Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1947)
1 * • mmirj t FRESHMAN ISSUE III ,1 ■! > 4 »•! PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER ARM COLLEGE FRESHMAN ISSUE V\ Volume 47 ■ r COLLEGE STATION (AnieUnd), SUNDAY, 7, 1947 Number 24 ; # i 1 . 1200 New Students Expected Today Total Enrollment of 7300 Forecast For 194748 Year; Vets Total 4300 An estimated 1,200 freshmen are expected to arrive at the, A. & M. College Annex today, tL L. Heaton, Registrar <rf that College, announced Friday afternoon. Of that number, 200 are veterans and 1,000 are 1947 high school graduates, Heaton stated.. One hundred and ■twslvb other freshmen who are athletes will be housed on the main college campus. In anticipated enrollment for the 1947-48 school year, on forccaat 7.600 stodsnts» - ■ to class its ars pre dicted la the freshman class; l (KK) In the sophomore class; 1,760 In the Junior class; 1,650 In the senior elate; 1'*> five-year students and too vteduals stiidsslsi , , TTis differenee la the l.ilixi fresh- the annea and antunpaled i the freshman class lies la fast thM fteffiaiHlM «■£ plaesd la lhe latter sate* his |mup uf 1,100 frete' old rsturninf studanls tHtllese hackymiiei »• adoiui^slly Kmen, in »«l*ti»iitn Irn a ' fit. HTte I sifned Up at ier term on / day Full Schedule Slated at Annex For Freshman Week, Sept 7-13 Betfinninj?' at 1 p. m. today and continuing through Satur day, September 13, an orien tation program for freshmen at the A. A M. College Annex will get underway. Planned b; Early predictions estimated that A SM would have an enrollment of 8 400 this fall. This prediction of July 1 has Si ace decreased to the 1,600 fifure rrsshmsn students An- asa will register Saturday mom- Inf, heglaalnf at • am The en tire INuoedure printed In brief oa !*•«• 4 Of this Issue, will he cam ducted la the gymnasium MfMlrttlan of new and old rm tUflAf atudenls an Hie mam eam> |h»s stwi will he Held tel heniem her II in IttUaa H»U TWsWm. Mis all tlnse eludenla who were Mt pNMl lB tehaw iurm* the wiimTnwr mi neafl- six -man committee, ed by Dr. John P. Abbott, Assistant to the Dean of the College, Freshman Week has been arranged to acquaint new students with college ways of life, During the seven-day period freshmen will be familiarised with the functions and activities of va nous collsgs offices so that they may more readily become a part of campus Ilfs. Saterteinawnt for Freshman Week has been scheduled under the auepleea of the Student Activities OfflreTwIth C. 0. ••Spike" White, dimeter, In ehsrge. Frem 1 to It p m. today, studanls should fir»i uliinin room ssaign- msnte M the Office of Student Affair*, Ineated In the Admintstrs tiaa Builduir OeiHMiia nlan iwey he msdc wiOi (he Fleenl l>«|Hiri MUteinKIKT fHHM ttlU IINinT are L%r>i eif the ecM uf August ao •four hundred and fifty of nber wore veteran students, all-total veteran enrollment of 4,600 is anticipated, with a Ca det Corps of 8,600. The number of new high school graduates entering A. 4 M this year Is approximately the same as last Heaton said. About 1.113 students last out of high school are expected this fall, a compari son with 1,160 from test year. Prexy’s Reception To Be Friday Night All freshmen students at the A. 4 M. Annex will have an op portunity to meet President and Mrs. Qtbb Qtlchnst and the deans of their respective schools at a re ception to be held Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. The President's Reception will he held in the Student Recreation Center at the Annex, and all fresh men are urged to attend. ^ j Religious Emphasis Week Held Yearly Through the cooperation of all mllsioun groups, on the campus, A. A M. students and faculty mem. ben annually eponeor “Religiou* Empheaia Week ,f during the early part of the spring mmeteer. An outstanding national speaker Is secured to deliver the principal address, and every religious group is represented with a speaker for the morning sessions Meal Hours For Freshman Week Meal heura during Freshman Week will be as Mow; break fast. 4:45 to 7:46; dinner. 