Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1947)
Phoning from Train Inaugurated Aug. 15 My HCKNCB AU*U* 16, CommulMtioM ( onmlMion ha. «nr Am txperlmmtA} •rrvtc# at thia n flair ^anayiT*ni* ^ a. mm MmpMfMbU with MmlUr rales for r^Ular Um* 4l.U 'VP^ o< Ih. .rtl wor?!?7 ESCff ^ ■ijf- on tMat BffiJvSa »> inaUltoMan far* ■ervtr* •H »He faiMM| SmImPwiRm^ MMmUhv IM ahr wt* New T«4 wm Havtai Mirty • y—t MA la Ml ayetem aU 110-wall Un4 iranamlttera an aw4. On* U •I «Mk mi4 W the MM, and the • thw four at way atettone h li alortlar to tHa ayeUtn ahoodjr Hi ooa In aeeMrml American rttiee which providec telephone service nMoon hemes M office* and mev- <n f ®* doMvery trucks, induction talephane type from the ether In- planned, is oropoar,! by I Ohio Railway atallations _ the Cheaapeake and Company, tor passe. tween Orange, Virginia and Cto- owati. The inaUllation will coat noorly $860,000, company official* •Mfanata. Standing by itself, it vmald not be a profitable venture hwt the availability of the service ■ expected to attract additional travel. -•. , Thb railroad talephsaa service for passengers is act the same as the radio service for train crews now in operation on many railroads •ad in a number of freight and terminal yards. About 100 aalftfor- isations for this type of service MM already been given by govern, mgat authorities. They cover some 76 land Stations and 700 mobile units, since a single grant may cover from one to a hundred radio ImUIUUm, m M«ta« mn. Tfcta nUm* net nntm. u H la called, was inaugurated Dee* •••her It. »Mi, after it was shewn that uae of radie would benefit ** ^Mtd the Industry feffirSgga laheratten with th* A.-m-tM ef American, and inmrpor • fwephleal ecttfMMnt plan to insure high fHjlMlJ transmission has made it possible to design radio equipment to meet the particular needs of railroads Ajar Officials At Cotton Conference Administrative officials and cot- ton re^ch representative of A. • are attending a two-d«y cot ton mechanisation conference which enda today at StoneviUc, Miaais- ■ippi. The conference, sponsored by the National Cotton Conference, is featuring a demonstration of late cotton mechanisation equipment attending from can of Agricult ppardson. Dr. 8. lea N. Sbcpardaon, and T. R. Richmond Smith. H. P. At the New York auto show of 1M0. electric auto, far outnum bered akaam and gasolmr-pow- ered car*. CJftVV* li FJPJL INillJOTix RADIO BROADCMIING ?nmi nii iii/Hiii.h IIAII A\ 4 II lA', YOU FlY PIOWEFR! British Scientists Aroused Over Pay For Inventions tha small tuwand la m thav get for important and Invention* d Bailey, lir Deaald laveatod Bh4 9 9 ’ n,u HMtoMa bridge served Allied u w. fcrgTutS'tls •warded sllghUp ry, air uonaM has been _ U'fiL, &04S* On ihs other hand, some Mrltleh fompkln that they get less than thair government pays to ■MM seienthits for inventions. u,w rc w »rd«, shorts some of the seteotieto, will cause some able meu to seek occupations with fwater opportanity, leaving the harden in toss capable ASCE Barbecue Set for Next Week A barbecue will be held by the student chapter of the American Society ofCivU Engineers at the Bryan City Park Friday, August F1 **» Mtods at a meeting Twedmy night included a charge f, 7 \ peTm> ° ,or tb « *f- fair to be held at 6 p.m. Admission wfll be accepted un- Sl noon ln ^ of *«rstary in the C. E. Building. All civil engineering students and their frieads are in- Tit * d - *t was added that children will be admitted free. Mashaaised farming has enabled United States farmer, to produce a third more with 10 per cent to tal labor than during World War L Mbra than *,150,000 has been S mt to provide education and on- S-Job training for tote ran* of World War II. The Battalion TUESDAY, AUGUST U, 1M7 CLASSIFIED ADS ir,"" rw» IITW irr v,. IKmrlUS III FOB SALg: fan Hats Ow wear at D-S-A Colima Vlw fob male : Oes sNtonh «**• Ssm'safqm •vtae roam. Ala lac ♦Wrtrte rang*. DaVrfie. Late vWAw^w^ta a W CaOas*. Hlsk-a, No. S. wwd hLw FOB BAUt Cirl'i MryvW. rood e Uw. fair sriw. Apartwrat cTTs. Wea Vkw. Col. FOB SALS: Oaa rmkr AggW boot* —ftiftr A.b*Mt MV I Cb^Vkkrw. 