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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1947)
& i / i ^^""TTT :t • •flaafat fa*. It, wnraMan MMT HIM jcrja ■ b -i l Shoes Repaired PROMPT WORK Md QUALXTY WORKMANSHIP 24 Hour Service HOUCK’S OiM^Oiiiapanky; Duncan Snack u^SSX^\Bar Get* Vote Confidence nttu Southside Market Gets Renovations Food Market, awn ad I by Bay Odea, ta 0 a al trained July 1 to la- ^lon ). TWa la a the Texas f larriaa iTk fee a )ak. , ' < • 1 RELAX and REFRESH in COOL COMFORT ■ v ^ ! * / For Supper ■ r 11 * , - At- I f » - GEORGE’S CONFECTIONERY By Leals Mertaa StudenU are In faeor of ntlnuanoe of Dunoon Hall — Maxnoiia I *nack bar according to a aur- vty conducted among the atu- of the New Area. Of lit*. I twenty-foar stadeaU laterrie Cm Jail aa praised apprevali howryar t eeoie saggeetioas for Im ' 'se were offend. U'wrt# from TsrrelL ■glaeertag major, thought It be beet to serve regular , | —- la the snack bar line daring M ufV’ **!!? | meal boon and use the snack bar ist>or r*-1 He was svyportod In this flrl nnn.t.., I by J * Art—Hoes ten Lawn | petroleum major from Vernon. B J. Beckham was In favor of Veterinary Medicine A major I kssgiag the snack bar open daring drag manufacturing company is chow boors for those who might Interested in employing men train- only want a sandwich. Beckham e<i in Veterinary Medicine to work is an electrical engineering major in Texas, Louisiana | from Phillip*. l^. E. H eetn Journalism—The Shamrock Oil I ft"—ring major of Cameron, would Oe T Corporation has a poeithm toT ^ snack bar to bo open on available for a man to odit com-1 Monday nights for benefit of thooe whs return to the campus too late ■«e»-Wa» »««»«■ » q « ^l**-*? SSjUjyL.,, . -y n _ jj .l L _i eudpd, both bushism majors, sx- afP anaSm^^^ ^ preset approval af the anack bar aamym. _ bemuse it gave the students tak- cansoan um-i^ ^ .poru a chance for late chow. Haidcastle is a native of Port Arthur and —. .. .r_ ~ . p...i Wiodenfeid hails from Comfort. aStTaF* I R. p. Garland geology student TUESDAY, JULY}?, 1947 Official Notices •-*t£=v. Bouthsids in erner to siiminste t hr niaa* boar walUng and U spaed up ear- visa, Oden has rearranged bis stoee with now ty^a af aatf-ser%.c-. rfiulpment aH oiicmi i oVti •rlf »rrvtya rata for maat. frvah frail staaity fHgMmlat air mmE Honed vegatablr ■land and park age atanda. Other Improvement* taatad# lam naw-tyue- mah ra- •M two now.trpaTlidea'u kTuaSl at the In the nyan-coid Is ( LAS8IViED ADS |i hsdii 4-1 MS. Also all bason, and lunch moat Hams will bo avail able In the ease. The delay In weighing fresh frails and vegetables was solved by having thorn weighed before coming up to the check out coun ter. The problem of handling and storing cold drink bottles was solved by placing them in a con venient place near the back of the store. esr. fora available inr Company Sale. Eng', igmcenng Sp< o-a. Roller Bit Company; Universal Atlas Cement Company. | from San Antonio, advocates lower rices and mora variety In ans UfeMk W. T. Hendricks, accounting n jor from Anna, says, “Big improvo- isnt over last semester." J. H. Matthew of Burleson, an ag engineering major, aaya, "All right! I wouldn't want It cut out.” HARDWARE K emit ore-Rleetr leal Appllaaees Plumbing BappUee--Palate, SMITH-TURNER COMPANY " North Gate Phono «-U4ft -4i . -.» Eating Out Is Fun • • • • — AT HOTARD’S CAFETERIA hi Byraa —LETTERS— (Continued from Page t) A Company, Magnolia PotroAoem Company and Humble Oil and Ba nning Company. Bash of the gea