working from the “T". Norton feel* that the Aggies will be In top phyaical and mental condition for the game and that each player will turn in a brilliant perform ance. Aggie* who have been on the injured list thia fall hut who will he ready to go Saturday are; Guard* Odell Stautxenbergrr ami Jim* Sacra, back* Ed Duaek and Buryi Baty, and placement artiat John Ballentine. Max Grlenor, fiaahy freahman guard, will he held out of action another week | Ix-cauae of a sprained ankle that i* alow healing. Pre*ton "Pee Wee’' Smith, first string left halfback, may not see too much action Sat- unUy because of an injury aua tained in Tuesday’* ■crimmage. Coach Norton’s probably atari ing line-up ia aa follow*: Cotton Howell at left end, Norton Higgins at right end, Bob Tuba at left tackle, Jim Winkler at right tack le, Odell Stautxenberger at left iruard. Herb Turley at right guard Bob Gary at center, Jimmie Caah ion at quarterback, Rob Goode at right half, Barney Welch at left half and Ed Duaek at fullback. To MOtllTON, TM, Sept | (API—Th* Dallas Rebel*, riding with Mfttory, moved Intn town to day for the opening game of Ih# final pl«r-«ff Mrie* wKh Houston to d#t«r«iln# the Texas Leaf*# pennant winner. The R#h#la, who last year wouad up in second place then licked Hi Antonio and Fort Worth In t play-off*, hid fair to do almost the name thing this time. THd opposi tion la different and the Rebels finished third over the full season rout*. \ ( Houston, the leader in the regu lar campaign, will b« highly-favnt ed to pitch Dallas out of a chance at the Dixie Series hut ao wa* Fort Worth. The Rebel* took four out of seven games to blast their way -into the final round. Dallas wound up the aerie* last night by downing Fort Worth 1-0. then hopped a train for Houston. Round man Bobby Hogue, who won 16 game* and lost ft over the regular season route, and afho gained one victory In the play-off with Fort Worth, was nominated by Manager AI Vincent to to« the mound for Dallas tonight. ^ Manager Johnny Keane of Hous ton named Ai Papai, knucklc-liall specialist who has 22 decisions against 10 losses this season, to oppose chubby Bobby. • Hullalion Stall To Meet Friday RxUallim six If mvmhen me#! Iummow e»#Mftg a! RhmM Boll UmalwiM Haiti In dlaeuaa Ih* ii RIimRIioIiiimR tki ika #iRAl s^mJiIa EWf“Y»WYII PR Iff VVYP ffrwl WWWW Yfifg,"* I Mg which the Mall ha* he#n InmixI dgll|. There are *1)11 opaNlnga nn Ih# •Uff nf Ih# MaliallM fm repori- n* ami »lh#r asalaHinla, aa III# ftew Mtlnllng whedule leqMirea A Jnrgi'r nersennel ihan ew hefnre, Time Inlerested are Invited In at- iwr lehd (he meelthg Friday. ■RH Indonesians an* typically short and slender, with broad flat face*, and straight or wavy black hair. Mandwiihmt la'lwc*i> th# lwo4 •aoring (hrust. was some lively of. I fanelvr acllon hlubiightml by (It-orgc hmdera'. puwa-r running j Kadcra, •ubhing In ih** llr*! •iiina hArkflehl for Du*<*k, who (• out temporallly with a shoulder In I jury, •hog,m| drive that was mon* than h little hit ftemimeceht of lh<* | day* of Jarrtn' Jawn himself. The I 4lM-pound Houston pliMluctu still showing the handicap of hi* lack of college i xperiencr*. nevertheless ! show,,| still motr lm|irovent#nt. At the end of practice. Norton said he expected Kadcra to a lot of action this fall on of- fc-tise. His two noticeable short comings an* inex|M*rM*nce, which sometinn s shows itself in the form of fumbles, and a lack of no-how on defense But for shier totin’ of the ball up the middle, Kadcra shows real promise. Bob Goode continued to show flashes of the form that earned him the club's most valuable play er award in '45. He looked espe cially goo,) on a ba-ket-pas* play which sent him slicing off tackle for good yardage As a matter of fact, it was the running game, which the Aggies I theoretically were not supposed to have much of, that has been re- c^iving the major portion of the coaching staff's attention of late, vfith Kadera hitting the middle, Qoodc the tackle* and Welch and ,4mith skirting the flanks, j As for the passing, fashion on the first team and Mqllmig on the second, threw the ball around a little in the late stages of practice with varying degrees of success. 