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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1943)
Library 28 Seven Aggie Sweethearts Corps Will See At Fort Worth Game Saturday ROOM 5 ADMINISTRATION BLDG.—2275 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1943 VOLUME 43—NUMBER 55 Aggies Prepare For Trip To Ft. Worth For T.C.U. Game Aggie Sweetheart Rules Corps Receives Dance Bids From Juniors At T.S.C.W. All Aggies Invited To Attend Dance Friday Night; Juniors Given Absences The following letter was received by the Student Ac tivities office October 12 concerning the dance at T. S. C. W. honoring all Aggies on Friday night of October 15. Dear Sir: The Junior class of T. S. C. W. is sponsoring an all-college open house honoring the Aggies on Fri day night, October 15 in the Stu dent Union Building from 8 to 11 o’clock. The members of the class have asked that I extend an invi tation through you to the Aggies and their T. S. C. W. dates. The Campus Serenaders will play for the occasion. The Aggies from the A. & M. Junior Class agreed, when they were here last week, that a date bureau was not feasible and’ that they would make their own ar rangements for T. S. C. W. dates. It was a pleasure to have the eight boys who selected the Aggie Day Sweetheart on the campus last week, and we hope next Saturday will be a most succesful day for A. & M. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Mattie Lloyd Wooten Dean of Women The executive committee has an nounced that all classified Juniors will be granted authorized absences, beginning Friday morning at 9, and these men must obtain passes from the Commandant’s office. Psychological Tests Given Again Today Tests Regiven For Transfer And Late Students All those students who have not taken the psychological test are re quired to take it on Thursday af ternoon, October 14, from 3 to 6. It will be given in room 123 of the Academic Building. The freshmen who did not take the psychological test on Septem ber 30 or October 1, are absolutely required to be present. Those transfer students who have not taken the test or whose results from other schools have not been sent to the Registrar’s Office must take the test at that time. It is necessary that all students take this psychological test at the aforementioned time and place. Meeting This Morning Called By President Released To Hear 11 o’CIock Classes Bolton Speak There will be a meeting of the entire student body in Guion Hall at the 11 o’clock period this morn ing. Classes for all regular stu dents will be suspended at that period. Students in military units will attend in formation. Other students are expected to come in dividually. The meeting was called by Pres ident Bolton. He did not state the actual purpose of the meeting on ly that he wished to speak to the student body on general matters. All students in the 2nd Student Training Co. of the A. S. T. P. Unit will march to Guion Hall. This meeting is for present students only and does not include the re cently returned class of 1945. Batt Cards Must Be On Doors In order to facilitate the delivery of the Battalion,all student sub scribers are urged to post their subscription cards on their doors. The number of Battalions delivered to each room will depend directly upon the number of cards on tse door. City Appreciates Paving Project The city government of the City of College Station has expressed thanks and appreciation to the Highway Department of the State of Texas for the construction of the new highway running along the north side of the campus and extending to the city limits of Bryan on the Sulphur Springs road. In a letter to D. G. Greer, State Highway Engineer of the depart ment, City Manager Lloyd D. Smith stated that the Mayor and City Council in regular meeting passed a resolution of appreciation to the department for “the splen did and much needed concrete pave ment which you recently completed through our city.” The letter went ahead to state: “We especially want to express to you our compliments on the selec tion of your personnel. Your engi neer, Mr. Garrett, and all of his co-workers, to the humblest em ployee, was so amiable and con siderate in every manner. It was a pleasure to have you pass through our city.” The city council is made up of the Mayor, Hon. Ernest Langford and the following councilmen: C. W. Crawford; J. A. Orr; F. B. Wilcox; E. E. Brown; R. L. Brown, and M. T. Harrington. