Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1947)
y ifai r ^ ^ f : / m i. ON KYLE FIELD * PC w w ,, Aggie Line Looks GoodrRoutt and Ellis Bolster Tackle and Guard Positions Those people here at Aggieland who have started to worry about the Aggie Football team for this coming fall can ■it back and relax, for after looking over the 1947 Texas Aggie football roster it seems impossible for ns to have aa bad a team as the sport scribes predict. We may not win ’em all but well make every team we play go all the way and use everything they have to beat ua. T With Coach Homer Norton and Co. plus the entire football team a little on edge because of the unfair publicity they received the past year, the best stimulant that ws, the student body, can give is our wholo hearted support to each and every man on the coaching staff and the foot- bull team. This has never been hard to do in the past when Aggie spirit was so prevalent on the Campus. I am sure that bohcves that there is spirit our team; win, lose or draw. Many comments have been mads about the Spirit of Ag- (1*1*1* la th* pest few rear* wh*n ' Afrl* football vie tori w hav* bran Mr and far betweea, but If th* Af ft** can *h*k* off th*** harmful rrlttetaae mad* by p*opi* who are •» unfortsssls se to net know wbnt real Aggie mtrtt la n greaUr ASM win survive bv ihowtnf that ■ a football r***S DON tMalOMO' ll, Collie Station Swimmers Win Football Practice Sessions Start Septil; 2'f'fjetteftnewReturning Five Events in AAU Victory The College Station Swimming Club added another fear ther to their already decorated cap last week-end in Fort Worth when they captured the Southwestern AAU Swim ming Meet by amazing a total of 00 points in the two day affair. Trailing UM^Afipe* b^orly* six point* Club in moi wont to th* nd pine*. 1 Pnrrwky Third no one, who among ua, will fall to suptx>rt does sot th* one thing on this cam* i of which w* nr* proud**. "Tb* of Aggl*lucd . bnefe to th* 1M1 Ag- Aquatic Chib with S7 point*. Th* Moot, which wa* hold at th* Marin* Pool in Port Worth, •ttraet- •d • total of ton tool— from Okla homa and Than*. Among th* witorod w*r* Th* U Oklahoma, Dali— Athloti* Th* Golf Cr**t Coentry Club Ho—ton. end th* Son Antonio Aq—Ur Club. r«l~n Gowsn of th* Dull- Ath- l*tk Club w— high point mu with thr** flrato whkh totolrd ih poiut. Th* tank*r* from « .>ll*Kr Hu Hon scor*d flv* vtotortos In th* fi nal* Saturday sigbl whkh tuv* th*m 80 of th* <u> point* n*o**aary win. Th* 400-yd freo-etyl* r*lay toem t Mlaatn* from th* Aggto tin* nr* thoo* two atoltor toeu— of yor*. Mont* Monertof end Loonard Dtok- *y. In flgtof th* Mum* of two Norton and BUI Jam— the votoran Un* roach looked tow and caan* up with the aotutton: Rob—t Rioodv and Jam— Wlnktor. m Supporting Tull* will b* Marlon Sritofmnt, *44 tot- cantor to ’46. o w— an all-atat* Othars who wUl nil m from time to tl No shoe is beyond repair once it gets into the hands of our expert mechanics. Put your fall shoe ward robe in order. Bring re pair jobs to us now. * HOUCK’S coiupoood of Van Adamson, Johnny Ha*man, Bernard Syfan and Danny Gr—n, took first to thoir *v*nt with litti* troubl*. Jlmmk Plow—*, Aggl* football *r who I* r x to —• s lot of action nt tockk thk fall, won th* 100-yd br*—t-*trok* with rompar- ativ* — to 1 mlnut* 11.1 —conds. Two other Coll—* Htationlt— who won Individ—T r*c— wor* Danny Or—n Is th* loo yd ft— Slpie and V*n Adnm—n la th* 110-yd Individual m*dl*y. Th* fifth first slaw for Cotl*«* Station cam* In the SOO-yd m*dl«y r*lay when th* toam of Adamson, •wlmmlng th# back*trokr, Klc.wrra. ■wlmmlng th* hr—st-atrok* and tog th* fi—-styl* Dorm 9 Crowned As Softball Champs; Play Vets Today Football at Aggieland for the 1947 season will gut un der way officially on Monday, September 1 when the varsity squad turns out for their first day of fall football The first f n Gr—n, iwti ramp home With th* bacon S Battalion P 0 R T IS th* —cond following to th* after-* soon at thr— Head Coach Homer Norton will find n talont*ti and expcrioncod ftold awaiting hi* pi—our* when h* ▼tow* th* eager ftold of Aggi* foot- Dorm • beau— th* champ* of I ball hopefuls. Thor* will b* IT var- Intramural .oftball to*t Friday *Uy totton—a and 11 “B” toam l*t- wh*n th*y r—civ*d a forfait from