Uesnen the letters stated _ _ ifs stal that the anglneertng gradual fr.,r,> (hi. *rhoo| WUffU, on tk# evor- aga. sauany at batter prepared for urns* ln^ Industry^than tnejfrad- Tbelr etatemoats arms m State Vocational Teachers Working On New Methods KIsvob outstanding Toxas vom tional instruction authorities are busy rewriting and modernii las traction materials for use in Texas public schools in the Indus trial Education Workshop. Each of the workshop authors is s co-ordinator of vocational edu cation for schools In his hometown, according to E. L. Williams, head of the Industrial Extension Sor- vioo. James 8. Gupton, Houston, bonds the group, which Includes R. E. Bob" Sanders, Dallas | George BHUh, Tyler; 0. M. Bogota, Cor pus Christ!: L, K. Kinsey, Baa Angelo, W. F. MdBsr, Gooes Creek; H. H. Huffaker, Galveston; H 1. Thompson, Denison, John H. Grohn Jr^ Harlingen; Robert H. FWtsbsv, Waso; and l\omas Jam- roa 4-1174.' Wise* n rW June .1 n 44.44 : Nei ■see mer. S4XS: TUs* *Sb M.SS, «m mm. Oisae / Csitsee a roa SALK: c*llse« Vtew sflsr IS »JS. system In with other Dear Mr. Editor, I would ouggt that before you wrlto any mo odHortato you engage In (1) THOUGHT, (tl RESEARCH, and (t) THOUGHT. I realise that an editorial is nothing more than aa expression of an opinion; but I do expect the opinion to be well founded end well thought out Barlow Re-elected RcpreHentative Of National AS EE Dr. Howard W. Barlow, dean of engineering, has been re sleeted representative of thf aeronautical division to the general council of the American Sociedg/ for »«nng Education Bartow and a number of engin mooting of tho ABBE 1-81 at Mf Mora than taro aad a quarter billion dsll—i has ,1am spent to odasatiosi and aa-tha-jab War the iiNmal held June IS-tf jtrfore of Ust Departmtat af AsronaaMsal . ring In 1140, Dean Bartow held similar ;,<»« at the University af tnammom. and ts a nstioaal authority la tho aeronsutice field. to^AAM as head Worl Refresh yo«r| amrdrobweri by Joysooi; suoply, hoot above ai. forwed yau a you*! W. Leon lurid! tralnini Ining for votovaas of World Tear spiteful comments ta yester days paper to the lottsrs of eriti- cism showed a leak of both. Other wise, you would hays defended your opinion uritli substantiated isets, not with childish Mf • Sincerely yours, Lloyd Bailey. *44 name call North DYEBS FUR STORAGE HATTERS 1585’ REWEAVING SERVICE— Tears, Bums, Holes of Any Kind From Silks to Heavy Woolens . . . SMITH’S North Gate 1 Phone 4-4444 - / JOSEPH W. GEPPERT, ANNOUNCES hia dtachAm from tha Army ot the Vnl mim at So and opening of an offtea Avanua ovar tha Bryan Studio for practice of ; / General Medicine and Surgery Office Houra: • - IS a. as. Telcphona: 2 - 6 p. m. A Brown and Whi Made for You! EVERYONE SHOULD CELEBRATE FOURTH OF JULY ALL DAY CELEBRATION ‘ , BRYAN COUNTRY CLUB BRING THE FAMILY — SPEND THE DAY! > .• j ' . V i > • hc. . * r 1»i Beauty Revue «i r Binffo, Golf, Swimming, Pony Rides, Dancing, Motor Boat i Rides—Many Others. Barbecue and Beverages . \ *. ■ I | _ ■"/ A J Bryan & Brazos County Junior Chamber of FROZEN CUSTARD — Open every day from 10 a.m., ’till 11 p.m. — at — AGGIE CORNER IN BRYAN Freeh fruit drinka and cold drinka — TAKE HOME A QUART — CREAM-MOBILE Have You Enjoyed anting out lately • • e . or dancing in B delightful wtmoephere of friendUnoear Coma out for a refreshing evening of entertainment. ; . . . . Oar EXPERT CHEF Servo «5g to $2.50 From Fin Feather Club Feather Read Phone B-1B7S > An Edgarton modal will give styles to choose I8.P5 to Two Convenient