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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1947)
Summer Intramural • / ■ a Play At jCoUegeViewis |Wild and Woolly TS« newly orfonlsed CoOoc* View Intrmmunil Softball League started play Thursday, June 26 with fist teams entsui. la the opener Ed Dusek’s Ante lopes tapped Jack RoSer's Athletics to the tune of 14 to t Flowers, winning pitcher for the Antelopes, allowed only four hits until he was relie rad by Robertson Lucy and Re her pitched for the Athlet ics with Lucy Kemjr credited with the toes. Big guns for the Ante lope# were Bn»<-oo hanging obt four for four, and Phillips getting two for three. In Fridays game the Bears went all out U seers • jolting tl to T victory evsr the Eager Bei Jennings Anderson, Bear Mai squared off and knocked tws runs, whlls his teammate first bMMMn Buddy KUsrhrosk knock m out one homer and almeet had • perfart day with 4 trips It the ptau Fallewlng la a artedule af the » ua fames and the namea af learn managere with alt fames •tartinf at 4 p, m. ' ■ H MMi / mm AtkMtM «s. AstStsM Bsam «s. ■sew Isevsn ^AUhiMss *•. Csts isen **. CMs AtllUttr* *•. Reerr Bwwfl AeWkwM *». CeW AtSWtle* »». Bwn ir BMTrrr r». CeW AsWIoom *•. a««n V W'l fielder for t City/ Aektman Dorm 10 buttled through a 7 inning ball game Thui to edge out a one-run victory over Dorjn 8,1 to 0 and to keep their record perfect Pitcher Adnma oMkud up another win in a game that was a pitchers dual sll the wev4— 5 through. Smw ‘ pitcher with e of 13 strike outs end I hits. Dorm 10 hits together in the sixth inning to give them their winning score Omars started the sixth inning ral ly with Adams and Sutherland fol lowing in order to posh Otnara across the plate. Adame record for the gem* •as f strike eats sad S hits Per the Users Mae. the Trailer with a f to I Durham did Am euu aad t hMa. Fat Maas aad Qalhesath far their teams I hits. hit euluma hy rapi ratTfff I flMf ■fin fpOMMi had a psrfMt day aut a per hi* t#am wa whu I far I. or rood hesemsn Rarea was here with a [ham raa la '.Katrirsa (torm I, II u» «. Ft -- — who will do the work at the latramaral this Ttery Sjossss 1 FOR YOUR SUMMER REFREHMENS Soda Fountain —Sandwiches RAY’S SNACK BAR 1 K«w from left to right, top row. Spike White (Director of i). Tom Croach. Jim HHL Harry Uthoff. sad Phil Shel- row, Barney Welch. Bad Deatoa. Cliff Ackerman. Lee Daa Jackson. - CLEANING PRESSING ALTERATIONS PROMPT and KFKICIKNT 1 DAY RRRVICS AGGIE CLEANERS and DYERS DRY CLEANING As You Like It! jt* - " ’ •*' . d»> J j 4 • Ul Ua Insure You That SUMMER FRESHNESS CAMPUS CLEANERS - fr—lgi — AHwrwttoma -h Battalion PORTO -■ . TUESDilY, JULY 1. 1947 Page 3 Water Carnival To Be Held Thursday A water carnival is to be held at the P. L. Downs Swimming Pool on the night of July 3, at 7:30 p. m. It will be the first of a series of water carnivals to be held during the summer. The object of the carnivals is to obtain funds to send the College Station team to the various swimming meets. The carnival will consist of relay races, free style and back stroke exhibitions, diving with comedy, comedy life saving acta, night shirt relay, a water polo game and various other stunts. Remember the date and be there for a night of fun. ./ J/.. North Gftte Xj 1 8 " Phong 4-45544 / r / / Intramural Softball Standings f ■ Standings Team Dorm 10 Dorm 4* Dorm t Dorm 9 ■ Dorm 1* Dorm 4 Dorm 4 rm 7 cm 11 Projoet House t Trailer Caup I (Thursday, Jane 34) AM Bowling League To Be ing League e Organized T • AGGIES COME IN AND TRY OUR COOKIES, CAKES. ROLLS, ETC. THEY’RE GOOD! CONGDON’S BAKERY 307 North Main —BRYAN •Wees* Vet Wlvei Start Volleyball Play The wtvip of wteran students living In the College View apart, merits erfafclaed a three team vol. leyball league to begin play Mon* day. June |o. The teem! are captained by Coco The YMCA Cabinet k sponsoring a Student Bowling League to be instituted this summer. The first m. cnng of that# Interested In tak ing part In this activity will be hew In the Aeeemkiy Room af the YMCA Wednesday night. My * UU Jk m. At this meeting there will he shews a movie ca Bewting Fun. dements Is. Thin film shews the pi4mary technique# in the art of hawing wMrt le valuable Infermatkm far the eiperta as «ell as amateara. All Itudente who are Interested DeLUXE CAFE Bryan — Where nil Aggies meet “We Serve the Beet” la bowling—beginners, ameteure, or experts- wre Invited to join this league, Aa soon as alt entrees are In a schedule ef playing time will n ianda art. Furtnrt letalle wilt he gives out la the neat few days.] Stayton, A ' Apartments) Hobble Caudle, B ApurtmenUi Kitty Som mer, C and D Apartments. USED RECORDS Now and old favorites SI# Supply of n«w popular records—also Knnn, Record Playtra, (nmblnatlona BRYAN MUSIC CO. 4()S North Main We carry famous Arrow ffj ffl . / •ji, ^44 • and ~BW- not drop down and us FOR ARROW SHIRTS aad TIES CLOrMCRS UoHrgr and ■e m. J JUNE CLEARANCE in prints, meshes, shantung, and cottons. 4 v ’ CLEARANCE OF SUITS - COATS i . Smart Shop —M II TAYLOR’S CAMPUS VARIETY STORE For All Your School Supplien [•Drug Sundries — Engraving * School Supplies and Notions rtdglrtMMP4|» > t l i ■ i . M- < A I "JL L t ... f M AU MY FRIINDI KNOW CHKSTiRFlILD IS MY BRAND" tTA. •» COtUMtl.-l TBcemcotea pbobucti "DOWN TO EARTH 1 * 7/ 7 ml 7/ -k 7 f £ .Jj • i// k \ //Jr* I m ■// %:m \ii a ji'i //rAnw y , j /, - ' I// . . j.A I * t f_ j u 'j / 7l ; // / a7 M mA