Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1946)
_U'{ : ' FHday Afternoon, May 17, H46 h Highland Park Swimmer May Crack Record in High School Meet Here r hb ZSt-jravd Trwatjrla tk« he — — look for the CottMlifetad h, « h lod to krwk the exiMine hirh •fhool mark aet by Am*' f>«n^y ^ r «on before bo eaterad the Navy. champion will ekanridco (San freestylwt bat Tbo annual Texaa b%b •toto •wtmaxiaflr moot will gat an. way b» tho P. L Do***, Jr, Nokatortom on tbo Toaaa A . a kf C^Oogo oaojp*, Satarday n«bt at T KM with tho poooihUity of a now boinr oot in tho nx*-yard broaot stroke ooonC Pnot timo aUo lo expected in the 220 yard ftee- •ty*. •«* *>-7-* f~tJuTn«r Coorb Art Ada mao n »aya that Jimmi. Flower*, tbo All-State foot ball eon tor front Hloblohd Park (Dnllaa) high school, baaa cbaneo U bottof hi* mark in tbo broaot He is defending m aenior in Ugh •cbool. Adamson is booing that tbi Wg boy decide. tbaTS^w^Td libs to swim lor tbo Aggie* for tbo Codot* certainly can *** man in hi* ooont. la addition Flower. i* S direr of no moan sort* and could win in that event also Adamoon 1 . mm. Van. will also bo tbn defending _ be Bill F'lwher, , Anbonto) 50-yard freootyl that record is out of reach year. _ Teams bare boom entered from I^stiwp. Arlington Heights of Ft. Worth. Asotin. Stapben P. Aua- «■ end Lamar, of Houston. Foc- JOM mtd Womirow Wilson of Dul- kns. BracksnrtdgS sad Tho max Jef ferson of San Antonio Others may enter befor* tglagi^ Adsmosn snye that be expects a c /wwd so those who cate to take in this big annual event are ad- rieed to got there early to b.- euro ot • •••*. A dm ta. toe is free to the Outdoor Swimming Pool Urged os Summer Need at Aggieland by Harold Law. Ong of the greatest reeroatioaal Asads St A 4 M. College today is for an outdoor ewiauaimg jh>.i Tbb rummer, and probably for Mdstnl saatmors to sosse. Ag^s- land i. Horn* U> bs crow,!.-.! * „ i, • nidenic Tbass Stadsnu would ssrsrjs! betting tbs bd. ssHry, sHmSts. The present pool is fUm. but the ■tojoriw O# Aggie, would rather do tboir ssatmsr swimming out- • Id# in tbs fresh sir and ranahin* Bryan. Tana f WED. • THUK8. - FiU. - SAT. Allan Ladd — in — ! “Blue Dahlia” PREVIEW SAT. NIGHT SUN. - MON. - TUBS. Aa All Star Cast — H— • . “ZiegfieW Follies’ SPORTS Aggies End Season With Two-Game Series With T. n. Tbs 1044 Texaa A 4 M. baseball —y .wjr—»• to a dose this with the Aggie* meeUng tbs Tessa u. Longhorn, in a two- game mriso at Austin. Ihe Steer* ace hi undisputed p.»- ■eeaeion of the Bnstbwsst OmdW- bass sham Plena b.i. with an unde- f-.N,) r.-crtl. .,,,1 nothing w-mid pl^»^ th^ Aggw n,n.. or th^ Corp. liHB st ian^ one ristory over their perennial foes. Earl B.ealey b es- MM to start the first game for 14a Cadet* this afternoon St Me- "tadlnm. wH I yet unann Willingham tier* with ni w •t week, baa vdrsm 4 starter aa Walter Willingham is lending the Aggw batter* with sine hit* oat of j^npslW Sjaversg* of^450. Hub bsln la an elaction last 1H MtfeUe. out of 4*( f»r .391. while Peck V out of 4y for JOd Dows* Natatonum is often owes- crowdsd. or rsssrrsd for tbs awim- mmg taaan and Heirs mural team*. Regular •tudanln often go down to tbs pool only to find titet they will bar* to wn4 until another day. V an butdoor i> ^l wore cwtatructod. 4 would toko ears of the heavy • ummer .wimmiag dkteaaA load- Z\ taRafiSmSMT Whoa donees are bold on Friday *** ****** "*•»*, Ag- giee who do not bare earsFlgdll difficult to 4aca their dates ea- tertained Satarday afternoon If wo bad a big outdoor pool here on tbo oamfue. jaot pistara bow niee that afternoon could b.' A !^ campus group that | would appreciate an outdoor p..<.i »• the married rotor**. On S*) a arnatb most of dmss tebalpi bar* to .tick pretty rlssi’ to the cam pa*. Tbs moc* laoupknaltd sntsr ta tnment they can find arena. 1 RbFBps 8HALOING COWBOYS WANTED FOB BUM MR . y y* • •nuteter racnp- includes a free trip to and $150 cash on year return T animal, an the trip *r«r. ~H*a. fire to nine the ah Ip. MU) Trip, take front week. Some of d*»asB|r Dam Apabtetion. abould be Mat to Rtoismla O. .'