Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1947)
i - /< -I JOB CALLS T . B«low art bated position vacancies in the fMds indicated students should contact W. K. Horsley or Lucian Morgan in the Placement Office, Room 126, Administration fttilding, for complete information. V*l) Tha Gulf Coast Water Com- P*ny has an opankif for a msch- safiassr to take cars of throe electrical pump plants.. (1) Janas A Laufhlin Supply ( omjiany has positions open for tesrhsahal, dufl, chemical, petrol- sum, electrical and industrial sn- Slnaars in dssicn aad layout, struc- turul stem structural concrete, in- •tninu-mst ion, and slaetrteal pow- sr oa gasoline plants and rsfin- srtes. (I) Mschsnical. Chril and Man- Mrmaont eng insen for work in saf ety eefinesring with Texas Em- pio|hn T Insurance Association (4) Mschsnical. ciril, architec tural am for refrigeration and air ing, sanitary, parements, surfacing, construction, etc., engineering wKh U. 8. Army Air Force* (S) United Gas Pips Lins Gem peny has vacancies in their Ac counting, Pngina*iing oixi Chemi cal and Gasoline departments (<) Towsry Eqaipment Com C y (contractors’ irrigation, gaeo ■ equipment, supplies) has span ings fbr mechanical electrical engineer* for sales (7) Electrical or rinsers for work on steam boiler end turbine era Electric opermtions Service C Company. (•) *aal ttmaisne Company, reprsaaatetives fir air can. is intersated | (t) Smith Furniture Manufac turing Company is tatemted in a Record Enrollment Expected in Fall A record enrollment of nearly 100,000 World War n veteran* in f T t (1) Shrimpten Equipment Com pany is interested In employing a man whs can typo accurately, write a good bueinsos latter and has a general knowledge of simple bookkeeping so ns to be able to a small parts stock. Doss not have to ba a graduate. Work will be ia Houston. T ( , l) Ttr University of Vermont baa vacancies in their staff for civil, electrical and mechanical en gineering instructor*. (S) Somerville Public School has an opening for a conch of all sports. (I) Beeville Public School sys- open for a teach er of science (Physics and Chem istry) aad math. Also coach and elementary teacher \ shies this faU is the Veteran effl- The Battalion Psfe 4 Official Notices TUESDAY. AUGUST 12,1947 For Delicious Ice Cream — Try — Veterans rials expect about a increase In the number of veterans •Mending college under the GI BiU as compared to last i roilment of &&.000 in institution* of learning in Texas, Ixmisiana, and Mississippi Veterans entering school for the first time should obtain their certi ficates of eligibility immediately from the proper VA regional of- fiea. Others who plan to change schools or courses of study this fall must obtain prior approval from the Veteran* Administration Veteran* enrolled in school prior to this fall may continue their edu cation without contacting the Vet erans Administration. DATS If raa aae a. a a. *MI to OerS. Tee wtB set be eWetbto to leeietar Heaber eetS tM* eaH bee bem to rm wUm peeaw eeteiHw. *. L. ns TON Asea. FOB tALBi it IMS «e eee el Tl* FOB SALE: Bed fln'H bMi 1 to Um CHs Uee- •aer ef Um CHv ef Col km* Stottoe will he teaeiveS at the Offto* of Uw Ctls Mae- ■ser eetil SiSS s-to-. NonSey. Aeeeal It. 1*47 for Ibe eenaOtortioe ef a m—btowt 0% Office aaS Wereboee* far tlto CH» ef Col toe* Station D*uU*4 plee* ate •P*rlfiraik-n. May to oblaiaeS fnm tto afftoe ef tto City Manaoer ef tto City af Caltoe* Station im. rv T 1SU: weal I aa I feawUhad to OaBaat by baa Bmb Bmto Fr Barim 4 -Bar. Cat- 44m. FOB BALE t IMS tekTABB Mh (A 1 tk-l, Dana. Me. A FOR SALE: Ote It ii t X: On* y*aiyr** toe. to***. aU; a itte Ptoteateb. eaad i*| **04, y aaStta traitor, aB Farm Labor Program Will Continue... Hohn CLASSIFIED ADS BBFAIBti Bari* ate The farm labor profram of Uw A. A II. Extension Serv- ke will oooUmM In full force until the tod of the year, Cae—r "Dutch" Hohn. state supervisor of the profram, ha« an nounced. The profram had been operated by the fixtanalon Serv ice under ConfrMekmal authortsatton nincc 1043 when the Tacute farm labor shortage demand- FLY PIONEER an A-plus vacation! ATTTKTioN BNonnwaa—Oat mar T»tae af I bar O *a4 ■to a *yar'«hr Jhop. awP*d **WAN?Bn I Vriwea fate tty af Met — i.—* * A— - te — * a — A I da en a Hi. mar fW*rml ttolUwT. Pa testa. T»*a*. Texas Businesses Sent 4-H Invites The A. A M. Extension Service extended Invitations this week to all commercial concerns in Texas to set up exhibits of their products at the annual Extension agent’s conference and State 4-H Club Round-Up, September 2-6, at Col lege Station. The five-day conference and 4-H Round-Up will be Mtended by all county pgriculturaPand home demonstration agents in Texas. Four 4-H Club members and two adult club leaders are expected to come in from every Tcxaa county for the Round-Up. The Extension Service, sponsor ing the event, advisee commercial concerns wishing to put up exhib its to contact the Extension special itt at College Station whooe field of work ia closest related to the type of exhibit to he act up. —Sooner Exes— (CoaUaucd from Pago Oee) & properly represented tendance of the band for the school and the efforts bo mad* to bring i such a beneficial and oosi the at ask that team all about irabl* I H FM-AM RADIOS CONSOLES TABLE MODELS ■ i PORTABLES , ♦ L " ( . ; . ^ T ^ j I ^ Priced to fit any budget— $29.95 to $357.00 Famous names such as . . . f ir STUART WARNER - MOTOROLA - EMERSON SENTINEL —Bluebonnet— (Coaliaeed from Pago One) ft,fttio acres af lami at ths Pants* Ordnan#* Plant at Amarillo if Tm as Tsshnolngisal College »• unable to negotiate aurh a deal with the War A seels Administration. A. A M. and Teaas Tech are jointly vRpertmvnting to stamp out wheat poisoning In Uie Panhandle, which le causing the death of many cattle. ProgroM by A. A M. In the research program has boot hampered by Teias Tech’s inabili ty to complete negotiations for grating rights at the Pan tax plant —BOOKENDS— (Cootiaood from Pago Two) life in Vermont from the days juftt before the Civil War, in which Ly as too young to enlist, u] to the beginning of World War I, in which his son took part. It is a book in which many stories are woven. There is the story of the leva between Lyman and ths wo man ho cannot marry, whose tot ed emergency action, but will re vert to the Texas Employment Commission or January 1, 1948, B^toi gaplaAtefr ~ ” "T “There will be no let-up in the rderational work now being carried on with both laborers and farm- era," the farm labor official de clared. “The Extension program baa been an educational program designed to bring about better un derstanding between laborer and producer so that they might better realise that it to to their mutual interest to cooperate fully." Th.> Extension Service has al ways felt that if the right under ling axis tod between laborer producer, there would be no necessity for aa agency to do place ment work, since placement would take care of'itself. Holm declared, pointing out that the Extension program was baaed on the idea of getting correct information to the workers and farmers alike. The 60 farm labor reception cen ters, spotted at strategic points throughout the migraat areas of the state and built cooperatively by communities and the Extension Service, will become the responsibi lity of the communities, Hohn •aid, adding that he sincerely hop ed the communities would contin ue to maintain the centers either on their own or in cooperation with the* employment commiMtun. The centers provide migrant families with cooking and sanitary facilities and a place to spend the night Prior to the launching of the farm prafvaah na such facilities were available In moat sections to whish migrants traveled In addition ia the program of direction of migratory movements, which was mostly .ontwerned with I alln. American vegetehle hand* and rollon picker*, the Kslenaton MOfTt Mte’s Statewa Call t-uts. Bn*a. Bewat FOB tALBi I faat Btetrates rserW airslir. Bat at 4IM (ottos* Mala Mrsst. or tell 4-SSM. • FOB BALE: Caavaattoaal toaa* wttb Barter ate waskroow. toratod at IM Part Ftaa*. Soot* tM* sMHIon-CoO*** AU Masons and their families. Eastern Stars and their families of this community are invited to be guests of Bra so* Union Lodge 1-’;*, AF A AM and Bryan Chalk ier 222, O. E. S. at a barbecue and picnic Friday evening, Aug ust 16, 6:30 p. m., Bryan Coun try Club. No speeches—just an hour of good fellowship. Approximately 600 hunters are | kilted and 3,000 injured annually in the United States. i . Ken HalUr&n *30 L i. r IUW. Mtk Dial Milt i i. On« Block Wool of P. 0. oa Hth Stroot. Eighty-three percent knowledge is brought through his vision. to For Your Mportiag Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS >01 a. Mate Ph. i tail Aryan BE SMART WITH Quoit/ h reodity apparent In the distinctive, tailored sppiarancu o« NOttttS CASUAL Sport Shirts. Thwy ora M cut, with generous pockets and trvu pointed coUwra Mtedo of wmImMb cotton and rayon (obrica they ara pro* seoted to a wtds ranoe of colon and ooftorns. You wll Waal BB anqils supply fpc tea worm wootbor shattii THE EXCHANGE STORE UlOtMNG Mvrvlev has nperatod the combln* program (directing combine move- menl during wheat and small grain harvest), labor saving device pro* gram (Inatruetion of farmers In building such devices and main tenance of welding schools), flaw* merit of sheep shearing craws, Hal- ton work between Texas Latln-Am- erican workers In other states and employers, and. during the war, various emergency farm labor re cruitment program* and the place ment of prisoners of war. Fating Out Is Fun. — AT HOTARD’S CAFETERIA ten in his pocket seem to him like hidden laughter as he goes his sobar way to the quarry office or writes down the town records. There ia the compassionate story of Lormun’a life with his wife, Louisa, in the bouse on Main St. Most deeply meaningful to the story of Lyman’s sincere and en during friendship with Easy, the runaway slave, whoee life was cioeely knitted with his from the days in a narrow valley of Ver mont, but their lives have warm touch with the world outside, with the new Wild West of the gold carnpe, the South Of Reconstruction days, with Providence and New port and Paris. In a long list of excellent and successful novels. THE QUARRY stands out as Mildred Wi finest achievement. North Mala By raa *1 f. Is YOUR supply of rafter's A divorce on the ground of de sertion may be obtained in 42 statea. L. ft M. TO STATION Shorts and Undershirts running low? • 7/ / iA Delicious Home Cooked Food* STEAKS AND SHOUT ORDERS THICK MALTS AND SHAKES A&M Grill m ' ||L OUR SUPPLY IS PLENTIFUL ' ' / A We have shorts in stripes or solid color*—gripper or boxer style . $L25 The underahirta art combed yarn ribbed ••••»■•••*• 8ftc Thera are also flat knit quarter •leave T-Shirts $1.16 * matoepra '/ m -v M —