terms* returning. In addition to Dorm 11 In th* playoff gam* for the— 5 varsity •qeedaMn and $ th* shampionihip Dorm 11 was M B N team »quadm*n will also he for—d to forfeit th* gasto bo—u— pro—nt. °f sn i—Hgihi* player. Thor* ar* two men who will be A softball game betw—n Derm pr* Mn t Monday morning for thrlr • and th* Cagtr Beam, «hem|»Hhet leer of football at aaM of the College View Softball n,, \ up, (r,.phmpn cn<U lUt Hull Ueg—, will be stogml tonight to 1 ^ ^ ^ determine th* b—t softball to will begm at 9 o clock in the on the campus. Tftev __ mark and Chari— Devtd—n, who •Ugihle for vaseKy play bo- e of their partklpetlon In ar* TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 1947 Page 8 Intramural Softball Standings Ptaal Itee- h*r* to INI and Point Anothsr unknown! ■*8p—t*d this Chip” Routt, man numeral w*nt to W**i lineup aa detormis- Norton at aprtag probably undergo * before the kickoff ime on September Boothw—tom. But, fer thk look* like our first Howell »nd Norton Hlfgi— at end*, Jim winklrr and Bob Ttthstot tackle*, OdeQ BUbtS- rg*r land Herb Turtey at Gary at —nter, and a ■poaed of the follow, ingi Jimmie Osahton, Bobby doff, Giving Coach Norton plenty ef »uch no,Mind aaauunr* will hr thr A«gi* Harry ran Ua* BUtoUr, coach), r rmnlOa, “Dew? the last thr— years. Al For Delicious Ice Cream — Try— ar* Hobart Holm—, Henry Hook Jo**ph Logusnec and Ver non Schmidt, all lettermen on th* 44 Aggto B team, and Max nor, a fr—liman who mad* spring training to Urns to b* *11- fibk for this y—n’ vanity. Urn Mg f—ottan merit la MU- too “Littto Chip” Bentt who traaalerred heck to AAM after thr—y—rm at^W—t Point. Roott he— to *4* nnd th— we— to the he h— ptoyod for ilth—gh he SMn*t piny toe n—eh f— the Army to the— thr— yean, he will be mtoeed at Weet Point Reett may he the a—wer to our tackle problem. Cotton” Howell and Norton ■Country” Higgins, two veteran Aggie end*, leave no doubt to my mtod that the Aggto flanks win be heavily fortified again this fall. Giving "Cotton” nnd "Country** n lot of competition for their start ing berth* an two more lettermen last yean squad, Charles Wright and Ray Whittaker Others who will play a lot of end for the Aggi— an Oecar Pollock. Merl Prokop. Ray Hallmark and Chari— Daridaon. Oar favorite —nildnto for *11- aad AU-Americ— Od*l Btasts—herger. hod,l> aatf •Ide-ktok, toy, wM mo- thoa ftl Oolvto Ihipre. \,lll (>^>,1,1, The center of th* Aggto line win he *tnngthened considerably by th* Teturn of Herbort BUto, f 44 and 46 kttarman nt center Although Robert Gary, who lettered to 43. 44 and again lari year, wilt prob ably get th* starting nod. Elite wilt bo around for a lot of action Richard Callender Garrett Gulp, and Joeeph Bennett a— other* who will a— action at center (ards Win Wives’ Volleyball Crown At College View ! ^ - 01 utaff composed l BID Jam- <vt Ixpiffis I who t o— —t and from th* coach dm* in thlr- Dimmltt, vet. |*ran'Aggto trainer Marty Karow will Si— be ml*—d u*w*on i tn* man w— get* *4—). Ml—ins froi Ing staff for th* first tom y—n will b* LB I Leland to Attend j Accounting Meet Worn*n’s Volleyball out at Col- tog* View ended lari week when the Cardinal* downed the Airedatoe in two gam— out of three come the new champ* of the Veti T w j yv. W r!» cVrimiT." cMchrt by Kitty ' p *"* lw ’ t of Accotmt- Sotnro.r. wob tbl J* n .^ ■econd game be- XmeyicB* Accounting Society be- k d “* “ official capacity, having 1R *> th ^ ^ mTr * d M director of r—enreh for P a the orranixation during the past With th* —rim tied at one game I ^ "'VindoutTf— the r-rd. __! Determmat.on,*’ ‘Teaching Prob- Btand 'OuU for the C—ds w*— torn* and Technkjo—Tito U— of {Sto*Sommer M * Xi * McNal y I Vtaa ^ Aida to the Teaching of Ae- P— Te— Sfritog Poo— Me JONES SPOKTTNO GOODS MS B. Mato Bryn If > PREPARE NOW pH, comiity tf-XAMS We have ’em... The essentials of your courses highlighted and packed .into a nutshell, for quick thorough review! Asl to tee the Umout Girl’s Volleyball Al College View counting," and th*. “Coll#*c | counting Testing Program ” on th* program win b* a I [given by the oommitt— — I si— of the statement of Ae- accounting rporate fi- Cardinal* Alrdato* Baker* Final Standing* W— L—t prineipl— underlying corporate nandal statomenta. Aa a member _ . I of th* committee, Leland will par- rn ' 1 tkipate In the presentation of th* Men's Volleyball At College View Final Standiag* Eager Be Athtotto* Antolop— Bear* Cato Softball StandingK At College View Final Standing* Eager Beavers Antolop— Cato Bear* Athletics fmm Lari Pet < S .7(10 B 3 .626 6 3 .625 t 6 J50 2 6 J80 Ex-Navy Man Wanted An opportunity for an ex-Navy man with a certificate in laboratory technique exists at Grand Isle, Louisiana. Some of the work will b* in th* ftold of bacteriology. Inter—ted persona should con tact C C. Doak, Room 26, Setoi Building, or phone 4-6664 for com plete information. I vet .’