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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1946)
THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1946 THE BATTALION PAGE 3 :: On Kyle Field :: By U. Y. Johnston Colonel Frank (Colonel Andy) Anderson has just finished his first year as track coach since his return to the school. He made his debut by taking second place in the Southwest Confer- <ence. Colonel Andy first came to A&M in 1920 after his gradu ation from Mississippi State Col lege. His first duties were head track coach and freshman foot ball coach, and he held both these jobs until 1934 when he re linquished his football position and started devoting his full time to track. He remained track coach until his appointment to the job of Commandant in 1936. Coach Anderson has coached every Southwest Conference holder in the javelin event except two, and both of these were set while he was else where. An Aggie, J. T. L. McNew, set the first confer ence title in 1917 before Colo nel Andy’s time, and “Doc” O’Neill set his present record in 1938 while Colonel Andy was Commandant of the Col lege. It is quite possible that had Colonel Andy been around in ’38, when “Doc” O’Neill 1 THE MOST HONORED i p:- ' • 3 I WATCH OH THE | J CAMPUS 88H® 0O,v ^ ^ A WINNER of 10 World’s Pair Grand | :: Prizes, 28 GoM Med- |l als and more honors |J for accuracy than any , other timepiece. '• L a set the present record, the record would have been in the hand of an Aggie today. Coach Anderson didn’t do badly Colonel Anderson with his track team this year, but it looks as if he might do even better next year as he is not losing any of his present team. This year he coached Art Ham den to the Conference title, the state amateur title, third place in the National Collegiate meet, and nomination to the all- American track team, which isn’t bad for his first year back. Colonel Andy is today one of the outstanding track coaches in the country, and with his return Old Army’s chances in the track world should pick up. If the Ath letic Department will give him just an average man in the javelin event he will give A&M a champion in this event come next spring. The jave lin isn’t the only event in which he has produced cham pions. He has picked up five cross-country titles and tied for two. Another feather in Colonel An dy’s cap is the fact that his teams have won every .track title that A&M has taken except one, and this was won by “Lil” Dimmitt in 1943 while he was substituting for Dough Rollins. Colonel Andy took Bob Goode, who had never thrown the jave- SHOES and BOOTS Last Longer With Factory Method Repairs Our experienced repairmen make possible our GUARANTEED SERVICE COLLEGE STATION SHOE REPAIR North Gate Luke Court, Mgr. AN AGGIE’S TOOLS MUST BE SUPPLIED Your Books, Papers, Pens, Ink, Drawing Sets, Draw ing Boards, T-Squares, Desk Supplies. Your Socks, Shorts, Shirts, Razors, Blades, Hair Dres sing, Tooth Brushes. Your Stationery, Stickers, Souvenirs. May we serve you week days 7:45 to 4:45 p.m. Saturdays—7:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. “The Friendliest Place On the Campus’’ THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” Battalion Sports Tigers Undefeated; Keep Ahead Of Rivals in Softball Loop Intramural Crown Race Hot by Cliff Ackerman The hustle and bustle of the past week saw the intramural leagues shift leads to give the summer sports program the needed com petition. The softball league lead ers are Bizzell Hall in the “O” League and Dorm No. 12 in the “N” League. In volleyball Dorm No. 16 moved to the top position with 6 wins and 1 loss. Close behind are Dorms No. 9 and No. 15 with 5 wins and 1 loss apiece. In tennis Dorm No. 12 is out in front with 2 wins and no losses. Dorm No. 12 went way out ahead this past week to prove their dominance of the softball diam onds. They have made a clean sweep of the series so far with untiring accurate arm of pitcher untireing accurate arm of pitcher Seibert gets credit for the wins, but the team as a whole is a credit to any league. The team stopped Dorm No. 3 8 to 3. Good fielding led by shortstop Bowen and left fielder Ober held the league leaders in a 3 to 3 tie un til the 7th inning when Dorm No. 12 got 5 hits and 5 runs. Short stop Russell and catcher Morgan led the batting for the winners, each getting 3 for 4. The sec ond win for Dorm No. 12 was an 8 to 4 decision over Dorm No. 9. Dorm No. 12 was held in tow ex cept for a wild 3rd inning when they got 9 hits and scored 7 runs. Dorm