0. L, Pollock, sophomore from San specialist, will attend and partici- Antonio who has mowed up to the pate tn the National Froten kood gWHm ,| string at end, raktd in a l ocker Conference, to he held In couple of nice catches and showed Kansas City, Missouri, September ^ aomc fancy fiMitwork once he had 20-27 I the ball in tow. Pollock Is Hnydnr'* portion on the program j iiitej-nirttng „t both end position* Specialist to Attend Food liOcker Meeting hwad»*U|l defensive Wolk WedtM*** day, In the line. Odell (I'm ftom H»I|. tone) ftiaulsetibeigi r rordlimed In •Hek hi* hig law IP nn almost rvery play, and in fpn#ral, make hi* presence known In n»ie and all Jim Winkler, a inti't Improved ball player nVei Iasi year, seeih* lo la* heliiing to end Norton's w-or-1 ry over the slluatlnti at tackle, he ing aided In said project by B"li "Bloody" lulls. Tulls, a mere strippling of a hid at 21ft pounds, k.tbB., hurt his leg in Wednes day’s practice hut is not expected ogt for long. In general. Norton was pleased.' The outlook for this year a##ms, J from this angle, to be anything but bleak. Of course, the same was said at this time last year, but a lot j of water has passed under the ’ bridge since the Aggies bowed to T. U. in Austin last Thanksgiving after a rather disappointing sea son. But. at this early date,, we’ll climb out on ye olde limb with the statement that, iiarring injuries and other such inconveniences, the Aggies are going to surprise a few people around these parts, if Wed nesday's practice indicates any thing at all. Fire Prevention Week, proclaim ed by President Truman, will be observed October 5-11 this year. Coal, gold, quartz and iron on* are the chief minerals of New Zealand. COMPLETE RADIO REPAIR (Juallty Service at a Minimum Coat • ONt DAY SERVICE • I Ioy(1\ Rutlio Shop Isocatnl at !x>upc>U Trading I'oat in yd rill J , QPBN AT 5 O'CLOCK No ctfvor dhurgu for dining **■) > taw* DIMM; & DANCING * Imim i KchhI piTHAml by chrf from Ilnllm'iic UtKim SiHH’iHliRing In Sea KimkIm uml Mexican Food** *■ T 2 FIN FEATHER CLIB Fin Feather Road Ph. 2-1673 nyfte . will deal wil> ll* 1 ' killing ami pr#p- 1 on th< seroml team wlih Marl Pro- aratlon of animal* In slaughter |( t ,|, am) fharlay Wriftht. Prokop's plaftla adjacent In Iwker plants, p^y hlgnlighttnl l»y some J XIS ml Tor Vour S|a>illng Goods Nm*d» JONES SPORTING GOODS fttl.H N .Main Itriiui ffrwa m NO MPtBLAnVIS • IINDINO: Sturdy. durobW. tslscl if0\ cowKid*. Strong (titebiag, folly (mod, hoovy grain. 2 doop podiots of mm# * wloct lootbor. i T • Dffft. Hoovy duty COMMA# •# 1 edos. tatily oprratod. tong p«U. • XINOSt 3 itoot P* ring* on wcuroly rlvotod plot*, nick*) finlik. PotoMod Uvon, tkumb oporotod, opos and clow rings *ovly. No nlppod no Norlng of iWt. SKo*t MM. Ih S 11. • RING RtOTfCTORSi Wing typo, pm- watt ring worki on covort. • ROOMY: Allows for ostraij rite op*n, I) * 211*'’, • COLOR, Doop rick ton. Wo folly gooroat** for lATIIfACTIOM, VAIUI m4 CCMIlfCTNIM of oOv.rtl^ Mg, Mil Mndor oad oil m*rri<an#.M w * •a*t for wU. l*fond or •sikongt If sot Write for Iteta Mo. TA1I1 F la 41 aw kja H cl iMSt Mas. u ( Ami WO * Wank v ^*vw vvwwv ww a nwa* 6*1 iNrMraiH.R*ti«,*t 01 Nil At *01T OftICI MX M MOOMtVN L N. V, *t.te«fod *sdoo« tef tfw itedXaf H. t 'mm Soullmnxlrrn l)nivrrMty Foollmll lloppfulN i: When the Aggies open the coming football season this Saturday on Kyi# Field western U, the abo'e men will undoubtedly render the Farmers thefr I from left to right; James Chafm. 3 year letterman at tackle; Frank Bo..„. Dan Davenport i foot 8 inch 251 Ih. 3 year letter mas sUrting at right tackle; ing fullback who was the Pirates' loading scorer last season. it oppnatuoa. They are. starting right gword; ; and Joe Evans, start- Iwfto-naok T-Shirt* You'll be at your oomlorUbW ba#i in lhaat BkipD*r Turlla nook T ShirU by WiUon Hr<>D' fa, K«r«p(ionally wall kml d (tna, wtrahl cotton yama Miqh ifylarl with lot.<4 •lewvwt and wnart turtlo-nook. Wa vt had • lot doallaiorlhm. Odyoufi It aoarlnl. gold oK royal. B. Weiss hfr —-