11 U 1; sad sapper, 6 to 7. Mssb will be served cafeteria style, stare facilities la the mess hall can not accommodate sH fresh asm • t on* time. i President Gilchrist Welcomes You m a Welcome to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas We are happy you have selected this institution as the one In which you expect to spend some of the most important years of your life. We know you are here because of a very serious intention to apply yourself diligently to the pursuit of an education for your lift's work. To get full benefit from your years of study win mean diligence and sacrifice, and this means nothing bos than to hasp your work up-to-date and put your studies above everything. You should know that In the past not quits four of each ten entering freshmen have gone through to the com pletion of their course. The serious purpose of many entering students during the past few years has indicated a change for the better In this ratio. Each and everyone of you should determine right now that you are going to graduate and that the accomphehment of your purpoee will be Ineurad by day to day diligence and earaeot Intention. On our part no effort will be spared to make your stay at A. A M. both pleasant and profitable. Our facilities have been crowded and they will be no again this year. This makes it necessary for cleeece to be hold at the AAM. Annex. Wo hope this will be the test year these facilities will be needed, but by using them now ere make it possible for many other students, principally veterans, to take advantage of their opportunity to complete their course at A.AM. Wc hope you will acquaint yourselves with the College's regulations and particularly the Basic Policy. This applies to the President of the Colbge and the rtaff Just the same as it applies to you. Let's work together toward the greater objectives and the fine purposes of this Institution to the honor and glory of the great State of Texas and of A. A M Cordially youra, GIBB GILCHRIST. President. merit at that time. At 6 p. m. sup per will be served in the annex mess hall. ] l A general assembly will be held at 7 tonight on the south side of the chapel, with Dr. M. T. Barring, ton, Dean of the School of Arts mm Scisnees, prusldiaf • Monday Activities /• From 8 to 5 Monday, students will be tested in the gymnasium according to the following sched ule: 8 to 10, 12:80 to 8:40—students A-L indosive; 10 to 12, 2:40 to 6— students M-J inclusive When ptu- dents an- not being tested, they nay obtain their uniforms and pay fees at the Fiscal Office. Tbs tests, seven In number, are prepared by the American Council o« Education. They are given to every new student with the idea of finding out if he is suited to hu pgrtbular course of study. Lunch wil) be served »t 11 s. m t« Students whose surname# begin kith A through L, and at II noon 14 M wteMPi 1 MimwIA ; - At 8 p. m sujiper will he served Frem 7 u. k, Dean YUrHhgten will preside nl another genevnl m •emhly on the •nuth (tele nf o>. #h«pef The weltotnmg address will he wnde by F, (', Rollon, H«v«« live Vice President nnd Dee in of TMiheoka should he put •nly after a conference advisor on Thursday or the College. Principal speaker for the evening will be Tyree L. Hal), Class of 'li, member of the A. A M. Beard of Direct on. His subject will be "What it Means- To Ba An Ante." Entertainment by ths Offlc< of Btddont Activities has been ached uted for 8 p. m. at the Student Recreation Center. l ur-dsy Happenings Placement and guidance testa will continue from 8 to 8 In the gym, with students A through L slated from 8 to 10, and students M through Z from 1 to 8. Students not being teeted may obtain uni- forms and pay fees. StudenU M through Z will eat at 11 a. m., and A through L students at 12 noon. Suppvr will be twred in the mess hall from 6 to 7. Dean of Men W. L. Penberthy, talking on “Stedent Activities at A. A M. « ollege," will be prmnpai speaker at a general assembly from 7 to 8. Dr. Abbott will Another evening of meat will begin at 8 st the Student Recreation Center. Wednesday Detags Students M to Z ifcttlualve will be tested in the gym from 8 to 11 snd will eat lunch at 12 noon. Test, mg of itodsnte A through L will / take place from 1 to 4, after they eat lunch at 11 a. m. From 3 to 6 softball will W play ed, snd all freshmen an urged to participate. The WedneoAsfy night general aa- ■*»My Will begin at 7:80 on the south side of the chapel, wKh M. L. Cushion, Secretary of the campus YMCA. presiding. As a part of Church Night, refreshments will be