1111 Baaqa* Bird FOB BALM: Bwrity la prr-f«b | 114 MmairUa DHvw Uaawdlau p. a*w. Foar waaw. Call Mrs. MeWit ^-4»M Mwa | :SC pja. waaS Sara or ■o* MS. Caliaga. WANTBB: Kapwt aaeaUv* rata lor part Urn* waai at haw*. Sloppy •ra nw4 aat apply. Phaaa I Mif/ ^U•ii4i;. A c*=: , vc, Frew. JOB CALLS IM^SSL ^ ® n ^nc\m in tho ftolda indicated! InirreaUd BludonU ihould MnU* W, R. Huraloy or Lucian HuuSSni K<KJm lW ' ■ for oomploto information (lit untmifta Knrlnp ('ompaniMH ilraflamait Thus )„),■ Ini,, a.lmlnl BdmlnMraUvp pealNona IK Aephslt Uempany has poaltianii sppn fur phamiesl attgihPPN worti In the dewiepment ef i ■ad Jubrleatlng HI prtwlueia (•! Bmith Mamliure Manufae- taHng (Company is inUtosted it, employing ■ mam who la aroualntad with Urn* and motion study. (4) There are a number of peel o P*0 f« r mechanical and eler- trieal engineers with Radio for portion* of America ia the develop, ment of radio broadcaating and re ceiving equipment. (6) The City of Lake Charles Sewage Department is interested In hiring a young graduate sani tary engineer as assistant super intendent in that department (6) Civil Engineers for atruc- tural engineering and structural detailing with Freese A Nichols. (7) The Oil Well Supply Com pany is interested in employing a L. & M FOOD MARKET - FREE DELIVERY TO COLLEGE STATION PR t-41M . 1 For DelieiouK Ice Cream — Try — When You Are in a Hurry for Supper . . . Drop by George's for s Sandwich ; ★ ’ GEORGE’S CONFECTIONERY to p*iteiuv''Tv wjvwn if»r ■ mm wd pMRp malntoMamee man to toke •are ef three eUeUiiHil pump MpT <10 RtoltoM Teola ( nrporalion »e initovetod In employ Ins a me. ehanlesl engineer for w,„k on de •len end development woni, NIJIIINE8N end XoCOUNTtMOt (I> Magnolia Petroleum Com pany ha« an opening for a coat ae- rountott. (f) Frio* Waterhouse Company want* men to handle public ac- counting work. Some positions available in South America for •Ingle men. POULTRY HUSBANDRY: (1) North American Hatchery has an opening for a man to manage their quality baby chick hatehety. Prefer a man over 30. VETERINARY MEDICINE and ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: (1) The Veterinary jerviu In stitute is interested in employing a man with a animal husbandry background to take charge of their office work. (2) My. Osborne Besanson has an opening for a farm manager on hia ranch in Northeast Texas. Prefer* an Animal Husbandry ma jor. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: (1) Griffing Nurseries is hi need of the services of a landscape ar- chitoct who is especially good in making drawings. FOREIGN SERVICE: (1) The War Department has K itioas open for men trained in ige Management, Agricultural Economics, Civil Engineering, Ag ricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Economies for service with the Military Govern ment in Korea. TEACHING: (1) Clint Independent School District. Math. (2) Marshall Public Schools, Ag ricultural Education. (I) BamrOle Public Schools, Phy- Hto, Chemistry, Msth, Physical Rdweatton. and Psychology, (4) Callahan < ouatv Vocational ■Hxh.I, Agricultural Eduction INTER VIIWI: <»> Parkersburg Rig and Reel OctoMhy w* be on the campus Tueaday to Interview mechani*! — ■■**' ■■ 1 —-— - —i wfi* slewWsft • CORSAGES— Eor Your DaUa This Wookood PHONE 2 PtoBM ordgr early Bryan'i Main Stmt fioriat BLOSSOM SHOP Plowtri — Gifu 1 .: Official Notices la res . • ■ dm sf eg nonet or gBAamo' Pa™ Morwr UN?