."•-'s* t:;:;:.” S "tszryzLZ-rsz aent Reiwaae from draft board will be required of tb^Tto! tween IK and 24 (^a/n/jtn Opana 1:00 Fjf. — 4-1181 FRIDAY »*4 SATURDAY' Big Datiblr Feature 1st Attraction fATg fair to bhow IH. FFA. CATTLE 8cbool-ag* exhibitor, of lie*, lock will be king, of the .bow ;tbe r.iet four day. of the State Fair cf Texas, to be beU in Dal las October 5 *0. with all bares •ml pen. placed at the dupoaal ° f VA , , P !? mrt r * rvm * r ’ »nd other youthful abewmen Li %Thornu,n. president of the I State Fair AasociaUon. .n non need tbia week that the Junior Livestock ■how wouM be bald Oat. 5-8, with the tenior di vi.<tH>n f.llowmg on the math. j BOX OFFICE OpM 1*8 — Ctoos t:M FRIDAY aad SATURDAY “Tall^nltlwSaddle’ Jobs Wayae — plus — “The Devil With " Hiller” . ^bat do you think about this. ^ “4a t4e idea, start toSiag it up—it would fk in niee- ly M a part of tbo new memorial student center ’’mM H Infantry Wing Intramural Class B Tennis Clyampionship H Infantry wea lbe Tennis championship ThRraday evening, by winning two out of £mm MMmmp 4'‘'»b C Infantry. C Infbalri won tb* first amtob 8-4 fnit »*e heatea 5-1 and 8-8 In the othsr two Mesa while, the A Com- MFjMabama yon over A Cavalry. Tba Cma. A team* are not play ing ten am thi. tent—tor. Softball In the Clan A game., D Bat tery raa wild over B Cavalry, bank- lag than 18-8 C Battery won over A aBttery 9-5. The Class B gams, ••re eomerwhat closer as E Inf entry beat D J^fcatry 8-5 and B Athletes to Get BarbecueVonday •. At Country Gub Braaaa County AAM Chib Boat At Final Sports Etpim of Coilaga Year i^v8B i wr> 8 pomi yrmr of honor at a bath.on. Rryaa Country Oub. Man day. May 90. as guaata of the waaoe County Texaa A. 4 M. epak ! SW and cro..-country teams were ea honored in Deoem- bar and now tb* other team* are tebsd^d for their tr ^, , f r „m fH-fijRi ■ A. 4 M. ■tudent* In tM. a»~. Basketball, baseball. trwdt. .wMteijbB* gpiraailSS m«R will and* aa_abe baaaaosa at tbabaadag . m #» Mbpajl la.planned to fe party la tb* parlpg to part lei pa ting Ag- Cavalry won over the Hand tl-T. B In tb* other gnm* Toma y Cbaaa* ber. pitched B Infantry to a 184 win over C Batter* > Volley 8aB , 1 ■ntry*. Golden mud Fergus to be the difference in >me with D Infantry aa A , r wo " *tiwigi it. Lanky Iwl hm team I a another v.ctory ** B C<uea*ny Iron over “ Cavalry in an aRer-auber ram. Played at 4t4«L la the etljr r game* C Infantry area over F In&tntry and Dorm Na. 16 teat B Batter? x'irjzzrzR 'HzF* wBUtSvi MARINE MAJOR 8HOt KILMH OF ACTION Maj Jamas T. Mcl Marina Corps, was oc. . yesterday aa a guest of of Military Sc,*ne4 to n*>ving ptotare* of i tion, " I ^ a t h<-rnecRi or Pacific Milk Ran. 7 4UNl of Naval Aviation 1 ' Re that the Marine Corps ceptmg enlistments epee ■Mptovi u s fa aa- Parm.*e. • arakndo MMUimi Aggim to ** Count V- have been named Mdla aefieta for tlm affair. 5 *a®rv^ ,uta - J. D. PnJwit. W • Harry Boyer, C. w. Cngr- Bay Ganest. 8. A. Lipoeomto TatraneUa/kit^Danaby. Hol- Vick and* E. Me W. O. Brea- • c. w . c, I-uke . loamy Hughes, C. E. pete Adam*. Clarence W. U. Alexander. Repairs One Day Service SIMM —* Crowns and i Main SprinRw 1 A>nc Week Ser' ice ICIaaning — Sthffa !t. c hinman Lautcrstain Bldg. - N. Gate 2nd Attraction SHE iVALTON?' \~**p/DF AGAIN Cl Bugs Bunny Cartoon SI NDAY and MONDAY “Yolanda and the Thief SUNDAY and MONDAY 1 'f Gary Cooper — In —- “The Adventures of i Marco Polo” } _ .--plua -m. Brazos County AAM Cl Ticket, for ANNUAL SPRING Pi Honoring Baseball, Basketball, Swimming, Golf, Tennis Team, mid ■/ BRYAN COUNTRY CLUB . Price f 1.00 MAY M 5:50 P. M. GEORGE’S CONFECTIONERY HUESOME NEW HEADLINERS W« don't your RRpddt 3! i i friends to atop and compli ant you when fou slip otoone of then* colorful now summer ties. Bu, their lingering looks wit off on how much thtey like it on you. • I jr Our range is rich colorful figure*. striped and solid i I .^17 Get r few | today $1.00 to « $2.50 to C LOCKlERS ■