Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1946)
•' t-* ' a Pa«« 4 T h • B a t t a I i o a Friday Afternoon. May 17, 1M6 — \CLIBS T\ KK SOC ARBCCIE ■Kni b | - Aa • climax to its first tor .Of exist—ea atom pre-war day*, the Horticulture Society held its 1 apnne torW— Wednesday at the home tg Dr. G. W Adrianre J. H Tobin. Nonaan Maxwell, and J. D. Terry were la ef planmnc and preparing ths^ barbecue. ieoftbaU practlm with little ^Pred Robert Rnson, Jr, mom of Proftoasr | F. R. arte— of the Horticulture it ataalln* the Al- sral eouples enjoyed dancing beautiful —tie —oh of !>r srtiealtare Society reeumi all normal fuastlona the anual pee wm Bar how to bs proo—tod seat a now program U HOUSING— from Page I) * M *' It altogether. The heap lag sita addon can either he ttoewa completely —t of kilter or retisv- ed co—i.i.frably by the earolhaent next fall f Thaee is the i>o(*»ibilit> that Hart and Walt— hallo might hare to he cleared to take care of the influx of single students, hat this poMMhility is eery remote 14 aad IT are being for the summer semeeter la aa—red ef a room for thia summer at least. This is Ohly far the summer terms though — 14 erfll ha— to be cleared for ■ingle «indent* thia fall. Mr. Aagall has assured — that everyone will be gieea ample nadiaa aa to wb they eriR have to maea. At pi he hopes to be aMa to tell s—ry o n# by the edddta of Jeaa whether or not they will ham — apartment thia fait ; all will Pavilion** AmMo MM Air Mb Club will —j^Mamm— M s| MMltotaiMlf Ml A —A - mei 7la.h.i*irv Ps* \i». i y — W —M * Wf vy fWv| * * ^ fl ——gbi nWgAdtor I Am—Am^hm^a rTt§—! W • fi r—^>lrvWwew^rll A a.m., lb# « nine different judging to WmiaI tvMjtoetoM of Hvmtoeb tile with —RULES— Mm*** I ftom Poge 1) Hall, prior to I—ring aebool. Any vetoraa (Part VIII) wliei sires la ahnnge —y— M study (i«m eeurm ^reitfl^i^illy r^r^yiotorei l la will bo ie—i—■ to ——ro per mlesion to 4e to free* the Veto— —Mib ** ipmmi ftMMMBMl el thou l such pe emission maybe —Hod — to Ror all am—nta. Veterans will not turn in —y lAIRplm Id the Voto— PtolUtil if Ki lima M—MM— » —e^^—i le WWW re—m e'weee^—w^mwe one fat boo# otto* ode te5wfe ! Sr:.e*sr« pllWhp , > ti »■ fTliftton I j f I) fVAT pIai** dad e— ftRo to—I breeding rtoaa; totob tM \—R 111 Mb Cm toil Olfl— of HerMvInre <.IU«, and. boram with 'torn dam oi v j—|| The conteetonta will be < from tbe apaer a— guarb each Anh—f Husbandry 107 dam. aatf a mortal erto bo oemrded the top man. la addtM— to the me do I. the win—r will have his name en graved — 'a p.aquc U-snn^ - i. f aames — Jack Turner Secretary of * Atoertmw Hereford Breeders Aa- aociattoa. Additional medals will aim be awarded to —e second, third, and fourth place winners. ( ommittee in charge of arrange - rnent* for the cimteak^which ia the flr*t since 1040. includes J. H. Te- Ma. X C. G«rtutt. R. A. Rlrhard- sorv, Varn Schmidt, EL A Rm— dm, and C. T. Trickey. Faculty ad- viaor ia J. A. Gray of the Animal Husbandry department. 1M MLMBN ATTKND " TOXFF.RENCK HKK K Oilmen from CaBfornia. Penn sylvania. Wyvmiag ami Minnesota were among the lift engineers who attended the drilling fluids con ference — the campus this week. The balk of thoar a tend mg were from Texas and adjacent states. Thia conference was the third in a mrim ef refresher courses, which will be resumed in Septem- ('Isaslfled a g%rea."«i.wt m ▼. j. ser «aab fw osto sss ■SS. ns— SIS Ms. IS ■ C B. — je, to«—. r■m— nan. PftoMMtf * MM ■Aw—— USs. t fwr s—r »l OS. Official Notices •— ef it— an.. ef ta» • aa AM eM ft— P. wM bs —4 to* *> Battalion SKSSION itton Tbaa win be Fto ex L the official irst term ef the wiM be from 1:40 to S.-44 May & will be at the a totaa Hall and trill AA sHm—rwamm towta^wStb r, c. n. uVV" > ^ Saturday. May M. »:«0 to 4:00 aa®*-~—*•* ”* Jtoturtoy. May to* *to to-4 o«v- ViFryvri*'*'** * to—toy. May to, 4<to to ft to— wttb U AM »uu ty b — MS AesrS wUI r bus M me a* a—s bs «e> M tbs MMH|mHMM|iAg hd dietrtbotton — regie u— 4a» AB—— tomA^tomoa km hAM——oi A— mi toitorrt TtobtoTtovt im toTV W«l Ml • •I | hiOtself Of Ibis ea£ ftotoftto Ip order that he Otar have ail to to the Ate* tog PVess cr r WE NOW BUY USED . 15 Books ' VMpipi ] \j£ Slide Rules Drawing Sets Drawing Boards Uniforms STUDENT CO-OP STORE , Ed Gamer, *38 — North Gate LIIUPUT5 r w vm w 11 h i ou Ml S PICH f tol I H TOU Bring it to uc; well line op your wheel* for H _ BK BUM TOUR BRAKKN ■"TTBil iMrinr For protaetkm of lives . Imp ApaMtotos of tlr— . , . your brake* are moot - important. Lot our feto lory oklllod moehanlcn Tiat tkM. W# will oup- plv you with hlfti cual- Ry Uninpa If your car nooda them. Xurgieland Service • SUtion and Garage *251 Gato / The SEASON la Jtot Rich! Now For Your! AMATEUR PICTURES -4. , iat lli BMBfcr M^Aap BETTTER FHOTOfJRAPHS of Ijfc st A. A M. A.& E PHOTO SHOP hT ‘ 4‘jj liC I North Gale DRIVING Iff atoa_cs»,«ed ■4—1 sUgnment So. tabs «w to. Ctocbed^jg^ our sspc,.. «rt DRIVE IN TODAY |BRYAN MOTOR 1 COMPANY BBTAN GRADUATION GIFTS two at m for ikm Glfla. Wo offer fine (IfU that win bo certain to FOR BOYS -- - Hickok Be In Hickok Jewelry Toilet Kit* Meeker Bill Folds Surf Spray Toiletries Sportsman Toiletries Catalina Swim Trunks Catalina Tennis Shorts Swank Gift Novelties Sport Shirt* A«rie Jewelry Ajrgie Pennants FOR GIRLS - - - Smart Compart* Meeker Maid Wallets Hand Raga Slack Suita CaUliaa Swim SuHa Catalina Play Suita Aggie Jewelry (XJaldropgg