‘oS'KC * K) _ ' sj? n> r SB any °* CLAIR mo ANY S r *rp*» TT,NG FHOITCKTY OS ™ww. Ai?D TO ■ istona, and «u | —' dsRitae say rarh - tor h.urw« tSawta. rie to -?r?Sr. •»»h»e. rlaiaia* or Int—._T , ! Uto pr«weilir tor of . Tk *- CK » CwweU of tW City at Col by duly gga** heritors s: jto Bocoasity far. ^ ordarod 3 cXT *■ «*• City rvw, T »—». lo-wlt: COONBH CTRBET frsw th» nrht of toy of Hlstway No. « to tW N-Uv ufl 2L£l c *$ }*** «** toew. a ad by tto ooaatmrtloa of a to sr-ryra r=t ziH? r ,w— Cltjr fUe la tto •WwtiMaH rsN mjM Uts so* mA» , Tks —M City OmnmII to* wwad mM to./.*'): • h ,f •** »»*•• Itnwl C*ai# 11).Mi W TK * totoma, prr fmal tod W ?hVr . tn ** ° m ** t 'V "Wtow l. f /aid to»cwwt»n,ta -•rlu.i,, of f»rb« and nMrrs la On* Dollar aad Forty Crate I ll M> > per I law I tod f. > ^ UI *«**—ated amount prr front property and tto rral aad Irw waw or JTfT* r^! 0f J?.T** •»4 a***n. ly-n*o Corns I It. Til prr llnoal font; Tto wtlwated total ww «f urn «tol* tofhmd to RI.M Ttowaad Ms Hundrod aad Slity-wvw Dollars ll.ML. . 7^* u,< * 1 wttoatod east of sold to- rr-rr ** T ^ ^ u»* cnyc«i. , T »to» te On. Ttooaoad Two "^^H.FseW tou Dollars I|1J«X M|; TW Me) fUmmU* c<mt of mU imp row w- •wte to to ptod by said abotUnp pr^ aad tto tsal aad tra* otrarr or oamm A GOOD PLACE TO EAT New York Cafe S. Main / Bryan 4 Dtp Sarvlog on Clmnlnf and SUfflng i 1 Day Btrvio* on Main Sprint* and Crowns Work Gaaraaued R.L McCARTY JEWELER North Onto FA Mel, at • e*SlsBk am. la top offi» w tto ca, *< cJr •• to to tto real aad w«a gyrmirtpj!: at —w w to toe MUMMamwato aad tto to |a ear *4 storm *f pmwaal Hal enaT * m-m ■Mwto to swpea to sate to-W and.lto awtor W , 5 rmwrtr .1 .n Krz* and trB|*H Ito ws^ofH ■late to sate Cto toma^aB^H to ewaan •toll to i i aad aa error ad MiTawaw •" *•» nomw p sax£ r, a>“££. g ^ toae*V«mto atoM tosaUdsti any aawsa- ■*e» or wrNftoate toaml In rvtdaaw t T T, *f- toA oe—rttolsw sack panel ef •to Itoto drftaed. aad tto ml aad tret •wan- or awaara ttorsof. atoll to cbktsad "kiw *?*..*? tokW tor. aaM awoaMwat w ^ k MaO to saMd wtottor or not saab owaor w ownrrs to aaatsd ar eorrwSly ■SasadL all a* prerldsd fw aad ns tor tto Acts^of 1«1. Mtb Laetoatar, of teTeute •d Tssaa. First CaBod “r ‘n. Ctoasar L**-. smwaaly knows a* Articte l|*a-b. “ o4 Taaaa, utoto wbtoS •Wectad. par An amd aad Tto tollewtas Is a Uat ad tto apparsto ownrra and i!♦•«<'rtpltona of Bftkd abkattinw awwwty. Which totte totodto torsi! —Mb aa aa aid bo aaatet la elWaa eattw *■ % -R —» ^ tew oeEw, MwR ■tototoe mww. S»d U lawalsg ■ ad. oed te addlWsa to, tto rssshllM of tto —«to* w rrorUad fw to aaM Arte atom* Mm lifted, which aottes la K- HOME OWNERS . WE HAVE everything for the anutU home m woU aa tha lam. Baa ua for your Houaehold Naada, SMITH-TURNER COMPANY NwO o.u nmw ,.,| M Wfm tTo -I terMBuplI IQS.:! H rS am omi w — w9GEft&r«& DR N. B. McNUTT dsntist' Office to Parker Building Over Canady's ~ Phone 2-1467 QRTIFIED DIAMONDS W* sea My te ike Ire Art ftoaete Mag ye* key to,#, beaeesa aete ssesutoH sawnted L* am Btonead h wtdtoi. e«d in Ovetoy a HRtor Mm to toM THANKKY PARK ... Ill N. Main BRYAK itWw, A 'Mjf/ B.V.D. UNDERWEAR A speaxlist i» ooe who knows how” about a particular sub- jea. When it comet to underwear, FR-V D s M) yean of wpencncc nuke* them specialists in shorts, briefs and shirts. TW « whr douoni of am, "Nw ,c ; Uk, THE SHORTS: Pleated fullnese, patented seat that stretches with _ as your skin. "Gripper fastenings, cencred so no metal you. THE V-NECK SHIRTS: Cool and comfortable . . won t ahow beneath white RVb/». ^ "** ,p0f, Mn !t W f 0 * 1 «° !• next to THE BRIEFS: 'iw ir« l h , ' ipc ' ' 0mb,,i “"T top*” Vte "ay tod Other Finn Underwear IJn<4 by Arrow and Rais CLOCMCRS