served, and students will have sn opportunity to meet the minis- ten of their rvspectiv* denomina- lional groups. . JlNftiiUF Activities Thursday morning will be de voted to advisory artivitiev al wMah Mm* new ahidsnta will meet 4t tha fallowing Whedutei I teV-Dwte fTw, mumwTiMmi«TRufftiteor. iut, gymuiilimi I it lo- IWap c. Ii. lk#HM»ok« Rakaol af Agnaul ilt* roBmiiigfj i»: hwd MMIm. rmm 1 te fe hpw aludruu Will I meet with advianM, laifv at Ute thufiday nlkht Mte Mil Msemhly, be|ltinlnc at 7, Me will be followed bpjOaLv. f. Malay, fk. Commandsnt dnd Frofeaaar m MlHtery Brlence fcd TacUata m will speak on "MlllUry Science at A. A M. College. A program to Milt all types of audiences has haan booked by the Office of Sludanl Actfritiee and Will begin at 8 in the Student Cen- Friday Funotions From 6 to 11 and 1 to I, students will again meet with advisors. That evening at 7:80 President and Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist will be on hand at the Recreation Center to welcome all new students. Saturday Registration Rarjatration, baginning at 8 a. m., will take place in tim gymna sium. Direction* can be found else where in this issue. ■/ + Sunday Charrh At 9:80 Sunday See FRESHMAN WEE ing church P*gt 6 Students Publish Daily Paper, Annual, Three Magazines A daily paper TALION, a TUB LONQHOl THE BAT- coUege yearbook, HORN, M ‘ and thm* bimonthly maeaxlnes, THE E N OI N E E R. THE AORI- CULTURI8T, and THE COM MENTATOR, art published throughout the uchool yuar by ttudenU of A.AM. ★ THR BATTALION One week from today, THE BATTALION will become a five- times.#, week newspaper With the aid of lease-wire news coverage from Associated Press, now bstag Installed, THE BATTALION will be able to do Its part to keep Ag gies the best-lnformed college stu- dents anywhere, so far as current events are concerned. Each day's issae will be avail able, Monday through Friday, in ths dormitories at the annex shout 7 p. m. Coat of subscriptions is In cluded In ths student aetivitlee fee. THE BATTALION—known sim ply as “THE BATT" to generations of Agfke—has come a long Way since it was founded in 18 l .U It i* now the official newspaper of the TexaslL A M. College and the city of College Station. Every student is exported to read THE BATT carefully, for important official notices are freouenily printed in its columns, and failure to m notice is not an excuse for failure 1 and the annex will be to take proper aetteu. . (of THE BATTALION. Campus events, including activ ities . at the annex, will b# fully covered by THE BATTALION. Al though world-wide nows coverage is being added, the fundamental business of the jmper will still be to keep all Aggies Informed of events whick concern students of the college. Editors of THE BATTALION | feature stories, plus serious "think-articlos" In the above-named fields. In order Freshmen with come high'school 7 proper balance, many experience desiring to Join THE will have rapraecnte- BATTALION staff are asked to t,v 7 ° n COMMENTATOR see Ann Hilliard, hostess st Bryan ctaff- ness manager wiU be Howard W.' and Spencer. THE COMMENTATOR will have Its office on the second floor of Goodwin Hall, student publics!ion* this year will be Chqrlle Murray Field. She may be contacted at the Student Center Experience ns an nex reporters might lead to lm> portent positions on THE BAT TALION staff In later yean. ★ ' THE COMMENTATOR A. D. Bruce, Jr., business ad ministration student, ha# been nam ed editor of the new publication, with J. T. Miller, economics ma jor, as managing editor. The bust- of Eagle Pass, a veteran student. . ^ tmk and Jimmie Nelson of Stamford, a rnwSrvTATOR r of the Cadet Corps. They ^ tb/i A^M c.mDu. hi. ■Hir* „ ku *i..t__i w_.j*vi on tile A. A H, campus tnts were elected by the student body last spring. Managing editors of the paper, each one of whom is responsible for one Issue a week, will be David Heligman of Edna, Farris Block of Port Nechcn,T T. Miller of Dallas, and Duke Hobbs of Pecos. Business manager will be Maurice Howell, and circulation will be handled , by D. W. Springer of Wsxshachie. Feature editor will be Mack T. Nolen (Ivan Yantia), assisted by Louis Morgan; and Vick Lindley of Bryan will be telegraph editor. In charge of sports will bo Paul Martin, a veteran student from Fort Worth. He