No. 9 was held to 9 scattered hits. Gilbert at short stop and Epps at first base played outstanding ball for the losers. Dorm No. 12 took their third win by outslugging Dorm No. 1 to the tune of 25 to 2. Bolton for Dorm No. 12 was the leading hit ter of the day getting 2 home runs and 1 single in three trips to the plate. Law Hall came out of the lost column to beat Mitchell Hall 12 to 9. Law made sure of their Shuford and Briscoe playing heads win in the 6th inning by scoring | up ball for Law Hall. 4th and 5th innings to make it a clean win. Milner tried hard to get back in the game by getting several good clean hits off of pitcher Moore, but were unable to score but one more run. For Milner, Lawless and Studdard were constant threats each get ting 3 for 4 along with Brandis who got 3 hits for 3 trips to the plate. For Bizzell catcher Taylor, Shortstop L’Hommadieu and fielder Perry played good ball. Dorm No. 16 romped over the “grand ole men” of Dorm No. 17 to the tune of 22 to 2. Nichols and Barber scored the lone tal lies for Dorm No. 17. O’Mara, the winning pitcher had an easy time from the beginning of the game in which his team mates gave him a 16 to 0 lead in the first four innings. The game was called in the 5th inning due to darkness and to give the boys from Dorm No. 16 a “breather.” Dorm No. 15 outlasted Mitchell Hall in a thrilling 9 inning game 8 to 4. Dorm No. 15 kept a one run lead until the 7th inning when Schumack, first baseman for Mitchell, scored on a wild throw by catcher Yarbrough. This gave Mitchell a chance to win the game, but the hard fighting No. 15 team came back in the 9th inning to get clean hits from pitcher Lowps. Shafer started the rally and Dorm No. 15 put the game in the bag with 7 hits and 5 runs. After their defeat by Bizzell, Milner Hall came back to blank Dorm No. 15 3 to 0. Brandis was the winning pitcher allowing only 4 hits. The hardest fought volleyball game of the season was between Laww Hall and Dorm No. 16, with Dorm No. 16 being victorious tak ing two games, 15 to 10, 17 to 15. Both teams were outstanding with Mostyn leading the winners and 6 runs. Dorm No. 1 took a victory over Dorm No. 9 in a well played game 5 to 1. Riha the winning pitcher allowed only one hit. Bizzell Hall stayed in their stride by winning two close games. The first win was over Dorm No. 15, 14 to 10. Johnston of Dorm No. 15 made 4 runs by getting one home run, one single, and two walks in four trips to the plate. Bizzell in their second victory of the week slowed the “red hot” Milner team to a walk in an exciting game 6 to 4. Both teams had a hitting spree in the 2nd inning, Milner scoring 3 runs and Bizzell 4 runs. Bizzell held the lead throughout the game and then scored a run in each of the lin, and turned him into the con ference champion this season and he has high hopes that Goode may return the conference record to its rightful owners, namely A&M. Callan, manager for Dorm. No. 16, used every man and every scheme to stop Dorm No. 15 from wolloping No. 16 2 to 1. Dorm No. 16 took the first game 15 to 12, but Barnett pepped his team up and No. 15 came back with ex cellent team work and ball handl ing to give them a long edge over the “bumfuzzled” No. 16 team in two games, 15 to 1, 15 to 5. Dorm No. 9 defeated Dorm No. 3 15 to 12, 15 to 6. It took fast thinking and playing for Dorm No. 9 to take two games from Dorm No. 3. Epps and McCormick kept Dorm No. 9 ahead throughout the games. For Dorm No. 3 Ander son, Lackey, and Sellinger kept Dorm No. 9 worried with good set-ups and hard spiking. Dorm No. 16, led by Mostyn, upset Dorm No. 9 in a fast mov ing game 15 to 9, 15 to 11. Daw son for the losers was outstand ing in all around playing. Let Us Solve Your PICTURE FRAME WORRIES Discharge Papers, Diplomas — All Valuable Papers An excellent stock of moulding to make frames for everything worth framing. Prices Right — Prompt Service AGGIELAND STUDIO North Gate RE-POWER Your Car for Summer Driving in One Day Take Advantage of the Super-Service of RRVAN MOTOR CO 2-1333 Bryan North Main "Big Dog” Back William (Big Dog) Dawson William (Big Dog) Dawson re turned to. Aggieland this week as Assistant Athletic Director for the College. Dawson has been in the Army since 1940, and he was dis charged in January as a major. “Big Dog” played football and basketball during his tour at A. & M., and he also played football for the Army. In 1940 he played on the All-West Army team, and then did a repeat performance for the same team in 1942. In ’42 this All-West