•i *•» — An. *1 . ...... .*«..* ^seto . . * . m Umamc* . • »»*nn Wien, a ■■—, e . . *•>*», o « « . > Oeavn— . . J ’. •*«V**«a >—■>, k . m* h wm, * I *. NM (Um mm . • • tiaiii»i»'»i tefeto • . . n— «T . • . . . , , • • Mm— »,«•*• 1 ^. e. * * * • S • • SrsstST::::: I'S esaar^rc^.:::: * • JS fc** a- a, MV—AUVCl a. . . 7] IOU*MAUte u~», k . . * LAM" SOtoCA. Mmw k . • -is*:: 1 LA MM AM* a: rZm t toetod. •• • •« twoo* an* yuA»t n>rv o.*.. 4 ... U 1 • WmM WwU WwJ . — UWMO UA— % •— •».... M UM< ,0 VtATk MW I— — <1 . . . R wOetO MM —4 M—V d . • « • • % •OOVO&T •** • a • ^ WMCt to CMAMQ* THE EXtHANCE STORE DeLUXE CAFE — Bryan — ^ Where all Afgies meet TTe lerv* the B**t“ B—vers Course Offered To Veteran Teachers A special tsro-w—k eour— te b*. Ing sponsored by the Agricultural Education Department for the ben- I efit of Agricultural Instructors In th* County Veto ran*’ Vocational 3 Bible Courses Listed lor Fall Pet. J7B .760 Vt&o JT6 .0001 Husbandry cultural Ei law An enrollment of 00 was antki pa ted from nil over the state. Working In conjunction with th* I Agricultural Education Department will be th* departments of Animal r, Dairy, Poultry, Agri ngin—ring, and Agrono- Rev. Carl— W. Davit, Director of th* W—toy Foundation and assist ant pastor of th* A A M. Metho dist Church, will teach thr— ao- credtted Bible eoan— during th* fall semester. The course*, to be taught at the church, will be Re ligious Education SIS, SIS, and 821. Religious Education 618, Th* Acta of the Apostles, to a one-hour course, , meeting Saturday nt S. Course 819, Pauline Eptotles, of fers two hour*’ credit and to slat ed for Tuesday and Thursday at 9. Th* General Epistles, 821, If a one- hour eour—, and It will meet every Ft Id*/ nt 11. Rev. D*via r—ired his BA De- gr— from Centenary Co Dec*, Shreveport, Louisiana, and hk Bachelor of Divinity Degr— from Southern Methodist University. High achopte ar* r*f*rr*d to frr<|u*ntly — eoUag— to N*w —HARRINGTON- (Continued from Pug* 1) Building, and Inter th* Aendamk Council will m—t th«r*. It to mi tiruly po—ibto that the Regtotrar’i Office may b* established do— to the center of student activities in th* new building program, GQ- ehriri said. An organisational chart giving a full explanation to everyone to planned, and will early next term. be distributed The British dominion* are rep resented in London by high com mteskmers. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Off tee to ParkerBuildtog O—r Canady’s Phom 1-14*7 Eating Out Is Fun. . < . 4 e — AT — HOTARD’S CAFETERIA Nertfc MbIb Bftbb *2*1585 OYtRS'PUft STORASC HATTERS .^r lean i A GOOD PLACl / ! r>W EAT NeWYork ( afe 118 A Main ,; Bryun DIAMOND EDG% POCKET RNIVE8 A SPORTING GOODS Hillcrest Hardware | 4 JL / I / s / / At oy ' 2013 College Hoed W 7 Business Students • • • ‘THE C0MMENTAT0R , V • H -*■ /’ ‘ • Covers Your Field! i { I • | J f \ | ^ ; ! r ' AUGUST n j> Registrstion Day i lAX Only M0 Per Year i:i : , \ 4 ’ NEW ARRIVALS.... a ^ •» •/r J 1 A £■*/ ■//$ Corduroy Jaeketa . . . i . Lined Luxuriously .... Button Front Sweater... Finest Neckwear from McCurmcl. and Wembley .... and White Shirts with all typea of collars. Come In . . „ look around Courtesy Plus .... LEON B. WEISS to Vottrs for a Chappy Ending! 117 HEN n l ot we my wt have Anew Shorts, we have you la mind. I or you’ll find no (ame uxniortAblr Utorts mjmkoM. Arrows have no center seam to chafe you. They have pknty of room tn the scat. And they won t ever shrink out of fit Thar's because they have the Sanforned label (fabric dirinkafi lc» than 116). • I , r- i ' /. // li Y t T r-^ TV WiJ.17 CLOTHIERS College and Br>an '//r —• — — —A