will be assisted by Don Engelking, Arthur How ard, and Larry Goodwyn. Pictures of life at Aggieland campus 1 fall. With an editorial content ranging from light fiction to solid articles on economics, the maga- sine is intended to fill a gap be tween two existing student maga* sine., THE ENGINEER and THE AGRICULTURIST, which are pub lished by students In the Schools of Engineering and Agriculture, raaMravaly. THE COMMENT A- TOR la Intended to have a broad policy ao that it will be of interest to all A.AM. students, ex-students, and faculty member*. As the name implies, THE COM MENTATOR will not be limited to campus horixons, but will comment extensively on nations! and world events, in the fields of business, science, economics and literature. It is expected that THE COM MENTATOR will carry light tides of general interest and fk ar- fiction BRUCE, JR headquarters Subscription price for THE COMMENTATOR will be 60 cents for ths school year. ★ THE ENGINEER Of special Interest to frethtnsn engineering students Is THR TKX. AH AAM ENGINEER. Revived last raring after a war-time absence, THE 1947-48 ENGINEER will be edited by Jack M. Huddleston, Jr* architectural student from Shreve port, Louisians, snd Henry Gil christ, civil engineering student from College Station. Gene Doggett, senior veteran from Hamilton, will serve as busi ness manager until mid-terra, at which time Jim Kelly, of Peeoa, will take over. This bi-monthly magastne, pub lished by and for engineering stu dents at A. A M., brings to the reader artkclee of varied and In teresting nature. In the first Issue, which will be off the press early in October, will be messages from successful engineers, two pages of slide rule short cuts for quick ref erence, snd an article about the $100,000 network calculator centiy installed In the Electrical Engineering Building Most staff lost members are juniors seniors representing aQ tea engineering departments, but con. tribution* are received from all stu dents. Each article submitted re ceives careful consideration af the editors StudenU interested in magasine work on THE ENGINEER art ura. ed to | Maks contributions Ip the form of articles, suggestions for future articles, and Utter* to ths editor which may lead to a subee- MMAt staff position, THE ENlil NEER office Is located on the sec ond floor of Goodwin Hall. A subscription to THR ENGI NEER coots 80 cents for the en tire school year. ? * THR AGRICULTURIST THE TEXAS A. A M. AGRI CULTURIST Is a student publics lion published bi-monthly for stu dente enrolled In the Bthool of Agriculture. The purpose of THE AGRICUL TURIST la not only to provide training facilities for students in terested In agricultural Journalism, but also to praeent a variety of agricultural material to tit* student for bis general information Material used in THE AGRI CULTURIST is collected, written, and edited by agricultural students Roger B. Let*, senior student in Agricultural Education from Old Glory, Texas, will be editor of the magasine for the coming school ■Maa4Mh student In Animal Husbandry from Port Worth, will be business man ager, Active participation In the func tions of THE AGRICULTURIST is unlimited. Any agricultural stu dent. regardlssi of academic das. , sification, la urged te write art tries for the magasine. Htere are positions open to am bitious student# mIm wish to be come members of the ’ editorial are needad In the rtpitp. tural fiction, and These positions open to both veteran and non- veteran stu dents. ]/ Subscriptions far the 1947-48 aohp*l year may bo purchased at registration The ‘price will be 60 fear, THE AGR1- In Room 808, ft / / THE dent's cars THR LONUHOR 5 LONGHORN ts beet record of hi at A. iM. Edite HORN he stu- hls by-gone Edited entirely ygj__ by studente, it presents a running aoeodat of the school year, Includ ing pictures of itudonte. athletic is, campas activities, senior of , _ t 11 f y y ■ R A year, and Bob 8. favorites, an the college THE 1947 is supposed tee PUBI LONGHORN, which to arrive from the Miorl See PUBLICATIONS \A. 1/ ■. '/ U / N~.y [' . CHARLIE MUEBAY < » Battalion Co-Editor JIMMIE Battaltao TOMMY JOHN lioaghoni Co-Editor ■MM LIB WILLIAMSON I kern Ce-Editor HENBY GILCHRIST Engineer Co-Editor JACK MUDDLEBTOH, JR. Engineer Ce-Editor Af ROGER R. LET* inmimriRi Editor