team played four pro football games and Big Dog ap peared with them in these games. In 1940 he was captain of the basketball team and was also one of the top scorers for the confer ence. Dawson is now in the same boat as some of the rest of us as he is looking for one of those long for gotten items that are called-by the lucky few that have them—apart ments. Swimming Pool Open to Everyone Starting on Monday, July 1st, the swimming pool will be open to students, student’s families, fa culty, faculty’s families, and guests of the family’s of either. There will be no charge for stu dents, but for the faculty, fami lies, and guests there will be a small charge. The prices will be 14$ for all persons over nine years of age, and 9$ for anyone under this age. The pool will be open from three till five-thirty and from seven till nine every day except Sunday. Harnden Takes Third Place in National 440 Art Harnden. who was A&M’s only entry in the NCAA track meet in Minneapolis, took third place in the 440-yard race. Harnden turned in his best time of the year, 48.3 seconds. Harnden was bested by two colored boys, one from Illinois and the other from Southern Uni versity. Herb McKinley, the star track man from Illinois, was first with the very good time of 47.6, and David Bolen of Southern was second. McKinley’s time was not as good as some of his previous performances, but it was fast enough to take the field. The Southwest Conference teams did not do so well in this meet as they had only seven men come in “in the money”. John Robertson, the lad from Forty Acres, was the only man from this section of the country to take a first place. Rob ertson kept the Southwest Confer ence in the limelight by taking first in the broad jump with a leap of 24 feet 10^4 inches. Our boys will get another crack at the big shots next week-end in llhe San Antonio in the annual Nation al AAU meet. Maybe the boys can make a better showing on the home grounds than they did in the far north. The office of Director of Stu dent Affairs was established Nov. 1, 1944. By Red Bennett In the College Station Softball league the Tigers are in first place, winning three games and losing none. The Indians occupy the Second place, winning two games out of three. The Giants, winning one out of two games are in third place. In the fourth, fifth and sixth place are the Pi rates, Yankees and Cubs respec tively. In a game on the College Park diamond last Wednesday after noon the Indians defended their second place standing, coming through to win over the Pirates with a score of 5 to 3. Irvin Lloyd was the winning pitcher for the Indians and T. Terrell was the loosing pitcher. The longest hits of the game were three two-baggers, Roberts slug ging one for the Indians and Sturkie and Potter hitting one each for the Pirates. Friday afternoon on the College Hills diamond the Yankees lost to the Giants 4 to 2. Winning pitcher was Johnny Rogers, giving the Yankees 9 hits. The losing pitcher for the Yankees, John Stiles, was relieved in the 3rd in ning by R. C. Terry, who let the Giants hit only 6 times. In the 6th inning the Yankees saved a possible two scores on a double play—fly to Davis to Spriggs. In the 5th inning, Aden McGee made a running catch of a hard hit ball by Stiles, robbing Stiles of a hit and saving a possible two scores for the Giants. The long est hit of the game was a three- bagger by Taylor Wilkins. On Monday afternoon at the College Park diamond the Cubs won their first game of the seas on over the Indians by a score of 9 to 4. Cordova was the winning pitcher relieved by Jay in the 5th inning. The losing pitcher was Irvin Lloyd. WELL.RAGS. VACATION S GOING TO BE OVER IN A WEEK. I WISH GRANDMA WOULD llAVE SEVEN CHICKEN DINNERS ALL IN ONE WEEK- WELL, WHAT AIN’T [TO BE AIN’T. \ SUMMER TIME IS VACATION TIME Bring home a picture record of your vacation Complete Amateur Photo Supplies A. & M. PHOTO SHOP North Gate LOOK PLEASANT in cool summer wearables from BETSY ROSS DRESS SHOP (handy, east gate shopping center) It’s easy to look pleasant when you feel comfortable— And that is just part of the good news about today’s arrival of smart dresses in jersey prints and cool cottons. Popular sun-back styles also and a fine array of blouses that spell “Sheer Delight” in big letters. Come on over—Note the friendly atmosphere. RETSY ROSS DRESS SHOP East Gate College Station Veterans LET’S RE-ELECT BURKHALTER AS COUNTY COMMISSIONER HE HAS DONE A GOOD JOB Political Advertisement Paid For By Voters of College Station