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Gracing the top of today’s Bat--t talion masthead are the seven Ag gie beauties who along with Lena Marie Adams, official Aggie Day Sweetheart, will rule over the Corps at the coming game be tween Texas A. & M. and Texas Christian University. Reading above from left to right, the girls are as follows: Miss Mary Kath erine Cain, Miss Mar Gwen Ball, Miss Mary Louise Auld, Miss Kathyrine Turner, Miss Janet Hud son, Miss Barbara Cook, and Miss Bonnie Jo Crumpacker. Immediately above is Miss Lena Marie Adams of Bryan selected by eight juniors from A. & M. as Ag gie Day Sweetheart. Her escort for this coming Saturday’s game will be Sumner Hunter, who is shown to the left. President of the Junior Class at A. & M. No Service Show, Dance This Week There will be no service show or service dance on the campus this Saturday night. The absence of these attractions is due because of the Corps Trip this week-end. The service dance is to be held in the Banquet Room of Sbisa Hall when the fall program is resumed in the near future. The Assembly Hall will be the scene of the Ser vice Show as has been the past practice. Five out of every six members of the 1943 graduating class in the agriculture at Washington State College are in the armed services. Of these who are not in uniform, three are working for state govern ments or institutions, one is teach ing vocational agriculture and two are farming. Corps For Game Saturday Students Leave Campus As Soon As They Finish Their Last Class On This Friday With the announcement Monday afternoon of the official Corps Trip to the T. C. U. game, all Aggieland began getting ready for an unexpected vacation. The Junior Class was promised authorized absences to the game but the entire Corps did not expect to receive the weekend off. Regulations With the approval of the Com mandant and the Executive Com mittee, those students desiring to attend the football game at Fort Worth on October 16, will be per mitted to leave the campus after their last class on Friday. Passes will not be required, although those Aggies must return not la ter than 8:30 p. m., Sunday, Octo ber 17. The regulation uniform for the corps trip will be optional, either wool or khaki. Jack Knox, junior yell leader, prefers that Aggies wear wools, however, this will be left entirely up to the cadets. Ninety-Piece Aggie Band To Parade At The T. C. U. Game Membership of Band Increased , for Games To Come According to Col. R. J. Dunn, director of the Aggie Band, there will be a 90-piece band at Fort Worth for the A. & M.-T. C. U. game this Saturday. Col. Dunn stated that the band will perform between halves at the game with a series of marches and counter marches. Transportation has been ar ranged for the instruments to be taken to Fort Worth, leaving ear ly Saturday morning. Although transportation will not be furnish ed for band members, they will get to T. C. U. by their own means. Corps Votes On New Yell Leaders Votes were counted yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock by the Stu dent Elections Committee for the Yell Leader election held on the campus Wednesday. Arthur Graf, Senior; Jack Knox, Junior, and Hayes Stripling, second semester sophomore were the three candi dates. All they needed was a vote of confidence. 265 votes was the total number cast. Of this number, Graf re ceived 119, Knox, 247 and Strip ling 250. These men will lead the Corps’ yells for all future games. This year the Tufts College Me dical School is celebrating its fif tieth anniversary. The campus has been the scene of much planning and activity this whole week. The occasion is one of the greatest events to occur in quite some time. This is the first official Corps Trip since the fall of 1941. The corps is allowed to leave after their last classes Fri day and return Sunday in time for call-to-quarters. Those Juniors who are classified as such will be given authorized absences from all of their classes after 9 a. m. Friday. They will be the guests and dates of the Juniors at T. S. C. W. at a dance Friday night. The class officers will es cort the sweetheart candidates and the Aggie Sweetheart to the af fair. The main event of the week-end is the ball game held in the Frog stadium in Fort Worth. The cam pus should be a very dead place because the reports say that all but the few Two-Percenters will be at T. C. U. to witness the Aggies’ first conference game of the sea son. Everybody who can should take advantage of the Corps Trip that the Executive Committee and the Commandant’s Office have granted us. Spirits are running high about the campus. The Yell Practices are sounding better and evryone is getting the fell of the Aggie Spirit. The Aggies know they are going Frog gigging and are uot to make the most of the whole affair. As a side attraction, which should by no means be underrat ed, is the Sweetheart portion of the program at the “half”. The Aggie Sweetheart of 1943, escort ed by the Junior Class President, will appear on the field with her attendants and their ^escorts. This has always been a popular event with the audience. The Sweetheart will rule over the game as has been a previous practice. Another entertaining feature at the game will be the debut of the new Aggie band. This is their first appearance at a football game. The band, composed of about 75 mem bers of the Freshman class and directed by Col. R. J. Dunn, will perform at the game’s half. The music for the Aggie section will be furnished by them also. The presence of the music from the band should boost the spirit and yelling of the Aggies to even high er than it has been this year. This means that the team will play a All in all the Aggies are very much better game. (See AGGIE, Page 4)